Beyond the Blackpill | The only way you can compensate for looks



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Apr 23, 2023
I know many will deny this but here is the truth

You can compensate for being LTN or MTN and get more girls than HTN
There are 3 essential things girls seek in a guy

1. Looks
2. Status
3. Vibes

Looks meaning face, height and frame
Status meaning money + connections (with people, friend groups, business, etc)
Vibes meaning the overall sense of your personality (90% of girls find being extroverted and funny an attractive trait)

And tbh is not really about getting "more girls", it's much more about the fulfillment you get from being a successful person and having people you can socialize with and do stuff together, like being a high achieved or high tier neurotypical person, a true HTN I would say

But if you want to get this straight anyways
A high achieved MTN in terms of status and vibes can get more girls than an introverted HTN

This is the truth, looks are not everything.
  • +1
Reactions: fuse
this is why you need to max out all of them
  • +1
Reactions: ominion, fuse, nathan and 2 others
this guy literally wrote a muh personality and jestermaxx post, THERE IS NO JESTERMAXXING FOR YOUR FACE. do not believe this cope or nonsense. Face is not everything agreed but personality is a joke. If you are not a psychopath or bad person personality doesnt matter since most people have average personalies. You literally preach to average or above average guys to have above average status and personality to attract lower attractiveness and personality woman. Whatever you do you are always compensating life is brutal
this guy literally wrote a muh personality and jestermaxx post, THERE IS NO JESTERMAXXING FOR YOUR FACE. do not believe this cope or nonsense. Face is not everything agreed but personality is a joke. If you are not a psychopath or bad person personality doesnt matter since most people have average personalies. You literally preach to average or above average guys to have above average status and personality to attract lower attractiveness and personality woman. Whatever you do you are always compensating life is brutal
Cope you need social skills you cant have the personality of a wall
  • +1
Reactions: LVZZO
u just said looks matter but looks dont matter at the same time bro wtf
Go to school smooth brain
looks are not everything.
are not everything

this guy literally wrote a muh personality and jestermaxx post, THERE IS NO JESTERMAXXING FOR YOUR FACE. do not believe this cope or nonsense. Face is not everything agreed but personality is a joke. If you are not a psychopath or bad person personality doesnt matter since most people have average personalies. You literally preach to average or above average guys to have above average status and personality to attract lower attractiveness and personality woman. Whatever you do you are always compensating life is brutal
Your argument is basically average guys having to compensate while chad can be psycho and slay
The whole premise is getting a whole, the whole premise is stupid but this is what guys here advocate
A psyco chad is good looking but a fucking looser, an egocentric spoiled guy which has no friends or goals or relationships, why is this even an ideal

Having status and an attractive personality shouldn't even be viewed as trying to compensate, you are just becoming better, period.
  • JFL
Reactions: ominion
  • +1
Reactions: DelonLover1999
good thread 100% agreed

no aura = no hoes
  • +1
Reactions: DelonLover1999
bullshit rambling

pov you have no idea what ur talking about
real shit bro
nope, if u think thats how it works u are extremely estranged from the reality

just go out and see yourself jfl
nope, if u think thats how it works u are extremely estranged from the reality

just go out and see yourself jfl
im agreeing with u retard. :lul:
It doesn’t matter, it’s all genetic

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