Black men are the most privileged (prove me wrong if you can)

Based and BLACKpilled. It annoys the shit out of me when white conservatives complain and muh affirmative action and shit. How can someone be this deluded and bluepilled to think that any ethnic group, especially blacks have any sort of advantage in society.
what a pathetic argument. asian, curries , menas come to usa in worse condition than blacks and turn their lives around in just one generation.

meanwhile blacks are busy with muh rap , muh gun, muh white bitches.

always blames others never blames themselves.
Whites have the most advantage in society. Enough with this BBC affirmative action cope.
Affirmative action really is a cope lmao

Even the Supreme Court itself said it was a big cope

chinks and cumskins blaming their shit SAT scores on everyone else

"One helpful illustration of this point your honor, is SFFA's own expert, their own decile analysis finds that "Among the most academically qualified students, Asian Americans and White applicants actually have a higher acceptance rate than Black students, this is their own expert evidence, and this is discussed at tab 78, as the District Court commented that is a particularly strange result if their characterization of our admissions' process is accurate."

“Though this was not the focus of Professor Arcidiacono’s analysis, the
Court also observes that 3% of in-state, top decile African American candidates were denied admissions by UNC, more than double the percentage of their white counterparts with AIs in this decile. (See ECF No. 247-1 at 13 (Arcidiacono demonstratives) (showing 1.2% of white students and 1.8% of Asian American students being denied in the top decile)“

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what a pathetic argument. asian, curries , menas come to usa in worse condition than blacks and turn their lives around in just one generation.

meanwhile blacks are busy with muh rap , muh gun, muh white bitches.

always blames others never blames themselves.
Jlf you’re just another retard that doesn’t understand the U.S. immigration system. If you knew anything about it. You’d know that the Asians and Indians that come here are far from “worse conditions”. They typically come on student visas or from well of families who can afford the cost of a green card, and studying for the citizenship exam. which is very expensive. The requirements to immigrate here are also not lax, Latinos only come here in droves because they do it illegally and politicians often have to give them amnesty and temp refugee status so the democrats could stop complaining, but the legit immigration method is very difficult and countries send there best of the best here. Especially to the regular citizens of those respective countries. The avg Asian and Indian lives and works in their country and never in their life will have the opportunity to come to the U.S. the ones that do are typically well off and highly educated.
Jlf you’re just another retard that doesn’t understand the U.S. immigration system. If you knew anything about it. You’d know that the Asians and Indians that come here are far from “worse conditions”. They typically come on student visas or from well of families who can afford the cost of a green card, and studying for the citizenship exam. which is very expensive. The requirements to immigrate here are also not lax, Latinos only come here in droves because they do it illegally and politicians often have to give them amnesty and temp refugee status so the democrats could stop complaining, but the legit immigration method is very difficult and countries send there best of the best here. Especially to the regular citizens of those respective countries. The avg Asian and Indian lives and works in their country and never in their life will have the opportunity to come to the U.S. the ones that do are typically well off and highly educated.
i know more than you about us immigration system. our neighbour immigrated to usa through the The Diversity Visa Program . husband worked as an insurance guy here , wife a homemaker, two daughters age 12 and 10 and a son 3.

now here is usa the guy works as a Cashier , wife works as a nanny to an old woman and the eldest daughter now works as a nurse and the other is in college.

meanwhile blacks staying in america for generations still need handouts and freebies.
Autism, whites are the most privileged period. Blacks get discriminated against even in their own countries jfl. Even blacks hate blacks

None of you whiny JBW faggots would survive a single day no a single SECOND as a blackcel. Imagine being white and still being an abused dog loser. Lowest of the low
blck are hte least virgin rate and get fetishized
i know more than you about us immigration system. our neighbour immigrated to usa through the The Diversity Visa Program . husband worked as an insurance guy here , wife a homemaker, two daughters age 12 and 10 and a son 3.

now here is usa the guy works as a Cashier , wife works as a nanny to an old woman and the eldest daughter now works as a nurse and the other is in college.

meanwhile blacks staying in america for generations still need handouts and freebies.
The dumbest anecdote I’ve heard. You don’t know more about it than me. That program is somewhat complex and the requirements are also strict. Only 50,000 people a year from a select few regions in the world with low immigration rates to the US. A VISA application already has to be in progress to be eligible, and you hs e to have an immediate family member that’s already a U.S. citizen.

And your famiky members came here to be a cashier and a fucking Nany. And you’ve got the nerve to compare to blacks. There’s plenty of blacks who work in those jobs and need assistance because of weaker family structures (Asians who make very little women often all group up in one house, thus raising the medium income, compared to a black household where the main income could be coming from a similar occupation, but there’s only one source of income rather than multiple).

Systemic laws were passed for years that deliberately affected black families and households in a negative way. From Jim Crow Laws to Redlining to the 1994 Crime bill that led to the incarceration of black fathers over minor crimes like weed possession, the exact same “crime” the average white normie commits but doesn’t get in trouble for. Blacks are also less likely to be hired for jobs, especially if their name isn’t “white sounding”. I could go on and on. But I’m assuming you’re some ignorant idiot who browses incel forums all day getting your ignorant views propped up by the many coons and self hating ethnics who also rot here. So I’m not gonna further debate you,
if its such a cope why they are fighting so hard to keep it. why they riot to keep it.

Using racial merit in education is illegal in California hence why affirmative action got banned over a decade ago their

So in conclusion sky news is full of shii

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