Blacks are the only race white people are scared to be racist to (in front of their face)


Deleted member 27674

Mar 22, 2023
When a white person says a racial slur to a black dude in front of his face, there is a very high risk of him getting pummeled and stomped until he is unconscious. If the black dude is armed, he could even pull out a weapon and go ER on the white dude.

I have seen a video of an old white dude getting brutally beaten in a public bar for calling a black guy a nigger. The next time that old dude wants to say that to another black person, he is gonna be scared due to his past experience

The fear of physical violence means many white people are scared to be racist in front of black people. They only feel safe being racist behind the safety of a PC screen in incognito mode.

Compare that to docile Asians who take any racism from white people without any retaliation. A white person can say anything to an Asian dude, and not be scared for even a single moment, because Asians are low T cucks.

Blacks are high T ngl. Using violence to solve disputes and instill fear is a high T trait.
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whites can use violence too.
edward norton film GIF by hoppip
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Cannot relate. As a 6’2.5” white man, I have not once been intimidated by Africans. Literally not once. I’ve also said my nigga before in front of them but maybe nobody has cared because im from the Balkans and we’re given the honorary nigga pass
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instill fear of repercussion theory

even 5'7 white brah are afraid of 5 foot black brah and black females
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Blacks are high T ngl
It has nothing to do with them being higher in testosterone, but having less impulse control, and wits. Most blacks don't have the IQ to insult whites, so there only thought is violence first and foremost.
because Asians are low T cuck
Asians are higher IQ, and think of possible outcomes of what could happen if they were to get into a fight.
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Niggers are Gorillas. They will kill you for no reason
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most chill African American, everyone in comments commending his restraint in beating up the cumskin jester
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most chill African American, everyone in comments commending his restraint in beating up the cumskin jester

So if you have black buddies you can’t say these are my boys ??? Or he’s my boy ??? Imagine getting murdered for that lol

So if you have black buddies you can’t say these are my boys ??? Or he’s my boy ??? Imagine getting murdered for that lol

yuh avoid anything with racist insinuations such as giving watermelon flavored gum to a black, mentioning chicken, riots, police, and historical references that don’t include slavery/racism
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Reactions: aleksander, oxymoron, T50 Mogger and 4 others
yuh avoid anything with racist insinuations such as giving watermelon flavored gum to a black, mentioning chicken, riots, police, and historical references that don’t include slavery/racism
Better to never interact with black people if you visit usa
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Cannot relate. As a 6’2.5” white man, I have not once been intimidated by Africans. Literally not once. I’ve also said my nigga before in front of them but maybe nobody has cared because im from the Balkans and we’re given the honorary nigga pass
Your size dosent matter if a negro who’s been in more fights than he has braincels decides to attack you he will pick you apart in seconds
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Is it supposed to be a flex that you can't take a jab at a Black person without them retaliating like a pack of wild animals?
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It has nothing to do with them being higher in testosterone, but having less impulse control, and wits. Most blacks don't have the IQ to insult whites, so there only thought is violence first and foremost.

Asians are higher IQ, and think of possible outcomes of what could happen if they were to get into a fight.
No insult would hit back as hard as getting called nigger tbh it’s like a slap in the face and honestly you can’t say beating their ass dosent work it instills a fear in the next retard that would try saying it and prevents it
Is it supposed to be a flex that you can't take a jab at a Black person without them retaliating like a pack of wild animals?
Bruh you can say legit anything but one word A jab is a minor insult not calling somone nigger
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Your size dosent matter if a negro who’s been in more fights than he has braincels decides to attack you he will pick you apart in seconds
I’ve literally never had it happen even once and I’ve been around thousands of black men. They’re really not intimidating people and like every other man, they also bind to the self preservation calculator that’s embedded in all of us. Men gauge other men before choosing to confront/fight them
No insult would hit back as hard as getting called nigger tbh it’s like a slap in the face and honestly you can’t say beating their ass dosent work it instills a fear in the next retard that would try saying it and prevents it
I agree that resorting to violence does work for blacks, but it only works because they are excused to do so. Imagine a white getting called cracker and retaliating on a black. He'd have no excuse and the black would be the victim, even if the black started it. It just goes to show blacks can act like animals and get rewarded by society for doing so.
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Reactions: aleksander and T50 Mogger
When a white person says a racial slur to a black dude in front of his face, there is a very high risk of him getting pummeled and stomped until he is unconscious. If the black dude is armed, he could even pull out a weapon and go ER on the white dude.

I have seen a video of an old white dude getting brutally beaten in a public bar for calling a black guy a nigger. The next time that old dude wants to say that to another black person, he is gonna be scared due to his past experience

The fear of physical violence means many white people are scared to be racist in front of black people. They only feel safe being racist behind the safety of a PC screen in incognito mode.

Compare that to docile Asians who take any racism from white people without any retaliation. A white person can say anything to an Asian dude, and not be scared for even a single moment, because Asians are low T cucks.

Blacks are high T ngl. Using violence to solve disputes and instill fear is a high T trait.
I say nigga irl all the time who cares and what they’re gonna do about it muh racist
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I say nigga irl all the time who cares and what they’re gonna do about it muh racist
this guy is american, ofc he is a retard they live in their own bubble they think every part of the world is like usa

here in my country most of the black guys dont care if you say nigga or not they dont get mad over a word that's only in usa
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Reactions: aleksander and st.hamudi but 6‘5
this guy is american, ofc he is a retard they live in their own bubble they think every part of the world is like usa

here in my country most of the black guys dont care if you say nigga or not they dont get mad over a word that's only in usa
that’s one thing and the other thing even if they’re gonna get mad they can suck my dick how soft do u have to be to get mad over a word
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low impulse control isn’t a flex, they do the same thing to each other and get sent to prison cause they’re retarded
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Reactions: aleksander, Aladin and Offensive Bias
I agree that resorting to violence does work for blacks, but it only works because they are excused to do so. Imagine a white getting called cracker and retaliating on a black. He'd have no excuse and the black would be the victim, even if the black started it. It just goes to show blacks can act like animals and get rewarded by society for doing so.
Blacks are the most privileged race in the west, and they have the audacity to cry "racism". They're like spoiled rich kids, with a room full of toys, who complain about their parents.
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You don't see a problem with chimping out over a word? One that isn't more or less then any other in the dictionary.
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here in my country most of the black guys dont care if you say nigga or not they dont get mad over a word that's only in usa
Jewish media has promulgated this oppression narrative on U.S. blacks. They are just largely the servile class for the democratic party in the U.S.. In a way the blacks are still enslaved in the U.S. with Jewish media instilling a victim mindset into them. There minds will forever be shackled to the slave narrative. The slave / master morality is still very much in the majority of blacks, they just don't see it that way.
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“I’ll beat your ass white Bo-ACK!!

IMG 3418
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rampant projections by a pussified subhuman. white people don't usually say racist shit to black people because we have manners and because there's no opportunity. we don't go out of our way to converse with or hang around low life thugs prone to chimping out
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Reactions: aleksander and Aladin
I agree that resorting to violence does work for blacks, but it only works because they are excused to do so. Imagine a white getting called cracker and retaliating on a black. He'd have no excuse and the black would be the victim, even if the black started it. It just goes to show blacks can act like animals and get rewarded by society for doing so.
Prob cuz cracker is no where near as insulting
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When a white person says a racial slur to a black dude in front of his face, there is a very high risk of him getting pummeled and stomped until he is unconscious. If the black dude is armed, he could even pull out a weapon and go ER on the white dude.

I have seen a video of an old white dude getting brutally beaten in a public bar for calling a black guy a nigger. The next time that old dude wants to say that to another black person, he is gonna be scared due to his past experience

The fear of physical violence means many white people are scared to be racist in front of black people. They only feel safe being racist behind the safety of a PC screen in incognito mode.

Compare that to docile Asians who take any racism from white people without any retaliation. A white person can say anything to an Asian dude, and not be scared for even a single moment, because Asians are low T cucks.

Blacks are high T ngl. Using violence to solve disputes and instill fear is a high T trait.
ive been racist right to the face of everyone including my own race. just in humor i do MMA sparring and we all make cracks about one another

No black dude ever even came close to beating me in a fight, but Ive sparred with several and they seem no different then mexicans or whites in the ring.
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im not racist but i have said it to niggers face
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Same with arabs in western Europe
When a white person says a racial slur to a black dude in front of his face, there is a very high risk of him getting pummeled and stomped until he is unconscious. If the black dude is armed, he could even pull out a weapon and go ER on the white dude.

I have seen a video of an old white dude getting brutally beaten in a public bar for calling a black guy a nigger. The next time that old dude wants to say that to another black person, he is gonna be scared due to his past experience

The fear of physical violence means many white people are scared to be racist in front of black people. They only feel safe being racist behind the safety of a PC screen in incognito mode.

Compare that to docile Asians who take any racism from white people without any retaliation. A white person can say anything to an Asian dude, and not be scared for even a single moment, because Asians are low T cucks.

Blacks are high T ngl. Using violence to solve disputes and instill fear is a high T trait.
based peoples but i hate black bitches they too retarded first off your a women now your a black lol
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Reactions: latincell95, aleksander and Aladin
So if you have black buddies you can’t say these are my boys ??? Or he’s my boy ??? Imagine getting murdered for that lol

it is his slavery-reminding sister-fucking hick attire tbh
didnt find it funny and im white....there are wayy funnier skits that can be made, including with the attire....anyway the comments are good and explain better what im trying to say
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Reactions: aleksander, Whitepill_Saint and lassebasse
Cannot relate. As a 6’2.5” white man, I have not once been intimidated by Africans. Literally not once. I’ve also said my nigga before in front of them but maybe nobody has cared because im from the Balkans and we’re given the honorary nigga pass
thats so true :feelskek:

also to the OP why would you BE racist to a black person (or insert X) in their face just because..... if that happened as you said the old man was a retard and also considering the age difference double retard :feelskek:

then you should EXPECT retaliation whenever you insult a man regardless of race , and then it only depends on PHYSICAL abilities in the particular situation, so your point falls flat entirely, OP, as its not about race :feelskek:
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Reactions: st.hamudi but 6‘5
thats so true :feelskek:

also to the OP why would you BE racist to a black person (or insert X) in their face just because..... if that happened as you said the old man was a retard and also considering the age difference double retard :feelskek:

then you should EXPECT retaliation whenever you insult a man regardless of race , and then it only depends on PHYSICAL abilities in the particular situation, so your point falls flat entirely, OP, as its not about race :feelskek:
stop necroposting monkey, beggin to lose mod position
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