Brutal mindfuck theory about why women like tall men


Deleted member 17174

Just do it. ✓
Jan 11, 2022
it simply helps them breathe better. Let me explain



anyone with two braincells to rub together would know that crouching reduces the surface area of your trachea and allows less oxygen to enter. Hence on an yearly basis 10 ml every 10 seconds which means 3153600 mL of oxygen thats not passing through her lungs, which means easily a few lifespan years reduced when compared to looking up to a chad.

sO next time before you hate women, know that they're not bad people, they just are better biologists than you. :soy:
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its actually because they are children, and like to feel small :owo:
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but women don't like tall men, they like good-looking tall men
if Chad's short, they will get on their knees for him
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Cope they like tall men because we are moggers
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but women don't like tall men, they like good-looking tall men
if Chad's short, they will get on their knees for him
Wrong. They like men who give more oxygen. Think about it, you would look longer at a handsome face and hence the neck stays in up leaning longer, hence more.oxygen gets in. With an ugly face she would have no incentive to keep looking up. Take the o2pill :bluepill:
same reason any other mammal goes for the larger males. more intimidating (mog), even if it doesn't translate to fighting ability, you don't always need to actually have that. sometiems just display is enough. most of the time animals just size each other up and the one that feels smaller retreats
same reason any other mammal goes for the larger males. more intimidating (mog), even if it doesn't translate to fighting ability, you don't always need to actually have that. sometiems just display is enough. most of the time animals just size each other up and the one that feels smaller retreats
you must be fun at parties
same reason any other mammal goes for the larger males. more intimidating (mog), even if it doesn't translate to fighting ability, you don't always need to actually have that. sometiems just display is enough. most of the time animals just size each other up and the one that feels smaller retreats
Not really. If that would be true, then open class bodybuilders would be seen as very attractive which is not the case
Bro being tall is just attractive, stop with the cope "muh intimidatino, mhu children, muh blabla"

You just look better in a tall proportionate body (lean/musculay is better but good frame + tall is the best), clothes look better, you in pictures look better, everythnig is beter
Not really. If that would be true, then open class bodybuilders would be seen as very attractive which is not the case
this is why tall guys are mouth breathers, they look down frequently constricting their windpipe and they use mouth to compensate for lack of oxigen
Bro being tall is just attractive, stop with the cope "muh intimidatino, mhu children, muh blabla"

You just look better in a tall proportionate body (lean/musculay is better but good frame + tall is the best), clothes look better, you in pictures look better, everythnig is beter
damn you beat me to it 😡

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only works for birdcel w*men :owo:
this is why tall guys are mouth breathers, they look down frequently constricting their windpipe and they use mouth to compensate for lack of oxigen
tall guys are mouth breathers because they have to fuck their posture to even fit through a door

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