Brutal Truth: Broad appeal or "wide appeal" does not exist for ANY male

Entitled Asshole

Entitled Asshole

I'm all about that mog, 'bout that mog, no cucking
Jul 8, 2024
People here want to cope that there is a perfect "broad appeal" to women/girls when there isn't.

Indians and subhumans here think Chad can literally bang 1/4 of the female population. LOL

It just isn't happening. I know for certain the average non-famous Chad cannot ever realistically pass 3 digits. Many won't ever see even half that.

Even Chads get left swiped > 50% of the time. What's higher appeal than a certified Chad?

Reality is even the "best looking" men on Earth are only appealing to a small number of women in the world's population.

The difference is subhumans appeal to virtually zero or almost zero, but Chad can appeal to a couple of thousands per big city max.

And out of those thousands he won't ever sleep with even a quarter of them in most cases.

So Chads have bigger slices but they're still just very small chunks of women in the general population.

No guy has it all when it comes to sex appeal meaning even the hottest and richest of men can't get all pussy.

Broad appeal is an Indian fantasy. You will only ever appeal to a tiny number of girls at best within the entire female population.

Even hot celeb dudes still are within a niche, just a bigger one but still nothing compared to all women/girls.

So you as a nobody -- yeah, even as "Chad" your appeal won't be as high as most of you dream of.

You won't get every other woman lusting over you no matter how good looking & rich you are because it's just not possible.

Just @ the "Chads" on here and they will all agree with me. Go ahead.
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  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Xangsane, Darkeningstar, try2beme and 10 others
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  • Ugh..
  • Hmm...
Reactions: abeilletoimême, datboijj, try2beme and 5 others
but their slice is soooo much bigger
  • +1
Reactions: Darkeningstar, greywind, LonelyLooksmaxxer and 1 other person
Autistic individuals often perceive things in black and white, which is a well-known issue in lookism. You are correct; getting rejected is extremely common at any level of attractiveness. Despite the forum's tendency to ignore this, women are human beings with individualities that shape their preferences. A woman will always recognize if a guy looks good, but that doesn't mean she will always be attracted to him.
  • +1
Reactions: Darkeningstar, Offensive Bias, greywind and 8 others
yeah of course
  • +1
Reactions: Entitled Asshole
good thread
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  • Love it
Reactions: Entitled Asshole, greywind and AspiringMogger
Cope, Chad is attractive to every women, but women just aren't like men that would fuck any attractive girl they see, women sexuality works different.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Entitled Asshole, Offensive Bias, IAMNOTANINCEL and 1 other person
Cope, Chad is attractive to every women, but women just aren't like men that would fuck any attractive girl they see, women sexuality works different.
Bluepillers are right. Personality does matter inkwell
  • JFL
Reactions: Entitled Asshole
I’ve seen a Chang vs Chad tinder expiriment and despite the Chad having more matches/likes than the Chang the matches/likes were still abysmally low :hnghn:
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Entitled Asshole
just be a foid with unlimited likes and endless options
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Entitled Asshole
source: deepest darkest depths of op's rectum
chad IS ATTRACTIVE to every woman. a woman will obviously not just fuck any chad because that's not the ideal chad they want. if they didn't seek out the ideal chad they would like a lot do.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Entitled Asshole
People here want to cope that there is a perfect "broad appeal" to women/girls when there isn't.

Indians and subhumans here think Chad can literally bang 1/4 of the female population. LOL

It just isn't happening. I know for certain the average non-famous Chad cannot ever realistically pass 3 digits. Many won't ever see even half that.

Even Chads get left swiped > 50% of the time. What's higher appeal than a certified Chad?

Reality is even the "best looking" men on Earth are only appealing to a small number of women in the world's population.

The difference is subhumans appeal to virtually zero or almost zero, but Chad can appeal to a couple of thousands per big city max.

And out of those thousands he won't ever sleep with even a quarter of them in most cases.

So Chads have bigger slices but they're still just very small chunks of women in the general population.

No guy has it all when it comes to sex appeal meaning even the hottest and richest of men can't get all pussy.

Broad appeal is an Indian fantasy. You will only ever appeal to a tiny number of girls at best within the entire female population.

Even hot celeb dudes still are within a niche, just a bigger one but still nothing compared to all women/girls.

So you as a nobody -- yeah, even as "Chad" your appeal won't be as high as most of you dream of.

You won't get every other woman lusting over you no matter how good looking & rich you are because it's just not possible.

Just @ the "Chads" on here and they will all agree with me. Go ahead.
Type theory> anything else

We need to ignore black and white thinking from autists
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Entitled Asshole
Because blackpill is a cognitive shortcut bias that is partly reliable for the same reasons that going right simply doesn't mean not going left.
  • JFL
Reactions: ROPEBYATHOUSANDMOGS and Entitled Asshole

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