Being high IQ and extremely aware of the Black Pill

what would a tall facial good looking chad do if he is high iq and introverted but knew about blackpill. When you go up in intelligence , quasi neurodivergent traits might appear (You might not be autistic but overthinking , ruminating over things take over ) . Maybe the chad tries to sperg out 80/20 or even 90/10 parreto principles how good looking rich men are ploughing most women and he gets angry how his overthinking was the obstacle of not getting pussy ... Overthinking is main problem in this case. Women get the ick if a chad is somewhat neurodivergent. They might suck your cock the first day but ditch you as soon as they sense it .

Being good looking and high iq is a rare combination . Oppenheimer was above average looking (not quite chad , but still ). Then you have Lundgren who states genius levels iq but really haven't looked if he contributed anything in a field through Research Gate aside from his educational background etc ...

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