body acne



looksmax till death
Dec 5, 2023
i cant do anything about it, i literally cant. My back is full of scars and i already know that i will never have a good looking body because of my disgusting acne scars. My face acne is nearly gone. but i just cant do anything about my body acne. It doesnt even matter when i go get muscle. I still will look like shit. Is there anything else i can do besides accutane. Iam already giga skinmaxxing, good diet, tret blah blah blah the basics yall already know. Iam doing everything of that. I used some hex with 14. Could it be because of that ??? Iam fucked
  • So Sad
Reactions: descension and Imretarded?
i cant do anything about it, i literally cant. My back is full of scars and i already know that i will never have a good looking body because of my disgusting acne scars. My face acne is nearly gone. but i just cant do anything about my body acne. It doesnt even matter when i go get muscle. I still will look like shit. Is there anything else i can do besides accutane. Iam already giga skinmaxxing, good diet, tret blah blah blah the basics yall already know. Iam doing everything of that. I used some hex with 14. Could it be because of that ??? Iam fucked
if youre lean it wont look bad
i cant do anything about it, i literally cant. My back is full of scars and i already know that i will never have a good looking body because of my disgusting acne scars. My face acne is nearly gone. but i just cant do anything about my body acne. It doesnt even matter when i go get muscle. I still will look like shit. Is there anything else i can do besides accutane. Iam already giga skinmaxxing, good diet, tret blah blah blah the basics yall already know. Iam doing everything of that. I used some hex with 14. Could it be because of that ??? Iam fucked
even peak bodybuilders dont have so bad acne
Are you using accutane? Eat pills of them and it'll dry out your skin.

You could apply tret to body, it helps fade scars
Are you using accutane? Eat pills of them and it'll dry out your skin.
I dont want to use accutane, well i think only accutane can fix that. Its really only my body, my face is alright and has no to a little bit acne. Its nearly clean (only 1-2 pimples). Ill just rope
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Imretarded?
I dont want to use accutane, well i think only accutane can fix that. Its really only my body, my face is alright and has no to a little bit acne. Its nearly clean (only 1-2 pimples). Ill just rope
Why not?

Tretinoin does the same thing as accutane just at a less strong level. it cured my acne.

You could use Benzoyl peroxide to treat your pimples as that will dissolve the gunk
  • JFL
Reactions: descension
i cant do anything about it, i literally cant. My back is full of scars and i already know that i will never have a good looking body because of my disgusting acne scars. My face acne is nearly gone. but i just cant do anything about my body acne. It doesnt even matter when i go get muscle. I still will look like shit. Is there anything else i can do besides accutane. Iam already giga skinmaxxing, good diet, tret blah blah blah the basics yall already know. Iam doing everything of that. I used some hex with 14. Could it be because of that ??? Iam fucked
wdym hex? trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate or some shit
Acne = Virgin.
Get yo dick sucked 50 times per week and they should be gone
  • JFL
Reactions: descension and Imretarded?
Since you're only 16 you're still in puberty. So just wait it out, however fucked up the situation is and confidence blow it is. I can relate since I had pubertal gyno until 21 when I got it surgically removed. I wouldn't take anything until you're 20, including isotret. It's a really nasty drug. However, if your acne persists after age 20, I'd consider trying dutasteride, since the root cause of acne in adults is DHT. You'll most likely also notice around that age if you've got MPB, since most men start balding around that time frame.

From an ex-gf I knew a 24yo guy who really had bad body acne. Both on his back and chest. When we went to the beach and he took his shirt off his entire body was covered with it, was an absolutely brutal sight to see, poor guy... He was balding as well, so that explains it, high DHT sensitivity. And he wasn't roidmaxxed either, just a twink.
  • +1
Reactions: lestoa and halloweed
Since you're only 16 you're still in puberty. So just wait it out, however fucked up the situation is and confidence blow it is. I can relate since I had pubertal gyno until 21 when I got it surgically removed. I wouldn't take anything until you're 20, including isotret. It's a really nasty drug. However, if your acne persists after age 20, I'd consider trying dutasteride, since the root cause of acne in adults is DHT. You'll most likely also notice around that age if you've got MPB, since most men start balding around that time frame.
I think its because of puberty. Nobody in my family is bald. My father is nw1 50, my grandpa from my dads side was nw0 even with 60. He didnt even had grey hair. God tier hair genetics. My grandpa from mothers side was nw1 with 35. And i myself have extreme thick hair, like extreme extrem thick hair. My hair is good, for now. I guess its time for fin dut and minox. So most likely i have it because of puberty. Atleast i hope so. I need to do bloodwork
Define your “good diet”.
  • +1
Reactions: descension
liver, chicken, salmon, rice, dark bread, eggs, milk
There’s your problem. You aren’t eating the optimal human diet. You’re eating poison known as carbohydrates. Get rid of the rice and bread.

Carnivore (meat only +- eggs +- butter) or death literally. Carbs consumption accelerates aging and shortens ones life span.
There’s your problem. You aren’t eating the optimal human diet. You’re eating poison known as carbohydrates. Get rid of the rice and bread.

Carnivore (meat only +- eggs +- butter) or death literally. Carbs consumption accelerates aging and shorten ones life span.
masculinity crew propaganda
low carb is retarded
i cant do anything about it, i literally cant. My back is full of scars and i already know that i will never have a good looking body because of my disgusting acne scars. My face acne is nearly gone. but i just cant do anything about my body acne. It doesnt even matter when i go get muscle. I still will look like shit. Is there anything else i can do besides accutane. Iam already giga skinmaxxing, good diet, tret blah blah blah the basics yall already know. Iam doing everything of that. I used some hex with 14. Could it be because of that ??? Iam fucked
Just take a shower bro

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