As an oldcel, I regret every second of my life that I spend in the gym

30+ here. I wish I spend that time with my friends familly and girls. And generally doing things that young people do, like making out with a girlfriend under the stars. Taking a young, tight, hot-bodied girls virginity, pulling out to cum all over her back and have her look in your eyes and say "I love you".
This is what you should be doing as a young man, instead of lifting metal in a basement facility that people in medieval times would think is a torture chamber. You should be drinking with your firends and making memories instead of eating canned tuna and cottage cheese.
Such a useless waste, even "moneymaxxing" would bring more benefit than lifting man made metal in a man made gym for absolutely no reason, like a slave.
Gymcelling is literally one of the most depressing things human being can endure.
Take notes.
Bro the gym takes like an hour and a half max its not gonna waste a ridiculous amount of time
your not wrong
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I agree,gym is mess with mental state on a men.It's basically make you aspie at least in my case.If i go back in time i would tell myself to stay the fuck out of this hell.It's basically the same as put yourself in the prison or military.It's shrink every bit of emotion you have in yourself and make you an incel as foid want men who feel a certain way that gym goer can't feel
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I agree,gym is mess with mental state on a men.It's basically make you aspie at least in my case.If i go back in time i would tell myself to stay the fuck out of this hell.It's basically the same as put yourself in the prison or military.It's shrink every bit of emotion you have in yourself and make ypu an incel as foid want men who feel a certain way that gym goer can't feel
You become 24/h obbsesed aspie even if you do some basic shit like only arms and chest on the dumbells.Very few people can stay NT when go gym
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And the worst of this is that there is no escape coz when you want to escape you lost the effects of the work so to not go clinically insane you must go to psychiatric for ssri and then do a hard normie max to mentally ascend
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And the worst of this is that there is no escape coz when you want to escape you lost the effects of the work so to not go clinically insane you must go to psychiatric for ssri and then do a hard normie max to mentally ascend
It would sound like a troll but it not.It's basically what gym is(pure asperger).When asperger want to break something like his gym routine and lost all the effects from it he gonna have mental war
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It would sound like a troll but it not.It's basically what gym is(pure asperger).When asperger want to break something like his gym routine and lost all the effects from it he gonna have mental war
This is so true. I remember I broke my wrist and went on vacation to Turkey for 7 weeks and it felt like hell not being able to gymcel but i was able to become signficantly more NT
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I have never been rotting in my life.
Huge social circle, 10+ years of clubbing, extremely NT hobbies.
Gym is torture by definition, nobody finds it fun.
Just ask yourself if you are the only person left in the world would you still be gymcelling?
If the answer is no, you are doing this for others and don't enjoy it even a bit.
Any good ideas on how to become more nt? It I'm in a comfortable situation I can make people laugh but if I'm not I'm just silent and agreeable
I it's just my looks.
I feel exactly the same.

Such wasted effort.

Imagine having a gym membership as a non roider, non TRT blaster.

Natties should save time by doing calisthenics and home workouts.
Thought this was gonna be some wise monk thread. Just turned out to be a bunch of cope
contrary to what redditors tell you, you should literally only lift for women. gymcelling is completely useless otherwise.
This is so true. I remember I broke my wrist and went on vacation to Turkey for 7 weeks and it felt like hell not being able to gymcel but i was able to become signficantly more NT
Gym make everyone aspie.What aspie is,is basically just routine and obbession(gym).I do pua and one time i cut gym to a minimum,do only some light volume while cutting.I slay 2 best foids in my life in the 3 months period.Never re-doing that to this day(never slay 10/10's again)and only manage to slay medium shit foids.I basically return to high volume after those lays.I know a dyeal aspie skinny fat low tier normie who ntmaxed and thugmaxed and had slay around 150 foids at 22 years of age.He mask the aspie traits and become nt by pissing at every discipline such gym work etc.He is homeless and live in pua's men houses who though he teach them "game".
This is so true. I remember I broke my wrist and went on vacation to Turkey for 7 weeks and it felt like hell not being able to gymcel but i was able to become signficantly more NT
NT can go gym but he trait it like a social club and not a training club.When nt go gym he do this to talk to other men and from time to time do one set of bicep curls and that's it.
This is so true. I remember I broke my wrist and went on vacation to Turkey for 7 weeks and it felt like hell not being able to gymcel but i was able to become signficantly more NT
I think what roid is,is basically a nt giver.I know one dude who work in the supllement shop and he blast t.He is huge,hyper calm and hyper collective.So he is the opposite of the aspie men beside the fact he work out.He is roidmax and foids approaches him at 6 ft and normie face
Gym accelerates aging in most people. If you have a built-in deload or you need to deload yourself after some time, you are retarded. Your muscles cannot recover and you think other parts of your body are different?

Most people have shit sleep and diet and do nothing for anti-aging. Gym is looksmin for most. Ironically, it is fine for those who halfass it.
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Gym accelerates aging in most people. If you have a built-in deload or you need to deload yourself after some time, you are retarded. Your muscles cannot recover and you think other parts of your body are different?

Most people have shit sleep and diet and do nothing for anti-aging. Gym is looksmin for most. Ironically, it is fine for those who halfass it.
And it make you aspie af,you're stress and low energy.Most aspies are aspies coz they train at the gym ironically.
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And it make you aspie af,you're stress and low energy.Most aspies are aspies coz they train at the gym inronically.
NT men is relaxed and that's what make him NT.Aspie men is stress and that's what make him aspie.Give a nt well-being skinnyfat men a asperger military gym routine and he gonna turn into aspie in 1 month.Give a gym aspie 1 month off and he will turn into nt men in this 1 month.
30+ here. I wish I spend that time with my friends familly and girls. And generally doing things that young people do, like making out with a girlfriend under the stars. Taking a young, tight, hot-bodied girls virginity, pulling out to cum all over her back and have her look in your eyes and say "I love you".
This is what you should be doing as a young man, instead of lifting metal in a basement facility that people in medieval times would think is a torture chamber. You should be drinking with your firends and making memories instead of eating canned tuna and cottage cheese.
Such a useless waste, even "moneymaxxing" would bring more benefit than lifting man made metal in a man made gym for absolutely no reason, like a slave.
Gymcelling is literally one of the most depressing things human being can endure.
Take notes.
Another degenerate fan of long haired mentally ill bitch Fagtis. "Muh slaves". It took like 3 hours in a week, nigga. I'm 35 and didn't regret a second, because my T level is normal and i enjoy any form of physical exercise
what else do you do that makes life worth living?

you don't need to spend more than 5hours/week in the gym with an effective routine. I see don't see those hours as wasted when you consider they help you stay in good-shape, physically healthy, and bodily attractive.

What I see as hours wasted, is the hours I spend wageslaving. Those are the hours that seem so pointless to me because it gives me nothing except some shekkels in my bank-acount.

Bro I'd love to go to gym with you honestly we black pillers need meet ups if keeps each other sane
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NT men is relaxed and that's what make him NT.Aspie men is stress and that's what make him aspie.Give a nt well-being skinnyfat men a asperger military gym routine and he gonna turn into aspie in 1 month.Give a gym aspie 1 month off and he will turn into nt men in this 1 month.
You can't "become aspie", it's neurodivergency defined by genetics. What you talking about are just cortisol spikes. You probably some soy zoomer who can't handle smallest amount of stress
You can't "become aspie", it's neurodivergency defined by genetics. What you talking about are just cortisol spikes. You probably some soy zoomer who can't handle smallest amount of stress
I do over 260kg on deadlift and do hardcore powerlifting shit as a natty,also on other hand i clubbing and i trying to fuck foids.When i cut gym to the most minimal amount in my life i manage to fuck the best looking foids in my pua carrier

What pua is,is basically nt and low inhib
When i cut gym my "game"(it's only nt and low inhib) skyrocket
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I do over 260kg on deadlift and do hardcore powerlifting shit as a natty,also on other hand i clubbing and i trying to fuck foids.When i cut gym to the most minimal amount in my life i manage to fuck the best looking foids in my pua carrier

What pua is,is basically nt and low inhib
When i cutt gym my "game"(it's only nt and low inhib) skyrocket
What pua it's,it's autistic men "club" when they try to be nt and call it "game"
And game is just those retards word to describe nt
Asperger is only go on when you boder about somethink and most amount of men just don't want train its not fun
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Asperger is only go on when you boder abouy somethink and most amount of men just don't want train its not fun
Roider want to train and it's fun to him,coz his t level is primal tier so he don't get stress about lifting iron
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