Brutal muzzie pill / brutal pajeet currycel pheno failo.

what thi fuck? how.
also you have 51 posts per day. @Xangsane has 142 posts per day
zhang is a spammer, constantly posts 1 letter replies like "y?"
  • +1
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Brutal. You should have jumped into their conversation with something like, ‘You’re all Muslim too?’ and then eased your way in to see if they did it on purpose or not.
You have to be a lifelong NT to do shit like that, not a lifelong NEET like my brother truecel.
  • +1
  • So Sad
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It’s not about wanting to be accepted, it’s about being totally overlooked
You want men to notice you? When are you gona grow a pair and get some hoes
while I was literally a few centimeters away. And one of them is actually married. He’s the shortest guy too, like 5’5” or something. More proof that Islam is the cure for everything and doesn’t allow for inceldom.
Muh cure, my white roommate used to fuck this hijabi bitch for years she would come over and he would wipe his balls kn her hijab, she dump him then started dating a Muslim doctor jfl they prob got married I bet he’s one of your friends :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
  • JFL
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Ah netherlands really is devoid of pakis/south asians for the most part huh? if this was the UK, 70% of your class would be south asians + other ethnics JFL my uni class used to be 90% ethnic. South asian foid with a boyfriend? i hope not paki foid. You don't become south american just because you migrated there, you are still south asian JFL, what kind of thinking is this bhai? That's like me saying i am English because my great grandfather migrated here.
There are only 25k Pakistanis but they’re not devoid of curries, the South American country I referred to is called Surinamese and there are a lot of “Hindustanis” as they call them but they all have Dravidian coloring. And more Bharatis. Let me check how much of each there is. 160,000/170,000 “Hindustani” Surinamese and 58,000 Bharatis. Basically there’s like over 210,000 curries compared to 25k Pakistanis. No, my classmate is a “Hindustani” Surinamese and even has tattoos. Anyway, yes, but that’s how they see themselves. They don’t identify as Bharati, they identify as Surinamese. It makes sense that they identify by their nationality. It’s like a melting pot so it’s like an American calling themselves American instead of German and Swiss, because it makes sense.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: JohnDoe
You have to be a lifelong NT to do shit like that, not a lifelong NEET like my brother truecel.
I can actually do that but I don’t feel like doing it. :Comfy:
  • WTF
Reactions: JohnDoe
There are only 25k Pakistanis but they’re not devoid of curries, the South American country I referred to is called Surinamese and there are a lot of “Hindustanis” as they call them but they all have Dravidian coloring. And more Bharatis. Let me check how much of each there is. 160,000/170,000 “Hindustani” Surinamese and 58,000 Bharatis. Basically there’s like over 210,000 curries compared to 25k Pakistanis. No, my classmate is a “Hindustani” Surinamese and even has tattoos. Anyway, yes, but that’s how they see themselves. They don’t identify as Bharati, they identify as Surinamese. It makes sense that they identify by their nationality. It’s like a melting pot so it’s like an American calling themselves American instead of German and Swiss, because it makes sense.
ah yh that makes sense. Honestly i think you would be way better off if you were in the UK and amongst your own people.
  • +1
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You want men to notice you? When are you gona grow a pair and get some hoes
I just thought it was rather absurd more than anything, and I thought it would make for a funny story here on .org.
Muh cure, my white roommate used to fuck this hijabi bitch for years she would come over and he would wipe his balls kn her hijab, she dump him then started dating a Muslim doctor jfl they prob got married I bet he’s one of your friends :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Hoejabis exist, we know that already. And yes they eventually get an arranged marriage to a guy who has no idea how degenerate their wives used to be. Poor guys.
  • +1
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I can actually do that but I don’t feel like doing it. :Comfy:
why not bhai? although i understand it from a psychological standpoint, people ignore/disrespect you and pride won't let you do it or maybe your reasoning is different.
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
ah yh that makes sense. Honestly i think you would be way better off if you were in the UK and amongst your own people.
Yes. I came across some pak guy whose dad stabbed his mom to death (no joke) and he told me he went to England and he said it was like he was in PK.
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
why not bhai? although i understand it from a psychological standpoint, people ignore/disrespect you and pride won't let you do it or maybe your reasoning is different.
I have a “I speak when spoken to” type of mentality but when someone unexpectedly talks to me I have to suddenly adjust and my brain goes retard mode sometimes.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: JohnDoe
Don't paks and indians look different though? or is that a meme
Always thought I could distinguish the two tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
Yes. I came across some pak guy whose dad stabbed his mom to death (no joke) and he told me he went to England and he said it was like he was in PK.
Yes bhai certain cities/towns are pakistan-lite. Birmingham/bradford is known as pakistan 2. Even where i live it's full ethnic central, tons and tons of pakis everywhere. It's nice, it has its drawbacks but ultimately the cons of being around muslims is better than whites who can lash out and be racist at any point which i experiecned when i was younger and lived in full 99% white area.
  • +1
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Don't paks and indians look different though? or is that a meme
Always thought I could distinguish the two tbh
Yes we do, pakis are lighter-skinned and our features knida give us away. All south asians can tell each other apart, even whites here where i live know when you're pakistani. Whites from Europe may not be able to though, it just depends if you've been around south asians enough.
Don't paks and indians look different though? or is that a meme
Always thought I could distinguish the two tbh
Yeah you’re right. We tend to have a different look, more masculine / ogre basically. Bigger noses, bushy eyebrows etc. I’m not saying they thought I was curry, that’s just a joke I’m making. But perhaps they were. :hnghn:
  • +1
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Yes bhai certain cities/towns are pakistan-lite. Birmingham/bradford is known as pakistan 2. Even where i live it's full ethnic central, tons and tons of pakis everywhere. It's nice, it has its drawbacks but ultimately the cons of being around muslims is better than whites who can lash out and be racist at any point which i experiecned when i was younger and lived in full 99% white area.
I have never been to the UK, but I do have some relatives there. Fatherless figures without hijab so they are probably white cock chasers.
Today was the first day of classes and there are 5 muzzies in class, me included. 3 of the muzzies walked up to another muzzie who was sitting at the desk in front of me and they asked him if he was also Islamic and he said he was and they all greeted him in Arabic. I assumed they would ask me too but they completely ignored me. They must think I pray to Vishnu every night. :feelswah:
I was one of them.
  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: Gengar and JohnDoe
I have never been to the UK, but I do have some relatives there. Fatherless figures without hijab so they are probably white cock chasers.
Well you are always welcome to Manchester bhai or London, i'm sure our resident richfag bengali brother @SecularIslamist will give you the tour of big ben :feelshmm:
Honestly it's not entirely them being white cock chasers, i see tons of curry foids not wearing hijab, it's just fashion or whatever these girls think, they wear scarf + jeans or whatever other western clothing. I literally see teenage girls in supermarket every time i go wearing western clothing with just a scarf around their head, sometimes even with their mother who doesn't give a shit that their daughter is dressed like that. They aren't chasing white guys or anything like that, it's just trying to fit in and fashion or whatever. Most curry foids dress like that but actually still want curry guys. This meme about curry foids wanting white guys is a just that, a meme, it's not true IRL. I live in ethnic central so when i drive past the local college, no surprise 90% of ethnic/curry foids walking around and 90% of those are not wearing hijab.
Only some low class hindu dalit foids may be with a white guy but even that i don't see often, most indian hindu foids are with indian guys aswell. JBW thing is fake and total bullshit here. Ethnics date their own ethnicity 95% of the time, i've seen it first hand every single day for months now. I know we talked about this and it doesn't need to be said.. but paki foids mog all other south asian foids and other ethnics too imo.
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist and Gengar
Well you are always welcome to Manchester bhai or London, i'm sure our resident richfag bengali brother @SecularIslamist will give you the tour of big ben :feelshmm:
Honestly it's not entirely them being white cock chasers, i see tons of curry foids not wearing hijab, it's just fashion or whatever these girls think, they wear scarf + jeans or whatever other western clothing. I literally see teenage girls in supermarket every time i go wearing western clothing with just a scarf around their head, sometimes even with their mother who doesn't give a shit that their daughter is dressed like that. They aren't chasing white guys or anything like that, it's just trying to fit in and fashion or whatever. Most curry foids dress like that but actually still want curry guys. This meme about curry foids wanting white guys is a just that, a meme, it's not true IRL. I live in ethnic central so when i drive past the local college, no surprise 90% of ethnic/curry foids walking around and 90% of those are not wearing hijab.
Only some low class hindu dalit foids may be with a white guy but even that i don't see often, most indian hindu foids are with indian guys aswell. JBW thing is fake and total bullshit here. Ethnics date their own ethnicity 95% of the time, i've seen it first hand every single day for months now. I know we talked about this and it doesn't need to be said.. but paki foids mog all other south asian foids and other ethnics too imo.
Well their parents are divorced, that’s why I say it. They have no contact with their father which means they have daddy issues. And their mother dresses without a hijab as well but not western clothing. I have seen their pictures, they look ok. But yeah I know, most date their own, what I see on here is just a tiny minority that obviously doesn’t represent them all even though race-baiters like to pretend that they are.
  • +1
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Why did you have to ignore my existence like my crush did? :feelscry:
bhai i'm going to holland and throwing eggs at your crush and her dirty waifu stealing husband!
  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar
Yeah, I understand haha. But I’m not the kind of person who just butts into a conversation. Had they asked me I would have said so. In high school, I would have been social enough to just do that but not anymore. NEETing has rotted my brain.
I understand, I don’t like doing that either. But we'll see over time. It’s bound to come up, and we’ll see their reactions.
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
bhai i'm going to holland and throwing eggs at your crush and her dirty waifu stealing husband!
I hold no ill will towards her and I hope she’s happy with him. But do come to the Netherlands. :Comfy:
  • Woah
Reactions: JohnDoe
Well their parents are divorced, that’s why I say it. They have no contact with their father which means they have daddy issues. And their mother dresses without a hijab as well but not western clothing. I have seen their pictures, they look ok. But yeah I know, most date their own, what I see on here is just a tiny minority that obviously doesn’t represent them all even though race-baiters like to pretend that they are.
daddy issues foids are the worst, no father to control them = totally out of control tbh if foids don't have a brother or father to restrict them in some sense, they can easily fall into the white degenerate lifestyle.
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
I understand, I don’t like doing that either. But we'll see over time. It’s bound to come up, and we’ll see their reactions.
Yeah, I already told the Afghan that I’m Pakistani so he knows I’m Islamic. Luckily he’s not one of those cucked anti-taliban afghans that I’ve met. All the afghans I met were against them but this guy was pro.
  • +1
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Btw I totally forgot you and I even talked in private before my Belgium buddy boyo dragged me into the convo. You called me “Indian” on purpose so I assumed you did it on purpose. :ogre:

Anyway, I don’t think I should marry because 1) I don’t want kids and 2) I can’t feel love anymore, so it’s fucked all the way around. But I’d pick South Asian, since culture / cuisine is more important and nothing beats our cuisine (in my experience anyway).
genuinely brutal read
  • So Sad
Reactions: Gengar
Yeah, I already told the Afghan that I’m Pakistani so he knows I’m Islamic. Luckily he’s not one of those cucked anti-taliban afghans that I’ve met. All the afghans I met were against them but this guy was pro.
Based Maiwand.
  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar
how does one maintain steadfast in faith when being blackpilled, I don't understand.
Because the idea that God doesn’t exist just because my life is dogshit is an incredibly narrow way of thinking. And no, I don’t think I’ll go to heaven at all. The contrary. But I know Islam is the truth so that’s why I am Islamic. However I have not prayed in over a year due to my lack of spiritual cleanliness as I have a habit of masturbation and you are supposed to ritually cleanse yourself which I cannot keep up with. If it weren’t for the cleanliness part then I would have been praying everyday.
  • Woah
Reactions: emeraldglass
genuinely brutal read
Yes, it sucks. I’m a dateless 28 year old KHHV and I’ve lost the ability to experience love again. I experienced it once but wasted it on someone who wanted nothing to do with me and I know I can never love like that for a second time. I’m doomed. Any advice for me @emeraldglass?
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
daddy issues foids are the worst, no father to control them = totally out of control tbh if foids don't have a brother or father to restrict them in some sense, they can easily fall into the white degenerate lifestyle.
That’s what I’m saying. That’s why I said they seem like white cock chasers. They dress in western fashion, with make-up, etc.
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
Because the idea that God doesn’t exist just because my life is dogshit is an incredibly narrow way of thinking. And no, I don’t think I’ll go to heaven at all. The contrary. But I know Islam is the truth so that’s why I am Islamic. However I have not prayed in over a year due to my lack of spiritual cleanliness as I have a habit of masturbation and you are supposed to ritually cleanse yourself which I cannot keep up with. If it weren’t for the cleanliness part then I would have been praying everyday.
if God allowed for your life to be like this what's the reasoning?
Also Jesus how much do you jork it? Perform ghusl
  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar
Yes, it sucks. I’m a dateless 28 year old KHHV and I’ve lost the ability to experience love again. I experienced it once but wasted it on someone who wanted nothing to do with me and I know I can never love like that for a second time. I’m doomed. Any advice for me @emeraldglass?
All that would work as advice ngl is some bluepilled shit, ironically so.
If you're not a incel larper like most niggas here u need a genuine mindset shift
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar and emeraldglass
That’s what I’m saying. That’s why I said they seem like white cock chasers. They dress in western fashion, with make-up, etc.
Yh not gonna cope and say otherwise ,there are a few degenerate curry foids but such a small % not evne worth talking about.
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
Yes, it sucks. I’m a dateless 28 year old KHHV and I’ve lost the ability to experience love again. I experienced it once but wasted it on someone who wanted nothing to do with me and I know I can never love like that for a second time. I’m doomed. Any advice for me @emeraldglass?
Pray and make supplications. Hit the gym, focus on looksmaxing, and try to meet a girl through friends or busy places. Use social media or other avenues as well.

Doe je best en Allah doet de rest.
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe and Gengar
All that would work as advice ngl is some bluepilled shit, ironically so.
If you're not a incel larper like most niggas here u need a genuine mindset shift
Big part of the blackpill is bluepill shit.
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
Yes, it sucks. I’m a dateless 28 year old KHHV and I’ve lost the ability to experience love again. I experienced it once but wasted it on someone who wanted nothing to do with me and I know I can never love like that for a second time. I’m doomed. Any advice for me @emeraldglass?
You should delete your account and never come back to the forum.

This place is not really meant to be stayed in permanently. You get the info you need to improve your life and then leave.

In my case I realized it was a surgery and geomaxxing, in your case it may be something different.

You just need to stop rotting tho, you can’t afford to at your age.
Pray and make supplications. Hit the gym, focus on looksmaxing, and try to meet a girl through friends or busy places. Use social media or other avenues as well.

Doe je best en Allah doet de rest.
Unironically this. Make do with the cards you have and stop feeling so sorry for yourself, one fuck up doesn't mean you're totally undeserving of love now or whatever.

Yeah you might do all this and still not get what u wanted but atleast you've tried then. @Gengar
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar and emeraldglass
I just thought it was rather absurd more than anything, and I thought it would make for a funny story here on .org.

Hoejabis exist, we know that already. And yes they eventually get an arranged marriage to a guy who has no idea how degenerate their wives used to be. Poor guys.
You probably didn’t look approachable. Low confidence, hunched over, sleep deprived, depressed. No ones gona talk to you
  • +1
Reactions: Diarrhoea
I don't get how Muslims and indians can be so hostile to each other, their both in the same subhuman boat (me included)
they're* you pajeet learn grammar
  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar
You should delete your account and never come back to the forum.

This place is not really meant to be stayed in permanently. You get the info you need to improve your life and then leave.

In my case I realized it was a surgery and geomaxxing, in your case it may be something different.

You just need to stop rotting tho, you can’t afford to at your age.
I got here after a post HS graduation gap year leading to a depressive episode. Don't know how niggas manage months or even years on this site.
if God allowed for your life to be like this what's the reasoning?
Also Jesus how much do you jork it? Perform ghusl
Yeah, that's the problem -- I can't ghuslmaxx daily, that's too much for me. I can't wait until Ramadan comes, at least I'd have some motivation to stay clean.
All that would work as advice ngl is some bluepilled shit, ironically so.
If you're not a incel larper like most niggas here u need a genuine mindset shift
Tell me what advice you'd offer to a dead man walking.
Yh not gonna cope and say otherwise ,there are a few degenerate curry foids but such a small % not evne worth talking about.
Every group has those kinda irrelevant ones, tbh. :ogre:
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
Pray and make supplications. Hit the gym, focus on looksmaxing, and try to meet a girl through friends or busy places. Use social media or other avenues as well.

Doe je best en Allah doet de rest.
Advies van emmybhai wordt altijd op prijs gesteld. :ogre: Denk alleen niet dat het bij mij werkt, althans op emotioneel vlak. Ik ben dood van binnen. Ik overdrijf niet.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
You should delete your account and never come back to the forum.

This place is not really meant to be stayed in permanently. You get the info you need to improve your life and then leave.

In my case I realized it was a surgery and geomaxxing, in your case it may be something different.

You just need to stop rotting tho, you can’t afford to at your age.
I'm 28, I'm an oldcel at this point.
Unironically this. Make do with the cards you have and stop feeling so sorry for yourself, one fuck up doesn't mean you're totally undeserving of love now or whatever.

Yeah you might do all this and still not get what u wanted but atleast you've tried then. @Gengar
Great point. One should try, even if things don't go one's way.
You probably didn’t look approachable. Low confidence, hunched over, sleep deprived, depressed. No ones gona talk to you
I'm definitely sleep-deprived but I'm not depressed and I don't think I look it either, otherwise I'd get comments that hint at it or sometging.
I'm 28, I'm an oldcel at this point.
28 with no experience is rapidly approaching over, but it’s not irredeemably so.

IMO I don’t know how you can stand rotting. Take some sort of action lmao.

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