BTFO'ing every purplepiller in this board. Suicidecels GTFO



Feb 22, 2024
Bluepilled people will tell you that there's a woman out there for everybody. "Don't worry if you get rejected. There's women out there for everybody. Somebody will love you. What one girl sees as ugly, another girl may see as attractive."

Sorry bud. This is the FURTHEST thing from the truth. See we've all been taught at a young age th- .....ugh I can't do this anymore. Let's just get to the bad part.

Women want validation from the BEST man. It's been hardwired into their biological nature to pursue the best man and ignore the bottom majority. Whenever a woman is dating a man, she sees the man as what she has been able to accomplish with her looks. Whenever you go out, she pits you against other men and compare EVERYTHING...from looks to appearance, to status, to personality (it's 95% LOOKS nowadays). There is NOTHING a woman desires MORE than their man to be greater than every other man....thus where CHAD comes along. They DON'T CARE that the Chad they're staring at is taken, they want HIM. Thus there is NO such thing as women having different tastes in men, they ALL think the same, they ALL want the same CHAD. Another important thing: ALL women are bisexual. NO they're not all lesbian but they're very perceptive of other women's looks and know how good looking a woman is. WHY? They've been BORN n' RAISED by the blackpill all their life AND their appearance defines their entire "value" to men. This is why most followers of IG models contrary to men's belief are WOMEN. Why? Their desire to look as good as those models to have access to CHAD is THAT MUCH. Only just recently that us men can read each other's looks because we've been BLUEPILLED all our lives and just recently freed from the Matrix.

Ok so what the fuck does women being bisexual have to do with this? EVERYTHING.

Women's goal is to seek the highest value man to feel VALUED. Their LIFE GOAL is to do anything they can within their power (their looks, body and giving up sex) to get Chad's approval. They wouldn't do this for normies much less truecels, as their validation means nothing as they're "worthless" and most often they compliment women and validate them all the time which displays to women that you're beneath them and women don't like being around men beneath them. Think of a second grader complimenting you for being smart. You could care less right? ..because ANYBODY can look smart in front of a second grader. Now think of how you feel when that micromanaging tyrant of that boss of yours at work gives you that same compliment. It'll spark up your day and make you happy for a good while. This is how women feel getting validated from Chads/Alpha Males vs ugly men/Beta males.

WHY do you think women spend so much time focusing on their looks, researching cosmetics, dresses, hair styling, etc., follow IG models then spend HOURS upon HOURS on Saturday Nights to put on makeup, etc. to look their best? They KNOW ugly and average men would date them regardless if they wear makeup or not or look good or look like a slob. Hell, a woman can jump into a SEWER come out of it, ask a nonchad in the street if he wants to sleep with her and he'll STILL say yes with NO hesitation. But women DON'T WANT or CARE about ugly and average men. They want Chad so BADLY they're willing to go through all that work and spend hundreds upon thousands of dollars to sleep with CHAD rather than date ugly and average men. Ugly and Average men, I'd tell you to ROPE but this thread is about to sink even FURTHER down...

At a gathering, while men just say hi to each other and go their own way (except for truly Blackpilled men), women ALL look at each other as if they're on the same team. Whatever actions you make when encountering a woman, whatever you do, ALL of the women observe that. Women want men that OTHER women want. If they see you with a hot girlfriend and/or getting attention from women, other women are gonna pick up on that and look at you like a glowing diamond. So if they see you getting rejected, other women will pick up on that and reject you as well. Thus, if you keep getting rejected, especially in a similar way, you need to STOP's safe for you to say that NO women will ever desire you as they ALL THINK THE SAME about you and your life is FUCKING OVER. Also the girlfriend/fuck buddy you're with will ALSO determine your SMV. If women see you with an ugly girl (Bottom 20% scraps reserved for ugly men i.e. Rosie O'Donnells and single moms) then women are gonna think LOWLY of you as well seeing that you couldn't pull off jack shit. ALL women think the SAME. You are either desired by ALL WOMEN or NO WOMEN...there's hardly any in between. you're thinking that ugly Rosie O'Donnells may see you differently since they're rejected by society?..NOPE. Ugly/fat women are NO DIFFERENT than beautiful women. They want Chads JUST AS BAD as other women. They just can't get it so they have to "settle" for a second choice in you that they don't truly desire. This is TERRASUIFUEL for nonchads. Women determine within the first few seconds, if not minutes if they'll sleep with a man or not. If you failed that test, it's OVER FOR LIFE. That woman will NEVER think of you as more than a subhuman ever again. Being an emotional tampon is the ONLY value that you will ever have in a woman's eyes. Besides that you have NO MEANINGFUL EXISTENCE TO A WOMAN. She will literally NEVER think about you ever again EVEN if you're "good friends" with her until Chad breaks her heart again. THIS is the fate of nonchads.

So now that I told you about how women work and you think that what I'm typing is just a hyperbole? Maybe I'm just exaggerating? Maybe I'm just an ugly incel cunt that hates women? Maybe IT is right about my toxic personality...hahaha?. Actually, I really wish I was WRONG but unfortunately, that's not the reality we live in.

Ok so you decided not to believe me and try to approach women anyways. But here's the thing. Most women today now have CAREERS. Not only do they have CAREERS, they have a SOCIAL LIFE (not even including the male orbiters). Thus women spend most of their lives at WORK so they have NO TIME to chitchat with nonchad men on the street..they have shit to do. You think that women were already hypergamous to begin with, they don't need financial resources OR status from a man anymore with their jobs, AND they already programmed to pick the BEST man, but now with LESS time on their hands, they are even MORE picky because dating a man involves taking time out of their busy life to date a man. By the time the average woman gets on online dating, she'll only pick the HIGHEST of the HIGHS while men will be so thirsty they'll go down to the Earth's MANTLE to get pussy if they have to. So wait... you're thinking, women will HAVE to lower their standards, there's not enough Chads around right? WRONG. ALL MEN are horny and programmed to fuck as many women as possible (regardless of whether or not they have this privilege). Chads are just as horny as an incel with a 10-year dry spell and will be happy to fuck multiple women. This causes Chads to hoard ALL the women and women to raise their standards since they have free unlimited access to Chad and for NONCHADS to get nothing. This causes a trickle down effect where Chadlites are left to hoard 3/10 and 4/10 women, normies are left with 1/10 and 2/10 women and truecels are left with their right hand. WHY the fuck would a woman want to date YOU, as a nonchad when she has NO TIME to date you AND has FREE UNLIMITED CHAD DICK?

Here's the FINAL BLOW to ANY reason you have to continue living on this Earth

So maybe you tell yourself, hey maybe I can improve myself and my game to make up for what I don't have and be a better person. Do you really think you can compete with chad by trying to make up for it with LMS? Think again. Not only do Chads LOOK GOOD but..

1. Chads have that alpha mentality...the cockiness and confidence mentality, due to the fact that they're bombarded with women and if a foid even dares to question him he can easily replace her with better looking options. Ugly/average men don't have many options, they take what they can get and thus don't have that luxury of being cocky and fearless. So not only is Chad better looking than incels he's more CONFIDENT.

2. Chads already have higher STATUS than you. Who do you think has a more meaningful reputation? A normie with 23% body fat that's completely invisible to foids or a Chad that's been known by women to have slept with lots of women? Remember foids gossip alot and word spreads around, automatically giving Chad more STATUS than incels..

3. Chads are more likely to get promoted and given more opportunities to become rich than incels. If Jeremy Meeks was a normie would he still been freed from jail and been on reality TV shows and Fashionnova ads? So Chads also have MORE MONEY than Incels

4. This one is the NAIL IN THE COFFIN. Out of all things women are attracted to, women LOVE a man that is great in the bedroom, that is their NUMBER 1 priority when it comes to male selection. Sex is so important that your sex game can be a deal breaker of how good your relationship will be, how the woman will treat you and how much in love she'll be with you. Why do you think women stay in abusive and infidelity relationships? Women will overlook EVERYTHING for good dick. What does CHAD have? A better sex game than you will EVER HAVE. Chad has had so much experience with women he's done so much trial and error and he's so confident with sex that by the time your oneitis is in bed with Chad, she'll have 50 shaking orgasms and fall head over heels for him as she's had the sexual experience she'll NEVER get from incels.

Besides Chads being better looking than you, they're more CONFIDENT, have more STATUS, more MONEY AND BETTER SEX GAME than you'll ever have. ALL of these are additional big turnons to women ON TOP OF THE LOOKS HE HAS. So do you still want to compete or not?

By the time Chad is done with your oneitis, as an ugly/average're left to pick up dinosaur bones from the juicy Thanksgiving meal. You're NOTHING compared to Chad, you're just an anthill trying to compete with Mount Everest and women will NEVER see you as anything more than subhuman.

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  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Primalsplit, denthegodking, Orvka381 and 14 others
Not a molecule

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: AySab, mvp2v1, Deleted member 55574 and 2 others
this is what happens when you read a little too many @forevergymcelling threads, kids
  • JFL
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Reactions: borismonster and forevergymcelling

Mmhhhmhmhmhmhmhmmm glug glug glug glug mmhmhmmhmmmm gulp gulp gulp

  • JFL
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Reactions: THEGRAYCEL, Primalsplit, Moggkrates and 4 others
all this to say have high cheekbones and tall skull w compact midface
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 65208, ingram33, borismonster and 1 other person
dnr chad worshipping retard cuck
  • +1
Reactions: HardmaxxOrDeath, borismonster and Swarthy Knight
I'm surprised it summarized this garbage
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ingram33, noodlelover, borismonster and 2 others
read all of it, agree with everything. solution is to pedomaxx and go live with the 3 year old in some random island in the middle of nowhere
  • JFL
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Reactions: Moggkrates, Timmy, StraightHeadJames and 2 others
Let's all listen to a teenage greycel that's never had sex or been in a relationship jfl
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Bluepilled people will tell you that there's a woman out there for everybody. "Don't worry if you get rejected. There's women out there for everybody. Somebody will love you. What one girl sees as ugly, another girl may see as attractive."

Sorry bud. This is the FURTHEST thing from the truth. See we've all been taught at a young age th- .....ugh I can't do this anymore. Let's just get to the bad part.

Women want validation from the BEST man. It's been hardwired into their biological nature to pursue the best man and ignore the bottom majority. Whenever a woman is dating a man, she sees the man as what she has been able to accomplish with her looks. Whenever you go out, she pits you against other men and compare EVERYTHING...from looks to appearance, to status, to personality (it's 95% LOOKS nowadays). There is NOTHING a woman desires MORE than their man to be greater than every other man....thus where CHAD comes along. They DON'T CARE that the Chad they're staring at is taken, they want HIM. Thus there is NO such thing as women having different tastes in men, they ALL think the same, they ALL want the same CHAD. Another important thing: ALL women are bisexual. NO they're not all lesbian but they're very perceptive of other women's looks and know how good looking a woman is. WHY? They've been BORN n' RAISED by the blackpill all their life AND their appearance defines their entire "value" to men. This is why most followers of IG models contrary to men's belief are WOMEN. Why? Their desire to look as good as those models to have access to CHAD is THAT MUCH. Only just recently that us men can read each other's looks because we've been BLUEPILLED all our lives and just recently freed from the Matrix.

Ok so what the fuck does women being bisexual have to do with this? EVERYTHING.

Women's goal is to seek the highest value man to feel VALUED. Their LIFE GOAL is to do anything they can within their power (their looks, body and giving up sex) to get Chad's approval. They wouldn't do this for normies much less truecels, as their validation means nothing as they're "worthless" and most often they compliment women and validate them all the time which displays to women that you're beneath them and women don't like being around men beneath them. Think of a second grader complimenting you for being smart. You could care less right? ..because ANYBODY can look smart in front of a second grader. Now think of how you feel when that micromanaging tyrant of that boss of yours at work gives you that same compliment. It'll spark up your day and make you happy for a good while. This is how women feel getting validated from Chads/Alpha Males vs ugly men/Beta males.

WHY do you think women spend so much time focusing on their looks, researching cosmetics, dresses, hair styling, etc., follow IG models then spend HOURS upon HOURS on Saturday Nights to put on makeup, etc. to look their best? They KNOW ugly and average men would date them regardless if they wear makeup or not or look good or look like a slob. Hell, a woman can jump into a SEWER come out of it, ask a nonchad in the street if he wants to sleep with her and he'll STILL say yes with NO hesitation. But women DON'T WANT or CARE about ugly and average men. They want Chad so BADLY they're willing to go through all that work and spend hundreds upon thousands of dollars to sleep with CHAD rather than date ugly and average men. Ugly and Average men, I'd tell you to ROPE but this thread is about to sink even FURTHER down...

At a gathering, while men just say hi to each other and go their own way (except for truly Blackpilled men), women ALL look at each other as if they're on the same team. Whatever actions you make when encountering a woman, whatever you do, ALL of the women observe that. Women want men that OTHER women want. If they see you with a hot girlfriend and/or getting attention from women, other women are gonna pick up on that and look at you like a glowing diamond. So if they see you getting rejected, other women will pick up on that and reject you as well. Thus, if you keep getting rejected, especially in a similar way, you need to STOP's safe for you to say that NO women will ever desire you as they ALL THINK THE SAME about you and your life is FUCKING OVER. Also the girlfriend/fuck buddy you're with will ALSO determine your SMV. If women see you with an ugly girl (Bottom 20% scraps reserved for ugly men i.e. Rosie O'Donnells and single moms) then women are gonna think LOWLY of you as well seeing that you couldn't pull off jack shit. ALL women think the SAME. You are either desired by ALL WOMEN or NO WOMEN...there's hardly any in between. you're thinking that ugly Rosie O'Donnells may see you differently since they're rejected by society?..NOPE. Ugly/fat women are NO DIFFERENT than beautiful women. They want Chads JUST AS BAD as other women. They just can't get it so they have to "settle" for a second choice in you that they don't truly desire. This is TERRASUIFUEL for nonchads. Women determine within the first few seconds, if not minutes if they'll sleep with a man or not. If you failed that test, it's OVER FOR LIFE. That woman will NEVER think of you as more than a subhuman ever again. Being an emotional tampon is the ONLY value that you will ever have in a woman's eyes. Besides that you have NO MEANINGFUL EXISTENCE TO A WOMAN. She will literally NEVER think about you ever again EVEN if you're "good friends" with her until Chad breaks her heart again. THIS is the fate of nonchads.

So now that I told you about how women work and you think that what I'm typing is just a hyperbole? Maybe I'm just exaggerating? Maybe I'm just an ugly incel cunt that hates women? Maybe IT is right about my toxic personality...hahaha?. Actually, I really wish I was WRONG but unfortunately, that's not the reality we live in.

Ok so you decided not to believe me and try to approach women anyways. But here's the thing. Most women today now have CAREERS. Not only do they have CAREERS, they have a SOCIAL LIFE (not even including the male orbiters). Thus women spend most of their lives at WORK so they have NO TIME to chitchat with nonchad men on the street..they have shit to do. You think that women were already hypergamous to begin with, they don't need financial resources OR status from a man anymore with their jobs, AND they already programmed to pick the BEST man, but now with LESS time on their hands, they are even MORE picky because dating a man involves taking time out of their busy life to date a man. By the time the average woman gets on online dating, she'll only pick the HIGHEST of the HIGHS while men will be so thirsty they'll go down to the Earth's MANTLE to get pussy if they have to. So wait... you're thinking, women will HAVE to lower their standards, there's not enough Chads around right? WRONG. ALL MEN are horny and programmed to fuck as many women as possible (regardless of whether or not they have this privilege). Chads are just as horny as an incel with a 10-year dry spell and will be happy to fuck multiple women. This causes Chads to hoard ALL the women and women to raise their standards since they have free unlimited access to Chad and for NONCHADS to get nothing. This causes a trickle down effect where Chadlites are left to hoard 3/10 and 4/10 women, normies are left with 1/10 and 2/10 women and truecels are left with their right hand. WHY the fuck would a woman want to date YOU, as a nonchad when she has NO TIME to date you AND has FREE UNLIMITED CHAD DICK?

Here's the FINAL BLOW to ANY reason you have to continue living on this Earth

So maybe you tell yourself, hey maybe I can improve myself and my game to make up for what I don't have and be a better person. Do you really think you can compete with chad by trying to make up for it with LMS? Think again. Not only do Chads LOOK GOOD but..

1. Chads have that alpha mentality...the cockiness and confidence mentality, due to the fact that they're bombarded with women and if a foid even dares to question him he can easily replace her with better looking options. Ugly/average men don't have many options, they take what they can get and thus don't have that luxury of being cocky and fearless. So not only is Chad better looking than incels he's more CONFIDENT.

2. Chads already have higher STATUS than you. Who do you think has a more meaningful reputation? A normie with 23% body fat that's completely invisible to foids or a Chad that's been known by women to have slept with lots of women? Remember foids gossip alot and word spreads around, automatically giving Chad more STATUS than incels..

3. Chads are more likely to get promoted and given more opportunities to become rich than incels. If Jeremy Meeks was a normie would he still been freed from jail and been on reality TV shows and Fashionnova ads? So Chads also have MORE MONEY than Incels

4. This one is the NAIL IN THE COFFIN. Out of all things women are attracted to, women LOVE a man that is great in the bedroom, that is their NUMBER 1 priority when it comes to male selection. Sex is so important that your sex game can be a deal breaker of how good your relationship will be, how the woman will treat you and how much in love she'll be with you. Why do you think women stay in abusive and infidelity relationships? Women will overlook EVERYTHING for good dick. What does CHAD have? A better sex game than you will EVER HAVE. Chad has had so much experience with women he's done so much trial and error and he's so confident with sex that by the time your oneitis is in bed with Chad, she'll have 50 shaking orgasms and fall head over heels for him as she's had the sexual experience she'll NEVER get from incels.

Besides Chads being better looking than you, they're more CONFIDENT, have more STATUS, more MONEY AND BETTER SEX GAME than you'll ever have. ALL of these are additional big turnons to women ON TOP OF THE LOOKS HE HAS. So do you still want to compete or not?

By the time Chad is done with your oneitis, as an ugly/average're left to pick up dinosaur bones from the juicy Thanksgiving meal. You're NOTHING compared to Chad, you're just an anthill trying to compete with Mount Everest and women will NEVER see you as anything more than subhuman.

JFL at this greycel being given 50 cents per post to spread propaganda
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
Bluepilled people will tell you that there's a woman out there for everybody. "Don't worry if you get rejected. There's women out there for everybody. Somebody will love you. What one girl sees as ugly, another girl may see as attractive."

Sorry bud. This is the FURTHEST thing from the truth. See we've all been taught at a young age th- .....ugh I can't do this anymore. Let's just get to the bad part.

Women want validation from the BEST man. It's been hardwired into their biological nature to pursue the best man and ignore the bottom majority. Whenever a woman is dating a man, she sees the man as what she has been able to accomplish with her looks. Whenever you go out, she pits you against other men and compare EVERYTHING...from looks to appearance, to status, to personality (it's 95% LOOKS nowadays). There is NOTHING a woman desires MORE than their man to be greater than every other man....thus where CHAD comes along. They DON'T CARE that the Chad they're staring at is taken, they want HIM. Thus there is NO such thing as women having different tastes in men, they ALL think the same, they ALL want the same CHAD. Another important thing: ALL women are bisexual. NO they're not all lesbian but they're very perceptive of other women's looks and know how good looking a woman is. WHY? They've been BORN n' RAISED by the blackpill all their life AND their appearance defines their entire "value" to men. This is why most followers of IG models contrary to men's belief are WOMEN. Why? Their desire to look as good as those models to have access to CHAD is THAT MUCH. Only just recently that us men can read each other's looks because we've been BLUEPILLED all our lives and just recently freed from the Matrix.

Ok so what the fuck does women being bisexual have to do with this? EVERYTHING.

Women's goal is to seek the highest value man to feel VALUED. Their LIFE GOAL is to do anything they can within their power (their looks, body and giving up sex) to get Chad's approval. They wouldn't do this for normies much less truecels, as their validation means nothing as they're "worthless" and most often they compliment women and validate them all the time which displays to women that you're beneath them and women don't like being around men beneath them. Think of a second grader complimenting you for being smart. You could care less right? ..because ANYBODY can look smart in front of a second grader. Now think of how you feel when that micromanaging tyrant of that boss of yours at work gives you that same compliment. It'll spark up your day and make you happy for a good while. This is how women feel getting validated from Chads/Alpha Males vs ugly men/Beta males.

WHY do you think women spend so much time focusing on their looks, researching cosmetics, dresses, hair styling, etc., follow IG models then spend HOURS upon HOURS on Saturday Nights to put on makeup, etc. to look their best? They KNOW ugly and average men would date them regardless if they wear makeup or not or look good or look like a slob. Hell, a woman can jump into a SEWER come out of it, ask a nonchad in the street if he wants to sleep with her and he'll STILL say yes with NO hesitation. But women DON'T WANT or CARE about ugly and average men. They want Chad so BADLY they're willing to go through all that work and spend hundreds upon thousands of dollars to sleep with CHAD rather than date ugly and average men. Ugly and Average men, I'd tell you to ROPE but this thread is about to sink even FURTHER down...

At a gathering, while men just say hi to each other and go their own way (except for truly Blackpilled men), women ALL look at each other as if they're on the same team. Whatever actions you make when encountering a woman, whatever you do, ALL of the women observe that. Women want men that OTHER women want. If they see you with a hot girlfriend and/or getting attention from women, other women are gonna pick up on that and look at you like a glowing diamond. So if they see you getting rejected, other women will pick up on that and reject you as well. Thus, if you keep getting rejected, especially in a similar way, you need to STOP's safe for you to say that NO women will ever desire you as they ALL THINK THE SAME about you and your life is FUCKING OVER. Also the girlfriend/fuck buddy you're with will ALSO determine your SMV. If women see you with an ugly girl (Bottom 20% scraps reserved for ugly men i.e. Rosie O'Donnells and single moms) then women are gonna think LOWLY of you as well seeing that you couldn't pull off jack shit. ALL women think the SAME. You are either desired by ALL WOMEN or NO WOMEN...there's hardly any in between. you're thinking that ugly Rosie O'Donnells may see you differently since they're rejected by society?..NOPE. Ugly/fat women are NO DIFFERENT than beautiful women. They want Chads JUST AS BAD as other women. They just can't get it so they have to "settle" for a second choice in you that they don't truly desire. This is TERRASUIFUEL for nonchads. Women determine within the first few seconds, if not minutes if they'll sleep with a man or not. If you failed that test, it's OVER FOR LIFE. That woman will NEVER think of you as more than a subhuman ever again. Being an emotional tampon is the ONLY value that you will ever have in a woman's eyes. Besides that you have NO MEANINGFUL EXISTENCE TO A WOMAN. She will literally NEVER think about you ever again EVEN if you're "good friends" with her until Chad breaks her heart again. THIS is the fate of nonchads.

So now that I told you about how women work and you think that what I'm typing is just a hyperbole? Maybe I'm just exaggerating? Maybe I'm just an ugly incel cunt that hates women? Maybe IT is right about my toxic personality...hahaha?. Actually, I really wish I was WRONG but unfortunately, that's not the reality we live in.

Ok so you decided not to believe me and try to approach women anyways. But here's the thing. Most women today now have CAREERS. Not only do they have CAREERS, they have a SOCIAL LIFE (not even including the male orbiters). Thus women spend most of their lives at WORK so they have NO TIME to chitchat with nonchad men on the street..they have shit to do. You think that women were already hypergamous to begin with, they don't need financial resources OR status from a man anymore with their jobs, AND they already programmed to pick the BEST man, but now with LESS time on their hands, they are even MORE picky because dating a man involves taking time out of their busy life to date a man. By the time the average woman gets on online dating, she'll only pick the HIGHEST of the HIGHS while men will be so thirsty they'll go down to the Earth's MANTLE to get pussy if they have to. So wait... you're thinking, women will HAVE to lower their standards, there's not enough Chads around right? WRONG. ALL MEN are horny and programmed to fuck as many women as possible (regardless of whether or not they have this privilege). Chads are just as horny as an incel with a 10-year dry spell and will be happy to fuck multiple women. This causes Chads to hoard ALL the women and women to raise their standards since they have free unlimited access to Chad and for NONCHADS to get nothing. This causes a trickle down effect where Chadlites are left to hoard 3/10 and 4/10 women, normies are left with 1/10 and 2/10 women and truecels are left with their right hand. WHY the fuck would a woman want to date YOU, as a nonchad when she has NO TIME to date you AND has FREE UNLIMITED CHAD DICK?

Here's the FINAL BLOW to ANY reason you have to continue living on this Earth

So maybe you tell yourself, hey maybe I can improve myself and my game to make up for what I don't have and be a better person. Do you really think you can compete with chad by trying to make up for it with LMS? Think again. Not only do Chads LOOK GOOD but..

1. Chads have that alpha mentality...the cockiness and confidence mentality, due to the fact that they're bombarded with women and if a foid even dares to question him he can easily replace her with better looking options. Ugly/average men don't have many options, they take what they can get and thus don't have that luxury of being cocky and fearless. So not only is Chad better looking than incels he's more CONFIDENT.

2. Chads already have higher STATUS than you. Who do you think has a more meaningful reputation? A normie with 23% body fat that's completely invisible to foids or a Chad that's been known by women to have slept with lots of women? Remember foids gossip alot and word spreads around, automatically giving Chad more STATUS than incels..

3. Chads are more likely to get promoted and given more opportunities to become rich than incels. If Jeremy Meeks was a normie would he still been freed from jail and been on reality TV shows and Fashionnova ads? So Chads also have MORE MONEY than Incels

4. This one is the NAIL IN THE COFFIN. Out of all things women are attracted to, women LOVE a man that is great in the bedroom, that is their NUMBER 1 priority when it comes to male selection. Sex is so important that your sex game can be a deal breaker of how good your relationship will be, how the woman will treat you and how much in love she'll be with you. Why do you think women stay in abusive and infidelity relationships? Women will overlook EVERYTHING for good dick. What does CHAD have? A better sex game than you will EVER HAVE. Chad has had so much experience with women he's done so much trial and error and he's so confident with sex that by the time your oneitis is in bed with Chad, she'll have 50 shaking orgasms and fall head over heels for him as she's had the sexual experience she'll NEVER get from incels.

Besides Chads being better looking than you, they're more CONFIDENT, have more STATUS, more MONEY AND BETTER SEX GAME than you'll ever have. ALL of these are additional big turnons to women ON TOP OF THE LOOKS HE HAS. So do you still want to compete or not?

By the time Chad is done with your oneitis, as an ugly/average're left to pick up dinosaur bones from the juicy Thanksgiving meal. You're NOTHING compared to Chad, you're just an anthill trying to compete with Mount Everest and women will NEVER see you as anything more than subhuman.

What the fuck is a purple piller💀
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did not read
Bluepilled people will tell you that there's a woman out there for everybody. "Don't worry if you get rejected. There's women out there for everybody. Somebody will love you. What one girl sees as ugly, another girl may see as attractive."

Sorry bud. This is the FURTHEST thing from the truth. See we've all been taught at a young age th- .....ugh I can't do this anymore. Let's just get to the bad part.

Women want validation from the BEST man. It's been hardwired into their biological nature to pursue the best man and ignore the bottom majority. Whenever a woman is dating a man, she sees the man as what she has been able to accomplish with her looks. Whenever you go out, she pits you against other men and compare EVERYTHING...from looks to appearance, to status, to personality (it's 95% LOOKS nowadays). There is NOTHING a woman desires MORE than their man to be greater than every other man....thus where CHAD comes along. They DON'T CARE that the Chad they're staring at is taken, they want HIM. Thus there is NO such thing as women having different tastes in men, they ALL think the same, they ALL want the same CHAD. Another important thing: ALL women are bisexual. NO they're not all lesbian but they're very perceptive of other women's looks and know how good looking a woman is. WHY? They've been BORN n' RAISED by the blackpill all their life AND their appearance defines their entire "value" to men. This is why most followers of IG models contrary to men's belief are WOMEN. Why? Their desire to look as good as those models to have access to CHAD is THAT MUCH. Only just recently that us men can read each other's looks because we've been BLUEPILLED all our lives and just recently freed from the Matrix.

Ok so what the fuck does women being bisexual have to do with this? EVERYTHING.

Women's goal is to seek the highest value man to feel VALUED. Their LIFE GOAL is to do anything they can within their power (their looks, body and giving up sex) to get Chad's approval. They wouldn't do this for normies much less truecels, as their validation means nothing as they're "worthless" and most often they compliment women and validate them all the time which displays to women that you're beneath them and women don't like being around men beneath them. Think of a second grader complimenting you for being smart. You could care less right? ..because ANYBODY can look smart in front of a second grader. Now think of how you feel when that micromanaging tyrant of that boss of yours at work gives you that same compliment. It'll spark up your day and make you happy for a good while. This is how women feel getting validated from Chads/Alpha Males vs ugly men/Beta males.

WHY do you think women spend so much time focusing on their looks, researching cosmetics, dresses, hair styling, etc., follow IG models then spend HOURS upon HOURS on Saturday Nights to put on makeup, etc. to look their best? They KNOW ugly and average men would date them regardless if they wear makeup or not or look good or look like a slob. Hell, a woman can jump into a SEWER come out of it, ask a nonchad in the street if he wants to sleep with her and he'll STILL say yes with NO hesitation. But women DON'T WANT or CARE about ugly and average men. They want Chad so BADLY they're willing to go through all that work and spend hundreds upon thousands of dollars to sleep with CHAD rather than date ugly and average men. Ugly and Average men, I'd tell you to ROPE but this thread is about to sink even FURTHER down...

At a gathering, while men just say hi to each other and go their own way (except for truly Blackpilled men), women ALL look at each other as if they're on the same team. Whatever actions you make when encountering a woman, whatever you do, ALL of the women observe that. Women want men that OTHER women want. If they see you with a hot girlfriend and/or getting attention from women, other women are gonna pick up on that and look at you like a glowing diamond. So if they see you getting rejected, other women will pick up on that and reject you as well. Thus, if you keep getting rejected, especially in a similar way, you need to STOP's safe for you to say that NO women will ever desire you as they ALL THINK THE SAME about you and your life is FUCKING OVER. Also the girlfriend/fuck buddy you're with will ALSO determine your SMV. If women see you with an ugly girl (Bottom 20% scraps reserved for ugly men i.e. Rosie O'Donnells and single moms) then women are gonna think LOWLY of you as well seeing that you couldn't pull off jack shit. ALL women think the SAME. You are either desired by ALL WOMEN or NO WOMEN...there's hardly any in between. you're thinking that ugly Rosie O'Donnells may see you differently since they're rejected by society?..NOPE. Ugly/fat women are NO DIFFERENT than beautiful women. They want Chads JUST AS BAD as other women. They just can't get it so they have to "settle" for a second choice in you that they don't truly desire. This is TERRASUIFUEL for nonchads. Women determine within the first few seconds, if not minutes if they'll sleep with a man or not. If you failed that test, it's OVER FOR LIFE. That woman will NEVER think of you as more than a subhuman ever again. Being an emotional tampon is the ONLY value that you will ever have in a woman's eyes. Besides that you have NO MEANINGFUL EXISTENCE TO A WOMAN. She will literally NEVER think about you ever again EVEN if you're "good friends" with her until Chad breaks her heart again. THIS is the fate of nonchads.

So now that I told you about how women work and you think that what I'm typing is just a hyperbole? Maybe I'm just exaggerating? Maybe I'm just an ugly incel cunt that hates women? Maybe IT is right about my toxic personality...hahaha?. Actually, I really wish I was WRONG but unfortunately, that's not the reality we live in.

Ok so you decided not to believe me and try to approach women anyways. But here's the thing. Most women today now have CAREERS. Not only do they have CAREERS, they have a SOCIAL LIFE (not even including the male orbiters). Thus women spend most of their lives at WORK so they have NO TIME to chitchat with nonchad men on the street..they have shit to do. You think that women were already hypergamous to begin with, they don't need financial resources OR status from a man anymore with their jobs, AND they already programmed to pick the BEST man, but now with LESS time on their hands, they are even MORE picky because dating a man involves taking time out of their busy life to date a man. By the time the average woman gets on online dating, she'll only pick the HIGHEST of the HIGHS while men will be so thirsty they'll go down to the Earth's MANTLE to get pussy if they have to. So wait... you're thinking, women will HAVE to lower their standards, there's not enough Chads around right? WRONG. ALL MEN are horny and programmed to fuck as many women as possible (regardless of whether or not they have this privilege). Chads are just as horny as an incel with a 10-year dry spell and will be happy to fuck multiple women. This causes Chads to hoard ALL the women and women to raise their standards since they have free unlimited access to Chad and for NONCHADS to get nothing. This causes a trickle down effect where Chadlites are left to hoard 3/10 and 4/10 women, normies are left with 1/10 and 2/10 women and truecels are left with their right hand. WHY the fuck would a woman want to date YOU, as a nonchad when she has NO TIME to date you AND has FREE UNLIMITED CHAD DICK?

Here's the FINAL BLOW to ANY reason you have to continue living on this Earth

So maybe you tell yourself, hey maybe I can improve myself and my game to make up for what I don't have and be a better person. Do you really think you can compete with chad by trying to make up for it with LMS? Think again. Not only do Chads LOOK GOOD but..

1. Chads have that alpha mentality...the cockiness and confidence mentality, due to the fact that they're bombarded with women and if a foid even dares to question him he can easily replace her with better looking options. Ugly/average men don't have many options, they take what they can get and thus don't have that luxury of being cocky and fearless. So not only is Chad better looking than incels he's more CONFIDENT.

2. Chads already have higher STATUS than you. Who do you think has a more meaningful reputation? A normie with 23% body fat that's completely invisible to foids or a Chad that's been known by women to have slept with lots of women? Remember foids gossip alot and word spreads around, automatically giving Chad more STATUS than incels..

3. Chads are more likely to get promoted and given more opportunities to become rich than incels. If Jeremy Meeks was a normie would he still been freed from jail and been on reality TV shows and Fashionnova ads? So Chads also have MORE MONEY than Incels

4. This one is the NAIL IN THE COFFIN. Out of all things women are attracted to, women LOVE a man that is great in the bedroom, that is their NUMBER 1 priority when it comes to male selection. Sex is so important that your sex game can be a deal breaker of how good your relationship will be, how the woman will treat you and how much in love she'll be with you. Why do you think women stay in abusive and infidelity relationships? Women will overlook EVERYTHING for good dick. What does CHAD have? A better sex game than you will EVER HAVE. Chad has had so much experience with women he's done so much trial and error and he's so confident with sex that by the time your oneitis is in bed with Chad, she'll have 50 shaking orgasms and fall head over heels for him as she's had the sexual experience she'll NEVER get from incels.

Besides Chads being better looking than you, they're more CONFIDENT, have more STATUS, more MONEY AND BETTER SEX GAME than you'll ever have. ALL of these are additional big turnons to women ON TOP OF THE LOOKS HE HAS. So do you still want to compete or not?

By the time Chad is done with your oneitis, as an ugly/average're left to pick up dinosaur bones from the juicy Thanksgiving meal. You're NOTHING compared to Chad, you're just an anthill trying to compete with Mount Everest and women will NEVER see you as anything more than subhuman.

If you care that much just go fuck dogs or something
I stopped reading when you said that women don't have different tastes in men.

If you've ever hooked up with women, you know they do have different tastes. It's the same with men. It comes down to culture, and genetic programing.

There are general things they find attractive such as, healthy, strong, large, high status, rich men, with good skin and hair. But specifics in how they value different traits, and specific preferences vary a huge amount.

For one, we're more attracted to faces that look similar to our own. Different kinds of noses, and faces evolved for different environment conditions.
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Bump, high IQ thread
Bluepilled people will tell you that there's a woman out there for everybody. "Don't worry if you get rejected. There's women out there for everybody. Somebody will love you. What one girl sees as ugly, another girl may see as attractive."

Sorry bud. This is the FURTHEST thing from the truth. See we've all been taught at a young age th- .....ugh I can't do this anymore. Let's just get to the bad part.

Women want validation from the BEST man. It's been hardwired into their biological nature to pursue the best man and ignore the bottom majority. Whenever a woman is dating a man, she sees the man as what she has been able to accomplish with her looks. Whenever you go out, she pits you against other men and compare EVERYTHING...from looks to appearance, to status, to personality (it's 95% LOOKS nowadays). There is NOTHING a woman desires MORE than their man to be greater than every other man....thus where CHAD comes along. They DON'T CARE that the Chad they're staring at is taken, they want HIM. Thus there is NO such thing as women having different tastes in men, they ALL think the same, they ALL want the same CHAD. Another important thing: ALL women are bisexual. NO they're not all lesbian but they're very perceptive of other women's looks and know how good looking a woman is. WHY? They've been BORN n' RAISED by the blackpill all their life AND their appearance defines their entire "value" to men. This is why most followers of IG models contrary to men's belief are WOMEN. Why? Their desire to look as good as those models to have access to CHAD is THAT MUCH. Only just recently that us men can read each other's looks because we've been BLUEPILLED all our lives and just recently freed from the Matrix.

Ok so what the fuck does women being bisexual have to do with this? EVERYTHING.

Women's goal is to seek the highest value man to feel VALUED. Their LIFE GOAL is to do anything they can within their power (their looks, body and giving up sex) to get Chad's approval. They wouldn't do this for normies much less truecels, as their validation means nothing as they're "worthless" and most often they compliment women and validate them all the time which displays to women that you're beneath them and women don't like being around men beneath them. Think of a second grader complimenting you for being smart. You could care less right? ..because ANYBODY can look smart in front of a second grader. Now think of how you feel when that micromanaging tyrant of that boss of yours at work gives you that same compliment. It'll spark up your day and make you happy for a good while. This is how women feel getting validated from Chads/Alpha Males vs ugly men/Beta males.

WHY do you think women spend so much time focusing on their looks, researching cosmetics, dresses, hair styling, etc., follow IG models then spend HOURS upon HOURS on Saturday Nights to put on makeup, etc. to look their best? They KNOW ugly and average men would date them regardless if they wear makeup or not or look good or look like a slob. Hell, a woman can jump into a SEWER come out of it, ask a nonchad in the street if he wants to sleep with her and he'll STILL say yes with NO hesitation. But women DON'T WANT or CARE about ugly and average men. They want Chad so BADLY they're willing to go through all that work and spend hundreds upon thousands of dollars to sleep with CHAD rather than date ugly and average men. Ugly and Average men, I'd tell you to ROPE but this thread is about to sink even FURTHER down...

At a gathering, while men just say hi to each other and go their own way (except for truly Blackpilled men), women ALL look at each other as if they're on the same team. Whatever actions you make when encountering a woman, whatever you do, ALL of the women observe that. Women want men that OTHER women want. If they see you with a hot girlfriend and/or getting attention from women, other women are gonna pick up on that and look at you like a glowing diamond. So if they see you getting rejected, other women will pick up on that and reject you as well. Thus, if you keep getting rejected, especially in a similar way, you need to STOP's safe for you to say that NO women will ever desire you as they ALL THINK THE SAME about you and your life is FUCKING OVER. Also the girlfriend/fuck buddy you're with will ALSO determine your SMV. If women see you with an ugly girl (Bottom 20% scraps reserved for ugly men i.e. Rosie O'Donnells and single moms) then women are gonna think LOWLY of you as well seeing that you couldn't pull off jack shit. ALL women think the SAME. You are either desired by ALL WOMEN or NO WOMEN...there's hardly any in between. you're thinking that ugly Rosie O'Donnells may see you differently since they're rejected by society?..NOPE. Ugly/fat women are NO DIFFERENT than beautiful women. They want Chads JUST AS BAD as other women. They just can't get it so they have to "settle" for a second choice in you that they don't truly desire. This is TERRASUIFUEL for nonchads. Women determine within the first few seconds, if not minutes if they'll sleep with a man or not. If you failed that test, it's OVER FOR LIFE. That woman will NEVER think of you as more than a subhuman ever again. Being an emotional tampon is the ONLY value that you will ever have in a woman's eyes. Besides that you have NO MEANINGFUL EXISTENCE TO A WOMAN. She will literally NEVER think about you ever again EVEN if you're "good friends" with her until Chad breaks her heart again. THIS is the fate of nonchads.

So now that I told you about how women work and you think that what I'm typing is just a hyperbole? Maybe I'm just exaggerating? Maybe I'm just an ugly incel cunt that hates women? Maybe IT is right about my toxic personality...hahaha?. Actually, I really wish I was WRONG but unfortunately, that's not the reality we live in.

Ok so you decided not to believe me and try to approach women anyways. But here's the thing. Most women today now have CAREERS. Not only do they have CAREERS, they have a SOCIAL LIFE (not even including the male orbiters). Thus women spend most of their lives at WORK so they have NO TIME to chitchat with nonchad men on the street..they have shit to do. You think that women were already hypergamous to begin with, they don't need financial resources OR status from a man anymore with their jobs, AND they already programmed to pick the BEST man, but now with LESS time on their hands, they are even MORE picky because dating a man involves taking time out of their busy life to date a man. By the time the average woman gets on online dating, she'll only pick the HIGHEST of the HIGHS while men will be so thirsty they'll go down to the Earth's MANTLE to get pussy if they have to. So wait... you're thinking, women will HAVE to lower their standards, there's not enough Chads around right? WRONG. ALL MEN are horny and programmed to fuck as many women as possible (regardless of whether or not they have this privilege). Chads are just as horny as an incel with a 10-year dry spell and will be happy to fuck multiple women. This causes Chads to hoard ALL the women and women to raise their standards since they have free unlimited access to Chad and for NONCHADS to get nothing. This causes a trickle down effect where Chadlites are left to hoard 3/10 and 4/10 women, normies are left with 1/10 and 2/10 women and truecels are left with their right hand. WHY the fuck would a woman want to date YOU, as a nonchad when she has NO TIME to date you AND has FREE UNLIMITED CHAD DICK?

Here's the FINAL BLOW to ANY reason you have to continue living on this Earth

So maybe you tell yourself, hey maybe I can improve myself and my game to make up for what I don't have and be a better person. Do you really think you can compete with chad by trying to make up for it with LMS? Think again. Not only do Chads LOOK GOOD but..

1. Chads have that alpha mentality...the cockiness and confidence mentality, due to the fact that they're bombarded with women and if a foid even dares to question him he can easily replace her with better looking options. Ugly/average men don't have many options, they take what they can get and thus don't have that luxury of being cocky and fearless. So not only is Chad better looking than incels he's more CONFIDENT.

2. Chads already have higher STATUS than you. Who do you think has a more meaningful reputation? A normie with 23% body fat that's completely invisible to foids or a Chad that's been known by women to have slept with lots of women? Remember foids gossip alot and word spreads around, automatically giving Chad more STATUS than incels..

3. Chads are more likely to get promoted and given more opportunities to become rich than incels. If Jeremy Meeks was a normie would he still been freed from jail and been on reality TV shows and Fashionnova ads? So Chads also have MORE MONEY than Incels

4. This one is the NAIL IN THE COFFIN. Out of all things women are attracted to, women LOVE a man that is great in the bedroom, that is their NUMBER 1 priority when it comes to male selection. Sex is so important that your sex game can be a deal breaker of how good your relationship will be, how the woman will treat you and how much in love she'll be with you. Why do you think women stay in abusive and infidelity relationships? Women will overlook EVERYTHING for good dick. What does CHAD have? A better sex game than you will EVER HAVE. Chad has had so much experience with women he's done so much trial and error and he's so confident with sex that by the time your oneitis is in bed with Chad, she'll have 50 shaking orgasms and fall head over heels for him as she's had the sexual experience she'll NEVER get from incels.

Besides Chads being better looking than you, they're more CONFIDENT, have more STATUS, more MONEY AND BETTER SEX GAME than you'll ever have. ALL of these are additional big turnons to women ON TOP OF THE LOOKS HE HAS. So do you still want to compete or not?

By the time Chad is done with your oneitis, as an ugly/average're left to pick up dinosaur bones from the juicy Thanksgiving meal. You're NOTHING compared to Chad, you're just an anthill trying to compete with Mount Everest and women will NEVER see you as anything more than subhuman.

Blah blah blah, then explain why countless women wanted me but I’m not a chad? Retard
Kill all chads and give foids statistics classes
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