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Watch the channel named "San Francisco truth" on bitchute. Tech giants, beast that makes marvel over the wound is technology. Hub of tech is san Francisco. Look at san Francisco from google maps. Its shaped as a dragon.

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There is a future and past until we can live in a state of infinity.
But in the physical body there is a future and past. We live in this body thus we live in a world of future and past. So to say time (future and past) does not "exist, is not the right phrase.

This world and your life is like a game. The concept of a game came from life. Everything here can be calculated depending on how advanced the technology that is calculating it is, as well as the data it can store. but it can be predicted. For example, i know within the next month you will likely eat food, at about a 99.98% chance. Depending on how much i know, record, test, and analyze you, your circumstances, behavior etc, i can predict more in detail, at an even closer rate. And eventuality if i or something were capable, i/it could predict close to 100% exactly when your likely to eat, what you will eat, what you will do, etc. So take this data and scale it up. If something were capable of such calculations, it would be entirely possible to completely determine the entire beginning and end of this reality up to miniscule detail. If the future did not exist then such a calculation would be theoretically impossible. This means everything you can do in the body is already predicted, if possible. Thats because of the body limitations. It is not infinate, and we live in the body thus we live inside its time. A sort of paradox that we live in due to our state of being. I am not saying that theres no place where time does not exist though, but time in itself is a concept that exists in this current physicality, due to the nature of the rules this physicality works by. something that we live in. So time exists yet does not persist. *end*

*comments from ghostnappa86 that speaks against crab in a bucket mentality*
I am already struggling, i moved alone to the biggest city in my country to the biggest uni and im working at night and going to the uni by day, I'm not a communist piece of shit to expect the government to pay for me because guess what, my country was a communist shithole
No you just want everyone to struggle, live in abject poverty and be fucking miserable. Instead of addressing the real problem you want everyone to suffer like your dumbass. Fuck you
Everyone struggles you communist idiot, you're a privileged little shit that lives in a developed capitalist country and cries about having to work, why don't you get your stupid ass to Russia for example? Because they're poor as fuck just like every other commie country
No one is crying about having to work you ignorant little shit. People are rightfully upset that the wealthy have taken far more than their fair share and have left the rest of us to suffer in poverty. You're an ignorant nitwit that has no fucking idea about your talking about.
You deserve as much as you produce, nothing more, you lazy communist, as i told the other bozo, go to a communist country if capitalism isn't good, try Russia, you'll die of hunger there just like every communist country and literally my own country when we were red
And as you were told else where Russia isn't communist you ignorant little shit. You have no understanding of capitalism or communism. I highly doubt you even came from a communist country, you're probably some dumbass teenager living in your mom's basement yelling on twitter
Claiming that Russia isn't communist anymore is as stupid as it gets
Ok so you don't know what a communist country looks like. Further evidence that you didn't come from a communist country and are just a teenage dipshit tweeting stupid bullshit from your mom's basement (or more likely the front half of the mobile home)

*comment from this forum*
agreed. actual masculinity is way different to what andrew tate fanboys and tryhard normies think it is tryhard normalshit = acts loud, talks about how they would ‘spark someone out’ or ‘fuck man up’, is rude and disrespectful. bonus points if they larp as being some kind of thug/roadman legit masculine male with indomitable will to power = stays quiet and dangerous, doesn't talk about shit because they actually fucking do it. first type never fucks with the second type. normalscum can tell genuine ‘masculinity’ and danger from the fake thing. that's why NTs hate autists. autism is the male brain and masculinity cranked up to 20. NTs fear that instinctively. if a dark autist and loud poser normie of equal strength and size were to fight, the autist would rip the normie apart and quite literally eat him alive. the mistake this forum makes is assuming masculinity is default a good thing for women or for this female dominated society. too much masculinity makes you completely unrelatable to NTs, as socializing is handled by the female side of human nature. *comment from a bible forum*
God's rebuke of Job's friends is a good clue. The friends are pious and speak in religious clichés: "Oh wow, something bad has happened to you, so you must have done something to deserve it. How dare you defend yourself, shame on you! Just spit out what you did wrong and everything will be okay." Job is the insightful one. He is the one who's honest to his experience. He is angry, confused, lonely, and refuses to let pious clichés get in the way of its expression. This makes him sound increasingly transgressive and blasphemous to his friends. You also notice this divide in the poetic style of the speeches: Job's speeches (like Ch 14 or Ch 3) contain some of the most creative poetry in the Old Testament. Job's friends do not reach such creative heights; aside from a few exceptions, they sound like a watered-down section of Psalms
Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar are all rebuked as liars. They each attempt to employ "You brought it on yourself" and "You deserve even worse just for being a fallen human" theodicy. Elihu claims his revelation is from heaven and is not rebuked as a liar. His thesis is, "God is just, but his methods are mysterious, and maybe there's some remedial plan to bring you up from the pit. It's plausible!" Further, he rejects the claim, "You deserve even worse just for being a fallen human," by reasoning that, in the end, human sins don't really affect God in any way more than irritation or disappointment. God then appears through a storm, boasts about how his power and wisdom are miles above our paygrade to scrutinize, and that we should keep ourselves from making wild conjecture about "things too wonderful for [us] to know." Job finally "gets it," God rebukes Eliphaz, Zophar, and Bildad, commends Job, and incidentally brings Job "up from the pit" like Elihu hoped. The book isn't laid out with well-ordered theses and organized persuasions, and contains a ton of literary flourishes and poetic exaggerations, but this is the jist. It should be read primarily as poetry that points to, in its big themes, some theodicean truths to which mainstream Christianity would do well to pay attention.

*comment from this forum*
Caring about the future generation and the “white genocide” at all when your blackpilled is cucked. Who gives a shit, same goes for cringey “BBC” posters on this website who rot all day here yet say Tyrone is slaying le white woman as if its good for them rofl. Life is a competition between individuals. Not races or groups, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you understand and stop caring about dumb shit like that.*end*

*comment from a media page*
Excessive socializing causes emotional sickness. One will become overly conscious of how others view him and live a lavish lifestyle when they dont even desire luxurious things. *end*

*comment from this forum*
Many strange people do not see other peoples lives as lives. An extreme narcissistic disorder. From the corporate overlords who see you as walking cheap labor, the person down the street who thinks you are a pushover or sucker that can easily give them your money. The parents who see you as a machine that they can exploit and use to wipe their shit when they are old and decrepit as if you are a sims character, to the politicians that see you as stupid stolls that will follow your will like a cult/personal army. *end*

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Dysfunctionally taught behavior by people who should never be around children or or be parents. It can even spread and be ingrained as a common or normalized tactic through communities. Like this one.*end*

*comment from a online forum*
You win something, you overestimate your strength and sometimes let your ego grow. This ego becomes fragile and you feel worse when losing in this state, you might take more stupid risks in this state and get hit with the dunning kruger effect in full swing. You lose something, you underestimate yourself and every small win seems like a huge achievement. In this state, you'll take a lot less risks and miss out on potential growth. The takeaway is to simply not let your ego grow or take hold of you whether its up or down. All meditation is, is the end of conceptual thought you become completely immersed in the present moment, and with that comes with a change of identification *end*

*comment from this forum*
Your right.
The odds of being born is actually way more. like 1 in infinity. Because according to scientists that believe in the modern concept of “outer-space”, space is mathematically infinate. And if we are the only such life similar to this nature, than the odds of “life through chance” make less sense to classify as truth, than the idea that we were created by omnipotence (god). To the point where its almost irresponsible to claim we live as a product of chance and not intention.
This is why many believe the idea of chance to be a conspiracy, a false creation used to manipulate peoples perception, perspective, or knowledge of certain truths that would require abandoning the “idea of chance” as a prerequisite.
The concept of hell and heaven is a subject i wont get into much. i think its narcissistic to say someone will go to hell or heaven.
but i do believe in a more logical form of the idea which is karma. Generally if you do fucked up things to people or in general you will eventually learn not to do that, whether its in a friendly way or a non friendly way. Also vice versa. Doing good things or beneficial things and you will eventually learn and receive your action, in a good/or bad way. For this reason people call karma a bitch because it goes both ways for both good and bad.
good in this world often requires sacrifice or a loss of gain, but with the pretense of good being done back to you in some form, as a good action will be (good) thus beneficial, if not directly to you, but to the world which will eventually bring it full round meaning doing good will bring you good.
good and bad karma on both sides, just like how a “bad” person may benefit directly in this world, like how we can observe today (cutthroat behaviors considered attractive, capitalistic natures, greed, lust, murder). And even though its a direct then and there net gain in some cases, eventually the karma will go back full round and show him his action in some way the same way good works.

So while heaven and hell is outside my expertise (as it involves actually knowing death). I can only say to do good and to continue to cultivate mental and moral precision as a human. My best example of hell and heaven would be karma and such observations from the current world i live in. Heck, many people consider this place hell and if you think about it the descriptions are also similar.
All in all, The net gains of wickedness is simply not worth the value. Good is good and bad is bad. Just like how nobody wants to go to hell. So be heaven. And on earth while that may bring you hell, according to the time tested principles its worth the investment.

Additionally, i do follow and read the abrahamic books that describe god and such but its part of the “cultivate” process. A journey not a race. *end*

*comment from this forum*
Need a bigger population for economic growth ? Make women and men think having 10 kids is cool.
-Need more men to go at war ? "Give" some women to men and persuade them that you fighting 10k kilometers away from your country's nearest border, or convince them their neighbor is some weird zombie infected person with a disease . Have them mandate things against morality by convincing its to save their family. Carnality in all shapes and sizes end up being wicked huh.
-Need more labour and divided union force so you get richer ? Persuade women that working is cool. Or go hire immigrants that would gladly do your slave work for cheap. Convince them that they are getting a better life here by using their lack of knowledge about relativity against them. American dream.
-Need more feminine society so nobody opposes you ? Make kpoop high e pretty boys appealing to women. Make high T supermodels appealing to the men. They breed more, and boom, a more innersex population. Innersex meaning their chemical balance (which influence behavior, especially social dominance, and what they will be socially dominated to). Chemical balance=behavior, and a less masculine independent brain, and a less submissive female brain means less power to the people, as their chemically neutral.
-Need more divided society with no homogenous population ? Decline birth rate to women and wage war all over the planet so you bring the minimum wage down with refugees.
American corporate sponsored propaganda to justify people being paid low unlivable wages in a country that sent its jobs to China and de industrialized the nation thanks to the same companies pushing this "its you fault your broke" *end*

*comment from a forum*
Feminism is about making women more equal than men. It sounds stupid, because it is. But it's a thinly veiled supremacist movement.
Feminism Feminism is and has always been about women's rights. It's not about equality. They claim it's about equality because they believe themselves to be worse off than men, which means improving their own lives means there'll be more equality. Don't get things twisted.
There's no such thing as equality, purely in the sense that women are not the same as men, same way I would be treated differently whether I was rich or poor. The only reason why men treat women so well and simp, is because we have a preconceived notion that they're frail and need protecting, and not a competition. But life is a competition between individuals. So to those people, If women started to become to be seen as active competition, you can bet there will be heavy discrimination against women, even to the point we would tolerate public slavery under the guise of religion, wealth, education, health, or science, same way we discriminate against wealth. *comment from a forum* I don't even know where men got the idea that female nature is submissive. It isn't. Women's natural state is that of a child. And children constantly whine and rebel until they either get their way or until they are beat into submission. But children don't willingly want to do what their parents say. It isn't in human nature to want to submit, such a state is why religion exists to begin with. Religions understood that people need to be kept in line. This is more true for women than anyone else because of their social nature that differs from men. *end*

*comment from a forum*
the problem with most of these blackpill-denying, oofy-doofy crusading retards is that they just view things on the surface level (seeing them hold hands, kiss, do romantic shit outside)
“I saw a 5 foot 5 subhuman curry with a white HTB brooo :soy::soy::soy: go outside and be NT broo :soy::soy::soy::soy: blackpill is autist cope broo :soy::soy::soy::soy:
but they don’t actually think about the dynamics of the relationship itself.
cheating and dead bedrooms are common as fuck, and can even happen to attractive guys. even if you are maxxed out in looks, status, etc the potential to be cucked will never go unless you MOG the fuck out of your partner where she has more to lose than to gain from cheating.
This is why you see GL guys/girls with people that they mog. It’s for power in the relationship and better treatment.
you see the “oofy-doofy” phenomenon for multiple reasons.
1. Women will have more power in the relationship along with the security of a provider due to a variety of reasons in todays society
2. Since they hold more leverage they can get away with things (like suggesting open relationships so she can fuck chads, and ofc the cuck will go along with it because his desperation, women or wonderful syndrome, lack of iq etc. )
3. Attractive/high smv guys are less stable for LTRS because of the attention they get, but even moreso because of hypergamy. Its just your turn, until the next game presents itself.
4. It’s a genuine relationship built upon shared interests/hobbies and emotional connection. This is where romantic shit like kissing and hugging is present but if the guy is too subhuman he’ll get the bare minimum in the bedroom (she’ll make excuses like that’s too degrading, she did it before and didn’t like it, etc. What she’s willing to do sexually depends on how much she‘s attracted to him and values him (which can happen for reasons other than looks like status). She may even value the relationship so much she would never cheat with a more attractive guy.
–The ideal situation for your average Becky is to be in an open relationship with her normie BF (who would never cheat because he can’t ) and to fuck and do sexually exciting things with genuinely attractive guys (who would never commit)
Any time I see a guy with a girl who mogs him I don’t respond with jealousy or envy, or even astonishment like many of the faggots here do. Instead, I pity the poor bastard.
The blackpill goes deeper than just muh “you must be 6’5” gigachad 7 PSL to land a gf bro” which is clearly nonsense. Anyone with more than a double fucking digit IQ doesn’t think like that. Most of the people crying over oofy doofies are somewhat attractive guys with a non nt/socially acceptable and "cool" personality that prevents them from establishing relationships and connections with these modern honks. They may get casual sex but struggle getting and keeping LTRS.
No one is saying normies or even subhumans can’t get laid or get a gf. No one is saying a normie or subhuman can’t get lucky and pull a Stacy. It’s a numbers game.

*comment from a forum*
Many dead celebs and money worshipers only resources to FEEL ANYTHING is to vicariously live through OUR Collective reaction to their wealth... Floyd Mayweather has this problem too

*comment from a forum*
Although I can't really claim to fully understand the mechanics
As in, if you believe in some kind of essence inherent to us that transfers with reincarnation, I'm not sure what would define it
If its a completely rewritten self with new experiences, then I don't know if we can compare it to our current self. Although I guess putting aside the idea of whatever individual identity is connected to it, "you" will still feel and experience what your (next life) does
Although if its some kind of new world (which I dont understand either) the problem is sort of solved
I don't know what it translates to regardless. Worth the risk to maximize odds for it though I guess

*comment from a forum*
Peep this. Look at all the women who always preach to men, against mens behaviors She's putting energy into telling men to stop being nice or boring rather than trying to change her own genders way of thinking lol. It stops at "men are too nice, not why shes attracted to non nice men for example". It only dives surface level deep thus shows its for a person who cannot take responsibility or acknowledge a perspective of fault. She's a clown just like the ones she's talking about. At the end of the day, drive your bus at your speed and if these h03s don't arrive on time keep rolling. Her advice is trash. Geniune males don't conform to a woman's desires. We invite them into ours.

*comment from a forum*
he works so hard yet he hasn't adhered to the most basic cardinal rule of software development, don't push untested stuff to the main branch. All his other arguments are trying to play on people's emotions to feel bad for him because he has to work so hard and people don't understand him. Which is meaningless because he's running a business, and selling a product. Feelings are not involved here. You keep your customers happy, and you take their feedback seriously and you don't try to take advantage of them. This post upsets me greatly because this is the exact reason I was upset about that situation with people judging whether or not you're allowed to be upset. Lava is listing reasons why being upset with him is wrong, and why those that are upset with him are low quality individual losers who know nothing. Literally "if you're upset because of how I RUN MY GAME you're low quality and I will ignore you".

*comment from a forum*
its far better to self care than it is to be a slave. vacation over toiling work in a lot of cases, or at least a extreme of both sides (which will eventually lead to more vacation than work due to the nature of the body working even without working). that's why perhaps the advancement of humanity can indeed be seen as at the very least self destructive to higher intelligence(creator/architect/god etc.) because by nature of the human body, the body requires and is always in a self destructive motion. it is also inherently needy as it has requirements it must fulfill such as food shelter water etc. for someone to indulge another one must suffer, and outside of the human body system itself, we also see this dynamic with jobs. cooperates who have the lower class work hard yet the higher you go up in the chain the less work is required (at the very least the nature of work changes). all im saying is that, the progression of humanity in its own direction, requires this system sacrifice thing.
*comment from a forum*
culture is also going to be hideously feminist so all the men are overly feminine as well and are more likely to form cliques and engage in the social competitions and attacks to the degree that women do

*comment from a forum*
We take resources from things in motion, and yet we die and provide nutrients to the thing we took from. Those same things keep us birthing and alive just to repeat the cycle. Even though the system is parasitic, it has a purpose. The purpose is the cycle. Its like a machine. a battery. A system that creates systems that create systems etc. Unless we look at it from a greater perspective, we, the gears of the machine may not understand that the car is moving! The electrons is a battery may not understand the chemical reaction taking place, and how they are moving in the same flow to power the lightbulb. Putting aside the metaphysical aspect of a human, human beings are animals that die and provide its flesh for the soil. This is purposeful. The bacteria's eat and digest our flesh and those bacteria provide good nutrients to the earth. Humans leave their impact and so do animals.

*comment from a forum*
Now whether human purpose is morally righteous is another question to dive into. Adding back the metaphysical, some believe that perhaps our consciousness is in this animalistic system as jail, or for our consciousnesses to learn. The answer to that question is more complicated though. (This question is why myself dive deep into researching biblical books and writings that explain righteousness and the nature of the "creator", Like the bible, to explain such).
Also, i think everything is living. Variations of matter, visible or not. The atoms/electrons in a nonliving thing still move slowly or intensely. Remember, living bacteria and simple life forms, are still considered living. Is not a sperm cell a living thing? Why not the matter that also moves? Our definition of what is considered living is largely convoluted, but i think, as long as a thing in motion exists undisturbed within its natural template without requiring intervention, it can be considered living.
I believe in a omnipotent creator "thing/everything" of all.
And understanding even a little bit of the things this "thing/everything" is responsible for here is; understanding the interoperability of science that correctly explains particle and motion, to everything here." This common denominator."

Perhaps this can help you understand where im coming from. Simply put, cold air is slower air particles and hot air is faster air particles. A rock may not move with its hind legs or vibrate where u can feel, but they all have their own frequency unknowing to us that are in motion. (this is not pseudoscience either, look at how quartz watches work). I personally think all is connected. Everything is living but not all things are conscious of itself and "alive". Otherwise how else would the nonliving effect the living? Things must be connected somehow.

*comment from a forum*

Now you can say it's foolishness unto him. Unless you've got something to give him on a plate, it's foolishness to him. Unless you've got something to give him to drink, you're foolish. Unless you've got some water to put him in, it's foolishness. The natural man and a natural thing or the carnal ordinances and a carnal mind; and to be carnal minded is death, because the body is destined to die.

*comment from a forum*
Now look, you can just say, 'Don't you see?' And, 'You see Joe?' Now you're wasting your time. That man is blind, he can't see. He can't see why we are saying that. And that's the reason why we tell 'em in this school, there's no sense in you going out down here down the street and getting in no argument with somebody down there and losing your job and creating a lot of enemies out there in the street. There just ain't no sense in that. Now there's a time and a place. In Ecclesiastes a time to be born, there's a time to die, there's a time to speak, and there's a time to keep your mouth shut. There's a time to get and a time to lose. Now, from as long as we've been going to this school, it's time you learned something. With all the experience that you've had out here talking to these people around here, it's time for you to learn that a natural man there, He is not going to receive the things of the spirit, cause you talk like a fool. Alright, read on.

*comment from a forum*
My questions are do you think this is just a classic shittest to test my investment or is there a more serious underlying problem like loss of attraction or respect. She's clearly not committed to a relationship with you. And lastly, how do i recover? This is the problem and this is what she was testing for. You are TRYING TO MAKE IT WORK with a girl who has EXPRESSED SERIOUS INTEREST IN ANOTHER GUY. Do you see that this is a problem? You didn't ditch her on the spot. You doubled down on your commitment to MAKING IT WORK by talking to her about it instead of ditching her on the spot or demoting to FWB. She also until recently regularly expressed insecurities about how she thinks she might not be good enough for me, that i don't care about her as much as she does, that she's scared of driving me away with her insecurities and other shit along those lines, but i've given her enough comfort/reassurance at this point for these thoughts to not come up much any more. She's insecure, you show beta commitment, and now she's looking elsewhere and disrespecting you. You fell for the trap of "she needs me to be beta so I'll be beta and she'll appreciate it". Reality: she needs you to be beta for her dopamine, money, orbital and agenda source, and since you are beta, she does NOT appreciate it, she voices that she is about to cheat, and you TRY TO MAKE IT WORK.

*comment from a forum*
Pre-selection refers to the principle of human mate-choice copying. Do your own research. Importantly, it is based on women's perception rather than reality. I believe one of the reasons looks is so important is bc it gives you implied preselection. It also explains why certain traits (e.g. height, certain phenotypes etc.) are overemphasized by women. Obviously looks matter to a degree, but rather than the proliferation of online dating + social media causing a return to the historical mean (winner take-all, the best looking dominate the market) it's actually further distorted the situation. That is, historically a man's general health mattered but his physical attractiveness did not and what was most important was his STATUS granting him ACCESS. People often cite the statistic that like 17 women reproduced for every man, but those top men wouldn't necessarily have been top in looks, but rather top in status, perhaps with looks, among other men. This coincides with studies which have demonstrated the importance of Intrasexual dominance to male mating success. Ultimately, if a man can make it to being above a 4/10 (e.g. bad facial structure but good skin+teeth+hair+body etc.) then status becomes incredibly important. After a guy does all the softmaxes that he can, his time would be way better spent statusmaxxing than visiting Taban to fix upper eyelid exposure or (god forbid) making a trip to Eppley the butcher.
Of course, better looks is always better, and looks do give you inherent status/make it easier to build. However, if these ppl would leave the basement they'd see that it's only half of the equation, the other half being ACCESS. Looks can get you access, but other things can too. In every top frat (at american universities) there's always a few hyper-NT guys who were able to get in and are able to do way better than they should based on looks alone because they have status. Similarly, the men who actually get legit 8's and 9's are rarely that high themselves. preselection is the secret. I've been experimenting with preselection especially, and I still struggle to believe how powerful it is. I can't believe it's not more discussed. Before i knew about preselection i found out by experience. Didn't even know it was a term. Even as a above average looking male, one of the first questions i would ever get from a women is "do you have a girlfriend?" Preselection really is the key to understanding the totality of this. Same science behind why a below average subhuman ethic in a foreign county can be top SMV by being "exotic". The preselection of this his type is simply more suggested, but not a means to an end. Same reason why this OSRS nerd is slaying. He doesn't have to be a worldwide celeb, but i bet you if he put his YouTube channel stuff on any OLD profile etc. his interest from chicks would be unmatched. Just like how you see with his wife. She definitely knows his YouTube, and the popularity suggests a large preselection. It works on macro and micro levels as well. You don't have to be a celebrity. Like you said this can apply in many situations. Fraternity order, hierarchy in jobs, being exotic in a foreign land etc.

*comment from a forum*
The stress is real but their reasoning as to why is not. The narcissist is also a codependent, they thrive on the power dynamics between the passive and aggressive behavior that is exchanged. On a scientific level codependency is measured as an addiction to cortisol levels. So, for a narcissist to continue on being so, they continue to feed off the stress. The nuances to the addiction are not easy to understand for most ppl let alone the Narc. So maybe they are aware that they are inflicting stress on others but the “why” goes no further. This behavior is what they cultivate, as the human body works with repetition, and the choices of initially adopting these behaviors developed more and more. Sometimes it is even caused by a situational circumstances, hence why people in harsh or stressful places also tend to cultivate these behaviors.
But you’re right in that the stress is not caused by you, it’s cause by them and their addiction to their own high they get when hearing the answer “no.” Sometimes they’ll specifically ask for outrageous things just so they can get high. Then comes the guilt tripping power play: their thought- “how can I resume power and get what I want.” To make your emotions someone else’s problem is, again, textbook codependency, then sparks the anxiety /stress in you, which is more fuel to their fire.
For a narcissist to take “no” for an answer and just settle with that calmly would make them not a narcissist. Stress is in fact what they need to exist. This is why the best behavioral advice with a narcissist is to be assertive. It stops aggression in its tracks. (Not as simple when you’re a child in their home though, you’re subject to massive manipulation)
A narcissist is also someone who refuses to believe they are one, that’s the biggest red flag in identifying one. Someone who isn’t a narcissist would question their behavior and see if it has a potential to apply to them. So to get a narcissist to see that you aren’t at fault is much more complex of a process. All you have to do is just own that you are not responsible for the way they feel and control your nervous system. If you can look at them through the lens of them being an addict then you can see how to not enable them, don’t give them their drug. Say, NO.

*comment from a forum*
Porn is a fetish in itself reinforced by the search of titles, etc. That's why there's so many problems with ED when you watch porn. An isolated fetish that is completely disconnected to your body. And to make it worst its a fetish of the imagination. I realized this is the case because porn would very often be the initiator of wanting to do sexual activities, but rarely the fuel when being in real life.. Its really dangerous. And probably the reason why a lot of men/"incels" etc. are so lusted after seeing (sexual clothes, imagining sexual circumstances later on etc.), but at the same time, are also never really as lusted to act during that present moment, thus their pain of not being able to actually manifest sexual situations in real life despite having the clear opportunities todo so. This is hard to explain in words. Lets just say its the imagination that turned him on. Porn preys on this and pushes that imagination to the edge. One of the many things it also does is build this imaginative(first) passive behavior and disconnects you from your own body. All the while turning your imagination lustful, and uncontrollable. Lets take it this way. In today's time, a lot of men for the most part were raised with porn. Porn has been something most people knew longer than their own parents. Take someone who has not watched porn at all and it is a big difference. Subtle, but impactful because lets say a man looks at an attractive woman. The guy who has not watched porn is more inclined to have a mental pattern that requires less of an initial imaginative thought than the one who watches porn. The guy who watches porn would also be more likely to continue to think or fantasize with that woman in his head. Not only is this bad from a spiritual perspective, but also is somewhat of a bigger problem as this not only applies to sexual encounters. Mental patterns remain, and like said, take a person who does not have a trained mind for this specific pattern of imaginative thought and the differences are clear.

*comment from a forum*
Degrees are a complete scam, but the job market is saturated so employers will reject you based off not having a certain useless piece of paper. they will also pay you less if you don't have this paper even if you do the exact same work. But the most crazy part is that they will pay you, degree or not, the same exact wage. I saw a teachers position today on a job site. How much were they getting paid? 14-17 an hour. Just as much as a fucking McDonalds worker. At least with the worker, with enough charisma you can potentially meet better people and climb your way up. Every single guy I know that has started working after university tells me that everything they learned is useless and you learn what you need to know at your job. I am convinced that universities/colleges are subsidized to further brainwash the average citizen into submission. They don't want free-thinkers, people taking risks, setting up companies, etc. They want people that are used to working 9-5 and content with that. Also too invested to quit (oh my god what a waste of your degree/talent) etc. Satans masters need worker-drones, and thats what the school/academia system is for.

*comment from a forum*
You ever notice that a woman can have any type of personality and she can still find a man who wants her? The man not only wants her for sex, but would love to be in a relationship with her too. A woman can be masculine and dominant and there are some men who love this and see nothing wrong with it. It’s normal. A woman can be weak and fragile and afraid and men will still love this type of woman and want to be in a relationship with her no matter what. But…this is not true for men. A man has to be an electrician, a fighter, an engineer, a fearless warrior, funny, dominant, and at the same time he has to sexually satisfy the woman and offer her something sexually that other men cannot. The media and the entire planet constantly celebrate the FEMALE. She is celebrated and loved whether she’s weak, strong, a pushover, etc. But, the media and women (even liberal feminist women) laugh and ridicule men who are not the stereotypical man. No woman, whether she’s feminist or trad, wants a man who cannot fight and is a weak little cuck who cannot do shit. It’s a turn off to women when a man cannot do car mechanic shit and change tires and hardwire vehicles to work. It’s a turnoff to women when a man cannot fix things around the house and be a “handyman”. It’s also a turnoff to women when a man is physically weak or afraid of anything. Its also a turnoff when a man can only do those masc things and not the feminine ones, like social proficiency and whatnot. These people are children. Go your own way.

*comment from a forum*
Didn’t understand til I grew up and started studying religions. There are rules for a reason. And ladies and infantile men should be restricted. Children should be protected. Letting them just do stuff (“Equality”) leads to chaos (freeDOOM); because they just don’t make good decisions. That’s what the story of Eve was about — Even from a human perspective. And everything we do is to escape this.

*comment from a forum*
unfortunately. bullying is an important evolutionary mechanism of satans kingdom. it's an enforcement of the "masters" desired norms, social hierarchies, and power structures. now it's given way to "progressive" inclusion which means every stinking pile of excrement subhuman gets the same entitlement and expectation out of life as chad. this isn't normal and absolutely obliterates the natural balance and social order. this is also what contributes to heavy male competition. But this is but one small piece of the pie

*comment from a forum*
BY philosopher and writer 'Sixpence'.
Do you know what the #metoo movement essentially was?
It was essentially women trying to cover for their innate disadvantage compared to men. You see, most people are creatures of the body. They have no higher mind, no desire to create something Godlike and of the spirit. They have no ability to project an aura that sweeps people up in a frenzy. These people are basic, unremarkable creatures in spirit. Because of this, it was given to them incredible physical beauty and capabilities of arousing such physical pleasures in mankind, that adams natural powers of mind and spirit could be mitigated.

*comment from a forum*
Yes, women are attracted to Chads. But they are also attracted to Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and Nicolas Cruz. They are attracted to the ‘evil geniuses’ of the world who, despite their genetic inferiority, decide the play God against nature and ‘take matters into their own hands’. Throughout history, women may have a fling with the handsome prettyboy, but that fool doesn’t keep a woman interested. They eventually discard those men like pieces of meat. Dare I say it, women treat only facially, or aesthetically attractive Chads the way powerful men treat women. Chads are almost always feminine in this way- Faggots obsessed with the body and their looks, helpless in the face of real power. This is also why celebs get cheated on too whne their women rushes to the next celeb or person who implies preselection

*comment from a forum*
As women have grown more masculine in this era, they want more feminine men…AKA chads, handsome guys, and guys who have no real brilliance besides their physical genetics. That is safe for women. Such men can’t really sweep women into the world that is foreign to them- let alone the world of the spirit, the world away from physical nature (in which they are so adept and in love with).
The women who slept with Cosby were not retching in disgust while doing it. Rose McGowan maintained a years long relationship with Weinstein. She was captivated by his unfathomable confidence and entitlement, despite his hideous, obese appearance. Bill Cosby, a famous black man in the 1950s and 1960s, and hardly a good looker, if appeared today on, people would say he was a nerdy looking n***a and a blackcel), forced himself onto white female entertainers in his own dressing room! If those women wanted, they could have gotten Cosby jailed within 2 seconds, but they liked it. #Metoo was purely a tool of psychological war, an attempt to traumatize men for believing they could outdo their genetics. And a tool to gaslight men to take lower note of their own genetics in comparison to the female body. I am not endorsing all of these figures, or making a moral judgement on them. Again, I am not endorsing rape.

*comment from a forum*
There's a lot of misunderstanding that gratefulness=reciprocating the receiving of eternal love and devices. Think about when someone calls a person “ungrateful” They usually mean that person is not showing appreciation to a person or thing that provided them with resources and such.
But this is not ungratefulness. What if the devil gives you a billion dollars, but also torments you ever single second you own that money of his. What if he gives you a billon dollars, yet does so knowing you are a crackhead, living in an area where spending money on crack is highly promoted and recommended. What if the devil is ordered to keep you alive yet the whole time you are living hes torturing you? What if the devil gives you a billion dollar yet takes your soul?
Should you be grateful to the devil in these cases? Are you ungrateful because you said no? Gratefulness is being in a state of satiation. Being ungrateful is moving as if you were always insatiated, to the one who is satiating. If you reject a person's love, or choose to opt out of something because of your satiation, then that is not being ungrateful.

*comment from a forum*
Im criticizing the author's and illustrators' decision making because I (subjectively) greatly dislike the notion and vision of people (females in particular) dressing like, well.... thots. It serves no purpose but to appeal to the quiet vile fantasies of the author and audience. to me it a bit like forcing every character into a sex scene solely because of the fact that they exist. Now think about society.

*comment from a forum*
It isn’t hypocritical because the complaint from men isn’t that women do this, but that they deny this is happening. At a macro level, women share the Chads. Almost no woman is sexless and the number of women involuntarily sexless is infinitesimal. However, around 1/3rd of men are sexless and probably a good 50% are incel-adjacent. The only mathematical way this situation can arise is if a larger number of women are sharing the top cohort of men. It’s indisputable, yet many women and some men persistently deny this against frankly conclusive proof.

*comment from a forum*
No he doesn’t. He might have issues with business people that happen to be Jewish. But what makes them bad isn’t their Jewishness, it’s their exploitative capitalism. He has a reason to call out Jewish people. The denial isn’t going to be effective after he calls out exploitation and intimidation tactics of a ethnic group then the world watches that power publicly destroy a human being. He didn’t give up hundreds of millions just for giggles.

*comment from a forum*
On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was officially appointed chancellor of Germany. His rise to power ushered in Nazi control of the country and led to the horrors of the Holocaust. Among those targeted by the Third Reich were lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. LGBTQ people would be sent to concentration camps alongside Jews, the disabled, and many more — but one of the Nazis's first shows of force against Germany’s LGBTQ community was an attack on information. On May 6, 1933, Nazi demonstrators raided the libraries of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, a German name that roughly translates to the Institute of Sexology. The Institute was a privately operated research space for studies of human sexuality. More than 20,000 books were taken from shelves and burned days later in the streets by Nazi youth groups. It was a devastating blow to the life’s work of Magnus Hirschfeld, the institute’s founder. Hirschfeld, who was Jewish and gay, was a pioneer for rights and liberation in Berlin’s thriving LGBTQ community. He founded the institute in 1919, after beginning his career as an activist in 1896 with his pamphlet Sappho and Socrates, about a gay man who took his own life after he felt he was being coerced into a straight marriage. Hirschfeld’s early publications laid the groundwork for his profile to rise until he became one of the most prominent LGBTQ activists in the world. He even cowrote one of the first gay characters to appear in a film, for 1919’s Different From the Others. In 1904, he published a book titled Berlin’s Drittes Geschlecht, which translates to Berlin’s Third Sex. It was an early look at gender variance in early 20th-century Germany, which had a thriving drag scene and a burgeoning transgender community. His prominence as the founder of the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee (which began in 1897) and the World League for Sexual Reform (founded in 1928) added to his credibility. But it was his institute that was credited with creating one of the first medical facilities in the world that could provide gender affirmation surgeries for trans people who wanted them.

*comment from a forum*
I think it's because most of women's problems are in their own head. Imaginary. So therapy can help with this.
They don't struggle from loneliness, lack of validation, affection or admiration for their work. For men, most of us face real issues and lack of objective life quality. Therapists don't really help with that.

*comment from a forum*
Men tended to group together in fraternity's in trade unions ect. They were harder to control so they dismantled the structures and employed women. The rest is self evident so il leave it at that. Perfect for the new normal. 16 hrs a week topped up with benefits flexi hours around school time. Female empowerment. Non of this was done to help women it was to get a cheaper easier to control workforce. Its all contrived. Watch the adds for new developments and agendas . All driven by women/feminist/high t women, or homosexual/beta/innersex/feminine men. Put them in power above the genuines but not above the ruling class. This is in all aspects of life not just politics either. Should i further explain why? Gatekeeper class and population control. and an attempt to get “control” of this info as it has been growing in popularity, there needs to be topics that are similar, yet filled with all types of craziness, lies and agendas. These created truther trap topics which are then used to maintain the divisions.

*comment from a forum*
probably used his immense feminist skills to get a rotation of girls somehow and now is saying "its karma bros! accept it" like an utter fucking retardLmao wtf is this retard talking about? You can't treat other people as disposable unless you have someone else to replace the person you are disposing of, AKA "having options", something that your average Joe has never had. Lmao the only ones that could treat women as disposable were men with plenty of options AKA chads . Your average Joe has never had the looks, nor the status, nor the wealth to have multiple options therefore how can he treat any girl as "disposable" when he has no other girl to replace them with? Lmao once again women "treating" a vast majority of men in a way because of the behavior of the top 20%. Also known as the apex fallacy. Apex fallacy An apex fallacy (also semantic apex fallacy) occurs when someone evaluates a group based on the performance of best group members, not a representative sample of the group members (e.g., evaluating how well women are doing by looking only at national leaders). Conversely, the nadir fallacy... Whenever women like to shit talk men in general, remember they are attacking the whole group of men for the behavior of the top 20%, that they WILLINGLY chose to fuck because they are literally chads and chads are the only men that sexually/ physically turn them on. And it's funny, when they use the word "men" when they are talking about chads and the behavior of chads. Hmmm, I wonder, does this mean that women don't see non chads as "real men"?

*comment from a forum*
oh and last thing is the firmament. Operation fishbowl, tower of babel, Antarctica and nasa stuff, all revolving around keeping the firmament. Climate change hoax to coverup the sun getting brighter not hotter perhaps. The sun and moon being the same size aka eclipses, and the moon actually giving off her own light acording to the bible. water above and below the firmament via how Noah's flood occurred. probably in different densities. Aliens they deplict in media=demon spirits, or "watchers". Was the path to the promise land a lesson on self cultivation to truth? Think about what happens when we do fall into truth. The holes we fall in, truther traps, the rejection from family. Compare it to what happened to "isreal" The lack of egyptian food but the "mana" from heaven. The people your around who still want to stick to the "old" places customs, like idols (idolotry), desire of their "meat" even in the abundence of gods "bread". Even moses, who was choose to be a leader to the other people (can i compare moses to a truth leader, and the other congregation fellowtruth seekers?)Think moses when even he eventually turned to blindness by following the peoples old beliefs (like how he hit the rock physically, instead of doing what "god" has intended, thus as a result not making it into the promised land)
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*comment from this forum*
Watch the channel named "San Francisco truth" on bitchute. Tech giants, beast that makes marvel over the wound is technology. Hub of tech is san Francisco. Look at san Francisco from google maps. Its shaped as a dragon.

*comment from this forum*
There is a future and past until we can live in a state of infinity.
But in the physical body there is a future and past. We live in this body thus we live in a world of future and past. So to say time (future and past) does not "exist, is not the right phrase.

This world and your life is like a game. The concept of a game came from life. Everything here can be calculated depending on how advanced the technology that is calculating it is, as well as the data it can store. but it can be predicted. For example, i know within the next month you will likely eat food, at about a 99.98% chance. Depending on how much i know, record, test, and analyze you, your circumstances, behavior etc, i can predict more in detail, at an even closer rate. And eventuality if i or something were capable, i/it could predict close to 100% exactly when your likely to eat, what you will eat, what you will do, etc. So take this data and scale it up. If something were capable of such calculations, it would be entirely possible to completely determine the entire beginning and end of this reality up to miniscule detail. If the future did not exist then such a calculation would be theoretically impossible. This means everything you can do in the body is already predicted, if possible. Thats because of the body limitations. It is not infinate, and we live in the body thus we live inside its time. A sort of paradox that we live in due to our state of being. I am not saying that theres no place where time does not exist though, but time in itself is a concept that exists in this current physicality, due to the nature of the rules this physicality works by. something that we live in. So time exists yet does not persist. *end*

*comments from ghostnappa86 that speaks against crab in a bucket mentality*
I am already struggling, i moved alone to the biggest city in my country to the biggest uni and im working at night and going to the uni by day, I'm not a communist piece of shit to expect the government to pay for me because guess what, my country was a communist shithole
No you just want everyone to struggle, live in abject poverty and be fucking miserable. Instead of addressing the real problem you want everyone to suffer like your dumbass. Fuck you
Everyone struggles you communist idiot, you're a privileged little shit that lives in a developed capitalist country and cries about having to work, why don't you get your stupid ass to Russia for example? Because they're poor as fuck just like every other commie country
No one is crying about having to work you ignorant little shit. People are rightfully upset that the wealthy have taken far more than their fair share and have left the rest of us to suffer in poverty. You're an ignorant nitwit that has no fucking idea about your talking about.
You deserve as much as you produce, nothing more, you lazy communist, as i told the other bozo, go to a communist country if capitalism isn't good, try Russia, you'll die of hunger there just like every communist country and literally my own country when we were red
And as you were told else where Russia isn't communist you ignorant little shit. You have no understanding of capitalism or communism. I highly doubt you even came from a communist country, you're probably some dumbass teenager living in your mom's basement yelling on twitter
Claiming that Russia isn't communist anymore is as stupid as it gets
Ok so you don't know what a communist country looks like. Further evidence that you didn't come from a communist country and are just a teenage dipshit tweeting stupid bullshit from your mom's basement (or more likely the front half of the mobile home)

*comment from this forum*
agreed. actual masculinity is way different to what andrew tate fanboys and tryhard normies think it is tryhard normalshit = acts loud, talks about how they would ‘spark someone out’ or ‘fuck man up’, is rude and disrespectful. bonus points if they larp as being some kind of thug/roadman legit masculine male with indomitable will to power = stays quiet and dangerous, doesn't talk about shit because they actually fucking do it. first type never fucks with the second type. normalscum can tell genuine ‘masculinity’ and danger from the fake thing. that's why NTs hate autists. autism is the male brain and masculinity cranked up to 20. NTs fear that instinctively. if a dark autist and loud poser normie of equal strength and size were to fight, the autist would rip the normie apart and quite literally eat him alive. the mistake this forum makes is assuming masculinity is default a good thing for women or for this female dominated society. too much masculinity makes you completely unrelatable to NTs, as socializing is handled by the female side of human nature. *comment from a bible forum*
God's rebuke of Job's friends is a good clue. The friends are pious and speak in religious clichés: "Oh wow, something bad has happened to you, so you must have done something to deserve it. How dare you defend yourself, shame on you! Just spit out what you did wrong and everything will be okay." Job is the insightful one. He is the one who's honest to his experience. He is angry, confused, lonely, and refuses to let pious clichés get in the way of its expression. This makes him sound increasingly transgressive and blasphemous to his friends. You also notice this divide in the poetic style of the speeches: Job's speeches (like Ch 14 or Ch 3) contain some of the most creative poetry in the Old Testament. Job's friends do not reach such creative heights; aside from a few exceptions, they sound like a watered-down section of Psalms
Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar are all rebuked as liars. They each attempt to employ "You brought it on yourself" and "You deserve even worse just for being a fallen human" theodicy. Elihu claims his revelation is from heaven and is not rebuked as a liar. His thesis is, "God is just, but his methods are mysterious, and maybe there's some remedial plan to bring you up from the pit. It's plausible!" Further, he rejects the claim, "You deserve even worse just for being a fallen human," by reasoning that, in the end, human sins don't really affect God in any way more than irritation or disappointment. God then appears through a storm, boasts about how his power and wisdom are miles above our paygrade to scrutinize, and that we should keep ourselves from making wild conjecture about "things too wonderful for [us] to know." Job finally "gets it," God rebukes Eliphaz, Zophar, and Bildad, commends Job, and incidentally brings Job "up from the pit" like Elihu hoped. The book isn't laid out with well-ordered theses and organized persuasions, and contains a ton of literary flourishes and poetic exaggerations, but this is the jist. It should be read primarily as poetry that points to, in its big themes, some theodicean truths to which mainstream Christianity would do well to pay attention.

*comment from this forum*
Caring about the future generation and the “white genocide” at all when your blackpilled is cucked. Who gives a shit, same goes for cringey “BBC” posters on this website who rot all day here yet say Tyrone is slaying le white woman as if its good for them rofl. Life is a competition between individuals. Not races or groups, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you understand and stop caring about dumb shit like that.*end*

*comment from a media page*
Excessive socializing causes emotional sickness. One will become overly conscious of how others view him and live a lavish lifestyle when they dont even desire luxurious things. *end*

*comment from this forum*
Many strange people do not see other peoples lives as lives. An extreme narcissistic disorder. From the corporate overlords who see you as walking cheap labor, the person down the street who thinks you are a pushover or sucker that can easily give them your money. The parents who see you as a machine that they can exploit and use to wipe their shit when they are old and decrepit as if you are a sims character, to the politicians that see you as stupid stolls that will follow your will like a cult/personal army. *end*

*comment from this forum*
Dysfunctionally taught behavior by people who should never be around children or or be parents. It can even spread and be ingrained as a common or normalized tactic through communities. Like this one.*end*

*comment from a online forum*
You win something, you overestimate your strength and sometimes let your ego grow. This ego becomes fragile and you feel worse when losing in this state, you might take more stupid risks in this state and get hit with the dunning kruger effect in full swing. You lose something, you underestimate yourself and every small win seems like a huge achievement. In this state, you'll take a lot less risks and miss out on potential growth. The takeaway is to simply not let your ego grow or take hold of you whether its up or down. All meditation is, is the end of conceptual thought you become completely immersed in the present moment, and with that comes with a change of identification *end*

*comment from this forum*
Your right.
The odds of being born is actually way more. like 1 in infinity. Because according to scientists that believe in the modern concept of “outer-space”, space is mathematically infinate. And if we are the only such life similar to this nature, than the odds of “life through chance” make less sense to classify as truth, than the idea that we were created by omnipotence (god). To the point where its almost irresponsible to claim we live as a product of chance and not intention.
This is why many believe the idea of chance to be a conspiracy, a false creation used to manipulate peoples perception, perspective, or knowledge of certain truths that would require abandoning the “idea of chance” as a prerequisite.
The concept of hell and heaven is a subject i wont get into much. i think its narcissistic to say someone will go to hell or heaven.
but i do believe in a more logical form of the idea which is karma. Generally if you do fucked up things to people or in general you will eventually learn not to do that, whether its in a friendly way or a non friendly way. Also vice versa. Doing good things or beneficial things and you will eventually learn and receive your action, in a good/or bad way. For this reason people call karma a bitch because it goes both ways for both good and bad.
good in this world often requires sacrifice or a loss of gain, but with the pretense of good being done back to you in some form, as a good action will be (good) thus beneficial, if not directly to you, but to the world which will eventually bring it full round meaning doing good will bring you good.
good and bad karma on both sides, just like how a “bad” person may benefit directly in this world, like how we can observe today (cutthroat behaviors considered attractive, capitalistic natures, greed, lust, murder). And even though its a direct then and there net gain in some cases, eventually the karma will go back full round and show him his action in some way the same way good works.

So while heaven and hell is outside my expertise (as it involves actually knowing death). I can only say to do good and to continue to cultivate mental and moral precision as a human. My best example of hell and heaven would be karma and such observations from the current world i live in. Heck, many people consider this place hell and if you think about it the descriptions are also similar.
All in all, The net gains of wickedness is simply not worth the value. Good is good and bad is bad. Just like how nobody wants to go to hell. So be heaven. And on earth while that may bring you hell, according to the time tested principles its worth the investment.

Additionally, i do follow and read the abrahamic books that describe god and such but its part of the “cultivate” process. A journey not a race. *end*

*comment from this forum*
Need a bigger population for economic growth ? Make women and men think having 10 kids is cool.
-Need more men to go at war ? "Give" some women to men and persuade them that you fighting 10k kilometers away from your country's nearest border, or convince them their neighbor is some weird zombie infected person with a disease . Have them mandate things against morality by convincing its to save their family. Carnality in all shapes and sizes end up being wicked huh.
-Need more labour and divided union force so you get richer ? Persuade women that working is cool. Or go hire immigrants that would gladly do your slave work for cheap. Convince them that they are getting a better life here by using their lack of knowledge about relativity against them. American dream.
-Need more feminine society so nobody opposes you ? Make kpoop high e pretty boys appealing to women. Make high T supermodels appealing to the men. They breed more, and boom, a more innersex population. Innersex meaning their chemical balance (which influence behavior, especially social dominance, and what they will be socially dominated to). Chemical balance=behavior, and a less masculine independent brain, and a less submissive female brain means less power to the people, as their chemically neutral.
-Need more divided society with no homogenous population ? Decline birth rate to women and wage war all over the planet so you bring the minimum wage down with refugees.
American corporate sponsored propaganda to justify people being paid low unlivable wages in a country that sent its jobs to China and de industrialized the nation thanks to the same companies pushing this "its you fault your broke" *end*

*comment from a forum*
Feminism is about making women more equal than men. It sounds stupid, because it is. But it's a thinly veiled supremacist movement.
Feminism Feminism is and has always been about women's rights. It's not about equality. They claim it's about equality because they believe themselves to be worse off than men, which means improving their own lives means there'll be more equality. Don't get things twisted.
There's no such thing as equality, purely in the sense that women are not the same as men, same way I would be treated differently whether I was rich or poor. The only reason why men treat women so well and simp, is because we have a preconceived notion that they're frail and need protecting, and not a competition. But life is a competition between individuals. So to those people, If women started to become to be seen as active competition, you can bet there will be heavy discrimination against women, even to the point we would tolerate public slavery under the guise of religion, wealth, education, health, or science, same way we discriminate against wealth. *comment from a forum* I don't even know where men got the idea that female nature is submissive. It isn't. Women's natural state is that of a child. And children constantly whine and rebel until they either get their way or until they are beat into submission. But children don't willingly want to do what their parents say. It isn't in human nature to want to submit, such a state is why religion exists to begin with. Religions understood that people need to be kept in line. This is more true for women than anyone else because of their social nature that differs from men. *end*

*comment from a forum*
the problem with most of these blackpill-denying, oofy-doofy crusading retards is that they just view things on the surface level (seeing them hold hands, kiss, do romantic shit outside)
“I saw a 5 foot 5 subhuman curry with a white HTB brooo :soy::soy::soy: go outside and be NT broo :soy::soy::soy::soy: blackpill is autist cope broo :soy::soy::soy::soy:
but they don’t actually think about the dynamics of the relationship itself.
cheating and dead bedrooms are common as fuck, and can even happen to attractive guys. even if you are maxxed out in looks, status, etc the potential to be cucked will never go unless you MOG the fuck out of your partner where she has more to lose than to gain from cheating.
This is why you see GL guys/girls with people that they mog. It’s for power in the relationship and better treatment.
you see the “oofy-doofy” phenomenon for multiple reasons.
1. Women will have more power in the relationship along with the security of a provider due to a variety of reasons in todays society
2. Since they hold more leverage they can get away with things (like suggesting open relationships so she can fuck chads, and ofc the cuck will go along with it because his desperation, women or wonderful syndrome, lack of iq etc. )
3. Attractive/high smv guys are less stable for LTRS because of the attention they get, but even moreso because of hypergamy. Its just your turn, until the next game presents itself.
4. It’s a genuine relationship built upon shared interests/hobbies and emotional connection. This is where romantic shit like kissing and hugging is present but if the guy is too subhuman he’ll get the bare minimum in the bedroom (she’ll make excuses like that’s too degrading, she did it before and didn’t like it, etc. What she’s willing to do sexually depends on how much she‘s attracted to him and values him (which can happen for reasons other than looks like status). She may even value the relationship so much she would never cheat with a more attractive guy.
–The ideal situation for your average Becky is to be in an open relationship with her normie BF (who would never cheat because he can’t ) and to fuck and do sexually exciting things with genuinely attractive guys (who would never commit)
Any time I see a guy with a girl who mogs him I don’t respond with jealousy or envy, or even astonishment like many of the faggots here do. Instead, I pity the poor bastard.
The blackpill goes deeper than just muh “you must be 6’5” gigachad 7 PSL to land a gf bro” which is clearly nonsense. Anyone with more than a double fucking digit IQ doesn’t think like that. Most of the people crying over oofy doofies are somewhat attractive guys with a non nt/socially acceptable and "cool" personality that prevents them from establishing relationships and connections with these modern honks. They may get casual sex but struggle getting and keeping LTRS.
No one is saying normies or even subhumans can’t get laid or get a gf. No one is saying a normie or subhuman can’t get lucky and pull a Stacy. It’s a numbers game.

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Many dead celebs and money worshipers only resources to FEEL ANYTHING is to vicariously live through OUR Collective reaction to their wealth... Floyd Mayweather has this problem too

*comment from a forum*
Although I can't really claim to fully understand the mechanics
As in, if you believe in some kind of essence inherent to us that transfers with reincarnation, I'm not sure what would define it
If its a completely rewritten self with new experiences, then I don't know if we can compare it to our current self. Although I guess putting aside the idea of whatever individual identity is connected to it, "you" will still feel and experience what your (next life) does
Although if its some kind of new world (which I dont understand either) the problem is sort of solved
I don't know what it translates to regardless. Worth the risk to maximize odds for it though I guess

*comment from a forum*
Peep this. Look at all the women who always preach to men, against mens behaviors She's putting energy into telling men to stop being nice or boring rather than trying to change her own genders way of thinking lol. It stops at "men are too nice, not why shes attracted to non nice men for example". It only dives surface level deep thus shows its for a person who cannot take responsibility or acknowledge a perspective of fault. She's a clown just like the ones she's talking about. At the end of the day, drive your bus at your speed and if these h03s don't arrive on time keep rolling. Her advice is trash. Geniune males don't conform to a woman's desires. We invite them into ours.

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he works so hard yet he hasn't adhered to the most basic cardinal rule of software development, don't push untested stuff to the main branch. All his other arguments are trying to play on people's emotions to feel bad for him because he has to work so hard and people don't understand him. Which is meaningless because he's running a business, and selling a product. Feelings are not involved here. You keep your customers happy, and you take their feedback seriously and you don't try to take advantage of them. This post upsets me greatly because this is the exact reason I was upset about that situation with people judging whether or not you're allowed to be upset. Lava is listing reasons why being upset with him is wrong, and why those that are upset with him are low quality individual losers who know nothing. Literally "if you're upset because of how I RUN MY GAME you're low quality and I will ignore you".

*comment from a forum*
its far better to self care than it is to be a slave. vacation over toiling work in a lot of cases, or at least a extreme of both sides (which will eventually lead to more vacation than work due to the nature of the body working even without working). that's why perhaps the advancement of humanity can indeed be seen as at the very least self destructive to higher intelligence(creator/architect/god etc.) because by nature of the human body, the body requires and is always in a self destructive motion. it is also inherently needy as it has requirements it must fulfill such as food shelter water etc. for someone to indulge another one must suffer, and outside of the human body system itself, we also see this dynamic with jobs. cooperates who have the lower class work hard yet the higher you go up in the chain the less work is required (at the very least the nature of work changes). all im saying is that, the progression of humanity in its own direction, requires this system sacrifice thing.
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culture is also going to be hideously feminist so all the men are overly feminine as well and are more likely to form cliques and engage in the social competitions and attacks to the degree that women do

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We take resources from things in motion, and yet we die and provide nutrients to the thing we took from. Those same things keep us birthing and alive just to repeat the cycle. Even though the system is parasitic, it has a purpose. The purpose is the cycle. Its like a machine. a battery. A system that creates systems that create systems etc. Unless we look at it from a greater perspective, we, the gears of the machine may not understand that the car is moving! The electrons is a battery may not understand the chemical reaction taking place, and how they are moving in the same flow to power the lightbulb. Putting aside the metaphysical aspect of a human, human beings are animals that die and provide its flesh for the soil. This is purposeful. The bacteria's eat and digest our flesh and those bacteria provide good nutrients to the earth. Humans leave their impact and so do animals.

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Now whether human purpose is morally righteous is another question to dive into. Adding back the metaphysical, some believe that perhaps our consciousness is in this animalistic system as jail, or for our consciousnesses to learn. The answer to that question is more complicated though. (This question is why myself dive deep into researching biblical books and writings that explain righteousness and the nature of the "creator", Like the bible, to explain such).
Also, i think everything is living. Variations of matter, visible or not. The atoms/electrons in a nonliving thing still move slowly or intensely. Remember, living bacteria and simple life forms, are still considered living. Is not a sperm cell a living thing? Why not the matter that also moves? Our definition of what is considered living is largely convoluted, but i think, as long as a thing in motion exists undisturbed within its natural template without requiring intervention, it can be considered living.
I believe in a omnipotent creator "thing/everything" of all.
And understanding even a little bit of the things this "thing/everything" is responsible for here is; understanding the interoperability of science that correctly explains particle and motion, to everything here." This common denominator."

Perhaps this can help you understand where im coming from. Simply put, cold air is slower air particles and hot air is faster air particles. A rock may not move with its hind legs or vibrate where u can feel, but they all have their own frequency unknowing to us that are in motion. (this is not pseudoscience either, look at how quartz watches work). I personally think all is connected. Everything is living but not all things are conscious of itself and "alive". Otherwise how else would the nonliving effect the living? Things must be connected somehow.

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Now you can say it's foolishness unto him. Unless you've got something to give him on a plate, it's foolishness to him. Unless you've got something to give him to drink, you're foolish. Unless you've got some water to put him in, it's foolishness. The natural man and a natural thing or the carnal ordinances and a carnal mind; and to be carnal minded is death, because the body is destined to die.

*comment from a forum*
Now look, you can just say, 'Don't you see?' And, 'You see Joe?' Now you're wasting your time. That man is blind, he can't see. He can't see why we are saying that. And that's the reason why we tell 'em in this school, there's no sense in you going out down here down the street and getting in no argument with somebody down there and losing your job and creating a lot of enemies out there in the street. There just ain't no sense in that. Now there's a time and a place. In Ecclesiastes a time to be born, there's a time to die, there's a time to speak, and there's a time to keep your mouth shut. There's a time to get and a time to lose. Now, from as long as we've been going to this school, it's time you learned something. With all the experience that you've had out here talking to these people around here, it's time for you to learn that a natural man there, He is not going to receive the things of the spirit, cause you talk like a fool. Alright, read on.

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My questions are do you think this is just a classic shittest to test my investment or is there a more serious underlying problem like loss of attraction or respect. She's clearly not committed to a relationship with you. And lastly, how do i recover? This is the problem and this is what she was testing for. You are TRYING TO MAKE IT WORK with a girl who has EXPRESSED SERIOUS INTEREST IN ANOTHER GUY. Do you see that this is a problem? You didn't ditch her on the spot. You doubled down on your commitment to MAKING IT WORK by talking to her about it instead of ditching her on the spot or demoting to FWB. She also until recently regularly expressed insecurities about how she thinks she might not be good enough for me, that i don't care about her as much as she does, that she's scared of driving me away with her insecurities and other shit along those lines, but i've given her enough comfort/reassurance at this point for these thoughts to not come up much any more. She's insecure, you show beta commitment, and now she's looking elsewhere and disrespecting you. You fell for the trap of "she needs me to be beta so I'll be beta and she'll appreciate it". Reality: she needs you to be beta for her dopamine, money, orbital and agenda source, and since you are beta, she does NOT appreciate it, she voices that she is about to cheat, and you TRY TO MAKE IT WORK.

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Pre-selection refers to the principle of human mate-choice copying. Do your own research. Importantly, it is based on women's perception rather than reality. I believe one of the reasons looks is so important is bc it gives you implied preselection. It also explains why certain traits (e.g. height, certain phenotypes etc.) are overemphasized by women. Obviously looks matter to a degree, but rather than the proliferation of online dating + social media causing a return to the historical mean (winner take-all, the best looking dominate the market) it's actually further distorted the situation. That is, historically a man's general health mattered but his physical attractiveness did not and what was most important was his STATUS granting him ACCESS. People often cite the statistic that like 17 women reproduced for every man, but those top men wouldn't necessarily have been top in looks, but rather top in status, perhaps with looks, among other men. This coincides with studies which have demonstrated the importance of Intrasexual dominance to male mating success. Ultimately, if a man can make it to being above a 4/10 (e.g. bad facial structure but good skin+teeth+hair+body etc.) then status becomes incredibly important. After a guy does all the softmaxes that he can, his time would be way better spent statusmaxxing than visiting Taban to fix upper eyelid exposure or (god forbid) making a trip to Eppley the butcher.
Of course, better looks is always better, and looks do give you inherent status/make it easier to build. However, if these ppl would leave the basement they'd see that it's only half of the equation, the other half being ACCESS. Looks can get you access, but other things can too. In every top frat (at american universities) there's always a few hyper-NT guys who were able to get in and are able to do way better than they should based on looks alone because they have status. Similarly, the men who actually get legit 8's and 9's are rarely that high themselves. preselection is the secret. I've been experimenting with preselection especially, and I still struggle to believe how powerful it is. I can't believe it's not more discussed. Before i knew about preselection i found out by experience. Didn't even know it was a term. Even as a above average looking male, one of the first questions i would ever get from a women is "do you have a girlfriend?" Preselection really is the key to understanding the totality of this. Same science behind why a below average subhuman ethic in a foreign county can be top SMV by being "exotic". The preselection of this his type is simply more suggested, but not a means to an end. Same reason why this OSRS nerd is slaying. He doesn't have to be a worldwide celeb, but i bet you if he put his YouTube channel stuff on any OLD profile etc. his interest from chicks would be unmatched. Just like how you see with his wife. She definitely knows his YouTube, and the popularity suggests a large preselection. It works on macro and micro levels as well. You don't have to be a celebrity. Like you said this can apply in many situations. Fraternity order, hierarchy in jobs, being exotic in a foreign land etc.

*comment from a forum*
The stress is real but their reasoning as to why is not. The narcissist is also a codependent, they thrive on the power dynamics between the passive and aggressive behavior that is exchanged. On a scientific level codependency is measured as an addiction to cortisol levels. So, for a narcissist to continue on being so, they continue to feed off the stress. The nuances to the addiction are not easy to understand for most ppl let alone the Narc. So maybe they are aware that they are inflicting stress on others but the “why” goes no further. This behavior is what they cultivate, as the human body works with repetition, and the choices of initially adopting these behaviors developed more and more. Sometimes it is even caused by a situational circumstances, hence why people in harsh or stressful places also tend to cultivate these behaviors.
But you’re right in that the stress is not caused by you, it’s cause by them and their addiction to their own high they get when hearing the answer “no.” Sometimes they’ll specifically ask for outrageous things just so they can get high. Then comes the guilt tripping power play: their thought- “how can I resume power and get what I want.” To make your emotions someone else’s problem is, again, textbook codependency, then sparks the anxiety /stress in you, which is more fuel to their fire.
For a narcissist to take “no” for an answer and just settle with that calmly would make them not a narcissist. Stress is in fact what they need to exist. This is why the best behavioral advice with a narcissist is to be assertive. It stops aggression in its tracks. (Not as simple when you’re a child in their home though, you’re subject to massive manipulation)
A narcissist is also someone who refuses to believe they are one, that’s the biggest red flag in identifying one. Someone who isn’t a narcissist would question their behavior and see if it has a potential to apply to them. So to get a narcissist to see that you aren’t at fault is much more complex of a process. All you have to do is just own that you are not responsible for the way they feel and control your nervous system. If you can look at them through the lens of them being an addict then you can see how to not enable them, don’t give them their drug. Say, NO.

*comment from a forum*
Porn is a fetish in itself reinforced by the search of titles, etc. That's why there's so many problems with ED when you watch porn. An isolated fetish that is completely disconnected to your body. And to make it worst its a fetish of the imagination. I realized this is the case because porn would very often be the initiator of wanting to do sexual activities, but rarely the fuel when being in real life.. Its really dangerous. And probably the reason why a lot of men/"incels" etc. are so lusted after seeing (sexual clothes, imagining sexual circumstances later on etc.), but at the same time, are also never really as lusted to act during that present moment, thus their pain of not being able to actually manifest sexual situations in real life despite having the clear opportunities todo so. This is hard to explain in words. Lets just say its the imagination that turned him on. Porn preys on this and pushes that imagination to the edge. One of the many things it also does is build this imaginative(first) passive behavior and disconnects you from your own body. All the while turning your imagination lustful, and uncontrollable. Lets take it this way. In today's time, a lot of men for the most part were raised with porn. Porn has been something most people knew longer than their own parents. Take someone who has not watched porn at all and it is a big difference. Subtle, but impactful because lets say a man looks at an attractive woman. The guy who has not watched porn is more inclined to have a mental pattern that requires less of an initial imaginative thought than the one who watches porn. The guy who watches porn would also be more likely to continue to think or fantasize with that woman in his head. Not only is this bad from a spiritual perspective, but also is somewhat of a bigger problem as this not only applies to sexual encounters. Mental patterns remain, and like said, take a person who does not have a trained mind for this specific pattern of imaginative thought and the differences are clear.

*comment from a forum*
Degrees are a complete scam, but the job market is saturated so employers will reject you based off not having a certain useless piece of paper. they will also pay you less if you don't have this paper even if you do the exact same work. But the most crazy part is that they will pay you, degree or not, the same exact wage. I saw a teachers position today on a job site. How much were they getting paid? 14-17 an hour. Just as much as a fucking McDonalds worker. At least with the worker, with enough charisma you can potentially meet better people and climb your way up. Every single guy I know that has started working after university tells me that everything they learned is useless and you learn what you need to know at your job. I am convinced that universities/colleges are subsidized to further brainwash the average citizen into submission. They don't want free-thinkers, people taking risks, setting up companies, etc. They want people that are used to working 9-5 and content with that. Also too invested to quit (oh my god what a waste of your degree/talent) etc. Satans masters need worker-drones, and thats what the school/academia system is for.

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You ever notice that a woman can have any type of personality and she can still find a man who wants her? The man not only wants her for sex, but would love to be in a relationship with her too. A woman can be masculine and dominant and there are some men who love this and see nothing wrong with it. It’s normal. A woman can be weak and fragile and afraid and men will still love this type of woman and want to be in a relationship with her no matter what. But…this is not true for men. A man has to be an electrician, a fighter, an engineer, a fearless warrior, funny, dominant, and at the same time he has to sexually satisfy the woman and offer her something sexually that other men cannot. The media and the entire planet constantly celebrate the FEMALE. She is celebrated and loved whether she’s weak, strong, a pushover, etc. But, the media and women (even liberal feminist women) laugh and ridicule men who are not the stereotypical man. No woman, whether she’s feminist or trad, wants a man who cannot fight and is a weak little cuck who cannot do shit. It’s a turn off to women when a man cannot do car mechanic shit and change tires and hardwire vehicles to work. It’s a turnoff to women when a man cannot fix things around the house and be a “handyman”. It’s also a turnoff to women when a man is physically weak or afraid of anything. Its also a turnoff when a man can only do those masc things and not the feminine ones, like social proficiency and whatnot. These people are children. Go your own way.

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Didn’t understand til I grew up and started studying religions. There are rules for a reason. And ladies and infantile men should be restricted. Children should be protected. Letting them just do stuff (“Equality”) leads to chaos (freeDOOM); because they just don’t make good decisions. That’s what the story of Eve was about — Even from a human perspective. And everything we do is to escape this.

*comment from a forum*
unfortunately. bullying is an important evolutionary mechanism of satans kingdom. it's an enforcement of the "masters" desired norms, social hierarchies, and power structures. now it's given way to "progressive" inclusion which means every stinking pile of excrement subhuman gets the same entitlement and expectation out of life as chad. this isn't normal and absolutely obliterates the natural balance and social order. this is also what contributes to heavy male competition. But this is but one small piece of the pie

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BY philosopher and writer 'Sixpence'.
Do you know what the #metoo movement essentially was?
It was essentially women trying to cover for their innate disadvantage compared to men. You see, most people are creatures of the body. They have no higher mind, no desire to create something Godlike and of the spirit. They have no ability to project an aura that sweeps people up in a frenzy. These people are basic, unremarkable creatures in spirit. Because of this, it was given to them incredible physical beauty and capabilities of arousing such physical pleasures in mankind, that adams natural powers of mind and spirit could be mitigated.

*comment from a forum*
Yes, women are attracted to Chads. But they are also attracted to Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and Nicolas Cruz. They are attracted to the ‘evil geniuses’ of the world who, despite their genetic inferiority, decide the play God against nature and ‘take matters into their own hands’. Throughout history, women may have a fling with the handsome prettyboy, but that fool doesn’t keep a woman interested. They eventually discard those men like pieces of meat. Dare I say it, women treat only facially, or aesthetically attractive Chads the way powerful men treat women. Chads are almost always feminine in this way- Faggots obsessed with the body and their looks, helpless in the face of real power. This is also why celebs get cheated on too whne their women rushes to the next celeb or person who implies preselection

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As women have grown more masculine in this era, they want more feminine men…AKA chads, handsome guys, and guys who have no real brilliance besides their physical genetics. That is safe for women. Such men can’t really sweep women into the world that is foreign to them- let alone the world of the spirit, the world away from physical nature (in which they are so adept and in love with).
The women who slept with Cosby were not retching in disgust while doing it. Rose McGowan maintained a years long relationship with Weinstein. She was captivated by his unfathomable confidence and entitlement, despite his hideous, obese appearance. Bill Cosby, a famous black man in the 1950s and 1960s, and hardly a good looker, if appeared today on, people would say he was a nerdy looking n***a and a blackcel), forced himself onto white female entertainers in his own dressing room! If those women wanted, they could have gotten Cosby jailed within 2 seconds, but they liked it. #Metoo was purely a tool of psychological war, an attempt to traumatize men for believing they could outdo their genetics. And a tool to gaslight men to take lower note of their own genetics in comparison to the female body. I am not endorsing all of these figures, or making a moral judgement on them. Again, I am not endorsing rape.

*comment from a forum*
There's a lot of misunderstanding that gratefulness=reciprocating the receiving of eternal love and devices. Think about when someone calls a person “ungrateful” They usually mean that person is not showing appreciation to a person or thing that provided them with resources and such.
But this is not ungratefulness. What if the devil gives you a billion dollars, but also torments you ever single second you own that money of his. What if he gives you a billon dollars, yet does so knowing you are a crackhead, living in an area where spending money on crack is highly promoted and recommended. What if the devil is ordered to keep you alive yet the whole time you are living hes torturing you? What if the devil gives you a billion dollar yet takes your soul?
Should you be grateful to the devil in these cases? Are you ungrateful because you said no? Gratefulness is being in a state of satiation. Being ungrateful is moving as if you were always insatiated, to the one who is satiating. If you reject a person's love, or choose to opt out of something because of your satiation, then that is not being ungrateful.

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Im criticizing the author's and illustrators' decision making because I (subjectively) greatly dislike the notion and vision of people (females in particular) dressing like, well.... thots. It serves no purpose but to appeal to the quiet vile fantasies of the author and audience. to me it a bit like forcing every character into a sex scene solely because of the fact that they exist. Now think about society.

*comment from a forum*
It isn’t hypocritical because the complaint from men isn’t that women do this, but that they deny this is happening. At a macro level, women share the Chads. Almost no woman is sexless and the number of women involuntarily sexless is infinitesimal. However, around 1/3rd of men are sexless and probably a good 50% are incel-adjacent. The only mathematical way this situation can arise is if a larger number of women are sharing the top cohort of men. It’s indisputable, yet many women and some men persistently deny this against frankly conclusive proof.

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No he doesn’t. He might have issues with business people that happen to be Jewish. But what makes them bad isn’t their Jewishness, it’s their exploitative capitalism. He has a reason to call out Jewish people. The denial isn’t going to be effective after he calls out exploitation and intimidation tactics of a ethnic group then the world watches that power publicly destroy a human being. He didn’t give up hundreds of millions just for giggles.

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On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was officially appointed chancellor of Germany. His rise to power ushered in Nazi control of the country and led to the horrors of the Holocaust. Among those targeted by the Third Reich were lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. LGBTQ people would be sent to concentration camps alongside Jews, the disabled, and many more — but one of the Nazis's first shows of force against Germany’s LGBTQ community was an attack on information. On May 6, 1933, Nazi demonstrators raided the libraries of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, a German name that roughly translates to the Institute of Sexology. The Institute was a privately operated research space for studies of human sexuality. More than 20,000 books were taken from shelves and burned days later in the streets by Nazi youth groups. It was a devastating blow to the life’s work of Magnus Hirschfeld, the institute’s founder. Hirschfeld, who was Jewish and gay, was a pioneer for rights and liberation in Berlin’s thriving LGBTQ community. He founded the institute in 1919, after beginning his career as an activist in 1896 with his pamphlet Sappho and Socrates, about a gay man who took his own life after he felt he was being coerced into a straight marriage. Hirschfeld’s early publications laid the groundwork for his profile to rise until he became one of the most prominent LGBTQ activists in the world. He even cowrote one of the first gay characters to appear in a film, for 1919’s Different From the Others. In 1904, he published a book titled Berlin’s Drittes Geschlecht, which translates to Berlin’s Third Sex. It was an early look at gender variance in early 20th-century Germany, which had a thriving drag scene and a burgeoning transgender community. His prominence as the founder of the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee (which began in 1897) and the World League for Sexual Reform (founded in 1928) added to his credibility. But it was his institute that was credited with creating one of the first medical facilities in the world that could provide gender affirmation surgeries for trans people who wanted them.

*comment from a forum*
I think it's because most of women's problems are in their own head. Imaginary. So therapy can help with this.
They don't struggle from loneliness, lack of validation, affection or admiration for their work. For men, most of us face real issues and lack of objective life quality. Therapists don't really help with that.

*comment from a forum*
Men tended to group together in fraternity's in trade unions ect. They were harder to control so they dismantled the structures and employed women. The rest is self evident so il leave it at that. Perfect for the new normal. 16 hrs a week topped up with benefits flexi hours around school time. Female empowerment. Non of this was done to help women it was to get a cheaper easier to control workforce. Its all contrived. Watch the adds for new developments and agendas . All driven by women/feminist/high t women, or homosexual/beta/innersex/feminine men. Put them in power above the genuines but not above the ruling class. This is in all aspects of life not just politics either. Should i further explain why? Gatekeeper class and population control. and an attempt to get “control” of this info as it has been growing in popularity, there needs to be topics that are similar, yet filled with all types of craziness, lies and agendas. These created truther trap topics which are then used to maintain the divisions.

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probably used his immense feminist skills to get a rotation of girls somehow and now is saying "its karma bros! accept it" like an utter fucking retardLmao wtf is this retard talking about? You can't treat other people as disposable unless you have someone else to replace the person you are disposing of, AKA "having options", something that your average Joe has never had. Lmao the only ones that could treat women as disposable were men with plenty of options AKA chads . Your average Joe has never had the looks, nor the status, nor the wealth to have multiple options therefore how can he treat any girl as "disposable" when he has no other girl to replace them with? Lmao once again women "treating" a vast majority of men in a way because of the behavior of the top 20%. Also known as the apex fallacy. Apex fallacy An apex fallacy (also semantic apex fallacy) occurs when someone evaluates a group based on the performance of best group members, not a representative sample of the group members (e.g., evaluating how well women are doing by looking only at national leaders). Conversely, the nadir fallacy... Whenever women like to shit talk men in general, remember they are attacking the whole group of men for the behavior of the top 20%, that they WILLINGLY chose to fuck because they are literally chads and chads are the only men that sexually/ physically turn them on. And it's funny, when they use the word "men" when they are talking about chads and the behavior of chads. Hmmm, I wonder, does this mean that women don't see non chads as "real men"?

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oh and last thing is the firmament. Operation fishbowl, tower of babel, Antarctica and nasa stuff, all revolving around keeping the firmament. Climate change hoax to coverup the sun getting brighter not hotter perhaps. The sun and moon being the same size aka eclipses, and the moon actually giving off her own light acording to the bible. water above and below the firmament via how Noah's flood occurred. probably in different densities. Aliens they deplict in media=demon spirits, or "watchers". Was the path to the promise land a lesson on self cultivation to truth? Think about what happens when we do fall into truth. The holes we fall in, truther traps, the rejection from family. Compare it to what happened to "isreal" The lack of egyptian food but the "mana" from heaven. The people your around who still want to stick to the "old" places customs, like idols (idolotry), desire of their "meat" even in the abundence of gods "bread". Even moses, who was choose to be a leader to the other people (can i compare moses to a truth leader, and the other congregation fellowtruth seekers?)Think moses when even he eventually turned to blindness by following the peoples old beliefs (like how he hit the rock physically, instead of doing what "god" has intended, thus as a result not making it into the promised land)
This is decreasing braincells
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