Blackpill is dumb and here is why all normies know about it



Temp. Banned
Jan 24, 2022
Think about it, they all know about it. They just don’t talk about it or speak about it, they know good looking people have advantages and or they are envious of good looking people, men just like women are aware of the looks hierarchy created by the collective human intellect on an unconscious level; wether it’s at work or at school they know who is attractive and who is not, naturally men want to be friends with attractive men because they have an halo effect, everything about them looks perfect at first glance until they open their mouth and reveal they’re not perfect, also even if they’re just average on every lvl; intelligence wise, skills wise.. guess what they are still fun to be around because everywhere they go the attention is all on them.

Therefore if it’s logical that people flock to them, since they get to be apart of where the action happens.. they get to be in their circles, get to the parties, get to meet women etc.

For attractive girls obviously men are either intimated or try to court them it’s just nature. But women treat attractive girls differently, they are often seen as a threat to them.. this is why halo effect for women is good as in if they’re smart enough to capitalize on their looks as a young and attractive woman; she will be the center of attention. Men will cater to her, buy her drinks, older men will buy her cars or houses, other rich men will fly her out exotic places, etc you get the picture. She has many friends her age who also try to get in her pants, she is friend with these guys.

But other women maybe talk behind her back if she steals too much attention from them.
Anyway that is it for this rant. One thing is normies know about the blackpill; but if you mention anything that’s outside the Overton window about it they’ll gaslight you and gaslight themselves.
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Think about it, they all know about it. They just don’t talk about it or speak about it, they know good looking people have advantages and or they are envious of good looking people, men just like women are aware of the looks hierarchy created by the collective human intellect on an unconscious level; wether it’s at work or at school they know who is attractive and who is not, naturally men want to be friends with attractive men because they have an halo effect, everything about them looks perfect at first glance until they open their mouth and reveal they’re not perfect, also even if they’re just average on every lvl; intelligence wise, skills wise.. guess what they are still fun to be around because everywhere they go the attention is all on them.

Therefore if it’s logical that people flock to them, since they get to be apart of where the action happens.. they get to be in their circles, get to the parties, get to meet women etc.

For attractive girls obviously men are either intimated or try to court them it’s just nature. But women treat attractive girls differently, they are often seen as a threat to them.. this is why halo effect for women is good as in if they’re smart enough to capitalize on their looks as a young and attractive woman; she will be the center of attention. Men will cater to her, buy her drinks, older men will buy her cars or houses, other rich men will fly her out exotic places, etc you get the picture. She has many friends her age who also try to get in her pants, she is friend with these guys.

But other women maybe talk behind her back if she steals too much attention from them.
Anyway that is it for this rant. One thing is normies know about the blackpill; but if you mention anything that’s outside the Overton window about it they’ll gaslight you and gaslight themselves.
I want to see my bones
Men are more like that tbh, many GL people will get hate from normies ive seen that irl
Normies are fully aware of the blackpill. Deep inside everyone is. Everyone knows hot people have a significant advantage in almost everything and a huge advantage when it comes to dating/mating.
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