Attraction is nuanced, not all looks

The thing is, it's much easier to have a good personality when you have a good face. Can you imagine yourself making this video and getting any likes at all? For most PSL autists, their personalities would be cured after they ascend. Mostly because they can get away with their autism because of their faces, and the constant positive reinforcement + validation will cure the shy virgin personality by making them more extraverted, outgoing and happy.


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You will never ever know the feeling of having dudes who mogs you in every single aspect except looks, have their gfs look at you with complete lust

I am introvert, video game addict, and I hate going clubbing or socializing but by being really good looking I can score women just on looks alone

Also looks allow me to get by doing the bare minimum and it affects every single human interaction you have with other humans

Getting by on social skills and social status ONLY WORKS on people who know you have status/after they get to know you aka doesnt work outside of your little college or town, travel to another state or country and you are nobody

This also simply excludes the fact that if you are below average looking ( ugly or manlet ) you will be a social failure no matter what the fuck you do, aka looks threshold

Being good looking is simply the least amount of work for the maximum amount of payoff
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The thing is, it's much easier to have a good personality when you have a good face. Can you imagine yourself making this video and getting any likes at all? For most PSL autists, their personalities would be cured after they ascend. Mostly because they can get away with their autism because of their faces, and the constant positive reinforcement + validation will cure the shy virgin personality by making them more extraverted, outgoing and happy.
We all agree that video is awful. Very few people would argue otherwise. No amount of looks could make that video anything other than unbearable to watch.
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“Skills that contribute to society” is just a code word for something you can betabuxx with. Not ideal
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We all agree that video is awful. Very few people would argue otherwise. No amount of looks could make that video anything other than unbearable to watch.
Unbearable for you maybe. He has 3.7 million HQNP girl followers on tiktok.
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You will never ever know the feeling of having dudes who mogs you in every single aspect except looks, have their gfs look at you with complete lust

I am introvert, video game addict, and I hate going clubbing or socializing but by being really good looking I can score women just on looks alone

Also looks allow me to get by doing the bare minimum and it affects every single human interaction you have with other humans

Getting by on social skills and social status ONLY WORKS on people who know you have status/after they get to know you aka doesnt work outside of your little college or town, travel to another state or country and you are nobody

This also simply excludes the fact that if you are below average looking ( ugly or manlet ) you will be a social failure no matter what the fuck you do, aka looks threshold

Being good looking is simply the least amount of work for the maximum amount of payoff
You are right, you are echoing what I have been saying. I will never be good looking enough to experience walking into a party and being the center of attention based off of looks. And you are correct that if you are influential, people will only appreciate it if they know you. I will start using "influence" to describe the social characteristics that women (and men) find desirable because status has such a shit connotative meaning in this community due to dating coach types. Influence means that you provide something of value that other people try to emulate, people look to you, not because you fake superiority through assertiveness, but because other high caliber people can recognize your abilities. Like I have said, I want to keep becoming more attractive, through all possible means to better my situation, but I am not depressed in the meantime because I am doing just fine relying on other means. "
Being good looking is simply the least amount of work for the maximum amount of payoff" I already said this in this thread. Also, the fact that you think leaving your community means you lose your status for good is idiotic. Why then did I have a solid social group and influence in High School, and also have this a few months late in college. Humor and likeability are universal, it does not matter if I am in new york city, or Shitborogh Alabama, people will like me.
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“Skills that contribute to society” is just a code word for something you can betabuxx with. Not ideal
If you see every relationship between an affluential man and a woman as "Betabuxing" then you are viewing things far too black and white in my opinion. You can tell who is paying for pussy and who isn't. There are fucks like Randal Emmet who are sub-par in their lucrative careers, and who buy young models expensive gifts, and there are ugly men like chuck Lidell, who are at the top of the game and have built lasting relationships and families with decent to attractive women. Chuck is a random example, but he is a good one. His wife is low profile and gained very little career-wise and monetarily considering she will likely never divorce him. She is not much of a looker, but she is better looking than him and was a wealthy poker player before. This is a random example but it holds true for many guys who are actually up there, it's not beatboxing it is genuine attraction, and I guarantee you If chuck was a 6 instead of a strange-looking 4, his options would have been even greater, even though he may have still married the same woman because some things trump looks.
Unbearable for you maybe. He has 3.7 million HQNP girl followers on tiktok.
That tells me nothing. It is tiktok, Girls would find him lame. We are talking about mature, post-pubescent girls. The girls that we socialize with. And guys especially would refrain from associating with him. He is so off the charts gay that he would be the bud of the joke in all adult social circles.
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first impressions which initiate hookups are based off attraction bro
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From your avi I can clearly tell you are above-average. I understand your attempt to spread a bit of positivity in a such place but it's useless at the end, first and foremost because every advice doesn't work for everyone.

Many people responded what I'm about to tell you in a better way but you clearly don't know every cases here that have led to the belief that without reaching a certain looks threshold no significant amount of talents nor personality would do you a favor.

I was a talkative person and somewhat optimistic prior to the blackpill. I tried to put myself out there and girls made a sub5 ethnic like me understand the hard way to stay in my lane after years of ghosting/rejections. What can I do from here ? How do you expect someone in my case to even have the energy and motivation to play the game ?

Actually, you need to walk on people's shoes here to really have a clue of their plight because otherwise it would be impossible for you to relate to them whatsoever.
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I am here not because I identify with a group of people that thinks female attraction is solely based on looks, I am here because I am an average looking guy (check AVI), who has some very good looking friends, and there are things that I am looking to change about my appearance. Being surrounded by attractive people can make you insecure, I have fallen victim to this. However, even as an average looking guy I have had luck with girls I am attracted to, and even girls who I think are much better looking than me, even beautiful (8+). Surrounding yourself with socially dominant people has really helped me, and I don't have attractive friends because I seek them, but rather I am extroverted and people think I am funny, and naturally, cool people like me.

Attraction is nuanced. It is not all looks and the fact that many of you think that it entirely looks shows that you are not frequently around girls or go to places where hooking up is frequent like parties, bars, or college greek life settings. There you see average looking guys hook up with equally attractive and sometimes even more attractive looking girls. Being of value to society is what matters, and If you are good looking then your value to society lies in providing desirable genetics that helps serve future generations. Therefore, if you are good looking you hold inherent value; you can be a loser, an idiot, or even a sociopath and women will still want to procreate with you because you hold value. But, being a skilled male will get you mating options as well. Acting confident and being smooth does not serve to demonstrate societal value, these things are of no use in terms of attracting a mate. Being incredibly good at something that serves society will get you places. If you demonstrate traits that show the ability to progress humanity, then those traits are deemed desirable to pass on to the next generation. You can call this blue pilled or cope, but I have seen guys, guys who are average looking but intelligent and skilled have the best long term relationships. Their girlfriends stick to them because they are proud of them and brag about the anecdotes they experience being with a deep and talented male. They don't think about it consciously but they are attracted to this man because procreating with him benefits humanity. Now being an average looking guy, you won't get casual sex with beautiful girls, that is reserved only for very attractive men. And I am aware that looks widen your dating options and increase casual sex, which is why I am here.

If you are prototypically ugly or average, then you should be here considering how to increase your sex appeal, but don't neglect the other ways to improve yourself.
The only legit factors for your story that actually help:
1. Status maxxed in .. setting (being part of the cool group).
2. Pre-selection maxxing. Girls around you and your group.
3. Numbers game maxxed. Aka, meeting enough volume of new women. This is important also, location maxxing is sometimes just this.
4. Extraversion maxxing and relaxed/not stressed or nervous maxxing when in social situation or events. The only 2 personality factors that matter enough to consider, when trying to meet womens.
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Man... this works if you're tall and white, or at least tall. Short and Indian is a death-tier combination. Your looks/ethnicity/height affect social status massively.
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I just noticed OPs username

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I indeed read every word 100 times,thank you very much for this precious looksmaxing secret tip,indeed changed my life,Iam a 7’4’’ gigachad now,and Iam slaying pussy 24/7,helped me a lot,thank you greycel
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The only legit factors for your story that actually help:
1. Status maxxed in .. setting (being part of the cool group).
2. Pre-selection maxxing. Girls around you and your group.
3. Numbers game maxxed. Aka, meeting enough volume of new women. This is important also, location maxxing is sometimes just this.
4. Extraversion maxxing and relaxed/not stressed or nervous maxxing when in social situation or events. The only 2 personality factors that matter enough to consider, when trying to meet womens.
"maxxed" Stop man... The point of this thread was to tell guys who think improving their looks will solve all of their problems. Just reading comments on this forum will show how autistic and hopeless the average dude on this forum is. Nobody, man or woman, is gonna want to seek a relationship with a self-loathing and sad individual. Saying "maxxed" shows that you think the process of gaining friends and attracting partners is a methodical science. You win some, you lose some, and improving physical and nonphysical aspects of yourself can help you win more, but there are never garuntees.
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I have average looking friends with 'game' who do OK tbh, but they still get KILLED in bars and clubs when competing with much better looking friends who barely have a personality lol. When it comes to getting laid, looks is basically everything, but I agree that personality plays a role for lots of people
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Stop man...
I'm on fire :fire: , there's no stopping me.

The point of this thread was to tell guys who think improving their looks will solve all of their problems. Just reading comments on this forum will show how autistic and hopeless the average dude on this forum is. Nobody, man or woman, is gonna want to seek a relationship with a self-loathing and sad individual.
I agree with the point you wanna make, that looks will not solve problems like tomany dudes think here.
And plenty of dudes here, are basically having problems not due to their looks but because of being: autistic-spectrum, anti-social, overly-anxious/neurotic personality, extremely introverted letting it lead to meeting no/limited new people.

Saying "maxxed" shows that you think the process of gaining friends and attracting partners is a methodical science. You win some, you lose some, and improving physical and nonphysical aspects of yourself can help you win more, but there are never garuntees.
Obviously no guarantees.
Probability increasing, is all that can be achieved in this world.

I don't mind the funny words maxxing and maxxed. And I don't mind a theoretical approach to things, to overseeing something overall. I think it's good, to have an understanding in a wider picture, what prcesseses are going on.

To finalise.
This video shows and are the things looks can bring, in increasing probablity.

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