Betabux is the most retarded cope ever


Deleted member 123714

6’5 barefoot
Jan 24, 2025
There's literally no such thing as betabuxx in the outside world. I don’t get how this retarded cope caught on in the incelosphere. No college wagie burgerflipping faggot is betabuxxing anything.

Only relationships that are betabux are the ones where the guy is a rich old man with a young bimbo. You can call that betabuxx but outside of that rare scenario there's no such thing. Jobless highschoolers aren’t betabux, college wagie isn't a betabuxx, some random guy with a wife and kids isn't a betabuxx, there's almost no such thing as a relationship purely built on money. Women have no reason to date a guy they don't like at all unless he's truly rich, if you walk past 1000 couples outside, most likely not a single one of them will be a betabuxx relationship.

People really just feel the need to cope in any way possible with the fact that ugly / average looking plain nobodies are somehow "betabuxxing" their GFs despite them having either no income (high school), minimum wage (college), or similar income to their partner (after college).
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  • JFL
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A lot of girls use their boyfriends for money and later even admit it
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A lot of girls use their boyfriends for money and later even admit it
Everyone spends money on their partner lmao. “Betabux” implies the relationship is purely transactional which isn’t a thing besides the 0.01% of couples where it’s an old rich man with gold digger.
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Everyone spends money on their partner lmao. “Betabux” implies the relationship is purely transactional which isn’t a thing besides the 0.01% of couples where it’s an old rich man with gold digger.
That's literally what I've said. A lot of girls are only dating someone to get free stuff
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That's literally what I've said. A lot of girls are only dating someone to get free stuff
Ah yes, jobless highschoolers only have gfs because their gfs use them for free stuff using their nonexistent money.

Nikola tesla IQ right here
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Ah yes, jobless highschoolers only have gfs because their gfs use them for free stuff using their nonexistent money.

Nikola tesla IQ right here
Yeah there is thing, uhhhh, yeah. Parents money, rich parents give bunch of money to their kids and their kids spend it on their girls
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The foids in average relationships still get to almost double their spending power by spending most of the guys money. Betabux absolutely exists.
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Yeah there is thing, uhhhh, yeah. Parents money, rich parents give bunch of money to their kids and their kids spend it on their girls
bozo get real majority people in high school are middle class at best. Sometimes not even that, parents doing manual labor jobs
Yeah really you can get a gf from buying her lunch once lmao
Hi Zeus
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Yeah there is thing, uhhhh, yeah. Parents money, rich parents give bunch of money to their kids and their kids spend it on their girls
I’m not talking about rich kids. My area is the opposite of rich, just lol at defaulting to richfags instead of thinking of the other 99% of the population.
She buys me stuff too lol
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She buys me stuff too lol
I swear people on here have no idea how relationships work.
My last gf spent more on me than I did on her, if I told them that they would just say I’m a chad or whatever when I’m the opposite I’m a turbomanlet with frame of a 8 yr old girl.
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Betabux does exist though. It means she settles for a guy she's not 100% attracted to (her first choice) so that she doesn't starve and dies alone on the streets. I see many relationships like that. She gets attention, money, a roof over her head. Etc. Of course this is betabux. Betabux is not just money. Or paying shit for her. It's the whole dynamic of the relationship.

Even my mom says my dad was the safe option. Her words not mine. Most women are more black pilled/red pilled than men.
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Betabux also means access to resources fancy weekend trips tangible entertainment it’s not literally handing her a stack of money lol
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There's literally no such thing as betabuxx in the outside world. I don’t get how this retarded cope caught on in the incelosphere. No college wagie burgerflipping faggot is betabuxxing anything.

Only relationships that are betabux are the ones where the guy is a rich old man with a young bimbo. You can call that betabuxx but outside of that rare scenario there's no such thing. Jobless highschoolers aren’t betabux, college wagie isn't a betabuxx, some random guy with a wife and kids isn't a betabuxx, there's almost no such thing as a relationship purely built on money. Women have no reason to date a guy they don't like at all unless he's truly rich, if you walk past 1000 couples outside, most likely not a single one of them will be a betabuxx relationship.

People really just feel the need to cope in any way possible with the fact that ugly / average looking plain nobodies are somehow "betabuxxing" their GFs despite them having either no income (high school), minimum wage (college), or similar income to their partner (after college).
This is cope, betabuxxers definitely exist and I have seen it before.

After my mum divorced my dad, she had a betabuxx boyfriend for a while. He was a gamer with no children but had a better paying job than my mum. She broke up with him after a few years and is now with a divorced dad (not a betabuxx).
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wife and kids is literally betabux
This is cope, betabuxxers definitely exist and I have seen it before.

After my mum divorced my dad, she had a betabuxx boyfriend for a while. He was a gamer with no children but had a better paying job than my mum. She broke up with him after a few years and is now with a divorced dad (not a betabuxx).
Unless the gamer one was richfag tier he wasn’t a betabuxx he just happened to make a bit more money. And even if he was rich I don’t give a fuck about old couples I only care about 13-35 year old couples, sure a few 50 year old cucks may work a lot so their wife doesnt have to work but I couldn’t care at all about any relationships that age.

This site is mostly people who are mid teens to early 20s, bringing up old couples is meaningless.
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Betabux does exist though. It means she settles for a guy she's not 100% attracted to (her first choice) so that she doesn't starve and dies alone on the streets. I see many relationships like that. She gets attention, money, a roof over her head. Etc. Of course this is betabux. Betabux is not just money. Or paying shit for her. It's the whole dynamic of the relationship.

Even my mom says my dad was the safe option. Her words not mine. Most women are more black pilled/red pilled than men.
By this logic every man alive is betabux because no one is a girls first choice. No one on this entire site has ever been a girls very first choice and never will.
By this logic every man alive is betabux because no one is a girls first choice. No one on this entire site has ever been a girls very first choice and never will.
Keep coping subhuman.
Unless the gamer one was richfag tier he wasn’t a betabuxx he just happened to make a bit more money. And even if he was rich I don’t give a fuck about old couples I only care about 13-35 year old couples, sure a few 50 year old cucks may work a lot so their wife doesnt have to work but I couldn’t care at all about any relationships that age.

This site is mostly people who are mid teens to early 20s, bringing up old couples is meaningless.
Betabuxxing is mostly for old couples. It is for single mums where they need a father figure and money for their children. Rich men with low SMV will be the betabuxx for this single mother. Basically, if you are still an incel by age 25, then single mums will be your only option and if you date them you will become a betabuxx who is cucked because he is raising chad's children.

If a young girl wants a rich boyfriend then she's a gold digger.
Betabuxxing is mostly for old couples. It is for single mums where they need a father figure and money for their children. Rich men with low SMV will be the betabuxx for this single mother. Basically, if you are still an incel by age 25, then single mums will be your only option and if you date them you will become a betabuxx who is cucked because he is raising chad's children.

If a young girl wants a rich boyfriend then she's a gold digger.
I get what you’re saying but it’s not 25+ where your only options are single moms lol plenty of girls have no kids at 25, you mean 40+, and I don’t care about old 40yo+ couples they basically don’t exist to me.

Also “chads children”… man you literally live in the UK girls here fuck disgusting troglodytes. Just lol at mentioning chad while living in a country where foids fuck disgusting mutants. You’ll be raising some ugly retards kids not chads kids.
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  • JFL
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Dnr bluepilled faggot
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Yeah it's cope that people say when they see guys who in theory should not be with that woman.
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You don't need to make a whole lot of money to get used as an oofy doofy betabux deluxe.

Even if you only make about 40 or 50K a year you can still be used to pay all her bills, plus gifts and restaurant dates. Most women in the west don't even make this kind of money anyway.

You can also be used as an emotional tampon to used and abused while suffering from a dead bedroom and constant nagging because she never managed to get Chads and Tyrones who all ran a train through her during her prime years to commit.

I even heard multiple times right from the horse's mouth : if you weren't such a loner with no life you'd have enough girls in your entourage and most of them would confess that the guy that they're currently dating is just a placeholder who they don't really love but provide submission, financial and emotionnal security.

They don't love nor desire them, they only tolerate those oofy doofies.
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You don't need to make a whole lot of money to get used as an oofy doofy betabux deluxe.

Even if you only make about 40 or 50K a year you can still be used to pay all her bills, plus gifts and restaurant dates. Most women in the west don't even make this kind of money anyway.

You can also be used as an emotional tampon to used and abused while suffering from a dead bedroom and constant nagging because she never managed to get Chads and Tyrones who all ran a train through her during her prime years to commit.

I even heard multiple times right from the horse's mouth : if you weren't such a loner with no life you'd have enough girls in your entourage and most of them would confess that the guy that they're currently dating is just a placeholder who they don't really love but provide submission, financial and emotionnal security.

They don't love nor desire them, they only tolerate those oofy doofies.
More basement dweller cope. Muh chad muh tyrone, another idiot who thinks it’s only top tier men who slay. In reality subhumans and meh looking normies get the girls you want while you’ve been posting on an aspie forum since 2020 deepthroating chad.

As for the second part I don’t give a shit about old couples. It’s old hags who date guys for financial security, I don’t give a single fuck about what wrinkly 50 year old cumdumpsters want. I only care about young couples.
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You're wrong, OP.
I have a friend who dates a 32 y/o woman with 2 children (not his), and she's with him only because he pays the rent and the children food.
He's not a millionaire. And she still loves her ex, but she knows she needs him to keep her from living on the streets
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i know you say you only care about young couples so if u dnrd this then idfc

if u end up being a richcel in the future and ever find someone you want to marry, ask them to sign a prenup. how they react to it will determine it all. if she start whining about it, u were destined to be a a betabux in the relationship, if she doesn’t care then ur good to go. even then, it’s always possible that a girl’s real intentions in marrying you is to stay with you for a bit then find an excuse to divorce u to take half or ur wealth. whether you think that is rare or not, it is x10 worse than being just a regular betabux. if u dont want to arrange a prenup you can always put ur assets under a trusted family member’s name so in the event that she decides to divorce you, you would barely owe her anything compared to if all ur assets were under your name. (method might be patched in the future or not work in some countries so a prenup is always the safest option although some prenups can be thrown out in court since we live in an gynocentric society)

whether you think betabux exists or not, it never hurts to protect what’s yours. sadly in today’s world you don’t know anyone’s real intentions. if a woman really loves you for who you are, she’d sign a prenup if you requested her to.
  • JFL
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Betabuxx doesn't mean u buy her luxury cars jfl if you have to spend $10 on a bitch it's already cucked
Money is what men offer women for their lack of looks
I swear people on here have no idea how relationships work.
My last gf spent more on me than I did on her, if I told them that they would just say I’m a chad or whatever when I’m the opposite I’m a turbomanlet with frame of a 8 yr old girl.
mine too. i was perpetually unemployed. ugly. unwashed. etc. she paid for all my shit, for 10 years.

imagine those women who keep going back to their loser drug addict boyfriends.
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those relationships are holographic matrix NPCs
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Extremely legit thread. Go ahead and try to betabuxx a foid nowadays, they don't want that, they're the providers now and a broke loser is better for this. Most relationships in 2025 = the girl driving a broke low status looksminned LTN around, paying for his shit, letting him cry on her shoulder, driving him to autism therapy, going against every PSL rule in the book. Being better looking or richer than them means you're gonna get rejected because accepting a guy who could make their life better means they would have to cede control and they don't want that.

I was homeless (slept in my truck) for two periods in my early 20s and both times, I'm 100% certain girls could sense this on me or something was up big time, because I never got so many blatant IOIs and approaches, and both times it slowed down when I got my shit together.
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