Atheism Vs religion



May 26, 2024
Who do u think will win in a war ?
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Who do u think will win in a war ?
Cannot seperate an is from an ought. Atheism is built upon a preconceived fallacious presumption that everything in the world can be explained. Until you point something out they can’t explain and then they just say “IT IS AND WE ARE HERE BROOOO” yes little atheist get back in the tree

Philosophy destroys atheism the same way it destroys and dismantled Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. All three are memes, but atheism is fucked by this more than others that’s why de Neil Tyson says to ignore and avoid philosophical debates and concepts because his worldview crashes down
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Cannot seperate an is from an ought. Atheism is built upon a preconceived fallacious presumption that everything in the world can be explained. Until you point something out they can’t explain and then they just say “IT IS AND WE ARE HERE BROOOO” yes little atheist get back in the tree

Philosophy destroys atheism the same way it destroys and dismantled Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. All three are memes
Watching atheists try to argue that something can literally come from nothing is hilarious
  • JFL
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Watching atheists try to argue that something can literally come from nothing is hilarious
All you have to say, what came before, and how did that happen until they reach a point where they cannot explain shit.

My favourite are the moral humanitarian liberalist secular Gaytheists which formulate their arguments for morality upon the judeo-Christian template which ironically makes them “Atheist Christian’s” they embody the moral teachings of Christ but don’t follow him :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

They say rape is wrong, but have yet to provide me a single reason why it’s wrong for me as an incel to forcibly take a woman and make her my sex slave. It’s shit like this why atheism is retarded. These are the types to bitch about equality etc but why is equality good? Why should I care why should I not rob and rape you Becky?
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Atheism is built upon a preconceived fallacious presumption that everything in the world can be explained
Why can’t it? Are we supposed to blindly follow one of the many ancient religions that have never been proven?
Until you point something out they can’t explain and then they just say “IT IS AND WE ARE HERE BROOOO” yes little atheist get back in the tree
Just because it cannot be explained in the moment does not mean it can’t ever be explained.
Cannot seperate an is from an ought. Atheism is built upon a preconceived fallacious presumption that everything in the world can be explained. Until you point something out they can’t explain and then they just say “IT IS AND WE ARE HERE BROOOO” yes little atheist get back in the tree

Philosophy destroys atheism the same way it destroys and dismantled Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. All three are memes, but atheism is fucked by this more than others that’s why de Neil Tyson says to ignore and avoid philosophical debates and concepts because his worldview crashes down
you are retarded :forcedsmile:
  • JFL
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Why can’t it? Are we supposed to blindly follow one of the many ancient religions that have never been proven?

Just because it cannot be explained in the moment does not mean it can’t ever be explained.
Belive in what you want but atheism suffers the same thing it criticises religion for “ being ceartain god isn’t real despite no proof”

And yet this is all we have to go off? I mean I could throw the same thing back at you “just because we don’t have definitive proof of god now doesn’t mean we never will”

You see the dilemma atheists are in? Except that religious people are at least intellectually honest regarding their stances whilst atheists argue from a stance of subjectivity.
atheism is fucked by this more than others that’s why de Neil Tyson says to ignore and avoid philosophical debates and concepts because his worldview crashes down
Yeah because most philosophy is bs or a too simplistic understanding of the universe therefore there is no need of an argument.
Yeah because most philosophy is bs or a too simplistic understanding of the universe therefore there is no need of an argument.
Or maybe it’s because it confronts atheistic world view and dogma and shows them that they are of no consequence and therefore should STFU regarding their beliefs if it means nothing and they mean nothing they can wallow in nihilism or whatever they have and leave non Gayrhiests alone. But no instead they always bitching on religion esp Christianity which ironically almost atheists follow culturally and morally to a degree :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:.

There’s a reason most atheists lose debates with seasoned theist apologists. Key word SEASONED meaning not random no names. Hell even Muslims beat atheists in debates lol
Belive in what you want but atheism suffers the same thing it criticises religion for “ being ceartain god isn’t real despite no proof”
You don’t need proof to know superman isn’t real either.
You see the dilemma atheists are in? Except that religious people are at least intellectually honest regarding their stances whilst atheists argue from a stance of subjectivity.
Dude I’ve argued with several theists and they always fall back and repeat the same bs that God has no creator because he exists beyond time, space, etc, so I’m not took sure about that
Or maybe it’s because it confronts atheistic world view and dogma and shows them that they are of no consequence and therefore should STFU regarding their beliefs
The only thing possible of accomplishing such a task would be proving the existence of a greater force such as God, which after several thousand years, different attempts, and religions have all failed
But no instead they always bitching on religion esp Christianity which ironically almost atheists follow culturally and morally to a degree
Yeah because society has been built on religious standards and morals, since we are social creatures of course we have to share the same morals
There’s a reason most atheists lose debates with seasoned theist apologists. Key word SEASONED meaning not random no names. Hell even Muslims beat atheists in debates lol
In terms of understanding the universe, science brutally mogs religion no question
You don’t need proof to know superman isn’t real either.

Dude I’ve argued with several theists and they always fall back and repeat the same bs that God has no creator because he exists beyond time, space, etc, so I’m not took sure about that

The only thing possible of accomplishing such a task would be proving the existence of a greater force such as God, which after several thousand years, different attempts, and religions have all failed

Yeah because society has been built on religious standards and morals, since we are social creatures of course we have to share the same morals

In terms of understanding the universe, science brutally mogs religion no question
Religion and science aren’t at odd something atheists seem to have an issue accepting :ROFLMAO:

Well do you know what the term “pre eternal” means? Once you do then you’ll realise why Christian’s Jews and Muslims state this. Bear in mind philosophically the Islamic and western Christian god is inherintally flawed due to the concept of absolute divine simplicity so there’s a way to make them loook stupid luckily us Eastern Orthodox bad BOYZ figured a way to make it all logical :feelshmm::bigbrain:

Yes you need no proof showing superman is real as he is a character made from a comic book in the United States and nowhere else meanwhile every culture had an idea of spirits gods etc hmm I wonder why?

EXACALLY as soycieity is built upon mainly judeo-Christian frameworks in the west you Gaythiests look pathetic when you lot try to point fingers hell Gaythiests can’t even be mad with Mohammed fucking an 9yr girl as moral is subjective and Middle Eastern morality is Islamic and Islamic moral framework allows for incest and child fucking. I can question and call this out as a Christian as I have an authority beyond me that prescribes morality for humans but you cannot as your atheist. I mean atheists can’t even tell me where single cell organisms come from or EXACALLY how life comes into existence, they can state the first life form but not the exact beginning of life and yet claim they know it all you lot are jokes
Religion and science aren’t at odd something atheists seem to have an issue accepting
They are in several ways. For example Christianity says the Earth was created in 6 days, science says otherwise. Most religions say some type of God created humans, and once again science says otherwise.
Well do you know what the term “pre eternal” means?
meanwhile every culture had an idea of spirits gods etc hmm I wonder why?
There is no definitive answer to this but I would say it is likely some primitive attempt to try to explain the world. Old civilizations would look at a massive mountain much larger than the rest and would assume that it has some type of meaning/backstory, for example the Greek Gods and their Mount Olympus.
I can question and call this out as a Christian as I have an authority beyond me that prescribes morality for humans but you cannot as your atheist
You do realize morals aren’t exclusive to religion. I can have morals too such as disdain towards murderers because I know once someone is dead they cannot be brung back and because it’s a barbaric way of settling differences, etc. Same goes for your example of pedophilia in Islam, I go against it because non sexually matured organisms shouldn’t be having sex, once a child is pregnant not only can she die while giving birth, her hormones and development will get fucked from the changes pregnancy does to the body.
I mean atheists can’t even tell me where single cell organisms come from or EXACALLY how life comes into existence, they can state the first life form but not the exact beginning of life and yet claim they know it all you lot are jokes
As I said earlier, just because we don’t know it right now doesn’t mean we never will. We didn’t know that the sun didn’t rotate around the Earth until somewhat recently with the heliocentric theory and then Newton came along and confirmed it to be true. I personally never claimed to know it all, because theoretically if we did know it all we would be building spaceships and what not.
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