ask me looksmax questions

not possible to sodtmax really but yeah.

softmax = get lean, eat beef really
Depends on age, forward growth is environmentally determined
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Any obscure shit you recommend taking besides the staples like minox, pregab, furo, etc?
Yeah, very effective but I honestly wouldn’t risk it. Might take clen if I need to cut but dnp seems excessive
dnp isn’t risky if ur not retarded and can take a simple dose of 200-400mg evey 24 hr
clen realistically more dangerous imo, but same applies, if your not a retard it’s safe.

people fear monger saying muh burnt inside out and shit but these people are complete idiots
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no it doesn’t work.
You said no for thumbpulling, I’ve seen before and after videos of thumb pulling and oral pulling techniques where the persons positioning of their face totally realigned. Granted it was from mewing world, trying to promote their program via buyers result photos
Granted it was from mewing world, trying to promote their program via buyers result photos
they most definitely did not use their thumbs to achieve results
what age to hop on Aromasin :p
bored and rotting rn

what u wanna know? i’m the looksmax veteran, only section i browse.
do i have recessed jaw or what is wrong with my face? i think i have a good side profile but my front profile is a completely shit please help me is something wrong with my jaw or chin:
Heightmaxx without roids or surgery?
bored and rotting rn

what u wanna know? i’m the looksmax veteran, only section i browse.
What is the best way to naturally get more chin projection/ forward growth?
bored and rotting rn

what u wanna know? i’m the looksmax veteran, only section i browse.
Foid in your pfp?
Which gymaxxing protocol is best?
How to grow lashes, latisse causes fat loss?
Is there anyway to fix negative hooding?
leanmax to actual 10% is the most important and largest improvement. night and day difference

minox eyelashes grew substantially, foids mirin the lashes and wish they had them and when i meet new ones they ask if i wear shit like mascara or curl them which i don’t.
also greatly improved brows and darkened them also.

the long lashes and dom brows create stinking look imo
you put minoxidil on eyelashes only? if so how you do it?
bored and rotting rn

what u wanna know? i’m the looksmax veteran, only section i browse.
Rare case of me being serious

Will I see any further forward growth of my zygos/undereyes at 18 even if its a little bit (context: my zygos have amazing development laterally, its just forward growth wise they're not prominent, they're also high-set and on the smaller side, whereas my undereye support is just shit along with my fat pads both shit, I got nasojugal folds bc of it major ropefuel)

I guess a follow up question is what parts of the skull can actually see a noticeable increase in bone mass past 18
is it bad? why stop taking it if you’ll loss all your progress
cauEs bloat
and i preferred my brows and lashes before
minox worked too good it started looking ethnic
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Rare case of me being serious

Will I see any further forward growth of my zygos/undereyes at 18 even if its a little bit (context: my zygos have amazing development laterally, its just forward growth wise they're not prominent, they're also high-set and on the smaller side, whereas my undereye support is just shit along with my fat pads both shit, I got nasojugal folds bc of it major ropefuel)

I guess a follow up question is what parts of the skull can actually see a noticeable increase in bone mass past 18
bones are always changing and remodeling they aren’t ever set in stone.
most of your development is done and any further changes will realistically be small and take years.
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How do I know if im bloated?
bones are always changing and remodeling they aren’t ever set in stone.
most of your development is done and any further changes will realistically be small and take years.
What things do I need to do to make sure my bone continues to develop correctly and speed up/maximise the little bone growth I'll see
How do I know if im bloated?
bloat is caused by your diet realistically.
but if your high bf bloat is last of your worry’s

being low bf makes bloat less noticeable
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What things do I need to do to make sure my bone continues to develop correctly and speed up/maximise the little bone growth I'll see
nutrition. high nutrient density meats eggs etc all very nutrient dense. and be physically advice, through sports or gym etc.
not eveyone has even if very low bf - based on bones and forward growth etc
Do zygos play a part in hollow cheeks? I would say I have good zygos (i think) but I still cant see really hollow cheeks unless theres like really good lightning. Do hollow cheeks still appear when ur around 15% bf?
not eveyone has even if very low bf - based on bones and forward growth etc
Really? I consider my bones pretty bad but when Im really lean I see them, even at slightly higher bf I have hollows in the right lighting

Im not sure about my forward growth either
Do zygos play a part in hollow cheeks? I would say I have good zygos (i think) but I still cant see really hollow cheeks unless theres like really good lightning. Do hollow cheeks still appear when ur around 15% bf?
yes zygos r important.

in certain lighting you may have hollows above 15%.

dropping under 15% bf makes the most difference to facial attractiveness. 10% is mandatory
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A shorter hairstyle makes your bones pop out 10x more but long-ish hair increases appeal which one would you recommend
Really? I consider my bones pretty bad but when Im really lean I see them, even at slightly higher bf I have hollows in the right lighting

Im not sure about my forward growth either
maybe so but looking aesthetic and healthy with hollows and looking malnourished asf with hollows looks different and not appealing imo.
aesthetic hollows are caused by bones
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A shorter hairstyle makes your bones pop out 10x more but long-ish hair increases appeal which one would you recommend
i am someone who went from medium length high appeal hair, to a buzz.

it depends on what you look like really, and who you try to appeal to. younger girls like longer hair typically.

don’t cut your hair short just to start showing more bones.

having hair will always increase appeal and appeal matters more. your bones are still visible regardless of hair so go for longer hair.

this year i’m growing my hair back out.
yes zygos r important.

in certain lighting you may have hollows above 15%.

dropping under 15% bf makes the most difference to facial attractiveness. 10% is mandatory
Sorry if this is retarded jfl but how can you guesstimate youre at about 10% bf?
Sorry if this is retarded jfl but how can you guesstimate youre at about 10% bf?
look at your abs they should be fully visible sometimes with veins running up them - you’re most likely not 10%
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look at your abs they should be fully visible sometimes with veins running up them - you’re most likely not 10%
Yeah I see 4 abs clearly, and like 1 vein. But im really veiny in general so that doesnt really matter. Could I reaxh 10% by just starving myself and sprinting for like 30 minutes 2 days a week or would I need an extensive diet/fitness plan for that?
Yeah I see 4 abs clearly, and like 1 vein. But im really veiny in general so that doesnt really matter. Could I reaxh 10% by just starving myself and sprinting for like 30 minutes 2 days a week or would I need an extensive diet/fitness plan for that?
don’t starve you will look malnourished.

eat the right food high in nutrients like meats and eggs
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do you think orthodontists improve your face?? I'm planning on getting mse/invisalign cause I've got a slight overbite and maybe narrow palate, but I've seen conflicting opinions on their positive effects on zygo definition/forward growth etc.
Also how do you get red undertones in your skin? Like actual useful methods not just cope
bored and rotting rn

what u wanna know? i’m the looksmax veteran, only section i browse
Any tips on how to suppress hunger tryna lose weight but fucking hunger keeps cucking me :feelswhy:

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