Beware of the black coated blue pill.

Ultimately it's irrelevant.

You have two choices:

1) Looksmax as much as possible while also maxxing as many aspects of your life as you think you'll need in order to get adequate validation on a day to day basis.

2) Try to reduce the amount of validation you need by means of philosophy etc.

And most people would opt for 1. Therefore, just looksmax to the best of your ability and that's all you can do.
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  • JFL
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There are a lot of people who are pushing blue pilled ideas but attempting to pass them off as "black pills" to make them more legit to a blackpilled or semi-black pilled audience. Some do it aggressively (like on lookism), but others do it in a more subtle way. The black-coated blue pill now dominates and it is one of the greatest threats to the black pill on this website. TRPers are often (and rightfully) mocked if they try to push shit like PUA or talk about "holding frame" and the obvious blue pillers are very easy to spot...but the black-coated blue pill acts as a trojan horse attack on black pill philosophy.

Here are some examples of black-coated blue pills:

"Ugly NT guys slay all the time"
"Juggernaut law is a cope"
"Hypergamy is actually not real"
"All incels are autists"
"This ugly guy slays and you don't"
"Ugly guys can run social circle game"
"Incels are extremely rare and only exist on incel forums"
"Ugly guys get women and don't even have to beta bux"
"All the couples I see are looks matched, even the ugly subhuman males"
"Looks theory destroyed"

I could give more examples but basically a black-coated blue pill is anything that denies:

1) Looks theory
2) Juggernaut law
3) Hypergamy
4) Sub-5 law

But then attempts to put a "black pilled" spin on it.
high iq content should be sticky imo
To be fair, autism spectrum is much much higher than 1 in 59. Trust me on that, it may not be full on autist, but a lot of people fall on the spectrum.
Yeah that's actually kinda true. 1 in 59 is basically diagnosed with full autism. Then you're giga fucked. But even 1 in 10 is mildly autistic, or high functioning autists. They function in society, but struggle with women.
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high iq content should be sticky imo
📁 Greycels
📁 Assassins Creed usernames
⚠️ This nigga retarded
  • JFL
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📁 Greycels
📁 Assassins Creed usernames
└⚠ This nigga retarded
jfl never seen those emojis (if that's the right term here) before
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1862
Ye I've noticed this a lot. Ussally from gaycels.i think it's because they are fresh from reddit tbh. They will learn after a few days of being here. But make sure to tell them what they're saying is cope.
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To be fair, autism spectrum is much much higher than 1 in 59. Trust me on that, it may not be full on autist, but a lot of people fall on the spectrum.
do you consider 4/10 guys who are incels to be mentalcels?
do you consider 4/10 guys who are incels to be mentalcels?
for 4/10 and below girls yes. I will agree that once you hit 6/10 in looks your options open up to go way above your league while 4/10 you stay around your range.
  • Woah
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I dont really know bro
Almost every guy I know, subhuman or not, have a decent sexual life if he is NT

The only legit incels I see are either turbomanlets (like really short) or non NT

So I guess there is a relationship between personality and your overall sexual activity as a man

But looks theory still stands tho, and predicts many things
you in brazil?

is it as bad there as the USA? the fattest country on Earth?
There are a lot of people who are pushing blue pilled ideas but attempting to pass them off as "black pills" to make them more legit to a blackpilled or semi-black pilled audience. Some do it aggressively (like on lookism), but others do it in a more subtle way. The black-coated blue pill now dominates and it is one of the greatest threats to the black pill on this website. TRPers are often (and rightfully) mocked if they try to push shit like PUA or talk about "holding frame" and the obvious blue pillers are very easy to spot...but the black-coated blue pill acts as a trojan horse attack on black pill philosophy.

Here are some examples of black-coated blue pills:

"Ugly NT guys slay all the time"
"Juggernaut law is a cope"
"Hypergamy is actually not real"
"All incels are autists"
"This ugly guy slays and you don't"
"Ugly guys can run social circle game"
"Incels are extremely rare and only exist on incel forums"
"Ugly guys get women and don't even have to beta bux"
"All the couples I see are looks matched, even the ugly subhuman males"
"Looks theory destroyed"

I could give more examples but basically a black-coated blue pill is anything that denies:

1) Looks theory
2) Juggernaut law
3) Hypergamy
4) Sub-5 law

But then attempts to put a "black pilled" spin on it.
Juggernaut law isnt real retard hypergamy is real. Stfu
"women are sluts that have 50 sexual partners by 20" is one of the disguised bluepills.

Real brutal blackpill: women have actually a low bodycount, all with the same few GL men.
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I'd agree with all except juggernaut law maybe.
Its cuz Tinder is a seperate realm that has nothing to do with our universe :feelsyay::feelstastyman:

Funny thing is they are actually more hypergamous online cause they have infinite options
"women are sluts that have 50 sexual partners by 20" is one of the disguised bluepills.

Real brutal blackpill: women have actually a low bodycount, all with the same few GL men.
why is that a brutal blackpill?
  • JFL
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just ldar and dont improve yourself theorem
You were right in that bluepillers here always use the biggest word size and bold
Honestly the ugly people I've seen who were socially "successful" were always only accepted as effectively a living joke for their friends, self deprecating for others amusement. They're almost never respected or seen as an equal among their peers, they just exist as a source of entertainment, or as a punching bag for their own jokes.

Ugly people with self esteem almost always seem to be universally hated by people.
Oh shit you caught me

why cant you some of you fuks realize that the bluepill is the future?

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