around 50% of incels used to die before age of 5 in the past. nature wanted incels to be dead before it got too late but we messed that up.



May 6, 2020
Youth mortality rates over last two millennia 01
Youth mortality rates over last two millennia 04
Youth mortality rates over last two millennia 05

we saved incels and people who lost genetically by science and modern day technology. nature isn't that cruel to let a person with shit genes live past age of 5 or grow and suffer into his adulthood. incels used to get eliminated by nature before it got too late.
now you know why most guys are unattractive and have chronic diseases like diabetes, weak eye sight, blood pressure, weak body and health, shit dsental genes, UGLY FACES, ... and still exist and suffer.
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True, most incel guys are alive due to medical science
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How would looking ugly make you die as a 4yo?
I am stronger and healthier than pretty much anyone my age, but incel because of looks.

In a more brutal natural environment I would perform way better, because the chad prettyboys have weak survival genes. Just good looks-genes.

Looking good is not an adventage for survival in harsh conditions. It's only important when survival is easy like it is now.
This is true since unattractiveness is correlated with a weak immune system

The results of the current research suggest that facial attractiveness may provide insights into one's immune function, particularly as it relates to one's ability to efficiently combat (primarily) bacterial threats. Additionally, for men, facial attractiveness may also provide cues to their ability to efficiently manage viral threats and neoplastic growth. Although future research is needed replicate these results, the current research suggests that a relationship between facial attractiveness and immune function is likely to exist.

Jfl at redditors denying the black pill while supporting evolution
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Survival of the fittest

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