Beard + Glasses to hide birdcel profile



May 21, 2019
I'm currently 16 years old, and I think I'm going to start saving money for surgery, so if at 18 years old it's not getting any better, I'm jumping on surgery (Knowing that I've been mewing for a few months, I don't know if it's improved the problem, I'm also going to start chewing for 1 hour a day, and I'm starting to swallow in the right way). In the meantime I think about growing a beard to hide the weak chin and wearing glasses to hide the little dorsal bump.

My chin is great from the front, but so subhuman in profile... The chin is just weak, it doesn't go back but it's just not prominent enough at all, and the mentolabial fold is weak, combine that with a Roman nose with a small bump, and you get a perfect birdcel profile, well not exactly, my chin is relatively long no matter what, while the typical birdcel has a short chin, fortunately for me, otherwise it would be even worse, when I take a photo from profile I get depressed for the rest of the day... About my jaw, I don't actually know if it is really recessed, in front of the mirror, I can see the jawline and I don't have any fat under my chin, but when I do the test of putting my fingers in the ears and making jaw movements, I feel the move in my ears, what is supposed to indicate a recessed jaw, in addition, I seem to have a TMJ, when I open and close the jaw quite a lot, it cracks, it has already happened to me to have some pain by chewing a hard food while hearing cracks.
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I'm currently 16 years old, and I think I'm going to start saving money for surgery, so if at 18 years old it's not getting any better, I'm jumping on surgery (Knowing that I've been mewing for a few months, I don't know if it's improved the problem, I'm also going to start chewing for 1 hour a day, and I'm starting to swallow in the right way). In the meantime I think about growing a beard to hide the weak chin and wearing glasses to hide the little dorsal bump.

My chin is very good from the front, but so subhuman in profile... The chin is just weak, it doesn't go back but it's just not prominent enough at all, and the mentolabial fold is weak, combine that with a Roman nose with a small bump, and you get a perfect birdcel profile, when I take a photo from profile I get depressed for the rest of the day... About my jaw, I don't actually know if it is really recessed, in front of the mirror, I can see the jawline and I don't have any fat under my chin, but when I do the test of putting my fingers in the ears and making jaw movements, I feel the move in my ears, what is supposed to indicate a recessed jaw, in addition, I seem to have a TMJ, when I open and close the jaw quite a lot, it cracks, it has already happened to me to have some pain by chewing a hard food while hearing cracks.
Pics would help. If you have a bite problem that also affects the profile a lot.
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Glasses just make you look meek and socially awkward. When women say "i like a guy with glasses" they're talking about an attractive guy wearing glasses, and for him it wouldn't matter if he wore them or not

If you don't have to wear glasses, voluntarily choosing to wear them is low iq
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I wear glasses and they hide my best feature which is my eyebrows. They are hard to pull off and usually just make you look like a geek. You are better off with contacts but a beard should help add a little bit of volume to your lower third.
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cuckmaxxing is legit
Pics would help. If you have a bite problem that also affects the profile a lot.

I already had photos posted here, and I had been destroyed lol, so if it's so that it happens again I'm not too tempted, my confidence level is already low because of the problems I reported above.

I wear glasses and they hide my best feature which is my eyebrows. They are hard to pull off and usually just make you look like a geek. You are better off with contacts but a beard should help add a little bit of volume to your lower third.

I wear glasses and they hide my best feature which is my eyebrows. They are hard to pull off and usually just make you look like a geek. You are better off with contacts but a beard should help add a little bit of volume to your lower third.
Maybe it's a bad idea yes, honestly my nose is not the most problematic thing for me in fact, I think the chin actually accentuates it.
Maybe it's a bad idea yes, honestly my nose is not the most problematic thing for me in fact, I think the chin actually accentuates it.
I have a large nose and a large chin and my nose doesn’t look particularly big from the front, so I think you may be right. A small chin with a medium nose will make the nose seem bigger.
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but when I do the test of putting my fingers in the ears and making jaw movements, I feel the move in my ears, what is supposed to indicate a recessed jaw
Dumbest stupidest test ever. Everyones jaw does that regardless of how recessed they are. Jaw growth is the length of the mandible, not its positioning of the joint.
@mojopin get a load of the state of these graycels
Dumbest stupidest test ever. Everyones jaw does that regardless of how recessed they are. Jaw growth is the length of the mandible, not its positioning of the joint.
@mojopin get a load of the state of these graycels
You will only grow a neckbeard and creep stache as a 16 year old
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You're 16. Start saving for surgery.

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