Can someone link a study which showed how attractiveness is associated with how female respond to harassment. ugly=harrasment hot=flirty



Aug 14, 2023
I remember someone posting it here but I spent like 20 minutes looking for it but no luck. I remember it had these cool graphs and it was very clear
It's water, no need for a scientific study to prove what everyone knows.
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this isnt go find your own sources and stop asking to be spoon-fed faggot
dawg he is just asking for the link lmfao dont be such a soyboy
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I remember someone posting it here but I spent like 20 minutes looking for it but no luck. I remember it had these cool graphs and it was very clear
theres this if it helps

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atleast have your insults make sense, and are you gonna give the link?
no but im not being a fag who tries to act tough in front of a screen in a incel forum so give the link of just stfu and better dont say anything
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The Effects of Attractiveness and Status on Personality Evaluation​

Stefano Tartaglia*,a and Chiara Rollerob
Monitoring Editor: Maciej Karwowski
Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

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Research on personality has shown that perceiving a person as attractive fosters positive expectations about his/her personal characteristics. Literature has also demonstrated a significant link between personality traits and occupational achievement. Present research examines the combined effects of attractiveness, occupational status, and gender on the evaluation of others’ personality, according to the Big Five model. The study consisted of a 2 (Attractiveness: High vs. Low) x 2 (occupational Status: High vs. Low) x 2 (Target gender: Male vs. Female) between-subjects experimental design (N = 476). Results showed that attractive targets were considered more positively than unattractive targets, and this effect was even stronger for male targets. Occupational status influenced perceived agreeableness (lower for high-status targets) and perceived conscientiousness (higher for high-status targets).
Keywords: gender, personality evaluation, stereotyping, attractiveness, status, experimental design

According to differential psychologists, personality can be effectively and parsimoniously described by models composed of three to seven major traits (Revelle, Condon, & Wilt, 2011; Swami et al., 2013). Among these approaches, the most widely-accepted is the five-factor model of personality, which refers to the 'Big Five' dimensions of Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (Digman, 1990; Goldberg, 1993). This model explains individual differences in personality at a broad level of abstraction (Costa & McCrae, 1992; Goldberg, 1993; McCrae & Costa, 1999) and shows good cross-cultural applicability (McCrae & Costa, 1997): recurring regularities – despite differences in history, religion, language and culture – suggest that these personality traits are basic characteristics of the human species. The Big Five dimensions proved to be universal both for self-evaluation and from the observer’s perspective when used to evaluate personality of other people (McCrae & Terracciano, 2005).
Considering gender differences, Costa, Terracciano, and McCrae (2001) reported pancultural patterns of differences between men and women. Specifically, women are higher than men in Extraversion (Costa et al., 2001; McCrae & Terracciano, 2005), but not in the work setting (Robinson, 2009). Women also score higher than men on Conscientiousness (Feingold 1994; McCrae & Terracciano, 2005) and Neuroticism (Costa et al., 2001; McCrae & Terracciano, 2005). Several studies reported also higher level of Agreeableness in women (Costa et al., 2001), with very few exceptions across countries (i.e. in Italy, where no gender differences emerged, McCrae & Terracciano, 2005).
Research on personality has been developed in several directions. One of these is the study of stereotypic processes fostering inferences on others’ personality based on cognitive biases (i.e. Ćurković & Franc, 2010; Langlois et al., 2000). In this perspective, studies aim at investigating how individuals form impressions of others and how specific characteristics influence the expectations. The present study follows this perspective focusing on two characteristics: attractiveness and status. The first one is a classical basis of stereotyping. The second one has been studied mainly as an outcome of personality traits (i.e. Dilchert & Ones, 2008; Judge, Higgins, Thoresen, & Barrick, 1999), whereas here it is considered as a predictor of different personality inferences.
Inferences on Personality: What is Beautiful is Good
The ‘‘what is beautiful is good’’ stereotype (Dion, Berscheid, & Walster, 1972) is a classic phenomenon in so
i know i just wanted to link it to a friend, i am not your usual redditor asking "source?" at every claim
If you need to prove this to a friend, there is no point to, they are low iq and will never be able to fully understand it on the level of higher intelligence people, and have poor observational analysis. They also get quickly influenced by anecdotes. It’s useless
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If you need to prove this to a friend, there is no point to, they are low iq and will never be able to fully understand it on the level of higher intelligence people, and have poor observational analysis. They also get quickly influenced by anecdotes. It’s useless
i am not proving I just wanted to link it to show him further, he is aware of blackpill and believes in it, he is way above average iq
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Reactions: wishIwasSalludon and actual9cmjawslayer
tell your friend its over for him if he needs a StUDy to show him basic female behaviour he could have personally observed by leaving the basement

thinking logically, if a gl guy approaches a girl its not going to get reported since she'll happily reciprocate. Only those "gone wrong" will be reported.

The best you can do is search for statistics regarding false allegations, the case where a woman filed harrassment charges when the guy wasn't truly harrassing her. Maybe he said hi, or smiled weirdly at her etc. You could also comb through cases of these yourself, and compile the mugshots of all the men being accused and give them your rough PSL grading.
I suspect its these cases where we will find enough blackpills to drive us to new levels of insanity.

inb4 every single "rapist" who said "hi" in a "rapey" way looks eerily close to this.

Image result for bald creepy man
tell your friend its over for him if he needs a StUDy to show him basic female behaviour he could have personally observed by leaving the basement

thinking logically, if a gl guy approaches a girl its not going to get reported since she'll happily reciprocate. Only those "gone wrong" will be reported.

The best you can do is search for statistics regarding false allegations, the case where a woman filed harrassment charges when the guy wasn't truly harrassing her. Maybe he said hi, or smiled weirdly at her etc. You could also comb through cases of these yourself, and compile the mugshots of all the men being accused and give them your rough PSL grading.
I suspect its these cases where we will find enough blackpills to drive us to new levels of insanity.

inb4 every single "rapist" who said "hi" in a "rapey" way looks eerily close to this.

Image result for bald creepy man
he knows how it works I just wanted to send it to him cause its interesting 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️why you niggas assume so much shit
I remember someone posting it here but I spent like 20 minutes looking for it but no luck. I remember it had these cool graphs and it was very clear
also I remember this study was linked when someone made a thread about wheat waffles getting kicked out from a college campus cause of "harassing"

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