[BRUTAL Jewpill] Holy Fuck I Hate YouTube Comments so Goddamn much - Help me Bullymaxx this Curry Foid - How to avoid Censorship?



May 3, 2020
I've been trying to Eviscerate some dumb curry bitch in the comments for about an hour now :lasereyes:

to put her in her place for not knowing what the fuck she's even talking about [and cause i was bored ngl]
death note GIF

apparently she's some gook/curry mongrel but is larping as kurdish because she hates Persians for some reason
Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN
Tom Cruise What GIF
i don't hate kurds btw [or even curries tbh]

but the goddman j3w!sh [i can say that I'm jewish btw] comment algo keeps censoring my comments :feelswhy:
jews GIF

I went out of my way to self censor anything even remotely close to being non politically correct, and even tried making sure any links I put wouldn't show up properly :bigbrain:
Think About It GIF by Identity

help me out buddy broyos how can i get around this censorhip and bully this curry girl into submission? :feelsthink:

keep in mind this is actually pretty tame for my usual style [as you can probably already tell] tbh,:feelswah:

even as far as all racial slurs go ngl :feelshah:

Just fuk . ing lol oh please, you don't even want to go there...

Cause this is my comment thread now r4. n-j33t. 😜

inb4 you start pulling up cherrypicked photos of a few "kurds" with blue eyes

Look up the face of the average Persian vs Kurd: https:// www .pinterest. com/pin/371335931745065618/

The "kurd" is a composite made by el caudilo on anthroscape http:// anthroplanet . blogspot. com/Kurd

I'm actually being pretty fair here with that picture, since the first results that usually show up when you look up "average kurdish face" are all legit ugly and b r-0 w.n g. y.p-s .y looking e-t.h .n-ic.s. 🤢

Even literal t.u-r c r. -o c.h.3.s [who are m.0 -n-. g.0 l h.a-lf -b. r33ds themselves btw] make fun of kurds for being beneath them and more e-t.h .n-ic./darker looking while also comparing them to g. y.p-s !3s.

https:// www . wilsonquarterly. com/quarterly/_/the-faces-of-kurdistan JFL look at these and honestly tell me they look anything even remotely close to the "European" pheno you pathetic self- h a t.1ng e-t.h .n-ic.s are obsessed with.

So please, tell me again in your broken curry English why how Persians could ever "look b r-0 w.n g. y.p-s .y"

I can read self- h a t.1ng e-t.h .n-ic.s like you like an open because of just how predictable and p@thetic you people really are, when everyone knows you only try so hard to larp as something you're not [huw!te] because you have a crippling inferiority complex toward them [huw!tes].

You people will never be Huw!te no matter how much you "we wuzz" and larp about your ancestors or how much try to bleach your skin. Just like that one buzzfeed curry girl seething at her own dna test because she was full 🍛
https:// www . youtube. com/watch?v=2ZR_vMU8db8
JFLul they even deleted it 🤣

But probably the single most confusing thing about this whole mess is why you have such a grudge against Persians in the first place when you're not even Kurdish yourself, and you're literally just some h.a-lf -b. r33ds b r-0 w.n m.0 -n-. g.0 l larping as indian.

Iran Talk has proven time and time again how there's been virtually 0 genetic effect from any foreign invaders on Iran since at least the Iron Age, and he's always backing up his claims with the most recent genetic studies which is why he sometimes revisits the same topics again.

Meanwhile the entire history of your nation 🇮🇳 is nothing more than an endless cycle of multiple foreign conquerors [Persians included btw Lol] that have d.3p.@.R, pillaged, and subjugated your 💩 people. 😢

JFL I mean how much more pathetic can it really get for you people than literally having the most recent of your many conquerors [the Angl0s] give you back your independence, out of the goodness of their own heart because they felt sorry for you, rather than actually earn it by fighting for it? 🤣

Do yourself a favour and spare yourself the embarrassment from talking about things you clearly know nothing about.

Or don't and just keep barking for me like the coping 🐶 you really are.

Jfl I honestly couldn't care any less and can keep humiliating you all day long even if YT is c3ns*r!ng my comments.
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