[ATOMIC BLACKPILL] I infiltrated a private group of women discussing their tinder matches. Here's what I found.



Nov 1, 2018
Back in 2019/2022 i used to cultivate foid larp accounts in forums about makeup, gossip etc, precisely for rare opportunities like this. On one of them they eventually invited me to a private telegram group where they discussed their tinder matches.

It was a brutal blackpill.

● They sent pics of their matches, it was literally only ever gigachads.

● They complained all the time about their matches not responding, and also about having to swipe left for hours before they found a guy they liked.

● The one time a woman matched with one guy who, to me, was average, she said he was hideous and wasn't sure about whether to just unmatch him, but she kept him in there because chads never responded. She and the entire group laughed at how hideous he supposedly was. She never talked to him but sometimes did out of boredom bc chads didn't respond to her. Think about this next time a normie says "girls on tinder rarely respond" and thinks he has to overthink openers more JFL :feelskek:

● Two of them hated each other because they matched with the same chad.

● Some of them were single moms and sent audios talking about all the chads they were getting railed by, while a baby cried in the background.

● They were STD ridden, legit complained about STDs all the time. They're usually curable but if they take it too far, they may not. One of them knew a girl who died due to being too STD ridden.

● They got railed by multiple new chads every week, but complained about getting pump&dumped. To be fair, the chads lied to them about wanting a relationship but pump&dumped anyway.

● They were talking about matching with average guys in order to be mean to them and take it out on them when chads didn't respond.

At this point I was so brutally blackpilled I left the group and deleted everything, so have no evidence of this. If some of you think it's made up, I understand. But I know I saw this and it doesn't matter if you believe me or not.

On 4chan there was a thread of idiots overthinking openers and picture order, and discussing what to say to girls, I mentioned this and they said I made it up :lul:
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  • +1
  • JFL
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Reactions: gonion wanter, thegiganigga, Mumbhai and 29 others
brutal... never even began for tindercels who aren't at least a tall MTN
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Reactions: thegiganigga, greywind, moreplatesmoreweigh and 6 others
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Reactions: Bars, Uncle Dinky, Megfish21 and 4 others
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Back in 2019/2022 i used to cultivate foid larp accounts in forums about makeup, gossip etc, precisely for rare opportunities like this. On one of them they eventually invited me to a private telegram group where they discussed their tinder matches.

It was a brutal blackpill.

● They sent pics of their matches, it was literally only ever gigachads.

● They complained all the time about their matches not responding, and also about having to swipe left for hours before they found a guy they liked.

● The one time a woman matched with one guy who, to me, was average, she said he was hideous and wasn't sure about whether to just unmatch him, but she kept him in there because chads never responded. She and the entire group laughed at how hideous he supposedly was. She never talked to him but sometimes did out of boredom bc chads didn't respond to her. Think about this next time a normie says "girls on tinder rarely respond" and thinks he has to overthink openers more JFL :feelskek:

● Two of them hated each other because they matched with the same chad.

● Some of them were single moms and sent audios talking about all the chads they were getting railed by, while a baby cried in the background.

● They were STD ridden, legit complained about STDs all the time. They're usually curable but if they take it too far, they may not. One of them knew a girl who died due to being too STD ridden.

● They got railed by multiple new chads every week, but complained about getting pump&dumped. To be fair, the chads lied to them about wanting a relationship but pump&dumped anyway.

● They were talking about matching with average guys in order to be mean to them and take it out on them when chads didn't respond.

At this point I was so brutally blackpilled I left the group and deleted everything, so have no evidence of this. If some of you think it's made up, I understand. But I know I saw this and it doesn't matter if you believe me or not.

On 4chan there was a thread of idiots overthinking openers and picture order, and discussing what to say to girls, I mentioned this and they said I made it up :lul:

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Reactions: thegiganigga, greywind, zombey and 3 others
idk why but my larpdetector is going off
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Reactions: thegiganigga, Deathninja328, Chadeep and 6 others
idk why but my larpdetector is going off
Live Action Role Play

a type of game where a group of people wear costumes representing a character they create to participate in an agreed fantasy world. Uses foam sticks as swords, foam balls as magic and other props to create the games world
  • JFL
Reactions: Bars
brutal... never even began for tindercels who aren't at least a tall MTN
After this I would never use tinder unironically. Not even for a slight chance of getting a stacy, which is better than zero. Not even to geomaxx which would give me a solid chance. The developers of those apps are evil. And I would absolutely never pay them.
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Reactions: Chadeep, greywind, Suns9999 and 1 other person
Brutal thread
Bump this shieat
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86776   SoyBooru
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  • WTF
Reactions: Chadeep, pfl, Uncle Dinky and 1 other person
lol no foid knows what telegram is
  • +1
Reactions: Mumbhai, watah and thereallegend
No American foid knows what telegram is

Telegram is very popular in the rest of the world
I guess, in America only pedos and scammers use telegram
brutal... never even began for tindercels who aren't at least a tall
Back in 2019/2022 i used to cultivate foid larp accounts in forums about makeup, gossip etc, precisely for rare opportunities like this. On one of them they eventually invited me to a private telegram group where they discussed their tinder matches.

It was a brutal blackpill.

● They sent pics of their matches, it was literally only ever gigachads.

● They complained all the time about their matches not responding, and also about having to swipe left for hours before they found a guy they liked.

● The one time a woman matched with one guy who, to me, was average, she said he was hideous and wasn't sure about whether to just unmatch him, but she kept him in there because chads never responded. She and the entire group laughed at how hideous he supposedly was. She never talked to him but sometimes did out of boredom bc chads didn't respond to her. Think about this next time a normie says "girls on tinder rarely respond" and thinks he has to overthink openers more JFL :feelskek:

● Two of them hated each other because they matched with the same chad.

● Some of them were single moms and sent audios talking about all the chads they were getting railed by, while a baby cried in the background.

● They were STD ridden, legit complained about STDs all the time. They're usually curable but if they take it too far, they may not. One of them knew a girl who died due to being too STD ridden.

● They got railed by multiple new chads every week, but complained about getting pump&dumped. To be fair, the chads lied to them about wanting a relationship but pump&dumped anyway.

● They were talking about matching with average guys in order to be mean to them and take it out on them when chads didn't respond.

At this point I was so brutally blackpilled I left the group and deleted everything, so have no evidence of this. If some of you think it's made up, I understand. But I know I saw this and it doesn't matter if you believe me or not.

On 4chan there was a thread of idiots overthinking openers and picture order, and discussing what to say to girls, I mentioned this and they said I made it up :lul:
I believe you every word. That's why htb, stacylites never wrote back after a match.. They write milliseconds after a match when you're chad.
And the program for this evening suck and fuck till next morning. While you go sleep and wait for the response.
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  • +1
Reactions: Absi and HeavyMetalcel
Thank you for your service. 🙏🏽

Was sick to my stomach reading this.
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Reactions: thegiganigga, watah, qazw and 1 other person
Why do you guys even use tinder if all the people are rotten and not even cute girIs who are old and disheveled? You are trying to attract the bottom of the barrel while a MTN with a social circle and in person is being seen as cute by a HTB this instant. JFLLLLL
No one who finds “love” on apps is mentally well. I just hate how those apps give foids the opportunity to match with gl men without needing to meet them first irl. I feel like these whores feel some sort of gratitude out of being a cum dump for chads even though they are single mother whores neglecting their children and their health (both the children and themselves) by getting STDs and knowing them they probably won’t be clean abt it and do shit like masturbate then touch their kids:sick:.

Jfl at giving narcy women the power to be able to find chads outside of their social sphere
theres a video of me banging 50 blonde milfs but i got too blackpilled and deleted it anyway so no evidence:feelsgood:
  • JFL
Reactions: thegiganigga, JustHereToLooksmax and qazw
theres a video of me banging 50 blonde milfs but i got too blackpilled and deleted it anyway so no evidence:feelsgood:
STD ridden foids=REAL
Wanting to mess with an average guy= moderately real
FOids stuggling to get chads and keeping them= REAL
No interest in sub-HTN=REAL

It's not like i'm revealing groundbreaking shit
STD ridden foids=REAL
Wanting to mess with an average guy= moderately real
FOids stuggling to get chads and keeping them= REAL
No interest in sub-HTN=REAL

It's not like i'm revealing groundbreaking shit
I believe you dawggy shlawggy dog, I was only messing around. Dont hit me! aaaa
Thanks bro, i used to think i could get something from tinder.
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Reactions: qazw

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