Blackpill is merely information that most people don't use properly

It is a sinking submarine.

You have to find a way out or die. It's a good thing. Either you are forced to be the best version of yourself, or fucking die.

It's winner takes all in 2023, and I plan on winning. There's no other option.

The question isn't do i want to succeed, it's HOW can I succeed. The answer is bravery and courage to do drastic means.

If it requires infinite surgery and money then it requires the bravery to do that and the discipline to work hard and make some serious cash.

That's the game. And I'm here to play it. It's not even a sinking submarine, it's a furnace that separates the garbage from the gold.
Garbage from the gold even tho so much of success is not simply based on you working for it but right connections and circumstances.

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