😪 AFTER READING 100+ threads HERE’S WHAT I FOUND…part1🤫

Great thread some people are trolling it but the fact that you have to write this much while remembering everything you Had in the past makes it even more helpful for other people although things like eyelid pulling and bonesmashing to an extent are massive cope but nonetheless Great effort 9/10 Thread and if you can tag me in other looksmaxxing posts like these would be great. Thanks
  • +1
Reactions: OmaAusbeuter and the_nextDavidLaid
secret in the very end also rep

TLDRs do not exist

Here’s what I saved after reading 100+ threads part 1

Condensed notes from notes 1 + 2

It’s not a good format but I’m pasting so cut me some slack boyos



Royal jelly

100gr BONE MARROW (contains wvery fat soluble vitamin you need to prosper)

Also abundant in:





Try eating it raw tbh and also boil it to get bone broth out of it etc


Eyelid pulling every 2-3 nights for 25-50 reps in total per session

Moisturize UE and massage it(more blood flow)

Sleep on back (obvious reasons)

Stretch all parts of the UE

Lightly pulling the fatty skin (3-5s per pull)


Being lean the body experiences improved insulin sensitivity (IGF-1, enhanced bone mineralization, skeletal development)



Olive Oil

Fatty fish, meat etc (Testosterone production)

HIIT Exercise

Regular Sunlight

Cold Exposure (Testosterone production)

Green Tea (Antioxidant)

Pomegranate (Antioxidant)


Injecting IGF-1 for wider shoulders.


Dosage for poorfags//

//25mg MK677 for 6 weeks raises IGF-1 by %60.1 (half life - 24 hours)

2-3mg CJC 1295 w/DAC for 1-2 times per week(half life - 8 days)

4 capsules of SLIN pills to not become diabetic

Dosage for Chads//

//30mg MK677

10-15mg CJC 1295 w/DAC

Inject CJC 1295 subcutaneously

30-gauge insulin syringe

Reconstitution for CJC 1295 DAC

You will need Bacteriostatic water in order for reconstitution since CJC will come in a power-like form. for a vial with 1-2 mg the recommended amount of water would be 1 ml. If the vial comes in 5mg put 2ml of water. Make sure you keep these peptides at around 4°C or colder


To get a big outer flute muscle do just straight downward extension (squats, deadlifts etc)

To get a inner glute muscle you do backward leg extensions.

You want to strengthen the lower abs and create pelvic alignment.

Deep Barbell Squats

Deadlift Variations


Glute Kickback


Hip Thrust


Osteogenesis modulation

It’s a battery implant though so just mention it. You won’t undergo the procedure.





Creatine L-carnitine

Bonemaxxing: Zinc



Vitamin K (mk4+mk7) Vitamin D

Skinmaxxing: Glutathione NAC


Vitamin C

Beta carotene

Ignoremaxxing: Vitamin Bcomp

Lactobacillus (for digestion to get rid of bloating and other Jewish digestion stuff)

Jawmaxxing: Chewing gum

Bodymaxxing: MK677



Stretches in the morning

K2 supplements

Tap knees with hammer or any other object?

Vitamin D3 + K2


Folinic Acid




Methionine (Methylation and Hgh)


Inhibit estrogen (minimization for bone growth etc)


Minimize cortisol via GHRPZ or GHRP6 over Ipamorelin

Raise Parathyroid Hormone

Calcitonin (salmon)



Cycling DHT


Use CJC 1295 in conjunction w/ GHRP6


Use GHRP6 (2-3 times per day for several weeks) in conjunction w/ HGH Generic or Pharma

CJC 1295 increases plasma GH concentrations 2-10 fold for more than 6 days, increases IGF concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days with no adverse effects.

CJC-1295 can be injected subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Dose per injection: 2mg. Injections per vial: 1 x 2mg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 0.5ml of water for mixing then a 2mg dosage = 0.50ml (or 50 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 1ml of water then a 2mg dosage = 1ml (or 100 units). Sample Injection Frequency: 2mg injected once per week (due to its long half-life)




CJC-1295 DAC 600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day. GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin - Example 1– Night Time Injection (GHRP can cause drowsiness, and improve sleep). Empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal). Inject GHRP peptide; go straight to bed. Example 2– Morning injection. Inject GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg. Wait at least 20 minutes before consuming food or beverages (including coffee/tea).

Use Ipamorelin w/ CJC 12995 in the evening which has a cause of less cortisol and prolactin. (Compared to both GHRP 2 & 6)

Use Ipamorelin w/ HGH 2-3 times per day for a period of several weeks.

Use Ipamorelin in the 200-300mcg range 2-3 times per day subcutaneously 30-45 minutes before a workout cause the pulse creates maximum growth which is more natural and slower than any other GHRP. (Noo ok hunger etc)

MK677 should not be used he says cause of increased prolactin.




Applying the product repeatedly over some time will permanently reduce adipose tissue there.


Spinal Decompression

Tadasana (30s hold/2 for beginners) 5-10 times daily

Bar hanging (slowly increase intensity, Active hanging as in lifting the upper body up properly to not hurt neck)

Touching points -

1.stand in front of the wall with your face towards it and bring yourself closer to the wall so that your body is your body is touching it for support,then try to touch points on the wall,lift one of your hands up to a higher height and you will feel the body stretching,then lift your other hand to the same height as your first hand or u can lift even Higher than it,and hold this position for some time,since u are a beginner,do it for 5-10 seconds until u cant stand anymore and the pain in your back muscles is too much this will stretch your body very intensely.

Release it and repeat for 5-10 times,this was 1 entire session of 30-60 seconds,now do 5-10 sessions like this depending on your capability,keep it to 3-5 times in the beginning and u can increase it later as your muscles develop in the back and your body becomes suited to it

2.repeat all the stuff and steps in point(1) but do this with your back and hips in contact with the wall/touching the wall for support, being against the wall is necessary because i helps to support the weight of your body and prevents u from falling

3. Now you can do both (1) and (2) in 2 different ways,you can keep your legs down or you can stand tip-toes for more intense stretches,both normal and tiptoes are useful in different ways and you can do them one after the Other.

4.Holding your position for a fixed time would have the best effect(start from a low time 15s,30s and gradually

work your way up)but dont overdo it and if you feel too much pain sleep for 15-30 minutes

or rest until you are good to go again.

5.you will hear cracking sounds,nothing dangerous,simply spine and muscles adjusting themselves or spinal bones decompressing and extending 6.Dont go too hard on yourself,if u go too hard u will feel like quitting,enjoy and gradually work

your way up,its quite like gymcelling. 7. Stand and sit straight

Relieve tension in your back by using fingers to massage it.


Sprinting 120x4m, 120x8m

Playing Basketball


IGF-1 generic/LR3

1.How to Cut the Pills

One full tablet of aromasin is 25 mg.

Buy a pill cutter from amazon or any other site which is similar to the one shown in this video and cut the pills into 1/2 and then cut each half into 2 more halves,then u will get 4 pieces and each piece is like 6.25 mg.

U can take 1-2 pieces(6.25mg-12.5 mg) Ed or EOD(every-day or every-Other-day) depending on your baseline estrogen levels and ur responsiveness to aromasin and ur aromatization capability.

For the first dose take 6.25 mg or 12.5 mg after that for each dose take 6.25 mg ed/EOD and not more than that ,use a pill cutter to cut the pill in 4ths and eat 1/4th(6.25 mg) with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

2.Dosing,Estrogen Crash and Estrogen levels optimum for heightmaxxing

Normal levels of estrogen in teens in late puberty=15-40pg/ml

Estrogen above 20pg/ml will fuse ur plates according to the studies done

So,u need to keep ur estrogen levels in 10-15 pg/ml range,best is the 13 pg/ml mark.

If u go below 8-10 pg/ml ,ur estrogen will crash and the side effects will be near deadly,literally.

1.How to know your estrogen levels and the dosing required to reach 10-15pg/ml?

Ans:- The most accurate,trusted and safe method are to take Blood tests before taking aromasin to determine your baseline estrogen. Then blood test again after a 6.25mg or 12.5 mg dose to determine your new estrogen levels.

This proves that estrogen if kept below 20pg/ml can keep our growth plates open and would also be enough to fulfill the estrogen related tasks and functions in the body

I would rather advise people to keep estrogen in the 10-15 pg/ml range,similar to estrogen levels of 13-15 year old boys,just make sure that you are taking enough dose of aromasin so that your estrogen remains in 10-15pg/ml and dosent rise above 20pg/ml beacuse if that happens your plates will fuse.

If you have vitamin D deficiency don’t take Aromasin till you fix it.

Vitamin D 4000IU daily w/ 200mcg Vitamin K2 Mk4 and Magnesium to fix the Vitamin D levels Deficiency.

For 80% of the people 6.25 mg ED will be sufficient to bring estrogen levels to 10-15pg/ml.

For the rest,12.5 mg ed-will be needed.

If u are a super outlier,25 mg will be needed,but maybe 0.01% of the population is a super outlier so there is a very low chance of someone needing 25 mg ed.

U will need to apply hit and trial method,Start with 6.25 mg ed then slowly increase to 12.5 mg ed,if u feel okay on this dose and dont experience any weird side effects like tiredness,brain fog,harsh joint and bone pain,muscle pain,then this dose would be alright for you,you can continue with this dose-12.5mg ED

If u feel any of the above side effects which show crashed estrogen,then switch to 6.25 mg ED.

Remember if u crash ur estrogen and feel the above side efects,dont take aromasin until u get back to normal,it takes 3-5 days to get estrogen levels back to normal,

3.Method of Intake

Eat the tablet with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

Any sufficient dose of any natural fat like Butter,Olive oil,Cheese will be good.

It isnt solvent in water,so natural fats are required.

Just dont crash ur estrogen by overdosing like a retard by taking more than 12.5 mg dose.

Buy a blood glucose monitor and mesure urself every month,blood glucose monitor is cheap anywyas. Also, if u can measure blood pressure,do it,every 1-2 months

In this list get 1,5,10 every month,for the rest u can do them every 1-2 months,if u can afford keep reading,i tell soon what to do if u can't afford routine blood tests

Follow my advice about blood tests,if u want to live and not die, because hematocrit levels,biliruibin,creatine and 25hydroxy vitamin d And liver enzymes are essential to get tested if u wanna live,if u don't test them regularly they can get out of check and it can be bad,ver bad,very very bad...

If u see the levels above go to the doctor and tell him what you’re taking and doing and for how long.

Aswagandha (KSM66 Version Only)

NAC (helps with normal liver enzyme levels)

Pfizer Aromasin pills are really small, roundish and smooth and white in colour and they have the number 7663 printed on one side,the number shows its genuine and from pfizer.

75-100mg p50 form of Vitamin B6 2 times daily and once a hour after HGH injections and 1 time 5-6 hours after the HGH injection

Dandelion Root Extract





Bytes Superba

L Theanine High Dosage




Caffeine pills for less tiredness

Dermarolling w/ minoxidil

Weed (edible is recommended)


Oral Minoxidil

Extract of Ganoderma formosanum Mycelium (skin lightening)



Kojic Acid

Licorice Extract


Darkening eye drops for Heterochromia


Sermorelin + Hexarelin (or MK677 or both together) + Tesamorelin

Check blood glucose every morning every morning

Berberine to stop diabetes (1.5g 1-2 times daily)


2 TUDCA capsules daily

1000mcg Vitamin A (collagenous skin)

Red Light Therapy 20 minutes daily (red + NIR light/on whole body + face)


Chin muscle for chin projection


Amanita Muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric, risk free Alcohol alternative)

It contains Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol.

Helps with sleep, mimics Alcohol, is cheap as fuck.

How to Prepare:

Get your mushrooms, wash them, cut them up. Now put them in a pot, fill the pot with water, and lemon juice. Goal here is to get 2.5 - 3 PH, you can calculate it, or get a meter/strips. Now boil for 30-45 min, take out your mushroom. Now simmer just below boil for 3-4 hours. Now you've got yourself some Muscimol infused tee. Be very careful with doses, it should hit pretty hard. The basic theory is we through the low PH enviorment turn Ibotenic Acid into Muscimol

You make a tea, and you build tolerance to melatonin.




Its a dissociativ drug called 3-MEO-PCP + weed

What you want is basically a pre - mania trip

Take a very little dose of both

Then you will become sociopath no fucking joke pre mania thing is real you are 100% lucid and you feel so fuckinh confident to the point you can see yourself as successfull as elon musk without any doubt.

Its insane.


Vitamin K2, D3

Calcium (raw milk)



for maxilla you need to thumbpull the front of your palate where the groove is , then the mid palate, then put your thumbs inside the soft palate as high as you can( youll build a tolerance easily) and then pulling the maxilla forward from there, also right behind the incisors the papillae thing if you pull that you will get a more upturned philtrum if thats what you need

put one thumb on it and another thumb on that thumb and push with both arms to do it, pull as hard as you can when thumbpulling, i use up and down swinging momentum for maxilla



I'm doing:

- 3x 100mcg GHRP-2 6/week

- 3x 100mcg Mod GRF 1-29 6/week - 12.5 mg Aromasin ed

- (future) T4 supplementation

Swapping GHRP-2 for Hex on a 2 week basis


A litre of pure orange juice debloats you.

Ice Pack on face for 15 minutes

Kys if youre not taking 10g of pure potassium chloride

fasting + just eating 1-2 bananas + nettle and/or green tea also debloats like crazy


No screen time 1 hour before bed

Put spoons in freezer for 15 min then put on eyes


Caffeine Eye Cream

Vitamin K Cream

Nitric Oxide Cream (expensive)


this is a special mewing when you push the back part of your tongue as much as you can while mewing. So much that you almosr can’t breath through your nose.

Chin Tucks (as many daily for 10 seconds each)

Just open your jaw asap for time (OVER FOR TMJCELs)


Hard Mewing ALL DAY

Bonesmash Jaw for length


Bee Pollen

Royal Jelly

Propolis + Creatine. <- For Dick Size


Vitamin C for Skin Lightening

Vitamin C for Lips

Vitamin C for Under Eyes

Cleanse face with moisturizer then apply then moisturize again to lock the serum in.

Vit C + Retinol combo MOGS



Lateral Bending <- Neck Movements

Do a few light warmup sets beforehand.

Extension 1-3 sets 8-12 reps Flexion 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Lateral 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Rotation 1-3 sets 15-25 reps

Do Neck Bridges with a weight plate for extra resistance

Use a padding on the floor to do these to not become bald or wear a beanie

Do neck Isometrics against a wall and do them last.

Neck Harness is superior though so keep that in mind.

-Can be done with resistance bands

-With a neck harness attached to a cable machine

-Neck harness with a freeweight and slighty bending over

-with a neck harness & freeweight laying face first on a bench like in the gif



Massage the forehead towards the eyebrows for UEE.

Bonesmash nasion/glabella

put a massage gun and smash your supras in a downwards inward tilted manner (toward to the nasion-glabella crease) and pluck/dermaroll accordingly

Bonesmashing for UEE


Clenbuterol for Hollow Cheeks (Look for any other drug since Clen is a meme?

Clen Cycle ->2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, I prefer to eat only chicken, potatoes and some rice during this time period ONLY, to maximise the most out of clenbuterol (aggressive cut on top of the extreme metabolic

DNP and T3 mogs Clen supposedly?

What you need is Ephedrine in an ECA stack (Ephendrine, Caffeine and Aspirin) which won’t raise your metabolism but it’ll erase your hunger and boost energy (use before workout w/ nicotine 😈)

Just take a low dosage of Ostarine and crash diet so you lose fat super fast keeping your muscles.

Clen reduces bone density


T3 + T4



Vitamin D


high levels of iodine, selenium + zinc

Take Oral Levothyroxine to treat underactive thyroid gland

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish)


Balanced omega 6 : 3 ratio





Stretch lips for 5 minutes as wide as possible after you gain forward growth cause recession increases skin sugginess and tightening of the skin is very important.


Zinc (Shellfish, eggs, red meat)

Vitamin C

Vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin)



Vitamin D3

Reverse Kegels

Edging for Premature Ejaculation

Virility: https://leviathansupps.com/products/virility-mens-potency-support

Lock & Load: https://gorillamind.com/products/lock-and-load

Don’t heat your sack so you don’t lose your back

<- All this was for Sperm production and Fertility


List of useful Peatard regurgitations:

Eat hard cheese to not brush your teeth

Supplement Thiamine for thyroid (Peatard says so)

The cure to loneliness is progesterone (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOCIALIZE)

Stop BREATHING!!! (NO.SERIOUSLY!!! Higher altitude = Higher CO2 Tolerance = Mewing etc)

methylene blue is theoretically effective as retin a for the skin and causes vivid dreams if applied at night

Racetams make you an extrovert

red bull and coke cure most diseases and can help you sleep by eliminating stress

you can make a shampoo + conditioner for any hair type by balancing eggs, coconut oil and vinegar



Injectable Fat Loss Technology:

The MGH team’s innovative spin on the technique involves the use of an injectable ice “slurry,” a sterile solution of normal saline and glycerol (a common food ingredient) containing approximately 20 percent to 40 percent small ice particles, similar in texture to slush. The solution can be injected directly into fat deposits, causing the fat cells (adipocytes) to crystallize and die and fat deposits to shrink.

“Even if the slurry is injected into other tissue such as muscle, there is no significant injury.”

Injection of physiological ice slurry could be a transformative method for nonsurgical body contouring.


*tldr use mouth stretching device with volufiline*

8 hours a day everyday for at least a full year

A combination of of sleep-friendly, wide lip stretchers to wear at night for permanent lip widening

Also use volufiline for permanent fat gain in the lip area to “reset” the lip position


Eye hood MAXXING:

retinol (apply separately) volufiline w/carrier oil + dermarolling + apply fillers topically during dermarolling + apply HA topically while dermarolling + other packed in peptides for skin thickening or tightening or whatever the fuck and collagenmaxxing.


just drink 0.05ml topical lol thats 2.5mg. However I recommend more tbh just build up to a higher dose. Expect results in 2-3 months and even better at 6.

Topical Minoxidil can be taken orally





Hyaluronic Acid while micro needling

Micro infusion

Buy any filler & during derma rolling (1.5mm+ cuz u wanna go deep ASF) put the shit like a cream over the area. Dermaroll till irritation (pain gain ig but don't make it bleed) now as for filler amount TBQH just add a bunch u deem necessary and safe tbqh - also add shit like volufiline and HA. After a while add tretinoin, moisturize the fat pad, etc.

Also include shit that gives any kind of volume to the skin to increase it in size.

1. DNA Repair Enzymes and Epidermal Growth Factor

2. Antioxidants Like Vitamin C and Idebenone

sunscreen during the day (u prolly shouldn't fucking exfoliate your fat pads ) 😂

what we want:


Lasts between 30-45 minutes

Uses 20-30 ultra-fine, 24k gold needles (thinner than human hair!)

Creates micro puncture wounds on the top layer of skin to accelerate the body’s natural healing process - resulting in a brighter and healthier complexion Stamps a beauty elixir of Botox, fillers, and nutrients like Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid into the skin

u gonna add in retina and volufiline into the mix fags + other shit above n pray.

google arthritis patient k2mk4 dose. Whatever it says, take that. Think it's some times 10 megadose from normal daily intake.



- Tretinoin (start at 0.025%, work your way up to 0.1% over time)

- Panoxynl Cleanser (Or another product with benzoyl peroxide)

- CerVae Saylic Acid Cleanser (Or another product with Saylic Acid) _ Clindamycin phosphate cream/gel

- SPF moisturizer

- Niacinamide supplement daily

If Acne is still an issue Accutane is the next bet. (Closes growth plates)

Take glutathione, MSM, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid and eat lots of Animal Fat to protect yourself from toxins!

Urine on face for Acne.




Run T3 and T4 in a 1:3 ratio. For example 12.5mcg of T4 and 50mcg of T3.

Ghrp6 and MODGRF dosed at 100mcg 3x a day.

Running CJC dac and ghrp6 with HGH is mogger asf but wouldn’t recommend it if your pretty boy.


Arimidex 1MG EOD/ED



Dick growth:


3 C's: Cistanche + Cordyceps + Coffee


Tribulus Terrestris Zinc

Vitamin D3 + k2 Royale gelée Pine Pollen


Ice your balls + red light after

high protein and fat diet

everyday cardio + 3-4x Week weight training

Competitive sports(like boxing or mma) .> counts as cardio

3L water minimum a day

8-10h sleep


MK677 raises prolactin

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride without P5P)

To lower prolactin levels it's recommend you take 50-200mg of P-5-P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which can cause some minor side effects

When using Vitamin E as a prolactin inhibitor, it's recommended that you take 300-400 IU per day of natural Vitamin E – this can be raised up to dosages such as 1000 IU for greater prolactin control, but be aware of the possible side effects

D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols or D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocotrienols are the absolute best forms to take.

Take 400-1200 mg a day of SAM-e along with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. An added bonus is SAM-E's ability to detoxify the liver.

Ipamorelin and Mod GRF(1-29) won't spike cortisol and prolactin. Pretty much all other GHRH/Somatostatins will. And most others will increase your body's production of Ghrelin too. There's really no better combo than ipa and mod if you're not a poorcel

I'm gonna be doing 10mg per night because that's plenty to improve my sleep quality. If you want the bigger IGF-1 increase for muscle building etc than 20 or 25mgs might be worth it for you.


Face pulling as in Belt Pulling gives you:

More lip support

Bigger lip

Bigger cheekbone mass

Better browridge

Wide nose

The guy that did it recessed himself cause he was intermittent fasting??? It makes sense since our ancestors did facepulling every day and probably ate it too so combine belt pulling w/ raw meat pulling with all teeth.


Basically cut a mouth guard in half to where it just covers the front 4-5 teeth

This will allow your mandibular condyle to be displaced and in return you will get more chin height/lower third height This is basically for bruxism dudes who have no chin height and a long midface

Fix for short face


Lips lightening using Hydroquinone 4% + one month pause 2 months after using and apply every

Mix with retinoids for skin only no lips


1. L-glutathione or reduced glutathione 500MG bid

2. MSM 3000MG (split morning, noon and night)

3. VIT C 3000MG (same as MSM)

4. NAC 500MG

TOPICAL CREAMS AND SOAP - For whole body :


2. Buy RET-HC cream It has a classic combination of hydroquinone + steroid + tretinoin (aka Retin-A). Use it for the first two months and then resort to natural- yet-strong whiteners like melaglow plus. Continue using it twice a week for some more months.

3. For the whole body, mix these two creams into any simple lotion. It makes it cheaper and effective.

4. For the whole body, buy a Likas papaya soap and use it every day. Make sure you keep it on the skin for at least 7 minutes.

Drop both creams in 1 and 2 after 3-4 months ( earlier if you get the desired results) and maintain the results with the mixture of 'Melaglow plus' and lotion. Always wear sunscreen with SPF 50 whenever you go out in the sun (even in winters)

You will need these supplements for more than 6 months. After you get the desired shade, either reduce their dosage or take them into e2d or e3d.

for lips lightening,

Exfoliate your Lips every alternate day.

wear sunscreen on lips.

Use 4 % Hydroquinone cream on your Lips every day.


Zinc for Acne

Probiotics in synthetic form

Probiotics in raw milk kefir form

Sauerkaut (from cabbage)




Sure, here we go.

To make milk kefir you need two ingredients: the kefir grains and the milk itself.

Kefir grains: I would recommend buying them from the Internet, unless you personally know someone how is already making kefir at home that could ship them to you. Ideally these kefir grains should have undergone testing procedures to ensure they are free of pathogens (coliform, salmonella, listeria, etc.). This is why it is preferable to get them from a trusted source and not a shady neighbor. So assuming you buy them, they will come in this little plastic bag. They are commonly sold in amounts of 20 to 40 g, which is more than enough. Keep in mind the grains are a living colony and thus they will grow and multiply over time. If you preserve them in nice conditions, they can even live to the end of times.


(The kefir grains I bought)

Milk: the fattier and the purer the milk is, the better. In an ideal scenario you would contact your local farmer and buy raw milk, without any pasteurization process. Pasteurization kills some bacteria, enzymes and proteins; not all of them, but a noticeable amount. There are some local farms in my zone that pasteurize the milk, as otherwise there is no way they are going to sell it in regulated markets, but do so at 70 to 80 Celsius degrees. Again, not a panacea but still acceptable. If you are a city rat that cannot get its hands to high quality milk, then the last resort is to rely on whole milk acquired from the supermarket. You should be aiming at one with +2.5% fat.


(Mogger milk from my area with +3.5% fat, notice the yellowish color)

Once you have the two ingredients, you have to pick a glass jar, fill it with the grains, and about 1 liter of milk. It is important to keep the proportion between grains and milk to avoid overfermenting and underfermenting it. In the latter case you will have less probiotics, while in the first case it will have more alcohol and taste more acidic. It is about finding the right balance, around 40 g of grains for 1 liter should do it. Once you have mixed the two, you let the jar rest for 1 day. This fermentation time largely depends on the room temperature. Hot temperatures will make it ferment faster, and on the contrary, keeping the mix in the fridge will heavily slow down the process. Make sure to cover the jar with a rag or some thin paper during fermentation. You want it to breathe but also cover it from insects and similar. This is what the jar looks like after 1 day of fermentation:


Then, you have to separate the grains from the milk. To do so I would advise getting a strainer for only this purpose to not experience any contamination issues. The same applies to the jar, you should always use one only for the kefir. Separating the fermented milk from the kefir grains is pretty easy, just pour the milk and filter all the milk. You can technically eat the grains but you do not want to lose too many of them.


The last step is of course drinking the filtered milk. Notice in the pic I have quite a lot of grains. With this amount I am obtaining kefir that becomes a bit acidic. If you want to have something a bit more tasty, similar to a cream in texture, you can put the jar 24 hours in the fridge. I tend to do it on the weekends to not overferment it, and it always tastes marvelously afterwards.


Glutathione (Liposomal high dosage or injections) + Vit C is really the only stack that can lighten eyes as Glutathione inhibits tyrosinase and clears free radicals from the body.

Lumify eye drops



GHRP-2 for the HGH pulse

When you inject GHRH you inject GHRP right afterwards.






The Stack

MOD (1-29): x3 times a day. 75mcg

GHRP-2/6: x3 times a day. 100mcg

Hexarelin: x1 time a day 50mcg

MK677: x2 a day 10mg

Aromasin: x1 a day 12.5mg

Glucosamine,Chondroitin MSM, SAM-e: x1

Vitamins: subjective. X1 a day should work.

Melatonin: just take one before bed. 10mg

X1 = morning

X2 = morning + Before bed

X3 = morning + afternoon + Before bed

Don't eat 3 hours before injecting and don't eat for another 45 after injecting (carbohydrates fuck up the peptides) you can eat protein if you're hungry

Hexarelin + CJC-1295 is extremely legit I grew 2 inches in 2 months when I was 16 and taking it.


Mixing castor oil w/ coconut oil 1 day a week


Raw Spinach for temporalis muscle you need to eat it for hours though lmao

Potassium Chloride powder w/ magnesium and water GETS YOU LEAN ASF


Push Your Eyeballs Multiple Times a Day to Get Rid of Bug eyes


High Speed Jaw Opening Exercises for hyoid


Benzoyl Peroxide %10


Seas Salt spray and scrunching for curls


Biotin for hair


Core exercises for less compression

Electrical Stimulation increase bone density but no idea about longitudinal growth.


Triiodothyronine (T3)


Carbon 60




Flurbiprofen ( maybe this one esp) Methylsulfonylmethane Chondroitin

KY19382 vosoritide CRISPR

Placebo yourself for HGH release.


Derma Stamp (1-2X a week)

Peppermint/Rosemary Oil right after stamp




Take a pillow and start screaming

Smoking for voice


Eyelid pulling

Ice hooding

Oral Hyaluronic Acid for collagen in lips and skin

Oil pulling for teeth

Vitamin C

Beta Carotene 75,000IU

MT2 nasal spray (darkens hair, possibly eyes too)

SternoCleidomastoid Crunches:

Buy an EMS device, place the electrodes on your lower masseters, activate it, and chew gum, it doesn’t need to be incredible force, just enough to activate the muscle. A few users a few years ago exposed that fact that inward and outward gonials were, for the most part, a cope way of saying that a person predominantly used their upper or lower masseters. Upper masseters, when hypertrophied, give a rounded look, while the lower masseters give a more angular look. Using EMS is an incredibly effective way of increase the % utilisation of the lower masseters, you don’t even need to chew either, it just speeds up results, you can simply apply the electrodes and forget about it, I recommend cutting them and buying some medical tape to stick to your face.


Pin minoxidil to lose collagen and lower hooding tilt via eyelid pulling.


Progesterone + thyroid for eyebrow and eyelashes and maybe rosemary oil

Castor oil + peppermint oil + rosemary oil on god


Liposomal Glutathione

MSM flakes


<- for eye colour


Tocovit Ray Peatard type shit innit


Cjc1295 w/ GHRP-6 is exact same as HGH so use it.


Vaginal Cream for skin firmness



Magnesium Bisglycinate

Fish Oil (EHA, DHA)

Derma rolling

Chlorophyll drink

Gut shots - Apple Cider Vinegar + Black Pepper + Salt + Lemon Juice + Turmeric root + Ginger root; mix all these together and take 1-3 shots per day


Raw Goat A2 Milk

Pasture Raised Eggs

Grass fed Beef

Fruits + honey + coke

Liver and organs

Oysters (canned or not)


3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week) 25mg MK-677 before bed every day

200mcg HUPERZINE A taken 3x per day (600mcg total)

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and should give some height and decent muscle gains.


Apply minox under eyebrows for the hooding as in right before I wrote


2 of both arginine+ornithine just before bed.( at least 30mn before because it seem like arginine peak hgh release occure after around 1 hour ) I was literally feeling leg pain the morning and felt taller day by day.

2 Boron

<- both each day

Apparently optimal dosage should be 10gr arginine 2gr ornithine


Any product with aminophylline gives you topical fat burning properties

Latisse burns fat so face?


Cloth clipper on eyelid to create hunter eyes or tape that holds the lid downwards

Also injecting prostglandin on base of penis or the penis body lengthens it. Go in Bryan Johnson community to see the dosages.

What does UE stand for
  • +1
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
all this cope to not pull anything eitherway :lul:
secret in the very end also rep

TLDRs do not exist

Here’s what I saved after reading 100+ threads part 1

Condensed notes from notes 1 + 2

It’s not a good format but I’m pasting so cut me some slack boyos



Royal jelly

100gr BONE MARROW (contains wvery fat soluble vitamin you need to prosper)

Also abundant in:





Try eating it raw tbh and also boil it to get bone broth out of it etc


Eyelid pulling every 2-3 nights for 25-50 reps in total per session

Moisturize UE and massage it(more blood flow)

Sleep on back (obvious reasons)

Stretch all parts of the UE

Lightly pulling the fatty skin (3-5s per pull)


Being lean the body experiences improved insulin sensitivity (IGF-1, enhanced bone mineralization, skeletal development)



Olive Oil

Fatty fish, meat etc (Testosterone production)

HIIT Exercise

Regular Sunlight

Cold Exposure (Testosterone production)

Green Tea (Antioxidant)

Pomegranate (Antioxidant)


Injecting IGF-1 for wider shoulders.


Dosage for poorfags//

//25mg MK677 for 6 weeks raises IGF-1 by %60.1 (half life - 24 hours)

2-3mg CJC 1295 w/DAC for 1-2 times per week(half life - 8 days)

4 capsules of SLIN pills to not become diabetic

Dosage for Chads//

//30mg MK677

10-15mg CJC 1295 w/DAC

Inject CJC 1295 subcutaneously

30-gauge insulin syringe

Reconstitution for CJC 1295 DAC

You will need Bacteriostatic water in order for reconstitution since CJC will come in a power-like form. for a vial with 1-2 mg the recommended amount of water would be 1 ml. If the vial comes in 5mg put 2ml of water. Make sure you keep these peptides at around 4°C or colder


To get a big outer flute muscle do just straight downward extension (squats, deadlifts etc)

To get a inner glute muscle you do backward leg extensions.

You want to strengthen the lower abs and create pelvic alignment.

Deep Barbell Squats

Deadlift Variations


Glute Kickback


Hip Thrust


Osteogenesis modulation

It’s a battery implant though so just mention it. You won’t undergo the procedure.





Creatine L-carnitine

Bonemaxxing: Zinc



Vitamin K (mk4+mk7) Vitamin D

Skinmaxxing: Glutathione NAC


Vitamin C

Beta carotene

Ignoremaxxing: Vitamin Bcomp

Lactobacillus (for digestion to get rid of bloating and other Jewish digestion stuff)

Jawmaxxing: Chewing gum

Bodymaxxing: MK677



Stretches in the morning

K2 supplements

Tap knees with hammer or any other object?

Vitamin D3 + K2


Folinic Acid




Methionine (Methylation and Hgh)


Inhibit estrogen (minimization for bone growth etc)


Minimize cortisol via GHRPZ or GHRP6 over Ipamorelin

Raise Parathyroid Hormone

Calcitonin (salmon)



Cycling DHT


Use CJC 1295 in conjunction w/ GHRP6


Use GHRP6 (2-3 times per day for several weeks) in conjunction w/ HGH Generic or Pharma

CJC 1295 increases plasma GH concentrations 2-10 fold for more than 6 days, increases IGF concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days with no adverse effects.

CJC-1295 can be injected subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Dose per injection: 2mg. Injections per vial: 1 x 2mg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 0.5ml of water for mixing then a 2mg dosage = 0.50ml (or 50 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 1ml of water then a 2mg dosage = 1ml (or 100 units). Sample Injection Frequency: 2mg injected once per week (due to its long half-life)




CJC-1295 DAC 600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day. GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin - Example 1– Night Time Injection (GHRP can cause drowsiness, and improve sleep). Empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal). Inject GHRP peptide; go straight to bed. Example 2– Morning injection. Inject GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg. Wait at least 20 minutes before consuming food or beverages (including coffee/tea).

Use Ipamorelin w/ CJC 12995 in the evening which has a cause of less cortisol and prolactin. (Compared to both GHRP 2 & 6)

Use Ipamorelin w/ HGH 2-3 times per day for a period of several weeks.

Use Ipamorelin in the 200-300mcg range 2-3 times per day subcutaneously 30-45 minutes before a workout cause the pulse creates maximum growth which is more natural and slower than any other GHRP. (Noo ok hunger etc)

MK677 should not be used he says cause of increased prolactin.




Applying the product repeatedly over some time will permanently reduce adipose tissue there.


Spinal Decompression

Tadasana (30s hold/2 for beginners) 5-10 times daily

Bar hanging (slowly increase intensity, Active hanging as in lifting the upper body up properly to not hurt neck)

Touching points -

1.stand in front of the wall with your face towards it and bring yourself closer to the wall so that your body is your body is touching it for support,then try to touch points on the wall,lift one of your hands up to a higher height and you will feel the body stretching,then lift your other hand to the same height as your first hand or u can lift even Higher than it,and hold this position for some time,since u are a beginner,do it for 5-10 seconds until u cant stand anymore and the pain in your back muscles is too much this will stretch your body very intensely.

Release it and repeat for 5-10 times,this was 1 entire session of 30-60 seconds,now do 5-10 sessions like this depending on your capability,keep it to 3-5 times in the beginning and u can increase it later as your muscles develop in the back and your body becomes suited to it

2.repeat all the stuff and steps in point(1) but do this with your back and hips in contact with the wall/touching the wall for support, being against the wall is necessary because i helps to support the weight of your body and prevents u from falling

3. Now you can do both (1) and (2) in 2 different ways,you can keep your legs down or you can stand tip-toes for more intense stretches,both normal and tiptoes are useful in different ways and you can do them one after the Other.

4.Holding your position for a fixed time would have the best effect(start from a low time 15s,30s and gradually

work your way up)but dont overdo it and if you feel too much pain sleep for 15-30 minutes

or rest until you are good to go again.

5.you will hear cracking sounds,nothing dangerous,simply spine and muscles adjusting themselves or spinal bones decompressing and extending 6.Dont go too hard on yourself,if u go too hard u will feel like quitting,enjoy and gradually work

your way up,its quite like gymcelling. 7. Stand and sit straight

Relieve tension in your back by using fingers to massage it.


Sprinting 120x4m, 120x8m

Playing Basketball


IGF-1 generic/LR3

1.How to Cut the Pills

One full tablet of aromasin is 25 mg.

Buy a pill cutter from amazon or any other site which is similar to the one shown in this video and cut the pills into 1/2 and then cut each half into 2 more halves,then u will get 4 pieces and each piece is like 6.25 mg.

U can take 1-2 pieces(6.25mg-12.5 mg) Ed or EOD(every-day or every-Other-day) depending on your baseline estrogen levels and ur responsiveness to aromasin and ur aromatization capability.

For the first dose take 6.25 mg or 12.5 mg after that for each dose take 6.25 mg ed/EOD and not more than that ,use a pill cutter to cut the pill in 4ths and eat 1/4th(6.25 mg) with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

2.Dosing,Estrogen Crash and Estrogen levels optimum for heightmaxxing

Normal levels of estrogen in teens in late puberty=15-40pg/ml

Estrogen above 20pg/ml will fuse ur plates according to the studies done

So,u need to keep ur estrogen levels in 10-15 pg/ml range,best is the 13 pg/ml mark.

If u go below 8-10 pg/ml ,ur estrogen will crash and the side effects will be near deadly,literally.

1.How to know your estrogen levels and the dosing required to reach 10-15pg/ml?

Ans:- The most accurate,trusted and safe method are to take Blood tests before taking aromasin to determine your baseline estrogen. Then blood test again after a 6.25mg or 12.5 mg dose to determine your new estrogen levels.

This proves that estrogen if kept below 20pg/ml can keep our growth plates open and would also be enough to fulfill the estrogen related tasks and functions in the body

I would rather advise people to keep estrogen in the 10-15 pg/ml range,similar to estrogen levels of 13-15 year old boys,just make sure that you are taking enough dose of aromasin so that your estrogen remains in 10-15pg/ml and dosent rise above 20pg/ml beacuse if that happens your plates will fuse.

If you have vitamin D deficiency don’t take Aromasin till you fix it.

Vitamin D 4000IU daily w/ 200mcg Vitamin K2 Mk4 and Magnesium to fix the Vitamin D levels Deficiency.

For 80% of the people 6.25 mg ED will be sufficient to bring estrogen levels to 10-15pg/ml.

For the rest,12.5 mg ed-will be needed.

If u are a super outlier,25 mg will be needed,but maybe 0.01% of the population is a super outlier so there is a very low chance of someone needing 25 mg ed.

U will need to apply hit and trial method,Start with 6.25 mg ed then slowly increase to 12.5 mg ed,if u feel okay on this dose and dont experience any weird side effects like tiredness,brain fog,harsh joint and bone pain,muscle pain,then this dose would be alright for you,you can continue with this dose-12.5mg ED

If u feel any of the above side effects which show crashed estrogen,then switch to 6.25 mg ED.

Remember if u crash ur estrogen and feel the above side efects,dont take aromasin until u get back to normal,it takes 3-5 days to get estrogen levels back to normal,

3.Method of Intake

Eat the tablet with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

Any sufficient dose of any natural fat like Butter,Olive oil,Cheese will be good.

It isnt solvent in water,so natural fats are required.

Just dont crash ur estrogen by overdosing like a retard by taking more than 12.5 mg dose.

Buy a blood glucose monitor and mesure urself every month,blood glucose monitor is cheap anywyas. Also, if u can measure blood pressure,do it,every 1-2 months

In this list get 1,5,10 every month,for the rest u can do them every 1-2 months,if u can afford keep reading,i tell soon what to do if u can't afford routine blood tests

Follow my advice about blood tests,if u want to live and not die, because hematocrit levels,biliruibin,creatine and 25hydroxy vitamin d And liver enzymes are essential to get tested if u wanna live,if u don't test them regularly they can get out of check and it can be bad,ver bad,very very bad...

If u see the levels above go to the doctor and tell him what you’re taking and doing and for how long.

Aswagandha (KSM66 Version Only)

NAC (helps with normal liver enzyme levels)

Pfizer Aromasin pills are really small, roundish and smooth and white in colour and they have the number 7663 printed on one side,the number shows its genuine and from pfizer.

75-100mg p50 form of Vitamin B6 2 times daily and once a hour after HGH injections and 1 time 5-6 hours after the HGH injection

Dandelion Root Extract





Bytes Superba

L Theanine High Dosage




Caffeine pills for less tiredness

Dermarolling w/ minoxidil

Weed (edible is recommended)


Oral Minoxidil

Extract of Ganoderma formosanum Mycelium (skin lightening)



Kojic Acid

Licorice Extract


Darkening eye drops for Heterochromia


Sermorelin + Hexarelin (or MK677 or both together) + Tesamorelin

Check blood glucose every morning every morning

Berberine to stop diabetes (1.5g 1-2 times daily)


2 TUDCA capsules daily

1000mcg Vitamin A (collagenous skin)

Red Light Therapy 20 minutes daily (red + NIR light/on whole body + face)


Chin muscle for chin projection


Amanita Muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric, risk free Alcohol alternative)

It contains Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol.

Helps with sleep, mimics Alcohol, is cheap as fuck.

How to Prepare:

Get your mushrooms, wash them, cut them up. Now put them in a pot, fill the pot with water, and lemon juice. Goal here is to get 2.5 - 3 PH, you can calculate it, or get a meter/strips. Now boil for 30-45 min, take out your mushroom. Now simmer just below boil for 3-4 hours. Now you've got yourself some Muscimol infused tee. Be very careful with doses, it should hit pretty hard. The basic theory is we through the low PH enviorment turn Ibotenic Acid into Muscimol

You make a tea, and you build tolerance to melatonin.




Its a dissociativ drug called 3-MEO-PCP + weed

What you want is basically a pre - mania trip

Take a very little dose of both

Then you will become sociopath no fucking joke pre mania thing is real you are 100% lucid and you feel so fuckinh confident to the point you can see yourself as successfull as elon musk without any doubt.

Its insane.


Vitamin K2, D3

Calcium (raw milk)



for maxilla you need to thumbpull the front of your palate where the groove is , then the mid palate, then put your thumbs inside the soft palate as high as you can( youll build a tolerance easily) and then pulling the maxilla forward from there, also right behind the incisors the papillae thing if you pull that you will get a more upturned philtrum if thats what you need

put one thumb on it and another thumb on that thumb and push with both arms to do it, pull as hard as you can when thumbpulling, i use up and down swinging momentum for maxilla



I'm doing:

- 3x 100mcg GHRP-2 6/week

- 3x 100mcg Mod GRF 1-29 6/week - 12.5 mg Aromasin ed

- (future) T4 supplementation

Swapping GHRP-2 for Hex on a 2 week basis


A litre of pure orange juice debloats you.

Ice Pack on face for 15 minutes

Kys if youre not taking 10g of pure potassium chloride

fasting + just eating 1-2 bananas + nettle and/or green tea also debloats like crazy


No screen time 1 hour before bed

Put spoons in freezer for 15 min then put on eyes


Caffeine Eye Cream

Vitamin K Cream

Nitric Oxide Cream (expensive)


this is a special mewing when you push the back part of your tongue as much as you can while mewing. So much that you almosr can’t breath through your nose.

Chin Tucks (as many daily for 10 seconds each)

Just open your jaw asap for time (OVER FOR TMJCELs)


Hard Mewing ALL DAY

Bonesmash Jaw for length


Bee Pollen

Royal Jelly

Propolis + Creatine. <- For Dick Size


Vitamin C for Skin Lightening

Vitamin C for Lips

Vitamin C for Under Eyes

Cleanse face with moisturizer then apply then moisturize again to lock the serum in.

Vit C + Retinol combo MOGS



Lateral Bending <- Neck Movements

Do a few light warmup sets beforehand.

Extension 1-3 sets 8-12 reps Flexion 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Lateral 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Rotation 1-3 sets 15-25 reps

Do Neck Bridges with a weight plate for extra resistance

Use a padding on the floor to do these to not become bald or wear a beanie

Do neck Isometrics against a wall and do them last.

Neck Harness is superior though so keep that in mind.

-Can be done with resistance bands

-With a neck harness attached to a cable machine

-Neck harness with a freeweight and slighty bending over

-with a neck harness & freeweight laying face first on a bench like in the gif



Massage the forehead towards the eyebrows for UEE.

Bonesmash nasion/glabella

put a massage gun and smash your supras in a downwards inward tilted manner (toward to the nasion-glabella crease) and pluck/dermaroll accordingly

Bonesmashing for UEE


Clenbuterol for Hollow Cheeks (Look for any other drug since Clen is a meme?

Clen Cycle ->2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, I prefer to eat only chicken, potatoes and some rice during this time period ONLY, to maximise the most out of clenbuterol (aggressive cut on top of the extreme metabolic

DNP and T3 mogs Clen supposedly?

What you need is Ephedrine in an ECA stack (Ephendrine, Caffeine and Aspirin) which won’t raise your metabolism but it’ll erase your hunger and boost energy (use before workout w/ nicotine 😈)

Just take a low dosage of Ostarine and crash diet so you lose fat super fast keeping your muscles.

Clen reduces bone density


T3 + T4



Vitamin D


high levels of iodine, selenium + zinc

Take Oral Levothyroxine to treat underactive thyroid gland

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish)


Balanced omega 6 : 3 ratio





Stretch lips for 5 minutes as wide as possible after you gain forward growth cause recession increases skin sugginess and tightening of the skin is very important.


Zinc (Shellfish, eggs, red meat)

Vitamin C

Vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin)



Vitamin D3

Reverse Kegels

Edging for Premature Ejaculation

Virility: https://leviathansupps.com/products/virility-mens-potency-support

Lock & Load: https://gorillamind.com/products/lock-and-load

Don’t heat your sack so you don’t lose your back

<- All this was for Sperm production and Fertility


List of useful Peatard regurgitations:

Eat hard cheese to not brush your teeth

Supplement Thiamine for thyroid (Peatard says so)

The cure to loneliness is progesterone (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOCIALIZE)

Stop BREATHING!!! (NO.SERIOUSLY!!! Higher altitude = Higher CO2 Tolerance = Mewing etc)

methylene blue is theoretically effective as retin a for the skin and causes vivid dreams if applied at night

Racetams make you an extrovert

red bull and coke cure most diseases and can help you sleep by eliminating stress

you can make a shampoo + conditioner for any hair type by balancing eggs, coconut oil and vinegar



Injectable Fat Loss Technology:

The MGH team’s innovative spin on the technique involves the use of an injectable ice “slurry,” a sterile solution of normal saline and glycerol (a common food ingredient) containing approximately 20 percent to 40 percent small ice particles, similar in texture to slush. The solution can be injected directly into fat deposits, causing the fat cells (adipocytes) to crystallize and die and fat deposits to shrink.

“Even if the slurry is injected into other tissue such as muscle, there is no significant injury.”

Injection of physiological ice slurry could be a transformative method for nonsurgical body contouring.


*tldr use mouth stretching device with volufiline*

8 hours a day everyday for at least a full year

A combination of of sleep-friendly, wide lip stretchers to wear at night for permanent lip widening

Also use volufiline for permanent fat gain in the lip area to “reset” the lip position


Eye hood MAXXING:

retinol (apply separately) volufiline w/carrier oil + dermarolling + apply fillers topically during dermarolling + apply HA topically while dermarolling + other packed in peptides for skin thickening or tightening or whatever the fuck and collagenmaxxing.


just drink 0.05ml topical lol thats 2.5mg. However I recommend more tbh just build up to a higher dose. Expect results in 2-3 months and even better at 6.

Topical Minoxidil can be taken orally





Hyaluronic Acid while micro needling

Micro infusion

Buy any filler & during derma rolling (1.5mm+ cuz u wanna go deep ASF) put the shit like a cream over the area. Dermaroll till irritation (pain gain ig but don't make it bleed) now as for filler amount TBQH just add a bunch u deem necessary and safe tbqh - also add shit like volufiline and HA. After a while add tretinoin, moisturize the fat pad, etc.

Also include shit that gives any kind of volume to the skin to increase it in size.

1. DNA Repair Enzymes and Epidermal Growth Factor

2. Antioxidants Like Vitamin C and Idebenone

sunscreen during the day (u prolly shouldn't fucking exfoliate your fat pads ) 😂

what we want:


Lasts between 30-45 minutes

Uses 20-30 ultra-fine, 24k gold needles (thinner than human hair!)

Creates micro puncture wounds on the top layer of skin to accelerate the body’s natural healing process - resulting in a brighter and healthier complexion Stamps a beauty elixir of Botox, fillers, and nutrients like Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid into the skin

u gonna add in retina and volufiline into the mix fags + other shit above n pray.

google arthritis patient k2mk4 dose. Whatever it says, take that. Think it's some times 10 megadose from normal daily intake.



- Tretinoin (start at 0.025%, work your way up to 0.1% over time)

- Panoxynl Cleanser (Or another product with benzoyl peroxide)

- CerVae Saylic Acid Cleanser (Or another product with Saylic Acid) _ Clindamycin phosphate cream/gel

- SPF moisturizer

- Niacinamide supplement daily

If Acne is still an issue Accutane is the next bet. (Closes growth plates)

Take glutathione, MSM, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid and eat lots of Animal Fat to protect yourself from toxins!

Urine on face for Acne.




Run T3 and T4 in a 1:3 ratio. For example 12.5mcg of T4 and 50mcg of T3.

Ghrp6 and MODGRF dosed at 100mcg 3x a day.

Running CJC dac and ghrp6 with HGH is mogger asf but wouldn’t recommend it if your pretty boy.


Arimidex 1MG EOD/ED



Dick growth:


3 C's: Cistanche + Cordyceps + Coffee


Tribulus Terrestris Zinc

Vitamin D3 + k2 Royale gelée Pine Pollen


Ice your balls + red light after

high protein and fat diet

everyday cardio + 3-4x Week weight training

Competitive sports(like boxing or mma) .> counts as cardio

3L water minimum a day

8-10h sleep


MK677 raises prolactin

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride without P5P)

To lower prolactin levels it's recommend you take 50-200mg of P-5-P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which can cause some minor side effects

When using Vitamin E as a prolactin inhibitor, it's recommended that you take 300-400 IU per day of natural Vitamin E – this can be raised up to dosages such as 1000 IU for greater prolactin control, but be aware of the possible side effects

D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols or D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocotrienols are the absolute best forms to take.

Take 400-1200 mg a day of SAM-e along with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. An added bonus is SAM-E's ability to detoxify the liver.

Ipamorelin and Mod GRF(1-29) won't spike cortisol and prolactin. Pretty much all other GHRH/Somatostatins will. And most others will increase your body's production of Ghrelin too. There's really no better combo than ipa and mod if you're not a poorcel

I'm gonna be doing 10mg per night because that's plenty to improve my sleep quality. If you want the bigger IGF-1 increase for muscle building etc than 20 or 25mgs might be worth it for you.


Face pulling as in Belt Pulling gives you:

More lip support

Bigger lip

Bigger cheekbone mass

Better browridge

Wide nose

The guy that did it recessed himself cause he was intermittent fasting??? It makes sense since our ancestors did facepulling every day and probably ate it too so combine belt pulling w/ raw meat pulling with all teeth.


Basically cut a mouth guard in half to where it just covers the front 4-5 teeth

This will allow your mandibular condyle to be displaced and in return you will get more chin height/lower third height This is basically for bruxism dudes who have no chin height and a long midface

Fix for short face


Lips lightening using Hydroquinone 4% + one month pause 2 months after using and apply every

Mix with retinoids for skin only no lips


1. L-glutathione or reduced glutathione 500MG bid

2. MSM 3000MG (split morning, noon and night)

3. VIT C 3000MG (same as MSM)

4. NAC 500MG

TOPICAL CREAMS AND SOAP - For whole body :


2. Buy RET-HC cream It has a classic combination of hydroquinone + steroid + tretinoin (aka Retin-A). Use it for the first two months and then resort to natural- yet-strong whiteners like melaglow plus. Continue using it twice a week for some more months.

3. For the whole body, mix these two creams into any simple lotion. It makes it cheaper and effective.

4. For the whole body, buy a Likas papaya soap and use it every day. Make sure you keep it on the skin for at least 7 minutes.

Drop both creams in 1 and 2 after 3-4 months ( earlier if you get the desired results) and maintain the results with the mixture of 'Melaglow plus' and lotion. Always wear sunscreen with SPF 50 whenever you go out in the sun (even in winters)

You will need these supplements for more than 6 months. After you get the desired shade, either reduce their dosage or take them into e2d or e3d.

for lips lightening,

Exfoliate your Lips every alternate day.

wear sunscreen on lips.

Use 4 % Hydroquinone cream on your Lips every day.


Zinc for Acne

Probiotics in synthetic form

Probiotics in raw milk kefir form

Sauerkaut (from cabbage)




Sure, here we go.

To make milk kefir you need two ingredients: the kefir grains and the milk itself.

Kefir grains: I would recommend buying them from the Internet, unless you personally know someone how is already making kefir at home that could ship them to you. Ideally these kefir grains should have undergone testing procedures to ensure they are free of pathogens (coliform, salmonella, listeria, etc.). This is why it is preferable to get them from a trusted source and not a shady neighbor. So assuming you buy them, they will come in this little plastic bag. They are commonly sold in amounts of 20 to 40 g, which is more than enough. Keep in mind the grains are a living colony and thus they will grow and multiply over time. If you preserve them in nice conditions, they can even live to the end of times.


(The kefir grains I bought)

Milk: the fattier and the purer the milk is, the better. In an ideal scenario you would contact your local farmer and buy raw milk, without any pasteurization process. Pasteurization kills some bacteria, enzymes and proteins; not all of them, but a noticeable amount. There are some local farms in my zone that pasteurize the milk, as otherwise there is no way they are going to sell it in regulated markets, but do so at 70 to 80 Celsius degrees. Again, not a panacea but still acceptable. If you are a city rat that cannot get its hands to high quality milk, then the last resort is to rely on whole milk acquired from the supermarket. You should be aiming at one with +2.5% fat.


(Mogger milk from my area with +3.5% fat, notice the yellowish color)

Once you have the two ingredients, you have to pick a glass jar, fill it with the grains, and about 1 liter of milk. It is important to keep the proportion between grains and milk to avoid overfermenting and underfermenting it. In the latter case you will have less probiotics, while in the first case it will have more alcohol and taste more acidic. It is about finding the right balance, around 40 g of grains for 1 liter should do it. Once you have mixed the two, you let the jar rest for 1 day. This fermentation time largely depends on the room temperature. Hot temperatures will make it ferment faster, and on the contrary, keeping the mix in the fridge will heavily slow down the process. Make sure to cover the jar with a rag or some thin paper during fermentation. You want it to breathe but also cover it from insects and similar. This is what the jar looks like after 1 day of fermentation:


Then, you have to separate the grains from the milk. To do so I would advise getting a strainer for only this purpose to not experience any contamination issues. The same applies to the jar, you should always use one only for the kefir. Separating the fermented milk from the kefir grains is pretty easy, just pour the milk and filter all the milk. You can technically eat the grains but you do not want to lose too many of them.


The last step is of course drinking the filtered milk. Notice in the pic I have quite a lot of grains. With this amount I am obtaining kefir that becomes a bit acidic. If you want to have something a bit more tasty, similar to a cream in texture, you can put the jar 24 hours in the fridge. I tend to do it on the weekends to not overferment it, and it always tastes marvelously afterwards.


Glutathione (Liposomal high dosage or injections) + Vit C is really the only stack that can lighten eyes as Glutathione inhibits tyrosinase and clears free radicals from the body.

Lumify eye drops



GHRP-2 for the HGH pulse

When you inject GHRH you inject GHRP right afterwards.






The Stack

MOD (1-29): x3 times a day. 75mcg

GHRP-2/6: x3 times a day. 100mcg

Hexarelin: x1 time a day 50mcg

MK677: x2 a day 10mg

Aromasin: x1 a day 12.5mg

Glucosamine,Chondroitin MSM, SAM-e: x1

Vitamins: subjective. X1 a day should work.

Melatonin: just take one before bed. 10mg

X1 = morning

X2 = morning + Before bed

X3 = morning + afternoon + Before bed

Don't eat 3 hours before injecting and don't eat for another 45 after injecting (carbohydrates fuck up the peptides) you can eat protein if you're hungry

Hexarelin + CJC-1295 is extremely legit I grew 2 inches in 2 months when I was 16 and taking it.


Mixing castor oil w/ coconut oil 1 day a week


Raw Spinach for temporalis muscle you need to eat it for hours though lmao

Potassium Chloride powder w/ magnesium and water GETS YOU LEAN ASF


Push Your Eyeballs Multiple Times a Day to Get Rid of Bug eyes


High Speed Jaw Opening Exercises for hyoid


Benzoyl Peroxide %10


Seas Salt spray and scrunching for curls


Biotin for hair


Core exercises for less compression

Electrical Stimulation increase bone density but no idea about longitudinal growth.


Triiodothyronine (T3)


Carbon 60




Flurbiprofen ( maybe this one esp) Methylsulfonylmethane Chondroitin

KY19382 vosoritide CRISPR

Placebo yourself for HGH release.


Derma Stamp (1-2X a week)

Peppermint/Rosemary Oil right after stamp




Take a pillow and start screaming

Smoking for voice


Eyelid pulling

Ice hooding

Oral Hyaluronic Acid for collagen in lips and skin

Oil pulling for teeth

Vitamin C

Beta Carotene 75,000IU

MT2 nasal spray (darkens hair, possibly eyes too)

SternoCleidomastoid Crunches:

Buy an EMS device, place the electrodes on your lower masseters, activate it, and chew gum, it doesn’t need to be incredible force, just enough to activate the muscle. A few users a few years ago exposed that fact that inward and outward gonials were, for the most part, a cope way of saying that a person predominantly used their upper or lower masseters. Upper masseters, when hypertrophied, give a rounded look, while the lower masseters give a more angular look. Using EMS is an incredibly effective way of increase the % utilisation of the lower masseters, you don’t even need to chew either, it just speeds up results, you can simply apply the electrodes and forget about it, I recommend cutting them and buying some medical tape to stick to your face.


Pin minoxidil to lose collagen and lower hooding tilt via eyelid pulling.


Progesterone + thyroid for eyebrow and eyelashes and maybe rosemary oil

Castor oil + peppermint oil + rosemary oil on god


Liposomal Glutathione

MSM flakes


<- for eye colour


Tocovit Ray Peatard type shit innit


Cjc1295 w/ GHRP-6 is exact same as HGH so use it.


Vaginal Cream for skin firmness



Magnesium Bisglycinate

Fish Oil (EHA, DHA)

Derma rolling

Chlorophyll drink

Gut shots - Apple Cider Vinegar + Black Pepper + Salt + Lemon Juice + Turmeric root + Ginger root; mix all these together and take 1-3 shots per day


Raw Goat A2 Milk

Pasture Raised Eggs

Grass fed Beef

Fruits + honey + coke

Liver and organs

Oysters (canned or not)


3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week) 25mg MK-677 before bed every day

200mcg HUPERZINE A taken 3x per day (600mcg total)

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and should give some height and decent muscle gains.


Apply minox under eyebrows for the hooding as in right before I wrote


2 of both arginine+ornithine just before bed.( at least 30mn before because it seem like arginine peak hgh release occure after around 1 hour ) I was literally feeling leg pain the morning and felt taller day by day.

2 Boron

<- both each day

Apparently optimal dosage should be 10gr arginine 2gr ornithine


Any product with aminophylline gives you topical fat burning properties

Latisse burns fat so face?


Cloth clipper on eyelid to create hunter eyes or tape that holds the lid downwards

Also injecting prostglandin on base of penis or the penis body lengthens it. Go in Bryan Johnson community to see the dosages.

dude this is too much

it's fucking over for me isn't it? no way i can have the motivation/discipline for this
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secret in the very end also rep

TLDRs do not exist

Here’s what I saved after reading 100+ threads part 1

Condensed notes from notes 1 + 2

It’s not a good format but I’m pasting so cut me some slack boyos



Royal jelly

100gr BONE MARROW (contains wvery fat soluble vitamin you need to prosper)

Also abundant in:





Try eating it raw tbh and also boil it to get bone broth out of it etc


Eyelid pulling every 2-3 nights for 25-50 reps in total per session

Moisturize UE and massage it(more blood flow)

Sleep on back (obvious reasons)

Stretch all parts of the UE

Lightly pulling the fatty skin (3-5s per pull)


Being lean the body experiences improved insulin sensitivity (IGF-1, enhanced bone mineralization, skeletal development)



Olive Oil

Fatty fish, meat etc (Testosterone production)

HIIT Exercise

Regular Sunlight

Cold Exposure (Testosterone production)

Green Tea (Antioxidant)

Pomegranate (Antioxidant)


Injecting IGF-1 for wider shoulders.


Dosage for poorfags//

//25mg MK677 for 6 weeks raises IGF-1 by %60.1 (half life - 24 hours)

2-3mg CJC 1295 w/DAC for 1-2 times per week(half life - 8 days)

4 capsules of SLIN pills to not become diabetic

Dosage for Chads//

//30mg MK677

10-15mg CJC 1295 w/DAC

Inject CJC 1295 subcutaneously

30-gauge insulin syringe

Reconstitution for CJC 1295 DAC

You will need Bacteriostatic water in order for reconstitution since CJC will come in a power-like form. for a vial with 1-2 mg the recommended amount of water would be 1 ml. If the vial comes in 5mg put 2ml of water. Make sure you keep these peptides at around 4°C or colder


To get a big outer flute muscle do just straight downward extension (squats, deadlifts etc)

To get a inner glute muscle you do backward leg extensions.

You want to strengthen the lower abs and create pelvic alignment.

Deep Barbell Squats

Deadlift Variations


Glute Kickback


Hip Thrust


Osteogenesis modulation

It’s a battery implant though so just mention it. You won’t undergo the procedure.





Creatine L-carnitine

Bonemaxxing: Zinc



Vitamin K (mk4+mk7) Vitamin D

Skinmaxxing: Glutathione NAC


Vitamin C

Beta carotene

Ignoremaxxing: Vitamin Bcomp

Lactobacillus (for digestion to get rid of bloating and other Jewish digestion stuff)

Jawmaxxing: Chewing gum

Bodymaxxing: MK677



Stretches in the morning

K2 supplements

Tap knees with hammer or any other object?

Vitamin D3 + K2


Folinic Acid




Methionine (Methylation and Hgh)


Inhibit estrogen (minimization for bone growth etc)


Minimize cortisol via GHRPZ or GHRP6 over Ipamorelin

Raise Parathyroid Hormone

Calcitonin (salmon)



Cycling DHT


Use CJC 1295 in conjunction w/ GHRP6


Use GHRP6 (2-3 times per day for several weeks) in conjunction w/ HGH Generic or Pharma

CJC 1295 increases plasma GH concentrations 2-10 fold for more than 6 days, increases IGF concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days with no adverse effects.

CJC-1295 can be injected subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Dose per injection: 2mg. Injections per vial: 1 x 2mg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 0.5ml of water for mixing then a 2mg dosage = 0.50ml (or 50 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 1ml of water then a 2mg dosage = 1ml (or 100 units). Sample Injection Frequency: 2mg injected once per week (due to its long half-life)




CJC-1295 DAC 600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day. GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin - Example 1– Night Time Injection (GHRP can cause drowsiness, and improve sleep). Empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal). Inject GHRP peptide; go straight to bed. Example 2– Morning injection. Inject GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg. Wait at least 20 minutes before consuming food or beverages (including coffee/tea).

Use Ipamorelin w/ CJC 12995 in the evening which has a cause of less cortisol and prolactin. (Compared to both GHRP 2 & 6)

Use Ipamorelin w/ HGH 2-3 times per day for a period of several weeks.

Use Ipamorelin in the 200-300mcg range 2-3 times per day subcutaneously 30-45 minutes before a workout cause the pulse creates maximum growth which is more natural and slower than any other GHRP. (Noo ok hunger etc)

MK677 should not be used he says cause of increased prolactin.




Applying the product repeatedly over some time will permanently reduce adipose tissue there.


Spinal Decompression

Tadasana (30s hold/2 for beginners) 5-10 times daily

Bar hanging (slowly increase intensity, Active hanging as in lifting the upper body up properly to not hurt neck)

Touching points -

1.stand in front of the wall with your face towards it and bring yourself closer to the wall so that your body is your body is touching it for support,then try to touch points on the wall,lift one of your hands up to a higher height and you will feel the body stretching,then lift your other hand to the same height as your first hand or u can lift even Higher than it,and hold this position for some time,since u are a beginner,do it for 5-10 seconds until u cant stand anymore and the pain in your back muscles is too much this will stretch your body very intensely.

Release it and repeat for 5-10 times,this was 1 entire session of 30-60 seconds,now do 5-10 sessions like this depending on your capability,keep it to 3-5 times in the beginning and u can increase it later as your muscles develop in the back and your body becomes suited to it

2.repeat all the stuff and steps in point(1) but do this with your back and hips in contact with the wall/touching the wall for support, being against the wall is necessary because i helps to support the weight of your body and prevents u from falling

3. Now you can do both (1) and (2) in 2 different ways,you can keep your legs down or you can stand tip-toes for more intense stretches,both normal and tiptoes are useful in different ways and you can do them one after the Other.

4.Holding your position for a fixed time would have the best effect(start from a low time 15s,30s and gradually

work your way up)but dont overdo it and if you feel too much pain sleep for 15-30 minutes

or rest until you are good to go again.

5.you will hear cracking sounds,nothing dangerous,simply spine and muscles adjusting themselves or spinal bones decompressing and extending 6.Dont go too hard on yourself,if u go too hard u will feel like quitting,enjoy and gradually work

your way up,its quite like gymcelling. 7. Stand and sit straight

Relieve tension in your back by using fingers to massage it.


Sprinting 120x4m, 120x8m

Playing Basketball


IGF-1 generic/LR3

1.How to Cut the Pills

One full tablet of aromasin is 25 mg.

Buy a pill cutter from amazon or any other site which is similar to the one shown in this video and cut the pills into 1/2 and then cut each half into 2 more halves,then u will get 4 pieces and each piece is like 6.25 mg.

U can take 1-2 pieces(6.25mg-12.5 mg) Ed or EOD(every-day or every-Other-day) depending on your baseline estrogen levels and ur responsiveness to aromasin and ur aromatization capability.

For the first dose take 6.25 mg or 12.5 mg after that for each dose take 6.25 mg ed/EOD and not more than that ,use a pill cutter to cut the pill in 4ths and eat 1/4th(6.25 mg) with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

2.Dosing,Estrogen Crash and Estrogen levels optimum for heightmaxxing

Normal levels of estrogen in teens in late puberty=15-40pg/ml

Estrogen above 20pg/ml will fuse ur plates according to the studies done

So,u need to keep ur estrogen levels in 10-15 pg/ml range,best is the 13 pg/ml mark.

If u go below 8-10 pg/ml ,ur estrogen will crash and the side effects will be near deadly,literally.

1.How to know your estrogen levels and the dosing required to reach 10-15pg/ml?

Ans:- The most accurate,trusted and safe method are to take Blood tests before taking aromasin to determine your baseline estrogen. Then blood test again after a 6.25mg or 12.5 mg dose to determine your new estrogen levels.

This proves that estrogen if kept below 20pg/ml can keep our growth plates open and would also be enough to fulfill the estrogen related tasks and functions in the body

I would rather advise people to keep estrogen in the 10-15 pg/ml range,similar to estrogen levels of 13-15 year old boys,just make sure that you are taking enough dose of aromasin so that your estrogen remains in 10-15pg/ml and dosent rise above 20pg/ml beacuse if that happens your plates will fuse.

If you have vitamin D deficiency don’t take Aromasin till you fix it.

Vitamin D 4000IU daily w/ 200mcg Vitamin K2 Mk4 and Magnesium to fix the Vitamin D levels Deficiency.

For 80% of the people 6.25 mg ED will be sufficient to bring estrogen levels to 10-15pg/ml.

For the rest,12.5 mg ed-will be needed.

If u are a super outlier,25 mg will be needed,but maybe 0.01% of the population is a super outlier so there is a very low chance of someone needing 25 mg ed.

U will need to apply hit and trial method,Start with 6.25 mg ed then slowly increase to 12.5 mg ed,if u feel okay on this dose and dont experience any weird side effects like tiredness,brain fog,harsh joint and bone pain,muscle pain,then this dose would be alright for you,you can continue with this dose-12.5mg ED

If u feel any of the above side effects which show crashed estrogen,then switch to 6.25 mg ED.

Remember if u crash ur estrogen and feel the above side efects,dont take aromasin until u get back to normal,it takes 3-5 days to get estrogen levels back to normal,

3.Method of Intake

Eat the tablet with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

Any sufficient dose of any natural fat like Butter,Olive oil,Cheese will be good.

It isnt solvent in water,so natural fats are required.

Just dont crash ur estrogen by overdosing like a retard by taking more than 12.5 mg dose.

Buy a blood glucose monitor and mesure urself every month,blood glucose monitor is cheap anywyas. Also, if u can measure blood pressure,do it,every 1-2 months

In this list get 1,5,10 every month,for the rest u can do them every 1-2 months,if u can afford keep reading,i tell soon what to do if u can't afford routine blood tests

Follow my advice about blood tests,if u want to live and not die, because hematocrit levels,biliruibin,creatine and 25hydroxy vitamin d And liver enzymes are essential to get tested if u wanna live,if u don't test them regularly they can get out of check and it can be bad,ver bad,very very bad...

If u see the levels above go to the doctor and tell him what you’re taking and doing and for how long.

Aswagandha (KSM66 Version Only)

NAC (helps with normal liver enzyme levels)

Pfizer Aromasin pills are really small, roundish and smooth and white in colour and they have the number 7663 printed on one side,the number shows its genuine and from pfizer.

75-100mg p50 form of Vitamin B6 2 times daily and once a hour after HGH injections and 1 time 5-6 hours after the HGH injection

Dandelion Root Extract





Bytes Superba

L Theanine High Dosage




Caffeine pills for less tiredness

Dermarolling w/ minoxidil

Weed (edible is recommended)


Oral Minoxidil

Extract of Ganoderma formosanum Mycelium (skin lightening)



Kojic Acid

Licorice Extract


Darkening eye drops for Heterochromia


Sermorelin + Hexarelin (or MK677 or both together) + Tesamorelin

Check blood glucose every morning every morning

Berberine to stop diabetes (1.5g 1-2 times daily)


2 TUDCA capsules daily

1000mcg Vitamin A (collagenous skin)

Red Light Therapy 20 minutes daily (red + NIR light/on whole body + face)


Chin muscle for chin projection


Amanita Muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric, risk free Alcohol alternative)

It contains Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol.

Helps with sleep, mimics Alcohol, is cheap as fuck.

How to Prepare:

Get your mushrooms, wash them, cut them up. Now put them in a pot, fill the pot with water, and lemon juice. Goal here is to get 2.5 - 3 PH, you can calculate it, or get a meter/strips. Now boil for 30-45 min, take out your mushroom. Now simmer just below boil for 3-4 hours. Now you've got yourself some Muscimol infused tee. Be very careful with doses, it should hit pretty hard. The basic theory is we through the low PH enviorment turn Ibotenic Acid into Muscimol

You make a tea, and you build tolerance to melatonin.




Its a dissociativ drug called 3-MEO-PCP + weed

What you want is basically a pre - mania trip

Take a very little dose of both

Then you will become sociopath no fucking joke pre mania thing is real you are 100% lucid and you feel so fuckinh confident to the point you can see yourself as successfull as elon musk without any doubt.

Its insane.


Vitamin K2, D3

Calcium (raw milk)



for maxilla you need to thumbpull the front of your palate where the groove is , then the mid palate, then put your thumbs inside the soft palate as high as you can( youll build a tolerance easily) and then pulling the maxilla forward from there, also right behind the incisors the papillae thing if you pull that you will get a more upturned philtrum if thats what you need

put one thumb on it and another thumb on that thumb and push with both arms to do it, pull as hard as you can when thumbpulling, i use up and down swinging momentum for maxilla



I'm doing:

- 3x 100mcg GHRP-2 6/week

- 3x 100mcg Mod GRF 1-29 6/week - 12.5 mg Aromasin ed

- (future) T4 supplementation

Swapping GHRP-2 for Hex on a 2 week basis


A litre of pure orange juice debloats you.

Ice Pack on face for 15 minutes

Kys if youre not taking 10g of pure potassium chloride

fasting + just eating 1-2 bananas + nettle and/or green tea also debloats like crazy


No screen time 1 hour before bed

Put spoons in freezer for 15 min then put on eyes


Caffeine Eye Cream

Vitamin K Cream

Nitric Oxide Cream (expensive)


this is a special mewing when you push the back part of your tongue as much as you can while mewing. So much that you almosr can’t breath through your nose.

Chin Tucks (as many daily for 10 seconds each)

Just open your jaw asap for time (OVER FOR TMJCELs)


Hard Mewing ALL DAY

Bonesmash Jaw for length


Bee Pollen

Royal Jelly

Propolis + Creatine. <- For Dick Size


Vitamin C for Skin Lightening

Vitamin C for Lips

Vitamin C for Under Eyes

Cleanse face with moisturizer then apply then moisturize again to lock the serum in.

Vit C + Retinol combo MOGS



Lateral Bending <- Neck Movements

Do a few light warmup sets beforehand.

Extension 1-3 sets 8-12 reps Flexion 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Lateral 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Rotation 1-3 sets 15-25 reps

Do Neck Bridges with a weight plate for extra resistance

Use a padding on the floor to do these to not become bald or wear a beanie

Do neck Isometrics against a wall and do them last.

Neck Harness is superior though so keep that in mind.

-Can be done with resistance bands

-With a neck harness attached to a cable machine

-Neck harness with a freeweight and slighty bending over

-with a neck harness & freeweight laying face first on a bench like in the gif



Massage the forehead towards the eyebrows for UEE.

Bonesmash nasion/glabella

put a massage gun and smash your supras in a downwards inward tilted manner (toward to the nasion-glabella crease) and pluck/dermaroll accordingly

Bonesmashing for UEE


Clenbuterol for Hollow Cheeks (Look for any other drug since Clen is a meme?

Clen Cycle ->2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, I prefer to eat only chicken, potatoes and some rice during this time period ONLY, to maximise the most out of clenbuterol (aggressive cut on top of the extreme metabolic

DNP and T3 mogs Clen supposedly?

What you need is Ephedrine in an ECA stack (Ephendrine, Caffeine and Aspirin) which won’t raise your metabolism but it’ll erase your hunger and boost energy (use before workout w/ nicotine 😈)

Just take a low dosage of Ostarine and crash diet so you lose fat super fast keeping your muscles.

Clen reduces bone density


T3 + T4



Vitamin D


high levels of iodine, selenium + zinc

Take Oral Levothyroxine to treat underactive thyroid gland

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish)


Balanced omega 6 : 3 ratio





Stretch lips for 5 minutes as wide as possible after you gain forward growth cause recession increases skin sugginess and tightening of the skin is very important.


Zinc (Shellfish, eggs, red meat)

Vitamin C

Vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin)



Vitamin D3

Reverse Kegels

Edging for Premature Ejaculation

Virility: https://leviathansupps.com/products/virility-mens-potency-support

Lock & Load: https://gorillamind.com/products/lock-and-load

Don’t heat your sack so you don’t lose your back

<- All this was for Sperm production and Fertility


List of useful Peatard regurgitations:

Eat hard cheese to not brush your teeth

Supplement Thiamine for thyroid (Peatard says so)

The cure to loneliness is progesterone (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOCIALIZE)

Stop BREATHING!!! (NO.SERIOUSLY!!! Higher altitude = Higher CO2 Tolerance = Mewing etc)

methylene blue is theoretically effective as retin a for the skin and causes vivid dreams if applied at night

Racetams make you an extrovert

red bull and coke cure most diseases and can help you sleep by eliminating stress

you can make a shampoo + conditioner for any hair type by balancing eggs, coconut oil and vinegar



Injectable Fat Loss Technology:

The MGH team’s innovative spin on the technique involves the use of an injectable ice “slurry,” a sterile solution of normal saline and glycerol (a common food ingredient) containing approximately 20 percent to 40 percent small ice particles, similar in texture to slush. The solution can be injected directly into fat deposits, causing the fat cells (adipocytes) to crystallize and die and fat deposits to shrink.

“Even if the slurry is injected into other tissue such as muscle, there is no significant injury.”

Injection of physiological ice slurry could be a transformative method for nonsurgical body contouring.


*tldr use mouth stretching device with volufiline*

8 hours a day everyday for at least a full year

A combination of of sleep-friendly, wide lip stretchers to wear at night for permanent lip widening

Also use volufiline for permanent fat gain in the lip area to “reset” the lip position


Eye hood MAXXING:

retinol (apply separately) volufiline w/carrier oil + dermarolling + apply fillers topically during dermarolling + apply HA topically while dermarolling + other packed in peptides for skin thickening or tightening or whatever the fuck and collagenmaxxing.


just drink 0.05ml topical lol thats 2.5mg. However I recommend more tbh just build up to a higher dose. Expect results in 2-3 months and even better at 6.

Topical Minoxidil can be taken orally





Hyaluronic Acid while micro needling

Micro infusion

Buy any filler & during derma rolling (1.5mm+ cuz u wanna go deep ASF) put the shit like a cream over the area. Dermaroll till irritation (pain gain ig but don't make it bleed) now as for filler amount TBQH just add a bunch u deem necessary and safe tbqh - also add shit like volufiline and HA. After a while add tretinoin, moisturize the fat pad, etc.

Also include shit that gives any kind of volume to the skin to increase it in size.

1. DNA Repair Enzymes and Epidermal Growth Factor

2. Antioxidants Like Vitamin C and Idebenone

sunscreen during the day (u prolly shouldn't fucking exfoliate your fat pads ) 😂

what we want:


Lasts between 30-45 minutes

Uses 20-30 ultra-fine, 24k gold needles (thinner than human hair!)

Creates micro puncture wounds on the top layer of skin to accelerate the body’s natural healing process - resulting in a brighter and healthier complexion Stamps a beauty elixir of Botox, fillers, and nutrients like Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid into the skin

u gonna add in retina and volufiline into the mix fags + other shit above n pray.

google arthritis patient k2mk4 dose. Whatever it says, take that. Think it's some times 10 megadose from normal daily intake.



- Tretinoin (start at 0.025%, work your way up to 0.1% over time)

- Panoxynl Cleanser (Or another product with benzoyl peroxide)

- CerVae Saylic Acid Cleanser (Or another product with Saylic Acid) _ Clindamycin phosphate cream/gel

- SPF moisturizer

- Niacinamide supplement daily

If Acne is still an issue Accutane is the next bet. (Closes growth plates)

Take glutathione, MSM, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid and eat lots of Animal Fat to protect yourself from toxins!

Urine on face for Acne.




Run T3 and T4 in a 1:3 ratio. For example 12.5mcg of T4 and 50mcg of T3.

Ghrp6 and MODGRF dosed at 100mcg 3x a day.

Running CJC dac and ghrp6 with HGH is mogger asf but wouldn’t recommend it if your pretty boy.


Arimidex 1MG EOD/ED



Dick growth:


3 C's: Cistanche + Cordyceps + Coffee


Tribulus Terrestris Zinc

Vitamin D3 + k2 Royale gelée Pine Pollen


Ice your balls + red light after

high protein and fat diet

everyday cardio + 3-4x Week weight training

Competitive sports(like boxing or mma) .> counts as cardio

3L water minimum a day

8-10h sleep


MK677 raises prolactin

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride without P5P)

To lower prolactin levels it's recommend you take 50-200mg of P-5-P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which can cause some minor side effects

When using Vitamin E as a prolactin inhibitor, it's recommended that you take 300-400 IU per day of natural Vitamin E – this can be raised up to dosages such as 1000 IU for greater prolactin control, but be aware of the possible side effects

D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols or D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocotrienols are the absolute best forms to take.

Take 400-1200 mg a day of SAM-e along with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. An added bonus is SAM-E's ability to detoxify the liver.

Ipamorelin and Mod GRF(1-29) won't spike cortisol and prolactin. Pretty much all other GHRH/Somatostatins will. And most others will increase your body's production of Ghrelin too. There's really no better combo than ipa and mod if you're not a poorcel

I'm gonna be doing 10mg per night because that's plenty to improve my sleep quality. If you want the bigger IGF-1 increase for muscle building etc than 20 or 25mgs might be worth it for you.


Face pulling as in Belt Pulling gives you:

More lip support

Bigger lip

Bigger cheekbone mass

Better browridge

Wide nose

The guy that did it recessed himself cause he was intermittent fasting??? It makes sense since our ancestors did facepulling every day and probably ate it too so combine belt pulling w/ raw meat pulling with all teeth.


Basically cut a mouth guard in half to where it just covers the front 4-5 teeth

This will allow your mandibular condyle to be displaced and in return you will get more chin height/lower third height This is basically for bruxism dudes who have no chin height and a long midface

Fix for short face


Lips lightening using Hydroquinone 4% + one month pause 2 months after using and apply every

Mix with retinoids for skin only no lips


1. L-glutathione or reduced glutathione 500MG bid

2. MSM 3000MG (split morning, noon and night)

3. VIT C 3000MG (same as MSM)

4. NAC 500MG

TOPICAL CREAMS AND SOAP - For whole body :


2. Buy RET-HC cream It has a classic combination of hydroquinone + steroid + tretinoin (aka Retin-A). Use it for the first two months and then resort to natural- yet-strong whiteners like melaglow plus. Continue using it twice a week for some more months.

3. For the whole body, mix these two creams into any simple lotion. It makes it cheaper and effective.

4. For the whole body, buy a Likas papaya soap and use it every day. Make sure you keep it on the skin for at least 7 minutes.

Drop both creams in 1 and 2 after 3-4 months ( earlier if you get the desired results) and maintain the results with the mixture of 'Melaglow plus' and lotion. Always wear sunscreen with SPF 50 whenever you go out in the sun (even in winters)

You will need these supplements for more than 6 months. After you get the desired shade, either reduce their dosage or take them into e2d or e3d.

for lips lightening,

Exfoliate your Lips every alternate day.

wear sunscreen on lips.

Use 4 % Hydroquinone cream on your Lips every day.


Zinc for Acne

Probiotics in synthetic form

Probiotics in raw milk kefir form

Sauerkaut (from cabbage)




Sure, here we go.

To make milk kefir you need two ingredients: the kefir grains and the milk itself.

Kefir grains: I would recommend buying them from the Internet, unless you personally know someone how is already making kefir at home that could ship them to you. Ideally these kefir grains should have undergone testing procedures to ensure they are free of pathogens (coliform, salmonella, listeria, etc.). This is why it is preferable to get them from a trusted source and not a shady neighbor. So assuming you buy them, they will come in this little plastic bag. They are commonly sold in amounts of 20 to 40 g, which is more than enough. Keep in mind the grains are a living colony and thus they will grow and multiply over time. If you preserve them in nice conditions, they can even live to the end of times.


(The kefir grains I bought)

Milk: the fattier and the purer the milk is, the better. In an ideal scenario you would contact your local farmer and buy raw milk, without any pasteurization process. Pasteurization kills some bacteria, enzymes and proteins; not all of them, but a noticeable amount. There are some local farms in my zone that pasteurize the milk, as otherwise there is no way they are going to sell it in regulated markets, but do so at 70 to 80 Celsius degrees. Again, not a panacea but still acceptable. If you are a city rat that cannot get its hands to high quality milk, then the last resort is to rely on whole milk acquired from the supermarket. You should be aiming at one with +2.5% fat.


(Mogger milk from my area with +3.5% fat, notice the yellowish color)

Once you have the two ingredients, you have to pick a glass jar, fill it with the grains, and about 1 liter of milk. It is important to keep the proportion between grains and milk to avoid overfermenting and underfermenting it. In the latter case you will have less probiotics, while in the first case it will have more alcohol and taste more acidic. It is about finding the right balance, around 40 g of grains for 1 liter should do it. Once you have mixed the two, you let the jar rest for 1 day. This fermentation time largely depends on the room temperature. Hot temperatures will make it ferment faster, and on the contrary, keeping the mix in the fridge will heavily slow down the process. Make sure to cover the jar with a rag or some thin paper during fermentation. You want it to breathe but also cover it from insects and similar. This is what the jar looks like after 1 day of fermentation:


Then, you have to separate the grains from the milk. To do so I would advise getting a strainer for only this purpose to not experience any contamination issues. The same applies to the jar, you should always use one only for the kefir. Separating the fermented milk from the kefir grains is pretty easy, just pour the milk and filter all the milk. You can technically eat the grains but you do not want to lose too many of them.


The last step is of course drinking the filtered milk. Notice in the pic I have quite a lot of grains. With this amount I am obtaining kefir that becomes a bit acidic. If you want to have something a bit more tasty, similar to a cream in texture, you can put the jar 24 hours in the fridge. I tend to do it on the weekends to not overferment it, and it always tastes marvelously afterwards.


Glutathione (Liposomal high dosage or injections) + Vit C is really the only stack that can lighten eyes as Glutathione inhibits tyrosinase and clears free radicals from the body.

Lumify eye drops



GHRP-2 for the HGH pulse

When you inject GHRH you inject GHRP right afterwards.






The Stack

MOD (1-29): x3 times a day. 75mcg

GHRP-2/6: x3 times a day. 100mcg

Hexarelin: x1 time a day 50mcg

MK677: x2 a day 10mg

Aromasin: x1 a day 12.5mg

Glucosamine,Chondroitin MSM, SAM-e: x1

Vitamins: subjective. X1 a day should work.

Melatonin: just take one before bed. 10mg

X1 = morning

X2 = morning + Before bed

X3 = morning + afternoon + Before bed

Don't eat 3 hours before injecting and don't eat for another 45 after injecting (carbohydrates fuck up the peptides) you can eat protein if you're hungry

Hexarelin + CJC-1295 is extremely legit I grew 2 inches in 2 months when I was 16 and taking it.


Mixing castor oil w/ coconut oil 1 day a week


Raw Spinach for temporalis muscle you need to eat it for hours though lmao

Potassium Chloride powder w/ magnesium and water GETS YOU LEAN ASF


Push Your Eyeballs Multiple Times a Day to Get Rid of Bug eyes


High Speed Jaw Opening Exercises for hyoid


Benzoyl Peroxide %10


Seas Salt spray and scrunching for curls


Biotin for hair


Core exercises for less compression

Electrical Stimulation increase bone density but no idea about longitudinal growth.


Triiodothyronine (T3)


Carbon 60




Flurbiprofen ( maybe this one esp) Methylsulfonylmethane Chondroitin

KY19382 vosoritide CRISPR

Placebo yourself for HGH release.


Derma Stamp (1-2X a week)

Peppermint/Rosemary Oil right after stamp




Take a pillow and start screaming

Smoking for voice


Eyelid pulling

Ice hooding

Oral Hyaluronic Acid for collagen in lips and skin

Oil pulling for teeth

Vitamin C

Beta Carotene 75,000IU

MT2 nasal spray (darkens hair, possibly eyes too)

SternoCleidomastoid Crunches:

Buy an EMS device, place the electrodes on your lower masseters, activate it, and chew gum, it doesn’t need to be incredible force, just enough to activate the muscle. A few users a few years ago exposed that fact that inward and outward gonials were, for the most part, a cope way of saying that a person predominantly used their upper or lower masseters. Upper masseters, when hypertrophied, give a rounded look, while the lower masseters give a more angular look. Using EMS is an incredibly effective way of increase the % utilisation of the lower masseters, you don’t even need to chew either, it just speeds up results, you can simply apply the electrodes and forget about it, I recommend cutting them and buying some medical tape to stick to your face.


Pin minoxidil to lose collagen and lower hooding tilt via eyelid pulling.


Progesterone + thyroid for eyebrow and eyelashes and maybe rosemary oil

Castor oil + peppermint oil + rosemary oil on god


Liposomal Glutathione

MSM flakes


<- for eye colour


Tocovit Ray Peatard type shit innit


Cjc1295 w/ GHRP-6 is exact same as HGH so use it.


Vaginal Cream for skin firmness



Magnesium Bisglycinate

Fish Oil (EHA, DHA)

Derma rolling

Chlorophyll drink

Gut shots - Apple Cider Vinegar + Black Pepper + Salt + Lemon Juice + Turmeric root + Ginger root; mix all these together and take 1-3 shots per day


Raw Goat A2 Milk

Pasture Raised Eggs

Grass fed Beef

Fruits + honey + coke

Liver and organs

Oysters (canned or not)


3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week) 25mg MK-677 before bed every day

200mcg HUPERZINE A taken 3x per day (600mcg total)

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and should give some height and decent muscle gains.


Apply minox under eyebrows for the hooding as in right before I wrote


2 of both arginine+ornithine just before bed.( at least 30mn before because it seem like arginine peak hgh release occure after around 1 hour ) I was literally feeling leg pain the morning and felt taller day by day.

2 Boron

<- both each day

Apparently optimal dosage should be 10gr arginine 2gr ornithine


Any product with aminophylline gives you topical fat burning properties

Latisse burns fat so face?


Cloth clipper on eyelid to create hunter eyes or tape that holds the lid downwards

Also injecting prostglandin on base of penis or the penis body lengthens it. Go in Bryan Johnson community to see the dosages.

Can't sleep on your back without a cushion when u built like me, I'm a belly + side sleeper 😧😢
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Screenshot 20240612 1534402
Screenshot 20240621 153922
Screenshot 20240621 153657
  • JFL
Reactions: ilovewater
  • JFL
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
I'm serious
I'm sexappealmaxxing (even more)
According to my TikTok, women love it as long as you have the face to match 🤭
Androgynous figure masculine aura type shit
  • Love it
Reactions: bigblacknigger
Androgynous figure masculine aura type shit
Feminine, polite guy with masculine behavioral undertones
The more feminine outside, the more masculine I could be... I not always act masculine, only when it's needed, I don't like it that much. Gotta be a balance

If too masculine women get scared
If too feminine they think u gae and don't approach/lose interest

I'm a walking social experiment, I have no shame só I use myself as a guinea pig 😲
  • +1
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
secret in the very end also rep

TLDRs do not exist

Here’s what I saved after reading 100+ threads part 1

Condensed notes from notes 1 + 2

It’s not a good format but I’m pasting so cut me some slack boyos



Royal jelly

100gr BONE MARROW (contains wvery fat soluble vitamin you need to prosper)

Also abundant in:





Try eating it raw tbh and also boil it to get bone broth out of it etc


Eyelid pulling every 2-3 nights for 25-50 reps in total per session

Moisturize UE and massage it(more blood flow)

Sleep on back (obvious reasons)

Stretch all parts of the UE

Lightly pulling the fatty skin (3-5s per pull)


Being lean the body experiences improved insulin sensitivity (IGF-1, enhanced bone mineralization, skeletal development)



Olive Oil

Fatty fish, meat etc (Testosterone production)

HIIT Exercise

Regular Sunlight

Cold Exposure (Testosterone production)

Green Tea (Antioxidant)

Pomegranate (Antioxidant)


Injecting IGF-1 for wider shoulders.


Dosage for poorfags//

//25mg MK677 for 6 weeks raises IGF-1 by %60.1 (half life - 24 hours)

2-3mg CJC 1295 w/DAC for 1-2 times per week(half life - 8 days)

4 capsules of SLIN pills to not become diabetic

Dosage for Chads//

//30mg MK677

10-15mg CJC 1295 w/DAC

Inject CJC 1295 subcutaneously

30-gauge insulin syringe

Reconstitution for CJC 1295 DAC

You will need Bacteriostatic water in order for reconstitution since CJC will come in a power-like form. for a vial with 1-2 mg the recommended amount of water would be 1 ml. If the vial comes in 5mg put 2ml of water. Make sure you keep these peptides at around 4°C or colder


To get a big outer flute muscle do just straight downward extension (squats, deadlifts etc)

To get a inner glute muscle you do backward leg extensions.

You want to strengthen the lower abs and create pelvic alignment.

Deep Barbell Squats

Deadlift Variations


Glute Kickback


Hip Thrust


Osteogenesis modulation

It’s a battery implant though so just mention it. You won’t undergo the procedure.





Creatine L-carnitine

Bonemaxxing: Zinc



Vitamin K (mk4+mk7) Vitamin D

Skinmaxxing: Glutathione NAC


Vitamin C

Beta carotene

Ignoremaxxing: Vitamin Bcomp

Lactobacillus (for digestion to get rid of bloating and other Jewish digestion stuff)

Jawmaxxing: Chewing gum

Bodymaxxing: MK677



Stretches in the morning

K2 supplements

Tap knees with hammer or any other object?

Vitamin D3 + K2


Folinic Acid




Methionine (Methylation and Hgh)


Inhibit estrogen (minimization for bone growth etc)


Minimize cortisol via GHRPZ or GHRP6 over Ipamorelin

Raise Parathyroid Hormone

Calcitonin (salmon)



Cycling DHT


Use CJC 1295 in conjunction w/ GHRP6


Use GHRP6 (2-3 times per day for several weeks) in conjunction w/ HGH Generic or Pharma

CJC 1295 increases plasma GH concentrations 2-10 fold for more than 6 days, increases IGF concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days with no adverse effects.

CJC-1295 can be injected subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Dose per injection: 2mg. Injections per vial: 1 x 2mg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 0.5ml of water for mixing then a 2mg dosage = 0.50ml (or 50 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 1ml of water then a 2mg dosage = 1ml (or 100 units). Sample Injection Frequency: 2mg injected once per week (due to its long half-life)




CJC-1295 DAC 600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day. GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin - Example 1– Night Time Injection (GHRP can cause drowsiness, and improve sleep). Empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal). Inject GHRP peptide; go straight to bed. Example 2– Morning injection. Inject GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg. Wait at least 20 minutes before consuming food or beverages (including coffee/tea).

Use Ipamorelin w/ CJC 12995 in the evening which has a cause of less cortisol and prolactin. (Compared to both GHRP 2 & 6)

Use Ipamorelin w/ HGH 2-3 times per day for a period of several weeks.

Use Ipamorelin in the 200-300mcg range 2-3 times per day subcutaneously 30-45 minutes before a workout cause the pulse creates maximum growth which is more natural and slower than any other GHRP. (Noo ok hunger etc)

MK677 should not be used he says cause of increased prolactin.




Applying the product repeatedly over some time will permanently reduce adipose tissue there.


Spinal Decompression

Tadasana (30s hold/2 for beginners) 5-10 times daily

Bar hanging (slowly increase intensity, Active hanging as in lifting the upper body up properly to not hurt neck)

Touching points -

1.stand in front of the wall with your face towards it and bring yourself closer to the wall so that your body is your body is touching it for support,then try to touch points on the wall,lift one of your hands up to a higher height and you will feel the body stretching,then lift your other hand to the same height as your first hand or u can lift even Higher than it,and hold this position for some time,since u are a beginner,do it for 5-10 seconds until u cant stand anymore and the pain in your back muscles is too much this will stretch your body very intensely.

Release it and repeat for 5-10 times,this was 1 entire session of 30-60 seconds,now do 5-10 sessions like this depending on your capability,keep it to 3-5 times in the beginning and u can increase it later as your muscles develop in the back and your body becomes suited to it

2.repeat all the stuff and steps in point(1) but do this with your back and hips in contact with the wall/touching the wall for support, being against the wall is necessary because i helps to support the weight of your body and prevents u from falling

3. Now you can do both (1) and (2) in 2 different ways,you can keep your legs down or you can stand tip-toes for more intense stretches,both normal and tiptoes are useful in different ways and you can do them one after the Other.

4.Holding your position for a fixed time would have the best effect(start from a low time 15s,30s and gradually

work your way up)but dont overdo it and if you feel too much pain sleep for 15-30 minutes

or rest until you are good to go again.

5.you will hear cracking sounds,nothing dangerous,simply spine and muscles adjusting themselves or spinal bones decompressing and extending 6.Dont go too hard on yourself,if u go too hard u will feel like quitting,enjoy and gradually work

your way up,its quite like gymcelling. 7. Stand and sit straight

Relieve tension in your back by using fingers to massage it.


Sprinting 120x4m, 120x8m

Playing Basketball


IGF-1 generic/LR3

1.How to Cut the Pills

One full tablet of aromasin is 25 mg.

Buy a pill cutter from amazon or any other site which is similar to the one shown in this video and cut the pills into 1/2 and then cut each half into 2 more halves,then u will get 4 pieces and each piece is like 6.25 mg.

U can take 1-2 pieces(6.25mg-12.5 mg) Ed or EOD(every-day or every-Other-day) depending on your baseline estrogen levels and ur responsiveness to aromasin and ur aromatization capability.

For the first dose take 6.25 mg or 12.5 mg after that for each dose take 6.25 mg ed/EOD and not more than that ,use a pill cutter to cut the pill in 4ths and eat 1/4th(6.25 mg) with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

2.Dosing,Estrogen Crash and Estrogen levels optimum for heightmaxxing

Normal levels of estrogen in teens in late puberty=15-40pg/ml

Estrogen above 20pg/ml will fuse ur plates according to the studies done

So,u need to keep ur estrogen levels in 10-15 pg/ml range,best is the 13 pg/ml mark.

If u go below 8-10 pg/ml ,ur estrogen will crash and the side effects will be near deadly,literally.

1.How to know your estrogen levels and the dosing required to reach 10-15pg/ml?

Ans:- The most accurate,trusted and safe method are to take Blood tests before taking aromasin to determine your baseline estrogen. Then blood test again after a 6.25mg or 12.5 mg dose to determine your new estrogen levels.

This proves that estrogen if kept below 20pg/ml can keep our growth plates open and would also be enough to fulfill the estrogen related tasks and functions in the body

I would rather advise people to keep estrogen in the 10-15 pg/ml range,similar to estrogen levels of 13-15 year old boys,just make sure that you are taking enough dose of aromasin so that your estrogen remains in 10-15pg/ml and dosent rise above 20pg/ml beacuse if that happens your plates will fuse.

If you have vitamin D deficiency don’t take Aromasin till you fix it.

Vitamin D 4000IU daily w/ 200mcg Vitamin K2 Mk4 and Magnesium to fix the Vitamin D levels Deficiency.

For 80% of the people 6.25 mg ED will be sufficient to bring estrogen levels to 10-15pg/ml.

For the rest,12.5 mg ed-will be needed.

If u are a super outlier,25 mg will be needed,but maybe 0.01% of the population is a super outlier so there is a very low chance of someone needing 25 mg ed.

U will need to apply hit and trial method,Start with 6.25 mg ed then slowly increase to 12.5 mg ed,if u feel okay on this dose and dont experience any weird side effects like tiredness,brain fog,harsh joint and bone pain,muscle pain,then this dose would be alright for you,you can continue with this dose-12.5mg ED

If u feel any of the above side effects which show crashed estrogen,then switch to 6.25 mg ED.

Remember if u crash ur estrogen and feel the above side efects,dont take aromasin until u get back to normal,it takes 3-5 days to get estrogen levels back to normal,

3.Method of Intake

Eat the tablet with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

Any sufficient dose of any natural fat like Butter,Olive oil,Cheese will be good.

It isnt solvent in water,so natural fats are required.

Just dont crash ur estrogen by overdosing like a retard by taking more than 12.5 mg dose.

Buy a blood glucose monitor and mesure urself every month,blood glucose monitor is cheap anywyas. Also, if u can measure blood pressure,do it,every 1-2 months

In this list get 1,5,10 every month,for the rest u can do them every 1-2 months,if u can afford keep reading,i tell soon what to do if u can't afford routine blood tests

Follow my advice about blood tests,if u want to live and not die, because hematocrit levels,biliruibin,creatine and 25hydroxy vitamin d And liver enzymes are essential to get tested if u wanna live,if u don't test them regularly they can get out of check and it can be bad,ver bad,very very bad...

If u see the levels above go to the doctor and tell him what you’re taking and doing and for how long.

Aswagandha (KSM66 Version Only)

NAC (helps with normal liver enzyme levels)

Pfizer Aromasin pills are really small, roundish and smooth and white in colour and they have the number 7663 printed on one side,the number shows its genuine and from pfizer.

75-100mg p50 form of Vitamin B6 2 times daily and once a hour after HGH injections and 1 time 5-6 hours after the HGH injection

Dandelion Root Extract





Bytes Superba

L Theanine High Dosage




Caffeine pills for less tiredness

Dermarolling w/ minoxidil

Weed (edible is recommended)


Oral Minoxidil

Extract of Ganoderma formosanum Mycelium (skin lightening)



Kojic Acid

Licorice Extract


Darkening eye drops for Heterochromia


Sermorelin + Hexarelin (or MK677 or both together) + Tesamorelin

Check blood glucose every morning every morning

Berberine to stop diabetes (1.5g 1-2 times daily)


2 TUDCA capsules daily

1000mcg Vitamin A (collagenous skin)

Red Light Therapy 20 minutes daily (red + NIR light/on whole body + face)


Chin muscle for chin projection


Amanita Muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric, risk free Alcohol alternative)

It contains Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol.

Helps with sleep, mimics Alcohol, is cheap as fuck.

How to Prepare:

Get your mushrooms, wash them, cut them up. Now put them in a pot, fill the pot with water, and lemon juice. Goal here is to get 2.5 - 3 PH, you can calculate it, or get a meter/strips. Now boil for 30-45 min, take out your mushroom. Now simmer just below boil for 3-4 hours. Now you've got yourself some Muscimol infused tee. Be very careful with doses, it should hit pretty hard. The basic theory is we through the low PH enviorment turn Ibotenic Acid into Muscimol

You make a tea, and you build tolerance to melatonin.




Its a dissociativ drug called 3-MEO-PCP + weed

What you want is basically a pre - mania trip

Take a very little dose of both

Then you will become sociopath no fucking joke pre mania thing is real you are 100% lucid and you feel so fuckinh confident to the point you can see yourself as successfull as elon musk without any doubt.

Its insane.


Vitamin K2, D3

Calcium (raw milk)



for maxilla you need to thumbpull the front of your palate where the groove is , then the mid palate, then put your thumbs inside the soft palate as high as you can( youll build a tolerance easily) and then pulling the maxilla forward from there, also right behind the incisors the papillae thing if you pull that you will get a more upturned philtrum if thats what you need

put one thumb on it and another thumb on that thumb and push with both arms to do it, pull as hard as you can when thumbpulling, i use up and down swinging momentum for maxilla



I'm doing:

- 3x 100mcg GHRP-2 6/week

- 3x 100mcg Mod GRF 1-29 6/week - 12.5 mg Aromasin ed

- (future) T4 supplementation

Swapping GHRP-2 for Hex on a 2 week basis


A litre of pure orange juice debloats you.

Ice Pack on face for 15 minutes

Kys if youre not taking 10g of pure potassium chloride

fasting + just eating 1-2 bananas + nettle and/or green tea also debloats like crazy


No screen time 1 hour before bed

Put spoons in freezer for 15 min then put on eyes


Caffeine Eye Cream

Vitamin K Cream

Nitric Oxide Cream (expensive)


this is a special mewing when you push the back part of your tongue as much as you can while mewing. So much that you almosr can’t breath through your nose.

Chin Tucks (as many daily for 10 seconds each)

Just open your jaw asap for time (OVER FOR TMJCELs)


Hard Mewing ALL DAY

Bonesmash Jaw for length


Bee Pollen

Royal Jelly

Propolis + Creatine. <- For Dick Size


Vitamin C for Skin Lightening

Vitamin C for Lips

Vitamin C for Under Eyes

Cleanse face with moisturizer then apply then moisturize again to lock the serum in.

Vit C + Retinol combo MOGS



Lateral Bending <- Neck Movements

Do a few light warmup sets beforehand.

Extension 1-3 sets 8-12 reps Flexion 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Lateral 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Rotation 1-3 sets 15-25 reps

Do Neck Bridges with a weight plate for extra resistance

Use a padding on the floor to do these to not become bald or wear a beanie

Do neck Isometrics against a wall and do them last.

Neck Harness is superior though so keep that in mind.

-Can be done with resistance bands

-With a neck harness attached to a cable machine

-Neck harness with a freeweight and slighty bending over

-with a neck harness & freeweight laying face first on a bench like in the gif



Massage the forehead towards the eyebrows for UEE.

Bonesmash nasion/glabella

put a massage gun and smash your supras in a downwards inward tilted manner (toward to the nasion-glabella crease) and pluck/dermaroll accordingly

Bonesmashing for UEE


Clenbuterol for Hollow Cheeks (Look for any other drug since Clen is a meme?

Clen Cycle ->2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, I prefer to eat only chicken, potatoes and some rice during this time period ONLY, to maximise the most out of clenbuterol (aggressive cut on top of the extreme metabolic

DNP and T3 mogs Clen supposedly?

What you need is Ephedrine in an ECA stack (Ephendrine, Caffeine and Aspirin) which won’t raise your metabolism but it’ll erase your hunger and boost energy (use before workout w/ nicotine 😈)

Just take a low dosage of Ostarine and crash diet so you lose fat super fast keeping your muscles.

Clen reduces bone density


T3 + T4



Vitamin D


high levels of iodine, selenium + zinc

Take Oral Levothyroxine to treat underactive thyroid gland

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish)


Balanced omega 6 : 3 ratio





Stretch lips for 5 minutes as wide as possible after you gain forward growth cause recession increases skin sugginess and tightening of the skin is very important.


Zinc (Shellfish, eggs, red meat)

Vitamin C

Vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin)



Vitamin D3

Reverse Kegels

Edging for Premature Ejaculation

Virility: https://leviathansupps.com/products/virility-mens-potency-support

Lock & Load: https://gorillamind.com/products/lock-and-load

Don’t heat your sack so you don’t lose your back

<- All this was for Sperm production and Fertility


List of useful Peatard regurgitations:

Eat hard cheese to not brush your teeth

Supplement Thiamine for thyroid (Peatard says so)

The cure to loneliness is progesterone (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOCIALIZE)

Stop BREATHING!!! (NO.SERIOUSLY!!! Higher altitude = Higher CO2 Tolerance = Mewing etc)

methylene blue is theoretically effective as retin a for the skin and causes vivid dreams if applied at night

Racetams make you an extrovert

red bull and coke cure most diseases and can help you sleep by eliminating stress

you can make a shampoo + conditioner for any hair type by balancing eggs, coconut oil and vinegar



Injectable Fat Loss Technology:

The MGH team’s innovative spin on the technique involves the use of an injectable ice “slurry,” a sterile solution of normal saline and glycerol (a common food ingredient) containing approximately 20 percent to 40 percent small ice particles, similar in texture to slush. The solution can be injected directly into fat deposits, causing the fat cells (adipocytes) to crystallize and die and fat deposits to shrink.

“Even if the slurry is injected into other tissue such as muscle, there is no significant injury.”

Injection of physiological ice slurry could be a transformative method for nonsurgical body contouring.


*tldr use mouth stretching device with volufiline*

8 hours a day everyday for at least a full year

A combination of of sleep-friendly, wide lip stretchers to wear at night for permanent lip widening

Also use volufiline for permanent fat gain in the lip area to “reset” the lip position


Eye hood MAXXING:

retinol (apply separately) volufiline w/carrier oil + dermarolling + apply fillers topically during dermarolling + apply HA topically while dermarolling + other packed in peptides for skin thickening or tightening or whatever the fuck and collagenmaxxing.


just drink 0.05ml topical lol thats 2.5mg. However I recommend more tbh just build up to a higher dose. Expect results in 2-3 months and even better at 6.

Topical Minoxidil can be taken orally





Hyaluronic Acid while micro needling

Micro infusion

Buy any filler & during derma rolling (1.5mm+ cuz u wanna go deep ASF) put the shit like a cream over the area. Dermaroll till irritation (pain gain ig but don't make it bleed) now as for filler amount TBQH just add a bunch u deem necessary and safe tbqh - also add shit like volufiline and HA. After a while add tretinoin, moisturize the fat pad, etc.

Also include shit that gives any kind of volume to the skin to increase it in size.

1. DNA Repair Enzymes and Epidermal Growth Factor

2. Antioxidants Like Vitamin C and Idebenone

sunscreen during the day (u prolly shouldn't fucking exfoliate your fat pads ) 😂

what we want:


Lasts between 30-45 minutes

Uses 20-30 ultra-fine, 24k gold needles (thinner than human hair!)

Creates micro puncture wounds on the top layer of skin to accelerate the body’s natural healing process - resulting in a brighter and healthier complexion Stamps a beauty elixir of Botox, fillers, and nutrients like Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid into the skin

u gonna add in retina and volufiline into the mix fags + other shit above n pray.

google arthritis patient k2mk4 dose. Whatever it says, take that. Think it's some times 10 megadose from normal daily intake.



- Tretinoin (start at 0.025%, work your way up to 0.1% over time)

- Panoxynl Cleanser (Or another product with benzoyl peroxide)

- CerVae Saylic Acid Cleanser (Or another product with Saylic Acid) _ Clindamycin phosphate cream/gel

- SPF moisturizer

- Niacinamide supplement daily

If Acne is still an issue Accutane is the next bet. (Closes growth plates)

Take glutathione, MSM, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid and eat lots of Animal Fat to protect yourself from toxins!

Urine on face for Acne.




Run T3 and T4 in a 1:3 ratio. For example 12.5mcg of T4 and 50mcg of T3.

Ghrp6 and MODGRF dosed at 100mcg 3x a day.

Running CJC dac and ghrp6 with HGH is mogger asf but wouldn’t recommend it if your pretty boy.


Arimidex 1MG EOD/ED



Dick growth:


3 C's: Cistanche + Cordyceps + Coffee


Tribulus Terrestris Zinc

Vitamin D3 + k2 Royale gelée Pine Pollen


Ice your balls + red light after

high protein and fat diet

everyday cardio + 3-4x Week weight training

Competitive sports(like boxing or mma) .> counts as cardio

3L water minimum a day

8-10h sleep


MK677 raises prolactin

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride without P5P)

To lower prolactin levels it's recommend you take 50-200mg of P-5-P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which can cause some minor side effects

When using Vitamin E as a prolactin inhibitor, it's recommended that you take 300-400 IU per day of natural Vitamin E – this can be raised up to dosages such as 1000 IU for greater prolactin control, but be aware of the possible side effects

D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols or D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocotrienols are the absolute best forms to take.

Take 400-1200 mg a day of SAM-e along with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. An added bonus is SAM-E's ability to detoxify the liver.

Ipamorelin and Mod GRF(1-29) won't spike cortisol and prolactin. Pretty much all other GHRH/Somatostatins will. And most others will increase your body's production of Ghrelin too. There's really no better combo than ipa and mod if you're not a poorcel

I'm gonna be doing 10mg per night because that's plenty to improve my sleep quality. If you want the bigger IGF-1 increase for muscle building etc than 20 or 25mgs might be worth it for you.


Face pulling as in Belt Pulling gives you:

More lip support

Bigger lip

Bigger cheekbone mass

Better browridge

Wide nose

The guy that did it recessed himself cause he was intermittent fasting??? It makes sense since our ancestors did facepulling every day and probably ate it too so combine belt pulling w/ raw meat pulling with all teeth.


Basically cut a mouth guard in half to where it just covers the front 4-5 teeth

This will allow your mandibular condyle to be displaced and in return you will get more chin height/lower third height This is basically for bruxism dudes who have no chin height and a long midface

Fix for short face


Lips lightening using Hydroquinone 4% + one month pause 2 months after using and apply every

Mix with retinoids for skin only no lips


1. L-glutathione or reduced glutathione 500MG bid

2. MSM 3000MG (split morning, noon and night)

3. VIT C 3000MG (same as MSM)

4. NAC 500MG

TOPICAL CREAMS AND SOAP - For whole body :


2. Buy RET-HC cream It has a classic combination of hydroquinone + steroid + tretinoin (aka Retin-A). Use it for the first two months and then resort to natural- yet-strong whiteners like melaglow plus. Continue using it twice a week for some more months.

3. For the whole body, mix these two creams into any simple lotion. It makes it cheaper and effective.

4. For the whole body, buy a Likas papaya soap and use it every day. Make sure you keep it on the skin for at least 7 minutes.

Drop both creams in 1 and 2 after 3-4 months ( earlier if you get the desired results) and maintain the results with the mixture of 'Melaglow plus' and lotion. Always wear sunscreen with SPF 50 whenever you go out in the sun (even in winters)

You will need these supplements for more than 6 months. After you get the desired shade, either reduce their dosage or take them into e2d or e3d.

for lips lightening,

Exfoliate your Lips every alternate day.

wear sunscreen on lips.

Use 4 % Hydroquinone cream on your Lips every day.


Zinc for Acne

Probiotics in synthetic form

Probiotics in raw milk kefir form

Sauerkaut (from cabbage)




Sure, here we go.

To make milk kefir you need two ingredients: the kefir grains and the milk itself.

Kefir grains: I would recommend buying them from the Internet, unless you personally know someone how is already making kefir at home that could ship them to you. Ideally these kefir grains should have undergone testing procedures to ensure they are free of pathogens (coliform, salmonella, listeria, etc.). This is why it is preferable to get them from a trusted source and not a shady neighbor. So assuming you buy them, they will come in this little plastic bag. They are commonly sold in amounts of 20 to 40 g, which is more than enough. Keep in mind the grains are a living colony and thus they will grow and multiply over time. If you preserve them in nice conditions, they can even live to the end of times.


(The kefir grains I bought)

Milk: the fattier and the purer the milk is, the better. In an ideal scenario you would contact your local farmer and buy raw milk, without any pasteurization process. Pasteurization kills some bacteria, enzymes and proteins; not all of them, but a noticeable amount. There are some local farms in my zone that pasteurize the milk, as otherwise there is no way they are going to sell it in regulated markets, but do so at 70 to 80 Celsius degrees. Again, not a panacea but still acceptable. If you are a city rat that cannot get its hands to high quality milk, then the last resort is to rely on whole milk acquired from the supermarket. You should be aiming at one with +2.5% fat.


(Mogger milk from my area with +3.5% fat, notice the yellowish color)

Once you have the two ingredients, you have to pick a glass jar, fill it with the grains, and about 1 liter of milk. It is important to keep the proportion between grains and milk to avoid overfermenting and underfermenting it. In the latter case you will have less probiotics, while in the first case it will have more alcohol and taste more acidic. It is about finding the right balance, around 40 g of grains for 1 liter should do it. Once you have mixed the two, you let the jar rest for 1 day. This fermentation time largely depends on the room temperature. Hot temperatures will make it ferment faster, and on the contrary, keeping the mix in the fridge will heavily slow down the process. Make sure to cover the jar with a rag or some thin paper during fermentation. You want it to breathe but also cover it from insects and similar. This is what the jar looks like after 1 day of fermentation:


Then, you have to separate the grains from the milk. To do so I would advise getting a strainer for only this purpose to not experience any contamination issues. The same applies to the jar, you should always use one only for the kefir. Separating the fermented milk from the kefir grains is pretty easy, just pour the milk and filter all the milk. You can technically eat the grains but you do not want to lose too many of them.


The last step is of course drinking the filtered milk. Notice in the pic I have quite a lot of grains. With this amount I am obtaining kefir that becomes a bit acidic. If you want to have something a bit more tasty, similar to a cream in texture, you can put the jar 24 hours in the fridge. I tend to do it on the weekends to not overferment it, and it always tastes marvelously afterwards.


Glutathione (Liposomal high dosage or injections) + Vit C is really the only stack that can lighten eyes as Glutathione inhibits tyrosinase and clears free radicals from the body.

Lumify eye drops



GHRP-2 for the HGH pulse

When you inject GHRH you inject GHRP right afterwards.






The Stack

MOD (1-29): x3 times a day. 75mcg

GHRP-2/6: x3 times a day. 100mcg

Hexarelin: x1 time a day 50mcg

MK677: x2 a day 10mg

Aromasin: x1 a day 12.5mg

Glucosamine,Chondroitin MSM, SAM-e: x1

Vitamins: subjective. X1 a day should work.

Melatonin: just take one before bed. 10mg

X1 = morning

X2 = morning + Before bed

X3 = morning + afternoon + Before bed

Don't eat 3 hours before injecting and don't eat for another 45 after injecting (carbohydrates fuck up the peptides) you can eat protein if you're hungry

Hexarelin + CJC-1295 is extremely legit I grew 2 inches in 2 months when I was 16 and taking it.


Mixing castor oil w/ coconut oil 1 day a week


Raw Spinach for temporalis muscle you need to eat it for hours though lmao

Potassium Chloride powder w/ magnesium and water GETS YOU LEAN ASF


Push Your Eyeballs Multiple Times a Day to Get Rid of Bug eyes


High Speed Jaw Opening Exercises for hyoid


Benzoyl Peroxide %10


Seas Salt spray and scrunching for curls


Biotin for hair


Core exercises for less compression

Electrical Stimulation increase bone density but no idea about longitudinal growth.


Triiodothyronine (T3)


Carbon 60




Flurbiprofen ( maybe this one esp) Methylsulfonylmethane Chondroitin

KY19382 vosoritide CRISPR

Placebo yourself for HGH release.


Derma Stamp (1-2X a week)

Peppermint/Rosemary Oil right after stamp




Take a pillow and start screaming

Smoking for voice


Eyelid pulling

Ice hooding

Oral Hyaluronic Acid for collagen in lips and skin

Oil pulling for teeth

Vitamin C

Beta Carotene 75,000IU

MT2 nasal spray (darkens hair, possibly eyes too)

SternoCleidomastoid Crunches:

Buy an EMS device, place the electrodes on your lower masseters, activate it, and chew gum, it doesn’t need to be incredible force, just enough to activate the muscle. A few users a few years ago exposed that fact that inward and outward gonials were, for the most part, a cope way of saying that a person predominantly used their upper or lower masseters. Upper masseters, when hypertrophied, give a rounded look, while the lower masseters give a more angular look. Using EMS is an incredibly effective way of increase the % utilisation of the lower masseters, you don’t even need to chew either, it just speeds up results, you can simply apply the electrodes and forget about it, I recommend cutting them and buying some medical tape to stick to your face.


Pin minoxidil to lose collagen and lower hooding tilt via eyelid pulling.


Progesterone + thyroid for eyebrow and eyelashes and maybe rosemary oil

Castor oil + peppermint oil + rosemary oil on god


Liposomal Glutathione

MSM flakes


<- for eye colour


Tocovit Ray Peatard type shit innit


Cjc1295 w/ GHRP-6 is exact same as HGH so use it.


Vaginal Cream for skin firmness



Magnesium Bisglycinate

Fish Oil (EHA, DHA)

Derma rolling

Chlorophyll drink

Gut shots - Apple Cider Vinegar + Black Pepper + Salt + Lemon Juice + Turmeric root + Ginger root; mix all these together and take 1-3 shots per day


Raw Goat A2 Milk

Pasture Raised Eggs

Grass fed Beef

Fruits + honey + coke

Liver and organs

Oysters (canned or not)


3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week) 25mg MK-677 before bed every day

200mcg HUPERZINE A taken 3x per day (600mcg total)

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and should give some height and decent muscle gains.


Apply minox under eyebrows for the hooding as in right before I wrote


2 of both arginine+ornithine just before bed.( at least 30mn before because it seem like arginine peak hgh release occure after around 1 hour ) I was literally feeling leg pain the morning and felt taller day by day.

2 Boron

<- both each day

Apparently optimal dosage should be 10gr arginine 2gr ornithine


Any product with aminophylline gives you topical fat burning properties

Latisse burns fat so face?


Cloth clipper on eyelid to create hunter eyes or tape that holds the lid downwards

Also injecting prostglandin on base of penis or the penis body lengthens it. Go in Bryan Johnson community to see the dosages.

All this just to still be a underdevolped subhumam manlet. Notice how Chad doesn't do a single one of these things and still slays :forcedsmile: It was over from the womb, blame your parents and yourself :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
All this just to still be a underdevolped subhumam manlet. Notice how Chad doesn't do a single one of these things and still slays :forcedsmile: It was over from the womb, blame your parents and yourself :lul:
but I'm still gonna read everything later and steal all valuable knowledge tho :forcedsmile: No point in wasting time arguing in the replies, just take everything of value and dip :feelsokman:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Joaquin, hardRscreamer and the_nextDavidLaid
All this just to still be a underdevolped subhumam manlet. Notice how Chad doesn't do a single one of these things and still slays :forcedsmile: It was over from the womb, blame your parents and yourself :lul:
but I'm still gonna read everything later and steal all valuable knowledge tho :forcedsmile: No point in wasting time arguing in the replies, just take everything of value and dip :feelsokman:
way ahead of you
so thumb pulling is legit? anti thumb pullers will be mad abt this one
  • +1
Reactions: Nihonz9
secret in the very end also rep

TLDRs do not exist

Here’s what I saved after reading 100+ threads part 1

Condensed notes from notes 1 + 2

It’s not a good format but I’m pasting so cut me some slack boyos



Royal jelly

100gr BONE MARROW (contains wvery fat soluble vitamin you need to prosper)

Also abundant in:





Try eating it raw tbh and also boil it to get bone broth out of it etc


Eyelid pulling every 2-3 nights for 25-50 reps in total per session

Moisturize UE and massage it(more blood flow)

Sleep on back (obvious reasons)

Stretch all parts of the UE

Lightly pulling the fatty skin (3-5s per pull)


Being lean the body experiences improved insulin sensitivity (IGF-1, enhanced bone mineralization, skeletal development)



Olive Oil

Fatty fish, meat etc (Testosterone production)

HIIT Exercise

Regular Sunlight

Cold Exposure (Testosterone production)

Green Tea (Antioxidant)

Pomegranate (Antioxidant)


Injecting IGF-1 for wider shoulders.


Dosage for poorfags//

//25mg MK677 for 6 weeks raises IGF-1 by %60.1 (half life - 24 hours)

2-3mg CJC 1295 w/DAC for 1-2 times per week(half life - 8 days)

4 capsules of SLIN pills to not become diabetic

Dosage for Chads//

//30mg MK677

10-15mg CJC 1295 w/DAC

Inject CJC 1295 subcutaneously

30-gauge insulin syringe

Reconstitution for CJC 1295 DAC

You will need Bacteriostatic water in order for reconstitution since CJC will come in a power-like form. for a vial with 1-2 mg the recommended amount of water would be 1 ml. If the vial comes in 5mg put 2ml of water. Make sure you keep these peptides at around 4°C or colder


To get a big outer flute muscle do just straight downward extension (squats, deadlifts etc)

To get a inner glute muscle you do backward leg extensions.

You want to strengthen the lower abs and create pelvic alignment.

Deep Barbell Squats

Deadlift Variations


Glute Kickback


Hip Thrust


Osteogenesis modulation

It’s a battery implant though so just mention it. You won’t undergo the procedure.





Creatine L-carnitine

Bonemaxxing: Zinc



Vitamin K (mk4+mk7) Vitamin D

Skinmaxxing: Glutathione NAC


Vitamin C

Beta carotene

Ignoremaxxing: Vitamin Bcomp

Lactobacillus (for digestion to get rid of bloating and other Jewish digestion stuff)

Jawmaxxing: Chewing gum

Bodymaxxing: MK677



Stretches in the morning

K2 supplements

Tap knees with hammer or any other object?

Vitamin D3 + K2


Folinic Acid




Methionine (Methylation and Hgh)


Inhibit estrogen (minimization for bone growth etc)


Minimize cortisol via GHRPZ or GHRP6 over Ipamorelin

Raise Parathyroid Hormone

Calcitonin (salmon)



Cycling DHT


Use CJC 1295 in conjunction w/ GHRP6


Use GHRP6 (2-3 times per day for several weeks) in conjunction w/ HGH Generic or Pharma

CJC 1295 increases plasma GH concentrations 2-10 fold for more than 6 days, increases IGF concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days with no adverse effects.

CJC-1295 can be injected subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Dose per injection: 2mg. Injections per vial: 1 x 2mg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 0.5ml of water for mixing then a 2mg dosage = 0.50ml (or 50 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 1ml of water then a 2mg dosage = 1ml (or 100 units). Sample Injection Frequency: 2mg injected once per week (due to its long half-life)




CJC-1295 DAC 600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day. GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin - Example 1– Night Time Injection (GHRP can cause drowsiness, and improve sleep). Empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal). Inject GHRP peptide; go straight to bed. Example 2– Morning injection. Inject GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg. Wait at least 20 minutes before consuming food or beverages (including coffee/tea).

Use Ipamorelin w/ CJC 12995 in the evening which has a cause of less cortisol and prolactin. (Compared to both GHRP 2 & 6)

Use Ipamorelin w/ HGH 2-3 times per day for a period of several weeks.

Use Ipamorelin in the 200-300mcg range 2-3 times per day subcutaneously 30-45 minutes before a workout cause the pulse creates maximum growth which is more natural and slower than any other GHRP. (Noo ok hunger etc)

MK677 should not be used he says cause of increased prolactin.




Applying the product repeatedly over some time will permanently reduce adipose tissue there.


Spinal Decompression

Tadasana (30s hold/2 for beginners) 5-10 times daily

Bar hanging (slowly increase intensity, Active hanging as in lifting the upper body up properly to not hurt neck)

Touching points -

1.stand in front of the wall with your face towards it and bring yourself closer to the wall so that your body is your body is touching it for support,then try to touch points on the wall,lift one of your hands up to a higher height and you will feel the body stretching,then lift your other hand to the same height as your first hand or u can lift even Higher than it,and hold this position for some time,since u are a beginner,do it for 5-10 seconds until u cant stand anymore and the pain in your back muscles is too much this will stretch your body very intensely.

Release it and repeat for 5-10 times,this was 1 entire session of 30-60 seconds,now do 5-10 sessions like this depending on your capability,keep it to 3-5 times in the beginning and u can increase it later as your muscles develop in the back and your body becomes suited to it

2.repeat all the stuff and steps in point(1) but do this with your back and hips in contact with the wall/touching the wall for support, being against the wall is necessary because i helps to support the weight of your body and prevents u from falling

3. Now you can do both (1) and (2) in 2 different ways,you can keep your legs down or you can stand tip-toes for more intense stretches,both normal and tiptoes are useful in different ways and you can do them one after the Other.

4.Holding your position for a fixed time would have the best effect(start from a low time 15s,30s and gradually

work your way up)but dont overdo it and if you feel too much pain sleep for 15-30 minutes

or rest until you are good to go again.

5.you will hear cracking sounds,nothing dangerous,simply spine and muscles adjusting themselves or spinal bones decompressing and extending 6.Dont go too hard on yourself,if u go too hard u will feel like quitting,enjoy and gradually work

your way up,its quite like gymcelling. 7. Stand and sit straight

Relieve tension in your back by using fingers to massage it.


Sprinting 120x4m, 120x8m

Playing Basketball


IGF-1 generic/LR3

1.How to Cut the Pills

One full tablet of aromasin is 25 mg.

Buy a pill cutter from amazon or any other site which is similar to the one shown in this video and cut the pills into 1/2 and then cut each half into 2 more halves,then u will get 4 pieces and each piece is like 6.25 mg.

U can take 1-2 pieces(6.25mg-12.5 mg) Ed or EOD(every-day or every-Other-day) depending on your baseline estrogen levels and ur responsiveness to aromasin and ur aromatization capability.

For the first dose take 6.25 mg or 12.5 mg after that for each dose take 6.25 mg ed/EOD and not more than that ,use a pill cutter to cut the pill in 4ths and eat 1/4th(6.25 mg) with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

2.Dosing,Estrogen Crash and Estrogen levels optimum for heightmaxxing

Normal levels of estrogen in teens in late puberty=15-40pg/ml

Estrogen above 20pg/ml will fuse ur plates according to the studies done

So,u need to keep ur estrogen levels in 10-15 pg/ml range,best is the 13 pg/ml mark.

If u go below 8-10 pg/ml ,ur estrogen will crash and the side effects will be near deadly,literally.

1.How to know your estrogen levels and the dosing required to reach 10-15pg/ml?

Ans:- The most accurate,trusted and safe method are to take Blood tests before taking aromasin to determine your baseline estrogen. Then blood test again after a 6.25mg or 12.5 mg dose to determine your new estrogen levels.

This proves that estrogen if kept below 20pg/ml can keep our growth plates open and would also be enough to fulfill the estrogen related tasks and functions in the body

I would rather advise people to keep estrogen in the 10-15 pg/ml range,similar to estrogen levels of 13-15 year old boys,just make sure that you are taking enough dose of aromasin so that your estrogen remains in 10-15pg/ml and dosent rise above 20pg/ml beacuse if that happens your plates will fuse.

If you have vitamin D deficiency don’t take Aromasin till you fix it.

Vitamin D 4000IU daily w/ 200mcg Vitamin K2 Mk4 and Magnesium to fix the Vitamin D levels Deficiency.

For 80% of the people 6.25 mg ED will be sufficient to bring estrogen levels to 10-15pg/ml.

For the rest,12.5 mg ed-will be needed.

If u are a super outlier,25 mg will be needed,but maybe 0.01% of the population is a super outlier so there is a very low chance of someone needing 25 mg ed.

U will need to apply hit and trial method,Start with 6.25 mg ed then slowly increase to 12.5 mg ed,if u feel okay on this dose and dont experience any weird side effects like tiredness,brain fog,harsh joint and bone pain,muscle pain,then this dose would be alright for you,you can continue with this dose-12.5mg ED

If u feel any of the above side effects which show crashed estrogen,then switch to 6.25 mg ED.

Remember if u crash ur estrogen and feel the above side efects,dont take aromasin until u get back to normal,it takes 3-5 days to get estrogen levels back to normal,

3.Method of Intake

Eat the tablet with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

Any sufficient dose of any natural fat like Butter,Olive oil,Cheese will be good.

It isnt solvent in water,so natural fats are required.

Just dont crash ur estrogen by overdosing like a retard by taking more than 12.5 mg dose.

Buy a blood glucose monitor and mesure urself every month,blood glucose monitor is cheap anywyas. Also, if u can measure blood pressure,do it,every 1-2 months

In this list get 1,5,10 every month,for the rest u can do them every 1-2 months,if u can afford keep reading,i tell soon what to do if u can't afford routine blood tests

Follow my advice about blood tests,if u want to live and not die, because hematocrit levels,biliruibin,creatine and 25hydroxy vitamin d And liver enzymes are essential to get tested if u wanna live,if u don't test them regularly they can get out of check and it can be bad,ver bad,very very bad...

If u see the levels above go to the doctor and tell him what you’re taking and doing and for how long.

Aswagandha (KSM66 Version Only)

NAC (helps with normal liver enzyme levels)

Pfizer Aromasin pills are really small, roundish and smooth and white in colour and they have the number 7663 printed on one side,the number shows its genuine and from pfizer.

75-100mg p50 form of Vitamin B6 2 times daily and once a hour after HGH injections and 1 time 5-6 hours after the HGH injection

Dandelion Root Extract





Bytes Superba

L Theanine High Dosage




Caffeine pills for less tiredness

Dermarolling w/ minoxidil

Weed (edible is recommended)


Oral Minoxidil

Extract of Ganoderma formosanum Mycelium (skin lightening)



Kojic Acid

Licorice Extract


Darkening eye drops for Heterochromia


Sermorelin + Hexarelin (or MK677 or both together) + Tesamorelin

Check blood glucose every morning every morning

Berberine to stop diabetes (1.5g 1-2 times daily)


2 TUDCA capsules daily

1000mcg Vitamin A (collagenous skin)

Red Light Therapy 20 minutes daily (red + NIR light/on whole body + face)


Chin muscle for chin projection


Amanita Muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric, risk free Alcohol alternative)

It contains Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol.

Helps with sleep, mimics Alcohol, is cheap as fuck.

How to Prepare:

Get your mushrooms, wash them, cut them up. Now put them in a pot, fill the pot with water, and lemon juice. Goal here is to get 2.5 - 3 PH, you can calculate it, or get a meter/strips. Now boil for 30-45 min, take out your mushroom. Now simmer just below boil for 3-4 hours. Now you've got yourself some Muscimol infused tee. Be very careful with doses, it should hit pretty hard. The basic theory is we through the low PH enviorment turn Ibotenic Acid into Muscimol

You make a tea, and you build tolerance to melatonin.




Its a dissociativ drug called 3-MEO-PCP + weed

What you want is basically a pre - mania trip

Take a very little dose of both

Then you will become sociopath no fucking joke pre mania thing is real you are 100% lucid and you feel so fuckinh confident to the point you can see yourself as successfull as elon musk without any doubt.

Its insane.


Vitamin K2, D3

Calcium (raw milk)



for maxilla you need to thumbpull the front of your palate where the groove is , then the mid palate, then put your thumbs inside the soft palate as high as you can( youll build a tolerance easily) and then pulling the maxilla forward from there, also right behind the incisors the papillae thing if you pull that you will get a more upturned philtrum if thats what you need

put one thumb on it and another thumb on that thumb and push with both arms to do it, pull as hard as you can when thumbpulling, i use up and down swinging momentum for maxilla



I'm doing:

- 3x 100mcg GHRP-2 6/week

- 3x 100mcg Mod GRF 1-29 6/week - 12.5 mg Aromasin ed

- (future) T4 supplementation

Swapping GHRP-2 for Hex on a 2 week basis


A litre of pure orange juice debloats you.

Ice Pack on face for 15 minutes

Kys if youre not taking 10g of pure potassium chloride

fasting + just eating 1-2 bananas + nettle and/or green tea also debloats like crazy


No screen time 1 hour before bed

Put spoons in freezer for 15 min then put on eyes


Caffeine Eye Cream

Vitamin K Cream

Nitric Oxide Cream (expensive)


this is a special mewing when you push the back part of your tongue as much as you can while mewing. So much that you almosr can’t breath through your nose.

Chin Tucks (as many daily for 10 seconds each)

Just open your jaw asap for time (OVER FOR TMJCELs)


Hard Mewing ALL DAY

Bonesmash Jaw for length


Bee Pollen

Royal Jelly

Propolis + Creatine. <- For Dick Size


Vitamin C for Skin Lightening

Vitamin C for Lips

Vitamin C for Under Eyes

Cleanse face with moisturizer then apply then moisturize again to lock the serum in.

Vit C + Retinol combo MOGS



Lateral Bending <- Neck Movements

Do a few light warmup sets beforehand.

Extension 1-3 sets 8-12 reps Flexion 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Lateral 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Rotation 1-3 sets 15-25 reps

Do Neck Bridges with a weight plate for extra resistance

Use a padding on the floor to do these to not become bald or wear a beanie

Do neck Isometrics against a wall and do them last.

Neck Harness is superior though so keep that in mind.

-Can be done with resistance bands

-With a neck harness attached to a cable machine

-Neck harness with a freeweight and slighty bending over

-with a neck harness & freeweight laying face first on a bench like in the gif



Massage the forehead towards the eyebrows for UEE.

Bonesmash nasion/glabella

put a massage gun and smash your supras in a downwards inward tilted manner (toward to the nasion-glabella crease) and pluck/dermaroll accordingly

Bonesmashing for UEE


Clenbuterol for Hollow Cheeks (Look for any other drug since Clen is a meme?

Clen Cycle ->2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, I prefer to eat only chicken, potatoes and some rice during this time period ONLY, to maximise the most out of clenbuterol (aggressive cut on top of the extreme metabolic

DNP and T3 mogs Clen supposedly?

What you need is Ephedrine in an ECA stack (Ephendrine, Caffeine and Aspirin) which won’t raise your metabolism but it’ll erase your hunger and boost energy (use before workout w/ nicotine 😈)

Just take a low dosage of Ostarine and crash diet so you lose fat super fast keeping your muscles.

Clen reduces bone density


T3 + T4



Vitamin D


high levels of iodine, selenium + zinc

Take Oral Levothyroxine to treat underactive thyroid gland

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish)


Balanced omega 6 : 3 ratio





Stretch lips for 5 minutes as wide as possible after you gain forward growth cause recession increases skin sugginess and tightening of the skin is very important.


Zinc (Shellfish, eggs, red meat)

Vitamin C

Vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin)



Vitamin D3

Reverse Kegels

Edging for Premature Ejaculation

Virility: https://leviathansupps.com/products/virility-mens-potency-support

Lock & Load: https://gorillamind.com/products/lock-and-load

Don’t heat your sack so you don’t lose your back

<- All this was for Sperm production and Fertility


List of useful Peatard regurgitations:

Eat hard cheese to not brush your teeth

Supplement Thiamine for thyroid (Peatard says so)

The cure to loneliness is progesterone (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOCIALIZE)

Stop BREATHING!!! (NO.SERIOUSLY!!! Higher altitude = Higher CO2 Tolerance = Mewing etc)

methylene blue is theoretically effective as retin a for the skin and causes vivid dreams if applied at night

Racetams make you an extrovert

red bull and coke cure most diseases and can help you sleep by eliminating stress

you can make a shampoo + conditioner for any hair type by balancing eggs, coconut oil and vinegar



Injectable Fat Loss Technology:

The MGH team’s innovative spin on the technique involves the use of an injectable ice “slurry,” a sterile solution of normal saline and glycerol (a common food ingredient) containing approximately 20 percent to 40 percent small ice particles, similar in texture to slush. The solution can be injected directly into fat deposits, causing the fat cells (adipocytes) to crystallize and die and fat deposits to shrink.

“Even if the slurry is injected into other tissue such as muscle, there is no significant injury.”

Injection of physiological ice slurry could be a transformative method for nonsurgical body contouring.


*tldr use mouth stretching device with volufiline*

8 hours a day everyday for at least a full year

A combination of of sleep-friendly, wide lip stretchers to wear at night for permanent lip widening

Also use volufiline for permanent fat gain in the lip area to “reset” the lip position


Eye hood MAXXING:

retinol (apply separately) volufiline w/carrier oil + dermarolling + apply fillers topically during dermarolling + apply HA topically while dermarolling + other packed in peptides for skin thickening or tightening or whatever the fuck and collagenmaxxing.


just drink 0.05ml topical lol thats 2.5mg. However I recommend more tbh just build up to a higher dose. Expect results in 2-3 months and even better at 6.

Topical Minoxidil can be taken orally





Hyaluronic Acid while micro needling

Micro infusion

Buy any filler & during derma rolling (1.5mm+ cuz u wanna go deep ASF) put the shit like a cream over the area. Dermaroll till irritation (pain gain ig but don't make it bleed) now as for filler amount TBQH just add a bunch u deem necessary and safe tbqh - also add shit like volufiline and HA. After a while add tretinoin, moisturize the fat pad, etc.

Also include shit that gives any kind of volume to the skin to increase it in size.

1. DNA Repair Enzymes and Epidermal Growth Factor

2. Antioxidants Like Vitamin C and Idebenone

sunscreen during the day (u prolly shouldn't fucking exfoliate your fat pads ) 😂

what we want:


Lasts between 30-45 minutes

Uses 20-30 ultra-fine, 24k gold needles (thinner than human hair!)

Creates micro puncture wounds on the top layer of skin to accelerate the body’s natural healing process - resulting in a brighter and healthier complexion Stamps a beauty elixir of Botox, fillers, and nutrients like Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid into the skin

u gonna add in retina and volufiline into the mix fags + other shit above n pray.

google arthritis patient k2mk4 dose. Whatever it says, take that. Think it's some times 10 megadose from normal daily intake.



- Tretinoin (start at 0.025%, work your way up to 0.1% over time)

- Panoxynl Cleanser (Or another product with benzoyl peroxide)

- CerVae Saylic Acid Cleanser (Or another product with Saylic Acid) _ Clindamycin phosphate cream/gel

- SPF moisturizer

- Niacinamide supplement daily

If Acne is still an issue Accutane is the next bet. (Closes growth plates)

Take glutathione, MSM, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid and eat lots of Animal Fat to protect yourself from toxins!

Urine on face for Acne.




Run T3 and T4 in a 1:3 ratio. For example 12.5mcg of T4 and 50mcg of T3.

Ghrp6 and MODGRF dosed at 100mcg 3x a day.

Running CJC dac and ghrp6 with HGH is mogger asf but wouldn’t recommend it if your pretty boy.


Arimidex 1MG EOD/ED



Dick growth:


3 C's: Cistanche + Cordyceps + Coffee


Tribulus Terrestris Zinc

Vitamin D3 + k2 Royale gelée Pine Pollen


Ice your balls + red light after

high protein and fat diet

everyday cardio + 3-4x Week weight training

Competitive sports(like boxing or mma) .> counts as cardio

3L water minimum a day

8-10h sleep


MK677 raises prolactin

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride without P5P)

To lower prolactin levels it's recommend you take 50-200mg of P-5-P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which can cause some minor side effects

When using Vitamin E as a prolactin inhibitor, it's recommended that you take 300-400 IU per day of natural Vitamin E – this can be raised up to dosages such as 1000 IU for greater prolactin control, but be aware of the possible side effects

D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols or D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocotrienols are the absolute best forms to take.

Take 400-1200 mg a day of SAM-e along with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. An added bonus is SAM-E's ability to detoxify the liver.

Ipamorelin and Mod GRF(1-29) won't spike cortisol and prolactin. Pretty much all other GHRH/Somatostatins will. And most others will increase your body's production of Ghrelin too. There's really no better combo than ipa and mod if you're not a poorcel

I'm gonna be doing 10mg per night because that's plenty to improve my sleep quality. If you want the bigger IGF-1 increase for muscle building etc than 20 or 25mgs might be worth it for you.


Face pulling as in Belt Pulling gives you:

More lip support

Bigger lip

Bigger cheekbone mass

Better browridge

Wide nose

The guy that did it recessed himself cause he was intermittent fasting??? It makes sense since our ancestors did facepulling every day and probably ate it too so combine belt pulling w/ raw meat pulling with all teeth.


Basically cut a mouth guard in half to where it just covers the front 4-5 teeth

This will allow your mandibular condyle to be displaced and in return you will get more chin height/lower third height This is basically for bruxism dudes who have no chin height and a long midface

Fix for short face


Lips lightening using Hydroquinone 4% + one month pause 2 months after using and apply every

Mix with retinoids for skin only no lips


1. L-glutathione or reduced glutathione 500MG bid

2. MSM 3000MG (split morning, noon and night)

3. VIT C 3000MG (same as MSM)

4. NAC 500MG

TOPICAL CREAMS AND SOAP - For whole body :


2. Buy RET-HC cream It has a classic combination of hydroquinone + steroid + tretinoin (aka Retin-A). Use it for the first two months and then resort to natural- yet-strong whiteners like melaglow plus. Continue using it twice a week for some more months.

3. For the whole body, mix these two creams into any simple lotion. It makes it cheaper and effective.

4. For the whole body, buy a Likas papaya soap and use it every day. Make sure you keep it on the skin for at least 7 minutes.

Drop both creams in 1 and 2 after 3-4 months ( earlier if you get the desired results) and maintain the results with the mixture of 'Melaglow plus' and lotion. Always wear sunscreen with SPF 50 whenever you go out in the sun (even in winters)

You will need these supplements for more than 6 months. After you get the desired shade, either reduce their dosage or take them into e2d or e3d.

for lips lightening,

Exfoliate your Lips every alternate day.

wear sunscreen on lips.

Use 4 % Hydroquinone cream on your Lips every day.


Zinc for Acne

Probiotics in synthetic form

Probiotics in raw milk kefir form

Sauerkaut (from cabbage)




Sure, here we go.

To make milk kefir you need two ingredients: the kefir grains and the milk itself.

Kefir grains: I would recommend buying them from the Internet, unless you personally know someone how is already making kefir at home that could ship them to you. Ideally these kefir grains should have undergone testing procedures to ensure they are free of pathogens (coliform, salmonella, listeria, etc.). This is why it is preferable to get them from a trusted source and not a shady neighbor. So assuming you buy them, they will come in this little plastic bag. They are commonly sold in amounts of 20 to 40 g, which is more than enough. Keep in mind the grains are a living colony and thus they will grow and multiply over time. If you preserve them in nice conditions, they can even live to the end of times.


(The kefir grains I bought)

Milk: the fattier and the purer the milk is, the better. In an ideal scenario you would contact your local farmer and buy raw milk, without any pasteurization process. Pasteurization kills some bacteria, enzymes and proteins; not all of them, but a noticeable amount. There are some local farms in my zone that pasteurize the milk, as otherwise there is no way they are going to sell it in regulated markets, but do so at 70 to 80 Celsius degrees. Again, not a panacea but still acceptable. If you are a city rat that cannot get its hands to high quality milk, then the last resort is to rely on whole milk acquired from the supermarket. You should be aiming at one with +2.5% fat.


(Mogger milk from my area with +3.5% fat, notice the yellowish color)

Once you have the two ingredients, you have to pick a glass jar, fill it with the grains, and about 1 liter of milk. It is important to keep the proportion between grains and milk to avoid overfermenting and underfermenting it. In the latter case you will have less probiotics, while in the first case it will have more alcohol and taste more acidic. It is about finding the right balance, around 40 g of grains for 1 liter should do it. Once you have mixed the two, you let the jar rest for 1 day. This fermentation time largely depends on the room temperature. Hot temperatures will make it ferment faster, and on the contrary, keeping the mix in the fridge will heavily slow down the process. Make sure to cover the jar with a rag or some thin paper during fermentation. You want it to breathe but also cover it from insects and similar. This is what the jar looks like after 1 day of fermentation:


Then, you have to separate the grains from the milk. To do so I would advise getting a strainer for only this purpose to not experience any contamination issues. The same applies to the jar, you should always use one only for the kefir. Separating the fermented milk from the kefir grains is pretty easy, just pour the milk and filter all the milk. You can technically eat the grains but you do not want to lose too many of them.


The last step is of course drinking the filtered milk. Notice in the pic I have quite a lot of grains. With this amount I am obtaining kefir that becomes a bit acidic. If you want to have something a bit more tasty, similar to a cream in texture, you can put the jar 24 hours in the fridge. I tend to do it on the weekends to not overferment it, and it always tastes marvelously afterwards.


Glutathione (Liposomal high dosage or injections) + Vit C is really the only stack that can lighten eyes as Glutathione inhibits tyrosinase and clears free radicals from the body.

Lumify eye drops



GHRP-2 for the HGH pulse

When you inject GHRH you inject GHRP right afterwards.






The Stack

MOD (1-29): x3 times a day. 75mcg

GHRP-2/6: x3 times a day. 100mcg

Hexarelin: x1 time a day 50mcg

MK677: x2 a day 10mg

Aromasin: x1 a day 12.5mg

Glucosamine,Chondroitin MSM, SAM-e: x1

Vitamins: subjective. X1 a day should work.

Melatonin: just take one before bed. 10mg

X1 = morning

X2 = morning + Before bed

X3 = morning + afternoon + Before bed

Don't eat 3 hours before injecting and don't eat for another 45 after injecting (carbohydrates fuck up the peptides) you can eat protein if you're hungry

Hexarelin + CJC-1295 is extremely legit I grew 2 inches in 2 months when I was 16 and taking it.


Mixing castor oil w/ coconut oil 1 day a week


Raw Spinach for temporalis muscle you need to eat it for hours though lmao

Potassium Chloride powder w/ magnesium and water GETS YOU LEAN ASF


Push Your Eyeballs Multiple Times a Day to Get Rid of Bug eyes


High Speed Jaw Opening Exercises for hyoid


Benzoyl Peroxide %10


Seas Salt spray and scrunching for curls


Biotin for hair


Core exercises for less compression

Electrical Stimulation increase bone density but no idea about longitudinal growth.


Triiodothyronine (T3)


Carbon 60




Flurbiprofen ( maybe this one esp) Methylsulfonylmethane Chondroitin

KY19382 vosoritide CRISPR

Placebo yourself for HGH release.


Derma Stamp (1-2X a week)

Peppermint/Rosemary Oil right after stamp




Take a pillow and start screaming

Smoking for voice


Eyelid pulling

Ice hooding

Oral Hyaluronic Acid for collagen in lips and skin

Oil pulling for teeth

Vitamin C

Beta Carotene 75,000IU

MT2 nasal spray (darkens hair, possibly eyes too)

SternoCleidomastoid Crunches:

Buy an EMS device, place the electrodes on your lower masseters, activate it, and chew gum, it doesn’t need to be incredible force, just enough to activate the muscle. A few users a few years ago exposed that fact that inward and outward gonials were, for the most part, a cope way of saying that a person predominantly used their upper or lower masseters. Upper masseters, when hypertrophied, give a rounded look, while the lower masseters give a more angular look. Using EMS is an incredibly effective way of increase the % utilisation of the lower masseters, you don’t even need to chew either, it just speeds up results, you can simply apply the electrodes and forget about it, I recommend cutting them and buying some medical tape to stick to your face.


Pin minoxidil to lose collagen and lower hooding tilt via eyelid pulling.


Progesterone + thyroid for eyebrow and eyelashes and maybe rosemary oil

Castor oil + peppermint oil + rosemary oil on god


Liposomal Glutathione

MSM flakes


<- for eye colour


Tocovit Ray Peatard type shit innit


Cjc1295 w/ GHRP-6 is exact same as HGH so use it.


Vaginal Cream for skin firmness



Magnesium Bisglycinate

Fish Oil (EHA, DHA)

Derma rolling

Chlorophyll drink

Gut shots - Apple Cider Vinegar + Black Pepper + Salt + Lemon Juice + Turmeric root + Ginger root; mix all these together and take 1-3 shots per day


Raw Goat A2 Milk

Pasture Raised Eggs

Grass fed Beef

Fruits + honey + coke

Liver and organs

Oysters (canned or not)


3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week) 25mg MK-677 before bed every day

200mcg HUPERZINE A taken 3x per day (600mcg total)

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and should give some height and decent muscle gains.


Apply minox under eyebrows for the hooding as in right before I wrote


2 of both arginine+ornithine just before bed.( at least 30mn before because it seem like arginine peak hgh release occure after around 1 hour ) I was literally feeling leg pain the morning and felt taller day by day.

2 Boron

<- both each day

Apparently optimal dosage should be 10gr arginine 2gr ornithine


Any product with aminophylline gives you topical fat burning properties

Latisse burns fat so face?


Cloth clipper on eyelid to create hunter eyes or tape that holds the lid downwards

Also injecting prostglandin on base of penis or the penis body lengthens it. Go in Bryan Johnson community to see the dosages.

Format it and make an actual guide 🙏
  • +1
Reactions: Nihonz9 and the_nextDavidLaid
there was like 6 different peptide stacks that are supposed to replicate hgh and every one of them said it’s the best, which one should i use?
there was like 6 different peptide stacks that are supposed to replicate hgh and every one of them said it’s the best, which one should i use?
cheapest one and try ordering mixtures of multiple ones together
I've literally browsed all looksmaxing section so nothing new to me :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
secret in the very end also rep

TLDRs do not exist

Here’s what I saved after reading 100+ threads part 1

Condensed notes from notes 1 + 2

It’s not a good format but I’m pasting so cut me some slack boyos



Royal jelly

100gr BONE MARROW (contains wvery fat soluble vitamin you need to prosper)

Also abundant in:





Try eating it raw tbh and also boil it to get bone broth out of it etc


Eyelid pulling every 2-3 nights for 25-50 reps in total per session

Moisturize UE and massage it(more blood flow)

Sleep on back (obvious reasons)

Stretch all parts of the UE

Lightly pulling the fatty skin (3-5s per pull)


Being lean the body experiences improved insulin sensitivity (IGF-1, enhanced bone mineralization, skeletal development)



Olive Oil

Fatty fish, meat etc (Testosterone production)

HIIT Exercise

Regular Sunlight

Cold Exposure (Testosterone production)

Green Tea (Antioxidant)

Pomegranate (Antioxidant)


Injecting IGF-1 for wider shoulders.


Dosage for poorfags//

//25mg MK677 for 6 weeks raises IGF-1 by %60.1 (half life - 24 hours)

2-3mg CJC 1295 w/DAC for 1-2 times per week(half life - 8 days)

4 capsules of SLIN pills to not become diabetic

Dosage for Chads//

//30mg MK677

10-15mg CJC 1295 w/DAC

Inject CJC 1295 subcutaneously

30-gauge insulin syringe

Reconstitution for CJC 1295 DAC

You will need Bacteriostatic water in order for reconstitution since CJC will come in a power-like form. for a vial with 1-2 mg the recommended amount of water would be 1 ml. If the vial comes in 5mg put 2ml of water. Make sure you keep these peptides at around 4°C or colder


To get a big outer flute muscle do just straight downward extension (squats, deadlifts etc)

To get a inner glute muscle you do backward leg extensions.

You want to strengthen the lower abs and create pelvic alignment.

Deep Barbell Squats

Deadlift Variations


Glute Kickback


Hip Thrust


Osteogenesis modulation

It’s a battery implant though so just mention it. You won’t undergo the procedure.





Creatine L-carnitine

Bonemaxxing: Zinc



Vitamin K (mk4+mk7) Vitamin D

Skinmaxxing: Glutathione NAC


Vitamin C

Beta carotene

Ignoremaxxing: Vitamin Bcomp

Lactobacillus (for digestion to get rid of bloating and other Jewish digestion stuff)

Jawmaxxing: Chewing gum

Bodymaxxing: MK677



Stretches in the morning

K2 supplements

Tap knees with hammer or any other object?

Vitamin D3 + K2


Folinic Acid




Methionine (Methylation and Hgh)


Inhibit estrogen (minimization for bone growth etc)


Minimize cortisol via GHRPZ or GHRP6 over Ipamorelin

Raise Parathyroid Hormone

Calcitonin (salmon)



Cycling DHT


Use CJC 1295 in conjunction w/ GHRP6


Use GHRP6 (2-3 times per day for several weeks) in conjunction w/ HGH Generic or Pharma

CJC 1295 increases plasma GH concentrations 2-10 fold for more than 6 days, increases IGF concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days with no adverse effects.

CJC-1295 can be injected subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Dose per injection: 2mg. Injections per vial: 1 x 2mg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 0.5ml of water for mixing then a 2mg dosage = 0.50ml (or 50 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 1ml of water then a 2mg dosage = 1ml (or 100 units). Sample Injection Frequency: 2mg injected once per week (due to its long half-life)




CJC-1295 DAC 600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day. GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin - Example 1– Night Time Injection (GHRP can cause drowsiness, and improve sleep). Empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal). Inject GHRP peptide; go straight to bed. Example 2– Morning injection. Inject GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg. Wait at least 20 minutes before consuming food or beverages (including coffee/tea).

Use Ipamorelin w/ CJC 12995 in the evening which has a cause of less cortisol and prolactin. (Compared to both GHRP 2 & 6)

Use Ipamorelin w/ HGH 2-3 times per day for a period of several weeks.

Use Ipamorelin in the 200-300mcg range 2-3 times per day subcutaneously 30-45 minutes before a workout cause the pulse creates maximum growth which is more natural and slower than any other GHRP. (Noo ok hunger etc)

MK677 should not be used he says cause of increased prolactin.




Applying the product repeatedly over some time will permanently reduce adipose tissue there.


Spinal Decompression

Tadasana (30s hold/2 for beginners) 5-10 times daily

Bar hanging (slowly increase intensity, Active hanging as in lifting the upper body up properly to not hurt neck)

Touching points -

1.stand in front of the wall with your face towards it and bring yourself closer to the wall so that your body is your body is touching it for support,then try to touch points on the wall,lift one of your hands up to a higher height and you will feel the body stretching,then lift your other hand to the same height as your first hand or u can lift even Higher than it,and hold this position for some time,since u are a beginner,do it for 5-10 seconds until u cant stand anymore and the pain in your back muscles is too much this will stretch your body very intensely.

Release it and repeat for 5-10 times,this was 1 entire session of 30-60 seconds,now do 5-10 sessions like this depending on your capability,keep it to 3-5 times in the beginning and u can increase it later as your muscles develop in the back and your body becomes suited to it

2.repeat all the stuff and steps in point(1) but do this with your back and hips in contact with the wall/touching the wall for support, being against the wall is necessary because i helps to support the weight of your body and prevents u from falling

3. Now you can do both (1) and (2) in 2 different ways,you can keep your legs down or you can stand tip-toes for more intense stretches,both normal and tiptoes are useful in different ways and you can do them one after the Other.

4.Holding your position for a fixed time would have the best effect(start from a low time 15s,30s and gradually

work your way up)but dont overdo it and if you feel too much pain sleep for 15-30 minutes

or rest until you are good to go again.

5.you will hear cracking sounds,nothing dangerous,simply spine and muscles adjusting themselves or spinal bones decompressing and extending 6.Dont go too hard on yourself,if u go too hard u will feel like quitting,enjoy and gradually work

your way up,its quite like gymcelling. 7. Stand and sit straight

Relieve tension in your back by using fingers to massage it.


Sprinting 120x4m, 120x8m

Playing Basketball


IGF-1 generic/LR3

1.How to Cut the Pills

One full tablet of aromasin is 25 mg.

Buy a pill cutter from amazon or any other site which is similar to the one shown in this video and cut the pills into 1/2 and then cut each half into 2 more halves,then u will get 4 pieces and each piece is like 6.25 mg.

U can take 1-2 pieces(6.25mg-12.5 mg) Ed or EOD(every-day or every-Other-day) depending on your baseline estrogen levels and ur responsiveness to aromasin and ur aromatization capability.

For the first dose take 6.25 mg or 12.5 mg after that for each dose take 6.25 mg ed/EOD and not more than that ,use a pill cutter to cut the pill in 4ths and eat 1/4th(6.25 mg) with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

2.Dosing,Estrogen Crash and Estrogen levels optimum for heightmaxxing

Normal levels of estrogen in teens in late puberty=15-40pg/ml

Estrogen above 20pg/ml will fuse ur plates according to the studies done

So,u need to keep ur estrogen levels in 10-15 pg/ml range,best is the 13 pg/ml mark.

If u go below 8-10 pg/ml ,ur estrogen will crash and the side effects will be near deadly,literally.

1.How to know your estrogen levels and the dosing required to reach 10-15pg/ml?

Ans:- The most accurate,trusted and safe method are to take Blood tests before taking aromasin to determine your baseline estrogen. Then blood test again after a 6.25mg or 12.5 mg dose to determine your new estrogen levels.

This proves that estrogen if kept below 20pg/ml can keep our growth plates open and would also be enough to fulfill the estrogen related tasks and functions in the body

I would rather advise people to keep estrogen in the 10-15 pg/ml range,similar to estrogen levels of 13-15 year old boys,just make sure that you are taking enough dose of aromasin so that your estrogen remains in 10-15pg/ml and dosent rise above 20pg/ml beacuse if that happens your plates will fuse.

If you have vitamin D deficiency don’t take Aromasin till you fix it.

Vitamin D 4000IU daily w/ 200mcg Vitamin K2 Mk4 and Magnesium to fix the Vitamin D levels Deficiency.

For 80% of the people 6.25 mg ED will be sufficient to bring estrogen levels to 10-15pg/ml.

For the rest,12.5 mg ed-will be needed.

If u are a super outlier,25 mg will be needed,but maybe 0.01% of the population is a super outlier so there is a very low chance of someone needing 25 mg ed.

U will need to apply hit and trial method,Start with 6.25 mg ed then slowly increase to 12.5 mg ed,if u feel okay on this dose and dont experience any weird side effects like tiredness,brain fog,harsh joint and bone pain,muscle pain,then this dose would be alright for you,you can continue with this dose-12.5mg ED

If u feel any of the above side effects which show crashed estrogen,then switch to 6.25 mg ED.

Remember if u crash ur estrogen and feel the above side efects,dont take aromasin until u get back to normal,it takes 3-5 days to get estrogen levels back to normal,

3.Method of Intake

Eat the tablet with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

Any sufficient dose of any natural fat like Butter,Olive oil,Cheese will be good.

It isnt solvent in water,so natural fats are required.

Just dont crash ur estrogen by overdosing like a retard by taking more than 12.5 mg dose.

Buy a blood glucose monitor and mesure urself every month,blood glucose monitor is cheap anywyas. Also, if u can measure blood pressure,do it,every 1-2 months

In this list get 1,5,10 every month,for the rest u can do them every 1-2 months,if u can afford keep reading,i tell soon what to do if u can't afford routine blood tests

Follow my advice about blood tests,if u want to live and not die, because hematocrit levels,biliruibin,creatine and 25hydroxy vitamin d And liver enzymes are essential to get tested if u wanna live,if u don't test them regularly they can get out of check and it can be bad,ver bad,very very bad...

If u see the levels above go to the doctor and tell him what you’re taking and doing and for how long.

Aswagandha (KSM66 Version Only)

NAC (helps with normal liver enzyme levels)

Pfizer Aromasin pills are really small, roundish and smooth and white in colour and they have the number 7663 printed on one side,the number shows its genuine and from pfizer.

75-100mg p50 form of Vitamin B6 2 times daily and once a hour after HGH injections and 1 time 5-6 hours after the HGH injection

Dandelion Root Extract





Bytes Superba

L Theanine High Dosage




Caffeine pills for less tiredness

Dermarolling w/ minoxidil

Weed (edible is recommended)


Oral Minoxidil

Extract of Ganoderma formosanum Mycelium (skin lightening)



Kojic Acid

Licorice Extract


Darkening eye drops for Heterochromia


Sermorelin + Hexarelin (or MK677 or both together) + Tesamorelin

Check blood glucose every morning every morning

Berberine to stop diabetes (1.5g 1-2 times daily)


2 TUDCA capsules daily

1000mcg Vitamin A (collagenous skin)

Red Light Therapy 20 minutes daily (red + NIR light/on whole body + face)


Chin muscle for chin projection


Amanita Muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric, risk free Alcohol alternative)

It contains Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol.

Helps with sleep, mimics Alcohol, is cheap as fuck.

How to Prepare:

Get your mushrooms, wash them, cut them up. Now put them in a pot, fill the pot with water, and lemon juice. Goal here is to get 2.5 - 3 PH, you can calculate it, or get a meter/strips. Now boil for 30-45 min, take out your mushroom. Now simmer just below boil for 3-4 hours. Now you've got yourself some Muscimol infused tee. Be very careful with doses, it should hit pretty hard. The basic theory is we through the low PH enviorment turn Ibotenic Acid into Muscimol

You make a tea, and you build tolerance to melatonin.




Its a dissociativ drug called 3-MEO-PCP + weed

What you want is basically a pre - mania trip

Take a very little dose of both

Then you will become sociopath no fucking joke pre mania thing is real you are 100% lucid and you feel so fuckinh confident to the point you can see yourself as successfull as elon musk without any doubt.

Its insane.


Vitamin K2, D3

Calcium (raw milk)



for maxilla you need to thumbpull the front of your palate where the groove is , then the mid palate, then put your thumbs inside the soft palate as high as you can( youll build a tolerance easily) and then pulling the maxilla forward from there, also right behind the incisors the papillae thing if you pull that you will get a more upturned philtrum if thats what you need

put one thumb on it and another thumb on that thumb and push with both arms to do it, pull as hard as you can when thumbpulling, i use up and down swinging momentum for maxilla



I'm doing:

- 3x 100mcg GHRP-2 6/week

- 3x 100mcg Mod GRF 1-29 6/week - 12.5 mg Aromasin ed

- (future) T4 supplementation

Swapping GHRP-2 for Hex on a 2 week basis


A litre of pure orange juice debloats you.

Ice Pack on face for 15 minutes

Kys if youre not taking 10g of pure potassium chloride

fasting + just eating 1-2 bananas + nettle and/or green tea also debloats like crazy


No screen time 1 hour before bed

Put spoons in freezer for 15 min then put on eyes


Caffeine Eye Cream

Vitamin K Cream

Nitric Oxide Cream (expensive)


this is a special mewing when you push the back part of your tongue as much as you can while mewing. So much that you almosr can’t breath through your nose.

Chin Tucks (as many daily for 10 seconds each)

Just open your jaw asap for time (OVER FOR TMJCELs)


Hard Mewing ALL DAY

Bonesmash Jaw for length


Bee Pollen

Royal Jelly

Propolis + Creatine. <- For Dick Size


Vitamin C for Skin Lightening

Vitamin C for Lips

Vitamin C for Under Eyes

Cleanse face with moisturizer then apply then moisturize again to lock the serum in.

Vit C + Retinol combo MOGS



Lateral Bending <- Neck Movements

Do a few light warmup sets beforehand.

Extension 1-3 sets 8-12 reps Flexion 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Lateral 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Rotation 1-3 sets 15-25 reps

Do Neck Bridges with a weight plate for extra resistance

Use a padding on the floor to do these to not become bald or wear a beanie

Do neck Isometrics against a wall and do them last.

Neck Harness is superior though so keep that in mind.

-Can be done with resistance bands

-With a neck harness attached to a cable machine

-Neck harness with a freeweight and slighty bending over

-with a neck harness & freeweight laying face first on a bench like in the gif



Massage the forehead towards the eyebrows for UEE.

Bonesmash nasion/glabella

put a massage gun and smash your supras in a downwards inward tilted manner (toward to the nasion-glabella crease) and pluck/dermaroll accordingly

Bonesmashing for UEE


Clenbuterol for Hollow Cheeks (Look for any other drug since Clen is a meme?

Clen Cycle ->2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, I prefer to eat only chicken, potatoes and some rice during this time period ONLY, to maximise the most out of clenbuterol (aggressive cut on top of the extreme metabolic

DNP and T3 mogs Clen supposedly?

What you need is Ephedrine in an ECA stack (Ephendrine, Caffeine and Aspirin) which won’t raise your metabolism but it’ll erase your hunger and boost energy (use before workout w/ nicotine 😈)

Just take a low dosage of Ostarine and crash diet so you lose fat super fast keeping your muscles.

Clen reduces bone density


T3 + T4



Vitamin D


high levels of iodine, selenium + zinc

Take Oral Levothyroxine to treat underactive thyroid gland

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish)


Balanced omega 6 : 3 ratio





Stretch lips for 5 minutes as wide as possible after you gain forward growth cause recession increases skin sugginess and tightening of the skin is very important.


Zinc (Shellfish, eggs, red meat)

Vitamin C

Vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin)



Vitamin D3

Reverse Kegels

Edging for Premature Ejaculation

Virility: https://leviathansupps.com/products/virility-mens-potency-support

Lock & Load: https://gorillamind.com/products/lock-and-load

Don’t heat your sack so you don’t lose your back

<- All this was for Sperm production and Fertility


List of useful Peatard regurgitations:

Eat hard cheese to not brush your teeth

Supplement Thiamine for thyroid (Peatard says so)

The cure to loneliness is progesterone (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOCIALIZE)

Stop BREATHING!!! (NO.SERIOUSLY!!! Higher altitude = Higher CO2 Tolerance = Mewing etc)

methylene blue is theoretically effective as retin a for the skin and causes vivid dreams if applied at night

Racetams make you an extrovert

red bull and coke cure most diseases and can help you sleep by eliminating stress

you can make a shampoo + conditioner for any hair type by balancing eggs, coconut oil and vinegar



Injectable Fat Loss Technology:

The MGH team’s innovative spin on the technique involves the use of an injectable ice “slurry,” a sterile solution of normal saline and glycerol (a common food ingredient) containing approximately 20 percent to 40 percent small ice particles, similar in texture to slush. The solution can be injected directly into fat deposits, causing the fat cells (adipocytes) to crystallize and die and fat deposits to shrink.

“Even if the slurry is injected into other tissue such as muscle, there is no significant injury.”

Injection of physiological ice slurry could be a transformative method for nonsurgical body contouring.


*tldr use mouth stretching device with volufiline*

8 hours a day everyday for at least a full year

A combination of of sleep-friendly, wide lip stretchers to wear at night for permanent lip widening

Also use volufiline for permanent fat gain in the lip area to “reset” the lip position


Eye hood MAXXING:

retinol (apply separately) volufiline w/carrier oil + dermarolling + apply fillers topically during dermarolling + apply HA topically while dermarolling + other packed in peptides for skin thickening or tightening or whatever the fuck and collagenmaxxing.


just drink 0.05ml topical lol thats 2.5mg. However I recommend more tbh just build up to a higher dose. Expect results in 2-3 months and even better at 6.

Topical Minoxidil can be taken orally





Hyaluronic Acid while micro needling

Micro infusion

Buy any filler & during derma rolling (1.5mm+ cuz u wanna go deep ASF) put the shit like a cream over the area. Dermaroll till irritation (pain gain ig but don't make it bleed) now as for filler amount TBQH just add a bunch u deem necessary and safe tbqh - also add shit like volufiline and HA. After a while add tretinoin, moisturize the fat pad, etc.

Also include shit that gives any kind of volume to the skin to increase it in size.

1. DNA Repair Enzymes and Epidermal Growth Factor

2. Antioxidants Like Vitamin C and Idebenone

sunscreen during the day (u prolly shouldn't fucking exfoliate your fat pads ) 😂

what we want:


Lasts between 30-45 minutes

Uses 20-30 ultra-fine, 24k gold needles (thinner than human hair!)

Creates micro puncture wounds on the top layer of skin to accelerate the body’s natural healing process - resulting in a brighter and healthier complexion Stamps a beauty elixir of Botox, fillers, and nutrients like Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid into the skin

u gonna add in retina and volufiline into the mix fags + other shit above n pray.

google arthritis patient k2mk4 dose. Whatever it says, take that. Think it's some times 10 megadose from normal daily intake.



- Tretinoin (start at 0.025%, work your way up to 0.1% over time)

- Panoxynl Cleanser (Or another product with benzoyl peroxide)

- CerVae Saylic Acid Cleanser (Or another product with Saylic Acid) _ Clindamycin phosphate cream/gel

- SPF moisturizer

- Niacinamide supplement daily

If Acne is still an issue Accutane is the next bet. (Closes growth plates)

Take glutathione, MSM, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid and eat lots of Animal Fat to protect yourself from toxins!

Urine on face for Acne.




Run T3 and T4 in a 1:3 ratio. For example 12.5mcg of T4 and 50mcg of T3.

Ghrp6 and MODGRF dosed at 100mcg 3x a day.

Running CJC dac and ghrp6 with HGH is mogger asf but wouldn’t recommend it if your pretty boy.


Arimidex 1MG EOD/ED



Dick growth:


3 C's: Cistanche + Cordyceps + Coffee


Tribulus Terrestris Zinc

Vitamin D3 + k2 Royale gelée Pine Pollen


Ice your balls + red light after

high protein and fat diet

everyday cardio + 3-4x Week weight training

Competitive sports(like boxing or mma) .> counts as cardio

3L water minimum a day

8-10h sleep


MK677 raises prolactin

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride without P5P)

To lower prolactin levels it's recommend you take 50-200mg of P-5-P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which can cause some minor side effects

When using Vitamin E as a prolactin inhibitor, it's recommended that you take 300-400 IU per day of natural Vitamin E – this can be raised up to dosages such as 1000 IU for greater prolactin control, but be aware of the possible side effects

D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols or D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocotrienols are the absolute best forms to take.

Take 400-1200 mg a day of SAM-e along with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. An added bonus is SAM-E's ability to detoxify the liver.

Ipamorelin and Mod GRF(1-29) won't spike cortisol and prolactin. Pretty much all other GHRH/Somatostatins will. And most others will increase your body's production of Ghrelin too. There's really no better combo than ipa and mod if you're not a poorcel

I'm gonna be doing 10mg per night because that's plenty to improve my sleep quality. If you want the bigger IGF-1 increase for muscle building etc than 20 or 25mgs might be worth it for you.


Face pulling as in Belt Pulling gives you:

More lip support

Bigger lip

Bigger cheekbone mass

Better browridge

Wide nose

The guy that did it recessed himself cause he was intermittent fasting??? It makes sense since our ancestors did facepulling every day and probably ate it too so combine belt pulling w/ raw meat pulling with all teeth.


Basically cut a mouth guard in half to where it just covers the front 4-5 teeth

This will allow your mandibular condyle to be displaced and in return you will get more chin height/lower third height This is basically for bruxism dudes who have no chin height and a long midface

Fix for short face


Lips lightening using Hydroquinone 4% + one month pause 2 months after using and apply every

Mix with retinoids for skin only no lips


1. L-glutathione or reduced glutathione 500MG bid

2. MSM 3000MG (split morning, noon and night)

3. VIT C 3000MG (same as MSM)

4. NAC 500MG

TOPICAL CREAMS AND SOAP - For whole body :


2. Buy RET-HC cream It has a classic combination of hydroquinone + steroid + tretinoin (aka Retin-A). Use it for the first two months and then resort to natural- yet-strong whiteners like melaglow plus. Continue using it twice a week for some more months.

3. For the whole body, mix these two creams into any simple lotion. It makes it cheaper and effective.

4. For the whole body, buy a Likas papaya soap and use it every day. Make sure you keep it on the skin for at least 7 minutes.

Drop both creams in 1 and 2 after 3-4 months ( earlier if you get the desired results) and maintain the results with the mixture of 'Melaglow plus' and lotion. Always wear sunscreen with SPF 50 whenever you go out in the sun (even in winters)

You will need these supplements for more than 6 months. After you get the desired shade, either reduce their dosage or take them into e2d or e3d.

for lips lightening,

Exfoliate your Lips every alternate day.

wear sunscreen on lips.

Use 4 % Hydroquinone cream on your Lips every day.


Zinc for Acne

Probiotics in synthetic form

Probiotics in raw milk kefir form

Sauerkaut (from cabbage)




Sure, here we go.

To make milk kefir you need two ingredients: the kefir grains and the milk itself.

Kefir grains: I would recommend buying them from the Internet, unless you personally know someone how is already making kefir at home that could ship them to you. Ideally these kefir grains should have undergone testing procedures to ensure they are free of pathogens (coliform, salmonella, listeria, etc.). This is why it is preferable to get them from a trusted source and not a shady neighbor. So assuming you buy them, they will come in this little plastic bag. They are commonly sold in amounts of 20 to 40 g, which is more than enough. Keep in mind the grains are a living colony and thus they will grow and multiply over time. If you preserve them in nice conditions, they can even live to the end of times.


(The kefir grains I bought)

Milk: the fattier and the purer the milk is, the better. In an ideal scenario you would contact your local farmer and buy raw milk, without any pasteurization process. Pasteurization kills some bacteria, enzymes and proteins; not all of them, but a noticeable amount. There are some local farms in my zone that pasteurize the milk, as otherwise there is no way they are going to sell it in regulated markets, but do so at 70 to 80 Celsius degrees. Again, not a panacea but still acceptable. If you are a city rat that cannot get its hands to high quality milk, then the last resort is to rely on whole milk acquired from the supermarket. You should be aiming at one with +2.5% fat.


(Mogger milk from my area with +3.5% fat, notice the yellowish color)

Once you have the two ingredients, you have to pick a glass jar, fill it with the grains, and about 1 liter of milk. It is important to keep the proportion between grains and milk to avoid overfermenting and underfermenting it. In the latter case you will have less probiotics, while in the first case it will have more alcohol and taste more acidic. It is about finding the right balance, around 40 g of grains for 1 liter should do it. Once you have mixed the two, you let the jar rest for 1 day. This fermentation time largely depends on the room temperature. Hot temperatures will make it ferment faster, and on the contrary, keeping the mix in the fridge will heavily slow down the process. Make sure to cover the jar with a rag or some thin paper during fermentation. You want it to breathe but also cover it from insects and similar. This is what the jar looks like after 1 day of fermentation:


Then, you have to separate the grains from the milk. To do so I would advise getting a strainer for only this purpose to not experience any contamination issues. The same applies to the jar, you should always use one only for the kefir. Separating the fermented milk from the kefir grains is pretty easy, just pour the milk and filter all the milk. You can technically eat the grains but you do not want to lose too many of them.


The last step is of course drinking the filtered milk. Notice in the pic I have quite a lot of grains. With this amount I am obtaining kefir that becomes a bit acidic. If you want to have something a bit more tasty, similar to a cream in texture, you can put the jar 24 hours in the fridge. I tend to do it on the weekends to not overferment it, and it always tastes marvelously afterwards.


Glutathione (Liposomal high dosage or injections) + Vit C is really the only stack that can lighten eyes as Glutathione inhibits tyrosinase and clears free radicals from the body.

Lumify eye drops



GHRP-2 for the HGH pulse

When you inject GHRH you inject GHRP right afterwards.






The Stack

MOD (1-29): x3 times a day. 75mcg

GHRP-2/6: x3 times a day. 100mcg

Hexarelin: x1 time a day 50mcg

MK677: x2 a day 10mg

Aromasin: x1 a day 12.5mg

Glucosamine,Chondroitin MSM, SAM-e: x1

Vitamins: subjective. X1 a day should work.

Melatonin: just take one before bed. 10mg

X1 = morning

X2 = morning + Before bed

X3 = morning + afternoon + Before bed

Don't eat 3 hours before injecting and don't eat for another 45 after injecting (carbohydrates fuck up the peptides) you can eat protein if you're hungry

Hexarelin + CJC-1295 is extremely legit I grew 2 inches in 2 months when I was 16 and taking it.


Mixing castor oil w/ coconut oil 1 day a week


Raw Spinach for temporalis muscle you need to eat it for hours though lmao

Potassium Chloride powder w/ magnesium and water GETS YOU LEAN ASF


Push Your Eyeballs Multiple Times a Day to Get Rid of Bug eyes


High Speed Jaw Opening Exercises for hyoid


Benzoyl Peroxide %10


Seas Salt spray and scrunching for curls


Biotin for hair


Core exercises for less compression

Electrical Stimulation increase bone density but no idea about longitudinal growth.


Triiodothyronine (T3)


Carbon 60




Flurbiprofen ( maybe this one esp) Methylsulfonylmethane Chondroitin

KY19382 vosoritide CRISPR

Placebo yourself for HGH release.


Derma Stamp (1-2X a week)

Peppermint/Rosemary Oil right after stamp




Take a pillow and start screaming

Smoking for voice


Eyelid pulling

Ice hooding

Oral Hyaluronic Acid for collagen in lips and skin

Oil pulling for teeth

Vitamin C

Beta Carotene 75,000IU

MT2 nasal spray (darkens hair, possibly eyes too)

SternoCleidomastoid Crunches:

Buy an EMS device, place the electrodes on your lower masseters, activate it, and chew gum, it doesn’t need to be incredible force, just enough to activate the muscle. A few users a few years ago exposed that fact that inward and outward gonials were, for the most part, a cope way of saying that a person predominantly used their upper or lower masseters. Upper masseters, when hypertrophied, give a rounded look, while the lower masseters give a more angular look. Using EMS is an incredibly effective way of increase the % utilisation of the lower masseters, you don’t even need to chew either, it just speeds up results, you can simply apply the electrodes and forget about it, I recommend cutting them and buying some medical tape to stick to your face.


Pin minoxidil to lose collagen and lower hooding tilt via eyelid pulling.


Progesterone + thyroid for eyebrow and eyelashes and maybe rosemary oil

Castor oil + peppermint oil + rosemary oil on god


Liposomal Glutathione

MSM flakes


<- for eye colour


Tocovit Ray Peatard type shit innit


Cjc1295 w/ GHRP-6 is exact same as HGH so use it.


Vaginal Cream for skin firmness



Magnesium Bisglycinate

Fish Oil (EHA, DHA)

Derma rolling

Chlorophyll drink

Gut shots - Apple Cider Vinegar + Black Pepper + Salt + Lemon Juice + Turmeric root + Ginger root; mix all these together and take 1-3 shots per day


Raw Goat A2 Milk

Pasture Raised Eggs

Grass fed Beef

Fruits + honey + coke

Liver and organs

Oysters (canned or not)


3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week) 25mg MK-677 before bed every day

200mcg HUPERZINE A taken 3x per day (600mcg total)

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and should give some height and decent muscle gains.


Apply minox under eyebrows for the hooding as in right before I wrote


2 of both arginine+ornithine just before bed.( at least 30mn before because it seem like arginine peak hgh release occure after around 1 hour ) I was literally feeling leg pain the morning and felt taller day by day.

2 Boron

<- both each day

Apparently optimal dosage should be 10gr arginine 2gr ornithine


Any product with aminophylline gives you topical fat burning properties

Latisse burns fat so face?


Cloth clipper on eyelid to create hunter eyes or tape that holds the lid downwards

Also injecting prostglandin on base of penis or the penis body lengthens it. Go in Bryan Johnson community to see the dosages.

"glucosamine sulfate stops growth or wtv" is bullshit and has never been proven
i have 400+ threads bookmarked from my time lurking on this site
can someone please explain that don't heat your sack part, I literally don't get it,I like to take showers with warm water on my dick,helps get a rock hard better erection
secret in the very end also rep

TLDRs do not exist

Here’s what I saved after reading 100+ threads part 1

Condensed notes from notes 1 + 2

It’s not a good format but I’m pasting so cut me some slack boyos



Royal jelly

100gr BONE MARROW (contains wvery fat soluble vitamin you need to prosper)

Also abundant in:





Try eating it raw tbh and also boil it to get bone broth out of it etc


Eyelid pulling every 2-3 nights for 25-50 reps in total per session

Moisturize UE and massage it(more blood flow)

Sleep on back (obvious reasons)

Stretch all parts of the UE

Lightly pulling the fatty skin (3-5s per pull)


Being lean the body experiences improved insulin sensitivity (IGF-1, enhanced bone mineralization, skeletal development)



Olive Oil

Fatty fish, meat etc (Testosterone production)

HIIT Exercise

Regular Sunlight

Cold Exposure (Testosterone production)

Green Tea (Antioxidant)

Pomegranate (Antioxidant)


Injecting IGF-1 for wider shoulders.


Dosage for poorfags//

//25mg MK677 for 6 weeks raises IGF-1 by %60.1 (half life - 24 hours)

2-3mg CJC 1295 w/DAC for 1-2 times per week(half life - 8 days)

4 capsules of SLIN pills to not become diabetic

Dosage for Chads//

//30mg MK677

10-15mg CJC 1295 w/DAC

Inject CJC 1295 subcutaneously

30-gauge insulin syringe

Reconstitution for CJC 1295 DAC

You will need Bacteriostatic water in order for reconstitution since CJC will come in a power-like form. for a vial with 1-2 mg the recommended amount of water would be 1 ml. If the vial comes in 5mg put 2ml of water. Make sure you keep these peptides at around 4°C or colder


To get a big outer flute muscle do just straight downward extension (squats, deadlifts etc)

To get a inner glute muscle you do backward leg extensions.

You want to strengthen the lower abs and create pelvic alignment.

Deep Barbell Squats

Deadlift Variations


Glute Kickback


Hip Thrust


Osteogenesis modulation

It’s a battery implant though so just mention it. You won’t undergo the procedure.





Creatine L-carnitine

Bonemaxxing: Zinc



Vitamin K (mk4+mk7) Vitamin D

Skinmaxxing: Glutathione NAC


Vitamin C

Beta carotene

Ignoremaxxing: Vitamin Bcomp

Lactobacillus (for digestion to get rid of bloating and other Jewish digestion stuff)

Jawmaxxing: Chewing gum

Bodymaxxing: MK677



Stretches in the morning

K2 supplements

Tap knees with hammer or any other object?

Vitamin D3 + K2


Folinic Acid




Methionine (Methylation and Hgh)


Inhibit estrogen (minimization for bone growth etc)


Minimize cortisol via GHRPZ or GHRP6 over Ipamorelin

Raise Parathyroid Hormone

Calcitonin (salmon)



Cycling DHT


Use CJC 1295 in conjunction w/ GHRP6


Use GHRP6 (2-3 times per day for several weeks) in conjunction w/ HGH Generic or Pharma

CJC 1295 increases plasma GH concentrations 2-10 fold for more than 6 days, increases IGF concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days with no adverse effects.

CJC-1295 can be injected subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Dose per injection: 2mg. Injections per vial: 1 x 2mg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 0.5ml of water for mixing then a 2mg dosage = 0.50ml (or 50 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 1ml of water then a 2mg dosage = 1ml (or 100 units). Sample Injection Frequency: 2mg injected once per week (due to its long half-life)




CJC-1295 DAC 600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day. GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin - Example 1– Night Time Injection (GHRP can cause drowsiness, and improve sleep). Empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal). Inject GHRP peptide; go straight to bed. Example 2– Morning injection. Inject GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg. Wait at least 20 minutes before consuming food or beverages (including coffee/tea).

Use Ipamorelin w/ CJC 12995 in the evening which has a cause of less cortisol and prolactin. (Compared to both GHRP 2 & 6)

Use Ipamorelin w/ HGH 2-3 times per day for a period of several weeks.

Use Ipamorelin in the 200-300mcg range 2-3 times per day subcutaneously 30-45 minutes before a workout cause the pulse creates maximum growth which is more natural and slower than any other GHRP. (Noo ok hunger etc)

MK677 should not be used he says cause of increased prolactin.




Applying the product repeatedly over some time will permanently reduce adipose tissue there.


Spinal Decompression

Tadasana (30s hold/2 for beginners) 5-10 times daily

Bar hanging (slowly increase intensity, Active hanging as in lifting the upper body up properly to not hurt neck)

Touching points -

1.stand in front of the wall with your face towards it and bring yourself closer to the wall so that your body is your body is touching it for support,then try to touch points on the wall,lift one of your hands up to a higher height and you will feel the body stretching,then lift your other hand to the same height as your first hand or u can lift even Higher than it,and hold this position for some time,since u are a beginner,do it for 5-10 seconds until u cant stand anymore and the pain in your back muscles is too much this will stretch your body very intensely.

Release it and repeat for 5-10 times,this was 1 entire session of 30-60 seconds,now do 5-10 sessions like this depending on your capability,keep it to 3-5 times in the beginning and u can increase it later as your muscles develop in the back and your body becomes suited to it

2.repeat all the stuff and steps in point(1) but do this with your back and hips in contact with the wall/touching the wall for support, being against the wall is necessary because i helps to support the weight of your body and prevents u from falling

3. Now you can do both (1) and (2) in 2 different ways,you can keep your legs down or you can stand tip-toes for more intense stretches,both normal and tiptoes are useful in different ways and you can do them one after the Other.

4.Holding your position for a fixed time would have the best effect(start from a low time 15s,30s and gradually

work your way up)but dont overdo it and if you feel too much pain sleep for 15-30 minutes

or rest until you are good to go again.

5.you will hear cracking sounds,nothing dangerous,simply spine and muscles adjusting themselves or spinal bones decompressing and extending 6.Dont go too hard on yourself,if u go too hard u will feel like quitting,enjoy and gradually work

your way up,its quite like gymcelling. 7. Stand and sit straight

Relieve tension in your back by using fingers to massage it.


Sprinting 120x4m, 120x8m

Playing Basketball


IGF-1 generic/LR3

1.How to Cut the Pills

One full tablet of aromasin is 25 mg.

Buy a pill cutter from amazon or any other site which is similar to the one shown in this video and cut the pills into 1/2 and then cut each half into 2 more halves,then u will get 4 pieces and each piece is like 6.25 mg.

U can take 1-2 pieces(6.25mg-12.5 mg) Ed or EOD(every-day or every-Other-day) depending on your baseline estrogen levels and ur responsiveness to aromasin and ur aromatization capability.

For the first dose take 6.25 mg or 12.5 mg after that for each dose take 6.25 mg ed/EOD and not more than that ,use a pill cutter to cut the pill in 4ths and eat 1/4th(6.25 mg) with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

2.Dosing,Estrogen Crash and Estrogen levels optimum for heightmaxxing

Normal levels of estrogen in teens in late puberty=15-40pg/ml

Estrogen above 20pg/ml will fuse ur plates according to the studies done

So,u need to keep ur estrogen levels in 10-15 pg/ml range,best is the 13 pg/ml mark.

If u go below 8-10 pg/ml ,ur estrogen will crash and the side effects will be near deadly,literally.

1.How to know your estrogen levels and the dosing required to reach 10-15pg/ml?

Ans:- The most accurate,trusted and safe method are to take Blood tests before taking aromasin to determine your baseline estrogen. Then blood test again after a 6.25mg or 12.5 mg dose to determine your new estrogen levels.

This proves that estrogen if kept below 20pg/ml can keep our growth plates open and would also be enough to fulfill the estrogen related tasks and functions in the body

I would rather advise people to keep estrogen in the 10-15 pg/ml range,similar to estrogen levels of 13-15 year old boys,just make sure that you are taking enough dose of aromasin so that your estrogen remains in 10-15pg/ml and dosent rise above 20pg/ml beacuse if that happens your plates will fuse.

If you have vitamin D deficiency don’t take Aromasin till you fix it.

Vitamin D 4000IU daily w/ 200mcg Vitamin K2 Mk4 and Magnesium to fix the Vitamin D levels Deficiency.

For 80% of the people 6.25 mg ED will be sufficient to bring estrogen levels to 10-15pg/ml.

For the rest,12.5 mg ed-will be needed.

If u are a super outlier,25 mg will be needed,but maybe 0.01% of the population is a super outlier so there is a very low chance of someone needing 25 mg ed.

U will need to apply hit and trial method,Start with 6.25 mg ed then slowly increase to 12.5 mg ed,if u feel okay on this dose and dont experience any weird side effects like tiredness,brain fog,harsh joint and bone pain,muscle pain,then this dose would be alright for you,you can continue with this dose-12.5mg ED

If u feel any of the above side effects which show crashed estrogen,then switch to 6.25 mg ED.

Remember if u crash ur estrogen and feel the above side efects,dont take aromasin until u get back to normal,it takes 3-5 days to get estrogen levels back to normal,

3.Method of Intake

Eat the tablet with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

Any sufficient dose of any natural fat like Butter,Olive oil,Cheese will be good.

It isnt solvent in water,so natural fats are required.

Just dont crash ur estrogen by overdosing like a retard by taking more than 12.5 mg dose.

Buy a blood glucose monitor and mesure urself every month,blood glucose monitor is cheap anywyas. Also, if u can measure blood pressure,do it,every 1-2 months

In this list get 1,5,10 every month,for the rest u can do them every 1-2 months,if u can afford keep reading,i tell soon what to do if u can't afford routine blood tests

Follow my advice about blood tests,if u want to live and not die, because hematocrit levels,biliruibin,creatine and 25hydroxy vitamin d And liver enzymes are essential to get tested if u wanna live,if u don't test them regularly they can get out of check and it can be bad,ver bad,very very bad...

If u see the levels above go to the doctor and tell him what you’re taking and doing and for how long.

Aswagandha (KSM66 Version Only)

NAC (helps with normal liver enzyme levels)

Pfizer Aromasin pills are really small, roundish and smooth and white in colour and they have the number 7663 printed on one side,the number shows its genuine and from pfizer.

75-100mg p50 form of Vitamin B6 2 times daily and once a hour after HGH injections and 1 time 5-6 hours after the HGH injection

Dandelion Root Extract





Bytes Superba

L Theanine High Dosage




Caffeine pills for less tiredness

Dermarolling w/ minoxidil

Weed (edible is recommended)


Oral Minoxidil

Extract of Ganoderma formosanum Mycelium (skin lightening)



Kojic Acid

Licorice Extract


Darkening eye drops for Heterochromia


Sermorelin + Hexarelin (or MK677 or both together) + Tesamorelin

Check blood glucose every morning every morning

Berberine to stop diabetes (1.5g 1-2 times daily)


2 TUDCA capsules daily

1000mcg Vitamin A (collagenous skin)

Red Light Therapy 20 minutes daily (red + NIR light/on whole body + face)


Chin muscle for chin projection


Amanita Muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric, risk free Alcohol alternative)

It contains Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol.

Helps with sleep, mimics Alcohol, is cheap as fuck.

How to Prepare:

Get your mushrooms, wash them, cut them up. Now put them in a pot, fill the pot with water, and lemon juice. Goal here is to get 2.5 - 3 PH, you can calculate it, or get a meter/strips. Now boil for 30-45 min, take out your mushroom. Now simmer just below boil for 3-4 hours. Now you've got yourself some Muscimol infused tee. Be very careful with doses, it should hit pretty hard. The basic theory is we through the low PH enviorment turn Ibotenic Acid into Muscimol

You make a tea, and you build tolerance to melatonin.




Its a dissociativ drug called 3-MEO-PCP + weed

What you want is basically a pre - mania trip

Take a very little dose of both

Then you will become sociopath no fucking joke pre mania thing is real you are 100% lucid and you feel so fuckinh confident to the point you can see yourself as successfull as elon musk without any doubt.

Its insane.


Vitamin K2, D3

Calcium (raw milk)



for maxilla you need to thumbpull the front of your palate where the groove is , then the mid palate, then put your thumbs inside the soft palate as high as you can( youll build a tolerance easily) and then pulling the maxilla forward from there, also right behind the incisors the papillae thing if you pull that you will get a more upturned philtrum if thats what you need

put one thumb on it and another thumb on that thumb and push with both arms to do it, pull as hard as you can when thumbpulling, i use up and down swinging momentum for maxilla



I'm doing:

- 3x 100mcg GHRP-2 6/week

- 3x 100mcg Mod GRF 1-29 6/week - 12.5 mg Aromasin ed

- (future) T4 supplementation

Swapping GHRP-2 for Hex on a 2 week basis


A litre of pure orange juice debloats you.

Ice Pack on face for 15 minutes

Kys if youre not taking 10g of pure potassium chloride

fasting + just eating 1-2 bananas + nettle and/or green tea also debloats like crazy


No screen time 1 hour before bed

Put spoons in freezer for 15 min then put on eyes


Caffeine Eye Cream

Vitamin K Cream

Nitric Oxide Cream (expensive)


this is a special mewing when you push the back part of your tongue as much as you can while mewing. So much that you almosr can’t breath through your nose.

Chin Tucks (as many daily for 10 seconds each)

Just open your jaw asap for time (OVER FOR TMJCELs)


Hard Mewing ALL DAY

Bonesmash Jaw for length


Bee Pollen

Royal Jelly

Propolis + Creatine. <- For Dick Size


Vitamin C for Skin Lightening

Vitamin C for Lips

Vitamin C for Under Eyes

Cleanse face with moisturizer then apply then moisturize again to lock the serum in.

Vit C + Retinol combo MOGS



Lateral Bending <- Neck Movements

Do a few light warmup sets beforehand.

Extension 1-3 sets 8-12 reps Flexion 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Lateral 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Rotation 1-3 sets 15-25 reps

Do Neck Bridges with a weight plate for extra resistance

Use a padding on the floor to do these to not become bald or wear a beanie

Do neck Isometrics against a wall and do them last.

Neck Harness is superior though so keep that in mind.

-Can be done with resistance bands

-With a neck harness attached to a cable machine

-Neck harness with a freeweight and slighty bending over

-with a neck harness & freeweight laying face first on a bench like in the gif



Massage the forehead towards the eyebrows for UEE.

Bonesmash nasion/glabella

put a massage gun and smash your supras in a downwards inward tilted manner (toward to the nasion-glabella crease) and pluck/dermaroll accordingly

Bonesmashing for UEE


Clenbuterol for Hollow Cheeks (Look for any other drug since Clen is a meme?

Clen Cycle ->2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, I prefer to eat only chicken, potatoes and some rice during this time period ONLY, to maximise the most out of clenbuterol (aggressive cut on top of the extreme metabolic

DNP and T3 mogs Clen supposedly?

What you need is Ephedrine in an ECA stack (Ephendrine, Caffeine and Aspirin) which won’t raise your metabolism but it’ll erase your hunger and boost energy (use before workout w/ nicotine 😈)

Just take a low dosage of Ostarine and crash diet so you lose fat super fast keeping your muscles.

Clen reduces bone density


T3 + T4



Vitamin D


high levels of iodine, selenium + zinc

Take Oral Levothyroxine to treat underactive thyroid gland

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish)


Balanced omega 6 : 3 ratio





Stretch lips for 5 minutes as wide as possible after you gain forward growth cause recession increases skin sugginess and tightening of the skin is very important.


Zinc (Shellfish, eggs, red meat)

Vitamin C

Vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin)



Vitamin D3

Reverse Kegels

Edging for Premature Ejaculation

Virility: https://leviathansupps.com/products/virility-mens-potency-support

Lock & Load: https://gorillamind.com/products/lock-and-load

Don’t heat your sack so you don’t lose your back

<- All this was for Sperm production and Fertility


List of useful Peatard regurgitations:

Eat hard cheese to not brush your teeth

Supplement Thiamine for thyroid (Peatard says so)

The cure to loneliness is progesterone (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOCIALIZE)

Stop BREATHING!!! (NO.SERIOUSLY!!! Higher altitude = Higher CO2 Tolerance = Mewing etc)

methylene blue is theoretically effective as retin a for the skin and causes vivid dreams if applied at night

Racetams make you an extrovert

red bull and coke cure most diseases and can help you sleep by eliminating stress

you can make a shampoo + conditioner for any hair type by balancing eggs, coconut oil and vinegar



Injectable Fat Loss Technology:

The MGH team’s innovative spin on the technique involves the use of an injectable ice “slurry,” a sterile solution of normal saline and glycerol (a common food ingredient) containing approximately 20 percent to 40 percent small ice particles, similar in texture to slush. The solution can be injected directly into fat deposits, causing the fat cells (adipocytes) to crystallize and die and fat deposits to shrink.

“Even if the slurry is injected into other tissue such as muscle, there is no significant injury.”

Injection of physiological ice slurry could be a transformative method for nonsurgical body contouring.


*tldr use mouth stretching device with volufiline*

8 hours a day everyday for at least a full year

A combination of of sleep-friendly, wide lip stretchers to wear at night for permanent lip widening

Also use volufiline for permanent fat gain in the lip area to “reset” the lip position


Eye hood MAXXING:

retinol (apply separately) volufiline w/carrier oil + dermarolling + apply fillers topically during dermarolling + apply HA topically while dermarolling + other packed in peptides for skin thickening or tightening or whatever the fuck and collagenmaxxing.


just drink 0.05ml topical lol thats 2.5mg. However I recommend more tbh just build up to a higher dose. Expect results in 2-3 months and even better at 6.

Topical Minoxidil can be taken orally





Hyaluronic Acid while micro needling

Micro infusion

Buy any filler & during derma rolling (1.5mm+ cuz u wanna go deep ASF) put the shit like a cream over the area. Dermaroll till irritation (pain gain ig but don't make it bleed) now as for filler amount TBQH just add a bunch u deem necessary and safe tbqh - also add shit like volufiline and HA. After a while add tretinoin, moisturize the fat pad, etc.

Also include shit that gives any kind of volume to the skin to increase it in size.

1. DNA Repair Enzymes and Epidermal Growth Factor

2. Antioxidants Like Vitamin C and Idebenone

sunscreen during the day (u prolly shouldn't fucking exfoliate your fat pads ) 😂

what we want:


Lasts between 30-45 minutes

Uses 20-30 ultra-fine, 24k gold needles (thinner than human hair!)

Creates micro puncture wounds on the top layer of skin to accelerate the body’s natural healing process - resulting in a brighter and healthier complexion Stamps a beauty elixir of Botox, fillers, and nutrients like Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid into the skin

u gonna add in retina and volufiline into the mix fags + other shit above n pray.

google arthritis patient k2mk4 dose. Whatever it says, take that. Think it's some times 10 megadose from normal daily intake.



- Tretinoin (start at 0.025%, work your way up to 0.1% over time)

- Panoxynl Cleanser (Or another product with benzoyl peroxide)

- CerVae Saylic Acid Cleanser (Or another product with Saylic Acid) _ Clindamycin phosphate cream/gel

- SPF moisturizer

- Niacinamide supplement daily

If Acne is still an issue Accutane is the next bet. (Closes growth plates)

Take glutathione, MSM, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid and eat lots of Animal Fat to protect yourself from toxins!

Urine on face for Acne.




Run T3 and T4 in a 1:3 ratio. For example 12.5mcg of T4 and 50mcg of T3.

Ghrp6 and MODGRF dosed at 100mcg 3x a day.

Running CJC dac and ghrp6 with HGH is mogger asf but wouldn’t recommend it if your pretty boy.


Arimidex 1MG EOD/ED



Dick growth:


3 C's: Cistanche + Cordyceps + Coffee


Tribulus Terrestris Zinc

Vitamin D3 + k2 Royale gelée Pine Pollen


Ice your balls + red light after

high protein and fat diet

everyday cardio + 3-4x Week weight training

Competitive sports(like boxing or mma) .> counts as cardio

3L water minimum a day

8-10h sleep


MK677 raises prolactin

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride without P5P)

To lower prolactin levels it's recommend you take 50-200mg of P-5-P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which can cause some minor side effects

When using Vitamin E as a prolactin inhibitor, it's recommended that you take 300-400 IU per day of natural Vitamin E – this can be raised up to dosages such as 1000 IU for greater prolactin control, but be aware of the possible side effects

D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols or D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocotrienols are the absolute best forms to take.

Take 400-1200 mg a day of SAM-e along with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. An added bonus is SAM-E's ability to detoxify the liver.

Ipamorelin and Mod GRF(1-29) won't spike cortisol and prolactin. Pretty much all other GHRH/Somatostatins will. And most others will increase your body's production of Ghrelin too. There's really no better combo than ipa and mod if you're not a poorcel

I'm gonna be doing 10mg per night because that's plenty to improve my sleep quality. If you want the bigger IGF-1 increase for muscle building etc than 20 or 25mgs might be worth it for you.


Face pulling as in Belt Pulling gives you:

More lip support

Bigger lip

Bigger cheekbone mass

Better browridge

Wide nose

The guy that did it recessed himself cause he was intermittent fasting??? It makes sense since our ancestors did facepulling every day and probably ate it too so combine belt pulling w/ raw meat pulling with all teeth.


Basically cut a mouth guard in half to where it just covers the front 4-5 teeth

This will allow your mandibular condyle to be displaced and in return you will get more chin height/lower third height This is basically for bruxism dudes who have no chin height and a long midface

Fix for short face


Lips lightening using Hydroquinone 4% + one month pause 2 months after using and apply every

Mix with retinoids for skin only no lips


1. L-glutathione or reduced glutathione 500MG bid

2. MSM 3000MG (split morning, noon and night)

3. VIT C 3000MG (same as MSM)

4. NAC 500MG

TOPICAL CREAMS AND SOAP - For whole body :


2. Buy RET-HC cream It has a classic combination of hydroquinone + steroid + tretinoin (aka Retin-A). Use it for the first two months and then resort to natural- yet-strong whiteners like melaglow plus. Continue using it twice a week for some more months.

3. For the whole body, mix these two creams into any simple lotion. It makes it cheaper and effective.

4. For the whole body, buy a Likas papaya soap and use it every day. Make sure you keep it on the skin for at least 7 minutes.

Drop both creams in 1 and 2 after 3-4 months ( earlier if you get the desired results) and maintain the results with the mixture of 'Melaglow plus' and lotion. Always wear sunscreen with SPF 50 whenever you go out in the sun (even in winters)

You will need these supplements for more than 6 months. After you get the desired shade, either reduce their dosage or take them into e2d or e3d.

for lips lightening,

Exfoliate your Lips every alternate day.

wear sunscreen on lips.

Use 4 % Hydroquinone cream on your Lips every day.


Zinc for Acne

Probiotics in synthetic form

Probiotics in raw milk kefir form

Sauerkaut (from cabbage)




Sure, here we go.

To make milk kefir you need two ingredients: the kefir grains and the milk itself.

Kefir grains: I would recommend buying them from the Internet, unless you personally know someone how is already making kefir at home that could ship them to you. Ideally these kefir grains should have undergone testing procedures to ensure they are free of pathogens (coliform, salmonella, listeria, etc.). This is why it is preferable to get them from a trusted source and not a shady neighbor. So assuming you buy them, they will come in this little plastic bag. They are commonly sold in amounts of 20 to 40 g, which is more than enough. Keep in mind the grains are a living colony and thus they will grow and multiply over time. If you preserve them in nice conditions, they can even live to the end of times.


(The kefir grains I bought)

Milk: the fattier and the purer the milk is, the better. In an ideal scenario you would contact your local farmer and buy raw milk, without any pasteurization process. Pasteurization kills some bacteria, enzymes and proteins; not all of them, but a noticeable amount. There are some local farms in my zone that pasteurize the milk, as otherwise there is no way they are going to sell it in regulated markets, but do so at 70 to 80 Celsius degrees. Again, not a panacea but still acceptable. If you are a city rat that cannot get its hands to high quality milk, then the last resort is to rely on whole milk acquired from the supermarket. You should be aiming at one with +2.5% fat.


(Mogger milk from my area with +3.5% fat, notice the yellowish color)

Once you have the two ingredients, you have to pick a glass jar, fill it with the grains, and about 1 liter of milk. It is important to keep the proportion between grains and milk to avoid overfermenting and underfermenting it. In the latter case you will have less probiotics, while in the first case it will have more alcohol and taste more acidic. It is about finding the right balance, around 40 g of grains for 1 liter should do it. Once you have mixed the two, you let the jar rest for 1 day. This fermentation time largely depends on the room temperature. Hot temperatures will make it ferment faster, and on the contrary, keeping the mix in the fridge will heavily slow down the process. Make sure to cover the jar with a rag or some thin paper during fermentation. You want it to breathe but also cover it from insects and similar. This is what the jar looks like after 1 day of fermentation:


Then, you have to separate the grains from the milk. To do so I would advise getting a strainer for only this purpose to not experience any contamination issues. The same applies to the jar, you should always use one only for the kefir. Separating the fermented milk from the kefir grains is pretty easy, just pour the milk and filter all the milk. You can technically eat the grains but you do not want to lose too many of them.


The last step is of course drinking the filtered milk. Notice in the pic I have quite a lot of grains. With this amount I am obtaining kefir that becomes a bit acidic. If you want to have something a bit more tasty, similar to a cream in texture, you can put the jar 24 hours in the fridge. I tend to do it on the weekends to not overferment it, and it always tastes marvelously afterwards.


Glutathione (Liposomal high dosage or injections) + Vit C is really the only stack that can lighten eyes as Glutathione inhibits tyrosinase and clears free radicals from the body.

Lumify eye drops



GHRP-2 for the HGH pulse

When you inject GHRH you inject GHRP right afterwards.






The Stack

MOD (1-29): x3 times a day. 75mcg

GHRP-2/6: x3 times a day. 100mcg

Hexarelin: x1 time a day 50mcg

MK677: x2 a day 10mg

Aromasin: x1 a day 12.5mg

Glucosamine,Chondroitin MSM, SAM-e: x1

Vitamins: subjective. X1 a day should work.

Melatonin: just take one before bed. 10mg

X1 = morning

X2 = morning + Before bed

X3 = morning + afternoon + Before bed

Don't eat 3 hours before injecting and don't eat for another 45 after injecting (carbohydrates fuck up the peptides) you can eat protein if you're hungry

Hexarelin + CJC-1295 is extremely legit I grew 2 inches in 2 months when I was 16 and taking it.


Mixing castor oil w/ coconut oil 1 day a week


Raw Spinach for temporalis muscle you need to eat it for hours though lmao

Potassium Chloride powder w/ magnesium and water GETS YOU LEAN ASF


Push Your Eyeballs Multiple Times a Day to Get Rid of Bug eyes


High Speed Jaw Opening Exercises for hyoid


Benzoyl Peroxide %10


Seas Salt spray and scrunching for curls


Biotin for hair


Core exercises for less compression

Electrical Stimulation increase bone density but no idea about longitudinal growth.


Triiodothyronine (T3)


Carbon 60




Flurbiprofen ( maybe this one esp) Methylsulfonylmethane Chondroitin

KY19382 vosoritide CRISPR

Placebo yourself for HGH release.


Derma Stamp (1-2X a week)

Peppermint/Rosemary Oil right after stamp




Take a pillow and start screaming

Smoking for voice


Eyelid pulling

Ice hooding

Oral Hyaluronic Acid for collagen in lips and skin

Oil pulling for teeth

Vitamin C

Beta Carotene 75,000IU

MT2 nasal spray (darkens hair, possibly eyes too)

SternoCleidomastoid Crunches:

Buy an EMS device, place the electrodes on your lower masseters, activate it, and chew gum, it doesn’t need to be incredible force, just enough to activate the muscle. A few users a few years ago exposed that fact that inward and outward gonials were, for the most part, a cope way of saying that a person predominantly used their upper or lower masseters. Upper masseters, when hypertrophied, give a rounded look, while the lower masseters give a more angular look. Using EMS is an incredibly effective way of increase the % utilisation of the lower masseters, you don’t even need to chew either, it just speeds up results, you can simply apply the electrodes and forget about it, I recommend cutting them and buying some medical tape to stick to your face.


Pin minoxidil to lose collagen and lower hooding tilt via eyelid pulling.


Progesterone + thyroid for eyebrow and eyelashes and maybe rosemary oil

Castor oil + peppermint oil + rosemary oil on god


Liposomal Glutathione

MSM flakes


<- for eye colour


Tocovit Ray Peatard type shit innit


Cjc1295 w/ GHRP-6 is exact same as HGH so use it.


Vaginal Cream for skin firmness



Magnesium Bisglycinate

Fish Oil (EHA, DHA)

Derma rolling

Chlorophyll drink

Gut shots - Apple Cider Vinegar + Black Pepper + Salt + Lemon Juice + Turmeric root + Ginger root; mix all these together and take 1-3 shots per day


Raw Goat A2 Milk

Pasture Raised Eggs

Grass fed Beef

Fruits + honey + coke

Liver and organs

Oysters (canned or not)


3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week) 25mg MK-677 before bed every day

200mcg HUPERZINE A taken 3x per day (600mcg total)

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and should give some height and decent muscle gains.


Apply minox under eyebrows for the hooding as in right before I wrote


2 of both arginine+ornithine just before bed.( at least 30mn before because it seem like arginine peak hgh release occure after around 1 hour ) I was literally feeling leg pain the morning and felt taller day by day.

2 Boron

<- both each day

Apparently optimal dosage should be 10gr arginine 2gr ornithine


Any product with aminophylline gives you topical fat burning properties

Latisse burns fat so face?


Cloth clipper on eyelid to create hunter eyes or tape that holds the lid downwards

Also injecting prostglandin on base of penis or the penis body lengthens it. Go in Bryan Johnson community to see the dosages.

Thanks alot my nigga
Unironically based

Based gatekept info

Based once more

Not as stupid as it seems

I wrote that thread so it's guaranteed to be based

Let me add a few
No sugar, no sugar alcohols, no sweetness, no preservatives basically minimum additives in food and all products
No plastics, used steel and glass, bpa free plastics are still bad
No shampoo, or conditioners and few key cosmetics, washing only with water is fine
Wash once or twice per week with minimal natural products at most

Microbiome is everything
Hey men just random question do you know what is the correlation between the bruxism and a long midface?
Hey men just random question do you know what is the correlation between the bruxism and a long midface?
None most likely, only if you grind your teeth off making them smaller messing up with proportions.
Masseter hypertrophy might also change proportions, but not particularly to a longer midface.
Proper diet, nose breathing and posture might play a bigger role in development of the lower third and lining up the midface as well.
None most likely, only if you grind your teeth off making them smaller messing up with proportions.
Masseter hypertrophy might also change proportions, but not particularly to a longer midface.
Proper diet, nose breathing and posture might play a bigger role in development of the lower third and lining up the midface as well.
Okay bro Im just so tired of my long midface bc my parents dont have long midface but I do
  • +1
Reactions: LVZZO
CLiCk BaitT
what does tldr mean?
  • JFL
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
secret in the very end also rep

TLDRs do not exist

Here’s what I saved after reading 100+ threads part 1

Condensed notes from notes 1 + 2

It’s not a good format but I’m pasting so cut me some slack boyos



Royal jelly

100gr BONE MARROW (contains wvery fat soluble vitamin you need to prosper)

Also abundant in:





Try eating it raw tbh and also boil it to get bone broth out of it etc


Eyelid pulling every 2-3 nights for 25-50 reps in total per session

Moisturize UE and massage it(more blood flow)

Sleep on back (obvious reasons)

Stretch all parts of the UE

Lightly pulling the fatty skin (3-5s per pull)


Being lean the body experiences improved insulin sensitivity (IGF-1, enhanced bone mineralization, skeletal development)



Olive Oil

Fatty fish, meat etc (Testosterone production)

HIIT Exercise

Regular Sunlight

Cold Exposure (Testosterone production)

Green Tea (Antioxidant)

Pomegranate (Antioxidant)


Injecting IGF-1 for wider shoulders.


Dosage for poorfags//

//25mg MK677 for 6 weeks raises IGF-1 by %60.1 (half life - 24 hours)

2-3mg CJC 1295 w/DAC for 1-2 times per week(half life - 8 days)

4 capsules of SLIN pills to not become diabetic

Dosage for Chads//

//30mg MK677

10-15mg CJC 1295 w/DAC

Inject CJC 1295 subcutaneously

30-gauge insulin syringe

Reconstitution for CJC 1295 DAC

You will need Bacteriostatic water in order for reconstitution since CJC will come in a power-like form. for a vial with 1-2 mg the recommended amount of water would be 1 ml. If the vial comes in 5mg put 2ml of water. Make sure you keep these peptides at around 4°C or colder


To get a big outer flute muscle do just straight downward extension (squats, deadlifts etc)

To get a inner glute muscle you do backward leg extensions.

You want to strengthen the lower abs and create pelvic alignment.

Deep Barbell Squats

Deadlift Variations


Glute Kickback


Hip Thrust


Osteogenesis modulation

It’s a battery implant though so just mention it. You won’t undergo the procedure.





Creatine L-carnitine

Bonemaxxing: Zinc



Vitamin K (mk4+mk7) Vitamin D

Skinmaxxing: Glutathione NAC


Vitamin C

Beta carotene

Ignoremaxxing: Vitamin Bcomp

Lactobacillus (for digestion to get rid of bloating and other Jewish digestion stuff)

Jawmaxxing: Chewing gum

Bodymaxxing: MK677



Stretches in the morning

K2 supplements

Tap knees with hammer or any other object?

Vitamin D3 + K2


Folinic Acid




Methionine (Methylation and Hgh)


Inhibit estrogen (minimization for bone growth etc)


Minimize cortisol via GHRPZ or GHRP6 over Ipamorelin

Raise Parathyroid Hormone

Calcitonin (salmon)



Cycling DHT


Use CJC 1295 in conjunction w/ GHRP6


Use GHRP6 (2-3 times per day for several weeks) in conjunction w/ HGH Generic or Pharma

CJC 1295 increases plasma GH concentrations 2-10 fold for more than 6 days, increases IGF concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days with no adverse effects.

CJC-1295 can be injected subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Dose per injection: 2mg. Injections per vial: 1 x 2mg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 0.5ml of water for mixing then a 2mg dosage = 0.50ml (or 50 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 1ml of water then a 2mg dosage = 1ml (or 100 units). Sample Injection Frequency: 2mg injected once per week (due to its long half-life)




CJC-1295 DAC 600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day. GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin - Example 1– Night Time Injection (GHRP can cause drowsiness, and improve sleep). Empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal). Inject GHRP peptide; go straight to bed. Example 2– Morning injection. Inject GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg. Wait at least 20 minutes before consuming food or beverages (including coffee/tea).

Use Ipamorelin w/ CJC 12995 in the evening which has a cause of less cortisol and prolactin. (Compared to both GHRP 2 & 6)

Use Ipamorelin w/ HGH 2-3 times per day for a period of several weeks.

Use Ipamorelin in the 200-300mcg range 2-3 times per day subcutaneously 30-45 minutes before a workout cause the pulse creates maximum growth which is more natural and slower than any other GHRP. (Noo ok hunger etc)

MK677 should not be used he says cause of increased prolactin.




Applying the product repeatedly over some time will permanently reduce adipose tissue there.


Spinal Decompression

Tadasana (30s hold/2 for beginners) 5-10 times daily

Bar hanging (slowly increase intensity, Active hanging as in lifting the upper body up properly to not hurt neck)

Touching points -

1.stand in front of the wall with your face towards it and bring yourself closer to the wall so that your body is your body is touching it for support,then try to touch points on the wall,lift one of your hands up to a higher height and you will feel the body stretching,then lift your other hand to the same height as your first hand or u can lift even Higher than it,and hold this position for some time,since u are a beginner,do it for 5-10 seconds until u cant stand anymore and the pain in your back muscles is too much this will stretch your body very intensely.

Release it and repeat for 5-10 times,this was 1 entire session of 30-60 seconds,now do 5-10 sessions like this depending on your capability,keep it to 3-5 times in the beginning and u can increase it later as your muscles develop in the back and your body becomes suited to it

2.repeat all the stuff and steps in point(1) but do this with your back and hips in contact with the wall/touching the wall for support, being against the wall is necessary because i helps to support the weight of your body and prevents u from falling

3. Now you can do both (1) and (2) in 2 different ways,you can keep your legs down or you can stand tip-toes for more intense stretches,both normal and tiptoes are useful in different ways and you can do them one after the Other.

4.Holding your position for a fixed time would have the best effect(start from a low time 15s,30s and gradually

work your way up)but dont overdo it and if you feel too much pain sleep for 15-30 minutes

or rest until you are good to go again.

5.you will hear cracking sounds,nothing dangerous,simply spine and muscles adjusting themselves or spinal bones decompressing and extending 6.Dont go too hard on yourself,if u go too hard u will feel like quitting,enjoy and gradually work

your way up,its quite like gymcelling. 7. Stand and sit straight

Relieve tension in your back by using fingers to massage it.


Sprinting 120x4m, 120x8m

Playing Basketball


IGF-1 generic/LR3

1.How to Cut the Pills

One full tablet of aromasin is 25 mg.

Buy a pill cutter from amazon or any other site which is similar to the one shown in this video and cut the pills into 1/2 and then cut each half into 2 more halves,then u will get 4 pieces and each piece is like 6.25 mg.

U can take 1-2 pieces(6.25mg-12.5 mg) Ed or EOD(every-day or every-Other-day) depending on your baseline estrogen levels and ur responsiveness to aromasin and ur aromatization capability.

For the first dose take 6.25 mg or 12.5 mg after that for each dose take 6.25 mg ed/EOD and not more than that ,use a pill cutter to cut the pill in 4ths and eat 1/4th(6.25 mg) with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

2.Dosing,Estrogen Crash and Estrogen levels optimum for heightmaxxing

Normal levels of estrogen in teens in late puberty=15-40pg/ml

Estrogen above 20pg/ml will fuse ur plates according to the studies done

So,u need to keep ur estrogen levels in 10-15 pg/ml range,best is the 13 pg/ml mark.

If u go below 8-10 pg/ml ,ur estrogen will crash and the side effects will be near deadly,literally.

1.How to know your estrogen levels and the dosing required to reach 10-15pg/ml?

Ans:- The most accurate,trusted and safe method are to take Blood tests before taking aromasin to determine your baseline estrogen. Then blood test again after a 6.25mg or 12.5 mg dose to determine your new estrogen levels.

This proves that estrogen if kept below 20pg/ml can keep our growth plates open and would also be enough to fulfill the estrogen related tasks and functions in the body

I would rather advise people to keep estrogen in the 10-15 pg/ml range,similar to estrogen levels of 13-15 year old boys,just make sure that you are taking enough dose of aromasin so that your estrogen remains in 10-15pg/ml and dosent rise above 20pg/ml beacuse if that happens your plates will fuse.

If you have vitamin D deficiency don’t take Aromasin till you fix it.

Vitamin D 4000IU daily w/ 200mcg Vitamin K2 Mk4 and Magnesium to fix the Vitamin D levels Deficiency.

For 80% of the people 6.25 mg ED will be sufficient to bring estrogen levels to 10-15pg/ml.

For the rest,12.5 mg ed-will be needed.

If u are a super outlier,25 mg will be needed,but maybe 0.01% of the population is a super outlier so there is a very low chance of someone needing 25 mg ed.

U will need to apply hit and trial method,Start with 6.25 mg ed then slowly increase to 12.5 mg ed,if u feel okay on this dose and dont experience any weird side effects like tiredness,brain fog,harsh joint and bone pain,muscle pain,then this dose would be alright for you,you can continue with this dose-12.5mg ED

If u feel any of the above side effects which show crashed estrogen,then switch to 6.25 mg ED.

Remember if u crash ur estrogen and feel the above side efects,dont take aromasin until u get back to normal,it takes 3-5 days to get estrogen levels back to normal,

3.Method of Intake

Eat the tablet with 3 tbsp of olive oil or butter or any other fat.

Any sufficient dose of any natural fat like Butter,Olive oil,Cheese will be good.

It isnt solvent in water,so natural fats are required.

Just dont crash ur estrogen by overdosing like a retard by taking more than 12.5 mg dose.

Buy a blood glucose monitor and mesure urself every month,blood glucose monitor is cheap anywyas. Also, if u can measure blood pressure,do it,every 1-2 months

In this list get 1,5,10 every month,for the rest u can do them every 1-2 months,if u can afford keep reading,i tell soon what to do if u can't afford routine blood tests

Follow my advice about blood tests,if u want to live and not die, because hematocrit levels,biliruibin,creatine and 25hydroxy vitamin d And liver enzymes are essential to get tested if u wanna live,if u don't test them regularly they can get out of check and it can be bad,ver bad,very very bad...

If u see the levels above go to the doctor and tell him what you’re taking and doing and for how long.

Aswagandha (KSM66 Version Only)

NAC (helps with normal liver enzyme levels)

Pfizer Aromasin pills are really small, roundish and smooth and white in colour and they have the number 7663 printed on one side,the number shows its genuine and from pfizer.

75-100mg p50 form of Vitamin B6 2 times daily and once a hour after HGH injections and 1 time 5-6 hours after the HGH injection

Dandelion Root Extract





Bytes Superba

L Theanine High Dosage




Caffeine pills for less tiredness

Dermarolling w/ minoxidil

Weed (edible is recommended)


Oral Minoxidil

Extract of Ganoderma formosanum Mycelium (skin lightening)



Kojic Acid

Licorice Extract


Darkening eye drops for Heterochromia


Sermorelin + Hexarelin (or MK677 or both together) + Tesamorelin

Check blood glucose every morning every morning

Berberine to stop diabetes (1.5g 1-2 times daily)


2 TUDCA capsules daily

1000mcg Vitamin A (collagenous skin)

Red Light Therapy 20 minutes daily (red + NIR light/on whole body + face)


Chin muscle for chin projection


Amanita Muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric, risk free Alcohol alternative)

It contains Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol.

Helps with sleep, mimics Alcohol, is cheap as fuck.

How to Prepare:

Get your mushrooms, wash them, cut them up. Now put them in a pot, fill the pot with water, and lemon juice. Goal here is to get 2.5 - 3 PH, you can calculate it, or get a meter/strips. Now boil for 30-45 min, take out your mushroom. Now simmer just below boil for 3-4 hours. Now you've got yourself some Muscimol infused tee. Be very careful with doses, it should hit pretty hard. The basic theory is we through the low PH enviorment turn Ibotenic Acid into Muscimol

You make a tea, and you build tolerance to melatonin.




Its a dissociativ drug called 3-MEO-PCP + weed

What you want is basically a pre - mania trip

Take a very little dose of both

Then you will become sociopath no fucking joke pre mania thing is real you are 100% lucid and you feel so fuckinh confident to the point you can see yourself as successfull as elon musk without any doubt.

Its insane.


Vitamin K2, D3

Calcium (raw milk)



for maxilla you need to thumbpull the front of your palate where the groove is , then the mid palate, then put your thumbs inside the soft palate as high as you can( youll build a tolerance easily) and then pulling the maxilla forward from there, also right behind the incisors the papillae thing if you pull that you will get a more upturned philtrum if thats what you need

put one thumb on it and another thumb on that thumb and push with both arms to do it, pull as hard as you can when thumbpulling, i use up and down swinging momentum for maxilla



I'm doing:

- 3x 100mcg GHRP-2 6/week

- 3x 100mcg Mod GRF 1-29 6/week - 12.5 mg Aromasin ed

- (future) T4 supplementation

Swapping GHRP-2 for Hex on a 2 week basis


A litre of pure orange juice debloats you.

Ice Pack on face for 15 minutes

Kys if youre not taking 10g of pure potassium chloride

fasting + just eating 1-2 bananas + nettle and/or green tea also debloats like crazy


No screen time 1 hour before bed

Put spoons in freezer for 15 min then put on eyes


Caffeine Eye Cream

Vitamin K Cream

Nitric Oxide Cream (expensive)


this is a special mewing when you push the back part of your tongue as much as you can while mewing. So much that you almosr can’t breath through your nose.

Chin Tucks (as many daily for 10 seconds each)

Just open your jaw asap for time (OVER FOR TMJCELs)


Hard Mewing ALL DAY

Bonesmash Jaw for length


Bee Pollen

Royal Jelly

Propolis + Creatine. <- For Dick Size


Vitamin C for Skin Lightening

Vitamin C for Lips

Vitamin C for Under Eyes

Cleanse face with moisturizer then apply then moisturize again to lock the serum in.

Vit C + Retinol combo MOGS



Lateral Bending <- Neck Movements

Do a few light warmup sets beforehand.

Extension 1-3 sets 8-12 reps Flexion 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Lateral 1-3 sets 15-25 reps Rotation 1-3 sets 15-25 reps

Do Neck Bridges with a weight plate for extra resistance

Use a padding on the floor to do these to not become bald or wear a beanie

Do neck Isometrics against a wall and do them last.

Neck Harness is superior though so keep that in mind.

-Can be done with resistance bands

-With a neck harness attached to a cable machine

-Neck harness with a freeweight and slighty bending over

-with a neck harness & freeweight laying face first on a bench like in the gif



Massage the forehead towards the eyebrows for UEE.

Bonesmash nasion/glabella

put a massage gun and smash your supras in a downwards inward tilted manner (toward to the nasion-glabella crease) and pluck/dermaroll accordingly

Bonesmashing for UEE


Clenbuterol for Hollow Cheeks (Look for any other drug since Clen is a meme?

Clen Cycle ->2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, I prefer to eat only chicken, potatoes and some rice during this time period ONLY, to maximise the most out of clenbuterol (aggressive cut on top of the extreme metabolic

DNP and T3 mogs Clen supposedly?

What you need is Ephedrine in an ECA stack (Ephendrine, Caffeine and Aspirin) which won’t raise your metabolism but it’ll erase your hunger and boost energy (use before workout w/ nicotine 😈)

Just take a low dosage of Ostarine and crash diet so you lose fat super fast keeping your muscles.

Clen reduces bone density


T3 + T4



Vitamin D


high levels of iodine, selenium + zinc

Take Oral Levothyroxine to treat underactive thyroid gland

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish)


Balanced omega 6 : 3 ratio





Stretch lips for 5 minutes as wide as possible after you gain forward growth cause recession increases skin sugginess and tightening of the skin is very important.


Zinc (Shellfish, eggs, red meat)

Vitamin C

Vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin)



Vitamin D3

Reverse Kegels

Edging for Premature Ejaculation

Virility: https://leviathansupps.com/products/virility-mens-potency-support

Lock & Load: https://gorillamind.com/products/lock-and-load

Don’t heat your sack so you don’t lose your back

<- All this was for Sperm production and Fertility


List of useful Peatard regurgitations:

Eat hard cheese to not brush your teeth

Supplement Thiamine for thyroid (Peatard says so)

The cure to loneliness is progesterone (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOCIALIZE)

Stop BREATHING!!! (NO.SERIOUSLY!!! Higher altitude = Higher CO2 Tolerance = Mewing etc)

methylene blue is theoretically effective as retin a for the skin and causes vivid dreams if applied at night

Racetams make you an extrovert

red bull and coke cure most diseases and can help you sleep by eliminating stress

you can make a shampoo + conditioner for any hair type by balancing eggs, coconut oil and vinegar



Injectable Fat Loss Technology:

The MGH team’s innovative spin on the technique involves the use of an injectable ice “slurry,” a sterile solution of normal saline and glycerol (a common food ingredient) containing approximately 20 percent to 40 percent small ice particles, similar in texture to slush. The solution can be injected directly into fat deposits, causing the fat cells (adipocytes) to crystallize and die and fat deposits to shrink.

“Even if the slurry is injected into other tissue such as muscle, there is no significant injury.”

Injection of physiological ice slurry could be a transformative method for nonsurgical body contouring.


*tldr use mouth stretching device with volufiline*

8 hours a day everyday for at least a full year

A combination of of sleep-friendly, wide lip stretchers to wear at night for permanent lip widening

Also use volufiline for permanent fat gain in the lip area to “reset” the lip position


Eye hood MAXXING:

retinol (apply separately) volufiline w/carrier oil + dermarolling + apply fillers topically during dermarolling + apply HA topically while dermarolling + other packed in peptides for skin thickening or tightening or whatever the fuck and collagenmaxxing.


just drink 0.05ml topical lol thats 2.5mg. However I recommend more tbh just build up to a higher dose. Expect results in 2-3 months and even better at 6.

Topical Minoxidil can be taken orally





Hyaluronic Acid while micro needling

Micro infusion

Buy any filler & during derma rolling (1.5mm+ cuz u wanna go deep ASF) put the shit like a cream over the area. Dermaroll till irritation (pain gain ig but don't make it bleed) now as for filler amount TBQH just add a bunch u deem necessary and safe tbqh - also add shit like volufiline and HA. After a while add tretinoin, moisturize the fat pad, etc.

Also include shit that gives any kind of volume to the skin to increase it in size.

1. DNA Repair Enzymes and Epidermal Growth Factor

2. Antioxidants Like Vitamin C and Idebenone

sunscreen during the day (u prolly shouldn't fucking exfoliate your fat pads ) 😂

what we want:


Lasts between 30-45 minutes

Uses 20-30 ultra-fine, 24k gold needles (thinner than human hair!)

Creates micro puncture wounds on the top layer of skin to accelerate the body’s natural healing process - resulting in a brighter and healthier complexion Stamps a beauty elixir of Botox, fillers, and nutrients like Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid into the skin

u gonna add in retina and volufiline into the mix fags + other shit above n pray.

google arthritis patient k2mk4 dose. Whatever it says, take that. Think it's some times 10 megadose from normal daily intake.



- Tretinoin (start at 0.025%, work your way up to 0.1% over time)

- Panoxynl Cleanser (Or another product with benzoyl peroxide)

- CerVae Saylic Acid Cleanser (Or another product with Saylic Acid) _ Clindamycin phosphate cream/gel

- SPF moisturizer

- Niacinamide supplement daily

If Acne is still an issue Accutane is the next bet. (Closes growth plates)

Take glutathione, MSM, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid and eat lots of Animal Fat to protect yourself from toxins!

Urine on face for Acne.




Run T3 and T4 in a 1:3 ratio. For example 12.5mcg of T4 and 50mcg of T3.

Ghrp6 and MODGRF dosed at 100mcg 3x a day.

Running CJC dac and ghrp6 with HGH is mogger asf but wouldn’t recommend it if your pretty boy.


Arimidex 1MG EOD/ED



Dick growth:


3 C's: Cistanche + Cordyceps + Coffee


Tribulus Terrestris Zinc

Vitamin D3 + k2 Royale gelée Pine Pollen


Ice your balls + red light after

high protein and fat diet

everyday cardio + 3-4x Week weight training

Competitive sports(like boxing or mma) .> counts as cardio

3L water minimum a day

8-10h sleep


MK677 raises prolactin

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride without P5P)

To lower prolactin levels it's recommend you take 50-200mg of P-5-P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which can cause some minor side effects

When using Vitamin E as a prolactin inhibitor, it's recommended that you take 300-400 IU per day of natural Vitamin E – this can be raised up to dosages such as 1000 IU for greater prolactin control, but be aware of the possible side effects

D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols or D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocotrienols are the absolute best forms to take.

Take 400-1200 mg a day of SAM-e along with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. An added bonus is SAM-E's ability to detoxify the liver.

Ipamorelin and Mod GRF(1-29) won't spike cortisol and prolactin. Pretty much all other GHRH/Somatostatins will. And most others will increase your body's production of Ghrelin too. There's really no better combo than ipa and mod if you're not a poorcel

I'm gonna be doing 10mg per night because that's plenty to improve my sleep quality. If you want the bigger IGF-1 increase for muscle building etc than 20 or 25mgs might be worth it for you.


Face pulling as in Belt Pulling gives you:

More lip support

Bigger lip

Bigger cheekbone mass

Better browridge

Wide nose

The guy that did it recessed himself cause he was intermittent fasting??? It makes sense since our ancestors did facepulling every day and probably ate it too so combine belt pulling w/ raw meat pulling with all teeth.


Basically cut a mouth guard in half to where it just covers the front 4-5 teeth

This will allow your mandibular condyle to be displaced and in return you will get more chin height/lower third height This is basically for bruxism dudes who have no chin height and a long midface

Fix for short face


Lips lightening using Hydroquinone 4% + one month pause 2 months after using and apply every

Mix with retinoids for skin only no lips


1. L-glutathione or reduced glutathione 500MG bid

2. MSM 3000MG (split morning, noon and night)

3. VIT C 3000MG (same as MSM)

4. NAC 500MG

TOPICAL CREAMS AND SOAP - For whole body :


2. Buy RET-HC cream It has a classic combination of hydroquinone + steroid + tretinoin (aka Retin-A). Use it for the first two months and then resort to natural- yet-strong whiteners like melaglow plus. Continue using it twice a week for some more months.

3. For the whole body, mix these two creams into any simple lotion. It makes it cheaper and effective.

4. For the whole body, buy a Likas papaya soap and use it every day. Make sure you keep it on the skin for at least 7 minutes.

Drop both creams in 1 and 2 after 3-4 months ( earlier if you get the desired results) and maintain the results with the mixture of 'Melaglow plus' and lotion. Always wear sunscreen with SPF 50 whenever you go out in the sun (even in winters)

You will need these supplements for more than 6 months. After you get the desired shade, either reduce their dosage or take them into e2d or e3d.

for lips lightening,

Exfoliate your Lips every alternate day.

wear sunscreen on lips.

Use 4 % Hydroquinone cream on your Lips every day.


Zinc for Acne

Probiotics in synthetic form

Probiotics in raw milk kefir form

Sauerkaut (from cabbage)




Sure, here we go.

To make milk kefir you need two ingredients: the kefir grains and the milk itself.

Kefir grains: I would recommend buying them from the Internet, unless you personally know someone how is already making kefir at home that could ship them to you. Ideally these kefir grains should have undergone testing procedures to ensure they are free of pathogens (coliform, salmonella, listeria, etc.). This is why it is preferable to get them from a trusted source and not a shady neighbor. So assuming you buy them, they will come in this little plastic bag. They are commonly sold in amounts of 20 to 40 g, which is more than enough. Keep in mind the grains are a living colony and thus they will grow and multiply over time. If you preserve them in nice conditions, they can even live to the end of times.


(The kefir grains I bought)

Milk: the fattier and the purer the milk is, the better. In an ideal scenario you would contact your local farmer and buy raw milk, without any pasteurization process. Pasteurization kills some bacteria, enzymes and proteins; not all of them, but a noticeable amount. There are some local farms in my zone that pasteurize the milk, as otherwise there is no way they are going to sell it in regulated markets, but do so at 70 to 80 Celsius degrees. Again, not a panacea but still acceptable. If you are a city rat that cannot get its hands to high quality milk, then the last resort is to rely on whole milk acquired from the supermarket. You should be aiming at one with +2.5% fat.


(Mogger milk from my area with +3.5% fat, notice the yellowish color)

Once you have the two ingredients, you have to pick a glass jar, fill it with the grains, and about 1 liter of milk. It is important to keep the proportion between grains and milk to avoid overfermenting and underfermenting it. In the latter case you will have less probiotics, while in the first case it will have more alcohol and taste more acidic. It is about finding the right balance, around 40 g of grains for 1 liter should do it. Once you have mixed the two, you let the jar rest for 1 day. This fermentation time largely depends on the room temperature. Hot temperatures will make it ferment faster, and on the contrary, keeping the mix in the fridge will heavily slow down the process. Make sure to cover the jar with a rag or some thin paper during fermentation. You want it to breathe but also cover it from insects and similar. This is what the jar looks like after 1 day of fermentation:


Then, you have to separate the grains from the milk. To do so I would advise getting a strainer for only this purpose to not experience any contamination issues. The same applies to the jar, you should always use one only for the kefir. Separating the fermented milk from the kefir grains is pretty easy, just pour the milk and filter all the milk. You can technically eat the grains but you do not want to lose too many of them.


The last step is of course drinking the filtered milk. Notice in the pic I have quite a lot of grains. With this amount I am obtaining kefir that becomes a bit acidic. If you want to have something a bit more tasty, similar to a cream in texture, you can put the jar 24 hours in the fridge. I tend to do it on the weekends to not overferment it, and it always tastes marvelously afterwards.


Glutathione (Liposomal high dosage or injections) + Vit C is really the only stack that can lighten eyes as Glutathione inhibits tyrosinase and clears free radicals from the body.

Lumify eye drops



GHRP-2 for the HGH pulse

When you inject GHRH you inject GHRP right afterwards.






The Stack

MOD (1-29): x3 times a day. 75mcg

GHRP-2/6: x3 times a day. 100mcg

Hexarelin: x1 time a day 50mcg

MK677: x2 a day 10mg

Aromasin: x1 a day 12.5mg

Glucosamine,Chondroitin MSM, SAM-e: x1

Vitamins: subjective. X1 a day should work.

Melatonin: just take one before bed. 10mg

X1 = morning

X2 = morning + Before bed

X3 = morning + afternoon + Before bed

Don't eat 3 hours before injecting and don't eat for another 45 after injecting (carbohydrates fuck up the peptides) you can eat protein if you're hungry

Hexarelin + CJC-1295 is extremely legit I grew 2 inches in 2 months when I was 16 and taking it.


Mixing castor oil w/ coconut oil 1 day a week


Raw Spinach for temporalis muscle you need to eat it for hours though lmao

Potassium Chloride powder w/ magnesium and water GETS YOU LEAN ASF


Push Your Eyeballs Multiple Times a Day to Get Rid of Bug eyes


High Speed Jaw Opening Exercises for hyoid


Benzoyl Peroxide %10


Seas Salt spray and scrunching for curls


Biotin for hair


Core exercises for less compression

Electrical Stimulation increase bone density but no idea about longitudinal growth.


Triiodothyronine (T3)


Carbon 60




Flurbiprofen ( maybe this one esp) Methylsulfonylmethane Chondroitin

KY19382 vosoritide CRISPR

Placebo yourself for HGH release.


Derma Stamp (1-2X a week)

Peppermint/Rosemary Oil right after stamp




Take a pillow and start screaming

Smoking for voice


Eyelid pulling

Ice hooding

Oral Hyaluronic Acid for collagen in lips and skin

Oil pulling for teeth

Vitamin C

Beta Carotene 75,000IU

MT2 nasal spray (darkens hair, possibly eyes too)

SternoCleidomastoid Crunches:

Buy an EMS device, place the electrodes on your lower masseters, activate it, and chew gum, it doesn’t need to be incredible force, just enough to activate the muscle. A few users a few years ago exposed that fact that inward and outward gonials were, for the most part, a cope way of saying that a person predominantly used their upper or lower masseters. Upper masseters, when hypertrophied, give a rounded look, while the lower masseters give a more angular look. Using EMS is an incredibly effective way of increase the % utilisation of the lower masseters, you don’t even need to chew either, it just speeds up results, you can simply apply the electrodes and forget about it, I recommend cutting them and buying some medical tape to stick to your face.


Pin minoxidil to lose collagen and lower hooding tilt via eyelid pulling.


Progesterone + thyroid for eyebrow and eyelashes and maybe rosemary oil

Castor oil + peppermint oil + rosemary oil on god


Liposomal Glutathione

MSM flakes


<- for eye colour


Tocovit Ray Peatard type shit innit


Cjc1295 w/ GHRP-6 is exact same as HGH so use it.


Vaginal Cream for skin firmness



Magnesium Bisglycinate

Fish Oil (EHA, DHA)

Derma rolling

Chlorophyll drink

Gut shots - Apple Cider Vinegar + Black Pepper + Salt + Lemon Juice + Turmeric root + Ginger root; mix all these together and take 1-3 shots per day


Raw Goat A2 Milk

Pasture Raised Eggs

Grass fed Beef

Fruits + honey + coke

Liver and organs

Oysters (canned or not)


3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week) 25mg MK-677 before bed every day

200mcg HUPERZINE A taken 3x per day (600mcg total)

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and should give some height and decent muscle gains.


Apply minox under eyebrows for the hooding as in right before I wrote


2 of both arginine+ornithine just before bed.( at least 30mn before because it seem like arginine peak hgh release occure after around 1 hour ) I was literally feeling leg pain the morning and felt taller day by day.

2 Boron

<- both each day

Apparently optimal dosage should be 10gr arginine 2gr ornithine


Any product with aminophylline gives you topical fat burning properties

Latisse burns fat so face?


Cloth clipper on eyelid to create hunter eyes or tape that holds the lid downwards

Also injecting prostglandin on base of penis or the penis body lengthens it. Go in Bryan Johnson community to see the dosages.

Mirin effort

Stopped reading at hard mewing tho

Hard mewing literally makes it worse strangthening neck muscles underneath chin

Also eyelid pulling/bonemashing cope no?
  • +1
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
Mirin effort

Stopped reading at hard mewing tho

Hard mewing literally makes it worse strangthening neck muscles underneath chin

Also eyelid pulling/bonemashing cope no?
I actually don't believe in hard mewing anymore... Soft mewing is good for the definition of the lower jaw and "maybe" guiding the direction of growth but teeth contact is so much more importand tbh
  • +1
Reactions: narex054
what abt botox. Also why go through this effort when u can money max then hardmax. ALSO this is going into a autism documentary. AALLSSOO repped

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