Brainstorm with me - Ideas/businesses to start to slay

Chico Chicowski

Chico Chicowski

Apr 16, 2019
Its not that easy as: become a bartender, dj or start a model agency

Starting business is a hell, working 12h a day if wanna be succesfull and not lucky

Even if you rich this lets say 10k yur currency / per month and invest in looksmaxing, you can still be invisible
and time is ticking, your now 25? it might take you next 10 years.

So I've been thinking about it since 2-3 years

There are few main groups:

1) sick/moderate rich game
You are rich enough to show off, be intresting because you own Ferrari. If you can't still get golddiggers in your country, your moving to Russia or South America and there is no way you are not slaying.. no way

I would say it can start from as little as $15k/per month (lease super car, and be able to life richer than most most people)

2) it seems to be actually the most effective - they are your fans
its not only about being a rock star or an actor. I personally wouldnt like to be a numero uno world star
you just cant live.
You can slay many many many girls, but it can beanerve wracking

I would go with sth like a youtube/instagram star
yt star to slay 15-18 young chicks
instagram star (exaplme jay alvarez), you are followed and they would jump into your bed cause they feel the status

3) they want to be promoted

you have Insta with 500k followers promoting bitches? you can slay
you have a model agency - you can slay
you are a movie producer - you can slay
so on and so on

4) you just meet many of them on a daily basis

Seems maybe not as cool as being a rockstar, but its a number game
If you can come with an idea when you surround yourself in your career with many bitches then you might be a slayer

5) business that helps you to build your social circle

Imagine you are a youtube media company owner
you cowork with many young sluts and with many dudes who are influencers and have many friends

you run a social group game

I believe these are main ideas how can you turn your everyday life to try-to-slay life

Of course, it would the easiest to be a Instagram Model who is famous at this moment, and its not recognized by most society (Chico fcking lucky guy), you are approached by bitches, you are GL(dont have to invest $$ in looksmaxing) and you have rich social circle

Im waiting for you creative and specific ideas
  • +1
Reactions: AspiringChad and Lorsss
15k/month and ferrari, kill yourself

better to rent the car if you just want to pick up sluts with you car lmao
  • +1
Reactions: Eduardo DOV and Chadelite
looksmax then become a MM
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