Best H.I.T program for a mogger physique

The high intensity training program for an aesthetic physique
  • Training frequency is 3 times a week(there should be at least 1-2 days of rest between gym sessions)
  • Every working set needs to be taken to positive failure for this low volume training style to work(Positive failure is reached when you can't perform the concentric part of the lift without sacrificing proper form)
  • Every exercise have 2 warm up sets before the working set(s)
  • Rest 1 minute after every warm up set and 3 minutes after every working set
  • Perform all sets in a rep range between 6-9
  • Lateral Raises are performed on leg days since they don't give much fatigue and it will help achieve the v tapered physique
  • Calf Raises will be performed before quad and hamstring exercises because they don't cause much fatigue and they are more visible in the summer

Upper Body day 1
  • Incline Smith Machine Bench Press 1 set
  • Chest Supported T Bar Row 1 set (Mechanical dropset with kelso shrugs)
  • Flat Chest Press Machine 1 set
  • Upper Back Biased Pulldown 1 set (hand width 1.5 times of shoulder width)
  • Crossbody Tricep Extensions 1 set
  • Neck Curls 1 set

Lower Body day 1
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raises 1 set
  • Calf Raise Machine 1 set
  • Hack Squats 1 set
  • Seated Leg Curls 1 set
  • Leg Extensions 1 set
  • Decline Weighted Crunches 1 set

Upper Body day 2
  • Lat Biased Single Arm Cable Row 1 set
  • Flat Chest Press Machine 1 set
  • Chest Supported T Bar Row 1 set (Mechanical dropset with kelso shrugs)
  • Smith Machine Seated Shoulder Press 1 set
  • Seated Dumbbell Bicep Curls 1 set
  • Neck Extensions 1 set

Lower Body day 2
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raises 1 set
  • Calf Raise Machine 1 set
  • Hyperextensions 1 set
  • Hack Squats 1 set
  • Seated Leg Curls 1 set
  • Decline Weighted Crunches 1 set

What are the benefits of this training program

This style of training is beneficial to the person who want's to maximize their growth in the shortest amount of time as possible. Since the workouts are kept short and only take up 30-50minutes of your time, and it ensures that you aren't overtraining. Keeping the workouts so short will cause much less fatigue for the rest of the day in comparison if you would train 2hours every session.

This training program focuses on the most important parts for an aesthetic physique, like the side delts, lats and the upper chest. This is because the exercises which target these muscles are put at the beginning. Which means that you can stimulate the muscle better because you aren't fatigued.
It is quite difficult for me to enter the words "basic ppl split" into Google

Glad you made one identical to all the others ones so I could get the same results bro! This basic PPL will super charge my physique!
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
Decent routine, done something similar myself (y). It's worth point out though that HIT demands a lot higher RPE than other training methods so while it can seem attractive as a way to save time by condensing a workout, it's actually mentally and physically harder to get through than a higher volume workout since a greater number of reps are performed near failure.

I would lose gains if I followed the program. I train usually between 8.5 and 10 RPE on a program that I consider low-mid volume. I recently started to reduce the RPE to see if lower intensity can help me progress past plateaus.
It is quite difficult for me to enter the words "basic ppl split" into Google

Glad you made one identical to all the others ones so I could get the same results bro! This basic PPL will super charge my physique!

TF are you talking about? This isn’t PPL. This is different from most programs that pop up on Google when you search for basic splits. Far fewer sets.
TF are you talking about? This isn’t PPL. This is different from most programs that pop up on Google when you search for basic splits. Far fewer sets.
Post physique
  • WTF
Reactions: thecel
Shitty program no forearms, no vertical press. Triceps and biceps only 1 set a week.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
Took you 39 minutes just to bitch out anyway. Despicable.

How’s this something one can “bitch out” of? It’s like you tell me, “I dare you to slap the wall. No balls you won’t.” So if I refuse, I’m bitching out? Keep stroking your ego.
How’s this something one can “bitch out” of? It’s like you tell me, “I dare you to slap the wall. No balls you won’t.” So if I refuse, I’m bitching out? Keep stroking your ego.
Inflicting self harm for no reason is not the same as posting a physique picture whatsoever.

Those hormones are really hitting huh. Acting like a woman with the invalid arguments and inability to draw connections.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
Inflicting self harm for no reason is not the same as posting a physique picture whatsoever.

Those hormones are really hitting huh. Acting like a woman with the invalid arguments and inability to draw connections.

JFL at self harm. Slapping a wall doesn’t hurt. I was saying that it doesn’t take balls or bravery to do that, so refusing isn’t bitching out. There’s nothing to bitch out of.

You using the phrase “bitch out” presents posting physique pictures on the Internet as an act of courageous masculinity when it’s just a matter of pros, cons, and practicality. There’s no fucking reason for me to post my physique. All it would do is ruin my image so that I cannot make any fitness-related claims without being clowned because I’m not jacked. I’ll always be a 5'6" framelet with bad muscle genetics, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how training works. I don’t want my shitsique to taint my reputation cus low-IQ forumcels ignore every gym-related utterance that comes out of a non-jacked individual’s mouth.
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JFL at self harm. Slapping a wall doesn’t hurt. I was saying that it doesn’t take balls or bravery to do that, so refusing isn’t bitching out. There’s nothing to bitch out of.
Making yourself vulnerable takes immense bravely, you've made that clear.

Bravery is what men do and you seem like you're too far gone to be considered that
  • WTF
Reactions: thecel
Making yourself vulnerable takes immense bravely, you've made that clear.

Bravery is what men do and you seem like you're too far gone to be considered that

So you’ve acknowledged that it is vulnerable. If you think it’s vulnerable, there ought to be a good reason to do it that outweighs the risk, no?

You using the phrase “bitch out” presents posting physique pictures on the Internet as an act of courageous masculinity when it’s just a matter of pros, cons, and practicality. There’s no fucking reason for me to post my physique. All it would do is ruin my image so that I cannot make any fitness-related claims without being clowned because I’m not jacked. I’ll always be a 5'6" framelet with bad muscle genetics, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how training works. I don’t want my shitsique to taint my reputation cus low-IQ forumcels ignore every gym-related utterance that comes out of a non-jacked individual’s mouth.
Shitty program no forearms, no vertical press. Triceps and biceps only 1 set a week.
No vertical press? are you stupid because there's clearly a shoulder press there
Triceps and biceps get a lot of indirect volume so there's no need to do several direct sets
Forearms get enough stimulus from heavy back compounds and bicep curls
There's no need trying to hit every single muscle lmao. Just do a lot of compound for your upper body and you wont be wasting time.
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
It is quite difficult for me to enter the words "basic ppl split" into Google

Glad you made one identical to all the others ones so I could get the same results bro! This basic PPL will super charge my physique!
It isn't even near the same as a typical ppl split since this is a upper/lower split with HIT principles
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
Decent routine, done something similar myself (y). It's worth point out though that HIT demands a lot higher RPE than other training methods so while it can seem attractive as a way to save time by condensing a workout, it's actually mentally and physically harder to get through than a higher volume workout since a greater number of reps are performed near failure.
Yeah I agree with it being mentally and physically harder. But I'm doing this routine because this is what gave me the best results. I also like spending my time on other stuff rather than being in the gym several hours in the week.
  • +1
Reactions: Yerico7 and thecel
Triceps and biceps get a lot of indirect volume so there's no need to do several direct sets
Forearms get enough stimulus from heavy back compounds and bicep curls
There's no need trying to hit every single muscle lmao. Just do a lot of compound for your upper body and you wont be wasting time.
Yeah, i believed that too but ended up with spider physique large torso and small chicken hands.
Fuck arm dominant faggost that trying to sell bullcrap to torso dominant guys that arms isolation exercise are not needed.
Why do u include crunches if abs constantly worked indirectly but skip forearms. I dont remember last i've done any abs exercise yet i have elite mid section. Just admit that u program sucks and suited to u personally.
Yeah, i believed that too but ended up with spider physique large torso and small chicken hands.
Fuck arm dominant faggost that trying to sell bullcrap to torso dominant guys that arms isolation exercise are not needed.
Why do u include crunches if abs constantly worked indirectly but skip forearms. I dont remember last i've done any abs exercise yet i have elite mid section. Just admit that u program sucks and suited to u personally.
The routine and the principles aren't shit. When ever you look at a program you should keep in mind that it may not be the best for your goals. That's why you should have a different exercise selection.

Yes, I am arm dominant but I used to do a lot of isolations before and that only made it worse. Fewer isolation exercises works best and will save you a lot time. Maybe you should try compound movements for your back and biceps that are a bit more biceps biased than other back compound movements are.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: zharupodrugu
The routine and the principles aren't shit. When ever you look at a program you should keep in mind that it may not be the best for your goals. That's why you should have a different exercise selection.

Yes, I am arm dominant but I used to do a lot of isolations before and that only made it worse. Fewer isolation exercises works best and will save you a lot time. Maybe you should try compound movements for your back and biceps that are a bit more biceps biased than other back compound movements are.
nah, ive been doing shit ton of compound back exercises and yeah weighted close chin ups too. It backfired me as a torso dominant
nah, ive been doing shit ton of compound back exercises and yeah weighted close chin ups too. It backfired me as a torso dominant
You should do those back exercises + the isolation for biceps

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