Black men aren't alpha males.

NT Master

NT Master

Prophet of the Racepill
Sep 27, 2022
The idea that Black men are masculine is both the dumbest and most persistent myth that is popularly believed. Fools both in
real life and even on blackpill forums seriously think that Blacks are natural alpha males and that Tyrones are common. Nothing
could be further from the truth.

Just think of all of the traits of an alpha male chad and realize that Black men don't excel at any of them. Elite alpha males
are rich and successful men who flaunt their wealth and can buy, drive, or wear anything they want. Are Black men rich? Hell no!
Africa is by far the poorest continent and Black people are always the poorest race in every country they live in; no exceptions.
A few rich rappers or athletes don't make up for the poor ghetto trash that makes up 99% of the race.

Elite alpha males have the physique of Greek gods and excel in sports and physical competitions. Do Black men perform very well
in athletic pursuits? Despite stereotypes, the answer is no. If you look at the countries that win the most Olympic medals,
majority-White and majority-oriental nations dominate while African countries perform horribly. In addition, the best bodybuilders
in the world are all-white and the GOATs of most sports are also White. Negroes seem to dominate basketball and American Football
but in any other sport they're lackluster at best.

The signature trait of elite alpha males is their height. Alpha males literally see over the heads of lesser males and foids literally
look up to them. Are Blacks the tallest race? No they are not. All of the countries with the tallest average height are all European
nations. In addition, the average White American man in the USA is taller than the average African-American. Another Black physicality
myth debunked.

Historically, Chads were great conquerors who literally took whatever and whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted. Were Black
Men ever great conquerors? Fuck no they weren't! Africa is the laughing stock of human civilization. If you exclude the Arabs
up north, the only African empires of note were the Malians and the Ethiopians. Everyone else were savages living in mud huts.
It should be of no surprise then when Africa has been easily subjugated for over a thousand year by both Europeans and West Asians.
Meanwhile, Europeans have founded the largest and most powerful empires in human history in the form of the British, Spanish, and Russian
Empires. East Asians also founded mighty empires like the Mongol Empire, Imperial Japan, and Qing Dynasty China. Europeans, Middle Easterners,
and East Asians have all gone forward and conquered land on other continents while before the 1900s, niggers only left Africa
in slave chains. A historical Tyrone is an oxymoron.

Finally, the ultimate standard of a Chad is their sexual prowess. The reason acquire looks, money, and status is to impregnate
as many high-value women as possible and spread their alpha seed. The best Chads can not only fuck stacies of their own race
but stacies of other races as well. Have Black men been historically successful at spreading their genes to other races? LOL!
They wish but no they have not. The modern cuck meme is the silliest and most ironic shit ever because for thousands of years,
Black men were the most cucked race on Earth. Both Whites and Arabs have enslaved negroes for centuries and forced niggers to
work while treating Black women as their personal concubines and baby factories. There are even entire countries entirely populated
by White men raping and breeding with Black women (Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Brazil)
along with countries populated by Arab men raping and breeding with Black women (Mauritania, Comoros, Mayotte). Blacks are always
the subjugated, never the subjugater. People here joke about East Asian men having low testosterone (which is a myth), but the man who fathered
the most children in history (from Korea to Hungary) and had the largest land empire was East Asian (Genghis motherfucking Khan).
When it comes to the most primal and important standard of alphaness, Blacks fall short yet again.

When you look at the facts and statistics, there ain't shit for Blacks to be proud of. When it comes to anything of importance,
another race (generally Whites or East Asians) generally outdoes them. The only thing Black people can do better than other races
is not get skin cancer/sunburn and that's it. Even the legendary big black cock is a big fat myth. In a more rational world, East
Asians would easily be the most alpha race after Europeans. They have money, status, Olympic medals, great empires, have historically
cucked others, and China is posed to be the next superpower. Yet everyone in the West is pretending that Black men are superhuman
beasts with infinite testosterone and SMV while East Asians are soyboys who can't ever accomplish anything. The world was far
more rational back in the 1950s when everybody knew that negroes were worthless but the Japs/Chinaman was a threat. The Sexual Revolution
fucked with people's heads in more ways than one.
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alpha and beta is nonsense redpilled shit
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  • JFL
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the only alpha men are men who have good hearts and follow God
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tdlr dnr op is just another coping sfcel lol
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Shame on you, reading is so easy it requires no effort besides moving your eyes
I’m illiterate sorry I can’t read also I have ADHD and an extremely low attention span :feelswhy:
the problem is socioeconomic factors
  • JFL
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Cope. You are writing paragraphs on .org while alpha black men are fucking your oneitis.
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I am a proud Black Man
  • Hmm...
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Dnrd. Mulattos mog.
>No average man can qualify as ‘rich’. 99% of other races again are not rich so it’s a mute point, there is black men on that are Fortune500 CEOs & on the Supreme Court, it’s not just some rappers

>Blacks dominate the cheapest & most accessible sports, of course they don’t win medals in Figure skating the majority of Olympic sports are quite dull

>Black men have higher testosterone levels than arab & Asian men, it’s just a fact. The majority of slaves were sold not taken. Also nice job pretending whites were not enslaved by the moors & Turks (which wasn’t by choice btw)

>plenty of great bodybuilders were black in fact I’m willing to bet disproportionately blacks excel at this, there’s a reason bodybuilders fake tan heavily The Black-White Bench Press Study

>Some of the tallest people in the world are black African tribes

>Conquerors were literally peasant incels that got sent away on a mission they were hoped to never come back from not ‘Muh chad alpha males’

>In the current day black men are fucking a lot more Arab and white women than in reverse, in the UK something like 87% of mullatos have a black father

>You leave out the kingdom of Songhai despite it being spread across a large part of West Africa. The Romans and Greeks you bumlick also could not conquer Kush or Axum, how ironic to bring up mud huts maybe touch up on European history
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Well ur not wrong about the history and general quality of life that africans have experienced. The only race that has it worse objectively is Aborignals. Aboriginals don't even have their own countries
  • +1
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True but now technology has equalized everything. From a purely physical standpoint whites mog everyone because they have good bodies and faces. Blacks mog asians and Indians because they are better built on average. But indians can be more Facially attractive (seriously)
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Reactions: thereallegend and Deleted member 21052
Cope. You are writing paragraphs on .org while alpha black men are fucking your oneitis.
Cope I'm the one fucking the alpha black men while u rot on
True but now technology has equalized everything. From a purely physical standpoint whites mog everyone because they have good bodies and faces. Blacks mog asians and Indians because they are better built on average. But indians can be more Facially attractive (seriously)
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Outside USA many people see blacks as monkeys tho because racism and coloring and phenotype(big lips and ape like pheno) but if you can look past that then they aren't that bad looking.
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Not a single word
@NT Master

@Blackgymmax his pfp has an attractive black woman with a good looking face and body. She doesn't have make up on either. She looks good stop coping with racism
Mayos love BBC. I didn't know they loved defending their chocolate Brothers so much. It's so heartwarming. If someone made a thread about chinks like this. All of u mayocels would eat the bullshit up and shit on gooks. JFL
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@Baldingman1998 meanwhile ur Arab girls are getting Beurette.COMed in europe
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  • JFL
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Mayos love BBC. I didn't know they loved defending their chocolate Brothers so much. It's so heartwarming. If someone made a thread about chinks like this. All of u mayocels would eat the bullshit up and shit on gooks. JFL
Yellow people all have lowT levels and coronavirus
  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: KING REIDYZ and Baldingman1998
Not a single girl I know irl is fucking a black guy. Those are from cuck arab countries. Lebanon is the most racist county in the middle east. Walking down the street with a black guy = social suicide for a woman.

I'm sure a few fuck blacks but mostly arab from maghreb or some other countries fuck blacks. Here any guy with blue eyes gets all the girls
  • +1
  • Ugh..
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Mayos love BBC. I didn't know they loved defending their chocolate Brothers so much. It's so heartwarming. If someone made a thread about chinks like this. All of u mayocels would eat the bullshit up and shit on gooks. JFL
Probably because they are mixed mutts claiming white
  • JFL
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"the best bodybuilders in the world are all white" shows me you know nothing about bodybuilding history
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Blacks are always
the subjugated, never the subjugater.
"the best bodybuilders in the world are all white" shows me you know nothing about bodybuilding history
that is true

the best bodybuilders are black sorry bro Flex, Ronnie , Levrone etc
Well ur not wrong about the history and general quality of life that africans have experienced. The only race that has it worse objectively is Aborignals. Aboriginals don't even have their own countries
Native Americans want a word ;)

But being cucked historically doesn’t mean much when that cucking only took place because you decided to sabotage yourself. Look at Slavs they are the strongest toughest Europeans and if you read a history book they spent most of their history being bullied by literally eveybody even your people bullied them hell the word SLAV and SLAVE share commonality for a reason JFL. But in 2022 Slavs are almost alpha whites. And this is due to Slavs always Sabotaging themselves Which is why Russia and Ukraine are at war benefiting the GERMANIC west Who will now enslave them again
Probably because they are mixed mutts claiming white
Nah, it's because they actually see northeast east asians as actual rivals on the global stage of world politics. They view blacks as the race they have to kneel down and suck their cock as an apology for slavery
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that is true

the best bodybuilders are black sorry bro Flex, Ronnie , Levrone etc
Sure if by best you mean most bloated fucked up palumbolism feaks then yes.
>No average man can qualify as ‘rich’. 99% of other races again are not rich so it’s a mute point, there is black men on that are Fortune500 CEOs & on the Supreme Court, it’s not just some rappers

>Blacks dominate the cheapest & most accessible sports, of course they don’t win medals in Figure skating the majority of Olympic sports are quite dull

>Black men have higher testosterone levels than arab & Asian men, it’s just a fact. The majority of slaves were sold not taken. Also nice job pretending whites were not enslaved by the moors & Turks (which wasn’t by choice btw)

>plenty of great bodybuilders were black in fact I’m willing to bet disproportionately blacks excel at this, there’s a reason bodybuilders fake tan heavily The Black-White Bench Press Study

>Some of the tallest people in the world are black African tribes

>Conquerors were literally peasant incels that got sent away on a mission they were hoped to never come back from not ‘Muh chad alpha males’

>In the current day black men are fucking a lot more Arab and white women than in reverse, in the UK something like 87% of mullatos have a black father

>You leave out the kingdom of Songhai despite it being spread across a large part of West Africa. The Romans and Greeks you bumlick also could not conquer Kush or Axum, how ironic to bring up mud huts maybe touch up on European history
Blacks also have higher t than white men and Latin with bigger dicks but the big differing factor here is DHT. That causes these differnces. The T differnce is marginal at best bht rhe DHT differnce is huge hence why blk get prostate cancer

Conquers weren’t peasant incels that’s a bull face cope but Africans as a whole tend to be more Raid heavy then conquer minded like Europeans, basically Europeans are liberal in that they want the planet Africans are conservative in that they jsut want to be left alone. Two differnt outlooks on life.

Some of the shortest people are African tribes as well. Bad argument

The rest is legit, but since when did black guys fuck Arab girls in the UK? That literally never happens here, mainland Europe sure I agree but in UK? Nah
  • +1
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Nah, it's because they actually see northeast east asians as actual rivals on the global stage of world politics. They view blacks as the race they have to kneel down and suck their cock as an apology for slavery
This this this this this this this. You said what I have been saying for years. NEA are the only competition whites have so they fear them. Blacks aren’t feared on an international level they are actually Pitied XD whites feel like an PETA worker saving a injured abused dog when they are around blacks JFL that’s why they pander to them so much
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This this this this this this this. You said what I have been saying for years.
I have a theory.... Whites are happy to suck the dick of blacks because they feel guilty. But the main thing is that they feel no real threat from the black race globally. So whites are happy to acknowledge blacks as a way to prove their progressiveness. There is no black country that is threatening white global dominance. They don't view blacks as equal competitors when it comes to things that actually matters.

The only people who can threaten the supremacy right now are northeast Asians. And what that really means is China. U can talk all u want about Japan and South Korea. But at the end of the day.... the vast majority of the northeast asians are Chinese and China is the source of East Asian civilization.

Mayocels are happy to jerk off their chocolate buddies in the west. But they will some how be more upset about asian men with their women because it actually affects global politics and standing in the world.
3287372966 1 2 EXz4M6gR
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  • JFL
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I have a theory.... Whites are happy to suck the dick of blacks because they feel guilty. But the main thing is that they feel no real threat from the black race globally. So whites are happy to acknowledge blacks as a way to prove their progressiveness. There is no black country that is threatening white global dominance. They don't view blacks as equal competitors when it comes to things that actually matters.

The only people who can threaten the supremacy right now are northeast Asians. And what that really means is China. U can talk all u want about Japan and South Korea. But at the end of the day.... the vast majority of the northeast asians are Chinese and China is the source of East Asian civilization.

Mayocels are happy to jerk off their chocolate buddies in the west. But they will some how be more upset about asian men with their women because it actually affects global politics and standing in the world.
View attachment 1911370
Damn I'm smart
I have a theory.... Whites are happy to suck the dick of blacks because they feel guilty. But the main thing is that they feel no real threat from the black race globally. So whites are happy to acknowledge blacks as a way to proof their progressiveness. There is no black country that is threatening white global dominance. They don't view blacks as equal competitors when it comes to these that actually matters.

The only people who can threaten the supremacy right now are northeast Asians. And what that really means is China. U can talk all u want about Japan and South Korea. But at the end of the day.... the vast majority of the northeast asians are Chinese and China is the source of East Asian civilization.

Mayocels are happy to jerk off their chocolate buddies in the west. But they will some how be more upset about asian men with their women because it actually affects global politics and standing in the world.
View attachment 1911370
I updated that comment reread it but I basically say what you say

The Europeans are ironic because they stifle africas development to this very day but try to appease the blacks in their countries but at the same time ironically also oppress the blacks making them live in the poorest communities in their nations. It’s a weird catch 22 with them. They pander to blacks 24/7 but also purposely Neg them so they can never be a threat or on an equal Plainfield. Whites cannot stifle Asians so they opt to shame them in their western nations to make up for it
  • +1
Reactions: NT Master and Cheesyrumble
I updated that comment reread it but I basically say what you say

The Europeans are ironic because they stifle africas development to this very day but try to appease the blacks in their countries but at the same time ironically also oppress the blacks making them live in the poorest communities in their nations. It’s a weird catch 22 with them. They pander to blacks 24/7 but also purposely Neg them so they can never be a threat or on an equal Plainfield.
  • JFL
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Blacks also have higher t than white men and Latin with bigger dicks but the big differing factor here is DHT. That causes these differnces. The T differnce is marginal at best bht rhe DHT differnce is huge hence why blk get prostate cancer

Conquers weren’t peasant incels that’s a bull face cope but Africans as a whole tend to be more Raid heavy then conquer minded like Europeans, basically Europeans are liberal in that they want the planet Africans are conservative in that they jsut want to be left alone. Two differnt outlooks on life.

Some of the shortest people are African tribes as well. Bad argument

The rest is legit, but since when did black guys fuck Arab girls in the UK? That literally never happens here, mainland Europe sure I agree but in UK? Nah
Why would early travellers be a bunch of nobles & not some smelly incels no one care about
Blk have been saying this for years tbh that’s why they hate white libs. Go online you’ll see most blacks that speak about politics hate white libs due to this shit cos whites are trying to game everybody. They even trying to game their inferior subhuman Slavic brothers, the reason why Americans don’t care either is due to the fact their ancestors are Germanic and Celtic so why should they care about some war with Slavic’s or MEDs?
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  • +1
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Why would early travellers be a bunch of nobles & not some smelly incels no one care about
Early travellers were the ones who funded these expeditions and reaped ALL the benifits. These same nobles are the ones who led the armies that went on to cuckhold the world. The Spanish in the Americas were an exception to this they sent the chavs to conquer the new world bht ironicallt made all the rulers Nobles from Spain
Bl as cos have been saying this for years tbh that’s why they hate white libs. Go online you’ll see most blacks that speak about politics hate white libs due to this shit cos whites are trying to game everybody. They even trying to game their inferior subhuman Slavic brothers, the reason why Americans don’t care either is due to the fact their ancestors are Germanic and Celtic so why should they care about some war with Slavic’s or MEDs?
Whites are happy with Blacks playing the entertainer role. And somehow it keeps the black community happy enough even if they have the worst quality of life and life expectancy out of anyone in the west. And the Whites are still practicing neo colonialism on native Africans. It's a completely toxic and unhealthy and honestly very degenerate relationship between blacks and whites that no other 2 races on earth have with each other
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Reactions: NT Master, thereallegend and PrinceLuenLeoncur
I feel like OP one of those bitter black foids from lipstick alley that are mad their raising Tyrones son alone as a single mom

because theirs no way a autistic incel from /pol writes that
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  • +1
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Whites are happy with Blacks playing the entertainer role. And somehow it keeps the black community happy enough even if they have the worst quality of life and life expectancy out of anyone in the west. And the Whites are still practicing neo colonialism on native Africans. It's a completely toxic and unhealthy and honestly very degenerate relationship between blacks and whites that no other 2 races on earth have with each other
Yeah they have a weird abusive relationship type of thing going on. I have often said their relationship mirrors that of an abusive husband who DOES genuinely love his wife but he’s just a prick and the woman whislt she loves her husband is also just a bitch. But cos she’s the woman she gets abused more than vice versa. This is why most mixed kids are Mullato (yes not Hapa even though WMAF is most common coupling mullatos are the most common mutt type born) despite the two supposedly hating eachother yet they fuck non stop
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If you look at the countries that win the most Olympic medals,
majority-White and majority-oriental nations dominate while African countries perform horribly.
Literally all of the Western countries' medal winning athletes have some African ancestry.


The reason China competes every is because their sports' culture is way more cerebral. They focus on the sports that require way less athleticism.
The idea that Black men are masculine is both the dumbest and most persistent myth that is popularly believed. Fools both in
real life and even on blackpill forums seriously think that Blacks are natural alpha males and that Tyrones are common. Nothing
could be further from the truth.

Just think of all of the traits of an alpha male chad and realize that Black men don't excel at any of them. Elite alpha males
are rich and successful men who flaunt their wealth and can buy, drive, or wear anything they want. Are Black men rich? Hell no!
Africa is by far the poorest continent and Black people are always the poorest race in every country they live in; no exceptions.
A few rich rappers or athletes don't make up for the poor ghetto trash that makes up 99% of the race.

Elite alpha males have the physique of Greek gods and excel in sports and physical competitions. Do Black men perform very well
in athletic pursuits? Despite stereotypes, the answer is no. If you look at the countries that win the most Olympic medals,
majority-White and majority-oriental nations dominate while African countries perform horribly. In addition, the best bodybuilders
in the world are all-white and the GOATs of most sports are also White. Negroes seem to dominate basketball and American Football
but in any other sport they're lackluster at best.

The signature trait of elite alpha males is their height. Alpha males literally see over the heads of lesser males and foids literally
look up to them. Are Blacks the tallest race? No they are not. All of the countries with the tallest average height are all European
nations. In addition, the average White American man in the USA is taller than the average African-American. Another Black physicality
myth debunked.

Historically, Chads were great conquerors who literally took whatever and whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted. Were Black
Men ever great conquerors? Fuck no they weren't! Africa is the laughing stock of human civilization. If you exclude the Arabs
up north, the only African empires of note were the Malians and the Ethiopians. Everyone else were savages living in mud huts.
It should be of no surprise then when Africa has been easily subjugated for over a thousand year by both Europeans and West Asians.
Meanwhile, Europeans have founded the largest and most powerful empires in human history in the form of the British, Spanish, and Russian
Empires. East Asians also founded mighty empires like the Mongol Empire, Imperial Japan, and Qing Dynasty China. Europeans, Middle Easterners,
and East Asians have all gone forward and conquered land on other continents while before the 1900s, niggers only left Africa
in slave chains. A historical Tyrone is an oxymoron.

Finally, the ultimate standard of a Chad is their sexual prowess. The reason acquire looks, money, and status is to impregnate
as many high-value women as possible and spread their alpha seed. The best Chads can not only fuck stacies of their own race
but stacies of other races as well. Have Black men been historically successful at spreading their genes to other races? LOL!
They wish but no they have not. The modern cuck meme is the silliest and most ironic shit ever because for thousands of years,
Black men were the most cucked race on Earth. Both Whites and Arabs have enslaved negroes for centuries and forced niggers to
work while treating Black women as their personal concubines and baby factories. There are even entire countries entirely populated
by White men raping and breeding with Black women (Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Brazil)
along with countries populated by Arab men raping and breeding with Black women (Mauritania, Comoros, Mayotte). Blacks are always
the subjugated, never the subjugater. People here joke about East Asian men having low testosterone (which is a myth), but the man who fathered
the most children in history (from Korea to Hungary) and had the largest land empire was East Asian (Genghis motherfucking Khan).
When it comes to the most primal and important standard of alphaness, Blacks fall short yet again.

When you look at the facts and statistics, there ain't shit for Blacks to be proud of. When it comes to anything of importance,
another race (generally Whites or East Asians) generally outdoes them. The only thing Black people can do better than other races
is not get skin cancer/sunburn and that's it. Even the legendary big black cock is a big fat myth. In a more rational world, East
Asians would easily be the most alpha race after Europeans. They have money, status, Olympic medals, great empires, have historically
cucked others, and China is posed to be the next superpower. Yet everyone in the West is pretending that Black men are superhuman
beasts with infinite testosterone and SMV while East Asians are soyboys who can't ever accomplish anything. The world was far
more rational back in the 1950s when everybody knew that negroes were worthless but the Japs/Chinaman was a threat. The Sexual Revolution
fucked with people's heads in more ways than one.
American football and basketball tyrones were fucking cute college white girls as you typed that. Cry harder.
  • +1
Reactions: thereallegend
I updated that comment reread it but I basically say what you say

The Europeans are ironic because they stifle africas development to this very day but try to appease the blacks in their countries but at the same time ironically also oppress the blacks making them live in the poorest communities in their nations. It’s a weird catch 22 with them. They pander to blacks 24/7 but also purposely Neg them so they can never be a threat or on an equal Plainfield. Whites cannot stifle Asians so they opt to shame them in their western nations to make up for it
The Western countries' imperialism enriched their coffers while the best and brightest Africans came to their countries via brain drain.
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