

im a failure
Feb 6, 2024
to set some context
my school has an event and you had to pay $10 for the bus
I decided to not go the second day, and wanted my $10 back (it was $10 each day)
long story short the ppl in charge didnt give it back to me and I was pissed, but I didnt show it (OR AT LEAST THOUGHT I DIDNT JFL)
they made some BS up about how I had to email them to get it back EVEN THOUGHT THE WOMAN IN CHARGE PERSONALLY TOLD ME I WOULD GET MY MONEY BACK THE DAY BEFORE (see how these cumskins will do you blackcels?)
but thats only the start of it

today I go for an interview with these very people and guess what I find out
they snitched to their boss (it was a gook and a cumskin who did this, the lady never told me who but I knew)
so when I was interviewing I had to waste 5 minutes talking about this situation that happened
she tried to basically tell me that they thought I was "angry and aggressive" (scary black man)
and she kept telling me I was in the wrong EVEN THOUGH IT WAS MY MONEY THAT WAS STOLEN
Im not trippin cause its $10 but its just the fact she tried to tell me I was in the wrong (and it was very subtle and corporate like as well, passively aggressively)
then the fucking interview started finally
I would also like to mention that I had to reschedule twice yesterday for this interview because the person kept saying "that time slot is already taken" she was definitely just fucking with me

during the interview I got strange vibes and one of the things the interviewer mentioned was that there is a dress code, and she said to wear "no durags" which was def on purpose JFL I have an afro I cant wear one but I know the real reason why she said that
also she kept putting me in scenarios to see how I would do things differently from the situation that happened (mind you this was three months ago and I'm the one that got screwed but those two women got in their feelings about it)

at the end of the interview she went back to the situation in the beginning and wanted to discuss it AGAIN
atp I was considering just shutting off the call
also, I was supposed to be interviewed by the gook, but they made up some BS about how she was running behind schedule
I know just realize that she was intimidated by me, so they switched it to the head of the department to interview me (they tried to fuck me but I already knew what to do)

and this is the funny part about it
the woman interviewing me, the head of the department
thats right
and I saw her photo on her desk
its not even that shes "whitewashed" or married to a white man
so I know what she is, shes one of those black people who think cause she is corporate or educated shes "not like those other niggas" or "better than those niggas"

this whole thing was brutal, but it doesnt even end there
now in order to have a chance to get the job, she wants me to send an "apology email" to those two foids (she didnt say that, but she implied it)
it was under the guise of "being comfortable in the workplace" but I know thats a load of BS
but before I can do that, I have to send a draft to HER, so then she can tell me the names of those two whores and then I can send them the official email

all this bullshit for minimum wage

Blackcels this is why you cant go corporate this is how they will do you
like a fucking animal they see you as a dog
unless you go out of your way to make them feel safe they will automatically feel unsafe around you (sounds a lot like the life of an incel, but on a whole other level)

fucking brooootall
  • +1
Reactions: Ricky212, wishIwasSalludon and Deleted member 65752
sorry bro did not read, you should have chimped when you didn't get the job tbh
  • Woah
Reactions: maxilofailo
to set some context
my school has an event and you had to pay $10 for the bus
I decided to not go the second day, and wanted my $10 back (it was $10 each day)
long story short the ppl in charge didnt give it back to me and I was pissed, but I didnt show it (OR AT LEAST THOUGHT I DIDNT JFL)
they made some BS up about how I had to email them to get it back EVEN THOUGHT THE WOMAN IN CHARGE PERSONALLY TOLD ME I WOULD GET MY MONEY BACK THE DAY BEFORE (see how these cumskins will do you blackcels?)
but thats only the start of it

today I go for an interview with these very people and guess what I find out
they snitched to their boss (it was a gook and a cumskin who did this, the lady never told me who but I knew)
so when I was interviewing I had to waste 5 minutes talking about this situation that happened
she tried to basically tell me that they thought I was "angry and aggressive" (scary black man)
and she kept telling me I was in the wrong EVEN THOUGH IT WAS MY MONEY THAT WAS STOLEN
Im not trippin cause its $10 but its just the fact she tried to tell me I was in the wrong (and it was very subtle and corporate like as well, passively aggressively)
then the fucking interview started finally
I would also like to mention that I had to reschedule twice yesterday for this interview because the person kept saying "that time slot is already taken" she was definitely just fucking with me

during the interview I got strange vibes and one of the things the interviewer mentioned was that there is a dress code, and she said to wear "no durags" which was def on purpose JFL I have an afro I cant wear one but I know the real reason why she said that
also she kept putting me in scenarios to see how I would do things differently from the situation that happened (mind you this was three months ago and I'm the one that got screwed but those two women got in their feelings about it)

at the end of the interview she went back to the situation in the beginning and wanted to discuss it AGAIN
atp I was considering just shutting off the call
also, I was supposed to be interviewed by the gook, but they made up some BS about how she was running behind schedule
I know just realize that she was intimidated by me, so they switched it to the head of the department to interview me (they tried to fuck me but I already knew what to do)

and this is the funny part about it
the woman interviewing me, the head of the department
thats right
and I saw her photo on her desk
its not even that shes "whitewashed" or married to a white man
so I know what she is, shes one of those black people who think cause she is corporate or educated shes "not like those other niggas" or "better than those niggas"

this whole thing was brutal, but it doesnt even end there
now in order to have a chance to get the job, she wants me to send an "apology email" to those two foids (she didnt say that, but she implied it)
it was under the guise of "being comfortable in the workplace" but I know thats a load of BS
but before I can do that, I have to send a draft to HER, so then she can tell me the names of those two whores and then I can send them the official email

all this bullshit for minimum wage

Blackcels this is why you cant go corporate this is how they will do you
like a fucking animal they see you as a dog
unless you go out of your way to make them feel safe they will automatically feel unsafe around you (sounds a lot like the life of an incel, but on a whole other level)

fucking brooootall
fucking brootal is your writing buddy boyo.

writing like some prime ape 100 000 years ago :feelswhy:
brutal what kinda corporate job was it
cumskin foids will always look down on ethnics and blackcels
  • JFL
Reactions: murdah
if you were white, the asian woman would have gotten on her knees and gave you blowjob and a position as manager
  • JFL
Reactions: Jaded and Ricky212
did u atleast get ur $10 back
if you were white, the asian woman would have gotten on her knees and gave you blowjob and a position as manager
20240502 102723
Don’t apologise. That’s the ultimate buck breaking
to set some context
my school has an event and you had to pay $10 for the bus
I decided to not go the second day, and wanted my $10 back (it was $10 each day)
long story short the ppl in charge didnt give it back to me and I was pissed, but I didnt show it (OR AT LEAST THOUGHT I DIDNT JFL)
they made some BS up about how I had to email them to get it back EVEN THOUGHT THE WOMAN IN CHARGE PERSONALLY TOLD ME I WOULD GET MY MONEY BACK THE DAY BEFORE (see how these cumskins will do you blackcels?)
but thats only the start of it

today I go for an interview with these very people and guess what I find out
they snitched to their boss (it was a gook and a cumskin who did this, the lady never told me who but I knew)
so when I was interviewing I had to waste 5 minutes talking about this situation that happened
she tried to basically tell me that they thought I was "angry and aggressive" (scary black man)
and she kept telling me I was in the wrong EVEN THOUGH IT WAS MY MONEY THAT WAS STOLEN
Im not trippin cause its $10 but its just the fact she tried to tell me I was in the wrong (and it was very subtle and corporate like as well, passively aggressively)
then the fucking interview started finally
I would also like to mention that I had to reschedule twice yesterday for this interview because the person kept saying "that time slot is already taken" she was definitely just fucking with me

during the interview I got strange vibes and one of the things the interviewer mentioned was that there is a dress code, and she said to wear "no durags" which was def on purpose JFL I have an afro I cant wear one but I know the real reason why she said that
also she kept putting me in scenarios to see how I would do things differently from the situation that happened (mind you this was three months ago and I'm the one that got screwed but those two women got in their feelings about it)

at the end of the interview she went back to the situation in the beginning and wanted to discuss it AGAIN
atp I was considering just shutting off the call
also, I was supposed to be interviewed by the gook, but they made up some BS about how she was running behind schedule
I know just realize that she was intimidated by me, so they switched it to the head of the department to interview me (they tried to fuck me but I already knew what to do)

and this is the funny part about it
the woman interviewing me, the head of the department
thats right
and I saw her photo on her desk
its not even that shes "whitewashed" or married to a white man
so I know what she is, shes one of those black people who think cause she is corporate or educated shes "not like those other niggas" or "better than those niggas"

this whole thing was brutal, but it doesnt even end there
now in order to have a chance to get the job, she wants me to send an "apology email" to those two foids (she didnt say that, but she implied it)
it was under the guise of "being comfortable in the workplace" but I know thats a load of BS
but before I can do that, I have to send a draft to HER, so then she can tell me the names of those two whores and then I can send them the official email

all this bullshit for minimum wage

Blackcels this is why you cant go corporate this is how they will do you
like a fucking animal they see you as a dog
unless you go out of your way to make them feel safe they will automatically feel unsafe around you (sounds a lot like the life of an incel, but on a whole other level)

fucking brooootall
Not a word

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