Beginner Roid Cycle for Beach Body - is this optimal?

you can get this body in like two months of working out maybe even less JFL
just eat well and lose bodyfat
you want a beach body, summer is still like 6-7 months away
you can use this time to workout so you can mog in the summer
great advice , lets see your physique
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Thats the body i want to reach. Before corona i was already training for 1+ year but with nonoptimal diet. Got kinda stronger but fatter too. Im at 18-20% bodyfat right now (my own estimate, skinnyfat).

View attachment 904248

What i want to use for 12 weeks (inject into my glutes):

Test E: 200mg/Week
Primobolan or Masteron: 400-600mg/Week
--> they dont convert to estrogen, so no need for AI and stuff
Anavar: 20mg/day


-What happens if i stop using this? Will i keep my muscle?

-Will my body stop producing T after this cycle? If yes, what do? Or can i just cheat to get my muscle and stop roiding forever?

-What about the side effects? How to minimise them? Gyno, hairloss, acne etc

-Can i be in a deficit and build muscle with this? I want a sixpack obv so need to lose fat

-do i need a PCT?

-what about my sexdrive? Can i still get a boner
200mg of test will hardly put you in the upper natty range, you know there is the ester weight and also that your body doesnt absorb it all.

masteron doesnt build muscle

no you cant build muscle but anavar and masteron or primo give a very strong cosmetic effect so you will appear more seperated, vascular and leaner

no sides except masteron rips out hair

yes u need pct

yes u will recover nothing u are using is that surpressive, they give anavar and primo to women and kids for fucks sake
  • +1
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200mg of test will hardly put you in the upper natty range, you know there is the ester weight and also that your body doesnt absorb it all.

masteron doesnt build muscle

no you cant build muscle but anavar and masteron or primo give a very strong cosmetic effect so you will appear more seperated, vascular and leaner

no sides except masteron rips out hair

yes u need pct

yes u will recover nothing u are using is that surpressive, they give anavar and primo to women and kids for fucks sake
Masteron can help build mass though.
Masteron can help build mass though.
Masteron doesn’t build muscle, it has no effect on the androgen receptors in muscle tissue , this is confirmed with multiple studies
  • +1
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Masteron doesn’t build muscle, it has no effect on the androgen receptors in muscle tissue , this is confirmed with multiple studies
I thought it could build muscle like any other ASS, but maybe I'm wrong here.
test E is totally unnecessary

use HCG instead. This way you will maintain your testes and coming off will be a breeze instead of fooling yourself with "PCT" drugs that don't do anything and feeling like toasted shit for however long it takes your brain to wake your balls up.
you can get this body in like two months of working out
laughing GIF
  • JFL
Reactions: Loud_Jock
Masteron doesn’t build muscle, it has no effect on the androgen receptors in muscle tissue , this is confirmed with multiple studies

masteron is not a particularly strong anabolic but this is not true. If it is, it would be news to me and just about everyone else, so go ahead and post the studies.

What I think you are talking about is DHT not being active in skeletal muscle .... masteron is NOT DHT. IT is derived from DHT, but so is the vast majority of effective synthetic anabolic steroids.
  • +1
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How can you be so assured of that, in such a grey area?

You may be true, somehow, it won't be that black or white.

First, you read about anecdotal threads on dedicated forums, like:

"Just came off 8 week RAD140 20mg/day, concerned about Liver health (abdominal pain, pruritus, skin maybe king of yellow) ? Am I the only one to experience that on RAD ?"

Every other reply in thread goes like:

"Yeah you tripping bro, RAD140 is not methylated etc,... shouldn't cause any Liver issue I'm aware of, Is your source legit? Are you sure it's not PH, or methylated oral steroid?"

Which is correct, in theory.

But we know so little about those new SARMS, that the body of research on them is ridiculously scarce still.

Next thing you know, three months later, those exact same threads, same substances, same symptoms, same concerns, are popping up all over the place.

Then, you just stumble into new studies like this, published 2020 (I'm not debating about the methods they used here):

that make you wonder, would they be isolated cases, with confounding factors, won't be replicated later with any statistical significance.

Maybe, maybe not. That's the thing, we don't know shit about SARMS yet.
Because of the mechanism of action. Supression can occur, but it will be much lower. You cannot compare trembo or diana with yk11 or rad.
Because of the mechanism of action. Supression can occur, but it will be much lower. You cannot compare trembo or diana with yk11 or rad.
TLDR: when it comes to SARMS or AAS, get educated first, before jumping onto a cycle,

unfortunately, modt people want a quick fix (e.g: from nothing to roided summer body in six montsh), so they won't get educated enough because they're too impatient,

add to that the reckless behaviors of some users, and you've got the perfect recipe for post-cycle horror stories.

If you're going to use SARMS, or AAS, at least do your due diligence first, because when you're messing with your endocrine system for a sufficient amount of time, it's hardly ever without any consequences.

PCT drugs are harsh, been there, used Clomid for ten weeks post-cycle, had suicidal thoughts near the end, with total and free test levels having recovered.

What I didn't know though, was that Clomid actually nukes your brain estrogen, making you feel like e2 was crashed.

If users can't answer basic questions before their first cycle, such as,

Do you understand HPTA feedback loop?

Role of all upstream, and hormones downstream of Testosterone and derivatives (Progesterone, Pregnenolone, DHEA,...)?

What's SHBG, and what role does it play in endocrine system in Males?


And, above all, expect the best, but be prepared for the worst,

aka, what do you do, if shit really hits the fan during your cycle, or post-cycle?

If I could give advice to young users here,

please don't jump into a cycle unprepared,

or hoping for the best,

because YOLO.

Because it rarely ends up well.
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Fuck roids

Just be like julien theory again


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masteron is not a particularly strong anabolic but this is not true. If it is, it would be news to me and just about everyone else, so go ahead and post the studies.

What I think you are talking about is DHT not being active in skeletal muscle .... masteron is NOT DHT. IT is derived from DHT, but so is the vast majority of effective synthetic anabolic steroids.
Same, waiting for relevant studies, but I would be open to have my mind changed.
Now, a little bit of AAS here and there can be beneficial,

but, as with anything, abuse takes its toll, particularly regarding accelerated aging.


Now, a little bit of AAS here and there can be beneficial,

but, as with anything, abuse takes its toll, particularly regarding accelerated aging.


even has mogger in his name jfl
TLDR: when it comes to SARMS or AAS, get educated first, before jumping onto a cycle,

unfortunately, modt people want a quick fix (e.g: from nothing to roided summer body in six montsh), so they won't get educated enough because they're too impatient,

add to that the reckless behaviors of some users, and you've got the perfect recipe for post-cycle horror stories.

If you're going to use SARMS, or AAS, at least do your due diligence first, because when you're messing with your endocrine system for a sufficient amount of time, it's hardly ever without any consequences.

PCT drugs are harsh, been there, used Clomid for ten weeks post-cycle, had suicidal thoughts near the end, with total and free test levels having recovered.

What I didn't know though, was that Clomid actually nukes your brain estrogen, making you feel like e2 was crashed.

If users can't answer basic questions before their first cycle, such as,

Do you understand HPTA feedback loop?

Role of all upstream, and hormones downstream of Testosterone and derivatives (Progesterone, Pregnenolone, DHEA,...)?

What's SHBG, and what role does it play in endocrine system in Males?


And, above all, expect the best, but be prepared for the worst,

aka, what do you do, if shit really hits the fan during your cycle, or post-cycle?

If I could give advice to young users here,

please don't jump into a cycle unprepared,

or hoping for the best,

because YOLO.

Because it rarely ends up well.
I am natty and i look like this:


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  • +1
Reactions: Soalian
It doesnt make sense to me to take roids.
how long have u been training son
That pic was taken 2 years ago aprox. I look a little better now, and in march it will be 10 years of training. I am very consostent but i have subhuman genetics.
  • So Sad
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There are almost no roided guys with good collagen and aesthetic face (besides seid or laid). Roids will destroy a handsome face. Thats also the reason why girls dont like the bodybuilding look. They like the muscle, but because they are blackpilled, they know that bodybuilder have ugly bloated and aged faces.

Its almost impossible to look like this when you roid:

E6b47233088c84e298e8c9b1c616d3be 400x400

How most guys will look like:

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  • +1
Reactions: Soalian
I am natty and i look like this:
Looks good at 31 man,

but you said it yourself, you seem to have the consistency, the discipline, the work ethic, and it pays off.

Now, some people want to take shortcuts.

AAS may help to that end, if we're really to be honest here.

Of course, the Risk/Reward ratio will be different as well.
  • +1
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There are almost no roided guys with good collagen and aesthetic face (besides seid or laid). Roids will destroy a handsome face. Thats also the reason why girls dont like the bodybuilding look. They like the muscle, but because they are blackpilled, they know that bodybuilder have ugly bloated and aged faces.

Its almost impossible to look like this when you roid:

View attachment 910150

How most guys will look like:

View attachment 910151
It's not as black and white though,

it's also a matter of dosage and duration, genetics,etc,...
Looks good at 31 man,

but you said it yourself, you seem to have the consistency, the discipline, the work ethic, and it pays off.

Now, some people want to take shortcuts.

AAS may help to that end, if we're really to be honest here.

Of course, the Risk/Reward ratio will be different as well.
Yeah risk reward ratio is key. It only pays off if you have giga subhuman genetics and you cant build muscle natty or olimpia genetics to be able to compete and make money. I have only subhuman genetics, so it doesnt make any sense to me.
  • +1
Reactions: Soalian
There are almost no roided guys with good collagen and aesthetic face (besides seid or laid). Roids will destroy a handsome face. Thats also the reason why girls dont like the bodybuilding look. They like the muscle, but because they are blackpilled, they know that bodybuilder have ugly bloated and aged faces.

Its almost impossible to look like this when you roid:

View attachment 910150

How most guys will look like:

View attachment 910151
What if i look more like the first one would taking roids be worth it tbh. I think looking very buff would look out of place on me
Yeah risk reward ratio is key. It only pays off if you have giga subhuman genetics and you cant build muscle natty or olimpia genetics to be able to compete and make money. I have only subhuman genetics, so it doesnt make any sense to me.
You don't look like you have "subhuman" genetics,

how tall are you?
Yeah risk reward ratio is key. It only pays off if you have giga subhuman genetics and you cant build muscle natty or olimpia genetics to be able to compete and make money. I have only subhuman genetics, so it doesnt make any sense to me.
Also, how easy is it to slay where you are, in Eastern Spain, or Catalonia?

Considering moving there tbh.
  • +1
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Keep in mind nothing is foolproof and you can achieve that physique natty
Can he though? Even this guy who makes millions off of his physique couldn't do it natty. What makes you think some random guy can?

They can't and neither can you.
I think 8-12 months of consistent training and good diet will be enough to reach that Zac Efron physique.
Even Zac Effron who makes a living with his body couldn't do it without steroids and he has trained most of his life. What makes you think some noob can do it in fucking 8 months? JFL you guys are completely delusional.

The gym and beach would be FILLED TO THE BRIM with better physiques than that if what you say would be true.

8 months? Where the FUCK do you guys get off saying that.

Your going to have to post a physique photo RIGHT THE FUCK NOW and it better be a helluva lot better than Zac Effrons considering you are giving advice on the matter.

Well? Time to put up or shut the fuck up-
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5292
You don't look like you have "subhuman" genetics,

how tall are you?
i am giga ectomorf. I have subhuman arms and legs genetics. My only good muscle group is back, which is elite level for a natty. I am 6'2.5
Also, how easy is it to slay where you are, in Eastern Spain, or Catalonia?

Considering moving there tbh.
I am in Catalunya yes. Slaying here is super easy, but girls are ugly as fuck. If you are tall its a walk in the park cuz spaniards are super short.
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  • +1
Reactions: Soalian
Even Zac Effron who makes a living with his body couldn't do it without steroids and he has trained most of his life. What makes you think some noob can do it in fucking 8 months? JFL you guys are completely delusional.

The gym and beach would be FILLED TO THE BRIM with better physiques than that if what you say would be true.

8 months? Where the FUCK do you guys get off saying that.

Your going to have to post a physique photo RIGHT THE FUCK NOW and it better be a helluva lot better than Zac Effrons considering you are giving advice on the matter.

Well? Time to put up or shut the fuck up-
Those are idiots who have never put a feet in a gym.
  • +1
Reactions: Loud_Jock
I am in Catalunya yes. Slaying here is super easy, but girls are ugly as fuck. If you are tall its a walk in the park cuz spaniards are super short.
How's the housing market there?

And what about the Covid situation?

How's the housing market there?

And what about the Covid situation?

Rent is expensive. I pay 1100 euros for a 2 bedroom appartment. Covid policy is crap, bars are closed and masks are compulsory. Where are you from?
Rent is expensive. I pay 1100 euros for a 2 bedroom appartment. Covid policy is crap, bars are closed and masks are compulsory. Where are you from?
I'm in Bordeaux right now, it's good, however the area lacks dynamism overall,

I'm considering moving to one of those areas soon:

Bilbao, Catalonia, Lisboa, Croatia, Stuttgart/Basel area, Budapest area, Bucharest area, Sofia (Bulgaria), Vilnius, or Tallinn.
Rent is expensive. I pay 1100 euros for a 2 bedroom appartment. Covid policy is crap, bars are closed and masks are compulsory. Where are you from?
I'm in Bordeaux right now, it's good, however the area lacks dynamism overall,

I'm considering moving to one of those areas soon:

Bilbao, Catalonia, Lisboa, Croatia, Stuttgart/Basel area, Budapest area, Bucharest area, Sofia (Bulgaria), Vilnius, or Tallinn.
Even Zac Effron who makes a living with his body couldn't do it without steroids and he has trained most of his life. What makes you think some noob can do it in fucking 8 months? JFL you guys are completely delusional.

The gym and beach would be FILLED TO THE BRIM with better physiques than that if what you say would be true.

8 months? Where the FUCK do you guys get off saying that.

Your going to have to post a physique photo RIGHT THE FUCK NOW and it better be a helluva lot better than Zac Effrons considering you are giving advice on the matter.

Well? Time to put up or shut the fuck up-
All that autistic rambling just fucking lol.

I said 8 to 12 months with consistency and great diet. it doesn’t exactly have to be 8 months. It could be 12 months or a lil longer. There’s nothing special about Zac Efrons physique. I have seen people make way better progress than that in a year.

Just because u have subhuman faggot genetics doesn’t mean we all do
Michael Jordan Reaction GIF
  • JFL
Reactions: Loud_Jock
Thats the body i want to reach. Before corona i was already training for 1+ year but with nonoptimal diet. Got kinda stronger but fatter too. Im at 18-20% bodyfat right now (my own estimate, skinnyfat).

View attachment 904248

What i want to use for 12 weeks (inject into my glutes):

Test E: 200mg/Week
Primobolan or Masteron: 400-600mg/Week
--> they dont convert to estrogen, so no need for AI and stuff
Anavar: 20mg/day


-What happens if i stop using this? Will i keep my muscle?

-Will my body stop producing T after this cycle? If yes, what do? Or can i just cheat to get my muscle and stop roiding forever?

-What about the side effects? How to minimise them? Gyno, hairloss, acne etc

-Can i be in a deficit and build muscle with this? I want a sixpack obv so need to lose fat

-do i need a PCT?

-what about my sexdrive? Can i still get a boner
From the questions you asked I can see that you're a dumbass person and you'll hurt yourself. Stay away from pinning idiot.
All that autistic rambling just fucking lol.

I said 8 to 12 months with consistency and great diet. it doesn’t exactly have to be 8 months. It could be 12 months or a lil longer. There’s nothing special about Zac Efrons physique. I have seen people make way better progress than that in a year.

Just because u have subhuman faggot genetics doesn’t mean we all do
Michael Jordan Reaction GIF
Show your body then
All that autistic rambling just fucking lol.

I said 8 to 12 months with consistency and great diet. it doesn’t exactly have to be 8 months. It could be 12 months or a lil longer. There’s nothing special about Zac Efrons physique. I have seen people make way better progress than that in a year.

Just because u have subhuman faggot genetics doesn’t mean we all do
Michael Jordan Reaction GIF
As I said incel, put up or shut the fuck up you lying clueless cunt. PROVE IT OR YOU ARE A CUNT.
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  • +1
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Phaggots here believe that its easy to have paper skin in the abs. This a joke.
  • +1
Reactions: Loud_Jock
Can he though? Even this guy who makes millions off of his physique couldn't do it natty. What makes you think some random guy can?

They can't and neither can you.
Yeah I can lol

He doesn't make millions off his physique moron
  • +1
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Yeah I can lol

He doesn't make millions off his physique moron
Then show us your physique. It must be amazing and you must mog Zac Effron easy.

Why do you think Zac is shirtless in all his movies these days?

Phaggots here believe that its easy to have paper skin in the abs. This a joke.
Yeah this is so dumb. When was the last time anyone of us saw a guy with that kind of conditioning walking around? I can't even remember a single time outside of a fitness expo. The guy has veins popping on his lower abs and shit while still having significant muscle mass.

  • +1
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Then show us your physique. It must be amazing and you must mog Zac Effron easy.

Why do you think Zac is shirtless in all his movies these days?

I don't know i don't watch zac efron movies because i'm not gay
Yeah this is so dumb. When was the last time anyone of us saw a guy with that kind of conditioning walking around? I can't even remember a single time outside of a fitness expo. The guy has veins popping on his lower abs and shit while still having significant muscle mass.

View attachment 910419
This is nothing compared to the amount of veins popping out on my cock
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 3142
Yeah this is so dumb. When was the last time anyone of us saw a guy with that kind of conditioning walking around? I can't even remember a single time outside of a fitness expo. The guy has veins popping on his lower abs and shit while still having significant muscle mass.

View attachment 910419
And the 3d effect typical of roid users.
  • +1
Reactions: Loud_Jock
This is nothing compared to the amount of veins popping out on my cock
As we all predicted you are a skinny fat or obese incel. JFL

Get a load of this incel guys.
Yeah this is so dumb. When was the last time anyone of us saw a guy with that kind of conditioning walking around? I can't even remember a single time outside of a fitness expo. The guy has veins popping on his lower abs and shit while still having significant muscle mass.

View attachment 910419
Probably prepared just for filming day like a bodybuilder would for a competition

I dont think this is realistic to have year round
Probably prepared just for filming day like a bodybuilder would for a competition

I dont think this is realistic to have year round
If you take roids its not that difficult, because he doesnt hold much mass. As a natty you can maintaim this physique 3 to 4 weeks per year, with perfect nutrition and very good genetics.
As we all predicted you are a skinny fat or obese incel. JFL

Get a load of this incel guys.
I'm 14% bf eating whatever I want braddah

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