Blackpill did not become mainstream and it never will

Most men have average incomes, some below average and slightly above average. Thats literally what average means. No woman is dating a guy for his basic income

What betabuxxing are they doing? Giving their gf a few extra chicken nuggets?
you obviously do not leave ur house or something or you dont have any contact with normies but i see it all the time, betabuxxers with average salaries that literally lower all aspects of their life to be able to afford to buy things for their wife
  • +1
Reactions: They_are_all_whores, aspiringexcel, forevergymcelling and 3 others
you obviously do not leave ur house or something or you dont have any contact with normies but i see it all the time, betabuxxers with average salaries that literally lower all aspects of their life to be able to afford to buy things for their wife
I get what you mean but i consider those guys simps instead of betabuxxers.
And that’s only really a thing for boomer couples gen x couples, women under 45 outearn men under 45, my mom earns more than my dad
  • +1
Reactions: Whatever and albanianblackguy
I get what you mean but i consider those guys simps instead of betabuxxers.
And that’s only really a thing for boomer couples gen x couples, women under 45 outearn men under 45, my mom earns more than my dad
well u basically mean that betabuxxers are only with gold diggers but thats not really how it is, the whole concept of betabuxxing is that its a normal thing in our society and it happens to normies by mid roasties that do not deserve any money, thats the point, basically roasting roasties, ofc betabuxxing is slowly becoming harder because women are winning the gender war and its by a quite large margin jfl
  • +1
Reactions: forevergymcelling and HostSamurai
good thread ngl
  • Love it
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such a fucking cope, betabuxxing is also a 9-5 wageslave normie working overtime to pay for his roastie wife nail treatment
who gives a shit about oldcel cope likes wives? Just don't marry, life ends after university/
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: 160cmcurry and HostSamurai
but there's a reason most people don't tbh, it gets old eventually
the only people that get bored are very attractive people, normal people do not get bored since they dont even get enough slaying
  • +1
Reactions: forevergymcelling, 160cmcurry and HostSamurai

















@Orc , @Numb The Pain fucking ban this nigger for sending this
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: HostSamurai and Ishaan Brahmbhatt
Normies will never swallow the Blackpill

I've read a lot of complaining from people on here about blackpill becoming mainstream and I do not agree that it did (at least not most of it).

In this thread I will show why blackpill as a whole will never be accepted by normies and that the lookism part of the blackpill is just a small tiny piece of the puzzle.

  • The Glorious IQPill

View attachment 3560266

You certainly agree that foids are one of the most vile egoistical creatures on this planet, the funny thing is that most of the human population is very egoistical. A proof of this is seeing these type of videos where normies rate themselves absurdly high, I highly doubt that they had enough positive reinforcement to feel this way about their looks but the ego I previously mentioned deludes you into thinking this.
So why am I saying this? Because there isn't a way that the average person will accept being inferior, it simply does not happen.

The same thing also happens when it comes to IQ and accepting your inferiority. It is no coincidence all dumb people you personally know are so confident and shameless, they always think they are smart and they know it all, not once did I hear someone admit they are dumb in real life (except when joking or trying to jester humble act). For you that can't bother watching they all rated themselves a 7/10, jfl at this, they think they are 2 points better looking than the average person, that's like being fully sure you are 140 IQ without no accomplishments(that need brain) or any IQ tests done.

View attachment 3560303View attachment 3560306View attachment 3560307

I would like to add an example from my real life experience. This is about Serbia and Montenegro (I live in Sweden right now and I have lived in Austria for a short time, I am 50% Montenegrin, 25% Swedish and 25% Serbian so you can assume I interacted with these nationalities many times). Here on this map we see the average IQ in these two countries, for those that do not know where it is the average IQ is 91 in Serbia, 84 in Bosnia and I have seen that the average in Montenegro is not much higher but will not add it into the list since it is N/A.
I can assure you with CERTAINTY that this is absolutely true, I have had a lot of contact with people from Bosnia as well and I do indeed notice the difference in logical thinking when it comes to people from this part versus people from Sweden and Austria (balkancels hope u confirm this). In the pictures above is an example of a Facebook post (I translated it from Serbian), here we can see that people unironically think that the god himself will bless them financially if they write "YES" in the comments, these are the people that constantly get brainwashed by the media and they have the same voting right as you and me.
And I can tell you one thing
- THEY DO NOT CONSIDER THIS LIST ACCURATE, THEY ANGRILY DENY IT AND CALL THEMSELVES THE SMARTEST EVEN WHILE NOT BEING ABLE TO WRITE IN CORRECT GRAMMAR IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE (all balkancels can confirm old dumb fucks can't write grammatically correct). So what's the point?, it is that they - "normies" will absolutely never accept this type of inferiority, we can always see blacks crying about being called dumb monkeys while being fully inferior when it comes to academics.

Brutal IQPill results

Dysgenics in Motion:

Low-IQ mothers spawn 39% of their offspring into the bottom IQ decile—genetic rot replicating itself. Midwits and high-IQ breeders barely leak defective stock (6-7%), preserving the hierarchy.

The Cognitive Elite Reign Supreme:
The genetic lottery’s winners (IQ >125) glide effortlessly through the meritocratic hierarchy, with a mere 2% experiencing unemployment beyond a month. Meanwhile, the sub-75 IQ underclass drowns in failure (12% unemployment)—a permanent undercaste excluded from productive society. Labor force detachment plagues 22% of the feeble-minded, while the cognitively blessed enjoy near-total workforce integration (10% detachment).

  • NTPill - ND is NOT accepted and NT/ND is pure genetic lottery

In nature being ND is not accepted, ND means being different from the rest of the tribe, not being able to coexist with your tribe members as well as others, it signalizes you not belonging there thus making you an outcast, there is a reason for this, an example is if you had an alcoholic drug addict brother that may be the reason your house gets burned down by shark loaners and also the death of you and the rest of your family members, the same goes in nature, a member of your tribe makes hunting not as successful thus creating the risk of not being able to breed and have children and your body signalizes he is an issue, it is very simple once you look from the animal perspective.

Genetic determinism
Neurodivergence is not a choice. It stems from deeply rooted neurological differences that manifest as introspection, introversion, and even melancholia (all very common here). Historically, these traits were adaptive, providing unique insights and roles in cooperative communities.
But today, in a hyper-conformist and individualistic world, these traits often seem maladaptive. As society shifts toward rewarding sociability and immediate gratification, ND traits - like long-term thinking - are increasingly undervalued.

Ethics and how it is influenced by genetics
View attachment 3560327
A new study shows that a father's stress leaves lasting marks on his sperm — influencing the development of his offspring. The study revealed that men who reported high levels of childhood stress had different epigenetic profiles in their sperm compared to those who reported lower stress. These differences persisted even after accounting for other factors like smoking and drinking, suggesting that childhood experiences can leave lasting epigenetic marks.
So what does this have to do with ethics and morality? - It supports a deeper example of how they do not accept this being true, even if they accept it as true they will not accept it as right.

View attachment 3560326

But when it comes to murder fantasies that you were born with or if you were born a faggot then it's a whole different story.

View attachment 3560330
- Like what do you mean you killed someone, I always think that murder is disgusting and you deserve to burn in hell for trying to defend your wife in slums of Lagos when 6 black men tried to rape her and kill you after.

View attachment 3560331
- Haha haha you ugly incel you can't put your penis into some girl's vagina and you are a very small short sad bitter man haha haha you nazi racist piece of shit, you creep I always knew you were a creep, you fucking murderer you creep murderer you killed him because he bullied you you creep haha.
Try explaining to her your anger issues were "gifted" to you from your father and that you start shaking uncontrollably from anger, no no sir there is no room for these traits in here, only personality traits you are allowed to get genetically is being naughty(fucking black guys) that you got from your mother hehe slay girl, girl power !! but your incel energy and angie issues are not allowed here

This just proves that Normies will NEVER accept that certain "disgusting" personality traits were genetic and not a product of "free will" (jfl). No sympathy for your inceldom caused by autism haha you incel freak. This shows how normies will turn a blind eye on genetically inherited traits that they consider "morally" wrong, ND WILL NEVER BE TRULY ACCEPTED, OUTCASTS WILL ALWAYS STAY OUTCASTS

  • Social Caste Pill (parents cope insanely hard here, normies ignore/cope)
It is all about generational wealth, while you work a part time job at Uber and you go home to study for your mediocre university, William Beauchamp got an internship at his dad's company while studying at Harvard at the same time

You have surely talked with your parents about your future, they will not tell you that the current situation is fucked up and that it is over, it is the most disgusting cope they spit over and over, just get a degree and you will be earning good money to be able to take care of your family. This makes me very angry, they delude their children that are supposed to trust them from very young age and make them slaves, they never prepare their children for the consequences of getting a bad oversaturated degree, it is the same with not accepting your children are ugly, how could they do all of this to you?

Because they are selfish bastards, they cannot even say it out loud, they do not want to admit their horrible sin of bringing you into poverty to be consumed by the people on top, they need to cope somehow so they even delude themselves into thinking you will have a good life if you get a degree, and I hope the looks part is obvious to everyone, they cannot accept that their children (their seed and dna) is subhuman so they cope with charisma and spit bluepilled bullshit.

Networking - When your parents tell you to go to the workplace in person because it gives them the impression you are serious about the job ( JFL ), very sad that u do not know the online ad is a fugazi (yes I took it from Matthew McConaughey), it is a sick joke and they are laughing in your face, well probably not because they do not even go through your CV. You do all this just for William (previously mentioned) to ask his daddy to ask his golf buddy to get him that job (that set minimum requirement as having 10 yrs of experience) but somehow William got the job right after getting his Harvard degree.

View attachment 3560378

So how do normies react to this sick joke-

Normie number one - They delude themselves into thinking they will become millionaires in three months from buying Iman Gadzhi's course or joining Hustlers University

Normie number two - They delude themselves into thinking they will get a degree and get a stable job directly after university and they will buy a house (JFL) and they will have a family.

I personally feel sad for normie number two, they do not understand they are one sickness away from bankrupt, one thing goes wrong and they can become homeless, they think they will feel safe if they have a secure job, what they do not understand is that they would still live similarly to people that live from paycheck to paycheck, it would just be 3 paychecks for them instead of one. They do not even realize of how enslaved they are, they will pay the rent, pay the loans they took for their car every single month and they still feel "free". Imagine them losing this "freedom", imagine them swallowing the Social Caste Pill and being able to wake up tommorrow to go what they do every single day, they will not swallow the Social Caste Pill even if it was forcefully injected into their intestines, that is because their mind cannot afford to have this information, it is extremely destructive.


View attachment 3560424View attachment 3560431View attachment 3560432

Yes bro looks do matter and she does not care about your personality? Normies talk about how they became "blackpilled" and there is no going back now, they see that girls care about looks, just fucking lol you knew it before as well. There is a reason all actors are so gorgeous and that your mom's favorite actor is Alain Delon. Everyone knew that it is much better to be good looking and how important it is, it is no new realization because it was already there in the first place, it only became socially acceptable to say it out loud when "looksmaxxing" trend became mainstream. GIRLS DID NOT SUDDENLY START LIKING CHADS, THEY ALWAYS LIKED THEM AND DID EVERYTHING FOR THEM IT'S JUST THAT NOW THEY CAN CHOOSE TO REJECT MEDIOCRE GUYS TO WAIT FOR CHADS, IF WE LOOK BACK 50 YEARS AGO SUCH THING WAS NOT POSSIBLE BECAUSE WOMEN WERE MUCH MORE DEPENDENT ON MALES TO PROVIDE AND THEY COULD NOT AFFORD TO WAIT OR HAVE A CHOICE.


@Seth Walsh (hope you don't sue me for getting some inspiration from your threads), @forevergymcelling (some social caste normie bullying) , @aspiringexcel (balkancel to confirm my claims) @Gargantuan (stick?) , @disillusioned inspired me to write this shit , @Lonenely sigma cant forget sigma brother , @HostSamurai (my neighbour in new delhi)

As always Austrian supremacy
  • JFL
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Reactions: 160cmcurry, HostSamurai and albanianblackguy
mirin our area
  • JFL
Reactions: albanianblackguy
jokes aside, being high iq here is giga failo
it just means its over, actually it never even began, no slays will give me ogre brain to chill out and work in a casino
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and shizuku11111
@highinhibcel please do something about this guy, @TechnoBoss , @Lmao
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and highinhibcel
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: HostSamurai, emeraldglass and Ishaan Brahmbhatt
Normies will never swallow the Blackpill

I've read a lot of complaining from people on here about blackpill becoming mainstream and I do not agree that it did (at least not most of it).

In this thread I will show why blackpill as a whole will never be accepted by normies and that the lookism part of the blackpill is just a small tiny piece of the puzzle.

  • The Glorious IQPill

View attachment 3560266

You certainly agree that foids are one of the most vile egoistical creatures on this planet, the funny thing is that most of the human population is very egoistical. A proof of this is seeing these type of videos where normies rate themselves absurdly high, I highly doubt that they had enough positive reinforcement to feel this way about their looks but the ego I previously mentioned deludes you into thinking this.
So why am I saying this? Because there isn't a way that the average person will accept being inferior, it simply does not happen.

The same thing also happens when it comes to IQ and accepting your inferiority. It is no coincidence all dumb people you personally know are so confident and shameless, they always think they are smart and they know it all, not once did I hear someone admit they are dumb in real life (except when joking or trying to jester humble act). For you that can't bother watching they all rated themselves a 7/10, jfl at this, they think they are 2 points better looking than the average person, that's like being fully sure you are 140 IQ without no accomplishments(that need brain) or any IQ tests done.

View attachment 3560303View attachment 3560306View attachment 3560307

I would like to add an example from my real life experience. This is about Serbia and Montenegro (I live in Sweden right now and I have lived in Austria for a short time, I am 50% Montenegrin, 25% Swedish and 25% Serbian so you can assume I interacted with these nationalities many times). Here on this map we see the average IQ in these two countries, for those that do not know where it is the average IQ is 91 in Serbia, 84 in Bosnia and I have seen that the average in Montenegro is not much higher but will not add it into the list since it is N/A.
I can assure you with CERTAINTY that this is absolutely true, I have had a lot of contact with people from Bosnia as well and I do indeed notice the difference in logical thinking when it comes to people from this part versus people from Sweden and Austria (balkancels hope u confirm this). In the pictures above is an example of a Facebook post (I translated it from Serbian), here we can see that people unironically think that the god himself will bless them financially if they write "YES" in the comments, these are the people that constantly get brainwashed by the media and they have the same voting right as you and me.
And I can tell you one thing
- THEY DO NOT CONSIDER THIS LIST ACCURATE, THEY ANGRILY DENY IT AND CALL THEMSELVES THE SMARTEST EVEN WHILE NOT BEING ABLE TO WRITE IN CORRECT GRAMMAR IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE (all balkancels can confirm old dumb fucks can't write grammatically correct). So what's the point?, it is that they - "normies" will absolutely never accept this type of inferiority, we can always see blacks crying about being called dumb monkeys while being fully inferior when it comes to academics.

Brutal IQPill results

Dysgenics in Motion:

Low-IQ mothers spawn 39% of their offspring into the bottom IQ decile—genetic rot replicating itself. Midwits and high-IQ breeders barely leak defective stock (6-7%), preserving the hierarchy.

The Cognitive Elite Reign Supreme:
The genetic lottery’s winners (IQ >125) glide effortlessly through the meritocratic hierarchy, with a mere 2% experiencing unemployment beyond a month. Meanwhile, the sub-75 IQ underclass drowns in failure (12% unemployment)—a permanent undercaste excluded from productive society. Labor force detachment plagues 22% of the feeble-minded, while the cognitively blessed enjoy near-total workforce integration (10% detachment).

  • NTPill - ND is NOT accepted and NT/ND is pure genetic lottery

In nature being ND is not accepted, ND means being different from the rest of the tribe, not being able to coexist with your tribe members as well as others, it signalizes you not belonging there thus making you an outcast, there is a reason for this, an example is if you had an alcoholic drug addict brother that may be the reason your house gets burned down by shark loaners and also the death of you and the rest of your family members, the same goes in nature, a member of your tribe makes hunting not as successful thus creating the risk of not being able to breed and have children and your body signalizes he is an issue, it is very simple once you look from the animal perspective.

Genetic determinism
Neurodivergence is not a choice. It stems from deeply rooted neurological differences that manifest as introspection, introversion, and even melancholia (all very common here). Historically, these traits were adaptive, providing unique insights and roles in cooperative communities.
But today, in a hyper-conformist and individualistic world, these traits often seem maladaptive. As society shifts toward rewarding sociability and immediate gratification, ND traits - like long-term thinking - are increasingly undervalued.

Ethics and how it is influenced by genetics
View attachment 3560327
A new study shows that a father's stress leaves lasting marks on his sperm — influencing the development of his offspring. The study revealed that men who reported high levels of childhood stress had different epigenetic profiles in their sperm compared to those who reported lower stress. These differences persisted even after accounting for other factors like smoking and drinking, suggesting that childhood experiences can leave lasting epigenetic marks.
So what does this have to do with ethics and morality? - It supports a deeper example of how they do not accept this being true, even if they accept it as true they will not accept it as right.

View attachment 3560326

But when it comes to murder fantasies that you were born with or if you were born a faggot then it's a whole different story.

View attachment 3560330
- Like what do you mean you killed someone, I always think that murder is disgusting and you deserve to burn in hell for trying to defend your wife in slums of Lagos when 6 black men tried to rape her and kill you after.

View attachment 3560331
- Haha haha you ugly incel you can't put your penis into some girl's vagina and you are a very small short sad bitter man haha haha you nazi racist piece of shit, you creep I always knew you were a creep, you fucking murderer you creep murderer you killed him because he bullied you you creep haha.
Try explaining to her your anger issues were "gifted" to you from your father and that you start shaking uncontrollably from anger, no no sir there is no room for these traits in here, only personality traits you are allowed to get genetically is being naughty(fucking black guys) that you got from your mother hehe slay girl, girl power !! but your incel energy and angie issues are not allowed here

This just proves that Normies will NEVER accept that certain "disgusting" personality traits were genetic and not a product of "free will" (jfl). No sympathy for your inceldom caused by autism haha you incel freak. This shows how normies will turn a blind eye on genetically inherited traits that they consider "morally" wrong, ND WILL NEVER BE TRULY ACCEPTED, OUTCASTS WILL ALWAYS STAY OUTCASTS

  • Social Caste Pill (parents cope insanely hard here, normies ignore/cope)
It is all about generational wealth, while you work a part time job at Uber and you go home to study for your mediocre university, William Beauchamp got an internship at his dad's company while studying at Harvard at the same time

You have surely talked with your parents about your future, they will not tell you that the current situation is fucked up and that it is over, it is the most disgusting cope they spit over and over, just get a degree and you will be earning good money to be able to take care of your family. This makes me very angry, they delude their children that are supposed to trust them from very young age and make them slaves, they never prepare their children for the consequences of getting a bad oversaturated degree, it is the same with not accepting your children are ugly, how could they do all of this to you?

Because they are selfish bastards, they cannot even say it out loud, they do not want to admit their horrible sin of bringing you into poverty to be consumed by the people on top, they need to cope somehow so they even delude themselves into thinking you will have a good life if you get a degree, and I hope the looks part is obvious to everyone, they cannot accept that their children (their seed and dna) is subhuman so they cope with charisma and spit bluepilled bullshit.

Networking - When your parents tell you to go to the workplace in person because it gives them the impression you are serious about the job ( JFL ), very sad that u do not know the online ad is a fugazi (yes I took it from Matthew McConaughey), it is a sick joke and they are laughing in your face, well probably not because they do not even go through your CV. You do all this just for William (previously mentioned) to ask his daddy to ask his golf buddy to get him that job (that set minimum requirement as having 10 yrs of experience) but somehow William got the job right after getting his Harvard degree.

View attachment 3560378

So how do normies react to this sick joke-

Normie number one - They delude themselves into thinking they will become millionaires in three months from buying Iman Gadzhi's course or joining Hustlers University

Normie number two - They delude themselves into thinking they will get a degree and get a stable job directly after university and they will buy a house (JFL) and they will have a family.

I personally feel sad for normie number two, they do not understand they are one sickness away from bankrupt, one thing goes wrong and they can become homeless, they think they will feel safe if they have a secure job, what they do not understand is that they would still live similarly to people that live from paycheck to paycheck, it would just be 3 paychecks for them instead of one. They do not even realize of how enslaved they are, they will pay the rent, pay the loans they took for their car every single month and they still feel "free". Imagine them losing this "freedom", imagine them swallowing the Social Caste Pill and being able to wake up tommorrow to go what they do every single day, they will not swallow the Social Caste Pill even if it was forcefully injected into their intestines, that is because their mind cannot afford to have this information, it is extremely destructive.


View attachment 3560424View attachment 3560431View attachment 3560432

Yes bro looks do matter and she does not care about your personality? Normies talk about how they became "blackpilled" and there is no going back now, they see that girls care about looks, just fucking lol you knew it before as well. There is a reason all actors are so gorgeous and that your mom's favorite actor is Alain Delon. Everyone knew that it is much better to be good looking and how important it is, it is no new realization because it was already there in the first place, it only became socially acceptable to say it out loud when "looksmaxxing" trend became mainstream. GIRLS DID NOT SUDDENLY START LIKING CHADS, THEY ALWAYS LIKED THEM AND DID EVERYTHING FOR THEM IT'S JUST THAT NOW THEY CAN CHOOSE TO REJECT MEDIOCRE GUYS TO WAIT FOR CHADS, IF WE LOOK BACK 50 YEARS AGO SUCH THING WAS NOT POSSIBLE BECAUSE WOMEN WERE MUCH MORE DEPENDENT ON MALES TO PROVIDE AND THEY COULD NOT AFFORD TO WAIT OR HAVE A CHOICE.


@Seth Walsh (hope you don't sue me for getting some inspiration from your threads), @forevergymcelling (some social caste normie bullying) , @aspiringexcel (balkancel to confirm my claims) @Gargantuan (stick?) , @disillusioned inspired me to write this shit , @Lonenely sigma cant forget sigma brother , @HostSamurai (my neighbour in new delhi)

High IQ thread blacky :feelshmm:
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Reactions: albanianblackguy
Normies will never swallow the Blackpill

I've read a lot of complaining from people on here about blackpill becoming mainstream and I do not agree that it did (at least not most of it).

In this thread I will show why blackpill as a whole will never be accepted by normies and that the lookism part of the blackpill is just a small tiny piece of the puzzle.

  • The Glorious IQPill

View attachment 3560266

You certainly agree that foids are one of the most vile egoistical creatures on this planet, the funny thing is that most of the human population is very egoistical. A proof of this is seeing these type of videos where normies rate themselves absurdly high, I highly doubt that they had enough positive reinforcement to feel this way about their looks but the ego I previously mentioned deludes you into thinking this.
So why am I saying this? Because there isn't a way that the average person will accept being inferior, it simply does not happen.

The same thing also happens when it comes to IQ and accepting your inferiority. It is no coincidence all dumb people you personally know are so confident and shameless, they always think they are smart and they know it all, not once did I hear someone admit they are dumb in real life (except when joking or trying to jester humble act). For you that can't bother watching they all rated themselves a 7/10, jfl at this, they think they are 2 points better looking than the average person, that's like being fully sure you are 140 IQ without no accomplishments(that need brain) or any IQ tests done.

View attachment 3560303View attachment 3560306View attachment 3560307

I would like to add an example from my real life experience. This is about Serbia and Montenegro (I live in Sweden right now and I have lived in Austria for a short time, I am 50% Montenegrin, 25% Swedish and 25% Serbian so you can assume I interacted with these nationalities many times). Here on this map we see the average IQ in these two countries, for those that do not know where it is the average IQ is 91 in Serbia, 84 in Bosnia and I have seen that the average in Montenegro is not much higher but will not add it into the list since it is N/A.
I can assure you with CERTAINTY that this is absolutely true, I have had a lot of contact with people from Bosnia as well and I do indeed notice the difference in logical thinking when it comes to people from this part versus people from Sweden and Austria (balkancels hope u confirm this). In the pictures above is an example of a Facebook post (I translated it from Serbian), here we can see that people unironically think that the god himself will bless them financially if they write "YES" in the comments, these are the people that constantly get brainwashed by the media and they have the same voting right as you and me.
And I can tell you one thing
- THEY DO NOT CONSIDER THIS LIST ACCURATE, THEY ANGRILY DENY IT AND CALL THEMSELVES THE SMARTEST EVEN WHILE NOT BEING ABLE TO WRITE IN CORRECT GRAMMAR IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE (all balkancels can confirm old dumb fucks can't write grammatically correct). So what's the point?, it is that they - "normies" will absolutely never accept this type of inferiority, we can always see blacks crying about being called dumb monkeys while being fully inferior when it comes to academics.

Brutal IQPill results

Dysgenics in Motion:

Low-IQ mothers spawn 39% of their offspring into the bottom IQ decile—genetic rot replicating itself. Midwits and high-IQ breeders barely leak defective stock (6-7%), preserving the hierarchy.

The Cognitive Elite Reign Supreme:
The genetic lottery’s winners (IQ >125) glide effortlessly through the meritocratic hierarchy, with a mere 2% experiencing unemployment beyond a month. Meanwhile, the sub-75 IQ underclass drowns in failure (12% unemployment)—a permanent undercaste excluded from productive society. Labor force detachment plagues 22% of the feeble-minded, while the cognitively blessed enjoy near-total workforce integration (10% detachment).

  • NTPill - ND is NOT accepted and NT/ND is pure genetic lottery

In nature being ND is not accepted, ND means being different from the rest of the tribe, not being able to coexist with your tribe members as well as others, it signalizes you not belonging there thus making you an outcast, there is a reason for this, an example is if you had an alcoholic drug addict brother that may be the reason your house gets burned down by shark loaners and also the death of you and the rest of your family members, the same goes in nature, a member of your tribe makes hunting not as successful thus creating the risk of not being able to breed and have children and your body signalizes he is an issue, it is very simple once you look from the animal perspective.

Genetic determinism
Neurodivergence is not a choice. It stems from deeply rooted neurological differences that manifest as introspection, introversion, and even melancholia (all very common here). Historically, these traits were adaptive, providing unique insights and roles in cooperative communities.
But today, in a hyper-conformist and individualistic world, these traits often seem maladaptive. As society shifts toward rewarding sociability and immediate gratification, ND traits - like long-term thinking - are increasingly undervalued.

Ethics and how it is influenced by genetics
View attachment 3560327
A new study shows that a father's stress leaves lasting marks on his sperm — influencing the development of his offspring. The study revealed that men who reported high levels of childhood stress had different epigenetic profiles in their sperm compared to those who reported lower stress. These differences persisted even after accounting for other factors like smoking and drinking, suggesting that childhood experiences can leave lasting epigenetic marks.
So what does this have to do with ethics and morality? - It supports a deeper example of how they do not accept this being true, even if they accept it as true they will not accept it as right.

View attachment 3560326

But when it comes to murder fantasies that you were born with or if you were born a faggot then it's a whole different story.

View attachment 3560330
- Like what do you mean you killed someone, I always think that murder is disgusting and you deserve to burn in hell for trying to defend your wife in slums of Lagos when 6 black men tried to rape her and kill you after.

View attachment 3560331
- Haha haha you ugly incel you can't put your penis into some girl's vagina and you are a very small short sad bitter man haha haha you nazi racist piece of shit, you creep I always knew you were a creep, you fucking murderer you creep murderer you killed him because he bullied you you creep haha.
Try explaining to her your anger issues were "gifted" to you from your father and that you start shaking uncontrollably from anger, no no sir there is no room for these traits in here, only personality traits you are allowed to get genetically is being naughty(fucking black guys) that you got from your mother hehe slay girl, girl power !! but your incel energy and angie issues are not allowed here

This just proves that Normies will NEVER accept that certain "disgusting" personality traits were genetic and not a product of "free will" (jfl). No sympathy for your inceldom caused by autism haha you incel freak. This shows how normies will turn a blind eye on genetically inherited traits that they consider "morally" wrong, ND WILL NEVER BE TRULY ACCEPTED, OUTCASTS WILL ALWAYS STAY OUTCASTS

  • Social Caste Pill (parents cope insanely hard here, normies ignore/cope)
It is all about generational wealth, while you work a part time job at Uber and you go home to study for your mediocre university, William Beauchamp got an internship at his dad's company while studying at Harvard at the same time

You have surely talked with your parents about your future, they will not tell you that the current situation is fucked up and that it is over, it is the most disgusting cope they spit over and over, just get a degree and you will be earning good money to be able to take care of your family. This makes me very angry, they delude their children that are supposed to trust them from very young age and make them slaves, they never prepare their children for the consequences of getting a bad oversaturated degree, it is the same with not accepting your children are ugly, how could they do all of this to you?

Because they are selfish bastards, they cannot even say it out loud, they do not want to admit their horrible sin of bringing you into poverty to be consumed by the people on top, they need to cope somehow so they even delude themselves into thinking you will have a good life if you get a degree, and I hope the looks part is obvious to everyone, they cannot accept that their children (their seed and dna) is subhuman so they cope with charisma and spit bluepilled bullshit.

Networking - When your parents tell you to go to the workplace in person because it gives them the impression you are serious about the job ( JFL ), very sad that u do not know the online ad is a fugazi (yes I took it from Matthew McConaughey), it is a sick joke and they are laughing in your face, well probably not because they do not even go through your CV. You do all this just for William (previously mentioned) to ask his daddy to ask his golf buddy to get him that job (that set minimum requirement as having 10 yrs of experience) but somehow William got the job right after getting his Harvard degree.

View attachment 3560378

So how do normies react to this sick joke-

Normie number one - They delude themselves into thinking they will become millionaires in three months from buying Iman Gadzhi's course or joining Hustlers University

Normie number two - They delude themselves into thinking they will get a degree and get a stable job directly after university and they will buy a house (JFL) and they will have a family.

I personally feel sad for normie number two, they do not understand they are one sickness away from bankrupt, one thing goes wrong and they can become homeless, they think they will feel safe if they have a secure job, what they do not understand is that they would still live similarly to people that live from paycheck to paycheck, it would just be 3 paychecks for them instead of one. They do not even realize of how enslaved they are, they will pay the rent, pay the loans they took for their car every single month and they still feel "free". Imagine them losing this "freedom", imagine them swallowing the Social Caste Pill and being able to wake up tommorrow to go what they do every single day, they will not swallow the Social Caste Pill even if it was forcefully injected into their intestines, that is because their mind cannot afford to have this information, it is extremely destructive.


View attachment 3560424View attachment 3560431View attachment 3560432

Yes bro looks do matter and she does not care about your personality? Normies talk about how they became "blackpilled" and there is no going back now, they see that girls care about looks, just fucking lol you knew it before as well. There is a reason all actors are so gorgeous and that your mom's favorite actor is Alain Delon. Everyone knew that it is much better to be good looking and how important it is, it is no new realization because it was already there in the first place, it only became socially acceptable to say it out loud when "looksmaxxing" trend became mainstream. GIRLS DID NOT SUDDENLY START LIKING CHADS, THEY ALWAYS LIKED THEM AND DID EVERYTHING FOR THEM IT'S JUST THAT NOW THEY CAN CHOOSE TO REJECT MEDIOCRE GUYS TO WAIT FOR CHADS, IF WE LOOK BACK 50 YEARS AGO SUCH THING WAS NOT POSSIBLE BECAUSE WOMEN WERE MUCH MORE DEPENDENT ON MALES TO PROVIDE AND THEY COULD NOT AFFORD TO WAIT OR HAVE A CHOICE.


@Seth Walsh (hope you don't sue me for getting some inspiration from your threads), @forevergymcelling (some social caste normie bullying) , @aspiringexcel (balkancel to confirm my claims) @Gargantuan (stick?) , @disillusioned inspired me to write this shit , @Lonenely sigma cant forget sigma brother , @HostSamurai (my neighbour in new delhi)

Good high effort thread.
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and albanianblackguy
Good high effort thread.
@Numb The Pain look at this shi mane, got 10+ posts tellin me good high effort thread, surely deserves a pin innit
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and Alias!
We are quite far from it
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and Sean o' Tist
Great thread

It never began for the average shcmuck who’s not even self aware enough to acknowledge his inferiority
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: albanianblackguy and HostSamurai
Great thread

It never began for the average shcmuck who’s not even self aware enough to acknowledge his inferiority
fucking dutch cuck mods wont pin it but they pin the whos the worst dalit competition voting
  • JFL
Reactions: HostSamurai
Normies will never swallow the Blackpill

I've read a lot of complaining from people on here about blackpill becoming mainstream and I do not agree that it did (at least not most of it).

In this thread I will show why blackpill as a whole will never be accepted by normies and that the lookism part of the blackpill is just a small tiny piece of the puzzle.

  • The Glorious IQPill

View attachment 3560266

You certainly agree that foids are one of the most vile egoistical creatures on this planet, the funny thing is that most of the human population is very egoistical. A proof of this is seeing these type of videos where normies rate themselves absurdly high, I highly doubt that they had enough positive reinforcement to feel this way about their looks but the ego I previously mentioned deludes you into thinking this.
So why am I saying this? Because there isn't a way that the average person will accept being inferior, it simply does not happen.

The same thing also happens when it comes to IQ and accepting your inferiority. It is no coincidence all dumb people you personally know are so confident and shameless, they always think they are smart and they know it all, not once did I hear someone admit they are dumb in real life (except when joking or trying to jester humble act). For you that can't bother watching they all rated themselves a 7/10, jfl at this, they think they are 2 points better looking than the average person, that's like being fully sure you are 140 IQ without no accomplishments(that need brain) or any IQ tests done.

View attachment 3560303View attachment 3560306View attachment 3560307

I would like to add an example from my real life experience. This is about Serbia and Montenegro (I live in Sweden right now and I have lived in Austria for a short time, I am 50% Montenegrin, 25% Swedish and 25% Serbian so you can assume I interacted with these nationalities many times). Here on this map we see the average IQ in these two countries, for those that do not know where it is the average IQ is 91 in Serbia, 84 in Bosnia and I have seen that the average in Montenegro is not much higher but will not add it into the list since it is N/A.
I can assure you with CERTAINTY that this is absolutely true, I have had a lot of contact with people from Bosnia as well and I do indeed notice the difference in logical thinking when it comes to people from this part versus people from Sweden and Austria (balkancels hope u confirm this). In the pictures above is an example of a Facebook post (I translated it from Serbian), here we can see that people unironically think that the god himself will bless them financially if they write "YES" in the comments, these are the people that constantly get brainwashed by the media and they have the same voting right as you and me.
And I can tell you one thing
- THEY DO NOT CONSIDER THIS LIST ACCURATE, THEY ANGRILY DENY IT AND CALL THEMSELVES THE SMARTEST EVEN WHILE NOT BEING ABLE TO WRITE IN CORRECT GRAMMAR IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE (all balkancels can confirm old dumb fucks can't write grammatically correct). So what's the point?, it is that they - "normies" will absolutely never accept this type of inferiority, we can always see blacks crying about being called dumb monkeys while being fully inferior when it comes to academics.

Brutal IQPill results

Dysgenics in Motion:

Low-IQ mothers spawn 39% of their offspring into the bottom IQ decile—genetic rot replicating itself. Midwits and high-IQ breeders barely leak defective stock (6-7%), preserving the hierarchy.

The Cognitive Elite Reign Supreme:
The genetic lottery’s winners (IQ >125) glide effortlessly through the meritocratic hierarchy, with a mere 2% experiencing unemployment beyond a month. Meanwhile, the sub-75 IQ underclass drowns in failure (12% unemployment)—a permanent undercaste excluded from productive society. Labor force detachment plagues 22% of the feeble-minded, while the cognitively blessed enjoy near-total workforce integration (10% detachment).

  • NTPill - ND is NOT accepted and NT/ND is pure genetic lottery

In nature being ND is not accepted, ND means being different from the rest of the tribe, not being able to coexist with your tribe members as well as others, it signalizes you not belonging there thus making you an outcast, there is a reason for this, an example is if you had an alcoholic drug addict brother that may be the reason your house gets burned down by shark loaners and also the death of you and the rest of your family members, the same goes in nature, a member of your tribe makes hunting not as successful thus creating the risk of not being able to breed and have children and your body signalizes he is an issue, it is very simple once you look from the animal perspective.

Genetic determinism
Neurodivergence is not a choice. It stems from deeply rooted neurological differences that manifest as introspection, introversion, and even melancholia (all very common here). Historically, these traits were adaptive, providing unique insights and roles in cooperative communities.
But today, in a hyper-conformist and individualistic world, these traits often seem maladaptive. As society shifts toward rewarding sociability and immediate gratification, ND traits - like long-term thinking - are increasingly undervalued.

Ethics and how it is influenced by genetics
View attachment 3560327
A new study shows that a father's stress leaves lasting marks on his sperm — influencing the development of his offspring. The study revealed that men who reported high levels of childhood stress had different epigenetic profiles in their sperm compared to those who reported lower stress. These differences persisted even after accounting for other factors like smoking and drinking, suggesting that childhood experiences can leave lasting epigenetic marks.
So what does this have to do with ethics and morality? - It supports a deeper example of how they do not accept this being true, even if they accept it as true they will not accept it as right.

View attachment 3560326

But when it comes to murder fantasies that you were born with or if you were born a faggot then it's a whole different story.

View attachment 3560330
- Like what do you mean you killed someone, I always think that murder is disgusting and you deserve to burn in hell for trying to defend your wife in slums of Lagos when 6 black men tried to rape her and kill you after.

View attachment 3560331
- Haha haha you ugly incel you can't put your penis into some girl's vagina and you are a very small short sad bitter man haha haha you nazi racist piece of shit, you creep I always knew you were a creep, you fucking murderer you creep murderer you killed him because he bullied you you creep haha.
Try explaining to her your anger issues were "gifted" to you from your father and that you start shaking uncontrollably from anger, no no sir there is no room for these traits in here, only personality traits you are allowed to get genetically is being naughty(fucking black guys) that you got from your mother hehe slay girl, girl power !! but your incel energy and angie issues are not allowed here

This just proves that Normies will NEVER accept that certain "disgusting" personality traits were genetic and not a product of "free will" (jfl). No sympathy for your inceldom caused by autism haha you incel freak. This shows how normies will turn a blind eye on genetically inherited traits that they consider "morally" wrong, ND WILL NEVER BE TRULY ACCEPTED, OUTCASTS WILL ALWAYS STAY OUTCASTS

  • Social Caste Pill (parents cope insanely hard here, normies ignore/cope)
It is all about generational wealth, while you work a part time job at Uber and you go home to study for your mediocre university, William Beauchamp got an internship at his dad's company while studying at Harvard at the same time

You have surely talked with your parents about your future, they will not tell you that the current situation is fucked up and that it is over, it is the most disgusting cope they spit over and over, just get a degree and you will be earning good money to be able to take care of your family. This makes me very angry, they delude their children that are supposed to trust them from very young age and make them slaves, they never prepare their children for the consequences of getting a bad oversaturated degree, it is the same with not accepting your children are ugly, how could they do all of this to you?

Because they are selfish bastards, they cannot even say it out loud, they do not want to admit their horrible sin of bringing you into poverty to be consumed by the people on top, they need to cope somehow so they even delude themselves into thinking you will have a good life if you get a degree, and I hope the looks part is obvious to everyone, they cannot accept that their children (their seed and dna) is subhuman so they cope with charisma and spit bluepilled bullshit.

Networking - When your parents tell you to go to the workplace in person because it gives them the impression you are serious about the job ( JFL ), very sad that u do not know the online ad is a fugazi (yes I took it from Matthew McConaughey), it is a sick joke and they are laughing in your face, well probably not because they do not even go through your CV. You do all this just for William (previously mentioned) to ask his daddy to ask his golf buddy to get him that job (that set minimum requirement as having 10 yrs of experience) but somehow William got the job right after getting his Harvard degree.

View attachment 3560378

So how do normies react to this sick joke-

Normie number one - They delude themselves into thinking they will become millionaires in three months from buying Iman Gadzhi's course or joining Hustlers University

Normie number two - They delude themselves into thinking they will get a degree and get a stable job directly after university and they will buy a house (JFL) and they will have a family.

I personally feel sad for normie number two, they do not understand they are one sickness away from bankrupt, one thing goes wrong and they can become homeless, they think they will feel safe if they have a secure job, what they do not understand is that they would still live similarly to people that live from paycheck to paycheck, it would just be 3 paychecks for them instead of one. They do not even realize of how enslaved they are, they will pay the rent, pay the loans they took for their car every single month and they still feel "free". Imagine them losing this "freedom", imagine them swallowing the Social Caste Pill and being able to wake up tommorrow to go what they do every single day, they will not swallow the Social Caste Pill even if it was forcefully injected into their intestines, that is because their mind cannot afford to have this information, it is extremely destructive.


View attachment 3560424View attachment 3560431View attachment 3560432

Yes bro looks do matter and she does not care about your personality? Normies talk about how they became "blackpilled" and there is no going back now, they see that girls care about looks, just fucking lol you knew it before as well. There is a reason all actors are so gorgeous and that your mom's favorite actor is Alain Delon. Everyone knew that it is much better to be good looking and how important it is, it is no new realization because it was already there in the first place, it only became socially acceptable to say it out loud when "looksmaxxing" trend became mainstream. GIRLS DID NOT SUDDENLY START LIKING CHADS, THEY ALWAYS LIKED THEM AND DID EVERYTHING FOR THEM IT'S JUST THAT NOW THEY CAN CHOOSE TO REJECT MEDIOCRE GUYS TO WAIT FOR CHADS, IF WE LOOK BACK 50 YEARS AGO SUCH THING WAS NOT POSSIBLE BECAUSE WOMEN WERE MUCH MORE DEPENDENT ON MALES TO PROVIDE AND THEY COULD NOT AFFORD TO WAIT OR HAVE A CHOICE.


@Seth Walsh (hope you don't sue me for getting some inspiration from your threads), @forevergymcelling (some social caste normie bullying) , @aspiringexcel (balkancel to confirm my claims) @Gargantuan (stick?) , @disillusioned inspired me to write this shit , @Lonenely sigma cant forget sigma brother , @HostSamurai (my neighbour in new delhi)


She's hot nice big breasts

Similar pheno to my first gf
  • +1
Reactions: albanianblackguy
It is all about generational wealth, while you work a part time job at Uber and you go home to study for your mediocre university, William Beauchamp got an internship at his dad's company while studying at Harvard at the same time

You have surely talked with your parents about your future, they will not tell you that the current situation is fucked up and that it is over, it is the most disgusting cope they spit over and over, just get a degree and you will be earning good money to be able to take care of your family. This makes me very angry, they delude their children that are supposed to trust them from very young age and make them slaves, they never prepare their children for the consequences of getting a bad oversaturated degree, it is the same with not accepting your children are ugly, how could they do all of this to you?

Because they are selfish bastards, they cannot even say it out loud, they do not want to admit their horrible sin of bringing you into poverty to be consumed by the people on top, they need to cope somehow so they even delude themselves into thinking you will have a good life if you get a degree, and I hope the looks part is obvious to everyone, they cannot accept that their children (their seed and dna) is subhuman so they cope with charisma and spit bluepilled bullshit.
Jfl even incel NEETs like myself are privileged simply because of the country we're born into. I only work like 3-4 hours a week because I'm NEETing on our Nordic welfare system yet I still have hundreds of dollars in completely disposable income every month on top of free healthcare and subsidized housing. I'm living better than many (most?) Americans who work 2 jobs while having massive free time for my copes. And this was 100% unearned.

You'd have to be clinically retarded to believe in meritocracy.
  • +1
Reactions: Whatever, HostSamurai and albanianblackguy
Jfl even incel NEETs like myself are privileged simply because of the country we're born into. I only work like 3-4 hours a week because I'm NEETing on our Nordic welfare system yet I still have hundreds of dollars in completely disposable income every month on top of free healthcare and subsidized housing. I'm living better than many (most?) Americans who work 2 jobs while having massive free time for my copes. And this was 100% unearned.

You'd have to be clinically retarded to believe in meritocracy.
I am sorry for not understanding but could you explain how this relates to what I wrote and what do you mean by it.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai
every molecule

unfortunately threads like these are beyond my iq range to discuss thoroughly (cucked by brain JFL) but i liked ur arguments about the social caste and NTpill

mirin effort
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and albanianblackguy
Normies will never swallow the Blackpill

I've read a lot of complaining from people on here about blackpill becoming mainstream and I do not agree that it did (at least not most of it).

In this thread I will show why blackpill as a whole will never be accepted by normies and that the lookism part of the blackpill is just a small tiny piece of the puzzle.

  • The Glorious IQPill

View attachment 3560266

You certainly agree that foids are one of the most vile egoistical creatures on this planet, the funny thing is that most of the human population is very egoistical. A proof of this is seeing these type of videos where normies rate themselves absurdly high, I highly doubt that they had enough positive reinforcement to feel this way about their looks but the ego I previously mentioned deludes you into thinking this.
So why am I saying this? Because there isn't a way that the average person will accept being inferior, it simply does not happen.

The same thing also happens when it comes to IQ and accepting your inferiority. It is no coincidence all dumb people you personally know are so confident and shameless, they always think they are smart and they know it all, not once did I hear someone admit they are dumb in real life (except when joking or trying to jester humble act). For you that can't bother watching they all rated themselves a 7/10, jfl at this, they think they are 2 points better looking than the average person, that's like being fully sure you are 140 IQ without no accomplishments(that need brain) or any IQ tests done.

View attachment 3560303View attachment 3560306View attachment 3560307

I would like to add an example from my real life experience. This is about Serbia and Montenegro (I live in Sweden right now and I have lived in Austria for a short time, I am 50% Montenegrin, 25% Swedish and 25% Serbian so you can assume I interacted with these nationalities many times). Here on this map we see the average IQ in these two countries, for those that do not know where it is the average IQ is 91 in Serbia, 84 in Bosnia and I have seen that the average in Montenegro is not much higher but will not add it into the list since it is N/A.
I can assure you with CERTAINTY that this is absolutely true, I have had a lot of contact with people from Bosnia as well and I do indeed notice the difference in logical thinking when it comes to people from this part versus people from Sweden and Austria (balkancels hope u confirm this). In the pictures above is an example of a Facebook post (I translated it from Serbian), here we can see that people unironically think that the god himself will bless them financially if they write "YES" in the comments, these are the people that constantly get brainwashed by the media and they have the same voting right as you and me.
And I can tell you one thing
- THEY DO NOT CONSIDER THIS LIST ACCURATE, THEY ANGRILY DENY IT AND CALL THEMSELVES THE SMARTEST EVEN WHILE NOT BEING ABLE TO WRITE IN CORRECT GRAMMAR IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE (all balkancels can confirm old dumb fucks can't write grammatically correct). So what's the point?, it is that they - "normies" will absolutely never accept this type of inferiority, we can always see blacks crying about being called dumb monkeys while being fully inferior when it comes to academics.

Brutal IQPill results

Dysgenics in Motion:

Low-IQ mothers spawn 39% of their offspring into the bottom IQ decile—genetic rot replicating itself. Midwits and high-IQ breeders barely leak defective stock (6-7%), preserving the hierarchy.

The Cognitive Elite Reign Supreme:
The genetic lottery’s winners (IQ >125) glide effortlessly through the meritocratic hierarchy, with a mere 2% experiencing unemployment beyond a month. Meanwhile, the sub-75 IQ underclass drowns in failure (12% unemployment)—a permanent undercaste excluded from productive society. Labor force detachment plagues 22% of the feeble-minded, while the cognitively blessed enjoy near-total workforce integration (10% detachment).

  • NTPill - ND is NOT accepted and NT/ND is pure genetic lottery

In nature being ND is not accepted, ND means being different from the rest of the tribe, not being able to coexist with your tribe members as well as others, it signalizes you not belonging there thus making you an outcast, there is a reason for this, an example is if you had an alcoholic drug addict brother that may be the reason your house gets burned down by shark loaners and also the death of you and the rest of your family members, the same goes in nature, a member of your tribe makes hunting not as successful thus creating the risk of not being able to breed and have children and your body signalizes he is an issue, it is very simple once you look from the animal perspective.

Genetic determinism
Neurodivergence is not a choice. It stems from deeply rooted neurological differences that manifest as introspection, introversion, and even melancholia (all very common here). Historically, these traits were adaptive, providing unique insights and roles in cooperative communities.
But today, in a hyper-conformist and individualistic world, these traits often seem maladaptive. As society shifts toward rewarding sociability and immediate gratification, ND traits - like long-term thinking - are increasingly undervalued.

Ethics and how it is influenced by genetics
View attachment 3560327
A new study shows that a father's stress leaves lasting marks on his sperm — influencing the development of his offspring. The study revealed that men who reported high levels of childhood stress had different epigenetic profiles in their sperm compared to those who reported lower stress. These differences persisted even after accounting for other factors like smoking and drinking, suggesting that childhood experiences can leave lasting epigenetic marks.
So what does this have to do with ethics and morality? - It supports a deeper example of how they do not accept this being true, even if they accept it as true they will not accept it as right.

View attachment 3560326

But when it comes to murder fantasies that you were born with or if you were born a faggot then it's a whole different story.

View attachment 3560330
- Like what do you mean you killed someone, I always think that murder is disgusting and you deserve to burn in hell for trying to defend your wife in slums of Lagos when 6 black men tried to rape her and kill you after.

View attachment 3560331
- Haha haha you ugly incel you can't put your penis into some girl's vagina and you are a very small short sad bitter man haha haha you nazi racist piece of shit, you creep I always knew you were a creep, you fucking murderer you creep murderer you killed him because he bullied you you creep haha.
Try explaining to her your anger issues were "gifted" to you from your father and that you start shaking uncontrollably from anger, no no sir there is no room for these traits in here, only personality traits you are allowed to get genetically is being naughty(fucking black guys) that you got from your mother hehe slay girl, girl power !! but your incel energy and angie issues are not allowed here

This just proves that Normies will NEVER accept that certain "disgusting" personality traits were genetic and not a product of "free will" (jfl). No sympathy for your inceldom caused by autism haha you incel freak. This shows how normies will turn a blind eye on genetically inherited traits that they consider "morally" wrong, ND WILL NEVER BE TRULY ACCEPTED, OUTCASTS WILL ALWAYS STAY OUTCASTS

  • Social Caste Pill (parents cope insanely hard here, normies ignore/cope)
It is all about generational wealth, while you work a part time job at Uber and you go home to study for your mediocre university, William Beauchamp got an internship at his dad's company while studying at Harvard at the same time

You have surely talked with your parents about your future, they will not tell you that the current situation is fucked up and that it is over, it is the most disgusting cope they spit over and over, just get a degree and you will be earning good money to be able to take care of your family. This makes me very angry, they delude their children that are supposed to trust them from very young age and make them slaves, they never prepare their children for the consequences of getting a bad oversaturated degree, it is the same with not accepting your children are ugly, how could they do all of this to you?

Because they are selfish bastards, they cannot even say it out loud, they do not want to admit their horrible sin of bringing you into poverty to be consumed by the people on top, they need to cope somehow so they even delude themselves into thinking you will have a good life if you get a degree, and I hope the looks part is obvious to everyone, they cannot accept that their children (their seed and dna) is subhuman so they cope with charisma and spit bluepilled bullshit.

Networking - When your parents tell you to go to the workplace in person because it gives them the impression you are serious about the job ( JFL ), very sad that u do not know the online ad is a fugazi (yes I took it from Matthew McConaughey), it is a sick joke and they are laughing in your face, well probably not because they do not even go through your CV. You do all this just for William (previously mentioned) to ask his daddy to ask his golf buddy to get him that job (that set minimum requirement as having 10 yrs of experience) but somehow William got the job right after getting his Harvard degree.

View attachment 3560378

So how do normies react to this sick joke-

Normie number one - They delude themselves into thinking they will become millionaires in three months from buying Iman Gadzhi's course or joining Hustlers University

Normie number two - They delude themselves into thinking they will get a degree and get a stable job directly after university and they will buy a house (JFL) and they will have a family.

I personally feel sad for normie number two, they do not understand they are one sickness away from bankrupt, one thing goes wrong and they can become homeless, they think they will feel safe if they have a secure job, what they do not understand is that they would still live similarly to people that live from paycheck to paycheck, it would just be 3 paychecks for them instead of one. They do not even realize of how enslaved they are, they will pay the rent, pay the loans they took for their car every single month and they still feel "free". Imagine them losing this "freedom", imagine them swallowing the Social Caste Pill and being able to wake up tommorrow to go what they do every single day, they will not swallow the Social Caste Pill even if it was forcefully injected into their intestines, that is because their mind cannot afford to have this information, it is extremely destructive.


View attachment 3560424View attachment 3560431View attachment 3560432

Yes bro looks do matter and she does not care about your personality? Normies talk about how they became "blackpilled" and there is no going back now, they see that girls care about looks, just fucking lol you knew it before as well. There is a reason all actors are so gorgeous and that your mom's favorite actor is Alain Delon. Everyone knew that it is much better to be good looking and how important it is, it is no new realization because it was already there in the first place, it only became socially acceptable to say it out loud when "looksmaxxing" trend became mainstream. GIRLS DID NOT SUDDENLY START LIKING CHADS, THEY ALWAYS LIKED THEM AND DID EVERYTHING FOR THEM IT'S JUST THAT NOW THEY CAN CHOOSE TO REJECT MEDIOCRE GUYS TO WAIT FOR CHADS, IF WE LOOK BACK 50 YEARS AGO SUCH THING WAS NOT POSSIBLE BECAUSE WOMEN WERE MUCH MORE DEPENDENT ON MALES TO PROVIDE AND THEY COULD NOT AFFORD TO WAIT OR HAVE A CHOICE.


@Seth Walsh (hope you don't sue me for getting some inspiration from your threads), @forevergymcelling (some social caste normie bullying) , @aspiringexcel (balkancel to confirm my claims) @Gargantuan (stick?) , @disillusioned inspired me to write this shit , @Lonenely sigma cant forget sigma brother , @HostSamurai (my neighbour in new delhi)

every molecule

unfortunately threads like these are beyond my iq range to discuss thoroughly (cucked by brain JFL) but i liked ur arguments about the social caste and NTpill

mirin effort
do not abuse urself like that, even if that was true u do not need some genius iq to be able to have an opinion on this
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and superpsycho
do not abuse urself like that, even if that was true u do not need some genius iq to be able to have an opinion on this
im just a very bad reader and had to reread every sentence like 3 times to comprehend it all.
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and albanianblackguy
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and superpsycho
i think i might

ive been a very poor reader all my life
one of my friends really struggled with languagues and subjects that include reading and it turned out he was dyslexic, u should get tested u might get some benefits
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Normies will never swallow the Blackpill

I've read a lot of complaining from people on here about blackpill becoming mainstream and I do not agree that it did (at least not most of it).

In this thread I will show why blackpill as a whole will never be accepted by normies and that the lookism part of the blackpill is just a small tiny piece of the puzzle.

  • The Glorious IQPill

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You certainly agree that foids are one of the most vile egoistical creatures on this planet, the funny thing is that most of the human population is very egoistical. A proof of this is seeing these type of videos where normies rate themselves absurdly high, I highly doubt that they had enough positive reinforcement to feel this way about their looks but the ego I previously mentioned deludes you into thinking this.
So why am I saying this? Because there isn't a way that the average person will accept being inferior, it simply does not happen.

The same thing also happens when it comes to IQ and accepting your inferiority. It is no coincidence all dumb people you personally know are so confident and shameless, they always think they are smart and they know it all, not once did I hear someone admit they are dumb in real life (except when joking or trying to jester humble act). For you that can't bother watching they all rated themselves a 7/10, jfl at this, they think they are 2 points better looking than the average person, that's like being fully sure you are 140 IQ without no accomplishments(that need brain) or any IQ tests done.

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I would like to add an example from my real life experience. This is about Serbia and Montenegro (I live in Sweden right now and I have lived in Austria for a short time, I am 50% Montenegrin, 25% Swedish and 25% Serbian so you can assume I interacted with these nationalities many times). Here on this map we see the average IQ in these two countries, for those that do not know where it is the average IQ is 91 in Serbia, 84 in Bosnia and I have seen that the average in Montenegro is not much higher but will not add it into the list since it is N/A.
I can assure you with CERTAINTY that this is absolutely true, I have had a lot of contact with people from Bosnia as well and I do indeed notice the difference in logical thinking when it comes to people from this part versus people from Sweden and Austria (balkancels hope u confirm this). In the pictures above is an example of a Facebook post (I translated it from Serbian), here we can see that people unironically think that the god himself will bless them financially if they write "YES" in the comments, these are the people that constantly get brainwashed by the media and they have the same voting right as you and me.
And I can tell you one thing
- THEY DO NOT CONSIDER THIS LIST ACCURATE, THEY ANGRILY DENY IT AND CALL THEMSELVES THE SMARTEST EVEN WHILE NOT BEING ABLE TO WRITE IN CORRECT GRAMMAR IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE (all balkancels can confirm old dumb fucks can't write grammatically correct). So what's the point?, it is that they - "normies" will absolutely never accept this type of inferiority, we can always see blacks crying about being called dumb monkeys while being fully inferior when it comes to academics.

Brutal IQPill results

Dysgenics in Motion:

Low-IQ mothers spawn 39% of their offspring into the bottom IQ decile—genetic rot replicating itself. Midwits and high-IQ breeders barely leak defective stock (6-7%), preserving the hierarchy.

The Cognitive Elite Reign Supreme:
The genetic lottery’s winners (IQ >125) glide effortlessly through the meritocratic hierarchy, with a mere 2% experiencing unemployment beyond a month. Meanwhile, the sub-75 IQ underclass drowns in failure (12% unemployment)—a permanent undercaste excluded from productive society. Labor force detachment plagues 22% of the feeble-minded, while the cognitively blessed enjoy near-total workforce integration (10% detachment).

  • NTPill - ND is NOT accepted and NT/ND is pure genetic lottery

In nature being ND is not accepted, ND means being different from the rest of the tribe, not being able to coexist with your tribe members as well as others, it signalizes you not belonging there thus making you an outcast, there is a reason for this, an example is if you had an alcoholic drug addict brother that may be the reason your house gets burned down by shark loaners and also the death of you and the rest of your family members, the same goes in nature, a member of your tribe makes hunting not as successful thus creating the risk of not being able to breed and have children and your body signalizes he is an issue, it is very simple once you look from the animal perspective.

Genetic determinism
Neurodivergence is not a choice. It stems from deeply rooted neurological differences that manifest as introspection, introversion, and even melancholia (all very common here). Historically, these traits were adaptive, providing unique insights and roles in cooperative communities.
But today, in a hyper-conformist and individualistic world, these traits often seem maladaptive. As society shifts toward rewarding sociability and immediate gratification, ND traits - like long-term thinking - are increasingly undervalued.

Ethics and how it is influenced by genetics
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A new study shows that a father's stress leaves lasting marks on his sperm — influencing the development of his offspring. The study revealed that men who reported high levels of childhood stress had different epigenetic profiles in their sperm compared to those who reported lower stress. These differences persisted even after accounting for other factors like smoking and drinking, suggesting that childhood experiences can leave lasting epigenetic marks.
So what does this have to do with ethics and morality? - It supports a deeper example of how they do not accept this being true, even if they accept it as true they will not accept it as right.

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But when it comes to murder fantasies that you were born with or if you were born a faggot then it's a whole different story.

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- Like what do you mean you killed someone, I always think that murder is disgusting and you deserve to burn in hell for trying to defend your wife in slums of Lagos when 6 black men tried to rape her and kill you after.

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- Haha haha you ugly incel you can't put your penis into some girl's vagina and you are a very small short sad bitter man haha haha you nazi racist piece of shit, you creep I always knew you were a creep, you fucking murderer you creep murderer you killed him because he bullied you you creep haha.
Try explaining to her your anger issues were "gifted" to you from your father and that you start shaking uncontrollably from anger, no no sir there is no room for these traits in here, only personality traits you are allowed to get genetically is being naughty(fucking black guys) that you got from your mother hehe slay girl, girl power !! but your incel energy and angie issues are not allowed here

This just proves that Normies will NEVER accept that certain "disgusting" personality traits were genetic and not a product of "free will" (jfl). No sympathy for your inceldom caused by autism haha you incel freak. This shows how normies will turn a blind eye on genetically inherited traits that they consider "morally" wrong, ND WILL NEVER BE TRULY ACCEPTED, OUTCASTS WILL ALWAYS STAY OUTCASTS

  • Social Caste Pill (parents cope insanely hard here, normies ignore/cope)
It is all about generational wealth, while you work a part time job at Uber and you go home to study for your mediocre university, William Beauchamp got an internship at his dad's company while studying at Harvard at the same time

You have surely talked with your parents about your future, they will not tell you that the current situation is fucked up and that it is over, it is the most disgusting cope they spit over and over, just get a degree and you will be earning good money to be able to take care of your family. This makes me very angry, they delude their children that are supposed to trust them from very young age and make them slaves, they never prepare their children for the consequences of getting a bad oversaturated degree, it is the same with not accepting your children are ugly, how could they do all of this to you?

Because they are selfish bastards, they cannot even say it out loud, they do not want to admit their horrible sin of bringing you into poverty to be consumed by the people on top, they need to cope somehow so they even delude themselves into thinking you will have a good life if you get a degree, and I hope the looks part is obvious to everyone, they cannot accept that their children (their seed and dna) is subhuman so they cope with charisma and spit bluepilled bullshit.

Networking - When your parents tell you to go to the workplace in person because it gives them the impression you are serious about the job ( JFL ), very sad that u do not know the online ad is a fugazi (yes I took it from Matthew McConaughey), it is a sick joke and they are laughing in your face, well probably not because they do not even go through your CV. You do all this just for William (previously mentioned) to ask his daddy to ask his golf buddy to get him that job (that set minimum requirement as having 10 yrs of experience) but somehow William got the job right after getting his Harvard degree.

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So how do normies react to this sick joke-

Normie number one - They delude themselves into thinking they will become millionaires in three months from buying Iman Gadzhi's course or joining Hustlers University

Normie number two - They delude themselves into thinking they will get a degree and get a stable job directly after university and they will buy a house (JFL) and they will have a family.

I personally feel sad for normie number two, they do not understand they are one sickness away from bankrupt, one thing goes wrong and they can become homeless, they think they will feel safe if they have a secure job, what they do not understand is that they would still live similarly to people that live from paycheck to paycheck, it would just be 3 paychecks for them instead of one. They do not even realize of how enslaved they are, they will pay the rent, pay the loans they took for their car every single month and they still feel "free". Imagine them losing this "freedom", imagine them swallowing the Social Caste Pill and being able to wake up tommorrow to go what they do every single day, they will not swallow the Social Caste Pill even if it was forcefully injected into their intestines, that is because their mind cannot afford to have this information, it is extremely destructive.


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Yes bro looks do matter and she does not care about your personality? Normies talk about how they became "blackpilled" and there is no going back now, they see that girls care about looks, just fucking lol you knew it before as well. There is a reason all actors are so gorgeous and that your mom's favorite actor is Alain Delon. Everyone knew that it is much better to be good looking and how important it is, it is no new realization because it was already there in the first place, it only became socially acceptable to say it out loud when "looksmaxxing" trend became mainstream. GIRLS DID NOT SUDDENLY START LIKING CHADS, THEY ALWAYS LIKED THEM AND DID EVERYTHING FOR THEM IT'S JUST THAT NOW THEY CAN CHOOSE TO REJECT MEDIOCRE GUYS TO WAIT FOR CHADS, IF WE LOOK BACK 50 YEARS AGO SUCH THING WAS NOT POSSIBLE BECAUSE WOMEN WERE MUCH MORE DEPENDENT ON MALES TO PROVIDE AND THEY COULD NOT AFFORD TO WAIT OR HAVE A CHOICE.


@Seth Walsh (hope you don't sue me for getting some inspiration from your threads), @forevergymcelling (some social caste normie bullying) , @aspiringexcel (balkancel to confirm my claims) @Gargantuan (stick?) , @disillusioned inspired me to write this shit , @Lonenely sigma cant forget sigma brother , @HostSamurai (my neighbour in new delhi)

Agreed, the redpill will always be preferentially pushed by mainstream media. Dating coaches etc make so much money on normies thinking they can ascend to cl smv by 'learning game' or gymmaxxing
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Jfl even incel NEETs like myself are privileged simply because of the country we're born into. I only work like 3-4 hours a week because I'm NEETing on our Nordic welfare system yet I still have hundreds of dollars in completely disposable income every month on top of free healthcare and subsidized housing. I'm living better than many (most?) Americans who work 2 jobs while having massive free time for my copes. And this was 100% unearned.

You'd have to be clinically retarded to believe in meritocracy.
I am sorry for not understanding but could you explain how this relates to what I wrote and what do you mean by it.
ignore this jfl i am retarded i am on too many fuckin meds for pain i cant even read

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