ask me looksmax questions



Jan 11, 2024
bored and rotting rn

what u wanna know? i’m the looksmax veteran, only section i browse.
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is penis enlargement real
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bored and rotting rn

what u wanna know? i’m the looksmax veteran, only section i browse.
How to increase cheekbone size and prominence
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Reactions: Underdog9494, ChetCrispy and appeal
Any EU sources for Nardil?
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How to increase cheekbone size and prominence
if soft maxing, basically all u can do is leanmax. its the most important thing to do. you’ve got to experience what you look like at 10% bf, and legit 10% at that with abs and ab veins. until then u dont know what u look like

Post in thread 'what body fat percentage difference is the most drastic for facial gains?'

if you want there’s also makeup max which i don’t do, but can give the appearance of more prominence. @Prettyboy

i’m not informed on surgery max
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Do you know how to lighten the skin tone? Do you know how to lighten dermatitis hyper pigmentation?
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Reactions: Underdog9494, ChetCrispy and appeal
How to increase cheekbone size and prominence
also depending what on age, hormonal factors may play a part, but above 17-18 it’s pretty cope
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What looksmaxes helped u the most ??
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Reactions: Underdog9494, ChetCrispy and Napoleon1800
Any EU sources for Nardil?
personally never tried to source, only ever looked for roid sites, dnp and tret (which i no longer use)
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Reactions: Underdog9494, cc_7373, ChetCrispy and 2 others
if soft maxing, basically all u can do is leanmax. its the most important thing to do. you’ve got to experience what you look like at 10% bf, and legit 10% at that with abs and ab veins. until then u dont know what u look like

Post in thread 'what body fat percentage difference is the most drastic for facial gains?'

if you want there’s also makeup max which i don’t do, but can give the appearance of more prominence. @Prettyboy

i’m not informed on surgery max
My right cheekbone is literally recessed as fuck non existence and my left one isn’t really prominent, is leanmaxxing the only thing?
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Do you know how to lighten the skin tone? Do you know how to lighten dermatitis hyper pigmentation?
u can give msm a shot, mega dose if you’d like
vit c oral

glutha injections are best i hear

there’s also skin lightening creams which give a very drastic change, but u gotta be careful if you use since i think u can rebound and become darker jfl. i for gone have never skin lightened tho. i think its called hydroquinone

tretinoin can also lighten skin
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My right cheekbone is literally recessed as fuck non existence and my left one isn’t really prominent, is leanmaxxing the only thing?
do you primarily chew on one side throughout your development?
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u can give msm a shot, mega dose if you’d like
vit c oral

glutha injections are best i hear

there’s also skin lightening creams which give a very drastic change, but u gotta be careful if you use since i think u can rebound and become darker jfl. i for gone have never skin lightened tho. i think its called hydroquinone

tretinoin can also lighten skin
Thanks, its me on the pic, i have some dark spots on the face, gonna try all of this
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Reactions: Underdog9494
do you primarily chew on one side throughout your development?
My entire right side is just fucked. My jaw is more inward and recessed, my hip is more tilted, my shoulder bone is smaller, my neck is thinner, my leg is shorter
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What looksmaxes helped u the most ??
leanmax to actual 10% is the most important and largest improvement. night and day difference

minox eyelashes grew substantially, foids mirin the lashes and wish they had them and when i meet new ones they ask if i wear shit like mascara or curl them which i don’t.
also greatly improved brows and darkened them also.

the long lashes and dom brows create stinking look imo
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tret source EU?
if i use a mattyfying moisturizer will i get rid of the gay glow but still get the pink undertones?

how do i achieve tom strijd pink undertones ?

(already on beta carotene and lycopene 2x the recc dose
only got mogger orange and yellow udnertones but not enough)

is red light therapy over or underrated ?

most effective anti aging stuff u do?
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if soft maxing, basically all u can do is leanmax. its the most important thing to do. you’ve got to experience what you look like at 10% bf, and legit 10% at that with abs and ab veins. until then u dont know what u look like

Post in thread 'what body fat percentage difference is the most drastic for facial gains?'

if you want there’s also makeup max which i don’t do, but can give the appearance of more prominence. @Prettyboy

i’m not informed on surgery max
mse in my opinion is softmaxxing, but its only for those with recessed palates
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Do u even looksmax
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My entire right side is just fucked. My jaw is more inward and recessed, my hip is more tilted, my shoulder bone is smaller, my neck is thinner, my leg is shorter
that’s pretty mad. i did hear of a condition once where one side of the body actually gets more development or some shit idk.

i’m not sure how to fix that, or if you can.

leanmax improves even recessed people drastically, so still best thing you can do.

and improve other features to the max to distract kinda from the flaws. get good lashes and brows which is easy to do that girls will mirin.etc etc

instead of saying shit like it’s over, half my fave is deformed or whatever, improve very asked you can. make them not even notice it
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Reactions: Megfish21, Underdog9494, Napoleon1800 and 1 other person
i never looked into, was never a concern.
The penis is connected to the pubic bone by a ligament,
stretching the ligament is possible.

or doing girth + ligament surgery for around 8-12k
you can achieve girthier penis and 0.5-1 inch longer penis.
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Reactions: Underdog9494 and ChetCrispy
mse in my opinion is softmaxxing, but its only for those with recessed palates
i didn’t consider it as a soft max since i can’t do that from my home. but yes that will work.
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Reactions: Underdog9494, Napoleon1800 and ChetCrispy
tret source EU?
if i use a mattyfying moisturizer will i get rid of the gay glow but still get the pink undertones?

how do i achieve tom strijd pink undertones ?

(already on beta carotene and lycopene 2x the recc dose
only got mogger orange and yellow udnertones but not enough)

is red light therapy over or underrated ?

most effective anti aging stuff u do?
Plasma injections is underrated asf.
realistically costs 100 bucks to get started,
maybe 300 in a year or so.

you get your own blood in a bag, (syringe whatever)
centrifuge it.

take the plasma with a syringe,
and plasma is multi use.

you can put it on hair for growth,
or for wrinkles.
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Reactions: Underdog9494 and ChetCrispy
i didn’t consider it as a soft max since i can’t do that from my home. but yes that will work.
You can do it from home,
but its not jaw borne.
i can buy it for 400 bucks directly from lab.
but as i said its not jaw borne.

THE great thing with mse is the facepulling potential,
face pullers cost 50 bucks. and have documented proof to work with adults.

mind you palate borne is easy as fuck if urs is straight, litteraly 6 screws.
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Reactions: Underdog9494 and ChetCrispy
Plasma injections is underrated asf.
realistically costs 100 bucks to get started,
maybe 300 in a year or so.

you get your own blood in a bag, (syringe whatever)
centrifuge it.

take the plasma with a syringe,
and plasma is multi use.

you can put it on hair for growth,
or for wrinkles.
thats what bryan johnosn does as well
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Reactions: Underdog9494
tret source EU?
how do i achieve tom strijd pink undertones ?
get lean so blood flow is apparent. lean people have better red tones.

people who go carnivore also experience more red tones for whatever reason.

some random link this but google carnivore red tones

(already on beta carotene and lycopene 2x the recc dose
only got mogger orange and yellow udnertones but not enough)

is red light therapy over or underrated ?
all this is cope imo, beta c and lyco wasn’t worth it imo

i never believed in red light therapy so never researched.

most effective anti aging stuff u do?
low carb. tret and sunscreen if you skincare max
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thats what bryan johnosn does as well
You need those belts or pully thingies on arms.
then those small syringe connected to a hose, then to a blood bag,
put it in, let the blood flow.
or nevermind,
no blood bag only vials.

chuck the vials into the centrifuge, start it.
then only take the plasma.
then you're done.
How to fix undereye

Skin a bit damaged

Sleep deprived but that's not it

Small lines
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get lean so blood flow is apparent. lean people have better red tones.

people who go carnivore also experience more red tones for whatever reason.

some random link this but google carnivore red tones

all this is cope imo, beta c and lyco wasn’t worth it imo

i never believed in red light therapy so never researched.

low carb. tret and sunscreen if you skincare max

opinions on peptides?
i mean if theres already clinics for gene change with crispr to get myostatin deficiency,
why cant we go with myostatin peptides then?
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You need those belts or pully thingies on arms.
then those small syringe connected to a hose, then to a blood bag,
put it in, let the blood flow.
or nevermind,
no blood bag only vials.

chuck the vials into the centrifuge, start it.
then only take the plasma.
then you're done.
can this be done diy
How to fix undereye

Skin a bit damaged

Sleep deprived but that's not it

Small lines
Dont rub it at all, seriously,
sleep obviously.
icing is cope, you need blood flow, the ordinaries coffee peptide or whatever the fuck its called,

optionally, and theoretically, dick plumping creams such as arginine creams should work.

anything that inhibits nitric acid, casue they expand veins
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bored and rotting rn

what u wanna know? i’m the looksmax veteran, only section i browse.
will eyebrow lowering and lip filler significantly increase fwhr for a peanutcel like me who has thin lips and mid-set brows
undereye is hard.
not much soft max wise

volufiline provides plumpness when applied but is completely temporary. as soon as stopped it goes back.

bb cream to fraud

tret. it will get worse before better

magnesium supp before bed

lean out if deep canine fossa
did yo u get any pink undertones from tret
can this be done diy
i litteraly just said how to diy lol.

if crackheads go 500 syringes everyday without dying, then you being clean shouldnt be a problem.

syringes are available everywhere.

if ur squeamish about the hose part directly to vein, then proceed with a syringe, and empty it into a vial, it should be cheaper too.

cheap centrifuges available on amazon.
syringes everywhere.
syringe with a hose, ykno

these are available too, i forgot the better product but who cares, its just going directly into vein, then to a vein.
costs minimally too.

Then directly into a vial


these basically, only available in bulk.
chuck them in your amazon centrifuge, centrifuge it.

take the syringe and only take the plasma (ontop)
and inject wherever.

infact this is a good way to penis maxx.
hairline maxx.
and wrinkle maxx
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opinions on peptides?
i mean if theres already clinics for gene change with crispr to get myostatin deficiency,
why cant we go with myostatin peptides then?
The myostatin inhibition peptides do fuck all.
i saw study were they inject the dna cells to alter and the cell produced the peptide on its own so if you inject it’s gone pretty quick so does fuck all in that time
will eyebrow lowering and lip filler significantly increase fwhr for a peanutcel like me who has thin lips and mid-set brows
it will increase it, to what degree i have no idea
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bored and rotting rn

what u wanna know? i’m the looksmax veteran, only section i browse.
does thumbpulling work in your opinion and can it help out with a recessed chin if you pull forward
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does thumbpulling work in your opinion and can it help out with a recessed chin if you pull forward
How would it pull a reccesed chin forward
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