BBC pardox explained

Imagine mocking Cumskins for being fat fucks when polys are the fattest race šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ ironically they also have wide faces and noses like blacks hmmmm and yes they do look facially more masc than whites due to this

Thereā€™s a reason why in prisons white men become sex slaves, because they look the msot like women (gooks are in small numbers In Prison)
Yeah Polynesian are fat with wide noses but they strong with huge frames. Which both Blacks and whites aren't.
  • JFL
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
And men think black women look like men because their faces are masculine and orcishā€¦

Thanks for proving my point. Blacks have legit Ogre faces if African especially, Orc faces are more masculine by default

Cumskins look like Neanderthals, BBCs look like orcs. Which is more masc is up to you
I guess it depends on your definition of masculine then.
Yeah Polynesian are fat with wide noses but they strong with huge frames. Which both Blacks and whites aren't.
Tronders and Faelids have very wide frames and dominate strongman competitions
  • JFL
Reactions: Big White Cuck
I guess it depends on your definition of masculine then.
Fact is from a scientific standpoint blacks have more dimorphic gentic markers of masculinity over every race including polys and euros.

I win this because all the points tallied up and blacks win. Ofc they donā€™t masc mogg in every department but they do enough to handily win the most masculine race award.
Tronders and Faelids have very wide frames and dominate strongman competitions
American and Polish dominate strongmen despite it being barely popular there. If Strongman competitions was popular worldwide there no trousers and faelids would ever win one.

Why are there no tronders and faelids weightlifters or despite being the richest countries?

And no They don't have great frame. They look big because they live next to gracile meds and angles. Even Jatts frame mogs them.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
American and Polish dominate strongmen despite it being barely popular there. If Strongman competitions was popular worldwide there no trousers and faelids would ever win one.

Why are there no tronders and faelids weightlifters or despite being the richest countries?

And no They don't have great frame. They look big because they live next to gracile meds and angles. Even Jatts frame mogs them.
If strongman was an sport that broke countries could do then black nations would be decent at it and I belive polys would dominate it in the end tbh
If strongman was an sport that broke countries could do then black nations would be decent at it and I belive polys would dominate it in the end tbh
I appeal to Islamic adjacent races and blk foids

Mf writes fantasies claiming to get black pussy you larp as a chad on a website dedicated to ugly incels trying to looksmaxx there way out of their facial reasons to why freaks like you canā€™t get laid šŸ˜‚ kys
  • JFL
Reactions: Big White Cuck and PrinceLuenLeoncur
I appeal to Islamic adjacent races and blk foids

Mf writes fantasies claiming to get black pussy you larp as a chad on a website dedicated to ugly incels trying to looksmaxx there way out of their facial reasons to why freaks like you canā€™t get laid šŸ˜‚ kys
Iā€™m incel myself. Sure I ainā€™t ugly but all roads lead to Rome I donā€™t get pussy so Iā€™m in the same boat as far as Iā€™m concerned.

Why you obessed with me? Did I fuck your sister or stn?
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: klip11
There is no paradox that's all in your head. They have the lowest SMV (looks/frame/game/D) of all the races. They have less girth than the whites and Hispanics and girth is more important than length and they have the lowest IQ's of all the races. I agree they're the ugliest race for sure.

1.) Erect Penis Girth By Race:
A.) White man has the thickest cocks per the data.
2.) SMV for each race
A.) White man has the highest response rates (biggest D's and best looking)
B.) Black man and females has the lowest response rates
C.) Asian Women have the highest response rates (tightest pussies)
3.) IQ and race:
A.) Eastern Asians have the highest IQ's (105), Caucasians in the US are a close second place (101) and Black Africans have a 67 IQ and the Bushmen of southwest Africa have a 57 IQ for last place.

The only paradox is the illusion of success that the Edomite Jews portray via porn, commercials, search engines, media, TV, movies, etc to make blacks appear as though they have the highest SMV. This is to help push the Genocide of the white race through interracial relationships amongst other things.
There is no paradox that's all in your head. They have the lowest SMV (looks/frame/game/D) of all the races. They have less girth than the whites and Hispanics and girth is more important than length and they have the lowest IQ's of all the races. I agree they're the ugliest race for sure.

1.) Erect Penis Girth By Race:
A.) White man has the thickest cocks per the data.
2.) SMV for each race
A.) White man has the highest response rates (biggest D's and best looking)
B.) Black man and females has the lowest response rates
C.) Asian Women have the highest response rates (tightest pussies)
3.) IQ and race:
A.) Eastern Asians have the highest IQ's (105), Caucasians in the US are a close second place (101) and Black Africans have a 67 IQ and the Bushmen of southwest Africa have a 57 IQ for last place.

The only paradox is the illusion of success that the Edomite Jews portray via porn, commercials, search engines, media, TV, movies, etc to make blacks appear as though they have the highest SMV. This is to help push the Genocide of the white race through interracial relationships amongst other things.
Whites & Jews are the same, All are instinctively homosexual, zoophilic barbarians that need to be eradicated.
Whites & Jews are the same, All are instinctively homosexual, zoophilic barbarians that need to be eradicated.
Whites had the lowest fag rates up until the most recent generation brainwashed by the Edomite Jews.

These Edomites are not the same race as the Israelites.

1.) There are vastly more nigger male faggots than whites.
2.) Barbarians: That's the definition of all African tribes not civilized by the white man. They are not a part of a powerful empire so they're the barbarians.
3.) Zoophilia: Statistically insignificant and though to determine as not all these acts are reported at all but since there's only several hundered cases a year out of hundreds of millions of people it's statistically insignificant.

The only barbarians in today is the niggers that practice slavery, bestiality, highest crime rates on earth and the uncivilized one's are barefoot, nearly naked, eat raw animals, Canabals, savages, live in huts, spear chucker's for food invent nothing of use for humanity and never invented the wheel or fire, etc. This is all true, go do research on all the black tribes that haven't been civilized by the Israelites. They're savages and not much higher than an animal. In fact, Koko the gorilla had a higher IQ than the average black. They have no connection to YAH as the Israelites had to teach them that and break them of witchcraft and voodoo.

The Israelites aka Caucasians are the only reason any nigger on earth has access to fire, transportation, electricity, not enslaved by their own niggers, advanced homes, advanced technology, computers, phones, and any type of rights at all.

Since I'm morally superior I have come up with the best logical conclusion as to what to do with anyone that has any nigger blood in their DNA.

1.) Give them their own marshy land in Africa right where YAH wanted them to stay. Give them 100k cash per person.
2.) Force the Edomites aka Jews to fund their travel, land Acquistion and even give them homes since they can't build their own. Now in a generation those homes are going to breakdown since niggers don't know how to maintain them but hey we gave you everything you need to survive. This is reparations for the Edomites buying the Nigger slaves from more niggers.

Now, this solves everything for the niggers because there's nobody, they can blame but themselves for their problems. There's no boogey man oppressing them anymore. You received land, cash, a home and no other races to oppress you.

Meanwhile the whites civilized the savage races, gave them free stuff, gave them access to all our homes, land, rights, etc. Have the one true GOD in YAH a divine connection, lowest crime rates, most inventions on earth that help improve humanity, most powerful empires of history, ended slavery and the first race to do so, the first nation to open it's boarders to all the shitskin races,

I hope this helps the shitskins so GTFO of my country and go commit more crime on your own people.
Whites had the lowest fag rates up until the most recent generation brainwashed by the Edomite Jews.

These Edomites are not the same race as the Israelites.

1.) There are vastly more nigger male faggots than whites.
2.) Barbarians: That's the definition of all African tribes not civilized by the white man. They are not a part of a powerful empire so they're the barbarians.
3.) Zoophilia: Statistically insignificant and though to determine as not all these acts are reported at all but since there's only several hundered cases a year out of hundreds of millions of people it's statistically insignificant.

The only barbarians in today is the niggers that practice slavery, bestiality, highest crime rates on earth and the uncivilized one's are barefoot, nearly naked, eat raw animals, Canabals, savages, live in huts, spear chucker's for food invent nothing of use for humanity and never invented the wheel or fire, etc. This is all true, go do research on all the black tribes that haven't been civilized by the Israelites. They're savages and not much higher than an animal. In fact, Koko the gorilla had a higher IQ than the average black. They have no connection to YAH as the Israelites had to teach them that and break them of witchcraft and voodoo.

The Israelites aka Caucasians are the only reason any nigger on earth has access to fire, transportation, electricity, not enslaved by their own niggers, advanced homes, advanced technology, computers, phones, and any type of rights at all.

Since I'm morally superior I have come up with the best logical conclusion as to what to do with anyone that has any nigger blood in their DNA.

1.) Give them their own marshy land in Africa right where YAH wanted them to stay. Give them 100k cash per person.
2.) Force the Edomites aka Jews to fund their travel, land Acquistion and even give them homes since they can't build their own. Now in a generation those homes are going to breakdown since niggers don't know how to maintain them but hey we gave you everything you need to survive. This is reparations for the Edomites buying the Nigger slaves from more niggers.

Now, this solves everything for the niggers because there's nobody, they can blame but themselves for their problems. There's no boogey man oppressing them anymore. You received land, cash, a home and no other races to oppress you.

Meanwhile the whites civilized the savage races, gave them free stuff, gave them access to all our homes, land, rights, etc. Have the one true GOD in YAH a divine connection, lowest crime rates, most inventions on earth that help improve humanity, most powerful empires of history, ended slavery and the first race to do so, the first nation to open it's boarders to all the shitskin races,

I hope this helps the shitskins so GTFO of my country and go commit more crime on your own people.
I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve been put in a position to defend blacks.

Whites never had the lowest fag rates?
Whites are more horrifying in terms of acts & deeds throughout history than any negroid could be. The only people they fall behind are Mongolids.

Greece, Spain & England are historically extremely faggot nations, fast-forward to todayā€™s countries and half of Europe has already ā€œprogressedā€ into the agenda, which I can agree is because of Edomites.

Whites (Europeans: Mediterraneans (and all other caucasoids) are genetically predisposed to homosexuality and pedophilia due to their desire to carry out sexual activities without the result of new birthings, as children would often be a burden in the cold, unnatural and barren lands of the upper northern hemisphere.

This is also why ā€œparadiseā€ in Asian & European scriptures are depicted as beaches and sunny, warm lands. They idolized the places that didnā€™t belong to them and detested foreigners for it. Anyone that thinks for a moment would realize this when looking at the mere fact that North America (geographically ideal place) is predominantly europeans and others of euro descent. Whites and all other subgroups do not belong anywhere outside of Europe and are parasites to anywhere outside of Europe.

Causing them to start fucking cows, sheep, men and even children. This is a genetic trait to them. Which is why the majority of animal-rapists that get caught are europeans.

Walking barefooted is scientifically proven to be optimal once on rich land, large amounts of clothing is not necessary when youā€™re in heat and your body is thin and high in fat storages (and you donā€™t have hyper-sexualized perverts telling you itā€™s wrong.) Maybe we should all start walking barefooted. Barbarism is also skinning people alive, raping children, and pillaging is barbarism.. A caucuses specialty. Wheels werenā€™t ever seen as necessary for the terrains of Africa. Octopuses have higher IQs than humans of every ethnic backing? How does that matter? It doesnā€™t.

Said ā€œadvanced technologiesā€ are what is carrying so many into ailments and death, we have the highest rates of premature death ever in ALL groups of humans. Who is this thanks to? The whites!!! :eek:

When bigoted whites can accept that they and the Edomites are the same people from the same place, then you can finally accept that you are getting cucked by your own people. White is blight.

ā€œYAHā€ is an Israeli concept and ā€œYAHā€ isnā€™t real, ā€œGodā€ does not exist. Over the span of humanityā€™s lifetime, around 50,000 ā€œgodsā€ have been dubbed and accounted for. The word ā€œgodā€ cannot be used to label The Creator.
I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve been put in a position to defend blacks.

Whites never had the lowest fag rates?
Whites are more horrifying in terms of acts & deeds throughout history than any negroid could be. The only people they fall behind are Mongolids.

Greece, Spain & England are historically extremely faggot nations, fast-forward to todayā€™s countries and half of Europe has already ā€œprogressedā€ into the agenda, which I can agree is because of Edomites.

Whites (Europeans: Mediterraneans (and all other caucasoids) are genetically predisposed to homosexuality and pedophilia due to their desire to carry out sexual activities without the result of new birthings, as children would often be a burden in the cold, unnatural and barren lands of the upper northern hemisphere.

This is also why ā€œparadiseā€ in Asian & European scriptures are depicted as beaches and sunny, warm lands. They idolized the places that didnā€™t belong to them and detested foreigners for it. Anyone that thinks for a moment would realize this when looking at the mere fact that North America (geographically ideal place) is predominantly europeans and others of euro descent. Whites and all other subgroups do not belong anywhere outside of Europe and are parasites to anywhere outside of Europe.

Causing them to start fucking cows, sheep, men and even children. This is a genetic trait to them. Which is why the majority of animal-rapists that get caught are europeans.

Walking barefooted is scientifically proven to be optimal once on rich land, large amounts of clothing is not necessary when youā€™re in heat and your body is thin and high in fat storages (and you donā€™t have hyper-sexualized perverts telling you itā€™s wrong.) Maybe we should all start walking barefooted. Barbarism is also skinning people alive, raping children, and pillaging is barbarism.. A caucuses specialty. Wheels werenā€™t ever seen as necessary for the terrains of Africa. Octopuses have higher IQs than humans of every ethnic backing? How does that matter? It doesnā€™t.

Said ā€œadvanced technologiesā€ are what is carrying so many into ailments and death, we have the highest rates of premature death ever in ALL groups of humans. Who is this thanks to? The whites!!! :eek:

When bigoted whites can accept that they and the Edomites are the same people from the same place, then you can finally accept that you are getting cucked by your own people. White is blight.

ā€œYAHā€ is an Israeli concept and ā€œYAHā€ isnā€™t real, ā€œGodā€ does not exist. Over the span of humanityā€™s lifetime, around 50,000 ā€œgodsā€ have been dubbed and accounted for. The word ā€œgodā€ cannot be used to label The Creator.

1.) "I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve been put in a position to defend blacks."
I can't believe you believe you can defend the indefensible blacks (collective not on an individual basis as I've found some blacks to be ok but as a collective they're by far the worst overall race in terms of all the metrics crime, IQ, morality, inventions, academics, history, how they act and treat others, etc). I still give people an opportunity to earn restpect or friendship from me on an individual basis no matter their race, sex, etc but I at least acknoqledge the metrics for each race as a collective.
Whites never had the lowest fag rates?
Whites are more horrifying in terms of acts & deeds throughout history than any negroid could be. The only people they fall behind are Mongolids.

A.) I just gave you the homo rates and the blacks are leading the charge. Also are you just talking about men or both sexes? Are you talking about just present time, recent history or all of history?
B.) Blacks lacked the IQ/Creativity to achieve the level of power and tech the whites had. If they had this level of and or ability they would be enslaving everyone and committing genocide on every other race like the Edomites if not worse.
-See the Genocide that's being done to the whites in South Africa: Stolen land, stolen homes, destroyed their businesses, and ethnically cleansing them from the earth. The black politicians and black civilians openly call for the complete genocide of the white race while using their own tech and weapons against them. The funny thing is their food supply is all but gone, infrastructure is collapsing and they're going through hyperinflation (10,000 % currently). Essentially they're turning back to a third world shithole the whites got them out of.
-See their high crime rates: They have the highest crime rates in virtually every nation. If they had a high IQ and could plan ahead like the Edomites and or creativity of the Israelites, they would be using these immoral actions to completely dominate this earth but they lack the ability so they resort to low IQ physical crimes like rape, murder by physical violence, and robbery. You see the only difference between the nigger and Jew nigger is the Jew Nigger rigs the system and legalized their methods of genocide (abortion, medications, vaccinations, chemicals in food, air, water, depopulations brainwashing, etc.
-You openly called for the genocide of the white race the original humans the people of GOD that are a blessing to all nations on earth. Qe give you freedom, shelter, technology, etc everything, modern housing, money, jobs, and privileges over our own people, etc. and yet you blame us for your problems and rape our women (32,000+blacks rape white women per year and white men that rape black women is 0-4 on average) lmao pure evil, (kill our men, rob and destroy our businesses and have the audacity to believe cops shouldn't arrest you and now they just let your run around like apes destroying shit (1 billion dollars of property damage by BLM) You. I've seen countless examples of blacks publicly calling for the genocide of the white race and they cheer them yet the whites never do this shit and if they did they would be cancelled, career over and probably killed in our oqn countries. You see black privilege is the best privilege after Edomite privilege.
3.) "
This is also why ā€œparadiseā€ in Asian & European scriptures are depicted as beaches and sunny, warm lands. They idolized the places that didnā€™t belong to them and detested foreigners for it. Anyone that thinks for a moment would realize this when looking at the mere fact that North America (geographically ideal place) is predominantly europeans and others of euro descent. Whites and all other subgroups do not belong anywhere outside of Europe and are parasites to anywhere outside of Europe.

Causing them to start fucking cows, sheep, men and even children. This is a genetic trait to them. Which is why the majority of animal-rapists that get caught are europeans."

This may be the absolute dumbest belief/theory I've seen in a long time.
A.) Any people can travel and live anywhere on Earth.
B.) Adam and Eve our original white humans are from so called Africa.
D.) tf? So you believe living in Europe causes them to start raping animals and children? This is absolute insanity.
-Getting caught sure but who's to say that its not the blacks that are getting away with vastly more rapes of animals (per capita) than whites. Also, the numbers are several hundred per 300 million + population so statistically insignificant.
E.) Show me the study that displays whites are genetically hardwired to rape animals. LMAO. You're making up theories based out of nothing. You use not stats or logic just theories.
4.) "
Walking barefooted is scientifically proven to be optimal once on rich land, large amounts of clothing is not necessary when youā€™re in heat and your body is thin and high in fat storages (and you donā€™t have hyper-sexualized perverts telling you itā€™s wrong.) Maybe we should all start walking barefooted. Barbarism is also skinning people alive, raping children, and pillaging is barbarism.. A caucuses specialty. Wheels werenā€™t ever seen as necessary for the terrains of Africa. Octopuses have higher IQs than humans of every ethnic backing? How does that matter? It doesnā€™t."

Yes there are benefits but unhygeneic in shops and houses and in certain terrains it's not optimal at all. LMAO, calling us hypersexualized yet blacks do more raping than all other races combined. Barbarism is a sub society not a great empire like the qhite empires. You live like animals qithout us and resort back to your animal nature if not trained like a dog by us. Skinning people alive? That sounds more like the Native Americans. Pillaging, blacks lead in theft per capita so that's them. An octopus has a 40 IQ. Stop reading the onion.
5.) Said ā€œadvanced technologiesā€ are what is carrying so many into ailments and death, we have the highest rates of premature death ever in ALL groups of humans. Who is this thanks to? The whites!!!

Blacks lead all races in abortions (Edomite created and run by Bill aka Kill Gates' father) aka murdering of their oqn babies. as they have 27% abortion rates to teh qhites that are last in 10%. So you can't control your sexual degeneracy and you do something even qorse in killing your oqn children. Pure animalistic people. Constantly fucking and killing and even your oqn flesh and blood and the innocent babies that have no protection.
This is hilarious, you disreguard all the advances from our nations that qe gift to the blacks and then cherry pick one thing that the blacks themselves by there oqn free qill use to kill their oqn babies after having sex out of marriage like animals. This is the most evil thing a race can possibly do. Then you blame us for your oqn immoral actions instead of taking accountability.
You see, you're basically proving my case as the blacks are by far the worst race on earth (can't accept accountability for their own problems they create). We've given you everything, more privileges than our own race, money, tech, housing, land, rights, etc. Shit we even bend over and let you rape our women. You slaughter your own babies because you can't take responsibility for your sexual degeneracy (pure animals). You basically dug your grave here and now I'll let you burry yourself in your next statement.
When bigoted whites can accept that they and the Edomites are the same people from the same place, then you can finally accept that you are getting cucked by your own people. White is blight.

calls us bigoted yet openly calls for the genocide of the white race, says they're genetically hardwired to rape animals, etc. Nothing of what you say is true or supported yet I can substantiate my claims of the blacks with facts (lob IQ's, highest crime rates, highest poverty rates, highest abortion rates, and live like savages if not civilized by whites). All proven without question.
Calling us Israelites the same as Edomites is like saying we're the same as Arabs. Just because they all come from Abraham doesn't make them even close to the same people. Edomites bread with the descendants of the Nephilim in the Canaanites. They have pure evil in them and Yahshua said they say they're jeqs but they're not they're the seed of the devil, the synagogue of Satan. This is why they've genocide billions of us over the centuries and destroyed our nations and forced us to accept all the shitskins for 100's of years now. No, the qhites are not the Edomites or the Arabs not even close.

6.) ā€œYAHā€ is an Israeli concept and ā€œYAHā€ isnā€™t real, ā€œGodā€ does not exist. Over the span of humanityā€™s lifetime, around 50,000 ā€œgodsā€ have been dubbed and accounted for. The word ā€œgodā€ cannot be used to label The Creator.

Your dna Code is proof YAH exists. DNA is code and like computer code it requires a creator. The DNA code is 3 billion base pairs long in each cell in the body and carries out millions of instructions and is the most complex code in this reality. On top of that our creator has his mark in our very DNA in YHWH.

It's irrelevant if man invent a billion different GOD's. There's one true creator and GOD, Yah, etc is just semantics for the programmer of our reality. Yah existed before everything the history of YAH is well documented before the Israelites existence.

-Nothing can't create everything
-Energy isn't created or destroyed just transferred
-the programmer operates outside of time/space so the laws of our material world are not applicable to him

I forgive you for transgressions against me. I'll pray for your salvation and for the programmer to provide you with wisdom and to change your heart of stone.

As for the Edomites, in the book of Obidiah the creator promises to destroy the seed of the Edomites. Don't worry, your slave masters shall be eliminated very soon.
1.) "I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve been put in a position to defend blacks."
I can't believe you believe you can defend the indefensible blacks (collective not on an individual basis as I've found some blacks to be ok but as a collective they're by far the worst overall race in terms of all the metrics crime, IQ, morality, inventions, academics, history, how they act and treat others, etc). I still give people an opportunity to earn restpect or friendship from me on an individual basis no matter their race, sex, etc but I at least acknoqledge the metrics for each race as a collective.
Whites never had the lowest fag rates?
Whites are more horrifying in terms of acts & deeds throughout history than any negroid could be. The only people they fall behind are Mongolids.

A.) I just gave you the homo rates and the blacks are leading the charge. Also are you just talking about men or both sexes? Are you talking about just present time, recent history or all of history?
B.) Blacks lacked the IQ/Creativity to achieve the level of power and tech the whites had. If they had this level of and or ability they would be enslaving everyone and committing genocide on every other race like the Edomites if not worse.
-See the Genocide that's being done to the whites in South Africa: Stolen land, stolen homes, destroyed their businesses, and ethnically cleansing them from the earth. The black politicians and black civilians openly call for the complete genocide of the white race while using their own tech and weapons against them. The funny thing is their food supply is all but gone, infrastructure is collapsing and they're going through hyperinflation (10,000 % currently). Essentially they're turning back to a third world shithole the whites got them out of.
-See their high crime rates: They have the highest crime rates in virtually every nation. If they had a high IQ and could plan ahead like the Edomites and or creativity of the Israelites, they would be using these immoral actions to completely dominate this earth but they lack the ability so they resort to low IQ physical crimes like rape, murder by physical violence, and robbery. You see the only difference between the nigger and Jew nigger is the Jew Nigger rigs the system and legalized their methods of genocide (abortion, medications, vaccinations, chemicals in food, air, water, depopulations brainwashing, etc.
-You openly called for the genocide of the white race the original humans the people of GOD that are a blessing to all nations on earth. Qe give you freedom, shelter, technology, etc everything, modern housing, money, jobs, and privileges over our own people, etc. and yet you blame us for your problems and rape our women (32,000+blacks rape white women per year and white men that rape black women is 0-4 on average) lmao pure evil, (kill our men, rob and destroy our businesses and have the audacity to believe cops shouldn't arrest you and now they just let your run around like apes destroying shit (1 billion dollars of property damage by BLM) You. I've seen countless examples of blacks publicly calling for the genocide of the white race and they cheer them yet the whites never do this shit and if they did they would be cancelled, career over and probably killed in our oqn countries. You see black privilege is the best privilege after Edomite privilege.
3.) "
This is also why ā€œparadiseā€ in Asian & European scriptures are depicted as beaches and sunny, warm lands. They idolized the places that didnā€™t belong to them and detested foreigners for it. Anyone that thinks for a moment would realize this when looking at the mere fact that North America (geographically ideal place) is predominantly europeans and others of euro descent. Whites and all other subgroups do not belong anywhere outside of Europe and are parasites to anywhere outside of Europe.

Causing them to start fucking cows, sheep, men and even children. This is a genetic trait to them. Which is why the majority of animal-rapists that get caught are europeans."

This may be the absolute dumbest belief/theory I've seen in a long time.
A.) Any people can travel and live anywhere on Earth.
B.) Adam and Eve our original white humans are from so called Africa.
D.) tf? So you believe living in Europe causes them to start raping animals and children? This is absolute insanity.
-Getting caught sure but who's to say that its not the blacks that are getting away with vastly more rapes of animals (per capita) than whites. Also, the numbers are several hundred per 300 million + population so statistically insignificant.
E.) Show me the study that displays whites are genetically hardwired to rape animals. LMAO. You're making up theories based out of nothing. You use not stats or logic just theories.
4.) "
Walking barefooted is scientifically proven to be optimal once on rich land, large amounts of clothing is not necessary when youā€™re in heat and your body is thin and high in fat storages (and you donā€™t have hyper-sexualized perverts telling you itā€™s wrong.) Maybe we should all start walking barefooted. Barbarism is also skinning people alive, raping children, and pillaging is barbarism.. A caucuses specialty. Wheels werenā€™t ever seen as necessary for the terrains of Africa. Octopuses have higher IQs than humans of every ethnic backing? How does that matter? It doesnā€™t."

Yes there are benefits but unhygeneic in shops and houses and in certain terrains it's not optimal at all. LMAO, calling us hypersexualized yet blacks do more raping than all other races combined. Barbarism is a sub society not a great empire like the qhite empires. You live like animals qithout us and resort back to your animal nature if not trained like a dog by us. Skinning people alive? That sounds more like the Native Americans. Pillaging, blacks lead in theft per capita so that's them. An octopus has a 40 IQ. Stop reading the onion.
5.) Said ā€œadvanced technologiesā€ are what is carrying so many into ailments and death, we have the highest rates of premature death ever in ALL groups of humans. Who is this thanks to? The whites!!!

Blacks lead all races in abortions (Edomite created and run by Bill aka Kill Gates' father) aka murdering of their oqn babies. as they have 27% abortion rates to teh qhites that are last in 10%. So you can't control your sexual degeneracy and you do something even qorse in killing your oqn children. Pure animalistic people. Constantly fucking and killing and even your oqn flesh and blood and the innocent babies that have no protection.
This is hilarious, you disreguard all the advances from our nations that qe gift to the blacks and then cherry pick one thing that the blacks themselves by there oqn free qill use to kill their oqn babies after having sex out of marriage like animals. This is the most evil thing a race can possibly do. Then you blame us for your oqn immoral actions instead of taking accountability.
You see, you're basically proving my case as the blacks are by far the worst race on earth (can't accept accountability for their own problems they create). We've given you everything, more privileges than our own race, money, tech, housing, land, rights, etc. Shit we even bend over and let you rape our women. You slaughter your own babies because you can't take responsibility for your sexual degeneracy (pure animals). You basically dug your grave here and now I'll let you burry yourself in your next statement.
When bigoted whites can accept that they and the Edomites are the same people from the same place, then you can finally accept that you are getting cucked by your own people. White is blight.

calls us bigoted yet openly calls for the genocide of the white race, says they're genetically hardwired to rape animals, etc. Nothing of what you say is true or supported yet I can substantiate my claims of the blacks with facts (lob IQ's, highest crime rates, highest poverty rates, highest abortion rates, and live like savages if not civilized by whites). All proven without question.
Calling us Israelites the same as Edomites is like saying we're the same as Arabs. Just because they all come from Abraham doesn't make them even close to the same people. Edomites bread with the descendants of the Nephilim in the Canaanites. They have pure evil in them and Yahshua said they say they're jeqs but they're not they're the seed of the devil, the synagogue of Satan. This is why they've genocide billions of us over the centuries and destroyed our nations and forced us to accept all the shitskins for 100's of years now. No, the qhites are not the Edomites or the Arabs not even close.

6.) ā€œYAHā€ is an Israeli concept and ā€œYAHā€ isnā€™t real, ā€œGodā€ does not exist. Over the span of humanityā€™s lifetime, around 50,000 ā€œgodsā€ have been dubbed and accounted for. The word ā€œgodā€ cannot be used to label The Creator.

Your dna Code is proof YAH exists. DNA is code and like computer code it requires a creator. The DNA code is 3 billion base pairs long in each cell in the body and carries out millions of instructions and is the most complex code in this reality. On top of that our creator has his mark in our very DNA in YHWH.

It's irrelevant if man invent a billion different GOD's. There's one true creator and GOD, Yah, etc is just semantics for the programmer of our reality. Yah existed before everything the history of YAH is well documented before the Israelites existence.

-Nothing can't create everything
-Energy isn't created or destroyed just transferred
-the programmer operates outside of time/space so the laws of our material world are not applicable to him

I forgive you for transgressions against me. I'll pray for your salvation and for the programmer to provide you with wisdom and to change your heart of stone.

As for the Edomites, in the book of Obidiah the creator promises to destroy the seed of the Edomites. Don't worry, your slave masters shall be eliminated very soon.
What if you were in prison and a big black man told you that you look pretty and he wanted you to be his snowbunny? Would you be his snowbunny?
What if you were in prison and a big black man told you that you look pretty and he wanted you to be his snowbunny? Would you be his snowbunny?
I'd pretend like I'm down and spread a rumor that I'm the best at giving BJ's. I'd make sure he really believes me then I'd bite it off then turn it Sidways and stick it up his candy azz.
I'd pretend like I'm down and spread a rumor that I'm the best at giving BJ's. I'd make sure he really believes me then I'd bite it off then turn it Sidways and stick it up his candy azz.
What if he wants your booty over your mouth?
What if he wants your booty over your mouth?
I'd tell him I used to eat glass shards in the circus and noq my ass is like a shredder. It would peal the D like a carrot.

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