Average guys can get laid as much as an average girl



Apr 25, 2021
Download Grindr and you will have dick for days and enough brotein for a your next post workout.
You don't want to because you find this repulsive ? well now you know how women feel, options mean shit if you don't value it. you can but you won't, gay men seems to have more options than lesbians.

How do you think your gay friend feel about you not letting him go balls deep into you ? poor guy. Having desires go unfulfilled

Clickbait title but yeye
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  • JFL
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Just regurgitate CBP channel's argument theory
Eat a fat dick you pussy faggot
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Just let somone fuck you in the ass theory
how is understanding this obvious thing about women supposed to fix any of my issues
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Just let somone fuck you in the ass theory
not saying you should, just giving some insight into how women feel about having options. So an average girl letting her looksmax fuck her in the ass is almost like a straight man letting his friend do it to him
  • JFL
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Also, this argument doesnt make sense. I see what he is saying, but women will still get to pick. Some men are presented with options they dont want, but will take it even if it isnt ideal. The same with women when they betabuxx.

You have the option, it doesnt matter if you arent attracted. The point is they have options.
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how is understanding this obvious thing about women supposed to fix any of my issues
It won't, but it could make you feel better knowing that women don't really like their options and therefore feels shit
Ff2c3a5dc9ee1441ff86d6a324a83cad6169fa1c hq
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  • JFL
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Also, this argument doesnt make sense. I see what he is saying, but women will still get to pick. Some men are presented with options they dont want, but will take it even if it isnt ideal. The same with women when theh betabuxx.
I mean, yeah, but they probably won't get someone they value or feel really attracted to. due to Chad having access to pretty much 90 percent of girls , which makes the average girl having to settle for an average guy, which makes her feel bad about herself, knowing that some girls are dating top tier guys.
And ONS with chad then getting dumped probably isn't going to make her feel too good. Meanwhile there are stacy prostitutes, so the guy know the girl is only doing it for the money, but still getting some good due to the intense attraction, meanwhile the girl also gets this, but feels used and unvalidated knowing the guy doesn't really care about her
Connor Murphy is that you?
  • JFL
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I mean, yeah, but they probably won't get someone they value or feel really attracted to. due to Chad having access to pretty much 90 percent of girls , which makes the average girl having to settle for an average guy, which makes her feel bad about herself, knowing that some girls are dating top tier guys.
And ONS with chad then getting dumped probably isn't going to make her feel too good. Meanwhile there are stacy prostitutes, so the guy know the girl is only doing it for the money, but still getting some good due to the intense attraction, meanwhile the girl also gets this, but feels used and unvalidated knowing the guy doesn't really care about her
They have options, same with the Chad, who is given the low-tier options. And they can pick between their options.
this cured my depression!
I don't take pleasure in other peoples suffering, but knowing that girls with 1k followers on instagram probably feels like me with half the follower, could help a bit.

It is just that so many compare their physical results to women, saying they would switch place with a girl in a heartbeat due to them living easier lives, what Im saying is that we shouldn't look at their physical success, rather their nature, their different perception of the materialistic reality. They might have more, but doesn't mean they feel good, because they compare their 1000 likes on tinder to their friends with 10k
They have options, same with the Chad, who is given the low-tier options. And they can pick between their options.
But what does having options mean if they don't like their options ? I have a lot of dicks to choose from, but me being a chooser of dicks doesn't mean anything unless Im gay
Image 2021 06 27 233938
  • JFL
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They have options, same with the Chad, who is given the low-tier options. And they can pick between their options.
Average girls almost need chadlites to chad to feel like a below average guy feels with an above average girl. So them having options of average guys is like having a bunch of sex dolls. It is just another orgasm at that point
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It won't, but it could make you feel better knowing that women don't really like their options and therefore feels shit
This analogy is complete horseshit.

First of all,
you are comparing a relatively niche area (online dating for gay men) to something as mundane as a hookup between two straight partners of opposite sex. What is the ratio of gay to straight men? Probably not very high.
Naturally, groups with such high quantity disparity cannot be directly compared to each other directly.

think about how dating apps for straight people work.
Women get bombarded with offers from average men, whom they find unnatractive. At the same time however, they will get to interact with chads and chadlites, whom they will find appealing, resulting in a hookup/relationship/ONS.
Your suggestion is for straight men to go on a gay dating app, where they will naturally decline 100% of all offers due to their sexual orientation. However, this is not an issue for women on tinder, as they will still eventually find a male they have interest in.

All in all, your thread is fucking bullshit and makes zero sense if you think about it for longer than 10 seconds.
Also, your english is fucking broken so you probably wont even be able to understand what I mean nor reply properly
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This analogy is complete horseshit.

First of all,
you are comparing a relatively niche area (online dating for gay men) to something as mundane as a hookup between two straight partners of opposite sex. What is the ratio of gay to straight men? Probably not very high.
Naturally, groups with such high quantity disparity cannot be directly compared to each other directly.

think about how dating apps for straight people work.
Women get bombarded with offers from average men, whom they find unnatractive. At the same time however, they will get to interact with chads and chadlites, whom they will find appealing, resulting in a hookup/relationship/ONS.
Your suggestion is for straight men to go on a gay dating app, where they will naturally decline 100% of all offers due to their sexual orientation. However, this is not an issue for women on tinder, as they will still eventually find a male they have interest in.

All in all, your thread is fucking bullshit and makes zero sense if you think about it for longer than 10 seconds.
Also, your english is fucking broken so you probably wont even be able to understand what I mean nor reply properly
I never said to go gay, if you think about my post for more than 10 seconds you would know that I am making the point that a straight person going gay is how an average girl feels about her abundance of options when all she wants is chad
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Women get bombarded with offers from average men, whom they find unnatractive. At the same time however, they will get to interact with chads and chadlites, whom they will find appealing, resulting in a hookup/relationship/ONS.
As stated in another comment, yes they do get ons, but it won't lead to relationship for the average girl because chad can have stacey, which pretty much makes her a cum dumpster for him. This leads to the videos of girls complaining about being used by men , feeling depressed , suicide etc. Because getting used by chad isn't paradise
Because getting used by chad isn't paradise
How do you know this? Are you a girl?

Muh muh I've been uzed by chad :soy:

They prefer this than dating their looksmatch
At least when they're young
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As stated in another comment, yes they do get ons, but it won't lead to relationship for the average girl because chad can have stacey, which pretty much makes her a cum dumpster for him. This leads to the videos of girls complaining about being used by men , feeling depressed , suicide etc. Because getting used by chad isn't paradise
1. No one is forcing them to "get used by chad", its their own fucking choice.
2. At least they get to have sex with an attractive individual of the opposite gender, the same cannot be said for men.
How do you know this? Are you a girl?

Muh muh I've been uzed by chad :soy:

They prefer this than dating their looksmatch
At least when they're young
I really doubt that they happy tears.
1. No one is forcing them to "get used by chad", its their own fucking choice.
2. At least they get to have sex with an attractive individual of the opposite gender, the same cannot be said for men.
Unless you are poor you can pay an attractive prostitute, she won't like you , but you could, doesn't mean it is going to make you happy.
If the girl feels used, does it make her feel attractive ?
I really doubt that they happy tears.

Unless you are poor you can pay an attractive prostitute, she won't like you , but you could, doesn't mean it is going to make you happy.
If the girl feels used, does it make her feel attractive ?
I hope you are smart enough to figure out why comparing consensual sex to prostitution is retarded, so Im not going to delve into that.
1. Chad usually finds the girl somewhat attractive/likeable, otherwise he wouldnt be having sex with her.
2. Having sex with an attractive male does make a girl "feel attractive" and usually further inflates her ego.
3. The girl still feels emotional connection during sex, she only feels "used" when chad leaves her the next day. In case of prostitution, the entire act feels forced and shallow.
I hope you are smart enough to figure out why comparing consensual sex to prostitution is retarded, so Im not going to delve into that.
1. Chad usually finds the girl somewhat attractive/likeable, otherwise he wouldnt be having sex with her.
2. Having sex with an attractive male does make a girl "feel attractive" and usually further inflates her ego.
3. The girl still feels emotional connection during sex, she only feels "used" when chad leaves her the next day. In case of prostitution, the entire act feels forced and shallow.
And that girl would probably not be under a 7, else it would just be drunken sex. A chad doesn't need to have ONS with average women, it's usually just within their looks match, I don't know any chad who regularly go below their looks match, chads and stacy's tend to be in the same social circles with some exceptions.

Why would chad which every girl below him go for, go so low ? girls can date up, but stacey's don't have anything higher than chad, becky doesn't have anything higher than chad, chad can have every stacey, becky, htn, normie , whoever he desire , there is no competition to chad, chad is more rare as well, for every chad there is probably 2 - 4 stacey's, due to men rating women higher,

Matching with a chad inflates her ego, but it is only a match, he doesn't need the average girl on tinder when stacey's only equal is him and he is the only option for Becky if she is dating up
I hope you are smart enough to figure out why comparing consensual sex to prostitution is retarded, so Im not going to delve into that.
1. Chad usually finds the girl somewhat attractive/likeable, otherwise he wouldnt be having sex with her.
2. Having sex with an attractive male does make a girl "feel attractive" and usually further inflates her ego.
3. The girl still feels emotional connection during sex, she only feels "used" when chad leaves her the next day. In case of prostitution, the entire act feels forced and shallow.
But yes , you are right in the fact that the average girl could make chad feel horny, but very rare, a chad with unlimited options probably won't find a girl under a 7 attractive enough to not feel embarrassed / disappointed in him self.
The question, how many chadlites date down ? do a chadlite even have to date down, probably not
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Water. Is this supposed to make me feel bad for women? Oh noooooo she has 50 million options from 4 psl men. Meanwhile I’d kill to just have two 4 psl women in rotation

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