Check my post history, I made multiple threads chronicling everything. This is super bizarre, I seriously suspect that I might be on the spectrum
I doubt you have any autism put I think is a result of consistent negative reinforcement
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Just find a way to meet women organically from school/work/charity
how you even do that
what if you don't go to school anymore and work's no option cus only moids at work
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The biggest advantage of looks is to MOG other men and get constant validation
Just looks alone won't get you far with girls, you will get an ONS once in a while at the club, you will fuck some MTB on Tinder, that's it
When a girl notice a Chad, she is like, oh he is so fine, and then they forget about it
girls don't care about strangers

A lot of people wonder how it's possible that so many ugly/average mens are dating cute girls?
It's super easy to understand :

Girls like to meet mens organically from work/scool/common friends, they get to know each other for weeks, sometimes months and they end up together
A girl get strong attachment for a men after months of interacting / going out, even if the guy is ugly/average

And most Chads knows it
Sometimes you will have girls at the club super interested in you, and the day after she ghost/delete
Cause she doesn't give a shit about you, you are just a good looking stranger, nothing else, she isn't emotialy available and prefer to date an oofy doofy from school

Just find a way to meet women organically from school/work/charity

@6ft4 @JOJOcelReturns @Clavicular @forevergymcelling @WishIwasChico @the BULL @Amnesia @Reformed @Xangsane
Right moment right place pill is the one that rules them all.
being a ltb mtb chaser cel is brutal
how you even do that
what if you don't go to school anymore and work's no option cus only moids at work
You are finished then. Either that or be very good looking have good pics and play hard dating apps.
Life is better being attractive nigga, imagine a Chad of 190 with muscles on a porch on the beach, everyone will say how attractive he is, now imagine the same story but with an ogre of 160 no one will look at him and if they see him They will see the car, not the ugly nigga that drives it, face reality, get better or die :feelskek:
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yea a lot of things are exaggerated on this site but what do u expect it’s a site of incels and kids who don’t know the real world works. ppl genuinely think chad just stands there and gets millions of pussies. No that’s not how it works

but looks do matter OP
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Reactions: greywind, borntosuffer and JOJOcelReturns
A MTN who works at the club/bar will get far better girls than the htn/chad who work at the office
Indeed, by mere exposure alone.
mtns get rejected all the time retard
Chad gets rejected a lot too. Everyone gets rejected a lot. Real slayers understand the power of the numbers game.
I can literally show you endless numbers of studies and social experiments videos, as well as Catfish/Chadfish experiments on dating sites and social media sites and in real-life disproving your statement.
You are coping and have zero real life experience
This is wrong.

When a man interacts with a woman, the reaction he will get from her depends entirely on his looks. Good looks will bring genuine love and enthusiasm.

A woman can be with a ugly or average man for the following reasons:

1. Validation (in the context of bars and night clubs, this is what happens most of the time).

2. Money.

3. Emotional support (temporarily) and after that she will dump you.

4. She doesn't want to be alone but you are her only option. In this case, she will dump you when she has another option.

Example: It's always funny to see how ugly and average men watch sports with their girlfriends and their girlfriends pretend they enjoy watching the sports but actually fantasize about the successful men shown on the screen and will dump their average Oofy Doofy NT retard the second a successful star/model comes to them and asks them out.
Looks are essential for how much you can get away on a LTR and as a FWB, but looks won't give you an insane advantage while you are a stranger.
Kill yourself immediately.
You are so dumb pokemon lover.
  • Ugh..
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Yeah girls didn't take care that much about looks in the 1980s - 1990s like many dads sub humans reproduced back then.

but since 2008+ every year has becoming more and more CHAD only , espacially after COVID and 2020 lockdown.

it was like be top 60% in 2010 to 75% in 2016 to 80% in 2020 to top 8% in 2024, we slowy going to top 5% aka strong HTN only by 2026.

Simps are never been so many , OLD is 90% men, 70% of men age 20-30 are now single. even my oofie doofie NT normies friend have all been dumped in their LTR and struggle to get anything but a landwhale for the last 2 years.
Yeah girls didn't take care that much about looks in the 1980s - 1990s like many dads sub humans reproduced back then.

but since 2008+ every year has becoming more and more CHAD only , espacially after COVID and 2020 lockdown.

it was like be top 60% in 2010 to 75% in 2016 to 80% in 2020 to top 8% in 2024, we slowy going to top 5% aka strong HTN only by 2026.

Simps are never been so many , OLD is 90% men, 70% of men age 20-30 are now single. even my oofie doofie NT normies friend have all been dumped in their LTR and struggle to get anything but a landwhale for the last 2 years.
in minecraft
Social circle game is a cope for a lot of people.

There are a fuckton of ugly or short people who have giant social circles and are never able to make anything happen romantically with a woman. Lot of extremely ugly or short guys who have giant social circles but hardly any success. This isn’t 2004 where your competition was largely limited to your social circle.

With ethnicels half the issue is whites (and in the case of Indians and Asians even other ethnics) often don’t want to associate with them even platonically, so they can’t even run social circle game. For example, Frats in the south are still de facto racially segregated still and the Asian/Hispanic/Black frats don’t mingle with the white frats at all.
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Idk but this is not working for me at all, I'm in college and I'm getting brutally rejected and socially ostracized after politely asking girls out
keep trying brother
Facts, high IQ take. Jestermaxxed LTNs are slaying all the bitches while HTN autists are busy gymcelling, icing their face, and measuring their ratios in the mirror. The blackpill is a counterintuitive distraction from the fact NT is law.
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Water water watER graycel faaaaggggg

Just find a way to meet women organically from school/work/charity
The reason looksmaxxing exists is to compensate for lacking the ability to do this niggaaaa
need more details
@Mr. President thoughts on this situation
Happens to me sometimes, i dont usually stick around enough to figure out why they dumped me. If i dwell on her it fucks me up, so my advice is go find another chick
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Happens to me sometimes, i dont usually stick around enough to figure out why they dumped me. If i dwell on her it fucks me up, so my advice is go find another chick
Tbh is about not taking it personally bcs women are stupid asf when it comes with picking the men they want to date
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@ambi @Copeful Destroy this delusional man
  • JFL
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@ambi @Copeful Destroy this delusional man
nah he’s right
it’s called mere exposure effect / social circle game
if you aren’t a HTN then being NT and meeting girls organically or being low inhib in nightgame settings is your best bet
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Reactions: Looks234, greywind and |Daddy_Zygos|

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