Being Nice Is Better Than Being a Douchebag



narrow-orbits brachy-skull ogre
May 16, 2020
Dwellers here think it’s better to be a selfish prick than be kind. They’re going out of their way to deliberately be shitty people, calling it dark-triad-maxing. Retarded cope. Dark triad only works for Chad.

Asshole Chad beats nice Chad because asshole Chad plays the game more aggressively. Asshole Chad takes advantage of his Chad privileges more aggressively. This is why asshole Chad beats nice Chad.

Life is different for Melvins. Nice Melvin beats asshole Melvin. Melvin doesn’t have the privileges that Chad has, so asshole Melvin doesn’t even have anything to take advantage of. Playing the game of life more aggressively fails for Melvin because Chad easily beats him no matter how aggressively Melvin plays. Asshole Melvin is like a tryhard playing against Chad who’s barely paying attention to the game, but Chad simply has a better hand of cards and will beat Melvin regardless. On the other hand, nice Melvin is liked by everyone around him, especially by Chad. Chad is the one who hands over a few special cards to Melvin. In order for Melvin to win at life, he needs to please Chad so that Chad can up Melvin’s status. Melvin, unlike Chad, cannot win just by playing aggressively.

Copers get a huge thing wrong: they think being dark triad makes you more likeable. No, dark triad makes you less likeable. Running dark triad can make you the most hated man in your community. The reason Chad is dark triad isn’t that it makes him likeable; Chad is dark triad because he can get away with it. Chad grabs happiness out of life with brute force; Melvins need to earn other people’s liking and other people’s respect in order to be given happiness.

What about being a “nice guy”? Yes, being a nice guy is unattractive if the guy has bad looks. But take that ugly guy and turn him into a dark triad piece of shit asshole—is he more attractive now? Will girls like the fact that he’s a selfish prick? No. He’s still ugly. Now he’s ugly and a douchebag. Just worse.

Don’t be less kind. It fucked up my relationships.

Since I began to get deep into the blackpill, I changed my nice personality to be less nice. Incels are nice guys, and slayers are douchebags, or so I thought. I walked the halls of my high school and later the walkways of my university campus with a “fuck you” mindset. “I don’t give half a shit about any of you shits”—this was my attitude. I rarely went out of my way to do kind things or say positive things to people; I did so only when I knew it would help me climb the social ladder. I thought, “My whole life I’ve been a servant to others, and now I’ll start to only seize happiness for myself.” I thought I was maximizing my happiness. I thought people would respect me more if I acted less polite and was more confrontational. Since I heard that men get respect for standing up for what they believe in, I made every disagreement an “I’ll die on this hill” situation. After all, if I can’t force things to be the way I want them to be, why am I even living? This is how I felt. This is how I still feel, unfortunately.

I saw the GTA 4 loading screen art and thought, “This guy has exactly the vibe I want to have.” Mean, intimidating, and aggressive. Feared and respected.

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Problem is, I’m not Niko Bellic. I didn’t fight in no Yugoslav fucking war. I didn’t go through any of the dark shit he went through. I’ve never even seen the things he’d seen. There’s no reason for me to be dark triad. Dark triad people become dark triad from their upbringings. People who grew up in war-torn countries, people who grew up surrounded by gang warfare and had loved ones get shot and die—these sorts of people have legit reasons to be dark triad. A small subhuman who grew up in a nice, warm, and safe bedroom becoming dark triad on purpose, is incel cope.

Moreover, the “dark triad” things I did can’t even be considered truly dark triad. The worst things I did to be dark triad? Not helping people. Being rude to people. Not giving a fuck about how people feel. That’s it. It’s nothing compared to real dark triad. Niko Bellic killed. I wouldn’t ever have the balls to murder.

It’s even worse for Melvin if he’s truly dark triad. True dark triad Melvin kills people and gets thrown in jail where he gets raped by Tyrone. True dark triad Melvin bullies his little brother, making him grow up with trauma and all sorts of issues. True dark triad Melvin abuses women and gets his name put onto the federal sex offender registry. Come on bro. Dark-triad-maxing is cope. Either you go true dark triad and fuck up your and others’ lives, or you go “light dark triad” and just be perceived as an unlikeable ass who lacks empathy.

This I still believe to be true: the nicer you are, the more that people view you as a simp and a weak male. Wasn’t until recently that I learned about the other side of the coin: the meaner you are, the more that people hate you and avoid socializing with you. Take your pick. Subfives can’t win. But I’d rather have some friends than none. So I’d rather be a nice guy even though it’s soycucked.


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  • Hmm...
Reactions: ThraxMax, lightskinbengali, Deleted member 4946 and 6 others
I will read. Brutal and correct Niko bellic pill.
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being good looking is better than being nice
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E0F638EC 93D6 4B9C 914A 80E179C1679E
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  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 21044, ifyouwannabemylover and thecel
wow longest thread i ve seen here
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  • JFL
Reactions: GetShrekt and thecel
Brutal Niko bellic pill. You don't become dark triad, the dark triad becomes you.
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Doing anything on purpose (super nice or super dark triad) is not going to work anyway.
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Reactions: horizontallytall, Boxingfan and thecel
I feel like when I'm kind people take advantage of me, they see kindness as weakness.
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Norwood 4


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  • JFL
Reactions: horizontallytall, Deleted member 21044 and thecel
I feel like when I'm kind people take advantage of me, they see kindness as weakness.

True. I feel the same way. But I realized that not being kind isn’t the solution. I haven’t been kind, and everyone fucking hates me. You should be kind. You have to show strength in other ways. It’s pretty much impossible for manlets such as me, so I thought being an ass is the only way to show people I ain’t no simpcuck. Now I know the only solutions are (1) leg lengthening surgery and (2) transmaxing.
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  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall and thecel
being good looking is better than being nice

As long as you aren’t good looking, being nice is better than being mean. Acting dark triad as an ugly manlet is more likely to get you killed than laid.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 25743
Not a word i'll keep being a scammer.
  • WTF
Reactions: thecel
As long as you aren’t good looking, being nice is better than being mean. Acting dark triad as an ugly manlet is more likely to get you killed than laid.

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