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Let me get quick to the point: Women are not like us! They like us for other things and things like face are way less important than you think. Only acceptable surgeries are medically necessary ones, rhino and dick enlargement but this will be covered later.
But let's start at the beginning: For me, it started off here with the botb-guides (which are mostly great, shoutout Garou (wonder what he looks like, bet he is a good looking guy tho because Pneumo was too and he had a lot of great threads as well)) but when I started hanging out in "looksmaxxing questions" and especially "offtopic", that's where the hatred for for most of you began, because you remind me of my younger self. Back in the day when I somewhat struggled with women (not really, it was just the level of women who I got with), I always thought that I would get a higher quality if I had green instead if brown eyes, because I just thought they were rarer and would make me look way more attractive. And so I started my journey, took me about 8 months to brighten my eyes for them to look hazel and greenish in the sun (they were about a T30 and are T07 now), but it was very risky and gave me nightmares every single day, severe headaches and I had to stop because I had an epileptic seizure because of it and haven't done it since (I had three more seizures, two of them even while being on medication).
I haven't thought about what I had done or if it was worth it (just accepting it), only until 3 months after the first seizure, when I was at a famous beach club and saw the prettiest girl ever, beautiful scandinavian blonde, Sydney Sweeney size tits and somewhat of a big ass too (both probably natural), Dadarrio eyes... she was just perfect. I observed her every few minutes and saw how arrogant she was also super arrogant to other women at the club but it was the type of arrogance she could get away with, just flexing on them because she could. I was starstruck and realized I was worthless. I literally could not fall asleep that day with her being on my mind. I rethought my ways and started to realize that she wouldn't have come over even if I had perfect green hunter eyes, because I was skinnyfat, lazy, wore dirty half-broken shoes, nails were dirty etc. and even if she was posessed by the devil (only reason she would've come over), I couldn't have talked to her, only being able to stutter and creaming my underwear in the process.
That's where my self-improvement journey began and I started to realize, what women are into. I can't tell you all (will talk about a bit later) but it's not the things you think. I got a better trim, started taking notes and becoming good at uni, started going to the gym again and taking enough protein, daily showers, using shower puffs and multiple towels, cleaning my shoes and shaving my back regularly, wearing fragrance, and changing the bedding regularly instead of my mother doing it for me (I'm changing it twice a week now, I think the first time I changed them myself was at age 17 so I could've used the same bedding for 4 months+). And also the biggest change was implementing a skincare routine to take care of the biggest organ, the skin. Never had acne but had like 2-3 pimples a month that would only go away by squeezing them 3-4 days in a row and they would leave you with a little red scar. Got a routine going and it changed a lot. This was such a huge confidence boost, not rotting anymore but taking care of my life like an ADULT.
And let me tell you the day that changed my life: I was at a wedding and I literally did everything I could. Went to the barber 2-3 days before, starved myself 2 weeks prior to look good in a suit (because I wasn't taking good enough care of my nutrition at that time) and had it tailored, had a manicure, skincare routine was already on point at that time, got a spray tan (normally a type I-II Fitzpatrick, shoutout to the forum for letting me know about MT2, will start using it 2025) and much more. And let me tell you, I had the best day of my life because everyone loved me. A waitress sucked my dick on the staff toilet and I was even asked if I was an actor. Could've probably even fucked the grooms 18yo sister too I am not joking. This day I realized I wasn't even that ugly because the women I went for before all looked a little off so that I would be able to let them know that this is an even playing field. But because I took care of everthing that day, being confident about my shit, talking to most of the guests ("how do you know the bride"-type shit), I realized that I had a higher ceiling then I thought, being able to get women even in inappropriate situations like that.
I started being ridiculously confident after that day, calling random women bitches in a frivolous/non-chalant way in the first 3 minutes of talking to them, stopped listening to them if I didn't have to and all of the above.
Before that, if a good looking woman started talking to me about star signs, I would listen, nodding and agreeing to what she says while thinking she would hopefully suck my dick in the future. But I started being honest and it worked, being sexual along the way. If a woman I was interested in started talking about star signs, I had four responses in my head and would use one of them in the conversation. I would either tell her to shut up, telling her she's stupid and doesn't live in reality, telling her I'm a pescetarian (or something like that) or I would make it sexual by saying that I am into star signs too, asking what sign she is and telling her that the horoscope said that her and my sign should try anal.
Stop being boring like all the other dudes, just preemptively agreeing with her in hope of pussy.
I can give you another example: If she says "body count doesn't matter" or something like "my past doesn't define my future", both of which are obviously bullshit, just be honest to her, not in a "I am mad at women because I can't get no action"-way but in a "women are goofy"-way. Say "of course is does, did you read that in a feminist self help book?", "my past would matter if I was a gay pornstar before" and "if your body count is over 30, your pussy probably echoes" to give them another option of thinking to their life. After that, it becomes easy to get them because you are on her mind and she is emotional. You stay composed when they talk emotionally. Risk the loss AND MEAN IT.
And the sad thing is: Most of you can't be assholes out of the blue, because if you tried, it wouldn't be righteous. 90% of what you care about is height and looks, and that's the first thing they attack when they are bored of you.
I literally know a woman who is like 5"4 (162cm) and told me she doesn't really care as long as her man is taller when she wears high heels. And a year later, when she had a bf and they had an argument, because she knew that he is insecure about his height, she said "well you are only 5"10 (178cm). That's what they do, they test you everyday to know if you are actually as cool as you say you are. Instead of winning (which is hard), they try to be with a winner and check if he really is, the ones who want to win themselfes are those ultra masculine lawyer women who you don't want to be with long term (they are also the easiest to fuck, just like teachers but you have to find the reason for it yourself).
And if you go down that path, you will start to hate women (like you do already) but in a different, more authentic way. Right now you hate them because you are not 6'4 or don't have a 8" dick which is why they won't talk to you.
I hate them because I have do be confident, charismatic and funny, need a little bit of status, maybe a nice car that HAS to be clean, a solid outfit and all they give back is a vague implication that you are gonna fuck them.
Back to the scandinavian girl: I realized she wouldn't even would've came over if I was a model, because how would she have approached me? She wouldn't know, because she never had to develop conversational skills. Maybe if I was The Rock, an ABBA member or someone else of that magnitude, then she would've maybe asked for a photo but not being flirty because she wouldn't know how to be flirty.
And that's my biggest problem with all you 20yo wanting to have surgery, because it doesn't matter to women. Removing a little UEE or having 2" longer shins is just the icing on the cake for women (so that they think maybe twice a month about your eye area), but only dudes here will give you compliments for it, which is inherently GAY. Also, most dudes here think that they look horrible as well, which is even less important because it's not from men who you want to look like.
Also, let's say you did get a surgery like buccal fat removal like you always wanted. Women still won't talk to you because of the one reason I talked about earlier: THEY ARE ALL AUTISTIC. Maybe 2-3 women you don't know a year will start a conversation with you but because of their autism, they can't hold a conversation to save their life. And because of the threat of rejection, they will act like the reason they started the conversation was not because of your looks. I can give you an example:
W: "Hey, can you tell me where did you get your chain from?"
M: "I got it at _online shop x_"
The only reply they have is "oh... okay" and go the other way. They want you to do your part and say something like "At At _Online shop x_, do you like it?" so that they can respond instead of think for themselfes. This will not change, regardless of your looks.
The only type of women who can hold a conversation are either fatties or OF-women, because they don't take themself too seriously. Is this the outcome you want? Only getting with whores and whales so that you don't have to be confident?
When you start going on dates regularly, you will realize how dumb they are (especially good looking ones) and talking to them is hard.
Take this as an example: (date starts at 6:54)
You act like broads. When they go to the club, dick is maybe the third thing on the list for them. Number one is ATTENTION from straight men (that's why they don't really go to gay clubs). Number two is ATTENTION from other good looking women (which they also can't really get in a gay club), because they try to flex on them.
If they do their nails in some special way, it doesn't work on guys because we don't care. If they want male attention, they just need to have their tiddies out (look at french protests // that's also why crypto nerds don't get respect, because all they have to offer is money which is why they get played so bad). Did you ever see a woman and thought "man, I thought I wouldn't fuck her but then I saw her nails/lashes and they just look perfect, now I'm horny"? Of course not, because body and appearance are the most important things for us. Would you have sex with a woman who has brachydactyly? Of course, because it doesn't mean nothing. And the other way around, they don't care about your gonial angle, UEE, CT etc., as long as it's at least close to average. Does the following sound like a woman's thought: "This dude looks like a unhygienic, insecure, shy, nerdy loser but his lower third is making my pussy wet. I want him to dislocate my hip"?
Take height for example:
There is a difference between online and real life. Yes, women can just blend out anyone below 6 foot on Tinder, but not in real life. There is no supermarket only tall people can use or tall only friend groups. That's why height is mostly cope, because it only affects you when you live online. On porn sites, the category "big tits" gets more montly searches, but bitches with a cup size B get about as much attention as bitches with cup size D in real life.
Go outside and visit a shopping mall. The couples you see mostly match, the man looking better has a probability of 1/200, but on the other side, mtb with dudes who have beer bellies/horrible skin/dirty shoes at 5'9 etc. are far more common, because they like us for other things.
If you need another indicator that mid dudes get women regularly, choose a random law firm in your area that specialises in divorce law and do something like reading a book on a bench close to it, you will see mid dudes entering, that had a wife who probably looks as mid as them or a little better.
Women are into good looking ones, and would even cheat on you with them, but they would not give up a LTR even for a guy who looks good, 6'4 and has a huge dick, if he isn't interested in a loving, official relationship. What they would do is that:
When they realize that you are in their pocket, they will cheat on you with someone who they think can do better for them. Then, you and him will be in her life and the moment she realizes that the new guy will not leave her, she will leave you instead. And if you find out about it, she will blame you, tries to make you feel bad and leave you anyway.
But when you experience the world and sexual relations, you realize that pussy isn't special and it's more like the screws of a piece of furniture. You don't look at a table and think "yeah it may look good, but thank god for the screws, otherwise all of this wouldn't be possible. The screws are special" do you? If you start begging them for sex, they get high knowing that you are in their pocket and that they have leverage now.
My guy Garou seems to have made this realisation too: https://looksmax.org/threads/if-you-already-ascended-please-click-serious-question.1154252/
They need all this shit of feeling fulfilled, like rather going to brunch on a sunday instead of just sleeping longer and scratching their balls (because they don't have them). And your looks will never change that. But instead of you going "yes honey" every single time, tell her she should go with her friends if you don't want to. JUST BE HONEST.
Apart from just doing useless activities, I can tell you one more thing what they want: They want someone who is better then them is the sense of whatever they think they lack. And most of the time it's these two things:
1. CONFIDENCE: Because most women don't have an ounce of confidence, this is your time to shine for any possible LTR in the future.
2. MONEY (but it's more tied to STATUS): Most of the time, they choose either nurturing or bullshit jobs, both of which have shitty salary. Also, they don't know how to handle money, having emotional compulsion purchases regularly. This is, to have her admire you, your time to shine too, telling her NO when it comes to bullshit she wants.
I am not talking about 500k a month or that women are gold diggers, just have enough to life somewhat comfortably. And if a bitch you are interested in says "at least 200k yearly", just be logical with her to show her that she is, infact, stupid. "Do you know how to interpret tax returns?" or "rent is 12k, car is 10k, groceries are 8k, activities and gym are 2k, holiday is 6k, furniture and kitchen utensils are 5k, sanitary stuff is 2k. That's 45k. What do you need the rest for?" And guess what, they have no answer.
All this stuff I talked about what they are into, are way more important TO THEM then looks and height. If you only have looks and height but no substance, you will die alone like a cat lady. Maybe you are in relationships now, but as soon as they are close to the wall or already behind it, they will think "is this really worth it, spending my fertile years with a tall and good looking but female acting, broke, idiotic bum?" and leave you anyway or rather leave you when they find someone better than you (which will be easy).
But hey, instead of just shitting on you, I can give you a life hack to get some confidence in talking to people:
Just strike up a regular conversation with randoms and start with older women too. If you are on foot and have to wait at a red light, go talk to that old lady next to you. "That pedestrian light always takes so long doesn't it?" and there you have your entry. 40yo woman with a suitcase sitting in front of you on a train. "Going on vacation?", the worst she can say is "none of your business". 30yo women in front of you at the meat counter. "Hey, what's on the menu tonight?". The first 20 times you will stutter, slowly but surely you will realize that women aren't special in the way that you don't have to put them on a pedestal. It teaches you to not bite your tongue, even when you are in a relationship.
Doing an internship at a sales job would be even easier (maybe not these door sales where you want to sell them a window when you can see that their window clearly works, but you get the idea).
And don't be mad if it doesn't work in the beginning. You can take any sport: Messi has a shooting percentage of 30% this season, meaning for every 10 shots he takes, he scores 3 times. Michael Jordan has a career shooting percentage of 49,7% and Wayne Gretzky 17,6%. And in their freshman/rookie seasons, their scoring stats looked way worse.
And after you were able to take care of your confidence, arrogance and social skills (particularly in the lady segment) by softmaxxing, getting better in the gym and martial arts too (which is something we can agree on), then comes the time when you can think about going the extra mile, with the extra mile being genioplasty, zygo implants, canthoplasty, bimax etc. or even filler. Softmaxxing is key, because it means that you are actually doing something productive, which makes you feel better. Taking sarms etc. is somewhat softmaxxing imo, because you still need to go to the gym and lift heavy.
Who do you think gets more attention, a promiscuous looking mtb or a shy, awkward looking mtb? Of course the promiscuous looking hoe. But if the shy, awkward looking mtb got a BBL, in order to get more attention, do you think that would change? Maybe a bit, but the hoe would still get more.
It's the same with you and thinking about getting a jaw implant, it would mean nothing, changing maybe 5% of your current situation.
Only surgeries allowed before imo are rhino (because it's in the middle of the face) if your nose looks really fucked up (even though people like Vincent Cassel exist and his nose doesn't make a difference, because he is confident about his shit, just acting like his nose is sexy but I'll give you a pass on that one) or penis lengthening if your willy is less then 4 inches. Going from being a geek with 5 inches to a geek with seven means you are still a geek.
Wanting to have more is normal, but if you know how to use your fingers and tongue, 4 is literally all you NEED. You can even use a 10 inch dildo, because if you did everything with fingers and tongue properly (enough guides on here, they don't teach you about how you have to act that her asshole doesn't stink but that's the price you have to pay if you only got 4 inches), she will not think about the 10 incher itself, rather you using it on her and connecting the pleasure to you, meaning she won't leave you use it herself or with a "chad".
(Re-)establish a positive reputation. So please, I somewhat beg you because I know that many of you don't want to live this life of constant sadness and unfulfilledness, gather all that energy you spend on looking up the best surgeons over 1000 miles away, and just release that channeled energy the next time in the shower when you wash your nuts. That's where it all starts.
But because I know that most of you will not even try to implement anything I mentioned, just rotting in your room, drowning in your own sorrow and thinking that a miracle will happen, we can never be allies, even though we have the same enemy. And for that reason I'm out. Apart from like 6 users here who make sense, listening to all of you talking your logicflawed ideas made me lose so much of my mojo/swagger, which is another reason I need to leave this platform ASAP.
Will take the links of bookmarked guides with me and use them in the future tho. Goodbye
But let's start at the beginning: For me, it started off here with the botb-guides (which are mostly great, shoutout Garou (wonder what he looks like, bet he is a good looking guy tho because Pneumo was too and he had a lot of great threads as well)) but when I started hanging out in "looksmaxxing questions" and especially "offtopic", that's where the hatred for for most of you began, because you remind me of my younger self. Back in the day when I somewhat struggled with women (not really, it was just the level of women who I got with), I always thought that I would get a higher quality if I had green instead if brown eyes, because I just thought they were rarer and would make me look way more attractive. And so I started my journey, took me about 8 months to brighten my eyes for them to look hazel and greenish in the sun (they were about a T30 and are T07 now), but it was very risky and gave me nightmares every single day, severe headaches and I had to stop because I had an epileptic seizure because of it and haven't done it since (I had three more seizures, two of them even while being on medication).
I haven't thought about what I had done or if it was worth it (just accepting it), only until 3 months after the first seizure, when I was at a famous beach club and saw the prettiest girl ever, beautiful scandinavian blonde, Sydney Sweeney size tits and somewhat of a big ass too (both probably natural), Dadarrio eyes... she was just perfect. I observed her every few minutes and saw how arrogant she was also super arrogant to other women at the club but it was the type of arrogance she could get away with, just flexing on them because she could. I was starstruck and realized I was worthless. I literally could not fall asleep that day with her being on my mind. I rethought my ways and started to realize that she wouldn't have come over even if I had perfect green hunter eyes, because I was skinnyfat, lazy, wore dirty half-broken shoes, nails were dirty etc. and even if she was posessed by the devil (only reason she would've come over), I couldn't have talked to her, only being able to stutter and creaming my underwear in the process.
That's where my self-improvement journey began and I started to realize, what women are into. I can't tell you all (will talk about a bit later) but it's not the things you think. I got a better trim, started taking notes and becoming good at uni, started going to the gym again and taking enough protein, daily showers, using shower puffs and multiple towels, cleaning my shoes and shaving my back regularly, wearing fragrance, and changing the bedding regularly instead of my mother doing it for me (I'm changing it twice a week now, I think the first time I changed them myself was at age 17 so I could've used the same bedding for 4 months+). And also the biggest change was implementing a skincare routine to take care of the biggest organ, the skin. Never had acne but had like 2-3 pimples a month that would only go away by squeezing them 3-4 days in a row and they would leave you with a little red scar. Got a routine going and it changed a lot. This was such a huge confidence boost, not rotting anymore but taking care of my life like an ADULT.
And let me tell you the day that changed my life: I was at a wedding and I literally did everything I could. Went to the barber 2-3 days before, starved myself 2 weeks prior to look good in a suit (because I wasn't taking good enough care of my nutrition at that time) and had it tailored, had a manicure, skincare routine was already on point at that time, got a spray tan (normally a type I-II Fitzpatrick, shoutout to the forum for letting me know about MT2, will start using it 2025) and much more. And let me tell you, I had the best day of my life because everyone loved me. A waitress sucked my dick on the staff toilet and I was even asked if I was an actor. Could've probably even fucked the grooms 18yo sister too I am not joking. This day I realized I wasn't even that ugly because the women I went for before all looked a little off so that I would be able to let them know that this is an even playing field. But because I took care of everthing that day, being confident about my shit, talking to most of the guests ("how do you know the bride"-type shit), I realized that I had a higher ceiling then I thought, being able to get women even in inappropriate situations like that.
I started being ridiculously confident after that day, calling random women bitches in a frivolous/non-chalant way in the first 3 minutes of talking to them, stopped listening to them if I didn't have to and all of the above.
Before that, if a good looking woman started talking to me about star signs, I would listen, nodding and agreeing to what she says while thinking she would hopefully suck my dick in the future. But I started being honest and it worked, being sexual along the way. If a woman I was interested in started talking about star signs, I had four responses in my head and would use one of them in the conversation. I would either tell her to shut up, telling her she's stupid and doesn't live in reality, telling her I'm a pescetarian (or something like that) or I would make it sexual by saying that I am into star signs too, asking what sign she is and telling her that the horoscope said that her and my sign should try anal.
Stop being boring like all the other dudes, just preemptively agreeing with her in hope of pussy.
I can give you another example: If she says "body count doesn't matter" or something like "my past doesn't define my future", both of which are obviously bullshit, just be honest to her, not in a "I am mad at women because I can't get no action"-way but in a "women are goofy"-way. Say "of course is does, did you read that in a feminist self help book?", "my past would matter if I was a gay pornstar before" and "if your body count is over 30, your pussy probably echoes" to give them another option of thinking to their life. After that, it becomes easy to get them because you are on her mind and she is emotional. You stay composed when they talk emotionally. Risk the loss AND MEAN IT.
And the sad thing is: Most of you can't be assholes out of the blue, because if you tried, it wouldn't be righteous. 90% of what you care about is height and looks, and that's the first thing they attack when they are bored of you.
I literally know a woman who is like 5"4 (162cm) and told me she doesn't really care as long as her man is taller when she wears high heels. And a year later, when she had a bf and they had an argument, because she knew that he is insecure about his height, she said "well you are only 5"10 (178cm). That's what they do, they test you everyday to know if you are actually as cool as you say you are. Instead of winning (which is hard), they try to be with a winner and check if he really is, the ones who want to win themselfes are those ultra masculine lawyer women who you don't want to be with long term (they are also the easiest to fuck, just like teachers but you have to find the reason for it yourself).
And if you go down that path, you will start to hate women (like you do already) but in a different, more authentic way. Right now you hate them because you are not 6'4 or don't have a 8" dick which is why they won't talk to you.
I hate them because I have do be confident, charismatic and funny, need a little bit of status, maybe a nice car that HAS to be clean, a solid outfit and all they give back is a vague implication that you are gonna fuck them.
Back to the scandinavian girl: I realized she wouldn't even would've came over if I was a model, because how would she have approached me? She wouldn't know, because she never had to develop conversational skills. Maybe if I was The Rock, an ABBA member or someone else of that magnitude, then she would've maybe asked for a photo but not being flirty because she wouldn't know how to be flirty.
And that's my biggest problem with all you 20yo wanting to have surgery, because it doesn't matter to women. Removing a little UEE or having 2" longer shins is just the icing on the cake for women (so that they think maybe twice a month about your eye area), but only dudes here will give you compliments for it, which is inherently GAY. Also, most dudes here think that they look horrible as well, which is even less important because it's not from men who you want to look like.
Also, let's say you did get a surgery like buccal fat removal like you always wanted. Women still won't talk to you because of the one reason I talked about earlier: THEY ARE ALL AUTISTIC. Maybe 2-3 women you don't know a year will start a conversation with you but because of their autism, they can't hold a conversation to save their life. And because of the threat of rejection, they will act like the reason they started the conversation was not because of your looks. I can give you an example:
W: "Hey, can you tell me where did you get your chain from?"
M: "I got it at _online shop x_"
The only reply they have is "oh... okay" and go the other way. They want you to do your part and say something like "At At _Online shop x_, do you like it?" so that they can respond instead of think for themselfes. This will not change, regardless of your looks.
The only type of women who can hold a conversation are either fatties or OF-women, because they don't take themself too seriously. Is this the outcome you want? Only getting with whores and whales so that you don't have to be confident?
When you start going on dates regularly, you will realize how dumb they are (especially good looking ones) and talking to them is hard.
Take this as an example: (date starts at 6:54)
You act like broads. When they go to the club, dick is maybe the third thing on the list for them. Number one is ATTENTION from straight men (that's why they don't really go to gay clubs). Number two is ATTENTION from other good looking women (which they also can't really get in a gay club), because they try to flex on them.
If they do their nails in some special way, it doesn't work on guys because we don't care. If they want male attention, they just need to have their tiddies out (look at french protests // that's also why crypto nerds don't get respect, because all they have to offer is money which is why they get played so bad). Did you ever see a woman and thought "man, I thought I wouldn't fuck her but then I saw her nails/lashes and they just look perfect, now I'm horny"? Of course not, because body and appearance are the most important things for us. Would you have sex with a woman who has brachydactyly? Of course, because it doesn't mean nothing. And the other way around, they don't care about your gonial angle, UEE, CT etc., as long as it's at least close to average. Does the following sound like a woman's thought: "This dude looks like a unhygienic, insecure, shy, nerdy loser but his lower third is making my pussy wet. I want him to dislocate my hip"?
Take height for example:
There is a difference between online and real life. Yes, women can just blend out anyone below 6 foot on Tinder, but not in real life. There is no supermarket only tall people can use or tall only friend groups. That's why height is mostly cope, because it only affects you when you live online. On porn sites, the category "big tits" gets more montly searches, but bitches with a cup size B get about as much attention as bitches with cup size D in real life.
Go outside and visit a shopping mall. The couples you see mostly match, the man looking better has a probability of 1/200, but on the other side, mtb with dudes who have beer bellies/horrible skin/dirty shoes at 5'9 etc. are far more common, because they like us for other things.
If you need another indicator that mid dudes get women regularly, choose a random law firm in your area that specialises in divorce law and do something like reading a book on a bench close to it, you will see mid dudes entering, that had a wife who probably looks as mid as them or a little better.
Women are into good looking ones, and would even cheat on you with them, but they would not give up a LTR even for a guy who looks good, 6'4 and has a huge dick, if he isn't interested in a loving, official relationship. What they would do is that:
When they realize that you are in their pocket, they will cheat on you with someone who they think can do better for them. Then, you and him will be in her life and the moment she realizes that the new guy will not leave her, she will leave you instead. And if you find out about it, she will blame you, tries to make you feel bad and leave you anyway.
But when you experience the world and sexual relations, you realize that pussy isn't special and it's more like the screws of a piece of furniture. You don't look at a table and think "yeah it may look good, but thank god for the screws, otherwise all of this wouldn't be possible. The screws are special" do you? If you start begging them for sex, they get high knowing that you are in their pocket and that they have leverage now.
My guy Garou seems to have made this realisation too: https://looksmax.org/threads/if-you-already-ascended-please-click-serious-question.1154252/
They need all this shit of feeling fulfilled, like rather going to brunch on a sunday instead of just sleeping longer and scratching their balls (because they don't have them). And your looks will never change that. But instead of you going "yes honey" every single time, tell her she should go with her friends if you don't want to. JUST BE HONEST.
Apart from just doing useless activities, I can tell you one more thing what they want: They want someone who is better then them is the sense of whatever they think they lack. And most of the time it's these two things:
1. CONFIDENCE: Because most women don't have an ounce of confidence, this is your time to shine for any possible LTR in the future.
2. MONEY (but it's more tied to STATUS): Most of the time, they choose either nurturing or bullshit jobs, both of which have shitty salary. Also, they don't know how to handle money, having emotional compulsion purchases regularly. This is, to have her admire you, your time to shine too, telling her NO when it comes to bullshit she wants.
I am not talking about 500k a month or that women are gold diggers, just have enough to life somewhat comfortably. And if a bitch you are interested in says "at least 200k yearly", just be logical with her to show her that she is, infact, stupid. "Do you know how to interpret tax returns?" or "rent is 12k, car is 10k, groceries are 8k, activities and gym are 2k, holiday is 6k, furniture and kitchen utensils are 5k, sanitary stuff is 2k. That's 45k. What do you need the rest for?" And guess what, they have no answer.
All this stuff I talked about what they are into, are way more important TO THEM then looks and height. If you only have looks and height but no substance, you will die alone like a cat lady. Maybe you are in relationships now, but as soon as they are close to the wall or already behind it, they will think "is this really worth it, spending my fertile years with a tall and good looking but female acting, broke, idiotic bum?" and leave you anyway or rather leave you when they find someone better than you (which will be easy).
But hey, instead of just shitting on you, I can give you a life hack to get some confidence in talking to people:
Just strike up a regular conversation with randoms and start with older women too. If you are on foot and have to wait at a red light, go talk to that old lady next to you. "That pedestrian light always takes so long doesn't it?" and there you have your entry. 40yo woman with a suitcase sitting in front of you on a train. "Going on vacation?", the worst she can say is "none of your business". 30yo women in front of you at the meat counter. "Hey, what's on the menu tonight?". The first 20 times you will stutter, slowly but surely you will realize that women aren't special in the way that you don't have to put them on a pedestal. It teaches you to not bite your tongue, even when you are in a relationship.
Doing an internship at a sales job would be even easier (maybe not these door sales where you want to sell them a window when you can see that their window clearly works, but you get the idea).
And don't be mad if it doesn't work in the beginning. You can take any sport: Messi has a shooting percentage of 30% this season, meaning for every 10 shots he takes, he scores 3 times. Michael Jordan has a career shooting percentage of 49,7% and Wayne Gretzky 17,6%. And in their freshman/rookie seasons, their scoring stats looked way worse.
And after you were able to take care of your confidence, arrogance and social skills (particularly in the lady segment) by softmaxxing, getting better in the gym and martial arts too (which is something we can agree on), then comes the time when you can think about going the extra mile, with the extra mile being genioplasty, zygo implants, canthoplasty, bimax etc. or even filler. Softmaxxing is key, because it means that you are actually doing something productive, which makes you feel better. Taking sarms etc. is somewhat softmaxxing imo, because you still need to go to the gym and lift heavy.
Who do you think gets more attention, a promiscuous looking mtb or a shy, awkward looking mtb? Of course the promiscuous looking hoe. But if the shy, awkward looking mtb got a BBL, in order to get more attention, do you think that would change? Maybe a bit, but the hoe would still get more.
It's the same with you and thinking about getting a jaw implant, it would mean nothing, changing maybe 5% of your current situation.
Only surgeries allowed before imo are rhino (because it's in the middle of the face) if your nose looks really fucked up (even though people like Vincent Cassel exist and his nose doesn't make a difference, because he is confident about his shit, just acting like his nose is sexy but I'll give you a pass on that one) or penis lengthening if your willy is less then 4 inches. Going from being a geek with 5 inches to a geek with seven means you are still a geek.
Wanting to have more is normal, but if you know how to use your fingers and tongue, 4 is literally all you NEED. You can even use a 10 inch dildo, because if you did everything with fingers and tongue properly (enough guides on here, they don't teach you about how you have to act that her asshole doesn't stink but that's the price you have to pay if you only got 4 inches), she will not think about the 10 incher itself, rather you using it on her and connecting the pleasure to you, meaning she won't leave you use it herself or with a "chad".
(Re-)establish a positive reputation. So please, I somewhat beg you because I know that many of you don't want to live this life of constant sadness and unfulfilledness, gather all that energy you spend on looking up the best surgeons over 1000 miles away, and just release that channeled energy the next time in the shower when you wash your nuts. That's where it all starts.
But because I know that most of you will not even try to implement anything I mentioned, just rotting in your room, drowning in your own sorrow and thinking that a miracle will happen, we can never be allies, even though we have the same enemy. And for that reason I'm out. Apart from like 6 users here who make sense, listening to all of you talking your logicflawed ideas made me lose so much of my mojo/swagger, which is another reason I need to leave this platform ASAP.
Will take the links of bookmarked guides with me and use them in the future tho. Goodbye