Being a manlet is brutal cause u can’t avoid being reminded of it



Leader of the LASACKRO gang, outlaw in the west 🔫🤠
Aug 1, 2022
There’s this Arab nigga in my class who is like 5’6 5’7. He’s like the loudest funniest nigha in there basically he has a comeback for everything

But constantly I hear ppl talk about how he’s little or short he seems to not care idk if inside he feels sad for it

Tho Lifefuel is it really takes being rlly short to be considered a manlet

Even here in Germany which is probably one of the tallest countries if ur 5’10+ ur probably never or really rarely be made fun of for ur height

At least I never saw anyone call someone of that height short or anything it’s really only real manlets
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There’s this Arab nigga in my class who is like 5’6 5’7. He’s like the loudest funniest nigha in there basically he has a comeback for everything

But constantly I hear ppl talk about how he’s little or short he seems to not care idk if inside he feels sad for it

Tho Lifefuel is it really takes being rlly short to be considered a manlet

Even here in Germany which is probably one of the tallest countries if ur 5’10+ ur probably never or really rarely be made fun of for ur height

At least I never saw anyone call someone of that height short or anything it’s really only real manlets
Join the fucking vc faggot
  • JFL
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LL will save him. Also 5’6 in germany is fucking brutal, getting heightmogged by 6’2 blonde chads daily
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I would get mogged daily in germanistan with my shit height
  • JFL
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He just needs to be jacked to gain respect from men. If you have people shitting on you it's because they don't respect you not because your short. Being short just makes it more likely that you won't be respected.
He just needs to be jacked to gain respect from men. If you have people shitting on you it's because they don't respect you not because your short. Being short just makes it more likely that you won't be respected.
Hahahahaha nice cope, 5'7 muscledwarf gets mogged to oblivion by a 6'3 leanmaxxed chad
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Hahahahaha nice cope, 5'7 muscledwarf gets mogged to oblivion by a 6'3 leanmaxxed chad
It’s not about mogging it’s about getting respect. I have a short freind with abs who’s popular and has a girlfriend. No one makes fun of him for his height. Men are biologically programmed to respect strong men.
There’s this Arab nigga in my class who is like 5’6 5’7. He’s like the loudest funniest nigha in there basically he has a comeback for everything

But constantly I hear ppl talk about how he’s little or short he seems to not care idk if inside he feels sad for it

Tho Lifefuel is it really takes being rlly short to be considered a manlet

Even here in Germany which is probably one of the tallest countries if ur 5’10+ ur probably never or really rarely be made fun of for ur height

At least I never saw anyone call someone of that height short or anything it’s really only real manlets
i think many people think that someones short if they're under 5'9 i assume

but imagine being not good looking btw
I cant help but point it out to them
  • JFL
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Im funnier than him
Not to mention that smarter also
when I’m around manlets I try to make sure that they are included in the conversation but I can’t help to feel repulsed by them

The most brutal scenario I see happening often is when I’m in a group chatting and a manlet wants to express an opinion but nobody listens to him or he just gets talked over

Tbh I would rather be tall and ugly than short and handsome
Humans want to kill off bad genes.
It is good that he has a way with words and is social otherwise he'd be an outcast.
Tbh got called dwarf by girl before and I’m 6”2 w lifts
  • JFL
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If you're 5'6"-5'7" and it's a major insecurity for your sense of "muh masculinity" and u feel inferior to taller men because of it you're just a bitch point blank
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Fuark man! It's LL or death
Hahahahaha nice cope, 5'7 muscledwarf gets mogged to oblivion by a 6'3 leanmaxxed chad
6’3 leanmaxxed chad is like 1 in a million though, almost a fairytale. The average 6’0+ person is an out-of-shape normie or an ogre irl.. some maybe a htn at best. A 5’7 male w lean muscle and an attractive face mogs a 6’0+ normie any day. Face>height.
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If you're 5'6"-5'7" and it's a major insecurity for your sense of "muh masculinity" and u feel inferior to taller men because of it you're just a bitch point blank
If you’re a normie or below it’s an issue, if you’re attractive then you’re fine as long as you’re above the female average.
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6’3 leanmaxxed chad is like 1 in a million though, almost a fairytale. The average 6’0+ person is an out-of-shape normie or an ogre irl.. some maybe a htn at best. A 5’7 male w lean muscle and an attractive face mogs a 6’0+ normie any day. Face>height.
Life fuel, but with 2024 foid standards you need to rope below 5’11 barefoot
Life fuel, but with 2024 foid standards you need to rope below 5’11 barefoot
Kinda, but not really. I think we exaggerate reality with TikTok public interview standards. It’s straight brainrot.
I’m 5’7, attractive face and decent body.. my body count is 10+ possibly 20+ if you include all sexual interaction beyond actual sex. That’s better than most guys of this generation even people 6’0+. I’ve pulled girls taller than me fyi.. but in most cases foids just want a guy taller than them.
I know another guy who’s 5’9, thugmaxxed, light skin-black w colored eyes (he reminds me of Meeks except shorter) and overall very attractive with confidence and charisma off the charts.. he sex mogs me with a list going well over 30+. Bro is average height w a dead-end job at the airport jfl..
All of this proves that face>height. Face is law as long as you’re above the average female height.
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