Brutal agepill



6'5" lookism super m0d
Jul 30, 2022
Screenshot 488
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 9405, JawGuyFatFaceGuy, PURE ARYAN GENETICS and 3 others
" i only fuck minors" 😳
  • +1
Reactions: height
" i only fuck minors" 😳
Unknown 6

  • Love it
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Dystopian, lepo2317 and 2 others
you look 40 and inbred


  • JFL
Reactions: Bakin donuts 🍩, EverythingMattersCel, Deleted member 1851 and 2 others
I guess im severely mentally ill
Would you date a single mom who has a a daughter just to groom her into being a perfect sex slave?
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Dystopian and Deleted member 20519
Would you date a single mom who has a a daughter just to groom her into being a perfect sex slave?
Hell fuckin no wtf lol
Those that know must teach.”- African Proverb.

There’s no Black community in the U.S. where you can find all of the four essential institutions needed to independently sustain and grow a community.

Black own Schools
Black own Banks
Black own Grocery stores
Black own hospital.

These are the four institutions that directly attributed to the immense success of Tulsa Oklahoma's Black Wall Street district before white mobs bombed, burned and destroyed them. While although the Black Wall Street district is perhaps the most well known story of a striving Black city following slavery, there are actually many similar stories of striving Black towns across the U.S. from Florida to even New York. And likewise those Black towns were also destroyed by white people. And they all strived independently utilizing the four essential institutions. The present void of these four institutions within Black communities is by deliberate designed to keep Black America under the social dominance of white America.
There are many nefarious social engineering
tactics that have been secretly put in
place to ensure that white social
dominance over Black people continues

Although all white governments now publicly professes equality for all of their citizens, the hidden reality is that they’re all unrelentingly committed towards the preservation of their nation’s white dominance and control. There is also an immense fear, that if the opportunity ever presented itself, that the Black society would erode the white society social dominance. This immense fear and unrelenting commitment towards the preservation of white social dominance resulted in white oppressive forces secretly deploying hidden social science that aids in maintaining white social dominance over Black people.

The white society’s exploitation of Africans has provided it with an era of which it has flourished most throughout history. To allow this era to end would be directly against the interests of the white society. This is why when slavery was abolished white societies then created many unfair laws that allowed their continued ongoing subjugation and exploitation of Black people. When those post slavery era subjugation tactics had ran their course during the 1960’s - thus had resulted in unprecedented unified Black protest and became no longer socially acceptable with the changing times - the white oppressors did not abandon their practices of subjugating Africans. They instead developed more covert methods, for meeting that objective, that are not easily recognized nor easily comprehended by their Black victims. White subjugation of Black people always works best when its Black victims no longer recognizes it. From the perspective of the white ruling elites to not have done so would have placed the white society diametrically at odds with its own self interests.

Our core problem as Black people is that most of us are totally clueless of the many nefarious social engineering practices that white oppressive forces systematically wages against us in order maintain their social dominance over us.

The ignorance of the oppressed is the oppressor’s greatest weapon.

Case, Point, and Proof:

Most Black people are totally clueless of the true reason why we’re learning more Black racially affirming facts from each other on social media platforms than we so within our white governed schools.

Here’s the true hidden reason why this:

According to white social scientists for a ruling class to maintain its position of social dominance, the education taught within the society must exalt the ruling culture to endorse their position of social dominance; and it must deny the subordinate population of an affirming education. This condition the subordinate population to accept their subordinate status within the society dominated by the dominant group. This is the true reason why Black people are learning more Black racially affirming facts from each other on social media than we do so from within our white governed schools.
Schools are tools of the government design to mold students’ character accordingly.

Although white governments professes equality for all of their citizens, in reality they are unrelentingly committed towards the preservation of their nation's white dominance. This unrelenting commitment necessitates that Black students be socially engineered during their educational development to accept their subordinate status within a white dominant society. The white society will never give Black students an education that truly liberates them. They will instead always miseducate Black students to think in ways that serves and protects the system of white supremacy.

Education is much more than a matter of developing students’ cognitive abilities in math, language, and science; it is the process of imparting information, knowledge, and values, which best enable students to realize their highest potential. Studies show that how children behave is greatly influenced by what they're taught to believe about themselves. Therefore it is extremely important that children be taught of the many contributions made by their particular group. Students can then reference these messages about their particular group to acquire their self-images and assess their potential and capabilities in relation to these messages. Therefore, an educational setting that properly nurtures the aspirations and potential of a child is one that includes the many contributions made by the child's particular race or group. This is a basic human need, and it is the basis that children use as a point of reference for their potential.
It is particularly important for children living under difficult circumstances to know about and be able to identify with members of their group who can help them feel good about being members of the same group. This basic human need is being deliberately withheld from Black students during their educational development.

The white educational system’s failure to adequately provide Black students with a racially affirming curriculum as it routinely does for White students is actually essential for maintaining white dominance. Because for a ruling class to maintain its position of social dominance over its oppressed population, they must condition the oppressed from a very early age to accept their own subordinate status and to adhere to the authority of the dominant society. To do so, the education given to the oppressed, from the time that their mind's are young and most impressionable, must be the type that denies them of a racially and culturally affirming curriculum. When the oppressed population is denied a fully racially and culturally affirming education, even the brightest among them may have little, if any, hope of mentally extracting themselves from their assigned low, dominated position in life. This is being secretly done to Black students during their educational development. Our core problem, as Black people, is that most of us can’t see that our minds are being systematically perpetually manipulated to think in ways that serves the system of white supremacy.

There are three ways to effectively brainwash an entire generation of people. By what they’re taught, by what they see, and by what they hear. Because the white society controls the education we’re taught, the media images we see, and the societal narratives that we hear, these combined factors allows them to shape the minds of many Black people to think in ways that are beneficial to their white society without most Black people even realizing it. They’ve exploited this scenario to shrewdly indoctrinate Black self contemptuous and divisive thoughts into the collective minds of millions of Black people that are designed to shift Black collective aggressions away from their white society and redirect it against ourselves. It’s how they prevent us from unifying against them. More specifically it’s how white oppressive societies protects themselves from massive unified Black retribution. The human mind is like a computer no matter how efficient it may be its reliability is only as great as the information fed into it. If it’s possible to control the input into the human mind, then no matter how intelligent a person may be it is entirely possible to control what he will think.

This Black racially devaluing process begins during our early educational development when our minds are young and most impressionable through a whitewashed education that conceals most Black racially affirming facts. The process is continued from pre K thru the 12th grade.

This Black racially devaluing programming is then reinforced throughout our entire lives through unrelenting white media subliminal programming that keeps us believing the fraudulent worst about ourselves. This makes millions of Black people feel inferior and subservient towards whites. White social scientists describes this nefarious practice as instilling a value system into the collective subconscious minds of the subordinate population that makes them adhere to the authority of the dominant culture. Because most Black people are clueless of what’s actually being done to them, they insist that their symptoms and condition are caused by a silly slave syndrome myth. Black ignorance of the many subjugation tactics that white oppressive forces presently deploys against us is the white oppressor’s greatest weapon against Black people.


Although most Black people don’t experience the type of blatant white racist subjugation tactics as our grandparents had, we’re still being subjugated by the white society. However it’s now being done with much more sophistication. Unlike the blatant white racist subjugation tactics of the past that Black people could easily recognize and therefore develop counter strategies against, todays current methods are not easily recognized nor easily comprehended by their Black victims.

In the book "The Art of War," it's author, Sun Tzu , a Chinese general, military strategist, wrote that to win any battle you must first thoroughly study the tactics of your enemies and then develop counter strategies against those tactics. Likewise in order for we Black people liberate ourselves we must first learn of the many covert subjugation tactics that white oppressive forces presently deploys against us.

The following are four additional covert subjugation tactics that white oppressive forces presently deploys against Black people. We must learn them, teach them to others, and then develop counter strategies against them.


The white media's unrelenting negative depictions of Black people-- that constantly subjects Black people to receiving only the fraudulent worst narratives and imageries about themselves -- is a Black Racially Demoralizing Divide and Conquer psychological warfare tactic.

Demoralizing Divide and Conquer is the method of maintaining control over a targeted population through unrelenting demoralization in order to create self loathing and division amongst them. This condition makes the targeted population much easier to control.

All societal narratives that Black people receives comes from the white society. This allows them to shape our thoughts in ways that benefits themselves. All Black narratives are written exclusively by the white society. Therefore Black people interpret their collective state according to information presented by white people. This literally means that white people owns Black people’s interpretation of ourselves. White social scientists determined a long time ago that by perpetually negatively controlling what Black people believes about ourselves collectively, they could demoralize, divide, and shift Black collective aggressions away from the white society and redirect it against ourselves.

This system is deplored like a massive media marketing campaign that constantly subjects Black people to seeing only the fraudulent worst within themselves. Within this system fraudulent black racially demoralizing propaganda is pumped unrelentingly into the unsuspecting minds of Black populations--without being challenged or counterbalanced by an equal amount Black positive racially affirming information. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely effects Black people in terms of our behaviors. It conveys the subliminal message that Black people are there own worst enemy and therefore needs whites to govern over their lives. Moreover, that Black people should admire, respect, and trust only Whites. This system is extremely effective because when Black people are repetitively presented these noted narratives from trusted white media sources it can be very difficult to resist it's implied programming. Especially when the propaganda is being told daily and so unrelentingly. With time, being unable to refute the constant negative information about themselves, many Black people eventually comes to accept them. They unconsciously influences how many within the Black population perceives themselves, creating division and self hatred among themselves. It also turns the collective aggressions of Black people away from their white oppressors and turns them inward towards themselves.

This is all possible because people are like computers, all you have to do is keep giving them certain information every so often and you can persuade an entire generation towards an implied objective. It doesn't matter if the information presented is untrue most people will act upon it because they have all been given the same misinformation about themselves.

The human mind is like a computer; regardless of how efficient it may be its reliability is only as great as the information fed into it. If it’s possible to control the input into the human mind, then no matter how intelligent a person may be it is entirely possible to control what he or she will think. Because white people controls all societal narratives, that are routinely fed into the minds of Black people, this allows white oppressive forces to control what Black people believe. This is the true reason why many Blacks are now self loathing, perceive themselves as their worst enemies, and revere Caucasians - in spite of such a brutal history to the contrary.

This brainwashing system is so effective that many Black people now insist that their negative assessment of their entire race is absolutely true. However, in reality, those Black people that presently makes negative generalization about their entire race cannot actually validate these statements based upon their own personal experiences. Those that insist that they can are not critically thinking or they’re delusional. Because it is not humanly possible to assess the collective state of millions of people based upon anyone’s individual experiences.
These negative perceptions about their entire race were actually indoctrinated into their minds by white media social engineering scientist and propaganda designers.
When people are constantly inundated with negative lies about themselves these lies becomes their reality. They begin to see only those things that appears to confirm the lies. White oppressive forces thoroughly studied this mental phenomenon and weaponized it against Black people. This psychological warfare program works so well in fact that it not only makes Black people more compliant with white dominance over their lives, it in fact makes many even prefer it.It is at the root of both the feeling of self hatred now afflicting so many Black people and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.

"The oppressed will always believe the (fraudulent) worse about themselves" --Franz Fanon

It’s ALWAYS by deliberate design whenever the oppressed thinks exactly as their oppressors wants and needs them to think. This disclosed Black racially demoralizing divide and conquer psychological warfare campaign is just one of the many hidden social science tactics that white oppressive forces deploys to facilitate their long term oppression of Black people.


The reason why white cops can routinely kill unarmed innocent Black people and avoid prosecution by merely saying that they were fearful of losing their lives is because of a societal shaping propaganda tactic known as Manufactured Consent to Mistreat.

Manufactured Consent to Mistreat is when the oppressors falsely vilifies and criminalize the image of the oppressed in order to create a consensual national setting that falsely justifies the oppressor’s mistreatments of the oppressed. It’s an old Nazi propaganda tactic that was also use in Germany against the Jews.

Here’s why they deployed this same propaganda tactic against Black people:

The success of the 1960's Civil rights movement was greatly due to the national and global support that was attained by Dr. King's non violent strategies. Once those images of America's Black population being brutalized with fire hoses, police batons, and K9 dogs (for merely peacefully seeking to be treated with the basic principles of human dignity) were aired on America's nightly news they gained national and global support for the plight of African Americans. The global responses in support of African Americans were immense. Dr. King was even awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his none violent efforts in pursuit for full equality for African Americans. African Americans were favorably perceived by millions of people around the world as a dignified people pursuing an equality that we should have been born with. These global responses in support of African Americans totally embarrassed the U.S. Government. It also eroded its global image and standing in the world.

White oppressive forces realized then that to continue their subjugation of Black people- as a means of maintaining their white social dominance- it had become necessary to created societal consent to do so. They achieved this by creating media propaganda that portrays Black people as a major problem of the society. Through lies and manufactured news stories Black people are being made to look like we are part of a treacherous, frightening, and insane fringe, thereby creating a false impression of wanton Black criminality and violence. This creates prejudice distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about the Black population that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to our plight. These deplorable depictions are intentionally designed to creates a shifting of victimization in behalf of whites and to lessons pressures for social changes in behalf of Blacks. This propaganda campaign is also the reason why millions of foreigners comes to U.S. looking down upon African Americans. They literally arrives within the U.S. with negative preconceptions about African Americans.

Manufactured Consent to Mistreat is actually a common nefarious practice. Whenever those in power wants to create societal consent for their mistreatments of a targeted population they often use the media to portray the targeted population as being a major problem of the society through manufactured false news reports. They vilify, criminalize, and dehumanize the targeted population in order to create a consensual national setting that justifies their mistreatments of them. Manufacture Consent to Mistreat is the warfare tactic that white oppressive forces presently deploys against Black people. Black people are being vilified, criminalized and dehumanized in order to create contemptuous, and acrimonious beliefs about the Black population that are designed to make the nation and the entire world insensitive to our plight, tranquilize efforts on our behalf, and makes any serious criticism of white racism now almost impossible.

When contempt of Black people is made to appear to be justifiable, this creates conditioned responses within the nation that allows eventualities to unfold against Black populations without opposition or resentment. This is very evident within the U.S. Criminal Justice system wherein which Black people are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. This propaganda campaign is the reason why it is possible for white cops to habitually kill unarmed innocent Black people, even when these murders are captured on film, and still avoid being indicted by merely saying that they feared for their lives. Furthermore, it creates a consensual national setting wherein which witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing Black people to be brutally mistreated under the belief that it is all justified.

This propaganda campaign also allows the white society to use Black people as its most ticketed and fines group that generates revenue to the city. Such as witnessed by the fact that the majority of people in traffic courts are usually predominantly Black even when Black divers only makes up 30% of the city’s drivers. Black people are the constant revenue generators for many white majority cities across the nation and even around the world. These injustices are now most often ignored because the perception has collectively become that it’s all now justified.

"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent.” Media has the power to influence minds, ideas, behaviors, and attitudes of the masses.” - Malcolm X


Remember when Colin Kaepernick kneeled in silent protest - against the routine killing of innocent unarmed Black people by white cops - and the white establishment responded by labeling him as being unpatriotic? That response was actually a Gaslighting distraction tactic that oppressors uses to deflect the protest of the oppressed.

The term gas- lighting psychological abuse is usually associated with individual abusive relationships, wherein which one person is manipulated and mentally abused for the benefited of the other. However, that same mental abusing practice is also deployed on a large scale level by oppressors against the oppressed populations. It's then referred to as Gas Lighting Psychological Warfare.

Gas Lighting Psychological Warfare is a insidious form of mental abuse wherein which the issues being protested by the oppressed is never acknowledged nor legitimatized by the oppressors. The oppressors instead always present counter narratives that deflects attention away from the protest. Through this practice information is always twisted, spun, and or selectively omitted to always favor the oppressor. This practice is continued until the oppressed begins to doubt the merit of their own protest and then eventually stops protesting. This is how the white establishment subdued the kneeling protest by Black athletes without ever addressing the issue. They just kept deflecting from it until Black athletes became mentally fatigued and stopped protesting.

The ruling elites secretly perceives true equality for Black people as being the erosion of their white dominance. Therefore nowadays whenever Black people protest against any inequalities by the white establishment, rather than addressing those grievances this gaslighting tactic allows the white oppressors to divert and distract from the protest. This system allows the white oppressors to treat any issues presented by the Black population like a can being repeatedly kicked down street. The true issue is never addressed. This system prevents the erosion of white supremacy by by deflecting and distracting from all Black protest rather than addressing them.

Within this psychological warfare system, the white establishment is never acknowledged as morally wrong, and the Black oppressed are never acknowledged as morally correct. This gaslighting tactic is also what’s actually being done to Black people when the white establishment labels us as being racist towards the white society whenever we speak out against white racism.

"Accuse the other side of that which you're guilty of."- Joseph Geobbles, Nazi Minister of Propaganda.

This tactic shifts the focus away from the inequality being expressed by the Black population and forces the Black population to instead engage in defending themselves against false accusation of racism. Meanwhile the true issue of Black inequality is never addressed by the white establishment. This gas lighting system is also the reason why they label Black athletes that takes a knee in silent protest against the routinely killing of unarmed and innocent Black people as being unpatriotic and insulting of the flag and our troops. This shifts the collective attentions away from the murderous white cops and onto the Black protesters. They will then air television programs discussing the issue of wether or not the athletes are being unpatriotic while totally ignoring the issue of the white cops that are killing Black people. The issue of Black athletes lacking patriotism is merely a distraction tactic. It's intentionally designed to divert attention away from the issue of Black victims being routinely killed by white cops.

This Gas lighting practice is also the reason behind the white establishment declaration that: “ All Lives Matters". That is not a mere random rebuttal statement. It's intentionally created and designed to defuse the moral statement of "Black Lives Matters" while diverting attention away from the issue of white cops routinely killing innocent unarmed Black people.


The white establishment has done absolutely nothing whatsoever to reduce the routine killing of innocent unarmed Black people by white police officers. Rather than doing something to reduce the problem the white establishment has instead resorted to using distraction and stalling tactics that allows them to avoid addressing the issue. This behavior by the white establishment is known as Benign Neglect.

Benign Neglect is an attitude or policy of noninterference or neglect of a situation, which may have a more beneficial effect than assuming responsibility. It’s also a Gaslighting warfare tactic.


Is a gas lighting tactic that attempts to discredit the protester’s position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument. This mental abusing tactic is continued until the protesters begins to question the merit of their own protest. Many will eventually becomes mentally fatigued and then gives up their protest having gained no grounds on the matter. It’s how white oppressors now handles Black protestors.
Here’s an example that better illustrate how effective whataboutism actually is:

Imagine that 50 Black protestors went to city hall to protest the routine killings of unarmed innocent Black people by white police officers. The white establishment will respond by continuously pushing the self serving counter narrative of “What about Blacks that kills Blacks”. At the end of the day 25 of those Black protestors will return home questioning the merit of their protest. Although what about Blacks that kills Black is not all a legitimate rebuttal against the routine killing of unarmed innocent Black people by white police officers, many Black protestors will began to believe that it is. The mind is easy to manipulate with the victim is unaware of what’s being done.

Within this gaslighting psychological warfare system, the oppressors never acknowledges any grievances expressed by the oppressed. The white establishment is never acknowledged as morally wrong, and the Black oppressed are never acknowledged as morally correct. This practice is continued until the Black protesters begins to doubt their own positions. Many begins to doubt their reasons for protesting, thinking that if their cause isn't being recognized by the dominant society then perhaps it lacks merit. The mind's of targeted populations are quite easy to manipulate if they're unaware of what's being done to them. Once minds have been confused, manipulation becomes simple. The mind will even ignore common sense, and rationality falls away, even overlooking hypocrisy and deception.


The fact that millions of Africans Americans went from being Black and proud, wearing Afros and calling themselves Brothers and Sisters during the 1960’s, to now bleaching their skins, wearing European weaves and calling themselves N!ggers and Bitches is proof that our condition has nothing to do with a silly slave syndrome myth. If our condition was truly connected to slavery it would’ve been worse during the sixties and would’ve been lesser today- given that our current generations is further removed from slavery. This would be a naturally deterioration of our symptoms. But given that our condition has in fact worsen is evident that our condition has nothing to do with a slave syndrome. The truth is that white oppressive forces exploits their monopoly over information that we receives, to manipulate what we believes in ways that benefits their white society.

The narratives that we African Americans made the N word ours, and that using it now empowers us are both lies created by white propagandists to keep us from learning the truth. Those false narratives are believed and repeated by those of us that are ignorant, naive, and gullible - therefore are usually the easiest victims of the white oppressors’ fraudulent propaganda campaigns. It was actually white oppressive forces that socialized us to self identify ourselves as N!ggers through the hidden science known as negative media social engineering. Because they control our media images they’re able to covertly negatively steer our culture. By socializing us to self identify ourselves as N!ggers they’ve conditioned us to perceive ourselves through a false marginalized identity that aids them in maintaining their white dominance over us.

Most people naively believe that the media reflects our reality, but in truth it is more often we that imitate what we see and learn from the media. A group’s identity is greatly shaped by how they repeatedly see themselves depicted in the media. People often becomes those derogatory media depictions of themselves that they accept as being their reality. It’s a true science known as media social engineering.

Whoever controls a people’s media images controls their culture.
- Allen Ginsberg

Because the white society controls the media images of African Americans this fact allows white social scientist and propaganda designers to negatively steer Black culture. Their ability to steer Black culture through media social engineering is immensely powerful. So much in fact, that if these white men wanted Black youths to start walking around everyday with a yellow Afro combs in their left rear pockets, all they would have to do is place that image in several rap music videos, movies and TV shows being depicted as very cool and trendy. In doing so our Black youths would then see the image, imitate it and then adopt the image as being of their own making-although it is in fact actually not. The style and behavior was actually learned from what they repetitively saw in the media. It was secretly created by white media social engineering scientist and propaganda designers.

When these white social engineering scientists creates trends and customs for Black youths to imitate they deliberately create those that gets our Black youths acting and dressing as caricatures that reinforces resentment and anti black prejudicial perceptions. Moreover, those images that reinforces many negative and racist stereotypes about Black people. Black youths becomes the caricatures of the derogatory images and stereotypes they accept. The African American culture is being negatively steered by white oppressive forces.

Case and Point:

Some African Americans insist that sagging started with slavery. This is untrue. if it had the style would’ve been prevalent throughout the many years that followed slavery. It was not! The style didn’t exist on a national scale until the early 1990’s Furthermore, if slaves were sagging this would’ve severely reduce their productivity. Because a slave couldn’t pick much cotton while holding up his pants. The white enslavers would also never allow a slave to sagg because this creates the possibility of their wives and daughters seeing the Africans larger penis. So when you critically think and observe all the facts as they were it becomes clear that sagging did not come from slavery.

The Sagging phenomenon is not the result of the prison industry — where most prisons have a heavily enforced dress code requiring prisoners to wear velco belts. Furthermore if men engaged in homosexual behavior while incarcerated most do not return to their communities and families flaunting that fact. Most will conceal any customs or behaviors association with the practice. When you’re ignorant nonsense makes perfect sense. Furthermore, that prison to the street theory is not how national trends are created. For something to thing to become a trend requires concerted efforts of media marketing. The style of sagging It was deliberately achieved by white negative media social engineering of the African American culture. The sagging style was placed in movies and music videos being depicted as cool and trendy and then millions of Black youths merely imitated their style. This isn’t some feeble minded attempt at scapegoating that wrongly blames white people in order to absolve ourselves of our own responsibilities. It’s the absolute truth. They’re waging a covert war against African Americans that most don’t understand. Because we African Americans were stripped of our true identity and culture- during the enslavement of our ancestors- we’re therefore more susceptible to media social engineering.


The true reason why millions of African Americans now self identify themselves as n!ggers is also actually a true testament of the immense power of white negative media social engineering. Although this n#gger programming is now routinely deployed through the white controlled Hip Hop music industry, that industry merely reinforces an earlier programming.

The n#gger terminology was originally indoctrinated into the African American culture many decades ago long before the hip hop music industry was even created. It was originally done so by using the movie industry. Most people think that movies are made for nothing more than entertainment. That never was the case. The greatest social messages are promoted through movies. Social norms promoted through films can influence the way of thinking and the “cognitive map” of the populated audience. In a normal conversation when using logic and facts your guard is naturally up. But when your watching a movie there's no debate, your guard is down, the sensor part of your brain is not in action, it isn’t saying yes I agree with this, or I disagree with that like you would in a debate or a conversation. You’re actually in an alpha state being completely downloaded with ideas and images. This programming system was used to convinced millions of Black movie watchers, during the late 60's and early 70's,that they were niggers.

Up until the mid 1960's the word n#gger was viewed unfavorably by most African Americans. That era's generation of African Americans had experienced dehumanizing segregation, and many also had great grand parents that were born during slavery. Therefore, they knew intimately well the brutality and degradation that often accompanied the ugly taunts of the word nigger. Therefore, the usage of the word was most often forbidden within many African American homes. It was deemed as being a profoundly offensive word. The usage of the word n#gger became more accepted among African Americans during the late 60's and early 70's as the popularity of Blaxploitation films grew.

Blaxploitation is a term coined in the early 1970s to refer to black films that were aimed at black audiences. Featuring African-American actors in lead roles, the films frequently depicted stereotypical characterization and glorification of violence. It was that era's Black exploitation films that first taught African American youths on a national level that it was a cool and trendy term of endearment to call themselves n#gger. In those films, written, directed, and produced by white people, Black actors were hired to shuck and jive and to repeatedly called themselves n#gger. This n#gger indoctrinating process was repeated and reinforced countless times in many times within many Blaxploitation films.

Here's a list of just a few of those movies: The Black Klansman (1966), Black Like Me (1964) Black Lolita (1975), Black Mama White Mama (1973), Black Rage (1972), Scream Blacula Scream (1973), Shaft (1971), Shaft in Africa (1973), Shaft's Big Score (1972), Sheba, Baby (1975)etc...Within each of these films, produced by white movie studios, Black actors routinely called each other niggers. Some of these films also blatantly included the word n#gger in its titles such as Boss N#gger (1975), Run N#gger Run (1974), and The Soul of N#gger Charley (1973) etc...

Those Blacks exploitive films were well received by many African American audiences because they provided them with cinematic Black heroes on the silver screen in a portrayal unseen in most Hollywood pictures prior to that time. Therefore, African Americans flocked to the theaters in droves to see themselves being represented as heroes on the big screen. Many Black audiences, believing that those fictional movie characters were true, accurate representation of their group as a collective whole began imitating what they saw in the movies -this included self identifying themselves as N!ggers. Through this system millions of Black people were socially engineered to perceive themselves as being n#ggers.

Words put a spell upon your subconscious mind. We function based upon the words we assign to ourselves. This is why women that proclaims themselves as being bitches often becomes stubbornly unreasonable. It's also why men that proclaim themselves as being thugs are more likely to engage in a fight than to avoid it. Words effects how we function. This is a psychological phenomenon that white social engineering scientist have thoroughly researched.


When we call others by negative words we dehumanize them which makes it easier to mistreat them. Case and Point:
During the Vietnam war to ease the American soldiers anxieties about torturing and killing the Vietnamese soldiers they were taught to refer to them as Chinx, Gooks, and Kongs. This dehumanized them and made it easier to kill and torture them. This is also why men that refers to women as bitches, and hoes have a higher tendency to mistreat them.

These noted factors are the reasons why white oppressive forces socially engineered millions of African Americans to self identify themselves as and call each other n#ggers. ( Through negative media social engineering ) White oppressive forces have placed an elaborate negative spell upon the subconscious minds of millions of African Americans with the word nigger. The white prison industry is also filled with Black men that have been programmed to believe that they're real niggas. White social engineering scientist deliberated programmed millions of Blacks people to believe that they're n#ggers to achieve this agenda.

White oppressive forces secretly perceives Black rappers as useful idiots. In addition to making lots of money by exploiting them, they used them to negatively steer Black culture. And they use them to vilify and criminalize the image of African Americans- which makes the white society’s [justice systems] mistreatments of its Black population appear as always justifiable .

Because most Black rappers have never heard about the science of negative media social engineering ( most people have not ) they're therefore unaware of the actual damages that they’re doing to their people and culture. Their ignorance is being exploited by white oppressive forces to the detriment of their own people.

This is not some feeble minded premise nor is it some silly conspiracy theory. It’s the truth tha they hide from you. Media social engineering is a real covert very well-crafted system of control that allows the white ruling class to control the masses and targeted populations. The white media has always represented a tyranny of the white society’s power over Black people.

Many African Americans are now saying that we should call ourselves Negus because it’s an ancient Ethiopian word meaning King.

However, given that there are literally over two thousands languages in Africa; and each one of them have at least three word that means King, don't you therefore find it suspicious that the only word that's being spread throughout our Black communities is the word "Negus"--the one word that just happens to sound exactly like niggers? To believe that this is merely a incredible coincident is extremely naive. Clearly the word Negus is being deliberately propagated into our Black communities to serve a particular agenda.

The truth about NEGUS:

Millions of African Americans were socially engineered to call themselves N!ggers by white oppressive forces. This was done because negative words cast negative spells upon the subconscious mind. Calling ourselves N!ggers subconsciously assigns us to a inherent subordinate status within the white society. We also dehumanize each other when calling ourselves N!ggers. This makes it easier to mistreat and even kill each other. The word Negus is being misused to keep African Americans functioning under the negative effects of the original N word - because the subconscious mind doesn’t see the different spelling.

Don’t be fooled if the oppressors we’re truly superior they wouldn’t have to distort so many facts, conceal so many Black racially affirming truths, nor would they have to work so hard and unrelentingly behind the scene to manipulate and handicap those whom they claim are inferior.

By Franklin Jones, the Black Matrix.

This article is from the book the Black Matrix by Franklin Jones. Learn more at www.theblackpeoplematrix. com
  • +1
Reactions: height
normal men want to fuck underage girls you´re weirdo
Only pedos want 2. god i cant even think about fucking an underage girl no matter how beautiful she is
Only pedos want 2. god i cant even think about fucking an underage girl no matter how beautiful she is

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Reactions: Dystopian and Deleted member 20519
Only pedos want 2. god i cant even think about fucking an underage girl no matter how beautiful she is
you are brainwashed and metally ill
women prime is 15-21
low t faggot
  • +1
Reactions: height
you are brainwashed and metally ill
women prime is 15-21
low t faggot
They are pretty good looking but i would never fuck them cuz its so wrong
peak fertility is 14

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