Are you pro or against the death penality

Absolutely against it
When has the regime not abused the death peanalty
Some nigga got death penalty for selling weed snoop dogg consumes in a day in singapore shithole
Imagine dreyfus case that ends in death penalty
These cocksucker dont deserve power over life and death
Pro death penalty because the cuck EU is against it so therefore if the progressives are against something then supporting it makes sense also the Bible is pro death penalty.
The bible is low iq
You’re low iq. Keep crying for the Bible, #1 best seller.
Ok explain how the bible can claim to be self evident but not everyone belive
Ok explain how the bible can claim to be self evident but not everyone belive
I don’t know when the Bible claimed to be self-evident but honestly idgaf keep crying for the Bible. If you wanna be a gay little atheist who supports feminism then you might as well just change your gender.
I don’t know when the Bible claimed to be self-evident but honestly idgaf keep crying for the Bible. If you wanna be a gay little atheist who supports feminism then you might as well just change your gender.
It does paul claim it self evident so they don't have no excuse

Following a belief thats false and taking its morals is dumb
It can someone powerfull can make up evidence
anyone who doesnt support the death penalty is mentally ill and a faggot.

Obviously you would have a JUST criminal system with checks and balances so you dont prosecute innocent people.... like what we have in most western nations anyway.
Perhaps a 3 strike system is good for death penalty, commit 3 violent crimes and you get hanged. No way could a innocent person get convicted by a jury 3 times on 3 different occasions and not be a criminal who deserves it.
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It does paul claim it self evident so they don't have no excuse
I don’t know which verse you’re referring to but I’ll ask you this. Who the fuck cares? I guarantee you that there’s some apologist that has an explanation for whatever sort of “gotcha” that you think you’re pulling right now. Every one of you atheists is a carbon copy of each other thinking you “proved” the Bible wrong. No you didn’t and you never will so keep crying for the Bible.
Following a belief thats false and taking its morals is dumb
Nah it’s not false retard you’re the one who’s dumb thinking you debunked the Bible. Atheists have been trying that for years and they have gotten nowhere. If your proof was so strong then no one would be a Christian at all. Instead you’re just some annoying faggot supporting feminism and whining about the Bible.
anyone who doesnt support the death penalty is mentally ill and a faggot.

Obviously you would have a JUST criminal system with checks and balances so you dont prosecute innocent people.... like what we have in most western nations anyway.
Perhaps a 3 strike system is good for death penalty, commit 3 violent crimes and you get hanged. No way could a innocent person get convicted by a jury 3 times on 3 different occasions and not be a criminal who deserves it.
Its completly possible for one of the crime he was innocent

Innocent people go to prison all the time and again a powerful person can make it up
I don’t know which verse you’re referring to but I’ll ask you this. Who the fuck cares? I guarantee you that there’s some apologist that has an explanation for whatever sort of “gotcha” that you think you’re pulling right now. Every one of you atheists is a carbon copy of each other thinking you “proved” the Bible wrong. No you didn’t and you never will so keep crying for the Bible.

Nah it’s not false retard you’re the one who’s dumb thinking you debunked the Bible. Atheists have been trying that for years and they have gotten nowhere. If your proof was so strong then no one would be a Christian at all. Instead you’re just some annoying faggot supporting feminism and whining about the Bible.
Because it show that its false I have asked countless people and none could anwser . You can't defend the bible Because you belive it Because you were born into it.

They need to hear the argument anf most havent and you need to have brain but no I dont think my view obvious Because I am not retard

You can't defend your view
Innocent people go to prison all the time and again a powerful person can make it up
No they dont jfl, 99.99999999 of all the subhumans that go to prison for violent crimes deserve to be there (actually they dont deserve to be in prison they deserve to be in a mass grave)

who is this powerful person?
what would they gain from lying about some random criminal?
IF they were that powerful why wouldnt they just get that person killed anyone, without bringing it to COURT and risking being exposed?

And even if that did happen, they would still have to be convicted by the jury and would have a defence lawyer to argue in their favour.
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No they dont jfl, 99.99999999 of all the subhumans that go to prison for violent crimes deserve to be there (actually they dont deserve to be in prison they deserve to be in a mass grave)

who is this powerful person?
what would they gain from lying about some random criminal?
IF they were that powerful why wouldnt they just get that person killed anyone, without bringing it to COURT and risking being exposed?

And even if that did happen, they would still have to be convicted by the jury and would have a defence lawyer to argue in their favour.
Your first point prove people can ve innocent.

Killing someone its way easier to get caught then just bringing it to the court and just letting the state do it

Just pay them or make up the evidence
Because it show that its false I have asked countless people and none could anwser . You can't defend the bible Because you belive it Because you were born into it.

They need to hear the argument anf most havent and you need to have brain but no I dont think my view obvious Because I am not retard

You can't defend your view
You still haven’t even shown the exact verse. You’re just making some shit up for all I know.
You still haven’t even shown the exact verse. You’re just making some shit up for all I know.
It was roman 1 :20 For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
It was roman 1 :20 For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
Okay so the existence of God he’s referring to. I thought I said Bible was self evident.

Anyways people have a natural inclination to believe in God before they get brainwashed by a lot of the bullshit modern education system.
Okay so the existence of God he’s referring to. I thought I said Bible was self evident.

Anyways people have a natural inclination to believe in God before they get brainwashed by a lot of the bullshit modern education system.
Many people still don't believe in god of it obvious nobody would become atheist and I am pretty sure it means the christian god not just theism in general
Killing someone its way easier to get caught then just bringing it to the court and just letting the state do it
LOl no its not. If they took it to court, they could get found innocent even if they are guilty...
The suspect would have a defence team of lawyers arguing for their innocence. Idk even know why im talking to you about this, its like arguing with a child.

If you think pedos, rapists, murderers and terrorists dont deserve to be killed you are a faggot.
Many people still don't believe in god of it obvious nobody would become atheist and I am pretty sure it means the christian god not just theism in general
It means people would think there is a God, if someone never read a Bible they obviously ain’t gonna know it’s the Christian God. Anyways people get brainwashed and become atheists, the natural inclination is to believe in God. The natural inclination is what the self-evident part means.
LOl no its not. If they took it to court, they could get found innocent even if they are guilty...
The suspect would have a defence team of lawyers arguing for their innocence. Idk even know why im talking to you about this, its like arguing with a child.

If you think pedos, rapists, murderers and terrorists dont deserve to be killed you are a faggot.
How young for pedos? Under 12?
It means people would think there is a God, if someone never read a Bible they obviously ain’t gonna know it’s the Christian God. Anyways people get brainwashed and become atheists, the natural inclination is to believe in God. The natural inclination is what the self-evident part means.
So they do read bible will thwy become christian . If a view is obvious nobody would change their mind
LOl no its not. If they took it to court, they could get found innocent even if they are guilty...
The suspect would have a defence team of lawyers arguing for their innocence. Idk even know why im talking to you about this, its like arguing with a child.

If you think pedos, rapists, murderers and terrorists dont deserve to be killed you are a faggot.
They took it to court when evidence is faked or payed of lmao.

I do support death penality if theu can't be rehabilitated if it was impossibilty for them to be innocent something tjat isn't true
So they do read bible will thwy become christian . If a view is obvious nobody would change their mind
no, that’s not necessarily true. They could be brainwashed by their education or other religious background.

n0rth is right arguing with u is like arguing with a child it’s a very simple concept I’m explaining to u.
no, that’s not necessarily true. They could be brainwashed by their education or other religious background.

@n0rth is right arguing with u is like arguing with a child it’s a very simple concept I’m explaining to u.
You are losing If view is obvious they would belive it even with so called brainwashing because it wouldn't matter because its obvious the other thing isn't
You are losing If view is obvious they would belive it even with so called brainwashing because it wouldn't matter because its obvious the other thing isn't
I explained that people get brainwashed. And no it does matter you just don’t wanna accept that because then your whole argument falls apart. It’s extremely low iq if you to think you are gonna disprove the Bible using this shit tier argument. People can go against their natural inclination if they get brainwashed.
I explained that people get brainwashed. And no it does matter you just don’t wanna accept that because then your whole argument falls apart. It’s extremely low iq if you to think you are gonna disprove the Bible using this shit tier argument. People can go against their natural inclination if they get brainwashed.
No if something is obvious then they wouldnt belive in anything else. And again i don't believe its just about theism in genral

And if they were brainwashed they have an excuse
No if something is obvious then they wouldnt belive in anything else. And again i don't believe its just about theism in genral

And if they were brainwashed they have an excuse
Being brainwashed is not an excuse because they put their faith in the bullshit they were taught instead of their faith in God. Their natural inclination is to believe in God but they choose to believe in bullshit like humans being evolved from amoeba which eventually became chimps and then humans.

Psalm 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there isnone that doeth good.

They put their faith in a Godless universe.
Being brainwashed is not an excuse because they put their faith in the bullshit they were taught instead of their faith in the Bible. Their natural inclination is to believe in God but they choose to believe in bullshit like humans being evolved from amoeba which eventually became chimps and then humans.

Psalm 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there isnone that doeth good.

They put their faith in a Godless universe.
Brainwashing is not chosing you fucking moron and if it was obvious they would still belive.

And evolution dont go against a god but its about the biblical god so stop dening tjat

Corrupt people would chose heaven not hell so bad point argument they chose to be evil dont work because they dont wanr punishment
Brainwashing is not chosing you fucking moron and if it was obvious they would still belive.
Keep seething, you’re taught bullshit in school which is indoctrination. You can choose to believe in it or call bullshit. This “if it was obvious you would still believe” is also a bullshit argument. You can choose to be willfully ignorant and instead believe a Darwinian fairytale. The ability for the human mind to believe in what it wants is very strong.
And evolution dont go against a god but its about the biblical god so stop dening tjat
It leaves room for atheism.
Corrupt people would chose heaven not hell so bad point argument they chose to be evil dont work because they dont wanr punishment
They chose to not believe in God but believe in a Godless universe.
Keep seething, you’re taught bullshit in school which is indoctrination. You can choose to believe in it or call bullshit. This “if it was obvious you would still believe” is also a bullshit argument. You can choose to be willfully ignorant and instead believe a Darwinian fairytale. The ability for the human mind to believe in what it wants is very strong.

It leaves room for atheism.

They chose to not believe in God but believe in a Godless universe.
Human mind will belive in the obvious first compared to the impossible to believe in

Its a choice between them shows its not obvious because everyone would chose the obvious.

No its obvious and they would belive because conqueses of not believe is hell so nobody would believe in something else.

So you change your mind again evolution dont debunk god and god exitence dont debunk evolution they have nothing to do with eashother.

If its obvious they all would believe
Human mind will belive in the obvious first compared to the impossible to believe in

Its a choice between them shows its not obvious because everyone would chose the obvious.
you keep using the word “obvious” which is not used in that verse. You’re trying to make it appear like that verse says that it’s impossible to not believe in God, such as if he appeared to everyone individually so they would have to believe, but that is not what that verse is saying. It’s saying that there is no excuse because God can be seen in everything he created, but if u decide to view things in an atheistic way, u won’t see God, u will be spiritually blind.
No its obvious and they would belive because conqueses of not believe is hell so nobody would believe in something else.

So you change your mind again evolution dont debunk god and god exitence dont debunk evolution they have nothing to do with eashother.
Evolution is believed by atheists because in a Godless universe there needs to be an origin of life that isn’t God.
If its obvious they all would believe
See above.
I am pro-death penalty. Pedophile, drug dealers, terrorist, rapist and terrorists should be killed.
you keep using the word “obvious” which is not used in that verse. You’re trying to make it appear like that verse says that it’s impossible to not believe in God, such as if he appeared to everyone individually so they would have to believe, but that is not what that verse is saying. It’s saying that there is no excuse because God can be seen in everything he created, but if u decide to view things in an atheistic way, u won’t see God, u will be spiritually blind.

Evolution is believed by atheists because in a Godless universe there needs to be an origin of life that isn’t God.

See above.
Its not saying its obvious its saying his attriubutes have been clearly been percived and they bo excuse

easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent. Is the Definition of obvious . its pretty similar atleast first part its clearly been percived and they have excuse so they can't plead igorance. I dont think its wrong for me to interpret that way.

Evolution isn't orgin of life and christian can believe Evolution same with other theists
Its not saying its obvious its saying his attriubutes have been clearly been percived and they bo excuse

easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent. Is the Definition of obvious . its pretty similar atleast first part its clearly been percived and they have excuse so they can't plead igorance. I dont think its wrong for me to interpret that way.

Evolution isn't orgin of life and christian can believe Evolution same with other theists
They will be easily perceived if u are looking through the right lens. If u see it through an atheistic materialist lens then it won’t be so easily perceived.
They will be easily perceived if u are looking through the right lens. If u see it through an atheistic materialist lens then it won’t be so easily perceived.
Its clearly percived therefor they have no excuse so everyone sees it . And if it was just about right lense then therefor they have no excuse wouldnt be there
I'm against the death penalty! It's wrong and immortal unlike abortion which is healthcare for both pregnant men and pregnant women!
Its clearly percived therefor they have no excuse so everyone sees it . And if it was just about right lense then therefor they have no excuse wouldnt be there
Nope, they chose to view it that way by believing in abiogenesis.
That would lead to innocent getting excuted
bruh now suddenly you are against it. I swear you just always take the opinion I don't have just to argue for no reason
bruh now suddenly you are against it. I swear you just always take the opinion I don't have just to argue for no reason
I changed my mind because of the debate holy fuck you are diahonest
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They took it to court when evidence is faked or payed of lmao.

I do support death penality if theu can't be rehabilitated if it was impossibilty for them to be innocent something tjat isn't true

the death penalty would only happen if there is beyond reasonable doubt they committed the violent crime. When the evidence is absolutely overwhelming and the act is heinous in nature.

The murder would still be allowed to have a trial and a defence and a team of non bias jurors.
the death penalty would only happen if there is beyond reasonable doubt they committed the violent crime. When the evidence is absolutely overwhelming and the act is heinous in nature.

The murder would still be allowed to have a trial and a defence and a team of non bias jurors.
Again the evidence can ve faked or payed or the juror or judge can be paid
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