Blonde and white is the most desirable phenotype for men

how is that a cope retard? its literally what 99 percent of women say. Watch some normie bullshit tv. Or watch this video retard

I like how "Dark" is just a white guy who doesnt rot in his room 24/7.

makes you look like a giga god. Robust face and blond hair one of the few combinations that can shit on dark haired North Atlantids heads.
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Reactions: Germania
1) A lot of the time the desirability for pheno and colouring comes from preference. If you look at the studies done for hair colour preference, blonde girls are more likely to favour blonde men relative to their darker haired counterparts. Unlike facial structures which are objectively attractive or unattractive, phenotype preference is very much subjective. However, most of the time there will be a bias towards people that look like you, hence why all racial groups in melting pot societies will still, in the majority of cases, favour a partner of their own race.

In the developing world, blond is seen as exotic and is indirectly a wealth indicator because blonde = whiter; whiter = perceived as being richer; perceived as being richer = more attractive. It's also a case that a lot of these countries have the colonial relic of whiter = better so it becomes engrained in their beauty standards. For example, in South East Asia plastic surgery is focused on looking more caucasoid and skin lightening products are used to get more pale skin.

In the west, it's generally better for a man to have darker features like dark skin, dark hair but with light eyes. Tanned skin is perceived as more masculine and is associated positively with health. On the contrary, blonde and light features is associated with feminity. That's why you see so many girls dying their hair blonde. It is seen as more attractive and is preferred to dark features. That being said see point 1). There is no single phenotype that has 100% appeal to the female population. It is one of those things that is subjective and depends on the girl...
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However, most of the time there will be a bias towards people that look like you, hence why all racial groups in melting pot societies will still, in the majority of cases, favour a partner of their own race.
You did some good points, but that statement is not true. Most girls, no matter the ethnicity, would prefer a white guy.
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sure they go for dark guys in brazil, because there are only dark guys :lul: :forcedsmile: If i would go there again with my blonde german gang, we would SMASH!!!!!!
blondes destroy it

a GL blonde guy is unmogable
this forum really made me think that being blonde as a guy is bad and that no girls like blonde men but the last 3 girls i told this said "what? ive never heard anyone say that, its not true". a girl that has a crush on me literally said yesterday that her type of men are blonde and blue eyed and she is blonde and german herself.

this is why i barely visit this forum anymore, just useless garbage information spread all over
The only place blonde men should heavily avoid is England and Ireland

Whenever I go Scotland I slay staceylite

eu girls love blondes
  • +1
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Notice how Israel is the only place that is highlighted in the entire middle east :woke: .
The only place blonde men should heavily avoid is England and Ireland

Whenever I go Scotland I slay staceylite

eu girls love blondes
i got told my a bitch from london that i would slay in uk tbh
I had
This phenotype is the rarest and therefore most desirable in the world. Blonde and white is the beauty ideal in most parts of the world. In many countries a blonde white guy is seen as a god. In Asia, young women come and want to take selfies with blonde white men (actually happened to me).


Why are diamonds so valuable? because they are so rare, the same applies to the blond and white phenotype.


There is a reason, why Chad is blonde and the Incel is mediterranean

Average blonde guy next to average dark haired guy
I had natural blonde highlights in the front and temples until the fucking Norwood reaper took it away.
Now that all area is bald and all I have is boring (thin) hair. FML
Dark hair + Tan skin + Light eyes is the GOAT combo.

Saying otherwise is pure COPE.

Blondes are CUCKS.
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 9380, TopzCat1 and Kingkellz
No tall dark and handsome is most desirable. Are you really this bluepilled?
Depends on the woman's ethnicity. I've had a Spanish woman tell me she hated that look and preferred "Tall, Handsome and Fair."
No tall dark and handsome is most desirable. Are you really this bluepilled?
Depends on the woman's ethnicity. I've had a Spanish woman tell me she hated that look and preferred "Tall, Handsome and Fair."
This phenotype is the rarest and therefore most desirable in the world. Blonde and white is the beauty ideal in most parts of the world. In many countries a blonde white guy is seen as a god. In Asia, young women come and want to take selfies with blonde white men (actually happened to me).


Why are diamonds so valuable? because they are so rare, the same applies to the blond and white phenotype.


There is a reason, why Chad is blonde and the Incel is mediterranean

Average blonde guy next to average dark haired guy
Germania is a Roman/Greek interpretation of Germany get trolled
This phenotype is the rarest and therefore most desirable in the world. Blonde and white is the beauty ideal in most parts of the world. In many countries a blonde white guy is seen as a god. In Asia, young women come and want to take selfies with blonde white men (actually happened to me).


Why are diamonds so valuable? because they are so rare, the same applies to the blond and white phenotype.


There is a reason, why Chad is blonde and the Incel is mediterranean

Average blonde guy next to average dark haired guy
Germania is a Roman/Greek interpretation of Germany get trolled
This phenotype is the rarest and therefore most desirable in the world. Blonde and white is the beauty ideal in most parts of the world. In many countries a blonde white guy is seen as a god. In Asia, young women come and want to take selfies with blonde white men (actually happened to me).


Why are diamonds so valuable? because they are so rare, the same applies to the blond and white phenotype.


There is a reason, why Chad is blonde and the Incel is mediterranean

Average blonde guy next to average dark haired guy
Germania is a Roman/Greek interpretation of Germany get trolled
This phenotype is the rarest and therefore most desirable in the world. Blonde and white is the beauty ideal in most parts of the world. In many countries a blonde white guy is seen as a god. In Asia, young women come and want to take selfies with blonde white men (actually happened to me).


Why are diamonds so valuable? because they are so rare, the same applies to the blond and white phenotype.


There is a reason, why Chad is blonde and the Incel is mediterranean

Average blonde guy next to average dark haired guy
Germania is a Roman/Greek interpretation of Germany get trolled
This phenotype is the rarest and therefore most desirable in the world. Blonde and white is the beauty ideal in most parts of the world. In many countries a blonde white guy is seen as a god. In Asia, young women come and want to take selfies with blonde white men (actually happened to me).


Why are diamonds so valuable? because they are so rare, the same applies to the blond and white phenotype.


There is a reason, why Chad is blonde and the Incel is mediterranean

Average blonde guy next to average dark haired guy
Germania is a Roman/Greek interpretation of Germany get trolled
having a micro penis is rare therefore the most desirable penis size
having a micro penis is rare therefore the most desirable penis size
having a micro penis is rare therefore the most desirable penis size
There is a reason, why Chad is blonde and the Incel is mediterranean
Incel looks half-asian half-white tbh
Idk where your getting at when you say he has Mediterranean phenotype

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