Blkpill and my oneitis



6'6 fraudster
Jan 3, 2024
I met her in an art class. Then I was 12 & really NT:feelsgood: and literally preferred personality over look or maybe I just didn't knew what good genes were. She was Average but I liked her. She also had very pretty voice like as sweet as a noodlewhore but as respectful as say a typical conservative stereotype and i truly wanted to be able to speak that fluent like her

It all started when one day she asked my sketchbook to see my drawings. Then when she saw my handwriting, she said it's very beautiful and she wished to write like that. [(It was hot, not in a horny but NT way:aheago:) Shut up faggots it was hot for me].
Unfortunately this didn't last long and after few months we both left that class.

For next 2-3 years during COVID, i forgot everything and moved one, but after after COVID, we met again in our classes. Even then I wasn't blackpilled and was a restarted introvert. But i did understood lookism in its primary sense.

We again started chatting, and i gathered courage to ask her number. She gave it easily and we started chatting....on fucking WhatsApp (i said I was restarted). She was single and would talk only with laughing (legit :chad:).
She also made calls to me but i couldn't hold conversation or atleast meaningful ones and would waste my day playing videogames (

But fuck I was so insecure of myself and my looks, I never said it to her. Days passed here too and then we both left again and she went to college.:feelsree:

Again days passed and I started rotting on

Yesterday just rotting on telegram I saw her Id and her pictures with a guy in her highlights. Based on pics he is her bf. And I am here rotting on .org with fellow incels:incel:.

And i am fucking taller and brutally mogg her subhuman BF. Brutal NT-pill for me:feelsrope:.

Anyways, this doesn't bother me much especially after getting blkpilled since she wasn't really gl. I always thought, i would get ugly kids but copes that i least I would love her for who she is :feelsokman:.

After this i took the NT-pill and started freely talking to foids and it kinda worked I guess. I now have two LTBs and one MTB with Stacylite potential "frens" but from chatting and the entire convos revolving around them asking me my choices and telling me what they like, i feel they are interested in me ( :feelspanties:). Tho IRL I get approached mostly by sub5s. One sub4 gal I talked with kinda started waiting for me at the gate after the class ended and we just used to talk. She asked me my insta & i legit lied i didn't had any (racist.incel:feelskek:). But I guess NT-pill works, even getting approached is kinda good for me as I am basement dweller and in my bedroom all day long).

But yeah blkpill still collects. I started wearing 3-inch lifts, frauding 6'2 and i truly experienced what tall height gives. It was this MTB with Stacylite potential I said and she was just looking in my eyes and laughing the entire convo. I never saw any girl talked this sweet to me ever and i genuinely believe it was the height. With my then manlet height of 5'11 i never got to experience that. Tho I also believe it had more to do with me sticking out like a sore thumb that just being 6'2 as everyone guy around me were sub 5'9-5'10 Manlets.

When we were leaving she herself said how would we be talking later and gave her phone no, insta and Snapchat herself :feelsgah:.

Truly tho NTpill and Blkpill, both works. Tho Blkpill wins overall. [OP is currently 6'1.5, wearing lifts to fraud 6'4 and heightmaxxing to 6'6 (Delusional.rotter:feelskek:)]

disclaimer: saying water or dnr means your mother will get gangbanged by 1000 curry cocks for the next 5 years
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No one's reading your gay little fantasy
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I am venting my G, it's gonna be long :incel::feelsgood:
I just read it and I don't understand. If you have girls approaching you or are interested in you then you are clearly good looking enough. Why reminisce over your silly high school crush?
I just read it and I don't understand. If you have girls approaching you or are interested in you then you are clearly good looking enough. Why reminisce over your silly high school crush?
The thing is I get approached by sub5s and I can get quality girls only after frauding and I still do. I just explained how Blkpill wins overall.

Also idk, maybe a childish take but she was kinda my first love. Also I feel fomo of loosing a girl with that personality as it's rare af. And I am a basement dweller so I have plenty of free time to think shit.:feelspepo::feelspepo:
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The thing is I get approached by sub5s and I can get quality girls only after frauding and I still do. I just explained how Blkpill wins overall.
You have to remember that's better than the average man. They'll be invisible in public, women won't even look at them. Even if the girls are ugly it's still should be an ego boost that they are approaching you.
Also idk, maybe a childish take but she was kinda my first love. Also I feel fomo of loosing a girl with that personality as it's rare af. And I am a basement dweller so I have plenty of free time to think shit.:feelspepo::feelspepo:
Yeah losing your first love is brutal, I always look for the qualities of my first girlfriend in new girls that I speak to. None of them are like her though so it just makes me lose interest.
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Too many lines tbh
You have to remember that's better than the average man. They'll be invisible in public, women won't even look at them. Even if the girls are ugly it's still should be an ego boost that they are approaching you.
Yeah but I still get this fomo of loosing out on life and experiences someone better than me would get. But yeah it's a never ending vicious cycle.
Yeah losing your first love is brutal, I always look for the qualities of my first girlfriend in new girls that I speak to. None of them are like her though so it just makes me lose interest.
Fr bro.
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The thing is I get approached by sub5s and I can get quality girls only after frauding and I still do. I just explained how Blkpill wins overall.

Also idk, maybe a childish take but she was kinda my first love. Also I feel fomo of loosing a girl with that personality as it's rare af. And I am a basement dweller so I have plenty of free time to think shit.:feelspepo::feelspepo:
dude, i know its hard, but get over it. my first love was a 17 year old ltb who cheated on her bf for me (back when i was lean), and it was difficult for me to get over her after i had to move back to australia. you have to get over it and move on.
My god man this was pure autism
dude, i know its hard, but get over it. my first love was a 17 year old ltb who cheated on her bf for me (back when i was lean), and it was difficult for me to get over her after i had to move back to australia. you have to get over it and move on.
If my oneitis fucked another guy I woild unrioncially kill myself
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I met her in an art class. Then I was 12 & really NT:feelsgood: and literally preferred personality over look or maybe I just didn't knew what good genes were. She was Average but I liked her. She also had very pretty voice like as sweet as a noodlewhore but as respectful as say a typical conservative stereotype and i truly wanted to be able to speak that fluent like her

It all started when one day she asked my sketchbook to see my drawings. Then when she saw my handwriting, she said it's very beautiful and she wished to write like that. [(It was hot, not in a horny but NT way:aheago:) Shut up faggots it was hot for me].
Unfortunately this didn't last long and after few months we both left that class.

For next 2-3 years during COVID, i forgot everything and moved one, but after after COVID, we met again in our classes. Even then I wasn't blackpilled and was a restarted introvert. But i did understood lookism in its primary sense.

We again started chatting, and i gathered courage to ask her number. She gave it easily and we started chatting....on fucking WhatsApp (i said I was restarted). She was single and would talk only with laughing (legit :chad:).
She also made calls to me but i couldn't hold conversation or atleast meaningful ones and would waste my day playing videogames (

But fuck I was so insecure of myself and my looks, I never said it to her. Days passed here too and then we both left again and she went to college.:feelsree:

Again days passed and I started rotting on

Yesterday just rotting on telegram I saw her Id and her pictures with a guy in her highlights. Based on pics he is her bf. And I am here rotting on .org with fellow incels:incel:.

And i am fucking taller and brutally mogg her subhuman BF. Brutal NT-pill for me:feelsrope:.

Anyways, this doesn't bother me much especially after getting blkpilled since she wasn't really gl. I always thought, i would get ugly kids but copes that i least I would love her for who she is :feelsokman:.

After this i took the NT-pill and started freely talking to foids and it kinda worked I guess. I now have two LTBs and one MTB with Stacylite potential "frens" but from chatting and the entire convos revolving around them asking me my choices and telling me what they like, i feel they are interested in me ( :feelspanties:). Tho IRL I get approached mostly by sub5s. One sub4 gal I talked with kinda started waiting for me at the gate after the class ended and we just used to talk. She asked me my insta & i legit lied i didn't had any (racist.incel:feelskek:). But I guess NT-pill works, even getting approached is kinda good for me as I am basement dweller and in my bedroom all day long).

But yeah blkpill still collects. I started wearing 3-inch lifts, frauding 6'2 and i truly experienced what tall height gives. It was this MTB with Stacylite potential I said and she was just looking in my eyes and laughing the entire convo. I never saw any girl talked this sweet to me ever and i genuinely believe it was the height. With my then manlet height of 5'11 i never got to experience that. Tho I also believe it had more to do with me sticking out like a sore thumb that just being 6'2 as everyone guy around me were sub 5'9-5'10 Manlets.

When we were leaving she herself said how would we be talking later and gave her phone no, insta and Snapchat herself :feelsgah:.

Truly tho NTpill and Blkpill, both works. Tho Blkpill wins overall. [OP is currently 6'1.5, wearing lifts to fraud 6'4 and heightmaxxing to 6'6 (Delusional.rotter:feelskek:)]

disclaimer: saying water or dnr means your mother will get gangbanged by 1000 curry cocks for the next 5 years
it’s time to rope
  • +1
Reactions: barettrealrx
what if it was in the past before she knew u
I never knew hwr anyways i never interacted with her
I wouldvjust prob go into a deep state of depression then get on with my life in a few months
When its haooening currently and you cant stop it its just devastating for some reason compared to it having been done in the paat
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I never knew hwr anyways i never interacted with her
I wouldvjust prob go into a deep state of depression then get on with my life in a few months
When its haooening currently and you cant stop it its just devastating for some reason compared to it having been done in the paat
what if she says the dick was 8 inches bro how would u feel (that happened to me)
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I wouls kill myself
But of coursd it is inevitable she will get married and fuck another guy later on in life

Thats why kts ober i will never debelop oneitis again unless im 100% sure i cna fuck them
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