Bernie Sander's win in Nevada shows the current mental state of americans.



May 24, 2019
Although most people on the democratic side are complete idiots, you'd have to admit that they have reached a new level of buffoonery with the majority of them going for Bernie.

Super-delegates are still committed to Joe Biden though. Joe Biden is a household name, if he were to manage a comeback, I wouldn't be surprised.'s widely concerning that these people are going for a near 80 year old communist.

Communism has managed to find it's way to become acceptable in america. If Bernie does become president, that's just one step closer to the collapse. Isn't this what most of you want?
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Bernie would of won in 2016, he can’t win anymore.

The American economy is doing just fine under trump. Nothing serious has gone wrong. There’s no chance in hell that a near 80 year old socialist/social democrat that wants to massively increase taxes will win. Trump will win in a landslide victory. Bernie won’t even get backing from other democrats because he’s so far to the left in terms of American politics.

democrat voters have most definitely lost their minds and will pay the most ultimate price. If bernie gets the nomination, the democrats are finished for years to come.
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Bernie would of won in 2016, he can’t win anymore.

The American economy is doing just fine under trump. Nothing serious has gone wrong. There’s no chance in hell that a near 80 year old socialist/social democrat that wants to massively increase taxes will win. Trump will win in a landslide victory. Bernie won’t even get backing from other democrats because he’s so far to the left in terms of American politics.

democrat voters have most definitely lost their minds and will pay the most ultimate price. If bernie gets the nomination, the democrats are finished for years to come.
lol he would not have won 2016 either
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lol he would not have won 2016 either
Cope. He had a 50/50 chance of beating trump in 2016. His appeal was red hot and trump wasn’t tried and tested yet, people still doubted him. Bernie in 2016 literally had the same playbook trump did when it came to populistic policy.
Cope. He had a 50/50 chance of beating trump in 2016. His appeal was red hot and trump wasn’t tried and tested yet, people still doubted him. Bernie in 2016 literally had the same playbook trump did when it came to populistic policy.
without anywhere near the number of people voting to back up his incredibly leftist policies
Communism is superior to capitalism. Bernie Sanders is not a communist or a socialist he's a social democrat.

Just fucking lol at how blue pill you guys are when it comes to politics.
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  • JFL
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without anywhere near the number of people voting to back up his incredibly leftist policies
Again, cope. The disillusioned democrat voters and factory/industrial workers that felt disenfranchised by obama literally are the main group that propelled trump to victory.

Bernie with his left wing populist agenda in 2016 would have a good chance at appealing to these voting blocs, which would give him better odds of winning
Communism is superior to capitalism. Bernie Sanders is not a communist or a socialist he's a social democrat.

Just fucking lol at how blue pill you guys are when it comes to politics.
Communism is pure idealism. The steps to get to it (like socialism) have been tried and FAILED in all corners of the planet. Capitalism has way too many flaws but certainly is better than communism/socialism
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America won't collapse if they make a few changes on healthcare and education. That's far from communism. Besides, communist and socialist ideas aren't all that bad, they had definitely positive effect on workers rights worldwide. If we go a little over 100 years back, most people had nothing, they worked inhumane hours in dangerous or disgusting jobs for laughable pay. Elites and factory owners had to give people some rights in fear of losing their heads in case of revolution. Those cockroaches were exploiting people ruthlessly and still are in many parts of the world.
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Again, cope. The disillusioned democrat voters and factory/industrial workers that felt disenfranchised by obama literally are the main group that propelled trump to victory.

Bernie with his left wing populist agenda in 2016 would have a good chance at appealing to these voting blocs, which would give him better odds of winning

Communism is pure idealism. The steps to get to it (like socialism) have been tried and FAILED in all corners of the planet. Capitalism has way too many flaws but certainly is better than communism/socialism
Communism is materialist not idealist. Just fucking lol at your poverty tier political education.
Communism is materialist not idealist. Just fucking lol at your poverty tier political education.

I’m saying communism is idealistic due to the fact that the ideology itself is unrealistic in its goals and isn’t compatible with the modern world and how people operate, but ok
Communism is pure idealism. The steps to get to it (like socialism) have been tried and FAILED in all corners of the planet.
Oh, like in the nordic countries? Best economic system is a mix of socialist and capitalist ideas. It's disgusting how someone would have to go in to lifelong debt over a treatment that would save their life. Imagine if you got cancer and those bloodsuckers would demand you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Americans love to say how life was horrible behind the iron curtain, but at least they got entirely free high quality education and free healthcare, no matter what. If you were dying, top tier surgeon treated you FOR FREE.
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Tbh capitalism is garbage, sorry Uncle Sam but it's true
Also acclerationism at this point is a good thing, so it's a win win.
Oh, like in the nordic countries? Best economic system is a mix of socialist and capitalist ideas. It's disgusting how someone would have to go in to lifelong debt over a treatment that would save their life. Imagine if you got cancer and those bloodsuckers would demand you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Americans love to say how life was horrible behind the iron curtain, but at least they got entirely free high quality education and free healthcare, no matter what. If you were dying, top tier surgeon treated you FOR FREE.
Lol bro

Nordic countries aren’t anywhere near socialistic. They’re capitalist welfare states. Actual instances where they tried variants of socialism (like sweden around the 1970’s) ended in absolute failure and had to be scrapped.

There’s something called free healthcare. Is free healthcare socialism now?

Yeah, no. If you were dying in the iron curtain you weren’t gonna get a top surgeon to treat you. Their economies were horrdenusly inefficient and wasteful due to incompetence from the state. an example of this was the entire years long waiting lists for automobiles in the USSR. Or constant low quality in goods produced due to no incentive for quality control. Or the constant shortages and breadlines that gave rise to the ultra-capitalistic black market within the USSR.
Again, cope. The disillusioned democrat voters and factory/industrial workers that felt disenfranchised by obama literally are the main group that propelled trump to victory.

Bernie with his left wing populist agenda in 2016 would have a good chance at appealing to these voting blocs, which would give him better odds of winning

Communism is pure idealism. The steps to get to it (like socialism) have been tried and FAILED in all corners of the planet. Capitalism has way too many flaws but certainly is better than communism/socialism
youre acting as if capitalism would just not exist if we adopted socialist policies
Imagine seriously talking about politics in 2020, not realizing that both sides are controlled by the same fkn tribe, aka jwos.

When you can only chose between 2 major parties, it means you have no choice at all. Blackpill yourself on the fakeness of left/right paradigm, phaggots.

Divide and rule applies to everything- political belifes (left vs right), white vs black, man vs woman, old vs young. You faggots waste time theory crafting about useless nosensical bs, while the elite makes everyones life more miserable every single day. You are beeing programmed to focus on fake, made up bs, i. e. beeing deceived. Meanwhile elites whatever they want, while ppls focus is on hating other ppl who support the opposite (left vs right etc.).

Morons tbfh.
  • +1
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Although most people on the democratic side are complete idiots, you'd have to admit that they have reached a new level of buffoonery with the majority of them going for Bernie.

Super-delegates are still committed to Joe Biden though. Joe Biden is a household name, if he were to manage a comeback, I wouldn't be surprised.'s widely concerning that these people are going for a near 80 year old communist.

Communism has managed to find it's way to become acceptable in america. If Bernie does become president, that's just one step closer to the collapse. Isn't this what most of you want?

Why are we forced to pick between idiots 1 idiot is a cop out of kremlin fucking Kyle and tankie tulsi 2 idiots who want the American empire to go down.

The other idiot is a disgusting sympathizer to crack pot despots who want to see us their slaves.

Honestly both the opposition are 2 sides of the same fucking coin they both hate America and want to mirror the us after some dictator.
Politics is fucking stupid tbh
Both capitalism and communism are shit.
youre acting as if capitalism would just not exist if we adopted socialist policies
Adopting some “socialistic policies” =\= socialism
i think bloomberg will buy the nomination and lose to trump
As a 3rd worlder, I'm in FULL SUPPORT of Sanders. Hopefully this man will make it easier for us sandniggers to join the states. Go Bernie!
  • JFL
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Just wake me up when Hitler comes back. Otherwise everything is cope.
  • Love it
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Imagine seriously talking about politics in 2020, not realizing that both sides are controlled by the same fkn tribe, aka jwos.

When you can only chose between 2 major parties, it means you have no choice at all. Blackpill yourself on the fakeness of left/right paradigm, phaggots.

Divide and rule applies to everything- political belifes (left vs right), white vs black, man vs woman, old vs young. You faggots waste time theory crafting about useless nosensical bs, while the elite makes everyones life more miserable every single day. You are beeing programmed to focus on fake, made up bs, i. e. beeing deceived. Meanwhile elites whatever they want, while ppls focus is on hating other ppl who support the opposite (left vs right etc.).

Morons tbfh.
dems and republicans are identical on foreign policy, wanting legal mass migration, and neoliberal economics. literally the only differences are a few token sayings each party has eg GOP wanting fewer illegals and dems wanting gun control.
dems and republicans are identical on foreign policy, wanting legal mass migration, and neoliberal economics. literally the only differences are a few token sayings each party has eg GOP wanting fewer illegals and dems wanting gun control.

Mate it really matters 0 what party gets elected. Even less than zero. Powers that be own everything in politics and their plans wont be changed, reguardless of who gets elected.

The last person to find out the hard way, that they have 0 authority as a politician in that country was JFK.
  • +1
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okay but bernie isnt calling for pure socialism
it doesn't matter if he isn't opting for "pure socialism" as he's still calling for socialist policies

also he's so full of shit,

if he ever becomes president he's going to go FULL commie on us all, so let him seduce you with his bs words of "democratic socialism"
  • +1
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If Nazis are national socialists

if Bernie is calling for democratic socialism

does that make Bernie a DAZI
Bernie is a gigantic clown but he's still the best options Americans have

JFL at the two party system
it doesn't matter if he isn't opting for "pure socialism" as he's still calling for socialist policies

also he's so full of shit,

if he ever becomes president he's going to go FULL commie on us all, so let him seduce you with his bs words of "democratic socialism"
bullshit, hes actually a good guy
  • +1
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Jfl if you think anyone can change shit in US. America is plutocracy with same foreign policy no matter who is in charge, operated by billionaires and their corporations who lobby to politicians and control them. Even if someone got to White House and truly tried to challenge the deep state they would either shoot themselves two times at the back of head or their propositions wouldn't pass House/Senate/Congress/Supreme Court. Presidents are basically ceremonial heads and voting is useless sham unless it's maybe local. There is nothing cringier than when someone unironically believes they live in a free democratic country and that their vote matters or will change anything.
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Bernie just has the realness factor trump had in 2016, the other candidates are corporate robots
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Bernie's popularity is a reflection of how chitty things are in America. 46k people die every year because they don't have health insurance, another 500k go bankrupt due to medical expenses. Half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and couldn't afford an unexpected $400 emergency expense. The US also has the highest child poverty rate in the Western World despite being the wealthiest country in the history of the world due to a rigged economic system which benefits the top 1% and large corporations. Meanwhile, the US is spending $730 billion a year on military spending destroying the lives of millions in the Middle East (6.4 trillion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone since 2001) and then these same clowns turn around and tell you that we don't have enough money for healthcare, education, infrastructure, or any social programs that actually helps people. But more military spending to drop bombs on ethnicels in the Middle East- they have an endless supply of money for that. Same with giving tax breaks to corporations and billionaires.
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it doesn't matter if he isn't opting for "pure socialism" as he's still calling for socialist policies

also he's so full of shit,

if he ever becomes president he's going to go FULL commie on us all, so let him seduce you with his bs words of "democratic socialism"
Yea, Canada is so communist
"Capitalism is bad!"
"NO. Socialism and communism is bad!"


Tenor 6
  • JFL
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Communism is superior to capitalism. Bernie Sanders is not a communist or a socialist he's a social democrat.

Just fucking lol at how blue pill you guys are when it comes to politics.
You are just straight wrong. Bernie Sanders himself says he's a democratic socialist (don't even say he doesn't know what Bernie himself is talking about), all his proposed policies and previous statements are clearly socialist. He is not a social democrat just lol tbh
  • Ugh..
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Bernie would of won in 2016, he can’t win anymore.

The American economy is doing just fine under trump. Nothing serious has gone wrong. There’s no chance in hell that a near 80 year old socialist/social democrat that wants to massively increase taxes will win. Trump will win in a landslide victory. Bernie won’t even get backing from other democrats because he’s so far to the left in terms of American politics.

democrat voters have most definitely lost their minds and will pay the most ultimate price. If bernie gets the nomination, the democrats are finished for years to come.
Theres gonna be recession in a few years jfl
You are just straight wrong. Bernie Sanders himself says he's a democratic socialist (don't even say he doesn't know what Bernie himself is talking about), all his proposed policies and previous statements are clearly socialist. He is not a social democrat just lol tbh
Hes only proposed social democratic policies. Off yourself this instant.
Bernie's popularity is a reflection of how chitty things are in America. 46k people die every year because they don't have health insurance, another 500k go bankrupt due to medical expenses. Half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and couldn't afford an unexpected $400 emergency expense. The US also has the highest child poverty rate in the Western World despite being the wealthiest country in the history of the world due to a rigged economic system which benefits the top 1% and large corporations. Meanwhile, the US is spending $730 billion a year on military spending destroying the lives of millions in the Middle East (6.4 trillion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone since 2001) and then these same clowns turn around and tell you that we don't have enough money for healthcare, education, infrastructure, or any social programs that actually helps people. But more military spending to drop bombs on ethnicels in the Middle East- they have an endless supply of money for that. Same with giving tax breaks to corporations and billionaires.
Communism is superior to capitalism. Bernie Sanders is not a communist or a socialist he's a social democrat.

Just fucking lol at how blue pill you guys are when it comes to politics.
I agree with the second half, but not the first. Capitalism with regulations and a social safety net trumps socialism.
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Theres gonna be recession in a few years jfl

Hes only proposed social democratic policies. Off yourself this instant.


I agree with the second half, but not the first. Capitalism with regulations and a social safety net trumps socialism.
Bernie sanders won’t really be able to use a recession coming as a argument against trump. Boom and bust cycles are a side effect of capitalism. The fact that trump has been able to maintain the economy and accelerate growth in some years only shows that he’s done a good job. There’s no mark on his record

Bernie’s policies will only make a recession come sooner if anything
Yea, Canada is so communist
The tax system in Canada is no where near what bernie is proposing. Neither are the regulations
Bernie's popularity is a reflection of how chitty things are in America. 46k people die every year because they don't have health insurance, another 500k go bankrupt due to medical expenses. Half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and couldn't afford an unexpected $400 emergency expense. The US also has the highest child poverty rate in the Western World despite being the wealthiest country in the history of the world due to a rigged economic system which benefits the top 1% and large corporations. Meanwhile, the US is spending $730 billion a year on military spending destroying the lives of millions in the Middle East (6.4 trillion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone since 2001) and then these same clowns turn around and tell you that we don't have enough money for healthcare, education, infrastructure, or any social programs that actually helps people. But more military spending to drop bombs on ethnicels in the Middle East- they have an endless supply of money for that. Same with giving tax breaks to corporations and billionaires.
The US doesn’t really have money for endless tax breaks and military funding in the long term either. @OOGABOOGA made a thread about this back in January. The US isn’t far from economic ruin
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Hes only proposed social democratic policies. Off yourself this instant.
Bernie Sanders himself is wrong on what he says he is, and you know better interesting.
america about to get the bbc

Big Bernie Cock
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  • +1
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Bernie sanders won’t really be able to use a recession coming as a argument against trump. Boom and bust cycles are a side effect of capitalism. The fact that trump has been able to maintain the economy and accelerate growth in some years only shows that he’s done a good job. There’s no mark on his record

Bernie’s policies will only make a recession come sooner if anything

The tax system in Canada is no where near what bernie is proposing. Neither are the regulations

The US doesn’t really have money for endless tax breaks and military funding in the long term either. @OOGABOOGA made a thread about this back in January. The US isn’t far from economic ruin
Trump hasnt done anything, our current growth is a result of Obama's policies.
Bernie Sanders himself is wrong on what he says he is, and you know better interesting.
I do know better.

I dont know why he calls himself a democratic socialist, but all policies he proposes are implemented in every developed nation besides the U.S.

Hes calling for a mix of government and capitalism, what we already have.
Trump hasnt done anything, our current growth is a result of Obama's policies.

I do know better.

I dont know why he calls himself a democratic socialist, but all policies he proposes are implemented in every developed nation besides the U.S.

Hes calling for a mix of government and capitalism, what we already have.
Cope. Trumps tax cuts accelerated growth (2018 for example) and his stance on trade led to growth in manufacturing. If Obama was still here the US economy wouldnt be the same.

There’s multiple policies that bernie proposes that have been scrapped in other nations due to them not being effective, like the wealth tax. France also tried the route of implementing heavy taxes on the rich and business when they had a left wing government (2012-2017), the heavy taxes didn’t even last a year.
Cope. Trumps tax cuts accelerated growth (2018 for example) and his stance on trade led to growth in manufacturing. If Obama was still here the US economy wouldnt be the same.

There’s multiple policies that bernie proposes that have been scrapped in other nations due to them not being effective, like the wealth tax. France also tried the route of implementing heavy taxes on the rich and business when they had a left wing government (2012-2017), the heavy taxes didn’t even last a year.
Sure they helped grow the economy, but the effect is short lived, and there is a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit in the budget. Niggas act like we xan cut taxes when we cant afford it.

I honestly dont even care about his other policies, I just want free healthcare.

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