Best and worst cities for dating in Burgerland (For dating success )

I wasn't even talking about iq, I dont care if poles have 80 iq on average or what mine is over 150 in stanford binet
Funny how every .org user is atleast 130 iq
Funny how every .org user is atleast 130 iq
My life isn't shit I'm not an incel I make decent money and I have a high quality girlfriend, I'm only here for threads that I may not have seen before and talking shit and you're essentially doing me a service because it's entertaining.
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My life isn't shit I'm not an incel I make decent money and I have a high quality girlfriend, I'm only here for threads that I may not have seen before and talking shit and you're essentially doing me a service because it's entertaining.
.org is only good for connecting with other isolated people if you are one, shitposting and the occasional high iq helpful thread which there are surprising amounts of if you go through the bs
.org is only good for connecting with other isolated people if you are one, shitposting and the occasional high iq helpful thread which there are surprising amounts of if you go through the bs
nah im not isolated, but im not a chad either im NW1 with slight recession maybe i wanna look up how to improve hair, sometimes I might get a small pimple I wanna know what to do about it you know

I dont have it bad im healthy
  • +1
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nah im not isolated, but im not a chad either im NW1 with slight recession maybe i wanna look up how to improve hair, sometimes I might get a small pimple I wanna know what to do about it you know

I dont have it bad im healthy
Just take dutasteride
Just take dutasteride
dutasteride for NW1 with minimal recession are you fucking retarded its more potent than finasteride especially at 18 it will shut down your balls

Id rather take minox but even that Im not too sure about cause of the shedding phase and shit

with my hairstyle you would never be able to tell that my hairline is recessed, no one would even call it recessed its slightly matured
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
dutasteride for NW1 with minimal recession are you fucking retarded
It has the same incidence of side effects as fin and is more effective there’s no reason not to take it

especially at 18 it will shut down your balls
It won’t that’s a myth 5ar inhibitors have less than 1% chance of any side effects in general

Id rather take minox but even that Im not too sure about cause of the shedding phase and shit
Unless u attack the root cause of ur hair loss ur delaying the inevitable
It has the same incidence of side effects as fin and is more effective there’s no reason not to take it

It won’t that’s a myth 5ar inhibitors have less than 1% chance of any side effects in general

Unless u attack the root cause of ur hair loss ur delaying the inevitable
If what you are saying is really true, I'll consider it once I get to like NW2 or NW2.5

NW3 is a completely another level of balding
  • +1
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i hope america gets nuked tbh couldnt care if youre struggling
Eurocuck talking here folks. Where they are known for nothing but garbage. If any country gets fucked first it yours little shitboon
Eurocuck talking here folks. Where they are known for nothing but garbage. If any country gets fucked first it yours little shitboon
europe isn't a country retard
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
u need to be 6'3 black with dreads and bbc to slay in any state besides montana alabama and tennessee tbh
europe isn't a country retard
I’m referring to any country that you live in which is within Europe retard. Since you’re physically closer to the communists. Dumb polcuck shithead.
I’m referring to any country that you live in which is within Europe retard. Since you’re physically closer to the communists. Dumb polcuck shithead.
how do you know i live in europe retard, all you know is that im from there
Dating is NOT a "numbers game". Chad will have major advantage all the time.
Over 63 comments....holy shit !!!! As a grey I never expected this.
how do you know i live in europe retard, all you know is that im from there
It’s ok low iq dog your argument is null and you live in a shithole.
1) you don’t live in America and if you do then cry more u self hating fag
2) ur polcuck
3) 10k posts in 3-4 months with dog 💩 ratio; indicative that your content is shit, worthless, not interesting
4) you are closer to the commies than Americans
1) you don’t live in America and if you do then cry more u self hating fag
Where do I live? Clearly you know...
2) ur polcuck
Poles are not the ones cucking to bbc, that's sweet America.
3) 10k posts in 3-4 months with dog 💩 ratio; indicative that your content is shit, worthless, not interesting
Nah it just means that most incels disagree with me, who cares if incels disagree with me?
4) you are closer to the commies than Americans
Communism is why we aren't being cucked by nigger bbc btw
He is kekistani
European nigger. Ur fucking Dalit Indian u can’t even make fun of any stani countries :lul: maybe u could make fun of Somalia or some shit tho.
Where do I live? Clearly you know...

Poles are not the ones cucking to bbc, that's sweet America.

Nah it just means that most incels disagree with me, who cares if incels disagree with me?

Communism is why we aren't being cucked by nigger bbc btw
Polcuck is getting cucked by bbc 😂😂😂
10k posts in 3 months means ur the incel u low in retard lmfao.
European nigger. Ur fucking Dalit Indian u can’t even make fun of any stani countries :lul: maybe u could make fun of Somalia or some shit tho.
Okay krakkker
Confederacy phool sapurt saaar
The person who created that is funny asf
the guide is wrong, the ratios are going to be negligible impact except New York City, and its actually better then the guide

Denver is actually a good city due to having lowest obesity rate in america

My friend went to pheonix and did quite well with the women , mainly Latinas, and a few white girls. He was a Arab guy. Pheonix might be deathly hot but its great in the winters and falls and early spring, and it seems a good active night life

I agree with San Francisco being terrible

Portland is mixed. Very socially liberal city. They can either be man haters or dtf

Houston yea probably sucks more fatties down In Texas , but its a huge city, the metro area is 7 million . if you can't get pussy in a large city/metro area more then a million people, you won't succeed anywhere
So I'm the only one who posted a comment relavent to OP question about best city to date/slay in America JFL.

Anyone else got any insights

It seems to me that overall the East coast is better to date.

California and Florida and texas might have more outdoor opportunities as during the winter they all have mild weather , so easier to meet foids
Funny how every .org user is atleast 130 iq
He’s not 150 bhai this guy larps abt every random thing. Says he works 3 freelancing jobs and still makes below minimum wage in Europe, says he has a gf a year older than him then says he’s got a 13 yr old gf. Then says 13 is legal in his country (nowhere but some shithole like Somalia)
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon

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