Build muscle with roids on a budget no bs

@asdvek Great thread
Did you put Arimidex as Aromasin is too risky (Can easily crash estrogen) and would require lots of blood tests?

I would love to hop on test but I hate the test bloat too much, I've tried it before btw, is it just something we have to accept with test?
Arimidex is cheaper thats why

Try furosemide btw
  • JFL
Reactions: ConfusedBolivian
If you want to look like a roided up bodybuilder that primarily attracts men and fuck up your health on top of that; by all means follow this thread’s advice.
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  • So Sad
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Because this is a forum full of incels and people that dont like me and ik how the internet works so maybe thats why? Nigga do u know how the internet works? You have Shown your full body naked. And u were saying u were gonna do tren too. Also anadrol is safe right :lul: :lul:
Anadrol is used at 1-5mg per kg of bodyweight for 6 months on HIV/cancer patients, so it is safe if you have the metabolism genetics to metabolize it right.
Yeah i posted my dick and shit bcs i mog and i am not embarrassed bcs i am good looking unlike you.
@asdvek your advice is taking test, tren and dnp.
You dont know shit and you built 0 muscle just kys already
tell me whats dangerous or bad about test or dnp, i legit dont feel that hot on dnp 250
He also says he’s 8x6

Just another troll/ugly insecure dude like @moggathon or @Azonin that say theyre moggers and shit but provide 0 proof
  • JFL
Reactions: asdvek and coisbhai
Just another troll/ugly insecure dude like @moggathon or @Azonin that say theyre moggers and shit but provide 0 proof
why the fuck should i provide proof to a kike, get back in the oven youre not supposed to be roaming hitler should have killed you all and turned you to soap
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  • JFL
Reactions: moggathon and asdvek
Anadrol is used at 1-5mg per kg of bodyweight for 6 months on HIV/cancer patients, so it is safe if you have the metabolism genetics to metabolize it right.
Yeah i posted my dick and shit bcs i mog and i am not embarrassed bcs i am good looking unlike you.
Bro Do u have cancer
If you want to look like a roided up bodybuilder that primarily attracts men and fuck up your health on top of that; by all means follow this thread’s advice.
Yess definitely being a bb from test 500
  • JFL
Reactions: IndraBC
tell me whats dangerous or bad about test or dnp, i legit dont feel that hot on dnp 250

Bro Do u have cancer

Yess definitely being a bb from test 500
Even with cancer i would mog u dyel, look at ur stroy saying how you almost die on dnp
Screenshot 20240602 165231 comandroidchrome
Now, i wont bother with colored texts to make this shit look fancy and stuff. Ill get straight to point with no bs. On a Budget too btw
Wont put a training plan. Will keep it short


Testosterone Enanthate 3x 250 vials
Do 500mg a week for 15 weeks
Arimidex three times a week 6mg

Dont bother with orals or other steroids, youll have to get lots of blood tests and shit which is fairly expensive.

Estrogen is easier to control on higher doses, on low dose youll need to get lots of blood tests to make sure u dont accidentally crash estrogen and that would be expensive. And 500 is not a dangerous dose and doesnt have much more sides than 250 would. So 500 is the best dose.

Rlly depends on ur height and weight but normally

600g chicken breast
Some cans of tuna
4-8 eggs
800g white Rice
50-200g broccoli
Whatever fruits and vegetables u want
Red meat is expensive and chicken will do the job so red meat is not needed

Thats legit all u need to eat

A slight caloric surplus, you can change the dosage

Countering sides
Hair loss finasteride and rosemary oil
Acne, accutane or tret
Manscape unwanted hair growth on weird places
Gyno/bloat wont happen if controlling estrogen properly

Post cycle therapy

If u can afford hcg then use hcg too

On this you will put on a good amount of mass

Specifically made this for brokecels btw, the diet should be cheap and testosterone is the cheapest and easiest to get steroid
The dosing was not accurate, didn't I already tell you this before or are u just fucking retarded
Doesnt matter, it is rhe compound that is dangerous and ur retarded ass used it
  • JFL
Reactions: asdvek
Doesnt matter, it is rhe compound that is dangerous and ur retarded ass used it
Lol i did many dnp cycles all horror stories are from dosages that are 600+
In UK the 20% fat ground beef is cheapest and has the most favourite. Fat = flavour
to me 0% fat and 20% fat taste the same maybe im autistic
@ConfusedBolivian in some studies they show estrogen to lower igf 1 tho???
Yes high estrogen meaning imbalance, but Ais lower igf 1, alsl body builders take igf 1 and growth hormone so they can use ais but you that want to dimorphism maxxed you should use a dht compound like masteron and get ur estrogen in nornla range not nuke it with ais
  • +1
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@ConfusedBolivian in some studies they show estrogen to lower igf 1 tho???
Studies are bullshit, its literally a study not a fact and they perform it on different people each time
  • Ugh..
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Lol i did many dnp cycles all horror stories are from dosages that are 600+
Yeah ur heart healthy af bro keep going
Yes high estrogen meaning imbalance, but Ais lower igf 1, alsl body builders take igf 1 and growth hormone so they can use ais but you that want to dimorphism maxxed you should use a dht compound like masteron and get ur estrogen in nornla range not nuke it with ais
Yes masteron inhibits aromataze too without lowering igf1 thats why i always say use masteron to pubertymaxxers but these retards never listen
  • +1
Reactions: ConfusedBolivian
Yes masteron inhibits aromataze too withput lowering igf1 thats why i always say use masteron to pubertymaxxers but these retards never listen
Yes, something average iq said by you congrats!!!! :feelsgood::D
  • Woah
Reactions: asdvek
Yes high estrogen meaning imbalance, but Ais lower igf 1, alsl body builders take igf 1 and growth hormone so they can use ais but you that want to dimorphism maxxed you should use a dht compound like masteron and get ur estrogen in nornla range not nuke it with ais
i think i was an estrogenic tranny befor anastrozole cause i have been feeling AMAZING on it. 0.25 mg only for height
Yes high estrogen meaning imbalance, but Ais lower igf 1, alsl body builders take igf 1 and growth hormone so they can use ais but you that want to dimorphism maxxed you should use a dht compound like masteron and get ur estrogen in nornla range not nuke it with ais
im gonna take roids soon when i drop the height stack. i hate my bidelt (20 inch turned 15 last month) 😢 guessing test and mast will save me
  • +1
Reactions: ConfusedBolivian
im gonna take roids soon when i drop the height stack. i hate my bidelt (20 inch turned 15 last month) 😢 guessing test and mast will save me
Good that u only using 0.25
  • Love it
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Good that u only using 0.25
dont plan on moving up unless i get on test. thought on T4 hormone for height? apparently it boosts metabolism, growth, androgens, and hgh production and expression. the increased bone age has been shown to be nullified by AI use
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Reactions: ConfusedBolivian

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