Biggest failo that ruins your status and makes people disrespect you: Take the sex-pill


The Grinch

Ban me already
Aug 10, 2022
If you don’t have sex, you are literally considered a subhuman among humans.
People will assume that you are a loser in every other part of life too, just because you are a loser on this part of life.

Not being able to seduce a woman is such a big FAILO that people will think, you are not a real man, you are not masculine, you are a beta and you don’t have any positive trait.

Sex is what makes you a man, sex defines you, sex is everything.

If you have sex with pretty women, other men respect you, if you don’t have sex (not by choice), nobody respects you.

Take the sex-pill
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ok just escortcel
ok just escortcel
Yeah, that’s what one has to do if he can’t get sex trough seduction, but what i mean is, not being able to seduce a woman without paying her, not sex itself

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