Aromasin/exemestane dosage?



It’s just hair bro
Feb 28, 2020
I want to lower estrogen important to note I’m on dutasteride because I don’t have T converting to DHT it’s inevitable I would have a slight uptick in estrogen (10-15% or maybe leas according) to studies but I still want lower E to prolong growth plate closure as well as stop the extra T from dutasteride conversion to E.

I’m not on anything else androgenic, what would a good dose be like a really low one not too much? I was thinking 12.5mg 2x a week.
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I want to lower estrogen important to note I’m on dutasteride because I don’t have T converting to DHT it’s inevitable I would have a slight uptick in estrogen (10-15% or maybe leas according) to studies but I still want lower E to prolong growth plate closure as well as stop the extra T from dutasteride conversion to E.

I’m not on anything else androgenic, what would a good dose be like a really low one not too much? I was thinking 12.5mg 2x a week.
Me and @TeenAscender do 12.5mg EOD with minimal side effects.

My aromasin might be fake tho
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@Henry_Gandy input pls you know a lot more about hormones
bump @chinpilled whats ur input
Bro,get a blood test done for estorgen.
Then take the lowest amount 3.125 or 6.25 mg then again get a blood test after 2 days of the first dose(after 2 days so the effects of aromasin have started) if it comes around 20 pg/ml you are good. Then continue with that dose again(6.25/3.25 mg).
If your estrogen is higher increase:feelsgood: the dose a Little(12.5 mg)
Until you reach around 15-20 pg/ml(10-15 pg/ml is the level in teens in early puberty (estrogen level of2 year old boys).
You will have to do some hit and trial,(start with low amounts do you don't crash your estrogen).
Also don't go below 10-15 pg/ml (that's the lowest safe limit)
You might get your E2 checked(E2-estradiol) and your overall estrogen levels
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Bro,get a blood test done for estorgen.
Then take the lowest amount 3.125 or 6.25 mg then again get a blood test after 2 days of the first dose(after 2 days so the effects of aromasin have started) if it comes around 20 pg/ml you are good. Then continue with that dose again(6.25/3.25 mg).
If your estrogen is higher increase:feelsgood: the dose a Little(12.5 mg)
Until you reach around 15-20 pg/ml(10-15 pg/ml is the level in teens in early puberty (estrogen level of2 year old boys).
You will have to do some hit and trial,(start with low amounts do you don't crash your estrogen).
Also don't go below 10-15 pg/ml (that's the lowest safe limit)
You might get your E2 checked(E2-estradiol) and your overall estrogen levels
Thanks bro that’s really informative thankfully test and E2 blood tests are really cheap here I’ll get them done
DHT plus Inhibitor
You are shutting off like all hormone production, abandon ship before you literally fucking decimate your bloodwork for life.

Worst case scenario, you will wreck your androgen receptors and lose the ability to cum.
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DHT plus Inhibitor
You are shutting off like all hormone production, abandon ship before you literally fucking decimate your bloodwork for life.

Worst case scenario, you will wreck your androgen receptors and lose the ability to cum.
Test is the only hormone I need :ogre:
My boy from the looks of it you are done growing u look like a 40 year old Indian dark triad maxxer
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My boy from the looks of it you are done growing u look like a 40 year old Indian dark triad maxxer
Maybe, maybe not. I was 175.7cm last year I’m slightly over 178 right now, all I want tbh is 2cm of extra growth, I might be delayed because of chemotherapy and shit during teen years
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DHT plus Inhibitor
You are shutting off like all hormone production, abandon ship before you literally fucking decimate your bloodwork for life.

Worst case scenario, you will wreck your androgen receptors and lose the ability to cum.
Any long term sides with DHT nuking? I’ve been on it for almost a year now and seen no difference, I just wanna cut my estrogen to lower ends and shift off any bonus aromatisation I’m getting from dut
Any long term sides with DHT nuking? I’ve been on it for almost a year now and seen no difference, I just wanna cut my estrogen to lower ends and shift off any bonus aromatisation I’m getting from dut
yea and these people also grew really tall due to no testosterone.

yea dutasteride is a total old man's prostate cancer drug that will 100% damage your androgen receptors. Your voice will become more feminine, your fat distribution, gyno, estrogen raised, everything you don't want as a male who is trying to get laid.
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yea and these people also grew really tall due to no testosterone.

yea dutasteride is a total old man's prostate cancer drug that will 100% damage your androgen receptors. Your voice will become more feminine, your fat distribution, gyno, estrogen raised, everything you don't want as a male who is trying to get laid.
I’m gonna cut my estrogen with an AI if that’s the case but I’ve used it long term and I’m still an ogre
yea and these people also grew really tall due to no testosterone.

yea dutasteride is a total old man's prostate cancer drug that will 100% damage your androgen receptors. Your voice will become more feminine, your fat distribution, gyno, estrogen raised, everything you don't want as a male who is trying to get laid.
Also the castrati were castrated entirely pre puberty no androgens whatsoever
@TeenAscender is it worth prolonging growth if I grew ~2cm from march last year I’m slightly over 178 like .3 or .2 I wanna be 180 barefoot I assume I can induce a little bit of growth but idk I am coping maybe
@TeenAscender is it worth prolonging growth if I grew ~2cm from march last year I’m slightly over 178 like .3 or .2 I wanna be 180 barefoot I assume I can induce a little bit of growth but idk I am coping maybe
Hmmm High dose HGH would only marginally augment growth meaning if you have 1.5cm growth left HGH and AI would increase growth roughly 150% (ballpark estimate from studies on ISS), meaning at this stage u would be risking insulin sensitivity, organ growth, neuroprotectivity, and permanent pituitary suppression for an extra .5cm, however at any height sub 185 I’d say it’s worth it
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He can run peptides to prevent pituitary suppression.
Tony huges peptide stack gives 10 Iu pharma hgh which is quite good
I read that cjc dac and other peptides don't have organ growth problems because of GHBP and IGFBP
And for insulin sensitivity he can take berberine and liraglutide.

Hmmm High dose HGH would only marginally augment growth meaning if you have 1.5cm growth left HGH and AI would increase growth roughly 150% (ballpark estimate from studies on ISS), meaning at this stage u would be risking insulin sensitivity, organ growth, neuroprotectivity, and permanent pituitary suppression for an extra .5cm, however at any height sub 185 I’d say it’s worth it
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Hmmm High dose HGH would only marginally augment growth meaning if you have 1.5cm growth left HGH and AI would increase growth roughly 150% (ballpark estimate from studies on ISS), meaning at this stage u would be risking insulin sensitivity, organ growth, neuroprotectivity, and permanent pituitary suppression for an extra .5cm, however at any height sub 185 I’d say it’s worth it
Anything to inch me over 180 barefoot is worth ngl, as for neuroprotecrivity Will a low dose of AI that brings me to like 15pg/ml E2 really fuck my brain? Also pituitary suppression of hgh? I’ve read studies showing that normal HGH secretions return not long after stopping?
also organ growth seems a bit overblown it happens to bodybuilders abusing hgh and insulin for years on end

Ngl this might just be me Aspie theory crafting but having too high inhib to go through with it kms wish I started earlier like 2020 when I joined lmao but I had no income.
Anything to inch me over 180 barefoot is worth ngl, as for neuroprotecrivity Will a low dose of AI that brings me to like 15pg/ml E2 really fuck my brain? Also pituitary suppression of hgh? I’ve read studies showing that normal HGH secretions return not long after stopping?
also organ growth seems a bit overblown it happens to bodybuilders abusing hgh and insulin for years on end

Ngl this might just be me Aspie theory crafting but having too high inhib to go through with it kms wish I started earlier like 2020 when I joined lmao but I had no income.
Yeah,you are quite right.
These bodybuilders with enlarged hearts have been running it for years.
Also,i read here that cjc and mk don't cause enlarged hearts but i don't know about its effects on cartilage growth in nose and ears.

What do you think @TeenAscender will mk677 and cjc cause cartilage growth in nose and ears?
Also read this,the difference between peptides and hgh injections

I also read on sosuave that exogenous Hgh can cause calcium retention which will ossify your bones/close your plates even when you are on AIs like aromasin and letro.
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