At 5'11 I pass the height requirement to be an elite SS bodyguard of hitler yet do not pass height requirements of many basic bitches nowadays



Oct 26, 2018
JFL at the insane rise of standards for men. The fact that the requirement to be in the elite of an extremely eugenecist regime is less harsh than the requirement many girls today have is ridiculous.
  • JFL
Reactions: RiceCel1234, Deleted member 2227, SteveRogers and 1 other person
not gonna spend a tonf of money and sacrifice my running speed and natural athleticism
Nobody gives a shit about your running speed and athleticism. Everyone gives a shit about your height.

What matters is what society thinks is important not what you think is important.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2227, SteveRogers, fauxfox and 2 others
where do u live??

i bet this is your head, most of the shorter than you girls don't care about that
having the face and having and being nt this should not be a problem unless where u live is full of GL super tall guys
Nobody gives a shit about your running speed and athleticism. Everyone gives a shit about your height.

What matters is what society thinks is important not what you think is important.

perception is everything
JFL at the insane rise of standards for men. The fact that the requirement to be in the elite of an extremely eugenecist regime is less harsh than the requirement many girls today have is ridiculous.
Ubermensch in 1941, untermensch in 2019
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2227, lasthope and strong_silent_type
where do u live??

i bet this is your head, most of the shorter than you girls don't care about that
having the face and having and being nt this should not be a problem unless where u live is full of GL super tall guys
where I live its still not a problem. but I perceve that it will start soon.
being taller than most girls is what really matters, srs.

thats why if u live in netherlands or some shit like that and u are short, u should get the fuck out.
thats what I would do.
  • +1
Reactions: SixFootManlet
You absolutely pass the height threshold of women

That's just them screening you out immediately because they're too nice to tell you that you aren't good looking enough and are too ethnic for them

But there's something about extremely small framed men that makes them look shorter than they are..

From first glance a guy who's 5'11" with a big frame might seem 2 inches or so bigger than you if you weren't standing directly together...Theres something about the presence of a big frame that mitigates a small amount of height...
  • +1
Reactions: Kade and SixFootManlet
You absolutely pass the height threshold of women

That's just them screening you out immediately because they're too nice to tell you that you aren't good looking enough and are too ethnic for them
he doesnt pass frame treshold
  • +1
  • JFL
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Holy shit I was just editing my comment to speak about his frame while you wrote that...

Read my mind
he should have already bought a dumbbell collection up till 20kgs and do side lateral raises every day bulgarian training style
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@cocainecowboy @KEy21

I myself dont have problems currently but I fear the rising standards turn this place into america or something. Another fear is having to move to a very tall country
Nobody gives a shit about your running speed and athleticism. Everyone gives a shit about your height.

What matters is what society thinks is important not what you think is important.
Good luck living to please others
was gonna post this but its pretty mean ngl . I feel bad for laughi nso hard
i mean its not like he cant do anything about it

the arguments vs and for gymcelling is funny on this forum

"im not gonna gymcel cuz im too short and i will look like im overcompensating" "im not gonna gymcel cuz my frame is too small so theres no point"

the thing is, both these 2 things make it A MUST to gymcel. even if others will think ur overcompensating, u just own up to it and will still be 1000x times more respected than skinny manlet, whos just.. overall very small
  • +1
Reactions: Mateusz74, Maxillacel and SixFootManlet
@cocainecowboy @KEy21

I myself dont have problems currently but I fear the rising standards turn this place into america or something. Another fear is having to move to a very tall country
Every country is slowly turning into a mini-America, sadly. Fuck mobile internet and fuck smartphones - life was so much better before those 2 things became mainstream.
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Nobody gives a shit about your running speed and athleticism. Everyone gives a shit about your height.

What matters is what society thinks is important not what you think is important.
The thing about LL is that you can't say shit unless you've gotten it...

Because the implications are very real even in a lot of good cases...Even people whom have benefited still sometimes regret many aspects about it
i mean its not like he cant do anything about it

the arguments vs and for gymcelling is funny on this forum

"im not gonna gymcel cuz im too short and i will look like im overcompensating" "im not gonna gymcel cuz my frame is too small so theres no point"

the thing is, both these 2 things make it A MUST to gymcel. even if others will think ur overcompensating, u just own up to it and will still be 1000x times more respected than skinny manlet, whos just.. overall very small
the reason I dont gymcel is because I achieved a new low bloat metabolism and am very very happy abput it and dont want to ruin it by having to change diet for muscle gain
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 2227
Even people whom have benefited still sometimes regret many aspects about it

Those who go to the absolute best doctor for LL who uses the latest tech never regret it.
the reason I dont gymcel is because I achieved a new low bloat metabolism and am very very happy abput it and dont want to ruin it by having to change diet for muscle gain
very sure u can easily work around this without bloating urself up. the younger you are the easier is to build muscle so its not liek time is working in your favor

with every passing year it becomes more and more important being big in general cuz then its sign of youth. when ur young being too big etc. makes u look older, when ur middle aged and older its gonna make u look younger
  • +1
Reactions: Kade

Those who go to the absolute best doctor for LL who uses the latest tech never regret it.
You can't speak about shit...Unless you've gone through the recovery or pain process...Because it's 10/10

Which you can't and won't...Even despite being 6 foot and being only 1 LL away from the ideal male height..

You won't EVER do it anyway...Despite how much it would benefit you...Despite the way you talk lightly of it on the internet..

Which speaks as a testament to how right I am..

And BTW, neither will OCDmaxxing
You can't speak about shit...Unless you've gone through the recovery or pain process...Because it's 10/10

Which you can't and won't...Even despite being 6 foot and being only 1 LL away from the ideal male height..

You won't EVER do it anyway...Despite how much it would benefit you...Despite the way you talk lightly of it on the internet..

Which speaks as a testament to how right I am..

And BTW, neither will OCDmaxxing
I will but the moneymax will take some time, sadly. It's like $50K if you go for the absolute best option. I will get LASIK and fillers way before that.
The recovery is a lot easier, faster, and less painful if you're on HGH and test.

Only natty cucks take a long time to recover.
i mean its not like he cant do anything about it

the arguments vs and for gymcelling is funny on this forum

"im not gonna gymcel cuz im too short and i will look like im overcompensating" "im not gonna gymcel cuz my frame is too small so theres no point"

the thing is, both these 2 things make it A MUST to gymcel. even if others will think ur overcompensating, u just own up to it and will still be 1000x times more respected than skinny manlet, whos just.. overall very small
true. ,better to be a gymcelled framecel than a framecel without muscle
I will but the moneymax will take some time, sadly. It's like $50K if you go for the absolute best option. I will get LASIK and fillers way before that.
I was on the LL forum before even lookism...And booked external femur with Dr. Kulesh doing one of his first 5 surgeries without doctor Solomin and I had chosen Russian nails and put a down payment on the nails themselves to order...

I decided against it 1.5 months before my meeting date with them, and dumped over 50k cash into face.

I literally could not be any happier with my decision..

Bones mog a few inches into the depths of the crypt

I still might go back for external tibias.

I will do external no matter what (If I end up doing the surgery)
if theres anyone to do it, it will be him
It's one thing to do facial implants and fillers...Of which I've done both of...

It's easy to sit on the operating table no problem...

But when you're getting your femur broken in half by a saw until it snaps...and then elongating it with a nail that's literally shoved into the canal...

During the process of elongating the femur by 1mm daily, or whatever your doctor has you on..

The pain of the recovery, the uncertainty of the bone fusing and the elongation process is the most painful thing you're going to endure in your lifetime BY FAR.

And many many people stop well beyond the point where they'd be satisfied with their height gains..

Because the younger you are, the more the process is going to hurt, due to the bone fusing faster you have to extend more mm faster with a broken bone..

People don't understand it - Because they haven't been through it...
Last edited:
very sure u can easily work around this without bloating urself up. the younger you are the easier is to build muscle so its not liek time is working in your favor

with every passing year it becomes more and more important being big in general cuz then its sign of youth. when ur young being too big etc. makes u look older, when ur middle aged and older its gonna make u look younger
Very legit, I think height, frame, and irl presence matter much more the older you get. When you’re a prettyboy manlet framecel skyllcel in highschool it can be written off because it’s “youthful”. But a grown 22+ y/o man has no such excuse and should look imposing
  • +1
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I was on the LL forum before even lookism...And booked external femur with Dr. Kulesh doing one of his first 5 surgeries without doctor Solomin and I had chosen Russian nails and put a down payment on the nails themselves to order...

I decided against it 1.5 months before my meeting date with them, and dumped over 50k cash into face.

I literally could not be any happier with my decision..

Bones mog a few inches into the depths of the crypt

I still might go back for external tibias.

I will do external no matter what (If I end up doing the surgery)
Why, though? External is an inferior option - it's literally 2+ decade old tech. Stryde is the absolute best.

Fuck, it's even more expensive than I thought.
Very legit, I think height, frame, and irl presence matter much more the older you get. When you’re a prettyboy manlet framecel skyllcel in highschool it can be written off because it’s “youthful”. But a grown 22+ y/o man has no such excuse and should look imposing
Yeah, the penalty for having a sub-par frame rises with age. Most people don't believe me when I tell them my real age - they think I'm very young - still in my late teens. No, not from my face, but from my thin arms and non-existent chest.
post new pics.
Why, though? External is an inferior option - it's literally 2+ decade old tech. Stryde is the absolute best.

Fuck, it's even more expensive than I thought.

Because no matter what, you DO have a risk of internal infection ...No matter what. Paley has had fat embolisms probably close to 1 out of every 70 or 80 or so cases..

There is zero percent chance of embolism with externals...Plus you don't have to get your rods removed in a year
Because no matter what, you DO have a risk of internal infection ...No matter what. Paley has had fat embolisms probably close to 1 out of every 70 or 80 or so cases..

There is zero percent chance of embolism with externals...Plus you don't have to get your rods removed in a year
Infection rates hugely depend on demographic or so I remember reading.

And didn't that Indian guy die from an embolism even though he got external rods? Talking about the guy whose sister wrote a hit piece on him on Vice.
5’11 was considered tall back then by everyone. Today’s equivalent would be 6’1 you low IQ phaggot.
JFL at the insane rise of standards for men. The fact that the requirement to be in the elite of an extremely eugenecist regime is less harsh than the requirement many girls today have is ridiculous.
Stop coping 5'11 is adequate your frame is bottlenecking you to the grave
Infection rates hugely depend on demographic or so I remember reading.

And didn't that Indian guy die from an embolism even though he got external rods? Talking about the guy whose sister wrote a hit piece on him on Vice.
Did he do bilateral?

You're not supposed to do them simultaneously cuz you won't be able to walk whatsoever since the Russian nails and external fixator is not fully weight baring..

Virtually nobody is gonna let you do bilateral nowadays...So if it was due to the bilateral fixators then you just simply do unilateral to mitigate any chances..

For me...I'd rather not pay an extra 90k just to increase my risk of dying on the operating table..And then having to go back in a another year for another surgery with another recovery..

Just isn't worth it to me..

I'd rather go through more initial pain in the beginning...have no risk...then be done with it..
5’11 was considered tall back then by everyone. Today’s equivalent would be 6’1 you low IQ phaggot.
thats what the post is about. zero reading comprehension
the reason I dont gymcel is because I achieved a new low bloat metabolism and am very very happy abput it and dont want to ruin it by having to change diet for muscle gain
Bro roid the fuck up and train ur delts and lats like an animal. I’m talking abuse the living fuck out of them. To top it off inject synthol into delts. 20-21inch bideltoid easy
Bro roid the fuck up and train ur delts and lats like an animal. I’m talking abuse the living fuck out of them. To top it off inject synthol into delts. 20-21inch bideltoid easy
and age 10 years? no thanks slow aging is one of the positive things I have
  • Woah
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Don't do synthol. What kind of special degenerate even bothers with synthol nowadays? It's the most looksminning shit out there.
  • Woah
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thats what the post is about. zero reading comprehension

You’re comparing the then above average height of 5’11 to the average height of today which is also 5’11. Of course women today want a man taller than the average height of 5’11. The requirement to be an SS soldier today wouldn’t be the then required height, it would be 6’1.

I believe the average height for a male back then was around 5’8 maybe. I’m not sure.

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