Average heights are a lie

woah, im 6ft2-3 barefoot i never knew that height was important. i will probs get to 6ft 7 barefoot cuz my dad grew 4 inches at my age
damn, and when did your mom get pregnant? be careful with the water leaks bro
daily reminder i get heightmogged weekly at 6'7" in Europe
daily reminder i get heightmogged weekly at 6'7" in Europe
Anything above 6'5" is undesirable height. Even if you are getting heightmogged its by awkward lanky faggots.
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Anything above 6'5" is undesirable height
People u see out there IRL may be above statistical average, cause shorter men obviously spend more of their time inside
And in gyms.

Gyms are the opposite of places like nightclubs and financial districts. The men are disproportionately shorter compared to the general populace. At 6'2" I almost never get heightmogged in the gym. It's happened no more than 3 times.
Maybe not there, but it is were I live.
Where the fuck do you live , unless you live in pandora, The average height cannot be 6'6.
Yes you literally have no grasp of the problems of being 6'5+.

There is a reason women quote the ideal male height is 6'2-6'3(the ideal is 6'5 though)
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Stop chasing validation from an incel forum. No one will compliment you on your height

The average height in Germany for males is 5'11", you even said you noticed 45% of males are shorter than you. You have a serious height complex son.

And I'm in the same boat as you, but it is what it is. I wanna heightmog everyone and make them feel intimidation but it's not gonna happen. I'm an inch taller than average in the U.S. so my perspective is different than yours. But you're considering leg lengthening when you're average height. You have bigger than this.
My life would literally be very good in my eyes if I only was taller. I wanna achieve this.
It's just sad to see that I'm by nature quite happy, but whenever I go outside and see superior humans I begin to hate life.
Yes, I want to get LL. The thought of it motivates me. Also, the risks are definitely overdramatized and you know it.
I want to be a heightmogger. It feels so good.
Das glaube ich dir sogar fast. Ich war in Hamburg auf Klassenfahrt. War dort der kleinste egal wo ich hingegangen bin.
Lies dir am besten meinen thread zu dieser brutalen Erfahrung auf incels.is durch.
War das erste mal dass ich in ner scheiß U-Bahn der kleinste war und sogar von Hippies gemoggt wurde.
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All these posts frame their main points from anecdotal evidence. Next.
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As a 6ft2 guy living in Norway I have noticed that the older generation of men 35 and older in this country are taller than the younger ones for some reason.
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As a 6ft2 guy living in Norway I have noticed that the older generation of men 35 and older in this country are taller than the younger ones for some reason.
I think the same is happening in the US and England (even if you don't count ethnics). Anglos have hit their genetic limit.
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Ich habe gerade gelesen. Urkomisch.
Hamburg is chad central. Leave if you're a manlet in Hamburg at 6'5.
You'll be considered tall in other regions.
Don't know if you're trolling but I can understand if 6'5 is not outstanding in Hamburg.
All my male classmates got mogged so hard there it was ridiculous. The people from other classes that stayed in the same hostel laughed about us because we were so ugly.
All 9th graders from Hamburg there mogged me in height. Over.
Hamburg is chad central. Leave if you're a manlet in Hamburg at 6'5.
You'll be considered tall in other regions.
Don't know if you're trolling but I can understand if 6'5 is not outstanding in Hamburg.
All my male classmates got mogged so hard there it was ridiculous. The people from other classes that stayed in the same hostel laughed about us because we were so ugly.
All 9th graders from Hamburg there mogged me in height. Over.
That's why I love travelling. My height is outstanding even in some nordic countries. Here I'm just more fish in the ocean lmao.

You only noticed the people that mogged you, not the ones you mogged.

5'10-6'2 isn't tall, but it's for sure around 70-90%tile, even on Europe
nao sei, cara, lá tem lugar com gente bem alta mesmo.

JFL at being manlet and dont planning to go to some manlet land.
That's why I love travelling. My height is outstanding even in some nordic countries. Here I'm just more fish in the ocean lmao.
Why are they so tall though? Even the Chinese fags there were 6'7 jfl
Why are they so tall though? Even the Chinese fags there were 6'7 jfl
3rd wealthiest region in the European Union, very good environment and people tend to sleep a lot more here in winter.
I think the same is happening in the US and England (even if you don't count ethnics). Anglos have hit their genetic limit.
I honestly think that Americans especially Whites Americans have potential to grow taller. Its just that Americans have horrible diet and lifestyle which is limiting their potential growth.
Im 6'5 and im life is unfair
3rd wealthiest region in the European Union, very good environment and people tend to sleep a lot more here in winter.
Yeah. So many cold hearted richfags there. The city was so beautiful, yet so dead and cold. The reason for the latter were the people that live there. I loved the hafencity but the fact that people are so tall there make me not want to go there ever again.

Rich (always tall because manlets are never successful) - > tall kids because of genes and environment

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