Beware of the black coated blue pill.

Deleted member 4612

Deleted member 4612

mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Jan 4, 2020
There are a lot of people who are pushing blue pilled ideas but attempting to pass them off as "black pills" to make them more legit to a blackpilled or semi-black pilled audience. Some do it aggressively (like on lookism), but others do it in a more subtle way. The black-coated blue pill now dominates and it is one of the greatest threats to the black pill on this website. TRPers are often (and rightfully) mocked if they try to push shit like PUA or talk about "holding frame" and the obvious blue pillers are very easy to spot...but the black-coated blue pill acts as a trojan horse attack on black pill philosophy.

Here are some examples of black-coated blue pills:

"Ugly NT guys slay all the time"
"Juggernaut law is a cope"
"Hypergamy is actually not real"
"All incels are autists"
"This ugly guy slays and you don't"
"Ugly guys can run social circle game"
"Incels are extremely rare and only exist on incel forums"
"Ugly guys get women and don't even have to beta bux"
"All the couples I see are looks matched, even the ugly subhuman males"
"Looks theory destroyed"

I could give more examples but basically a black-coated blue pill is anything that denies:

1) Looks theory
2) Juggernaut law
3) Hypergamy
4) Sub-5 law

But then attempts to put a "black pilled" spin on it.
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Imagine subscribing to one belief and not thinking critically, couldnt be me
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Imagine subscribing to one belief and not thinking critically
Looks actually matters but there are some exceptions

These retards use these exceptions as an exuce to post their bluepilled shit
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Looks actually matters but there are some exceptions

These retards use these exceptions as an exuce to post their bluepilled shit
Looks matter more than personality but it all matters bruh.
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Ugly guys can get girls if they are NT. Being edgy doesn't make you right.
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Looks matter more than personality but it all matters bruh.
personality doesn't matter anyway

the word you're looking for is "social skills" or "game" or "jestermaxxing"

and even that is a cope quote often
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I wish I could be bluepilled. Blackpill sucks ass.
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ugly guys can get girlfriends i see it all the time in high school and when outside
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just use outliers bro
Just stop being a little bitch and handle some fucking rejection. @Subhuman trash is at worst 5/10 and at best a 6/10. If you're using that as a gauge for ugly guys then son you are just wasting your time and not getting what you want.
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Just stop being a little bitch and handle some fucking rejection. @Subhuman trash is at worst 5/10 and at best a 6/10. If you're using that as a gauge for ugly guys then son you are just wasting your time and not getting what you want.
Just stop being a little bitch and handle some fucking rejection. @Subhuman trash is at worst 5/10 and at best a 6/10. If you're using that as a gauge for ugly guys then son you are just wasting your time and not getting what you want.
more like 4-5/10

and i have already said he isn't that ugly

he just doesn't want landwhales
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There are a lot of people who are pushing blue pilled ideas but attempting to pass them off as "black pills" to make them more legit to a blackpilled or semi-black pilled audience. Some do it aggressively (like on lookism), but others do it in a more subtle way. The black-coated blue pill now dominates and it is one of the greatest threats to the black pill on this website. TRPers are often (and rightfully) mocked if they try to push shit like PUA or talk about "holding frame" and the obvious blue pillers are very easy to spot...but the black-coated blue pill acts as a trojan horse attack on black pill philosophy.

Here are some examples of black-coated blue pills:

"Ugly NT guys slay all the time"
"Juggernaut law is a cope"
"Hypergamy is actually not real"
"All incels are autists"
"This ugly guy slays and you don't"
"Ugly guys can run social circle game"
"Incels are extremely rare and only exist on incel forums"
"Ugly guys get women and don't even have to beta bux"
"All the couples I see are looks matched, even the ugly subhuman males"
"Looks theory destroyed"

I could give more examples but basically a black-coated blue pill is anything that denies:

1) Looks theory
2) Juggernaut law
3) Hypergamy
4) Sub-8 law

But then attempts to put a "black pilled" spin on it.
There i made a small correction for u
There i made a small correction for u
saying every chadlite is incel is autism.

let's be real, an average man can jestermaxx and shit, although he isn't attractive. there simply aren't enough chads to go around
People really are in denial
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more like 4-5/10

and i have already said he isn't that ugly

he just doesn't want landwhales
Then don't get landwhales. Women don't approach generally, especially the ones at your looks equal. You have to be the man and make it happen for yourself based off of an IOI or just go for it. Only reason you say landwhales is because they are the ones who will show that they want a guy like him. Why? Cause they're fucking ugly. Fucking ugly people (like me) have to make their interest loud and clear. After that any decent women will give an IOI at most. Only some approach and it's only the low inhib ones or for gigachads.
saying every chadlite is incel is autism.

let's be real, an average man can jestermaxx and shit, although he isn't attractive. there simply aren't enough chads to go around
No but a chadlite has to be more conformist Nt and normal to get attention form women where as a chad can rape babys and still get chicks
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Then don't get landwhales. Women don't approach generally, especially the ones at your looks equal. You have to be the man and make it happen for yourself based off of an IOI or just go for it. Only reason you say landwhales is because they are the ones who will show that they want a guy like him. Why? Cause they're fucking ugly. Fucking ugly people (like me) have to make their interest loud and clear. After that any decent women will give an IOI at most. Only some approach and it's only the low inhib ones or for gigachads.
well i don't know his deal fully

but the USA is brutal as fuck and the fattest country on earth
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well i don't know his deal fully

but the USA is brutal as fuck and the fattest country on earth
USA is not like that at all tbh. Maybe California (LA) because that's where all attractive people end up, but anywhere else is pretty normal tbh.
USA is not like that at all tbh. Maybe California (LA) because that's where all attractive people end up, but anywhere else is pretty normal tbh.
you're saying the USA isn't fat as fuck?
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Reactions: Deleted member 1973 and SubhumanCurrycel
Just stop being a little bitch and handle some fucking rejection. @Subhuman trash is at worst 5/10 and at best a 6/10. If you're using that as a gauge for ugly guys then son you are just wasting your time and not getting what you want.
High iq mirin bhai
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Obviously it is, but that doesn't mean you can't get skinny attractive girls?
its difficult

look i don't know his full life story. i just don't

there are other factors besides looks and NT. logistics, social status, etc.

he obviously ain't truecel tier but 4.5/10 low normie is still an uphill battle
its difficult

look i don't know his full life story. i just don't

there are other factors besides looks and NT. logistics, social status, etc.

he obviously ain't truecel tier but 4.5/10 low normie is still an uphill battle
Nigga he ain't below average looking the fuck? He is average at worst and yeah it's an uphill battle for someone who is just average and has nothing else to offer. Me being serious and not larping, am a 7/10, and I have so many girls go for way less attractive guys. I was so socially inept and I never realized it.
Nigga he ain't below average looking the fuck? He is average at worst and yeah it's an uphill battle for someone who is just average and has nothing else to offer. Me being serious and not larping, am a 7/10, and I have so many girls go for way less attractive guys. I was so socially inept and I never realized it.
see i can't take you serious when you constantly change your looks LARP constantly

i know i'm beta aspie basement dweling loser anti incel buzzword or whatever the fuck you bully me with
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see i can't take you serious when you constantly change your looks LARP constantly

i know i'm beta aspie basement dweling loser anti incel buzzword or whatever the fuck you bully me with
Dude I "bully" you because you clearly show you take little to no action. Every response you post just screams that you are regurgitating blackpill shit that has consumed you and that you are content with your life as it is. I see right through you unironically. You clearly have no control in anything besides the posts you make here. I'm not saying this to make fun of you. I'm saying this because you keep talking about blackpill this and blackpill that when you can clearly take a fucking look outside and see many average to ugly dudes getting girls. Blackpill is only real for tinder and OLD in my opinion. The rest is hilarious shit that is funny to use while we looksmax.
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Can a chadlite get away with this
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Dude I "bully" you because you clearly show you take little to no action. Every response you post just screams that you are regurgitating blackpill shit that has consumed you and that you are content with your life as it is. I see right through you unironically. You clearly have no control in anything besides the posts you make here. I'm not saying this to make fun of you. I'm saying this because you keep talking about blackpill this and blackpill that when you can clearly take a fucking look outside and see many average to ugly dudes getting girls. Blackpill is only real for tinder and OLD in my opinion. The rest is hilarious shit that is funny to use while we looksmax.
average dudes with girlfriends happens no shit

ugly dudes are outliers. you are honestly arguing that being ugly won't fuck you over most of the time?
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Just steal threads from .co bro
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go back IT you faggot
this entire thread is cope

You're just doing the reverse of what you're condemning. The following are all true:

"Ugly NT guys slay all the time get laid"
"Ugly guys can run social circle game"
"All Most incels are autists"

The former two points are apparent the minute you leave your basement/ attend uni/ college whatever. It only doesn't apply to legit 2/10s or major autists.

This is only ever said as a joke on this site:

"Looks theory destroyed"

And the rest of your points are either obvious and only denied by greycels, or situational. Don't get triggered because you lack the basic capability to make reasoned decisions.
Everything matters. Looks matter, status matter, money matter, personality matter. Ton of blackpill studies on every single one of these points. You obviously need a level of looks for the others to matter though. But the thing is that for vast majority of people, they fall into average looks range. That's why you can actually make a somewhat of a difference with money, status, personality, being NT, etc.
"Ugly NT guys slay all the time get laid"
"Ugly guys can run social circle game"
"All Most incels are autists"
"most incels are autists"

why are most incels sub5 then?

autism is only like 1 in 59 btw. more than 1 in 59 men are incel
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average dudes with girlfriends happens no shit

ugly dudes are outliers. you are honestly arguing that being ugly won't fuck you over most of the time?
Being Ugly will. Looking like @Subhuman trash and you (just taking a guess) will most definitely not fuck you over
The blackpill is not some kind of faith that you need to follow blindly

There is indeed subhumans who manage to do good somehow and thats not a lie and cant be ignored

Doesnt mean that looks theory is wrong, but its indeed something that I see happening quite a lot
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"most incels are autists"

why are most incels sub5 then?

autism is only like 1 in 59 btw. more than 1 in 59 men are incel
To be fair, autism spectrum is much much higher than 1 in 59. Trust me on that, it may not be full on autist, but a lot of people fall on the spectrum.
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The blackpill is not some kind of faith that you need to follow blindly

There is indeed subhumans who manage to do good somehow and thats not a lie and cant be ignored

Doesnt mean that looks theory is wrong, but its indeed something that I see happening quite a lot
yeah but they are outliers, you can admit to that right?
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"most incels are autists"

why are most incels sub5 then?

Tenor 1

Fucking hell I knew you were stupid but jesus christ.

Ok let me explain it very slowly for you.


The above is a Venn Diagram. Let's say A: Sub 5 & B: Autist. The overlap represents Sub 5 Autists. These people cannot get laid because they have no resources by which to do so. If you're just in group A, you can still get laid.

You won't receive the same VALIDATION on a day to day basis, especially in new encounters, but you can get laid. Your quality of life will obviously be much lower than an attractive person. Girls aren't going to love having sex with you, they won't endlessly chase you like they would with a GL person, at least not initially.

It's not a blackpill disguised as a blue pill, it's understanding that the blackpill runs far deeper than just sex. An ugly dude can have sex with a girl & still not feel validated in any way because of his looks. This is the real blackpill.
View attachment 541225

Fucking hell I knew you were stupid but jesus christ.

Ok let me explain it very slowly for you.

View attachment 541228

The above is a Venn Diagram. Let's say A: Sub 5 & B: Autist. The overlap represents Sub 5 Autists. These people cannot get laid because they have no resources by which to do so. If you're just in group A, you can still get laid.

You won't receive the same VALIDATION on a day to day basis, especially in new encounters, but you can get laid. Your quality of life will obviously be much lower than an attractive person. Girls aren't going to love having sex with you, they won't endlessly chase you like they would with a GL person, at least not initially.

It's not a blackpill disguised as a blue pill, it's understanding that the blackpill runs far deeper than just sex. An ugly dude can have sex with a girl & still not feel validated in any way because of his looks. This is the real blackpill.
you cropped out the part where i said autism is statistically rare as fuck. 1 in 59 basically
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To be fair, autism spectrum is much much higher than 1 in 59. Trust me on that, it may not be full on autist, but a lot of people fall on the spectrum.
i suppose. it's tough to say

lots of social awkwardness stems from being treated poorly due to looks though

also halo effect
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i suppose. it's tough to say

lots of social awkwardness stems from being treated due to looks though
I agree with that, but life's not fair so you have to move on from it. I have acne scars and marks from horrible cystic acne that I used to get made fun of for a shit ton. I wallowed in my misery about it and I finally realized that now that I'm getting it better, I have to figure it out on my own t be confident and NT. Just how it is.
I agree with that, but life's not fair so you have to move on from it. I have acne scars and marks from horrible cystic acne that I used to get made fun of for a shit ton. I wallowed in my misery about it and I finally realized that now that I'm getting it better, I have to figure it out on my own t be confident and NT. Just how it is.
well i am working on maxing my looks too. i had surgery but corona delayed it, hopefully i can get it soon
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yeah but they are outliers, you can admit to that right?
I dont really know bro
Almost every guy I know, subhuman or not, have a decent sexual life if he is NT

The only legit incels I see are either turbomanlets (like really short) or non NT

So I guess there is a relationship between personality and your overall sexual activity as a man

But looks theory still stands tho, and predicts many things
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