Best combo weight loss drugs ?

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lol you should really not do any cardio if you take clen,you dont need cardarine. Take clen,be in calorie deficit and lift weights
I did some cardio while taking clen.
Thought i was having a heart attack
T3 + Clen are the most dangerous, you will regret asf, don't use that shit.
y regret t3? i just ordered t3 alone, not using for weight loss, have experienced in the past w clen, was shit and not worth sides
ugly kids telling me to eating less while i do fast of 10-13 days

it never began for you , just go back to tiktok normie
if you fast this long, how don’t you lose weight lol. honestly just starve yourself
so whats ur appetite while on it ? how much dosage u take per week ? 0.5 ?
I eat maybe once a day, and even then it can easily be below 1500 calories.
Only once I'm reaching the end of its efficacy period which is like 4-5 days after an injection do I start to feel a little hungrier and am I prone to eating a bit more than I should. But right before that hits I tend to inject again to avoid it.

Per week I take about 5mg. I had it at 2.5mg for a while but it simply wasn't enough, my weight was stagnant for like 4 weeks so I had to up the dose little by little. But now it's fine.
I eat maybe once a day, and even then it can easily be below 1500 calories.
Only once I'm reaching the end of its efficacy period which is like 4-5 days after an injection do I start to feel a little hungrier and am I prone to eating a bit more than I should. But right before that hits I tend to inject again to avoid it.

Per week I take about 5mg. I had it at 2.5mg for a while but it simply wasn't enough, my weight was stagnant for like 4 weeks so I had to up the dose little by little. But now it's fine.
can u water fast on it? so it doesnt completely
kill ur appetite ?
I eat maybe once a day, and even then it can easily be below 1500 calories.
Only once I'm reaching the end of its efficacy period which is like 4-5 days after an injection do I start to feel a little hungrier and am I prone to eating a bit more than I should. But right before that hits I tend to inject again to avoid it.

Per week I take about 5mg. I had it at 2.5mg for a while but it simply wasn't enough, my weight was stagnant for like 4 weeks so I had to up the dose little by little. But now it's fine.
or like if u would eat 500 cals a day with 5 mg a week. would u be hungry?
or like if u would eat 500 cals a day with 5 mg a week. would u be hungry?
500 is really little, but it's possible, yeah. Your stomach will just feel really empty but you'll still have an aversion to food and not really feel like eating. I don't recommend it though, if I go too long without eating I get light-headed and weak
Why are you trying to stack every compound known to man? Just learn how to have an assemblance of self-discipline. If you need every drug under the sun to get results, you will have zero long term. Focus on lifestyle changes in the form of proper diet and exercise and then use maybe one of those (I recommend ECA) too boost your results when you are already lean and trying to get leaner.
if you have a ton of money to spare then an oral cycle of Clen/albuterol, T3, cabergoline, and arimidex should do it. Dnp is effective but you have to be careful with potassium and carb intake. Then there’s hgh fragment which works in some people.

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